Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
Module -1 Taxonomy COs Marks
Q.01 a Describe the operation of connectionless packet-switched network
L1,L2 1, 2 7
with the help of neat diagram.
b What is meant by logical connection in TCP/IP. Explain TCP/IP
L1,L2 1, 2 7
reference model with diagram?
c Explain the four basic topologies used in networks. List advantages
L1,L2 1, 2 6
and disadvantages of each of them.
Q.02 a What are guided transmission media? Explain twisted pair cable in
L1,L2 1, 2 7
b Describe TCP/IP reference model with diagram? L1,L2 1, 2 7
c Compare OSI and TCP/IP Models. What are the reasons for OSI
L1,L2 1, 2 6
model to fail?
Q. 03 a Solve using Cyclic Redundancy Check. Dataword:1001, Divisor-
L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
b Write the S Frame format of HDLC and explain the individual field L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
of it.
c What is the difference between ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA L1,L2,L3 2, 3 6
Q.04 a What is bit oriented framing and its frame pattern. Explain with L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
example byte stuffing and unstuffing in bit-oriented framing.
b Explain the flow diagram of CSMA/CD and explain. L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
c What is PPP? What are the services provided by PPP? L1,L2,L3 2, 3 6
Q. 05 a Explain classful addressing system with a neat diagram. L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
b Show, how to form the least cost tree using Dijkstra Algorithm with
L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
an example.
c An ISP is granted the block The ISP needs to allocate L1,L2,L3 2, 3 6
addresses for 8 organizations, each with 256 addresses.
a. Find the number and range of addresses in the ISP block.
b. Find the range of addresses for each organization and the range of
unallocated addresses.
c. Show the outline of the address distribution and the forwarding
Q. 06 a Write a program for Bellman ford algorithm. L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
b Explain Open Shortest Path First Protocol with example. L1,L2,L3 2, 3 7
c Explain DHCP and its importance? L1,L2,L3 2, 3 6
Q. 07 a Explain Transport-Layer Services Process-to-Process
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
Communication in detail
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b List the services and applications of TCP. L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
c Explain stop and wait and Selective-Repeat protocol working. L1,L2,L3 3, 4 6
Q. 08 a Explain connection establishment of TCP using 3-way
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
b Explain TCP Congestion control.
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
c Explain FSM for Reno TCP
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 6
Q. 09 a Explain the services provided by the Transport Layer with different
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
b Differentiate client server paradigm and peer-to-peer paradigm.
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
c Differentiate between Persistent and Non-Persistent connection in
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 6
Q. 10 a Explain about Web Documents and HTTP
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
b Explain in detail Iterative Communication Using TCP
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 7
c Explain briefly Domain Name System (DNS)
L1,L2,L3 3, 4 6
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L1: Remember L2: Understand L3: Apply L4: Analyze L5: Evaluate L6: Create
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