ABP- Prakash Singh Choudhary
ABP- Prakash Singh Choudhary
ABP- Prakash Singh Choudhary
1.State of Jharkhand
2.Morias infrastructure Private Limited
Represent through its Director Ripunjay Prasad
Singh S/o.- Late Bhuneshwar Prasad Singh, aged
about – 56 years, by category – General, R/o. –
Pustak Bhawan, Complex, Court Road, P.O., P.S.
& Dist. – Ranchi.
Mob. No.: 8210312601
Adhar No. 4209-5583-2002
In the matter of an
application u/s. 438 Cr.P.C.
4.It was alleged in the complaint petition that
the complainant is a private limited company
carrying on business of development and
construction of building and in the month of
May 2014. Petitioner no.1 namely Prakash Sigh
Choudhary met with the complainant and
requested for development of land belongs to
accused persons measuring the area of 07
kattha 6 chhatak in respect of plot no. 2975
Municipal survey no. 2/2739, Municipal
Holding No. 98 new Holding no. 115 Situated
at Mouza No. 7 ward no. 128 within P.s.
Dhanbad and complainant agrees to construct
apartment in the aforesaid land and after
negotiation of both the parties they entered
into and written agreement and a general
power of attorney was executed on 29th May
2014 in favour of the complainant and
received a cheque of Rs. 7,00,000/- vide Chq.
No. 00350 dt. 29/05/2014 drawn on Kotak
Mahindra Bank of accused no. 1, Prakash Singh
Choudhary being attorney holder of all other
accused persons and thereafter received from
complainant a sum of Rs. 5,00,000/- through
RTGS UTR No. KKBKR52014062700752791 dt.
27/06/2014 from that very bank in favour of
accused no. 1 Prakash Singh Choudhary and
further received 4 lacs through RTGS UTR No.
KKBKR52014073100896040 dt. 31/07/2017 from
that very bank in favour of accused no. 1
Prakash Singh Choudhary and further in cash
ten times each Rs. 50,000/- and accused no. 1
issued 13 money receipts to the complainant
for the aforesaid transactions and all the
accused persons all together receipt a total
sum of Rs. 21 lacs only from complainant
though accused no. 1 mentioned hereinafter.
nor allowed the complainant to demolish the
old structure standing there on the above
mentioned land nor allowed the complainant to
construct apartment as per agreement and
lingering the matter the reason best known to
the accused persons.
fund insufficient. The complainant made
contact to the accused persons then accused
persons asked the complainant to present the
cheques after one month and as such
complainant again presented the cheque after
one month but bank returned the cheque with
remarked on cheque on 05/08/2018 insufficient
of fund and complainant as such not presented
other two cheques.
illiterate neither she entered into
agreement and put signature on the
agreement paper nor received any amount
from the complainant and such to fed fade
grudge Amu Bala Devi is made accused in
present case.
6.For that, not the single independent
witness of the locality came forward and
supported the case of the complainant.
11. For that, petitioners are innocent,
police is in search of the petitioners for
their arrest and in event of arrest the
petitioner will be unnecessary harass and
humiliated in the locality and society.
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