Genetics and Behaviour
Genetics and Behaviour
Genetics and Behaviour
When we talk about genetics, we talk about behaviours being “inherited” from our parents. Which of the
following behaviours do you think have a generic basis? What is your evidence for that?
1. Intelligence
2. Depression
3. Attention span
4. Homosexuality
5. Problem solving skills
6. Phobias
7. Insomnia
Studying Genetics
If you answered that all of these behaviours may have a genetic component you are absolutely correct.
But remember, that what is inherited is a physiological (biological) trait that is a building block for a
behaviour. Going back to the list, what might those building blocks be?
Also, if you are most like people, your answers about whether something is genetic or not, probably has
to do with anecdotal data. My parents are both highly motivated. I am highly motivated, it must be
Also, one can see if a behaviour is inherited from one generation to the next.
Members of a family share the same environment, so it is difficult to rule out these factors in behaviour.
Identical twins are a unique biological opportunity to study the effect of genetics on behaviour.
Dizygotic twins
Environmental factors cannot be eliminated in the twin studies. They often share the same experiences,
regardless of whether they are MZ or DZ twins.
Twins are rarely separated at birth so although there is a such research, it is a non-representatice sample.
The concordance rate is rarely 100% for behavioural traits. As we will see, this does not mean that it is
genetic. The higher the concordance rate, the more likely it is to be genetic but teins studies ina and of
themselves do not actually study genes. They are indirect measures of genetic inheritance.
Just because someone does not exhibit a behaviour at the time of an original study does not mean that
they may never develop the behaviour. This is why longitudinal prospective studies are usual.
Prospective studies identify traits that are considered to be inherited. Those who are considered
“genetically vulnerable” are then followed over many years to see if they actually manifest the behaviour.
This is used, for example in the study
Reductionist arguments take a complex behaviour and try to bring it down to a singular cause,
Holistic arguments took a complex behaviour through several different lenses, trying to understand the
interaction of different factors.
Genetic argument
● Pedigree (family) studies (Weissman)
● Twin studies (Bouchard)
● Associative (Linkage) studies Caspi
● GWAS (Genome Wide Association studies)
Kendler et al (2006)
Kendler et al (2006) used 42,161 twins from the Swedish Twin Registry. They found that the
concordance rate for female MZ twins was 44% while for female DZ twins, only 16%. In male MZ twins
the rate was 31% and for male DZ twins the rate was 11%.
Caspi et al (2003)
People who had inherited one or more short versions of 5-HTT allele demonstrated more symptoms of
depression and suicidal ideation in response to stressful life events. The effect was strongest for those
with three or more stressful life events.