2 - Accounting for Materials, Labor, And Overhead
2 - Accounting for Materials, Labor, And Overhead
2 - Accounting for Materials, Labor, And Overhead
1.2 The total cost of a finished product is composed of the amount spent for
materials, direct labor and share in the factory overhead. It becomes necessary
therefore to adopt a cost control system for each element. The major function, in
general, of any cost control system is to keep expenditures within the limits
provided by a preconceived plan. The control should also encourage cost
reductions by eliminating waste and operational inefficiencies. An effective
system of cost control is designed to control the people responsible for the
expenditures because people control costs, costs do not control themselves.
3.1 Every business requires a system of internal control that includes procedures for
the safeguarding of assets. Inventories, just like cash and marketable securities,
must be protected from unauthorized use or theft. Inventories usually represent a
significant portion of a manufacturer's current assets and because of _ this,
materials must be controlled from the time the order is placed with the vendor
until they are shipped to customers in the finished form. In general, effective
control of materials involves:
1. Limited access.
2. Segregation of duties.
3. Accuracy in recording.
3.2 Limited Access. Only authorized personnel should have access to materials
storage area. All issuance of materials for use in production and release of
finished goods for shipment should be properly documented and approved.
4.1 One of the most important objectives of materials control is maintaining the
proper balance of materials on hand. An inventory of sufficient size and diversity
for efficient operations must be maintained, but the size should not be excessive
in relation to scheduled production needs. The planning and control of the
materials inventory investment requires careful study of the following factors:
usage of funds, costs of materials handling, storage, and insurance against fire,
theft, or other casualty, loss from damage, deterioration, and obsolescence.
These factors should be considered in determining (1) when orders should be
placed, and (2) how many units should be ordered.
4.2 Order Point. A subsidiary ledger must be kept for each individual item of raw
material used in the manufacturing process. This ledger will indicate the
inventory on hand for each item. The point at which an item should be ordered,
called the order point occurs when the predetermined minimum level of inventory
on hand is reached. Calculation of the order point is based on the following data:
1. Usage - the anticipated rage at which the materials will be used.
2. Lead time - the estimated time interval between the placement of an order
and receipt of the material.
3. Safety stock - the estimated minimum level of inventory needed to protect
against running out of stock.
Assume that the expected daily usage of an item of material is 100 units, the
anticipated lead time is 4 days, and it is estimated that a safety stock of 800 units
is needed. The following calculation shows that the order point is 1,200 units:
4.3 Economic Order Quantity. In determining the quantity to be ordered, the cost
of placing an order and the cost of carrying inventory must be considered. Order
costs generally include such factors as:
2(10,000) (P10)
\Y P0.80
500 units
1. What is the economic order quantity?
2. Compute for
a. Annual ordering costs
b. Annual carrying costs
= 2(P50) (5.000)
\ 50
_ | 500,000
\ P50
s| 10,000
100 units
5.3 RECEIVING REPORT - When the goods that were ordered are delivered, the
receiving department will unpack and count them. It is interesting to note that the
quantity ordered is not shown on the copy of the purchase order sent to the
receiving department. This deliberate omission ensures that the goods delivered
are actually counted. The goods are checked to be sure that they are not
damaged and that they meet the specifications of the purchase order. This form
includes the suppliers name, purchase order number, date delivery was
received, quantity received, description of goods, discrepancies from the
purchase order (or mention of damaged goods, and authorized signature
The original copy of the receiving report is kept by the receiving department.
Copies are sent to the purchasing department (to indicate the order was
received) and to the accounts payable department (to be matched against the
purchase order and the supplier's bill). If all three agree, payment is authorized.
Copies are also sent to the accounting department (to journalize and post the
purchase and the related liability) and to the storeroom clerk who originated the
purchase requisition (to give notice that the goods have arrived). A copy also
accompanies the materials to the storeroom.
TOTAL P4,100
6.2 The more common methods of costing materials issued and finished goods sold
1. First-in, first-out (FIFO)
2. Average cost
6.3 These methods are related to the flow of costs and not necessarily to the actual
flow of materials or finished goods. If only the materials were acquired at the
same cost all year round, then valuation of materials inventory, end, will not be a
problem because the value can be computed by simply multiplying the units on
hand and the unit cost. The same can be said for the finished goods because if
the units were produced at the same cost all year round, the value at the end of
the period can be computed by multiplying the finished goods on hand by the
cost to produce each unit. The different methods are used because the materials
are acquired at different costs during the year. Average cost for perpetual
inventory system refers to moving average and for periodic inventory system -
weighted average.
The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method is based on the assumption that cost should
be charged to manufacturing cost or cost of goods sold in the order in which
incurred. Inventories are stated in terms of the most recent costs and expense is
charged with the earliest costs incurred.
Illustrative problem:
August 1 Inventory 400 units at P10 P 4,000
12 Purchase 600 units at P12 7,200
16 Issue 500 units
18 Purchase 300 units at P15 4,500
20 Issue 200 units
25 Purchase 400 units at P14 5,600
28 Issue 400 units
The inventory on August 31 shows 600 units on hand. Under periodic inventory
system, the most recent costs would be assigned to the units as follows:
From Aug. 25 purchase 400 units at 14 P 5,600
From Aug. 18 purchase 200 units at 15 3,000
Total 600 P 8.600
If the ending inventory is valued at P8,600, cost of materials issued is P12,700
computed as follows:
When perpetual inventory system is used, a stock card is used to record the
costs assigned to units issued and to cost relating to the units on hand.
As shown on the issued section of the stockcard on page 155, the cost of
materials issued is:
400 at P10.00 P 4,000
100 at 12.00 1,200
200 at 12.00 2,400
300 at 12.00 3,600
100 at 15.00 1.500
1,100 P 12,700
The value of the units on hand, August 31 using perpetual inventory system is
the same as that computed under period inventory system. The amount is
computed as follows:
200 at P15.00 P 3,000
400 at 14.00 5.600
600 P.8.600
= P 12.529
Aug. 18
Balance 500 at P11.20 P 5,600
Purchase 300 at 15.00 4,500
P 12.625
The cost of materials issued may be computed from the data presented
under issued section.
Inventory P 4,000 P 4,000
Purchases 17,300
Total available for use 21,300
Less: Inventory, Aug. 31 7,905
Direct materials used P13,395
Illustrative problem
Windy Corporation buys all of it materials and supplies from the Oregon Company and is
allowed a trade discount of 10%. Purchases during the month were P400,000 before the
Illustrative Problem:
The Jenelle Company purchased materials listed at P40,000; terms, 2/15, n/30 on August
Assume payments as follows:
a) Full payment is made on August 14.
b) Full payment is made on August 30.
added to the invoice price. The account debited for the freight is
Materials. The effect is an increase in the unit cost. If two or more
materials are purchased and delivered at the same time, the freight must
be allocated using the following methods:
a. Relative peso value method - freight is allocated on the basis of the
peso value of the items purchased. This is used for materials
purchased and expressed in different terms of measurement.
Illustrative problem:
An invoice for raw materials A, B, and C is received from the Bulacan
Corporation. The invoice totals are: A - P25, 000; B - P15, 000; C - P10, 000. The freight
charge on this shipment weighing 10,000 pounds is P1,500. Shipping weights for the
respective materials are 5,000, 2,000, and 1,000, respectively.
1. Entry to record the purchase of materials and the freight using:
a. Direct charging method.
b. Indirect charging method.
2. The cost per pound to be entered in the materials ledger cards for A, B, and C, if
freight is allocated using:
a. Relative peso value method.
b. Relative weight method.
Materials 51,500
Accounts Payable 51,500
Materials 50,000
Factory Overhead Control 1,500
Accounts Payable 51,500
Allocation Rate:
1,500 = 3%
Allocation Rate:
8,000 = 0.1875
The method to account for spoiled materials depends on the reason for such spoilage.
1. Charged to the specific job - this method is used if the reason for the spoilage is
the job itself, because it requires exacting specifications, or a difficult, intricate or
complicated manufacturing process. The effect of this method is that it will
increase the unit cost of the remaining perfect finished articles in the job.
The amount debited to spoiled goods and credited to work in process is equal to
the number of units spoiled multiplied by the estimated sales value per unit.
2. Charged to all production - this method is used if the reason for the spoilage is
considered normal to the process and the number does not exceed the limit set
by the company. With this method, all units manufactured during the period are
charged with an additional cost which is added to the factory overhead rate. The
unit cost originally charged will not increase anymore even if there are spoiled
units discovered later on.
The amount debited to spoiled goods is equal to the number of units spoiled
multiplied by the estimated sales value per unit. The amount credited to work in
process is equal to the total costs incurred/charged to the spoiled units. The loss
is charged to factory overhead control.
If the number of units spoiled exceed the limit set by the company, or if the
reason is not considered normal to the process, the loss on the spoiled units is
charged to a loss account.
Illustrative problem:
Job 3044 called for the making of 4,000 with these unit costs:
Direct materials P 15.00
Direct labor 13.00
Factory overhead (includes a P1.00
Allowance for spoiled work) 12.00
Total P 40.00
When the order was completed, 200 rejected units, a normal number, were sold
for P18.00 each.
1. Entries if the loss is charged to all production.
2. Entries if the loss is charged to the specific job.
Under the method, loss charged to all production, the unit cost of the completed
units remains at P40.00. In spite of the spoiled units, the unit cost remained the
same because the increase was made at the start (when P1.00 was added to the
factory overhead rate as allowance for spoiled work). All units processed during
the period, even those jobs without spoiled units, will absorb the additional P1.00.
Upon completion of the job, even if there were spoiled units, the unit cost will be
the same as the amount originally charged to the job.
On the other hand, under the method, loss charged to the specific job, it will be
noted that the factory overhead rate was recorded at the original amount P11.00
(allowance of P1.00 for spoiled work was not added). The remaining perfect units
in the job will absorb the loss on the spoiled, resulting in an increase in the unit
(152,400 / 3,800 units = 40.105/unit)
the increase in the unit cost (40.105 - 39.00 = 1.105) may be computed as
Cost of spoiled (200 x 39.00) 7,800
Less: Amount recovered from sale (200x18) 3,800
Loss on spoiled goods 4,800
The loss on spoiled goods will be absorbed by the remaining good units (4,200
divided by 4,800 units = 1.105/unit).
The accounting problem for defective units is the additional costs to be incurred in
reprocessing the units to convert them into perfect articles. There are two methods
1. Charged to the specific job - same for spoiled units, if the reason for the defect is
the job itself, the additional costs incurred (materials, labor, and overhead) will be
charged to all units in the job.
2. Charged to all production - if the reason is normal to the process and the number
of defective units does not exceed the normal limit, then the additional costs
incurred will be charged to all units being processed during the period.
Illustrative problem:
Job 3044 called for the making of 4,000 units with these unit costs:
During processing 300 units were found to be defective and required the following total
additional costs: materials - P2, 000; labor - P4, 000; and overhead - P2,000.
1. Entries if the additional cost is charged to all production.
2. Entries if the additional cost is charged to the specific job.
The cost of the finished goods will remain at the original amount charged to the job
(160,000 divided by 4,000 units = P40.00)
The unit cost of the completed units increased from the original P39.00 to P41.00
(164,000 divided by 4,000 units). All units in the job will share in the cost incurred to re-
process the defective units.
6.11 SCRAP
These are salable materials arising from the primary manufacturing operations. The
expected sales value of the scrap produced by the manufacturing process determines the
accounting procedures to be used. When the scrap value is small, no entry is made for
the scrap until it is sold. The entry upon the sale is:
The income from scrap sales is usually reported as “Other Income’ in the income
If the value of the scrap is relatively high, an inventory card should be prepared, and the
scrap transferred to a controlled materials storage area. If both the quantity and the
market value of the scrap are known, the following methods may be used.
1. If the scrap recovered can be traced to a specific job, the entry is:
The amount recovered for the scrap will be entered negative ( ) on the materials
section of the job order cost sheet.
2. Ifthe scrap recovered are not traceable to a specific job, the entry is:
Scrap/Scrap Materials XXX
Miscellaneous Income XXX
3. Ifthe scrap recovered are from factory supplies and indirect materials, the entry is:
Scrap/Scrap Materials XXX
Factory overhead control XXX
Purchases of Voucher supported Dr. Materials Received
Materials in by invoice; Cr. Accounts section of
Advance of use receiving report and Payable stock card
purchase order (PO)
Emergency Voucher supported Dr. WP Material section
Purchases of by invoice; Cr. Accounts of cost sheet
Direct material receiving report & PO Payable
Emergency Voucher supported Dr. FOC Factory OH
Purchases of by invoice; Cr. Accounts ledger
ind. Materials receiving report & PO Payable
Return of Return shipping Dr. Accounts Received section
Materials and order with debit Payable of stock card ()
Supplies to vendor | memo Cr. Materials
Issue of Materials Dr. WP Material section
Direct materials requisition Cr. Materials of cost sheet
Issued section
of stock card
Issue of indirect Materials Dr. FOC OH ledger
Indirect labor
Indirect expenses - all items of manufacturing overhead not classifiable as
indirect materials or indirect labor.
= piP 450,000
P 600,000
= P 450,000
90,000 direct labor hours
= P 450,000
—S—S Es
45,000 machine hours
= P_10.00/machine hour
= P_450.000
P 300,000
= P_450.000
100,000 direct labor hours
The rate computed above is known as the plant-wide or blanket rate. All
departments in the company will use the same application rate for factory
overhead and also the same base. Some companies, however, prefer to
compute factory overhead on a departmentalized basis. The use of
departmentalized rates will improve the charging of overhead to jobs and
3. Insurance on equipment Value of equipment
4. Taxes on equipment Value of equipment
5. Equipment depreciation Machine-hours, equipment value
6. Equipment maintenance Number of machines, machine hours
7. Building rental Space occupied
8. Building insurance Space occupied
12. Material handling Quantity or value of materials
13. Billing and accounting Number of documents
14. Indirect materials Value of direct materials
Kappa Gamma Company’s factory is divided into four departments - producing
departments; Molding and Decorating, serviced by the Buildings and Grounds and the
Factory Administration departments. Buildings and Grounds cost will be allocated using
square feet (floor area) and Factory Administration cost will be allocated using direct
labor hours. In computing predetermined overhead rates, machine hours are used as the
base in Molding and direct labor hours as the base in Decorating.
Bldgs. & Factory
Molding Decorating Grounds Adm.
Budgeted FO P400,000 P600,000 P80,000 P120,000
Direct labor hours 200,000 100,000
Machine hours 100,000 60,000 2,000 4,000
3. Algebraic method
Additional information for the illustrative problem:
Services provided by
Molding 50% 40%
Decorating 30% 50%
B&G - 10%
FA 20% -
Algebraic equation:
B&G = 80,000 + 10% (FA)
FA = 120,000 + 20% (BG)
B&G = 80,000 + 10% (120,000 + .20BG)
FA = 120,000 + 20 %( BG)
= 120,000 + 20 %( 93,878)
= 138,776
Factory overhead variance - the difference between the actual factory overhead as
shown by factory overhead control account and the overhead charged to production as
shown by the factory overhead applied account.
Spending variance:
Actual factory overhead P350, 000
Budget allowed on actual hours
Fixed P200, 000
Variance 110,000 310,000
Spending variance - unfavorable P 40,000
To understand fully the computation of the variance, the following table may be prepared:
Total Per Hour
Fixed overhead P 200,000 P 2.00
Variable overhead 100,000 1.00
Total P.300,000 P.3.00
Hourly-Rate Plan
Under this plan, a definite rate per hour is set for each employee. An employee’s
wages are calculated by multiplying the rate per hour by the number of hours
worked. The hourly-rate plan is simple to use but does not provide incentive for
the employee to achieve a high level of productivity. The employee is paid for
merely “being on the job.”
Piece-Rate Plan
This plan combines the features of hourly-rate and piece-rate plans. An example
of a modified wage plan would be to set a minimum hourly wage that will be paid
by the company even if an established quota of production is not attained by an
employee. Ifthe established quota is exceeded, an additional payment per piece
would be added to the minimum wage level.
The payroll department computes each employee’s gross earnings, the amount
of withholdings and deductions, and the net earnings to be paid to the employee.
Time-keeping Payroll
Clock cards Payroll records
Time tickets Employee’s earning records
Production reports Payroll summaries
The labor cost summary is used as the source for making a general journal entry
to distribute payroll to the appropriate accounts. The entry is then posted to the
control accounts, Work in Process and Factory Overhead in the general ledger.
In preparing the labor cost summary from the tickets, it is important to separate
any overtime from an employee’s regular time because the accounting treatment
may be different for each type of pay. Regular time worked is charged to job
debiting Work in Process. Overtime may be charged to jobs, to factory
overhead, or allocated partly to jobs and partly to overhead. Overtime
distribution depends upon the conditions creating the need for overtime hours.
If an employee works beyond the regularly scheduled time but the employee is
paid at the regular hourly rate, the extra pay is called overtime pay. If an
additional rate is allowed for the extra hours worked, the additional rate earned is
referred to as overtime premium. The premium pay rate is added to the
employee’s regular rate for the additional hours worked. The premium rate will
depend on the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between management and
the union.
With the preceding illustration, the regular rate (240 + 120) will be charged to
Work in Process, while the overtime premium (60 in the first illustration and 120
in the second illustration) will be charged to Factory Overhead Control. By
charging the overtime premium to the factory overhead account, all jobs worked
on during the period share the cost of overtime premiums paid. If the job
contract stipulated that it was a rush contract, it would be appropriate to charge
the premium pay to the job (Work in Process) instead of to a factory overhead
SSS Contribution
The Social Security System requires employers to pay social security taxes on
wages and salaries equivalent to approximately 55% of the total contribution
credited to the employee. Let us consider the SSS contribution of an employee
with a salary of P10, 000/month. Per the table - Appendix - the total contribution
is P925 - P506.70 being contributed by the employer and P333.30 deducted from
the employee's salary.
Medicare contributions
The amount contributed by the employer is equal to the amount deducted from
the employee’s salary or wage. The maximum deduction per table P37.50 for
salaries P9,759 and over. The contribution of the employer, maximum, is also
Illustrative Problem
The Ingrid Manufacturing Company pays employees every two weeks. Monday, May 1,
is the beginning ofa new payroll period.
The following payroll summary is prepared by the payroll department and forwarded to
accounting for recording:
Payroll Summary
for the period May 1-14
Factory Sales and
Employees Adm. Employees Total
Gross Eamings P_100,000 P.30,000 P130,000
Withholdings & deductions:
Income tax P 12,000 P 2,400 P 14,400
SSS Premiums 3,330 950 4,280
Medicare contributions 375 150 525
Pag-ibig contributions 2,000 600 2,600
Total P_ 17,705 P_4,100 P_ 21,805
After the data are verified, a payroll voucher is authorized and recorded as follows:
Assuming that of the total factory payroll of P100,000 - P30,000 is indirect labor,
the entry to record the distribution of the payroll is:
Labor Overhead
a. Overtime premium - extra pay for work after normal closing time
for holidays and Sundays.
b. Shift premium - extra pay to work during less desirable evening
Cc. SSS Contributions - amounts remitted to Social Security System
in form of premiums, medicare and workmen’s compensation.
d. Holiday and vacation pay - payments for non-productive labor
while employees are absent on authorized holidays and
Job No. 101 Blims Company placed an order for 50 tables. The price
agreed upon for the job is P 25,000. January 18 is the
expected date of completion
Job No. 102 Nice Furniture Store placed an order for 24 chairs. The price
agreed upon for the job is P 4,000. January 25 is the
expected date of completion.
Both jobs will be formed in the Assembly Department ad cleaned and checked in
the Finishing Department. The Table and Chair Manufacturing Company uses a
job order system. The following information relates to jobs 101 ad 102.
Finishing Department
10 gallons Varnish 40
3. Labor costs according to labor time cards and payroll summary were as
Assembly Finishing Total
Direct labor -Job 101 P 2,750 P 425 P3, 175
- Job 102 1,200 270 1,470
Indirect labor 700 100 800
4. Additional factory overhead incurred
Rent Expense P1, 500
Depreciation - machines 360
Depreciation - factory building 490
Utilities expense 225
Payroll taxes 300
6. Job 101 was completed on January 16 and Job 102 was completed on
January 23
Both jobs were transferred to the finished goods storeroom upon completion.
1. Journal entries for the above transactions
2. Job order cost sheets for Job 101 and 102
An invoice for X, Y, and Z is received from Heavyweight Co. Invoice totals are: X
-P 11,250; Y - P 13,500; Z - P15, 750. The freight charges on this shipment of
18,000 pounds total P1, 620. Weights for the respective materials are 4,500,
6,000, and 7,500 pounds.
1. Cost per pound to be entered on the stock cards for each materials, based
on cost.
2. Cost per pound to be entered on the stock cards for each material, based on
shipping weight.
The Heaven & Earth Company made the following material purchases and
issues during January:
January 1 Balance on hand, 1,000 units at P4.00 each
3 Issued 250 units
5 Received 500 units at P4.50 each
6 Issued 150 units
10 Issued 110 units
11 Factory returned 10 units to the store room that were
issued on the 10”
15 Received 500 units at P5.00 each
20 Returned 300 units to vendor from May 15" purchase
26 Issued 100 units
4. The Bedrock Company is a manufacturer of golf clothing. During the month, the
company cut and assembled 8,000 golf jackets. One hundred of the jackets did
not meet specifications and were considered “seconds.” Seconds are sold for
P80.00 per jacket, whereas first quality jackets sell for P399.50. During the
month, Work in Process was charged for a total of P1, 320,000: P360, 000 for
materials, P480,000 for labor, and P480,000 for factory overhead.
5. Colossal Corporation estimates factory overhead of P207, 000 for the next fiscal
year. It is estimated that 52,100 units will be produced at a material cost of
P500,000. Conversion will require an estimated 85,000 direct labor hours at a
cost of P9.00 per hour, with 69,000 machine hours.
The actual factory overhead incurred for the month of November was P55,000,
and the production statistics at November 30 are:
1. Calculate the predetermined rate based on:
a. Direct labor cost
b. Direct labor hours
c. Machine hours
2. Using each of the methods, compute the total cost of each job at the end of
the month.
7. Thermal Corporation has two producing department and two service departments
labeled P1, P2, S1, and S2, respectively. Direct costs for each department and
the proportion of services costs used by various departments are as follows:
Cost Direct Proportion of services used
Center Costs si $2 Pi
P1 P90,000
P2 60,000
$1 20,000 - 80 10
$2 32,000 .20 - 50
In calculating predetermined overhead rates, machine hours are used as the
base in P1 and direct labor hours as the base in P2.
Pi P2
Machine hours 50,000 40,000
Direct labor hours 40,000 20,000
1. Allocate the service department costs to operating departments and compute
the factory overhead rate for P1 and P2 using the following methods:
a. Direct Method
b. Step method - start with $1
c. Algebraic method
2. Assume the company uses just one basis for applying overhead to jobs
going through both P1 and P2, compute the overhead rate using direct labor
hours as base.
8. A weekly payroll summary made from time tickets shows the following data:
Number of Hours
Employee Classification Rate/Hour Regular Overtime
Austria, B. Direct P36 40 2
Bautista, D. Direct 36 40 3
De Santos, M. Direct 45 40 4
Motus, R. Indirect 30 40
Reyes, A. Indirect 30 40
a) Determine the net pay for each employee.
b) Prepare journal entries for:
1. Recording the payroll.
2. Payment of the payroll.
3. Distribution of the payroll.
4. The employer's payroll taxes.
9. The Norman Company recently adopted an incentive plan. Factor workers are
paid P7.50 per unit with a guaranteed minimum wages of P2, 000 per week.
Following is a report on employees’ productivity for the week ending May 19,
2011. All employees worked the full 40-hour week.
R. Cruz 240
J. Briones 286
C. David 275
A. Mendoze 240
F. Rivera 225
R. Tolentino 285
1. Compute each employee’s gross pay?
2. 2.\What amount should be charged to work in process?
3. What amount should be charged to factory overhead control?
10. A rush order was accepted by the Ty-Nee Trailer Company for five trailers. The
time tickets and clock cards for the week ended March 27 show the following:
All employees are paid P40 per hour, except Ardina, who receives P50 per hour.
All overtime premium pay except Ardina’s is chargeable to the job and all
employees, including Ardina, received time and a half for overtime hours.
1. Calculate the total payroll and total net earnings for the week. Hours not
worked on trailers are charged to factory overhead.
2. Prepare entries to record, pay, and distribute the payroll.