SIPROTEC 7UT86 Profile
SIPROTEC 7UT86 Profile
SIPROTEC 7UT86 Profile
The SIPROTEC 7UT86 transformer differential protection
has been designed specifically for the protection of three-
winding transformers (3 sides). It is the main protection
for the transformer and contains many other protection
and monitoring functions. The additional protection func-
tions can also be used as backup protection for protected
downstream objects (such as cables or lines). In this re-
gard you are also supported by the modular expandability
of the hardware. The device supports all SIPROTEC 5 sys-
tem characteristics. It enables upgradeable system solu-
tions with high investment security and low
operating costs.
With its modular structure, flexibility and the powerful
DIGSI 5 engineering tool, SIPROTEC 7UT86 offers future-
oriented system solutions with high investment security SIPROTEC 7UT86
and low operating costs.
Main function 1 differential protection function (standard) DIGSI 5 permits all functions to be configured and com-
with additional stabilization; up to 3 ground bined as required.
fault differential protection functions
• Transformer differential protection for three-winding
For auto transformer applications, two dif- transformers with versatile, additional protection
ferential protection functions can be pro- functions; expandable to four-winding transformers
cessed in an auto transformer function
group • Transformer differential protection for phase-angle
regulating transformers of the single core type and
Usable 6 x 3-phase current measuring points,
special transformers
measuring 4 x 1-phase current measuring points,
points 4 x 3-phase voltage measuring points; • Universal usability of the permissible measuring
expandable to 4 sides points
Inputs and 2 predefined standard variants with
• Typical properties of a transformer differential protec-
outputs 12 current transformers, 4 voltage trans-
tion such as flexible adaptation to the transformer
formers, 11 to 23 binary inputs,
vector group, control of inrush and overexcitation
18 to 34 binary outputs
processes, safe behavior in the case of current-
Hardware Flexibly adjustable and expandable I/O quan- transformer saturation with different degrees of
flexibility tity structure within the scope of the saturation
SIPROTEC 5 modular system
Housing width 1/2 × 19" - 2/1 × 19" • Adaptive adaptation of the operate curve to the
transformer tap position
Modular and flexible
• Applicable from average up to extra-high voltage • Phasor measurement unit (PMU) for synchrophasor
measured values and IEEE C37.118 protocol
• Protection of standard power transformers, auto
transformers and motors • Powerful fault recording (buffer for a max. record
time of 80 sec. at 8 kHz or 320 sec. at 2 kHz)
• Increased sensitivity with near-neutral-point ground
faults through a separate restricted ground-fault • Auxiliary functions for easy tests and
protection commissioning
• Additional current and voltage inputs can be supple- • Flexibly adjustable I/O quantity structure within the
ments for standard protection functions, such as scope of the SIPROTEC 5 modular system
overcurrent, voltage frequency and others
• Graphical logic editor to create powerful automation
• Safety due to powerful protection functions
functions in the device
• Data security and transparency over the entire
• Arc protection
lifecycle of the plant save time and money
• Voltage controller function ANSI 90V for two-winding
transformers, three-winding transformers and grid • Purposeful and simple operation of the devices and
coupling transformers with parallel control (mas- software thanks to user-friendly design
ter/follower, circuit reactive current minimization) • Increased reliability and quality of the engineering
• Up to 4 pluggable communication modules, usable for process
different and redundant protocols (IEC 61850, • High safety due to a consistent implementation of
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3 serial and safety and security
• Powerful communication components ensure safe
• Redundancy protocols PRP and HSR and effective solutions
• Cyber security to NERC CIP and • Full compatibility between IEC 61850 Editions 1 and 2
BDWE Whitepaper requirements
• Highly available Ethernet communication due to inte-
• Secure serial protection data communication, even grated Ethernet redundancy protocols PRP and HSR
over great distances and all available physical media
(optical fiber cable, 2-wire connections and
communication networks)
• Capturing operational measured variables and protec-
tion function measured values to evaluate the plant
state, to support commissioning, and to analyze faults