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R assignment 1

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SESSION: - 2023-2025
STUDENT ID: - 231001271211
SUBJECT: - R Programming Lab
Develop R scripts to solve following problems:

1. Question 1:

What is the output when the following is entered at the R prompt?

'C' + 'D'
 Error Message: Non-numeric argument to binary operator
 How to resolve the error:
Corrected Code:
C <- "10"
D <- "20"
result <- as.numeric(C) + as.numeric(D)
[1] 30

Question 2:

What happens when the following code is run in R?

x = 5. .9; x
 Error Message: Incorrect use of the .. operator.
 How to resolve the error:

 Corrected Code:

x <- c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
[1] 5 6 7 8 9
Question 3:

What is the output of the following R command?


 Output:

[1] 14

Question 4:

What happens when the following is executed in R?


 Error Message: 'month.names' object not found. Execution halted

 Solution:
o Corrected Code:


o Output:

[1] "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June"

"July" "August" "September" "October" "November"

Question 5:

What is the output of the following R command?


 Output:

[1] 2748
Question 6:

What happens when the following is executed in R?


 Output:

[1] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep"
"Oct" "Nov" "Dec"

Question 7:

What happens when the following is executed in R?


 Error Message: Object "x20" not found

 Solution:
o Corrected Code:

x20 <- 100


o Output:

[1] 100

Question 8:

What is the output of the following R command?


 Output:

[1] "/home/compiler"

Question 9:

What happens when the following R command is executed?


 Error Message: Argument "dir" is missing, with no default.

Question 10:

What happens when the following code is executed?


 Error Message: Unexpected ',' in "(29,"

 Solution:
o Corrected Code:

c(29, 59, 5)

o Output:

[1] 29 59 5

2. Question 1: How can we change the default prompt in R?

To modify the default prompt in R, we can use the options() function. By default, the R
prompt is set to "R>". However, it can be customized by specifying a new value for the
prompt option.

Code Example:

options(prompt = "MyRPrompt > ")

Question 2: Determining the Type of an R Object

To identify the type of an R object, you can use the following functions:

1. class() – Determines the object's class (e.g., "numeric," "character").

2. typeof() – Reveals the internal type (e.g., "double," "integer").
3. mode() – Indicates the object's mode (e.g., "numeric," "character").
4. str() – Provides the structure of the object.


x <- 42

class(x) # Output: "numeric"

typeof(x) # Output: "double"

mode(x) # Output: "numeric"

str(x) # Output: num 42

Question 3: Changing the Class of an Object

1. Convert to Numeric: as.numeric(object)

2. Convert to Character: as.character(object)
3. Convert to Factor: as.factor(object)
4. Convert to Integer: as.integer(object)
5. Convert to Logical: as.logical(object)
6. Convert to Data Frame: as.data.frame(object)
7. Convert to Matrix: as.matrix(object)
8. Convert to List: as.list(object)

# Convert character to numeric

x <- "123"
x_numeric <- as.numeric(x)

# Convert numeric to character

x <- 123
x_char <- as.character(x)

# Convert character vector to factor

x <- c("apple", "banana")
x_factor <- as.factor(x)

# Convert numeric to integer

x <- 123.456
x_integer <- as.integer(x)

# Convert numeric to logical

x <- 1
x_logical <- as.logical(x)

# Convert matrix to data frame

x <- matrix(1:4, nrow=2)
x_df <- as.data.frame(x)

# Convert data frame to matrix

x <- data.frame(a=1:2, b=3:4)
x_matrix <- as.matrix(x)

# Convert numeric vector to list

x <- c(1, 2, 3)
x_list <- as.list(x)
Question 4: Define an imaginary number.
1.using the complex() function

z <- complex(real=0, imaginary=1)

print(z) # Output: 0+1i

2. Using the `i` Subscript for Complex Numbers

Z <- 1 + 2i
print(Z) # Output: 1 + 2i

3. Basic Operations with Complex Numbers

 Addition:

Z1 <- 1 + 2i
Z2 <- -3 + 4i
sum_Z <- Z1 + Z2
print(sum_Z) # Output: -2 + 6i

 Subtraction:

diff_Z <- Z1 - Z2
print(diff_Z) # Output: 4 - 2i

 Multiplication:

product_Z <- Z1 * Z2
print(product_Z) # Output: -11 + 2i

 Division:

quotient_Z <- Z1 / Z2
print(quotient_Z) # Output: -0.2 + 0.4i

4. Magnitude & Argument

 Magnitude:

magnitude <- Mod(Z1)

print(magnitude) # Output: 2.236068

 Argument:

argument <- Arg(Z1)

print(argument) # Output: 1.107149
5. To Change the Working Directory in R

1. Using setwd():
o To set the working directory to a specific path:
o setwd("/path/to/your/directory")
o To verify the current working directory:
o getwd()

2. Using Relative Paths:

o To move to the parent directory (one level up):
o setwd("..")

3. On Windows:
o Example for setting the working directory:
o setwd("C:/Users/YourName/Document/R")

4. On Mac and Linux:

o Example for setting the working directory:
o setwd("/Users/YourName/Document/R")

 Check if a Number is Prime

# Check if the number is prime

# Take user input for the number

number <- as.integer(readline(prompt = "Enter a number to
check if it's prime: "))

# Check if the number is less than or equal to 1

if (number <= 1) {
cat(number, "is not a prime number.\n")
} else {
is_prime <- TRUE # Assume the number is prime
for (i in 2:(number - 1)) {
# Check for divisibility by numbers between 2 and (number
- 1)
if (number %% i == 0) {
is_prime <- FALSE # Not prime if divisible by any
# Output result
if (is_prime) {
cat(number, "is a prime number.\n")
} else {
cat(number, "is not a prime number.\n")

Output Example:

Enter a number to check if it's prime: 17

17 is a prime number

 Generate Fibonacci Series

# Generate Fibonacci series

# Take user input for the number of terms

number <- as.integer(readline(prompt = "Enter the number of
terms to calculate the Fibonacci series: "))

# Initialize the Fibonacci series vector

fib <- numeric(number)

# Define the first two terms

if (number >= 1) fib[1] <- 0
if (number >= 2) fib[2] <- 1

# Calculate the Fibonacci series for subsequent terms

for (i in 3:number) {
fib[i] <- fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2]

# Output the Fibonacci series

cat("Fibonacci series with", number, "terms:\n")

Output Example:

Enter the number of terms to calculate the Fibonacci series:

Fibonacci series with 10 terms:
[1] 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
 Calculate Factorial Using a Loop

# Calculate Factorial using a Loop

# Take user input for the number

number <- as.integer(readline(prompt = "Enter a number to
calculate its factorial: "))

# Check if the number is non-negative

if (number < 0) {
cat("Factorial is not defined for negative numbers\n")
} else {
result <- 1 # Initialize the result variable
# Loop to calculate the factorial
for (i in 1:number) {
result <- result * i
# Output the result
cat("Factorial of", number, "is", result, "\n")

Output Example:

Enter a number to calculate its factorial: 5

Factorial of 5 is 120

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