File Structure and System of Operation ......................................................................................................1
Contents ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Components ................................................................................................................................. 1
Technical Prerequisites................................................................................................................. 2
Software Requirements ................................................................................................. 2
Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................ 2
Hardware requirements for the development environment...................................................... 2
Hardware requirements for the Runtime.................................................................................. 2
File Structure ................................................................................................................................ 3
Version information ...................................................................................................................... 3
Editor Explanation ........................................................................................................................ 3
Project Workspace......................................................................................................... 3
Projectmanager ....................................................................................................................... 3
Detailview of the Project Manager ........................................................................................... 4
External files ............................................................................................................................ 4
Symbol library ......................................................................................................................... 5
Properties window......................................................................................................... 5
Overview of Pulldown Menu Items................................................................................. 5
Toolbars ........................................................................................................................ 6
Toolbar Pictures ...................................................................................................................... 7
Toolbar Reports ....................................................................................................................... 7
Toolbar Visibility levels............................................................................................................ 7
Toolbar Orientation ................................................................................................................. 7
Toolbar Elements..................................................................................................................... 8
Toolbar Runtime files............................................................................................................... 8
Toolbar Remote Transport .......................................................................................................9
Toolbar PFS ............................................................................................................................. 9
Output Window ............................................................................................................. 9
Project Info .................................................................................................................... 9
Status Line..................................................................................................................... 9
Key Assignment ............................................................................................................. 10
In addition to the main programs for Editor and Runtime, the process computer system is structured into a large number of
function modules, so-called DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries), which contain the actual functionality. The function modules will
only become active when they are called from one of the main programs. They contain all properties which are required for
the definition (e.g. parameterization masks) and for executing the function.
The advantages of this technology are
Structuring Uniform and clear software structure
Memory requirement The scope of the program active at the runtime is determined by the functions
Integration Predefined interfaces for the integration of new functions
Openness Expansions of and changes to existing functions are carried out in a
"decentralized" way
Technical Prerequisites
Software Requirements
In order to execute the process computer system the following software is necessary:
Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003
Microsoft Windows CE 3.00 / CE.Net
Hardware Requirements
These hardware requirements apply for the PC version. Please refer to the CE chapter for the hardware requirements for the
CE version.
The development environment needs a Microsoft SQL server as a database server. Furthermore considerably more data
have to be handled simultaneously than in the Runtime. Therefore we distinguish between the hardware requirements for
the development environment and for the Runtime.
If a PC is used as development environment and as Runtime station, then you have to take the accordingly higher hardware
Hardware requirements for the development environment
Here the minimal requirements are listed. For extensive projects or several projects loaded at the same time you will need
accordingly faster / stronger hardware.
CPU: Pentium III 1 GHz or faster.
Memory: 256 MB RAM or more. Recommended: at least 512 MB. Please be aware, that you
need more memory, if you want to load several projects in the Editor at the same
Harddisk: For complete installation: at least 1.5 GB free harddisk space. You need
additional space for the projects.
Screen resolution: We recommend a minimal resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels. Better are 1600 x
1200 or a double monitor system.
Input device: Standard keyboard or standard mouse
CD-ROM drive: Recommended for the installation. (Installation also possible via the network)
Parallel or USB interface: Recommended for dongle. Network dongle also available.
Network connection: Recommended 10 Mbit/s with TCP/IP protocol for Remote Transport, network
dongle, project backups on centralised file server, etc.
Hardware requirements for the Runtime
Here the minimal requirements are listed. For extensive projects / multi project administration you will need accordingly
faster / stronger hardware.
CPU: Pentium II 400 MHz or faster.
Memory: 128 MB RAM or more. Recommended: 512 MB or more.
Please keep in mind: Some projects need more memory, because higher amounts
of data have to be handled resp. transported via the network. (e.g. archive data or
alarm/CEL data). If you start several projects parallelly (multi project
administration) or use the redundancy, more memory is needed. For these
constellations you have to add accordingly more memory to the PC.
Harddisk: For Runtime installation: at least 150 MB free harddisk space. You need
additional space for the projects.
Please keep in mind: If you record historical data (e.g. archive data or alarm/CEL
data) you need accordingly more harddisk space resp. you have to care in your
projects, that the historical data is evacuated or deleted!
Screen resolution: The Runtime of the control system runs under all established resolutions. That
starts with VGA with 640 x 480 pixels and reached up to multi monitor systems.
In any case we recommend to use the monitor administration from the beginning
of the project. (Refer to the tutorial Monitor Administration)
Input device: Projects with keyboard and mouse operation, with pure keyboard operation or
with pure mouse operation are possible. Here the mouse can be replaced by or
complemented with a touch screen. Recommendation for touch screen: Optimise
your project from the very beginning for touch screen.
CD-ROM drive (optional): Recommended for the installation. (Installation also possible via the network)
Parallel or USB interface: Recommended for dongle. Network dongle also available.
Network connection (optional): For standard client/server projects a network connection with TCP/IP protocol
must be available. Recommended: 10 Mbit/s full duplex. For redundancy you will
need 100 Mbit/s full duplex.
Dial connection (optional): Minimal requirements: Dial modem with 9600 Bit/s. Recommended: ISDN modem
or router with 64 kBit/s.
WAN connection (optional): We recommend the use of ISDN routers. Refer to the WAN tutorial for more
Message Control (optional): Please refer to the chapter Message Control for the exact requirements.
Interfaces (optional): When deciding on your hardware make sure, that the necessary interfaces for the
PLC and/or bus connection are available. That can be ISA/PCI slots as well as
serial RS232 or RS422/485 interfaces.
File Structure
The special file structure is created during the installation or is extended.
The program files of the control system are copied to a directory, that can be defined during the installation.
Additionally the installation asks for a directory for the SQL databases of the projects. There should be enough free space
on the storage medium for the SQL directory, as the SQL databases of all future projects of the control system will be saved
Version information
In the menu "Help" the entry "Info about" opens a dialogbox, that offers information about the version of the control
system and the licensing.
For the version the version number, the service pack number and the currently installed hotfix number are listed. Please
always add this information when contacting the support.
The information on the licensing lists the serial number, the activation number, the number of licensed I/Os and the
licensed modules.
This box is automatically shown on starting the Editor and the Runtime.
Editor Explanation
The system of operation of the editor of the process computer system is divided into:
Pulldown menus Pulldown menu items for editor operation
Toolbars Quick selection of specific operations
Layout table Quick selection of Alignement
Symbol library Library of pre defined and user defined symbols
Status Line Editor's status line at the bottom of the screen
Key Assignment
Settings Screening, etc.
Project Workspace
The window “Project Workspace” is positioned on the left border as a default and includes two property pages: the “Project
Manager” and the “Symbols”
The Project Manager displays the current workspace with its projects and serves as the central interface for the
functionalities included in the projects of the workspace.
With Drag & Drop the project hierarchy for multi-hierarchical networks can be defined here. Also see chapter “Network”.
The Project Manager has a treeview and a detailview. Depending on theselection of a folder in the treeview the
corresponding information is displayed in the detailview.
The following contents of projects can be administered in the Project Manager:
Variables Administration of the variables Chapter "Definition of Variables"
Drivers List of the drivers of the project Chapter "Definition of Variables"
Data types Administration of the structure variables Chapter "Definition of Variables"
Pictures Administration of the pictures See chapter “Pictures”
Templates Administration of the templates See chapter “Pictures”
Functions Administration of the functions See chapter “Functions”
Scripts Administration of the Scripts See chapter “Scripts”
Symbol library
With the symbol library you can add single elements to makro elements and save them as symbols.
The saved symbols are supplied by the symbol library. The symbols are saved in seperate folders, which can be created by
the user. From here they can be reloaded to pictures.
See chapter “Symbols”.
Properties window
The properties window allows the input of properties for the object selected in the Project Manager. The four icons at the
top mean:
Fast access The most important properties of the selected object for fast access
With the context menu properties can be added to the fast access or be removed
from the fast access.
Grouped All properties of the selected object are listed in logical groups.
All properties All properties of the selected objact a displayed in one list
Plausibility check The entries are checked on their plausibility.
File Function calls and auxiliary functions which relate to the currently active project
which is to be processed;
- workspace, project,
- configuration,
- set up printer, printing,
- export, import variable,
- termination.
Edit - Undo
- Copy, cut, paste
Pictures - Templates
- New picture
Open picture
- Selection of last pictures edited
Tools - drivers,
- list of variables, recipes, time control,
- script management, assignments, function management,
- reaction matrix,
- (archive optional),
- (reports optional)
Options - Start runtime
- Display/suppress toolbar
- Display/suppress status line
- Display/suppress layout table
- Display/suppress color table
- Display/suppress symbol table
Window empty
Help - Information about
- Help
In the toolbars there are icons for quick selection of frequently used actions. The toolbars are activated under the pulldown
menu items. If the mouse pointer is positioned on a selectable icon in one of the toolbars, the associated information text of
the element is displayed on the mouse pointer.
The toolbars can be positioned freely and can be closed. A toolbar is linked to the border of the screen when moved near
enough. Single icons in the toolbars can be deleted or added. You will find the necessary commands in the menu
The default toolbars are explained in the following:
Runtime Files
Remote Transport
Toolbar Pictures
This toolbar offers support for drawing pictures.
Each element can be linked to a visibility level in the Editor. For the work in the Editor single visibility levels can be switched
on of off.
The following options are available:
All levels visible
All levels invisible
Single levels visible or invisible
Toolbar Orientation
By means of the toolbar “Orientation” elements can be positioned and aligned on the screen.
The icons of this toolbar are:
Aligne - left
- right
- top
- bottom
Arrange - vertical center
- horizontal center
Distance - same X-distance
- same Y-distance
Size - same width
- same height
- same size
Position - to the foreground
- forward
- backward
- to the background
Mirror - vertical
- horizontal
- turn by 90°
Symbols - create
- resolve
- insert into symbol
- remove from symbol
Substitute - Substitute links for selected element(s)
Undo - undo last action
(the number of undo-actions can be costomized in the “Options” menu)
Toolbar Elements
This toolbar contains all static and dynamic elements.
Toolbar PFS
This toolbar offers support on working in the Production & Facility Scheduler.
Output Window
The “Output-Window” shows information about the background activities of the editor and the runtime.
Project Info
The window “Project Info” contains the cross reference list.
See chapter “Cross reference list”.
Status Line
The status line is situated at the bottom of the screen and is active in standard and system pictures. The display is not used
for reports.
On the left the executable action is shown on positioning the mouse on an icon in the toolbar.
The current cursor position is displayed in an opened picture in the central screen area as an X/Y-coordinate (left top = 0,0).
If a static or dynamic element is processed, the designation of the element appears on the right side next to the current
cursor position.
On the right the initial position (left top) and the size of the currently selected element is displayed.
Key Assignment
The following key shortcuts are defined in the editor:
ALT-F11 Visual Basic Editor
ALT-F12 Wizards