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Senior High School

TVL – Electronic
Products Assembly and
Servicing NCII
Quarter 1: Module 2 Part 1
Maintain/Repair Consumer
Electronic Products
Electronic Products Assembly & Servicing Grade 11
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Maintain/Repair Consumer Electronic Products
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team of the Module

Compilers: Raden E. Degulacion

Editors: Johnny P. Mayor and Violly Chyril S. Bugtong
Reviewer: Marlene G. Padigos
Illustrator / Layout Artists: Raden E. Degulacion
Management Team: Rhea Mar A. Angtud, Schools Division Superintendent
Danilo G. Gudelosao, Assistant Schools Division
Grecia F. Bataluna, CID Chief
Vanessa L. Harayo, EPS-LRMS
Marlene G. Padigos, EPS-EPP/TLE/TVL

Printed in the Philippines by DepEd Cebu City Division, ROVII

Office Address: Imus Avenue, Cebu City

Telefax: (032) 255-1516 / (032) 253-9095
E-mail Address: cebu.city@deped.gov.ph

What I Need to Know

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to install and service
consumer electronic products and systems. It includes competencies in installing,
maintenance and repairing audio-video products/ systems and domestic electronic
appliances and home security system. “Training Regulations –Electronic Products
Assembly and Servicing NC II”
The module specifically pertains to maintaining/repairing consumer electronic
products. The lesson is arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

This module covers only one lesson and divided into three sub-topics
Lesson 1 – Maintaining/repairing consumer electronic products.
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Obtain PPE necessary to perform the task in accordance with job requirements.
2. Identify hazard in the workplace.
3. Resolve hazard in the workplace.
4. Apply safety in accordance with OSH requirements.

What I Know

Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section __________________

Module No:__________ Title: _____________________________________________________

Instructions: Explain the following in your own wordsS. Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Occupatioanal Safety and Health.
2. Personal Protective Equipment,
3. Employers and employees responsibilities in resolving issues in the workplace.

What’s In

Maintaining/repairing consumer electronic products is also a complex process that

involves standard practices that need to be followed in order to have a safety
working environment. OHS practices must be followed thoroughly to avoid hazard
in the workplace. In actual repair activity, technicians/servicemen are always prone
to danger. Sharp objects, high voltages, heat and lead fumes always occurs in the
actual repair activity. In this view, wearing of appropriate Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) is a must.

What’s New

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, gloves, face
shields, goggles, facemasks and/or respirators or other equipment designed to
protect from injury or the spread of infection or illness. To familiar with the basic PPE
to be used for electronic assembling, we need to read the following:

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the workplace

Health and safety is an issue that affects everyone in the workplace including
employees, students, parents, volunteers, contractors and visitors. Effective safety
management will help the Department improve employee wellbeing, workplace
climate and operations. Workplaces play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of
workers. Knowing what the occupational safety and health (OHS) practices are most
effective in preventing injury and illness is essential.

What is It

PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health risks at work.

Common PPEs being used in repairing electronic consumer products

Head protection
(Helmet/Hard Hat)

The most important part of the

human body is the head. It needs
utmost protection which is provided
by a hard plastic helmet on the ship.
A chin strap is also provided with
the helmet which keeps the helmet
on place when there is a trip or fall.
Hand protection
(Leather/rubber gloves)

Gloves for handling or working with

cleaners or chemicals hazardous or
infectious materials, laboratory
animals (puncture-resistant gloves
may also be required for handling
more aggressive animals), chemicals
of unknown toxicity corrosive
materials, rough or sharp-edged
objects very hot or very cold
Body protection/ Protective
(With long sleeves/Apron)

Protective clothing is worn to

protect the body of the crew member
from hazardous substance like
etching solution, hot oil, water,
welding spark etc..

Safety footwear

Safety boots and safety shoes are

vital personal protection equipment,
both for protection in hazardous
environments and for protection
against impact.

Face protection
( Face mask)

A device worn overthe nose and

mouth to prevent you from
breathing in harmful
substances,suchas bacteria or
pollution,orfrom breathing bacteria
or viruses onto anyone else.
Eye protection

Safety goggles are a type of

personal protective equipment (PPE)
that is worn on the eye for its

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Also called as Occupational Health or Workplace Health and Safety. A

multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health and welfare of people at
work. It aims to protect the health, safety and welfare of all the people at a
workplace. Means by which to control aspect of work production that involve any
degree of risk or danger that may cause injury or harm. This process eliminates to
ensure employee safety and health.
All employees should practice OSH in order to eliminate possible danger, safeguard
employee productivity, means to promote workplace processes, protect employee
rights, maintain worker health.

First Aid

First aid is exactly that – the first medical need further medical treatment. help a
person gets if they are injured or ill. First aid can be an emergency measure to help
to preserve a person’s life if they are seriously injured until an ambulance arrives
or they can get to a doctor. First aid also – and more commonly - addresses less
critical situations in which people do not need further medical treatment.

By law, every workplace must have a first aid program. That means having written
instructions for providing first aid, a system for keeping first aid records, a system
for making sure your workplace is properly equipped to provide quick first aid if and
when it is needed, and a way to transport injured or ill workers to get further medical

SAFE 4 step system to manage health and safety.

Spot the hazard

Assess the risk
Fix the problem
Evaluate results

• Spot the hazards

Also called as identify the hazards. Physical inspection of workplace.

A hazard is anything with potential to cause injury illness or damage. It is an any

agent that can cause harm or damage to humans, property, or the environment. It
is identified by:

1. Observing workers tasks

2. Speaking to workers
3. Using safety checklist
4. Review manufacturers information and view injury records. This refers to
equipment used.

Why are workplace inspections important?

Workplace inspections help prevent incidents, injuries and illnesses. Through a

critical examination of the workplace, inspections help to identify and record hazards
for corrective action. Health and safety committees can help plan, conduct, report
and monitor inspections. Regular workplace inspections are an important part of the
overall occupational health and safety program and management system, if present.

What is the purpose of inspections?

Inspections are important as they allow you to:

• Listen to the concerns of workers and supervisors

• Gain further understanding of jobs and tasks
• Identify existing and potential hazards
• Determine underlying causes of hazards
• Recommend corrective action
• Monitor steps taken to eliminate hazards or control the risk (e.g., engineering
controls, administrative controls, policies, procedures, personal protective

Example: Workplace Inpection Checklist


Key Item for Inspection Satisfactory Not Remarks/Follow up
Availabe actions

Head protection
Hand Protection
Body Protection
Lower body Protection
Face Protection
Correct level of lighing
for work activities
No direct /recflect light
towards working area
Test Equipment &
Hand tools
Screw driver
Long nose plier
Cutter plier
Electrical plier
Soldring iron & stand
Desoldering pump
Monitor resolution
CPU at lest i5, windows
7 or equivalent
PCB designing software
Sufficient space for
work activities
Well Ventilated working
Noise at, or acceptable
Floor condition
Woking table height &
Chair height / position

Inspectod by: Date:

• Assess the risk

Also called as Hazard Evaluation. Every hazard carries some risk. It's important to
evaluate hazards to determine how great that risk is. Hazards that pose more than
mild risk need to be brought under control.

Risk is defined as the probability that exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative
consequence. Exposure to the chance of injury or loss; the likelihood that it will
cause harm. A chance that it could actually result in harm. It is the likelihood of a
hazard causing injury, illness or damage to health. It is assessed by potential impact
of hazard and ,or how likely is the hazard to cause someone harm.

• Fix the problem

Also known as risk control. Aim to remove hazard completely.

Risk control hierarchy:

1. Eliminate hazard
2. Substitute the hazard
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Use engineering controls
5. Use administrative controls
6. Use Personal Protective Equipment

• Evaluate results

This comes after the first three steps in the hazard management process. How
effective are changes made to fix the problem.
Talk to problems and their response:
1. Are changes making a difference?
2. Workers opinion on change.
3. Do solutions reduce risk?
4. Do solutions create new hazards or increase risk of existing ones?

Reporting Risks & Incidents

Under current law a workplace standard inspector must be notified immediately if:
• Someone is killed.
• Someone suffers serious bodily injury or illness.
• A dangerous incident occurs which could have resulted resulted in
someone being killed or serious injury/ illness.

For incidents a written record/report must be made

Report must include the following:

• What: Description of event/ Injury/ Damage

• When: Time and Date of incident
• Specific location

• Who: Person, Witness, Workplace, and Reporter
• Why: Incident cause, future action to prevent it again

Resolving OSH Issues

Consultation process to share information on OSH. Both employees and employers/

lower ranks and top management work together to resolve issues. Through
committees and safety reports. Inspectors are very important as they provide an
assessment of conditions in the workplace.

In case of an Emergency

• Means the safe and rapid evacuation of workplace in case of an

• Emergency procedures can be invoked once a threat becomes visible.
• Drill commands include personnel departure and actions to counter
existing danger.

Top Management/Employers Responsibilities

To maintain and provide:

• A safe working environment.

• Safe systems of work.
• Facilities for the welfare of all workers.
• Any information, instruction, training, or supervision needed to ensure
workers safety.

Employee Responsibilities

• Ensuring own personal health and safety, and that of others in the
• Complying with any reasonable directions given by management
relating to health & safety.

Types of workplace hazards

1. Chemicals
2. Physical hazards
3. Biological agents
4. Psychological fallout
5. Ergonomic issues

6. Accidents

• Chemical hazards

A chemical hazard is a type of occupational hazard caused by exposure

to chemicals in the workplace. Exposure to chemicals in the workplace can
cause acute or long-term detrimental health effects. Any chemicals in the
workplace can put workers at risk. Some chemicals are far more dangerous
than others, but even common chemicals can cause skin irritation, illness,
or respiration problems.

• Physical hazards

A physical hazard is an agent, factor or circumstance that can cause harm

with contact. They can be classified as type of occupational hazard or
environmental hazard. Physical hazards include ergonomic hazards,
radiation, heat and cold stress, vibration hazards, and noise hazards.

• Biological hazards

Biological hazards, also known as biohazards, refer to biological substances

that pose a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans.
This can include medical waste or samples of a microorganism, viruses, or
toxins (from a biological source) that can affect human health. Biological
hazards affect those who work with animals, people, or infectious plant

materials. People who are working at daycare centers, colleges, hospitals,
nursing homes, etc. can be exposed to blood or other body fluids, fungi and
mold, bacteria, viruses, and more.

• Psychological hazard

Any hazard that affects the mental well-being or mental health of the worker
by overwhelming individual coping mechanisms and impacting the worker's
ability to work in a healthy and safe manner. Sources of psychological
hazards. Work Organizational Factors. Workplace violence and harassment.

• Ergonomic hazards:

An ergonomic hazard is any interaction with the made world that causes the
user discomfort or strain. There are three primary types of ergonomic
hazards: objects, environments, and systems that result in poor posture or
unnatural, uncomfortable, or awkward movements. A repetitive and
awkward movement, and other situations where the body and muscles are

• Accident

Accident, unexpected event, typically sudden in nature and associated with

injury, loss, or harm. Accidents are a common feature of the human
experience and result in injury or permanent disability to large numbers of
people worldwide every year. Many accidents also involve damage to or loss
of property. Accidents can occur anywhere, including in the home, during
transportation, in the hospital, on the sports field, or in the workplace. With
appropriate safety precautions and awareness of one’s actions
and environment, many accidents can be avoided or prevented.

What’s More

Instructions: Enumerate the following as stated in each item. at least five

appropriate PPE to be used in repairing consumer electronic products. Use a
separate sheet in doing this activity.
1. Five appropriate PPEs to be used in reparing consumer electronic
2. Risk control hierarchy.
3. Types of workplace hazard.

What I Have Learned

1. What is a risk?
2. What is hazards?
3. Types of workplace hazard
4. Why are workplace inspections important?

What I Can Do

Instructions: Do the following activity.

5. Explain the SAFE 4 step system to manage health and safety. Use separate sheet
to do this activity.
6. Conduct a workplace inspection and fill the information being asked in
Workplace Inspection Checklist form below. Put a remarks/ follow up actions to
solve the problem.


Key Item for Inspection Satisfac Not Remarks/Follow up
tory Availabe actions
Head protection
Hand Protection
Body Protection
Lower body Protection
Face Protection
Correct level of lighing for
work activities
No direct /recflect light
towards working area
Test Equipment & Hand
Screw driver

Long nose plier
Cutter plier
Electrical plier
Soldring iron & stand
Desoldering pump
Monitor resolution
CPU at lest i5, windows 7
or equivalent
PCB designing software
Sufficient space for work
Well Ventilated working
Noise at, or acceptable
Floor condition
Woking table height &
Chair height / position

Inspectod by: Date:


Use a separate sheet in answering this test. Do not forget to write the following:
Name:____________________________________________Grade and Section:___________
Subject:_________________Module No. & Title: _________________Activity Title: _____


Instructions: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.

Read the questions carefully and use separate sheet in doing this activity.

1. A physical hazard is an agent, factor or circumstance that can cause harm
with contact.
2. Physical hazards include ergonomic hazards, radiation, heat and cold stress,
vibration hazards, and noise hazards.
3. Biological hazards, also known as biohazards, refer to biological substances
that pose a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans.
4. Accident, unexpected event, typically sudden in nature and associated with
injury, loss, or harm.
5. Ergonomic hazard is any interaction with the made world that causes the
user discomfort or strain.
6. Psychological hazard affects the mental well-being or mental health of the
worker by overwhelming individual coping mechanisms and impacting the
worker's ability to work in a healthy and safe manner.
7. A chemical hazard is a type of occupational hazard caused by exposure to
chemicals in the workplace.
8. Hazard is defined the likelihood that it will cause harm.
9. Risk is anything with potential to cause injury illness or damage. It is an any
agent that can cause harm or damage to humans, property, or the
10. PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health risks at work.

TEST II. Multiple choice

Instructions:. Choose the letter of the correct answer and use separate sheet in
answering this activity.

1. What is meant by SAFE 4 step system to manage health & safety.

A. Spot the hazard, Assess the risk, Fix the problem, Evaluate results
B. Spot the risk, Assess the hazard, Fix the problem, Evaluate results
C. Spot the results, Assess the hazard, Fix the problem, Evaluate risk
D. Spot the problem, Assess the results, Fix the problem, Evaluate risk
2. _________ is a type of occupational hazard caused by exposure to chemicals
in the workplace.
A. Chemical hazard C. Physical hazard
B. Psychological fallout D. Ergonomic hazard
3. __________is an agent, factor or circumstance that can cause harm with
A. Chemical hazard C. Psychological hazard
B. Physical hazard D. Ergonomic hazard
4. _________ also known as biohazards, refer to biological substances that
pose a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans.
A. Biological hazard C. Physical hazard
B. Psychological fallout D. Ergonomic hazard
5. ___________that affects the mental well-being or mental health of the worker by
overwhelming individual coping mechanisms and impacting the worker's ability
to work in a healthy and safe manner
A. Biological hazard C. Psychological fallout
B. Physical hazard D. Ergonomic hazard
6. A repetitive and awkward movement, and other situations where the body and
muscles are overworked.

A.Biological hazard C. Physical hazard
B. Accident D. Ergonomic hazard
7. Hand protection for handling or working with cleaners or chemicals hazardous
or infectious materials.
A. Gloves C. Goggles
B. Protective clothing D. Helmet
8. A PPE that is worn on the eye for its protection.
A. Gloves C. Protective clothing
B. Goggles D. Helmet
9. ____________is worn to protect the body of the crew member from hazardous
substance like etching solution, hot oil, water, welding spark etc.

A. Helmet C. Goggles
B. Mask D. Protective clothing
10. Head protection of the worker.
A. Helmet C. Goggles
B. Mask D. Protective clothing

Answer Key

( Face mask)
1.5. Face protection
(Safety shoes)
1.4. Safety footwear
3.6. Accidents 2.6. Use PPE (With long sleeves/Apron)

3.5. Ergonomic hazard 2.5. Use administrative controls 1.3. Body protection
3.4.Psycolofical Hazard 2.4. Use engineering controls (Leather/rubber gloves)

3.3. Biological hazard 2.3. Isolate the hazard 1.2. Hand protection
3.2. Physical hazard 2.2. Substitute hazard (Goggles)
3.1. Chemical 2.1. Eliminate hazard 1.1. Eye protection
3. 2. 1.
What’s More


Internet Resources:

• https://www.slideshare.net/safereps/workplace-hazards-26555990----
• https://www.slideshare.net/CollectiveSuggestion/occupational-health-
• https://www.slideshare.net/CaptTusharGangoly/fire-safety-and-burn-
• https://www.hse.gov.uk/risk/identify-the-hazards.htm
• https://www.slideshare.net/tinmay/occupational-health-and-safety-ohs-
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_hazard#:~:text=A%20chemical%20
• https://www.google.com/search?q=chemical+hazard+pictures&rlz=1C1CHB
• http://chemicallabels-uk.com/chemical-hazard-symbols-labels/
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_hazard
• https://www.knowledgiate.com/examples-of-physical-hazards-in-
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_hazard
• https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-biological-
• https://www.ccohs.ca/teach_tools/biological/sources.html

• https://www.physiotherapyalberta.ca/course_materials/ohs_module_6_han
• https://www.google.com/search?q=psycological+hazard&tbm=isch&ved=2a
• https://blog.sliceproducts.com/examples-of-ergonomic-hazards-in-the-
• https://osg.ca/7-simple-tips-for-improving-workplace-ergonomics/
• https://www.britannica.com/topic/accident-safety
• https://romanelectrichome.com/electrical-shock-causes/


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