Date: 22.04.2007 Timings: 0930-1230 HRS Duration: 3 HRS Max. Marks: 150
General instructions:
o Please check that this question paper contains 9 printed pages
o Please check that this question paper contains 65 questions
o The question paper is divided into three sections
o All questions in all three sections are compulsory
o All parts of a question should be answered at one place
a) 70% of No load kVAr of the motor b) 80% of No load kVAr of the motor
c) 90% of No load kVAr of the motor d)100% of No load kVAr of the motor
a) HP b) kVA c) kVAr d) kW
4. For a four pole induction motor operating at 50 Hz, the slip at a shaft speed of 1450
RPM will be
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Paper 3 –Set B SOLUTION
5. A three phase induction motor loaded at less than 50 %,if operated in star mode, will
result in
a) reduced operating voltage b) electrical downsizing of the motor
c) improved efficiency and power factor d) all of the above
8. Identify the location of installing capacitor banks, which will result in less reduction in
the distribution losses in a factory
11. Use of hard water for inter cooler of a two stage reciprocating air compressor will
a) reduce work done for compression b) increase pressure drop in water side
c) decrease compressor speed d) reduce air inlet temperature to second stage
12. A 500 cfm reciprocating compressor has a loading and unloading period of 5
seconds and 20 seconds respectively during a compressed air leakage test. The air
leakage in the compressed air system would be
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15. Which of the following can be used as refrigerant both in vapour compression and
vapour absorption system
16. The performance of rewinding of an induction motor can be assessed by which of the
following factors
17. An induction motor rated for 75 kW and 90 % efficiency, operating at full load, will
18. With increase in design speed of induction motors the required capacitive kVAr for
reactive power compensation for the same capacity range will
22. Which of the following flow controls in the fan system will change the system
resistance curve
a) will double the flow b) will double the fan static pressure
c) will not double the flow d) will increase flow by more than two times
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a) velocity b) flow
c) the difference between total and static pressures d) static pressure
26. A 2 ton air conditioner installed in a room and working continuously for two hours will
remove heat of
27. Which of the following refrigeration systems uses vacuum for operation
28. The refrigeration load in TR when 100 m3/hr of water is cooled from 12 OC to 7 oC is
30. Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) in a vapour compression refrigeration refers to
average of ____with partial loads
32. If the wet bulb temperature is 28 oC and cooling water of 28 oC is required, then the
most appropriate cooling tower would be
34. The most appropriate type of fan used for induced draft cooling tower, among the
following is
a) centrifugal fan with FRP blades b) axial fan with mild steel blades
c) centrifugal fan with aluminum blades d) axial fan with aluminium blades
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a) lower slip b) higher shaft speed c) lower starting torque d) all of the above
42. Use of soft starters for induction motors results in?
45. A 1100 kVA DG set is delivering 800 kW output. If the flue gas generated is 8
kgs/kWh then the total flue gas flow rate in kg/hr is
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46. FRP fans consume less energy than aluminium fans because
47. Sodium vapour lamps are not used in indoor applications because they
S-1 A cast iron foundry has a load of 450 kVA. It has installed two transformers of 500
kVA each. The no load loss and full load copper loss are 710 W and 5300 W
respectively. From the energy efficiency point of view the foundry management wants
to take a decision on whether to operate a single transformer on full load or two
transformers equally sharing the load. What is your recommendation ? Why?
1 x 500 kVA
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Two transformers are better because the losses are the least.
S-2 Air at 25,000 m3/hr and at 1.2 kg/m3 density is flowing into an air handling unit of an
inspection room. The enthalpy difference between the inlet and outlet air is 10 kJ/kg.
If the motor draw a power of 24 kW at an efficiency of 90%, find out the kW/TR of
the refrigeration system. (1 J = 4.18 Cal.)
Refrigeration tonnes Q x x (h2-h1)
S-3 Air flow measurements using the pitot tube, in the primary air fan of a coal fired boiler
gave the following data
Corrected air density 273 x 1.293 /(273+33)
1.154 kg/m3
Velocity m/s
Cp x √2 x 9.81 x ∆p x γ / γ
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S-4 An engineering industry which was operating with a maximum demand of 1200 kVA at
0.9 power factor brought down its demand to 1080 kVA by power factor improvement.
Find out the percentage reduction in distribution losses within the plant
kW drawn 1200 kVA x 0.9
1080 kW
S-5 A system has a static head of 47 meters and friction head of 10 meters. The pump is
operating at 1440 RPM. For reducing the flow, the pump speed is reduced to 1100
RPM. What is likely to happen as a result of this ?
This head will be insufficient to overcome the static head and hence no flow
will occur in the system
S-6 The hot water temperature entering the cooling tower is 39 oC. If the wet bulb
temperature is 27 oC and the range is twice the approach, find out the cold water
temperature and effectiveness of the cooling tower.
Range (T1 –T2) = 2 x Approach (T2 – Twb)
66.7 %
S-7 A no load test conducted on a three phase delta connected induction motor gave the
following values:
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S-8 In a cooling tower, the cooling water circulation rate is 1250 m 3/hr. The operating
range is 7oC. If the blowdown rate of the cooling tower is 1 % of the circulation rate,
calculate the evaporation loss and COC.
Evaporation Loss (m3/hr) = 0.00085 x 1.8 x circulation rate (m3/hr) x (T1 –T2)
= 13.39 m3/hr
COC = 2.071
S-9 A jockey pump of a fire hydrant system is analysed for efficiency and following data is
Flow - 45 m3/hr , Total head – 100 meters, Power drawn by motor– 23.7 kW, Motor
efficiency – 90%
Determine the pump efficiency
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S-10 A 22 kW rated motor driving a lube oil pump is drawing a constant power of 19 kW at
90% efficiency. If the motor is replaced with an energy efficient motor which operates
at 93 % efficiency, find out the annual energy savings at 7000 hours of operation/year.
If the investment is Rs. 30,000/- find out the payback period at Rs.5/kWh energy
kW output 19 x 0.9
Energy savings kW output x [1/New - 1/Old]
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▪ Install manometers across the filter and monitor the pressure drop as a
guide to replacement of element.
▪ Consider the use of regenerative air dryers, which uses the heat of
compressed air to remove moisture.
▪ Compressor free air delivery test (FAD) must be done periodically to check
the present operating capacity against its design capacity and corrective
steps must be taken if required.
▪ The possibility of heat recovery from hot compressed air to generate hot air
or water for process application must be economically analyzed in case of
large compressors.
▪ Provide extra air receivers at points of high cyclic-air demand which permits
operation without extra compressor capacity.
▪ Retrofit with variable speed drives in big compressors, say over 100 kW, to
eliminate the `unloaded’ running condition altogether.
▪ Keep the minimum possible range between load and unload pressure
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▪ Automatic timer controlled drain traps wastes compressed air every time the
valve opens. So frequency of drainage should be optimized.
▪ Misuse of compressed air such as for body cleaning, agitation, general floor
cleaning, and other similar applications must be discouraged in order to
save compressed air and energy.
▪ Pneumatic tools such as drill and grinders consume about 20 times more
energy than motor driven tools. Hence they have to be used efficiently.
Wherever possible, they should be replaced with electrically operated tools.
▪ On account of high pressure drop, ball or plug or gate valves are preferable
over globe valves in compressed air lines.
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L-2. A fan is driven by a motor through a belt pulley system. The input power to the
fan is 40 kW for a 2500 Nm3/hr fluid flow. The motor speed is 2990 RPM and
its pulley diameter is 200 mm. The fan pulley diameter is 300 mm. If the flow is
to be reduced by 20% by changing the fan pulley size, what should be the
diameter of the fan pulley and what will be the power input to the fan ?
= 1993 RPM
= 1594 RPM
= 375 mm
= (40/P2) = (2500/2000)3
P2 = 20.48 kW
L-3. Draw a sketch of centrifugal pump (head vs flow) characteristic curve incorporating
the following. (Draw separate sketches for each of the conditions)
a) System resistance curve (with static and dynamic head) and show the
operating point
b) Effect of throttling the pump on head and flow
c) Effect of pump speed reduction on head and flow
d) Effect of impeller diameter reduction on head and flow
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Pump curve with lower speed Pump curve with lower impeller diameter
L-4. A chemical plant has a contract demand of 2500 kVA with the power supply company.
The average maximum demand of the plant is 2100 kVA at a power factor of 0.95.
The maximum demand is billed at the rate of Rs.300/kVA. The minimum billable
maximum demand is 75 % of the contract demand. An incentive of 0.5 % reduction in
energy charges component of electricity bill are provided for every 0.01 increase in
power factor over and above 0.95. The average energy charge component of the
electricity bill per month for the company is Rs.11 lakhs.
The plant decides to improve the power factor to unity. Determine the power factor
capacitor kVAr required, annual reduction in maximum demand charges and energy
charge component. What will be the simple payback period if the cost of power factor
capacitors is Rs.800/kVAr.
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L -5 A cooling tower is operating at a capacity of 31,00,000 kcal/hr and a range of 6 oC. The
cooling tower pump has a positive suction of 2 m and the discharge pressure shows
3.8 kg/cm2. The measured motor power is 72 kW and the operating efficiency of the
motor is 92%. Find out the efficiency of the pump.
Pump flow rate 31,00,000/6
516.6 m3/hr
otal head 38 – 2 = 36 m
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