D-100 Rev. 02
Defibrillator Cardiology
Advanced® D-100 Defibrillator machine is a lightweight and portable defibrillator/
monitor. Defibrillation may be performed through paddles or multifunction
electrode pads. In Manual Defibrillation Mode, you can also perform synchronized
Technical Specifications
Physical Dimensions 288mm (Width) x 203mm (Deep) x 275mm (Height)
Specifications Weight 4.7 kg (including ECG/defibrillator/pacing/resp)
Battery Package 0.5 Kg (each)
External Paddle 0.8 Kg set
Defibrillator Waveforms BTE Biphasic truncated exponential waveform, with impedance compensation
Energy Accuracy ±2J or 1 - 1.5% of setting, whichever is greater into 50 Ohm
Charge Time Less than 5 seconds to 200 Joules, less than 8 seconds to 360 Joules with fully charged battery
Shock Delivery Via multifunction defibrillation electrode pads, or paddles
Patient Impedance 20 to 200 Ohm (External defibrillation)
Manual Output Energy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 170, 200, 300, 360 J
Synchronous Cardioversion Energy transfer begins within 60ms of the QRS peak
AED Mode Output Energy User configurable
AED Shock Energy level 100 to 360 J, configurable
Shock Series 1, 2, 3, configurable; Default configuration meets 2010 AHA Guidelines
Sensitivity Meets AAMI DF-80
ECG Monitoring Lead Type LEAD Type: 3 leads ECG, 5 leads ECG, Pads / Paddles
LEAD Selection I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V, Pads / Paddles
Heart Rate Display Adult: 15 to 300 bpm - Pediatric: 15 to 350 bpm - Neonate: 15 to 350 bpm
Resolution 1 bpm
ECG Size 2.5mm/mV(x0.25), 5mm/mV(x0.5), 10mm/mV(x1), 20mm/mV(x2), 40mm/mV(x4)
Sweep Speed 6.25mm/s, 12.5mm/s, 25mm/s, 50mm/s
Patient Isolation Type CF: ECG, RESP - Type BF external defibrillation
Arrhythmia Yes
Alarms Yes
Non-invasive Waveforms Monophasic square wave pulse
Pacing Pulse Width 20ms, ±5%
Refractory Period 200 to 300ms, ±3% (function of rate)
Pacing Mode Demand or fixed
Pacing Rate 40ppm to 170ppm, ±1.5%
Pacing Output 0 mA to 200 mA, ±5% or 5 mA, whichever is greater
Pacing Pacing pulse frequency reduced by factor of 4 when activated
Respiration Technique Trans-thoracic impedance, Adult: 0 to 120 rpm / Pediatric, Neonate: 0 to 150 rpm
Resolution 1 rpm.