Tooth development
1-Concrescence is:
a- An extra root or accessory roots in a formed tooth.
b- Distorted root or roots in a formed tooth.
c- A union of root structure of two or more teeth through cementum only.
d- A spherical projection on the cemental root surface.
3- Which of the following induces the dental papilla cells to be differentiated into
a- Stratum intermedium.
b- Reduced enamel epithelium.
c- Inner enamel epithelium.
d- Outer enamel epithelium.
7- The stratum intermedium:
a- Induces dentin formation.
b- Is separated from the stellate reticulum by a basal lamina.
c- Develops in cap stage.
d- Is important for enamel maturation.
11- All of the following is the functions of The Stellate Reticulum except:
a- Keep Space for The enamel development.
b- Act as a reservoir for nutritive materials.
c- Act as a cushioned to protect ameloblasts.
d- Secretes alkaline phosphatase enzyme.
14- The lateral dental lamina gives rise to:
a- Deciduous teeth .
b- Permanent successors.
c- Permanent molars.
d- Vestibular lamina.
16- The down growth of an epithelial thickening buccal to the dental lamina is
known as:
a- Vestibular lamina.
b- Linguo-alveolar Sulcus.
c- Lateral dental lamina.
d- Successional dental lamina.
17- The dental lamina is induced to proliferate into a tooth bud by the:
a- Basement membrane.
b- Nerve endings.
c- Ecto-mesenchyme.
d- Oral epithelium.
19- A layer of cells that seems to be essential to enamel formation but does not
actually secrete the enamel is:
a- Outer dental epithelium.
b- Stratum intermedium.
c- Reduced dental epithelium.
d- Vestibular lamina.
20- The stimulus that initiates the actual formation of enamel matrix seems to be:
a- Reduction of stellate reticulum.
b- Influence of increased vascularization of the dental sac.
c- Disappearance of the cell free zone of dental papilla.
d- Presence of predentin.
21- The number of roots that are formed is determined by the:
a- Number of root sheaths developed by the enamel organ.
b- Number of medial ingrowths at the epithelial diaphragm.
c- Number of root sheaths developed by the dental sac.
d- Thickness of the cervical loop.
22- Which of the following is the first process to occur in the sequence of tooth
a- Deposition of the first layer of enamel.
b- Deposition of the first layer of dentin.
c- Elongation of the inner dental epithelial cells.
d- Differentiation of odontoblasts.
28- By the 6th week of tooth development, the oral epithelium is:
a- 2-3 layers thickness.
b- 3-4 layers thickness.
c- 4-5 layers thickness.
d- 2-5 layers thickness.
30- The ectomesenchymal cell condensation just beneath the enamel organ is
a- Dental sac.
b- Dental follicle.
c- pulp.
d- Dental papilla.
35- The region where the inner and outer enamel epithelium meets at the rim of
the enamel organ is known as:
a- Zone of Flection.
b- Cervical loop.
c- Epithelial Diaphragm.
d- Root Sheath of Hertwing's.
40- During the early stages of tooth development three transitory structures may
be seen, these structures are:
a- Enamel knot, enamel organ & enamel niche.
b- Enamel knot, enamel cord & enamel niche.
c- Enamel knot, enamel organ & enamel epithelium.
d- Enamel niche, enamel organ & enamel knot.
41- The epithelial rests in the periodontal ligament are derived from:
a- Dental pulp.
b- Epithelial root sheath of Hertwing's.
c- Vestibular lamina.
d- Dental sac.
42- Appositional stage is confined to:
a- Cap stage. b- Bud stage.
c- Bell stage. d- Dental lamina.
49- Determination of the initial position of the first cusp of the tooth during crown
pattern formation may be achieved by:
a- The enamel knot. b- The enamel cord.
c- Both enamel knot and cord. d- None of the above.
50- Before enamel formation begins:
a- Enamel knot disappears and enamel cord remains.
b- Enamel knot remains and enamel cord disappear.
c- Both knot and cord disappear.
d- Both knot and cord remain.
51- Concerning the stellate reticulum one of the following statements is wrong:
a- Occupies the central portion of the dental organ.
b- Lies between outer and inner dental epithelia.
c- Synthesizes and secretes glucoseaminoglycans.
d- Becomes polyhedral in shape.
53- The main difference between bell and apposition stage is:
a- The formation of first layer of E.
b- The formation of first layer of D.
c- The formation of first layer of C.
d- The formation of first layer alveolar bone.
55- Which one of the following functions of the inner dental epithelium is wrong?
a- It exerts an organizing influence on the undifferentiated cells of the dental
papilla to differentiate into ameloblasts.
b- It shares in the transport of the nutritive materials.
c- It determines the future incisal or occlusal crown pattern.
d- It lays down enamel matrix and helps in its mineralization.
56- The epithelial root sheath of Hertwig can't be seen as a continuous layer in the
developing root because:
a- The rapid epithelial sheath proliferation.
b- The dentin formation.
c- The rapid epithelial sheath destruction after dentin formation.
d- All of the above.
61- Which of the following indicates the major components of a tooth germ?
a- The dental lamina, the stellate reticulum and the stratum intermedium.
b- The dental organ, the dental papilla and the dental sac.
c- The dental pulp, the dental sac and the dental lamina.
d- The cervical loop, Hertwig's sheath and the inner enamel epithelium.
63- Which of the following appear FIRST in a developing tooth?
a- Predentin.
b- Cementoid.
c- Tome's process.
d- Secondary dentin.
66- Which of the following is not true of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath?
a- It lacks a stellate reticulum.
b- It is derived from stomodeal ectoderm.
c- Its remnants form epithelial rests.
d- It remains intact until a layer of cementum has been formed.
68- Which group of structures is entirely derived from the dental sac?
a- Dentin, pulp, cementum.
b- Cementum, alveolar bone, pulp.
c- Cementum, enamel, pulp.
d- Periodontal ligament, cementum, alveolar bone.
70- The function of the inner dental epithelium is……..
a) Exerts organization influence on the dental papilla cells.
b) Lays down dentin matrix
c) Protects the enamel after eruption.
d) Provides the enamel organs with alkaline phosphatase
77- The mesenchymal cells lying adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium:
a- Differentiate into ameloblasts.
b- Differentiate into odontoblasts.
c- Are under the influence of stellate reticulum.
d- Become markedly folded.
82- The dental sac plays an important role in the formation of all of the following
a- Periodontal ligament.
b- Dentin of the root.
c- Alveolar bone proper.
d- Cementum.
83- After the crown of the tooth is formed, the dental papilla is called:
a- Dental pulp.
b- Pulp stone.
c- Dental sac.
d- Dentin.
84- In a developing tooth, if Hertwig's sheath and the epithelial diaphragm were
failed to form, the resulting tooth would exhibit:
a- No radicular dentin.
b- Malformed or fused roots.
c- Acellular, but no cellular, cementum.
d- Defective enamel in the cervical region.
Answers of MCQ
Tooth development
1 c 31 d 61 b
2 d 32 d 62 d
3 c 33 d 63 a
4 a 34 a 64 b
5 d 35 a 65 c
6 c 36 d 66 d
7 d 37 a 67 d
8 c 38 a 68 d
9 d 39 a 69 b
10 d 40 b 70 a
11 d 41 b 71 a
12 b 42 c 72 b
13 d 43 a 73 c
14 a 44 a 74 d
15 d 45 b 75 d
16 a 46 a 76 a
17 c 47 a 77 b
18 d 48 b 78 d
19 b 49 a 79 d
20 d 50 c 80 c
21 b 51 d 81 c
22 c 52 c 82 b
23 d 53 b 83 a
24 a 54 d 84 a
25 d 55 a 85 b
26 a 56 c 86 d
27 a 57 d 87 c
28 a 58 a 88 b
29 b 59 d 89 a
30 d 60 b
1-Which of the following is not a correct pairing of embryonic structure and adult
a- Maxillary processes: secondary palate.
b- Primary palate: upper incisor teeth.
c- Second pharyngeal arch: mandible.
d- Lateral lingual swellings: anterior 2/3 of tongue.
2-Which of the following are all derived from the stomodeal ectoderm?
a- Salivary glands, anterior pituitary gland and enamel organs.
b- Enamel dentin and major salivary glands.
c- Cementum, anterior pituitary gland and stratum intermedium.
d- Dental lamina, dental papilla and dental sac.
3- Which of the following does contribute to the formation of the upper lip?
a- Lateral nasal process.
b-Two maxillary processes & medial nasal process.
c- Medial nasal process.
d- First branchial arch.
7- Which of the following embryonic structures contribute to the formation of
lower lip:
a- Maxillary process.
b- Maxillary & medial nasal processes.
c- Medial & lateral nasal processes.
d- Two mandibular processes.
14- The Stomodeum is lined by
a) Endoderm.
b) Mesoderm.
c) Ectoderm.
d) Endoderm & Mesoderm
23- First branchial arch is supplied by:
a- facial nerve.
b- glossopharyngeal nerve.
c- hypoglossal nerve.
d- mandibular nerve.
Answers of MCQ
1 c 15 d
2 a 16 b
3 b 17 b
4 d 18 a
5 c 19 c
6 b 20 d
7 d 21 c
8 b 22 b
9 a 23 d
10 b 24 a
11 c 25 a
12 d 26 c
13 d 27 d
14 c 28 c
29 c
1- Which of the following pairs of movements predominate during the post-
eruptive period?
a- Distal and lingual.
b- Axial and mesial.
c- Distal and axial.
d- Axial and rotational.
3- Which of the following does not occur during the eruptive phase?
a- Dentin deposition.
b- Narrowing of apical foramen.
c- Increased thickness of cementum.
d- Enamel formation.
7- The root formation theory of eruption proposes, that eruption is due to
the push of the:
a- Expanding pulp in the root canals against the alveolar crypt.
b- Elongating roots against the base of the alveolar crypt.
c- Elongating roots against the Hammock ligament.
d- Proliferating periodontal ligament.
9-Which of the following does not occur in the active phase of tooth eruption:
a-Organization of a periodontal ligament from the dental follicle.
b- Gradual separation of attachment epithelium from the enamel surface.
c- Root formation.
d- Occlusal wear.
11-All of the following statements about the eruption of a permanent tooth and the
exfoliation of its predecessor are true, except:
a- Prior to eruption, the permanent tooth is completely formed.
b- Resorption of deciduous roots is an intermittent process.
c- Earliest resorption of deciduous roots is on root surface, facing the permanent
d- Eruptive movements of the permanent tooth may not be solely responsible for
deciduous root resorption.
12-When a tooth first erupts into the oral cavity, the attachment epithelial cuff is
composed of epithelium derived from:
a- Dental lamina.
b- Epithelial rests of Malassez.
c- Reduced dental epithelium.
d- Epithelial root sheath of Hertwig's.
15- During tooth eruption into the oral cavity, what happens to the epithelial
covering of the enamel:
a- It remains as the primary cuticle.
b- It units with the oral epithelium and then degenerates.
c- It is replaced by oral epithelium and then degenerates.
d- It units with the oral epithelium and becomes primary cuticle.
16- During tooth eruption, bone formation is often seen at the base of socket. This
newly formed bone is usually in the form of:
a- Coarse fibered woven bone.
b- Compact bone.
c- Radiating bone.
d- Horizontal trabeculae.
Answers of MCQ
1 b 11 a
2 b 12 c
3 d 13 d
4 c 14 b
5 d 15 b
6 a 16 d
7 d 17 b
8 c 18 c
9 d 19 c
10 b 20 c
1- During shedding which of the following is wrong:
a- The pulp plays an active role.
b- The pulp plays a passive role.
c- The pulp appears histologically normal till the end of the process.
d- The neural elements remain in the pulp until shedding is completed.
Answers of MCQ
1 b
2 c
3 d
1- Ameloblasts having ruffled borders are:
a- Secretory ameloblasts.
b- Maturative ameloblasts.
c- Protective ameloblasts.
d- Transitional ameloblasts.
8- Enamel tufts:
a- Contain cellular processes.
b- Can pass to dentin.
c- Are seen in decalcified sections.
d- Are grass like structure.
9- During the maturation stage of enamel formation, which of the following does
not occur in the ameloblastic layer?
a- Water absorption.
b- Protein absorption.
c- Change in cellular organelles.
d- Secretion of enamel matrix.
10- When prismless enamel is formed, the secretory ameloblast does not contain:
a- Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Tome's process.
c- Nucleus.
d- Secretory granules.
13- Organic components of enamel are primarily removed from enamel by:
a- Secretory ameloblasts.
b- Maturative ameloblasts.
c- Transitional ameloblasts.
d- Enamel spindle.
14- The main difference between the rod and the interrod region is:
a- Crystal size.
b- Crystal orientation.
c- Crystal composition.
d- In the nature of the organic component.
15- The striae of Retzius:
a- Are parallel to the enamel rods.
b- Are parallel to the surface of the enamel in the cervical region.
c- Are not seen in the cuspal one third of the enamel.
d- Would be seen as concentric rings in a horizontal section of the crown.
22- Cross striations in enamel:
a- Are an optical phenomena.
b- Result from abrupt change in environment before and after birth.
c- Result from mineralization disorder.
d- Appear to be periodic bands at 4 microns interval across the rod.
24- The complex arrangement of rods over the cusps of teeth is termed:
a- Prismless enamel.
b- Gnarled enamel.
c- Prenatal enamel.
d- Postnatal enamel.
29- What is the result of cracks before tooth eruption:
a- Enamel lamella type A.
b- Enamel lamella type B.
c- Enamel lamella type C.
d- Enamel tufts.
34- Incremental lines of Retzius form grooves on the surface of the enamel termed:
a- Perikymata.
b- Neonatal lines.
c- Gnarled enamel.
d- Enamel cuticle
38- Which of the following is a true statement about the organic matrix of the newly
synthesized enamel?
a- It represents 30% by weight of the organic content.
b- It has a high content of amelogenins.
c- It contains collagen fibers.
d- It has a high inorganic content.
39- Which of the following is the source of nutrient supply to the secretory
ameloblasts during early crown formation?
a- Subodontoblastic plexus of capillaries.
b- Central blood vessels in the dental papilla.
c- Dental sac capillaries adjacent to the epithelial diaphragm.
d- Dental sac capillaries adjacent to the outer dental epithelium.
44- Which of the following most correctly describes the significance of Hunter
Schreger bands?
a- It indicates variation in size of enamel rods.
b- It reflects variations in the length of enamel rods.
c- It represents hypercalcified areas in cervical enamel.
d- It is an optical effect that is not related to variations in enamel structure.
46- Perikymata:
a- Are oriented parallel to the long axis of the crown (tooth).
b- Are surface manifestation of Retzius lines.
c- Are only located in prismless enamel.
d- Produce the scalloping seen along the DEJ.
48- All of the following statements about the incremental lines of Retzius in enamel
are true except:
a- They run as concentric lines over the cusp.
b- Perikymata are outer manifestations of it.
c- They are formed as result of rhythmic apposition.
d- They do not reach the cervical region.
52- Enamel tufts and enamel lamellae resemble each other in that both:
a- Are formed prior to tooth eruption only.
b- Extend over full thickness of the enamel.
c- Are hypermineralized structures.
d- Are hypomineralized structures.
53-Enamel is by weight:
a- 70% mineral, 26% organic matrix, 4% water.
b- 76% mineral, 20% organic matrix, 4% water.
c- 25% mineral, 12% organic matrix, 3% water.
d- 95% mineral, 1% organic matrix, 4% water.
54- All of the following structures in enamel are ectodermal origin except:
a- Enamel spindle.
b- Enamel prisms.
c- Enamel lamellae (type A).
d- Enamel tufts.
58- Concerning the rod sheath, one of the following statement is incorrect:
a. It occupies the peripheral part of the E. rod.
b. It forms the border where crystals of the rod and interrod enamel meet.
c. It is highly calcified than the rod.
d. It has a higher organic content thus resists decalcification more than the rod.
61- The formation of the enamel matrix between two short increments needs:
a. One day. b. Two days.
c. Three drays. d-Four days.
72- In mature dental tissues, the only tissue whose cells are lost is:
a. Dentin. b. Enamel.
c. Cementum. d. Pulp.
78- Enamel tufts and Enamel lamella resemble each other, in that both:
a. Are formed after to tooth eruption.
b. Extend over full thickness of the enamel.
c. Are hypermineralized structures.
d. Are oriented in a vertical direction perpendicular on the DEJ.
79- All of the following statements about the incremental lines of Retzius in Enamel
are true except:
a. In longitudinal section they run obliquely, relative to D.E.J.
b. Perikymata in newly erupted teeth are manifestations of the lines of Retzius.
c. They are formed as a result of rhythmic variations in the calcification.
d. Under no conditions can a line of Retzius to be a neonatal line.
82- Hypomineralized structures which extend from the D.E.J to the surface of the
Enamel are called:
a. Hunter schreger bands.
b. E. spindle.
c. Incremental lines of Retzius.
d. Enamel lamellae.
84- The stimulus that initiates the actual formation of Enamel matrix seems to be
a. Presence of predentin.
b. Reduction of stellate reticulum.
c. Influence of increased vascularization of the dental sac.
d. Reversal of functional polarity of ameloblast.
86- A layer of cells that seems to be essential to enamel formation but does not
actually secrete the enamel is:
a. Inner dental epithelium.
b. Stratum intermedium.
c. Reduced dental epithelium.
d. Vestibular lamina.
101- The structures which are not seen in a decalcified section are:
a- Dentinal tubules.
b- Incremental lines of Retzius.
c- Secondary dentin.
d- Cellular cementum.
Answers of MCQ
1 b 31 d
2 a 32 c
3 d 33 a
4 c 34 a
5 d 35 b
6 b 36 a
7 b 37 c
8 d 38 b
9 d 39 d
10 b 40 c
11 b 41 a
12 c 42 c
13 b 43 d
14 b 44 d
15 d 45 c
16 a 46 b
17 b 47 d
18 c 48 d
19 a 59 b
20 b 50 d
21 c 51 d
22 d 52 d
23 b 53 d
24 b 54 a
25 b 55 a
26 d 56 b
27 c 57 b
28 c 58 c
29 b 59 c
30 d 60 d
61 a 91 d
62 b 92 c
63 a 93 a
64 b 94 d
65 d 95 b
66 c 96 d
67 c 97 c
68 d 98 b
69 b 99 d
70 b 100 a
71 a 101 b
72 b
73 b
74 d
75 b
76 a
77 c
78 d
79 d
80 b
81 c
82 c
83 b
84 a
85 d
86 b
87 b
88 d
89 c
90 c
1-Interglobular spaces:
a- Do not contain dentinal tubules.
b- Do not contain type I collagen.
c- Are formed during the course of globular mineralization.
d- Are seen only in secondary dentin.
6- Primary dentin differs from both secondary and reparative dentin in that:
a- Its matrix is calcified.
b- Its inorganic component is hydroxyapatite.
c- It usually has a greater number of tubules per unit area.
d- It is produced by mesenchymal cells.
8- Which of the following is true of peritubular dentin ?It :
a- Is less mineralized than intertubular dentin.
b- May be considered as intratubular dentin.
c- Is best visualized in decalcified sections.
d- Is found in the interglobular dentin.
15- Which of the following is least prominent in odontoblasts and secretory
a- Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Mitochondria.
c- Golgi apparatus.
d- Lysosomes.
22-Dentin is a variety of Connective tissue because it:
a- is elastic and contains mucopolysaccharides.
b- contains collagen fibers and cell processes derived from mesenchyme.
c- contains inorganic cells.
d- has few cells and much intercellular material.
Answers of MCQ
1 c 15 d
2 b 16 c
3 d 17 d
4 c 18 b
5 a 19 b
6 c 20 a
7 a 21 b
8 b 22 b
9 d 23 a
10 a 24 b
11 a 25 c
12 c 26 c
13 c 27 a
14 a 28 b
6- Cementoblasts:
a- Are derived from the dental papilla.
b- Secrete both collagen and glycosaminoglycans.
c- Are multinucleated cell.
d- May become incorporated into acellular cementum.
7- Which of the following is not present inside both cellular and acellular
a- Cementoblasts
b- Hydroxyapatite crystals.
c- Incremental lines.
d- Sharpey's fibers.
Answers of MCQ
1 b 8 c
2 c 9 d
3 b 10 a
4 b 11 b
5 b 12 d
6 b 13 b
7 a
1- The nerve supply within the dental pulp provides for:
a- Pain perception, vascular control and proprioception.
b- Thermal perception, vasodilatation and cementum sensitivity.
c- Pain perception, dentin sensitivity and vascular control.
d- Proprioception, taste and vasoconstriction.
8- A false denticle:
a- Consists of dentinal tubules.
b- Is usually associated with a dead tract.
c- Indicates a dead or dying pulp organ.
d- Consists of concentric layers of calcification.
11- Extracellular matrix of the connective tissue of the pulp is composed of:
a- Collagen fibers only. b- Ground substance only.
c- Both 1&2. d- Non of the above.
12- Pericytes are contractile cells that surround the endothelial cells of:
a- Arterioles. b- Venules.
c- Lymph vessels. d- Capillaries.
Answers of MCQ
1 c 8 d
2 b 9 c
3 c 10 a
4 c 11 c
5 b 12 d
6 c 13 b
7 a
Periodontal ligament
1- The PDL fibers running between two adjacent teeth:
a- Belong to the dento-alveolar group.
b-Are gingival fibers.
c- Are transseptal fibers.
d- Are oxytalan fibers.
2- Which of the following is not true of the alveolodental periodontal fibers? They:
a- Are organized into bundles with different orientation.
b- Are derived from epithelial rests of Malassez.
c- Undergo continuous remodeling.
d- Are formed and partially resorbed by fibroblasts.
4- Which of the following principal fibers groups constitutes the main attachment
of the tooth?
a- Oblique group.
b- Apical group.
c- Horizontal group.
d- Alveolar group.
8- Elasticity of periodontal ligament is due to:
a- Presence of elastic fibers.
b- Presence of oxytalan fibers.
c- Wavy coarse of collagen fibers.
d- Non of the above.
Answers of MCQ
1 c 8 c
2 b 9 c
3 d 10 d
4 a 11 b
5 d 12 d
6 b 13 d
7 b
Bone structure and alveolar process
1- Which of the following best describes the alveolar bone proper?
a- It is composed of lamellar bone only.
b- It is composed of bundle bone and lamellar bone.
c- It is composed entirely of bundle bone.
d- It is composed of spongy bone only.
7- Which of the following is not universal component of all hard tissues in man?
a- Collagen.
b- Calcium.
c- Phosphorous.
d- Water.
8- The major difference between cellular cementum and bone is the:
a- Blood supply. C- Presence of Sharpey's fibers.
b- Cellularity. d- Organic matrix.
Answers of MCQ
1 b 5 b
2 b 6 b
3 d 7 a
4 d 8 a
Oral mucous membrane
1- Sulcular epithelium is formed of:
a- Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
b- Parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
c- Orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
d- Columnar epithelium.
8- In which area the connective tissue papillae are long & numerous?
a- Buccal mucosa.
b- Gingiva.
c- Alveolar mucosa.
d- Floor of the mouth.
11- Which of the following represents the correct innervation of fungiform papilla?
a- Chorda tympani.
b- Facial nerve.
c- Trigeminal nerve.
d- Glossopharyngeal nerve.
12- Which of the following appears to play an important role in attachment of its
a- Keratohyaline granules.
b- Desmosomes.
c- Glycogen contents.
d- Lysosomes.
17- Which of the following regions has a non-keratinized epithelium and is loosely
attached to the underlying structures?
a- Buccal mucosa.
b- Attached gingiva.
c- Hard palate.
d- Vestibular fornix.
20- Which of the following contributes to the reddish coloration of the vermilion
a- Thichness of oral epithelium.
b- Existance of high number of langerhans cells.
c- Vascularity of the lamina propria.
d- Epithelial keratinization.
21- Which of the following are not usually found in the keratinocytes of the
stratum spinosum of keratinized oral epithelium?
a- Keratohyaline granules
b- Tonofibrils.
c- Membrane coating granules.
d- Ribosomes.
27- Which of the following serves as a source of the cells which form the attachment
a- Dental sac.
b- Reduced enamel epithelium & gingiva.
c- Enamel cuticle.
d- Vestibular lamina.
30- Which of the following cells synthesize protein which remains within the cell
without secretion:
a- Osteoblasts.
b- Plasma cell.
c- Fibroblast.
d- Keratinocyte.
31- Which of the following papillae of the tongue do not contain taste buds:
a- Filliform.
b- Vallate.
c- Foliate.
d- Fungiform.
33- Those papillae of the tongue which are the largest, having many
taste buds and are associated with the duct of Von Ebner's gland are:
a- Folliate.
b- Filliform.
c- Fungiform.
d- Circumvallate.
Answers of MCQ
1 a 19 d
2 d 20 c
3 a 21 a
4 c 22 d
5 b 23 a
6 c 24 c
7 a 25 c
8 b 26 b
9 c 27 b
10 a 28 b
11 a 29 a
12 b 30 d
13 d 31 c
14 a 32 a
15 c 33 d
16 b 34 b
17 d 35 c
18 a
Salivary gland
1- Mucous cells of salivary glands have:
a- Rounded nuclei.
b- Flattened nuclei.
c- Form the cap of the demilunes.
d- Have zymogen granules.
4- Which of the following adult gland is incorrectly paired with its secretion?
a- Parotid - pure serous.
b- Palatal salivary glands - pure mucous.
c- Submandibular - mixed salivary gland.
d- Sublingual - pure serous.
6- The excretory ducts of the major salivary glands are lined with:
a- Simple cubiodal epithelium with goblet cells.
b- Simple columnar without goblet cells.
c- Stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells.
d- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells.
7- The cytoplasmic basophilia observed in acinar cells of the adult parotid gland is
due to:
a- Mucigen granules.
b- Ribosomes.
c- Glycoproteins.
8- Pure mucous salivary gland is:
a- Parotid gland.
b- Major sublingual glands.
c- Glossipalatine gland
d- Submandibular gland.
9- The basophilia observed in acinar cells of the parotid gland is due to:
a- Mucigen granules.
b- Lysosomes.
c- Glycoproteins.
d- Ribosomes.
10- In the demilune of the mixed salivary acinus, the mucous secretory cells:
a- Have rounded nuclei.
b- Form demilune cappings.
c- Have zymogen granules.
d- Line the luminal surface of the acinus.
12- The role of the myoepithelial cells in the salivary glands is:
a- Defensive mechanism.
b- Contraction of the acinus.
c- Prevention of collapse of the acini.
d- Prevention of extravasation of saliva into the glandular stroma
13- Which of following is most likely to be a product of a salivary gland serous cell?
a- Collagenase enzymes.
b- Mucous secretion.
c- Synovial fluid.
d- Enzyme which digests starch and other polysaccharides
17- A serous acinar cell has all the following characteristic except:
a- Numerous secretory granules in apical cytoplasm.
b- Cytoplasm is abundant and basophilic.
c- Basal cell membrane has many infolding between which rows of mitochondria
are lodged.
d- Extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum is present.
19- The ducts of the salivary glands that are lined by a single layer of
tall columnar cells with radially arranged mitochondria are known as:
a- Lobar ducts.
b- Striated ducts.
c- Intercalated ducts.
d- Interlobar ducts.
20- Large cells with a small pyknotic nucleus and abundant cytoplasm, mainly
in the parotid and submaxillary glands are the:
a- Myoepithelial cells.
b- Oncocytes.
c- Serous cells.
d- Cells of the intercalated ducts.
21- Thin branching tubes of varying lengths that connect the terminal portions
with the striated ducts of salivary glands are:
a- Interlobular ducts.
b- Intercalated ducts.
c- Intralobular ducts.
d- lobar ducts.
Answers of MCQ
1 b 13 d
2 b 14 d
3 c 15 b
4 d 16 a
5 c 17 c
6 d 18 b
7 b 19 b
8 c 20 b
9 d 21 b
10 d 22 d
11 c 23 d
12 b
Maxillary sinus
1- Which of the following is true concerning the maxillary sinus?
a- It begins to develop at age 6 months .
b- Its growth is by pneumotization.
c- It is lined by pseudostratified squamous epithelium.
d- Its opening is in the oral cavity.
Answers of MCQ
1 b 2 d
Tempro-mandibular joint
1- The TMJ does not contain:
a- Articular disc.
b- Capsular ligament.
c- Synovial membrane.
d- Blood vessels in its covering fibrous connective tissue.
7-The secondary cartilage present in the head of the TMJ condyle remains active
a- The end of the 3rd decade.
b- The beginning of the fourth decade.
c- The end of the second decade.
d- The beginning of the second decade.
8- Glenoid fossa is:
a- A depression on the inferior surface of the squamous part of the temporal bone.
b- An elevation on the inferior surface of the squamous part of the temporal bone.
c- A depression on the anterior surface of squamous part of the temporal bone.
d- An elevation on the inferior surface of the zygomatic part of the temporal bone.
12- One of the following is not the exact function of TMJ ligament:
a- Prevent lateral displacement of one joint & medial displacement of the other.
b- Limit the amount of inferior displacement.
c- Prevents posterior displacement.
d- Restricts the TMJ displacement in all planes.
14- TMJ collagen fibers show alternating dark & light bands when viewed in
polarized light which indicate that:
a- They are wavy or crimped.
b- They are straight.
c- They are twisted.
d- They are corrugated.
15- Condylar cartilage cells:
a- Increase in number with age.
b- Decrease in number with age.
c- Remain unchanged.
d- Degenerate with age.
16- The hyaline cartilage in the condyle serves as an active growth center till the
age of:
a- 30 years. b- 10 year.
c- 20 years. d- 40 years.
17- The periodicity of the crimping seen in TMJ collagen fibers is of the order of:
a- 30-40 µm. b- 15-20 µm.
c- 10-25 mm. d- 15-30 mm.
19- Which of the following statements about TMJ intra- articular disk is true:
a- About ⅔ of glygosaminoglycans is chondroitin sulphate & about ⅓ is dermatan
b- About ⅓ of glygosaminoglycans is chondroitin sulphate & about ⅔ is dermatan
c- About ⅛ of glygosaminoglycans is chondroitin sulphate & about ⅜ is dermatan
d- About ⅜ of glygosaminoglycans is chondroitin sulphate & about ⅛ is dermatan
21- At rest the hydrostatic pressure of TMJ synovial fluid has been reported as
a- Atmospheric.
c- Sub-atmospheric.
d- Sometimes sub-atmospheric & other times atmospheric.
22- Which one of the following is not a function of the TMJ synovial fluid:
a- Lubricatiuon. b- Nourishment.
c- Debridement. d- Pressure dampening.
Answers of MCQ
1 d 13 c
2 c 14 a
3 a 15 a
4 a 16 c
5 a 17 b
6 a 18 b
7 c 19 a
8 a 20 a
9 a 21 c
10 b 22 d
11 a 23 a
12 d 24 a