FP Gr 3 English Mathematics T1 W 7 & 8
FP Gr 3 English Mathematics T1 W 7 & 8
FP Gr 3 English Mathematics T1 W 7 & 8
Day 1:
Number, Operations and Relationships: Develop number concept.
Count in 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s up to 200 and do at least ten similar mental maths questions as on page 1.
Measurement: Time daily: Days of the week, months of the year, birthdays on the calendar, weather chart.
Place Value: H T O/ units
Problem Solving (in class work books)
• Ben is 8 years his dad is 42 years older. How old was Ben’s father?
• How old will Ben’s father be when Ben is 12 years old?
• Bens mom is 10 years younger than his father. How old is his mother?
• How old? Fill in the ages for Don, Sam and Luvo.
Don 12 15 20
Sam 9 17 27
Luvo 6 9
Place Value:
Provide practise in interpreting and writing a 3 digit numbers in terms of 100s, 10s and 1s. Use sticks, base ten blocks to show
place value. See the connection with Money.
100 + 20 + 4 Expanded notation/ form.
100 + 20 + 4 100 + 20 + 4
47 90
7. The following number of apps were downloaded by the school last year.
Big Socks- 250 Sweet Crunch - 129 Block Puzzle- 182 Kind Kings - 200
16 20 38 48 31 26 149 146
66 117 120 98
85 53 115 100
2 hundreds + 4 tens + 15 2 hundreds + 5 tens + 5units =
How many?
• If they wish to use R150 to buy ingredients for the jam making process. What amount can they save?
• The jam normally sells the for R30 a jar. If they can sell ½ dozen jars of jam. How much money will they make from the sales?
I am I am
c) I have no hundreds, 8 tens and 9 units. d) I have 1 ten more than 90 and 1 unit.
I am I am
I am I am
1. Complete these addition sentences. Write a multiplication sentence for each one.
a) 2 + 2 = 4 2 × 2 = _____
b) 2 + 2 + 2 = 3 × ____ = ____
a) Each bottle holds 2 litres of coke. How many litres are there altogether?
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = ____ × 2 =______
b) A player rolled a 2 each time on a dice. What was the total score?
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = ____ × 2 =______
0, 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
d) List the numbers you have coloured. _____, ______, ______, _______, _______, ________, _______, ______, _____, _____
4. Problem Solving.
b) Elephants, sleep for an average of 2 hours each day. For how many hours will an elephant sleep in a week? ______ hours.
How many slices altogether will 4 toasters toast at a time? ______ × ______ = ________
How many slices altogether will 7 toasters toast at a time? ________ × _______ = ________
a) two twos: ______ × ______ = ________ b) three twos: ______ × ______ = ________
c) ten twos: ______ × ______ = ________ d) eight twos: ______ × ______ = ________
e) f) g)
3. How many socks are there in: A pair is another name for a grouping
of 2.
4. Hundred Chart
a) Circle the multiples of 2 in the top 4 rows
b) Write down the smallest and the biggest multiple if
two that you can see on the hundred chart.
Smallest ______________
Biggest _______________
c) Write the multiplication sentence for the pairs of
socks below. _________________
Division by 2, 4
1. Share this pack of 6 balls equally between Lara and Luvo. 2. Share these 12 sweets equally between Jaya and Mayah.
Draw the sweets on each plate.
3. At the zoo there are 4 lions and two cages. How many lions can they put in each cage? _______
4. How many squares can you make with 12 rulers, using one ruler for each side? __________
Groupwork × 2. Work through these problems during group teaching time. Allow for good engagement.
1. Eight children are queuing at the tuck-shop. Divide them into 2 equal groups. Draw the children in each row.
a) There are ____ children altogether.
b) There are ____ children on the left side.
c) There are _____children on the right side.
d) There are ______ children left over.
e) Division sentence: ________÷ 2 = _______
c) How many children will get 2 bananas and two apples each?
Pack A Pack B
4. Make 24 rulers into separate squares using 1 ruler for each side.
1. A trailer has 24 bales of hay. Farmer Brown’s jeep can carry 2 bales on each trip. Farmer Green’s jeep can carry 4 bales on
each trip.
(a) There are _____ bales on each trailer.
(c) Farmer Brown must make________ trips to carry all the bales.
Use repeated subtraction to solve these. Write a division number sentence for each.
a) 10 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 = _______ 10 ÷ 2 =
b) 8 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 = _______ 8÷ 2=
c) 6 – 2 – 2 – 2 = _______ 10 ÷ ____ =
d) 16 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = __________ 16 ÷ 4 =
e) 12 – 4 – 4 – 4 = __________ 12 ÷ 4 =
2 4 4 1
4 8 3 3
5 5 6 24
14 10
8 44
a) 2 groups of 4 = a) 28 ÷ 4 = 3 × 8 _________
d) 9 groups of 2 = d) 2 × 4 = 32 ÷ 4 _________
16 33
16 × 2 = 32
32 ÷ 2 = 16
5 × 2 = 10 10 ÷ 2 = 5
3×2= ______
______÷ _______ =
______÷ _______ =
______÷ _______ =
______÷ _______ =
10 × 2 =
______÷ _______ =
Count in groups of 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s to support their addition and subtraction calculations.
Rapid recall of + & - to 20
Do number work to at least 150 (HTO)
Do greater than and less than (>, <).
Add 3 more than do 3 less than; 5 more than, 5 less than.
Do halving and doubling
Do number patterns.
Multiplication and Division to 2, 4,
Problem Solving (+, -, ×, ÷)
Do a quick mental exercise to gauge what the learners understanding of the work taught.
The activities as mentioned below in the DBE Workbook will also help to assess what was taught thus far.
The aim is to teach Maths for understanding and to develop the learner numerically. The onus is on the
Use the DBE Rainbow Workbook 1
teacher to provide the opportunity for much practise, teach well and remediate the learning gaps.
for more practice activities on
Be sure to document your findings and keep track of the learners progress at all times. Keep the parents
pages 50 -64.
updated and involved as well. Good relationships will build confidence, support, and stimulate the child’s
love for Mathematics.