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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Smart Vending Machine System Using IOT

Shubham Thete1, Aditya Titare2, Siddhesh Vanikar3, Prof. Ganesh Madhikar4

1Student, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon

2Student, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon
3Student, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon
4Assistant Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon

Abstract - A smart vending machine system is proposed in smart vending machines to track inventory levels, optimize
this paper, utilizing IoT, UPI, RFID, product level detection, the product mix and pricing, reduce costs, and improve
and GPS/GPRS notification to deliver a vending experience customer satisfaction.
that is more convenient, secure, and efficient for both
customers and operators. User authentication is achieved In addition, smart vending machines offer a more convenient
through RFID, and payment transactions are facilitated by and secure customer experience. For example, customers
UPI, allowing customers to make payments easily without can use mobile apps to browse the machine's inventory,
the need for cash or cards. Product level detection ensures make payments, and even pre-order items. Smart vending
continuous availability of items, and when product levels machines can also be used to offer loyalty programs and
drop below a predefined threshold, notifications are sent to other incentives to customers.
the vending machine operator via GPS and GPRS, enabling
Overall, smart vending machines have the potential to
prompt restocking.
revolutionize the vending machine industry. By offering a
more convenient and secure customer experience, reducing
Several advantages are offered to vending machine
costs for vending machine operators, and providing valuable
operators by the system. The real-time monitoring and
insights into customer behavior, IoT-enabled vending
management capabilities of the IoT platform enable
machines can help to increase sales and profitability.
operators to track inventory levels, sales data, and machine
status remotely. This information can be utilized to optimize
product mix and pricing, reduce operational costs, and
enhance customer satisfaction. In summary, the potential of The proposed method for the smart vending machine system
revolutionizing the vending machine industry lies in the project is to use a Raspberry Pi 3 Board to collect data from
proposed smart vending machine system. Through providing RFID tags and other sensors, and to send this data to the
a more convenient and secure customer experience, cloud for processing and analysis. The cloud-based system
lowering costs for operators, and offering valuable insights will then use this data to control the vending machine, such
into customer behavior, IoT-enabled vending machines have as by dispensing products, accepting payments, and sending
the capability to boost sales and profitability. notifications to operators.

Key Words: Smart vending machine, IoT, UPI, RFID,

product level detection, GPS/GPRS notification.

Vending machines have been around for many years, but
they are still a popular way to purchase food and drinks.
However, traditional vending machines have a number of
limitations. For example, they can only accept cash
payments, and they can be difficult to restock.

Smart vending machines using IoT address these limitations

Fig 1. Block Diagram
by offering a more convenient, secure, and efficient vending
machine experience for both customers and operators. 2.1 Hardware
Smart vending machines use IoT sensors to collect data
about the machine, such as inventory levels, temperature, 2.1.1 Raspberry Pi 3 Board
and machine status. This data is then sent to the cloud,
where it can be analyzed by vending machine operators. Pi is a credit-card sized computer that connects to a
Vending machine operators can use the data collected from computer monitor TV and uses input devices like keyboard

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 530
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

and mouse. It is capable of performing various 2.1.2 RFID

functionalities such as surveillance system, military
applications, surfing internet, playing high-definition videos, RFID stands for Radio-Frequency Identification, and an RFID
live games and to make data bases. Raspberry Pi is the main tag is a small device that uses radio waves to store and
controller in our project which gathers data from the input transmit data. RFID tags consist of a microchip and an
modules and transmits it to the output modules. antenna. They are used for various purposes, including
tracking and identifying objects, animals, or people.

Broadcom BCM2837 64bit

Microprocessor Quad Core Processor
Processor Operating 3.3V
Raw Voltage input 5V, 2A power source
Maximum current through 16mA
each I/O pin
Fig 3. RFID
GPU Dual Core Video Core IV®
Multimedia Co-Processor. 2.1.3 UPI
Provides Open GLES 2.0,
hardware-accelerated Open UPI, which stands for Unified Payments Interface, is a
VG, and 1080p30 H.264 popular digital payment mode in India. It is a real-time
high- profile decode. payment system that enables people to send and receive
money using their smartphones. UPI allows for interbank
Internal RAM 1Gbytes DDR2
transactions and offers several benefits, including instant
Clock Frequency 1.2GHz fund transfers, 24/7 availability, and simplified transactions.
Here are some key points about UPI
Operating Temperature -40ºC to +85ºC
Wireless Connectivity BCM43143 (802.11 b/g/n
Wireless LAN and Bluetooth
Ethernet 10/100 Ethernet

Fig 4. UPI

Fig 2. Raspberry Pi 2.1.4 Level Sensor

A level sensor is a device used to detect and measure the

level of a substance, usually a liquid or granular material, in a
container or a specific location. Level sensors are widely
used in industrial, commercial, and residential applications
to monitor and control the amount of a substance in a tank,
silo, or other storage vessel. There are various types of level
sensors, each with its own principles of operation and
suitable applications.

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 531
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2.2 Software Components

2.2.1 Raspbian OS

This provides significantly faster performance for

applications that make heavy use of floating-point arithmetic
operations. All other applications will also gain some
performance through the use of advanced instructions of the
ARMv6 CPU in Raspberry Pi. Although Raspbian is primarily
the efforts of Mike Thompson (MP Thompson) and Peter
Green (plug wash), it has also benefited greatly from the
enthusiastic support of Raspberry Pi.
2.1.5 DC Motor

A DC Motor is an electric motor that runs on direct current

power. In any electric motor, operation is dependent upon
simple electromagnetism. A current carrying conductor
generates a magnetic field, when this then placed in an
external magnetic field it will encounter a force proportional
to current in the conductor and to strength of external
magnetic field. A DC Motor provide excellent speed control
for acceleration and deceleration. It is easy to understand,
simple and has cheap drive design.
2.2.2 Open CV
Open CV (Open-Source Computer Vision) is a library of
Standard 130 Type DC motor programming functions mainly aimed at real- time computer
vision originally developed by Intel. The library is cross
Operating Voltage 4.5V to 9V
platform and free for use under the open-source BSD license
Recommended/Rated 6V OpenCV supports deep learning frameworks TensorFlow,
Voltage Torch/PyTorch and Cafe.
Current at No load 70mA (max)
No-load Speed 9000 rpm
Loaded current 250mA
Motor Size 27.5mm x 20mm x 15mm
Weight 17 grams

1. Hardware Development: The first step is to develop
the hardware for the smart vending machine system.
This will involve designing and prototyping the
following components:
Fig 5.DC Motor • Vending machine hardware

• IoT sensors

• Communication modules

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 532
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The vending machine hardware should be designed to NuiVend - Next Robert Gruen , In this paper, we will
be robust and withstand the demands of the vending Generation Erich Liang discuss NuiVend’s use of
machine environment. The IoT sensors should be able Vending a variety of technologies.
to accurately detect product levels and other Machine Such as: Microsoft
environmental conditions. The communication modules Kinect, various Microsoft
should be able to transmit data to the cloud reliably and Cognitive API services,
securely. relay and sensor boards,
as well as the overall
2. Algorithms: The following algorithms will be used in
logic of the control
the smart vending machine system:
software. Finally, we
• Product level detection algorithm: This algorithm discuss potential
will use the data from the IoT sensors to detect improvements to
product levels in the vending machine. NuiVend as well as
Microsoft Language
• User authentication algorithm: This algorithm Understanding
will use the RFID tags to authenticate users. Intelligent Service (LUIS)
techniques that can be
• Payment processing algorithm: This algorithm applied to many other
will process contactless payments using UPI. future NUI based
4. Literature Review

Title Author Methodology

RFID Aneeqa The methodology 5.APPLICATIONS
Technology: Ramzan, Saad integrates passive RFID
Beyond Cash- Rehman, Aqib cards and Arduino Mega • Retail Stores: Offer smart vending solutions within
Based Methods Perwaiz with SPI protocol for retail spaces, providing a wide range of products
in Vending secure authentication, and real-time inventory updates.
Machine featuring keypad
password protection, • Corporate Offices: Install intelligent vending
LCD consumer machines in office buildings for snacks, beverages,
information display, and office supplies.
GSM-based SMS
notifications, and a • Manufacturing Facilities: Offer employee access to
mechanical structure snacks and personal protective equipment in
with DC motors for industrial settings.
efficient product-
oriented vending. 6. CONCLUSIONS
We utilised IOT technology in this article to create a sales
Modeling and Gaku Nemoto , This study focuses on mechanism for smart vending machines. It may comprehend
Optimization of Kunihiko optimizing item changes vending machine purchasers and markets. Face recognition
Item Changes Hiraishi in Japanese beverage is used to analyse the vending machine's principal source in
in Vending vending machines, with order to alter sales and so achieve a larger profit.
Machines route men responsible
for replenishment. Using ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
an optimization model
based on item utility I wish to express my sincere thanks and deep sense of
values and vending gratitude to respected mentor and guide Prof. G. V. Madhikar
machine state Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and
transitions, it achieves Telecommunication Engineering of Sinhgad college of
up to a 2.8% sales Engineering, Vadgaon (BK), Pune 41 for the technical advice,
improvement compared encouragement and constructive criticism, which motivated
to heuristic methods. to strive harder for excellence

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 533
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[1] A. Ramzan, S. Rehman, and A. Perwaiz, "RFID
technology: Beyond cash-based methods in vending
machine," International Conference on Control and Robotics
Engineering, 2019, pp. 189-193.

[2] G. Nemoto and K. Hiraishi, "Modeling and

optimization of item changes in vending machines,"Asian
Control Conference, 2020, pp. 19-24.

[3] R. Gruen and E. Liang, "NuiVend - Next Generation

Vending Machine," International Conference on
Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, 2020,
pp. 545-548.


Shubham C. Thete
B.E Electronics and
Sinhgad College Of Engineering,
Vadgaon, Maharashtra, India

Aditya V. Titare
B.E Electronics and
Sinhgad College Of Engineering,
Vadgaon, Maharashtra, India

Siddhesh R.Vanikar
B.E Electronics and
Sinhgad College Of Engineering,
Vadgaon, Maharashtra, India

Prof. Ganesh V. Madhikar

Assistant Professor
Electronics and
Sinhgad College Of Engineering,
Vadgaon, Maharashtra, India

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 534

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