Blockchain Technology ppt project
Blockchain Technology ppt project
Blockchain Technology ppt project
Sr. No. Topic
1. What is Blockchain Technology?
2. Fundamentals of Blockchain
3. Types of Blockchain Technology
4. Why is Blockchain important?
5. How does Blockchain Work?
6. Transaction process in Blockchain
7. Decentralization in Blockchain
8. Why is decentralization important?
9. Applications of Blockchain
10. History of Blockchain Technology
11. Bitcoin vs. Blockchain
12. Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology
13. Conclusion
14. References
What is Blockchain Technology?
A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger
that is shared among the nodes of a computer
network. As a database, a blockchain stores
information electronically in digital format.
Blockchains are best known for their crucial
role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin,
for maintaining a secure and decentralized
record of transactions. The innovation with a
blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and
security of a record of data and generates trust
without the need for a trusted third party.
Fundamentals of Blockchain
1. Public Distributed Ledgers
• A blockchain is a decentralized public distributed ledger that is used to record transactions
across many computers.
• A distributed ledger is a database that is shared among the users of the blockchain
• The transactions are accessed and verified by users associated with the bitcoin network,
thereby making it less prone to cyberattack.
2. Encryption
• Blockchain eliminates unauthorized access by using the cryptographic algorithm (SHA256)
to ensure the blocks are kept secure.
• Each user in the blockchain has their key.
3. Proof of Work
Proof of work (PoW) is a method to validate transactions in a blockchain network
by solving a complex mathematical puzzle called mining.
4. Mining
In Blockchain, when miners use their resources (time, money, electricity, etc.) to
validate a new transaction and record them on the public ledger, they are given a
Note: As a reward, the miner gets 12.5 BTC (bitcoins)
1. Public Blockchain
These blockchains are completely open to following the idea of decentralization. They don’t have any
restrictions, anyone having a computer and internet can participate in the network.
2. Private Blockchain
These blockchains are not as decentralized as the public blockchain only selected nodes can
participate in the process, making it more secure than the others.
3. Consortium Blockchain
It is a creative approach that solves the needs of the organization. This blockchain validates the
transaction and also initiates or receives transactions. It is also known as Federated Blockchain.
4. Hybrid Blockchain
It is the mixed content of the private and public blockchain, where some part is controlled by some
organization and other makes are made visible as a public blockchain.
Why is Blockchain important?
Blockchain is an especially promising and
revolutionary technology because it helps reduce
security risks, stamp out fraud and bring
transparency in a scalable way.
Originally popularized in the 2010s by its
association with cryptocurrency and NFTs,
blockchain technology has since evolved to
become a management solution for all types of
global industries. Today, you can find blockchain
technology providing transparency for the food
supply chain, securing healthcare data, innovating
gaming and overall changing how we handle data
and ownership on a large scale.
How Does Blockchain Work?
The goal of blockchain is to allow digital information to be recorded and
distributed, but not edited. In this way, a blockchain is the foundation for
immutable ledgers, or records of transactions that cannot be altered,
deleted, or destroyed. This is why blockchains are also known as
a distributed ledger technology (DLT).
First proposed as a research project in 1991, the blockchain concept
predated its first widespread application in use: Bitcoin, in 2009. In the
years since, the use of blockchains has exploded via the creation of
various cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, non-
fungible tokens (NFTs), and smart contracts.
Transaction Process in Blockchain
Decentralization in Blockchain
In the blockchain, decentralization alludes
to the transfer of supervision and
decision-making from a centralized
association (individual, corporation, or
group of people) to a dispersed network.
Decentralized networks endeavor to
decrease the degree of trust that
members should put in each other and
dissuade their capacity to put forth
authority or command over each other in
manners that corrupt the potency of the
Why is decentralization important?
Decentralization is actually not a new idea. When assembling a technological
arrangement, three essential network structures are commonly thought of:
centralized, decentralized, and disseminated. While blockchain technologies
frequently utilize decentralized networks, a blockchain application itself
simply can’t be sorted as being decentralized or not. Maybe, decentralization
is a sliding scale and should be applied to all parts of a blockchain application.
By decentralizing the administration of and admittance to assets in an
application, more prominent and more pleasant assistance can be
accomplished. Decentralization typically has a few setoffs, for example, lower
exchange. However, such setoffs are worth it in comparison to the improved
security and services they provide.
1. Money transfers 2. Financial exchanges
The original concept behind the invention of Many companies have popped up over the
blockchain technology is still a great past few years offering
application. Money transfers using decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges.
blockchain can be less expensive and faster Using blockchain for exchanges allows for
than using existing money transfer services. faster and less expensive transactions.
3. Lending 4. Insurance
Lenders can use blockchain to execute Using smart contracts on a blockchain can
collateralized loans through smart contracts. provide greater transparency for customers
Smart contracts built on the blockchain and insurance providers. Recording all claims
allow certain events to automatically trigger on a blockchain would keep customers from
things like a service payment, a margin call. making duplicate claims for the same event.
5. Secure Personal Information 6. Voting
Blockchain technology can be used to secure If personal identity information is held on a
access to identifying information while blockchain, from also being able to vote
improving access for those who need it in using blockchain technology. Using
industries such as travel, healthcare, blockchain technology can make sure that
finance, and education.. nobody votes twice, only eligible voters are
able to vote.
2.Verifiable: Blockchain technology is used to store information in a decentralized manner so everyone can
verify the correctness of the information by using zero-knowledge.
3.Permanent: Records or information which is stored using blockchain technology is permanent means one
needs not worry about losing the data.
4.Tighter Security: Blockchain uses hashing techniques to store each transaction on a block that is
connected to each other so it has tighter security.
5.Efficiency: Blockchain removes any third-party intervention between transactions and removes the
mistake making the system efficient and faster. Settlement is made easier and smooth.
6.Cost Reduction: As blockchain needs no third man it reduces the cost for the businesses and gives trust
to the other partner.
1.Scalability: It is one of the biggest drawbacks of blockchain technology as it cannot be scaled due to the
fixed size of the block for storing information.
2.Energy Consuming: For verifying any transaction a lot of energy is used so it becomes a problem
according to the survey it is considered that 0.3 percent of the world’s electricity had been used by 2018 in
the verification of transactions done using blockchain technology.
3.Time-Consuming: To add the next block in the chain miners need to compute nonce values many times
so this is a time-consuming process and needs to be speed up to be used for industrial purposes.
4.Legal Formalities: In some countries, the use of blockchain technology applications is banned like
cryptocurrency due to some environmental issues.
5.Storage: Blockchain databases are stored on all the nodes of the network creates an issue with the
storage, increasing number of transactions will require more storage.
The Bitcoin is the first successful implementation of blockchain. Today, the world
has found applications of blockchain technology in several industries, where the
trust without the involvement of a centralized authority is desired. So welcome
to the world of Blockchain.
Blockchain technology is only going to grow in the fields of business, finance,
law, medicine, and real estate. Whether you’re an experienced Blockchain
developer, or you’re aspiring to break into this exciting industry, enrolling in
our Blockchain Certification Training program will help individuals with all levels
of experience to learn Blockchain developer techniques and strategies.
Made By : Mr. Scientist