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Arun Murugesan
Dr. M.G.R. University


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Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577


Deepika.R¹, Devadharshini.V²
Dept. of Computer Science andEngineering
Dr MGR Educational andResearch InstituteChennai, India

Mr Arun.M³ (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering)

Dr MGR. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, India
Dr.V.Rameshbabu4 (Asso. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering)
Dr MGR. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, India

The Internet of things (IoT) plays a leading role in modern agriculture. By monitoring the
agricultural field with the help of data that contain information about cultivable land and farmers.
There is a large requirement for water in agriculture, so we need a smart irrigation system that will
allow us to use a minimum of water. The use of automated irrigation technologies can reduce the
need for human involvement. In our research, a prototype has been developed to control water
scarcity by using the sensors like temperature, humidity, soil moisture, rain detectors and Arduino-
UNO. To remotely manage and monitor data from the sensors our prototype is integrated with web
technology in the form of a wireless sensor network. This prototype was developed and tested.

Keywords: Arduino-Uno, IoT, soil moisture sensor, rain detectors, temperature and humidity
sensor, WSN.

Internet of things (IoT) plays a major role in many areas such as smart farming [1], smart home [2],
smart city [3], connected health [4], connected drones [5], among other areas. It also plays a vital
role in collecting information. In this paper, a survey on smart agriculture is carried out to
understand the recent IOT-based technical developments in smart agriculture [6].

Designing a system capable of full automation, the irrigation process helps in the reduction of
human intervention and water wastage [7]. IoT is the automation that increases the Internet
connectivity from digital devices to physical objects and creates communication between them. The
IoT system empowers the farmers to use modern technology to beat huge difficulties of monitoring
and labour crisis. New innovative and price effective IoT applications are helping the farming
sector to improve the standard, quantity, sustainability and price effectiveness of agricultural
production [8]. With IoT in agricultural production, lots of activities can be done like soil and plant
monitoring, environmental monitoring like moisture and temperature, transportation, etc. We have
created a prototype to monitor Soil moisture, rainfall detection, temperature and humidity level.
Recently, the IoT application has been deployed for smart agriculture using wireless sensor
networks (WSNs) such as irrigation sensor networks [9], precision soil farming [10], smart farming
[11], and precision agriculture [12]. IoT and WSN have been effectively executed on a few farming
tasks, for example, water scarcity administration, smart irrigation system, data-driven analysis, pest
control and disease monitoring [13,14].

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 198

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577

The data gathered are managed and stored at the webpage as well as exchanged between machines
to person. With IoT, the observation of weather forecast, temperature and humidity value, soil
moisture content could be connected and information collected from the sensors is communicated to
the farmers via mobile phones or PC. Soil moisture is the main component in agriculture scale
modelling. Vegetation and plantation mainly depend on the root level moisture content in the soil
[15]. Over irrigation of the plants may perish the plant’s roots of oxygen and causes them to putrefy
and it leads to soil fungal diseases [16]. The agricultural research says that about 80% of the crop is
destroyed due to over-irrigation, which reduces the growth of crops yield. On the other hand,
sometimes due to scarcity of water, fields become dry and the plants will not receive enough
nutrients for the growth of crops.

This project employs IOT technology in agriculture, capturing crop growth and environmental
characteristics in a fixed location to assist farmers in identifying problems in real-time. Agriculture
professionals provide guidance and specialised information to farmers to boost their revenue and
assist them in the prevention and management of crop diseases and pests. It has been executed with
farm technology promotion and expert online FAQ through the bespoke creation of mobile
phoneapplications.To achieve scalability, high reliability, security, and technological compatibility,
the system development is divided into three parts: the server, Android, and PC.


Experts analysed collected data to discover a link between environmental work and standard work
yield. They focus on crop monitoring, collecting temperature and rainfall data as initial geographic
data and analysing it to decrease crop losses and boost agricultural yield.
An irrigation automation system based on IoT shows how to monitor an agricultural field. A system
is created utilising sensors, and the irrigation system is automated based on a decision made by a
server based on sensed data. The detected data is sent wirelessly to a database on a web server. If
the irrigation is automated, this implies that if the moisture and temperature fields fall below the
possible range, the irrigation will be turned off. The user may remotely monitor and operate the
machine using an application that provides a web interface. [17].

Prof. K.A. Patil and Prof. N.R. Kale suggests a smart agricultural irrigation model using ICT
(Information Communication Technology). The comprehensive real-time and historical
environment is intended to aid in resource management and use. [18]

The IoT-based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System includes characteristics such as GPS-based
remote-controlled monitoring, moisture and temperature sensing, intruder frightening, security, leaf
wetness, and correct watering capabilities. [19].

Dr.P. Visvanathan and Mahammad ShareefMekala showed some typical applications of Agriculture
IOT Sensor Monitoring Network Technologies employing Cloud Computing as the backbone. [20]

Anupama Hongal and Prathibha S.R. M.P. Mythoi Using a CC3200 single chip, I created a sensor
that monitors temperature and humidity in the agricultural area. The camera is linked to the CC3200

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 199

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577

to collect photographs and deliver them through MMS to the farmers' mobile phones over Wi-Fi


Farmers all across the world have found IoT agriculture to be quite beneficial. The primary goal of
smart agriculture utilising IoT is to increase crop field production and irrigation facilities while also
increasing income.This model provides a real-time soil monitoring system that monitors soil
moisture content, ph level, and temperature, and uses these variables to deploy a decision-support
system. This decision support system assists in the detection of pests and agricultural diseases and
provides SMS-based alerts to the owner.The drawback of this system is that there is no technique
proposed for improving the irrigation facilities.If the above-mentioned conditions are not met the
farmer. In this study, we use two soil moisture levels for two separate soils, and we take the
moisture level for the soils and use that value as the moisture level. As a result, the precision will
improve and the water will not overflow.


The user must enter soil moisture data into this project. The Wi-Fi module is used to gather data and
send it to a website. The website includes information on soil moisture, humidity, temperature,
water overflow, and rain. Based on the data from the humidity and moisture sensors, the land may
be automatically watered and the overflow in the water tank detected. Thus, smart irrigation
systems aid in increasing agricultural productivity and, as a result, meeting demand. This project
will remotely detect and monitor soil water moisture levels to guarantee that crops have adequate
water resources and will automatically activate sprinkler systems to address low moisture levels in
the soil to minimise crop damage or loss.


1. Sampling:
First, we must collect a soil sample in such a way that it represents the region being sampled.
However, our system simply required moist soil. Because the Sensors linked to our System can
only detect wet soil, we add water to it to make it moist. When our Sampled Soil is ready for
testing, we will move on to the next step.


Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 200

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577

2. Sensing Units:
The Sensing Units in our Proposed System include several Agricultural Sensors for determining
the Moisture Value of a Soil Sample. Moisture Sensors determine the volumetric water content
of the soil. Data from the moisture sensor will also be sent to the processor. Forweather
prediction, a raindrop and temperature sensor are employed to detect the weather of the soil to
fertilise it.

In our system, the most important function is played by the microcontroller ATMEGA328, which
serves as the system's brain. It is in charge of controlling the device's sensing and communication
blocks, as well as determining soil parameters such as moisture and rain sensor. The ATMEGA328
Microcontroller contains a total of 28 pins, some of which are linked to the LCD screen.

To display the result, an LCD screen connected to Our Hardware System is employed. LCD has two
registers, Command and Data, for displaying the result. When the Command register is chosen, it
will be treated as follows:

If the command is in the Data Register, it will be treated as data. The rest of the pins are data pins.
In our system, we use 4-bit mode.


The data will then be saved to the Wi-Fi Module. In this case, we utilised the ESP8266 Wi-Fi
Module. So, the Wi-Fi Module takes the value and generates a Get Request, which is then sent to
the server, and the data is transferred straight to the server. Further processing is performed in the
server, and the data is sent to the database for recommendation purposes.

The Scanned data from Sensors will be retrieved through the Internet and stored in our Mobile
Application, which we created using the Android Studios programme. It is incredibly easy to use
and efficient. Our proposed system currently includes pre-defined crop and fertiliser data from
reputable government sources. Our System will provide you with a Fertilizer and Crop
Recommendation Prediction after calculating and processing this data.

The module can even be rebuilt to function as a standalone Wi-Fi network. IoT is becoming 3.3v
power– don't self-regulate magnetism with 5 volts. Data processing should be carried out using 3.3v
and does not feel 5v tolerant sources of information, thus a level shift is required to communicate
with a 5V microcontroller.

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 201

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577

The Internet of Things (IoT) is made up of a variety of sensors and modules that help to automate
things so that they do not require human intervention to operate. It is made up of multiple hardware
and software combinations that work together to make things run automatically, and so on.

Figure 3:- Flow chart

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 202

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577


Soil Moisture Sensor:

A soil moisture sensor detects the moisture content of the soil. The sensor may produce both
analogue and digital data. The digital output is fixed, while the analogue output threshold is
adjustable. It operates on the open and short circuit principles. The LED indicates if the output is
high or low. When the soil is dry, no current can travel through it, resulting in an open circuit. As a
result, the output is said to be maximal. When the soil becomes moist, current flows from one
terminal to the other, causing the circuit to short and the output to be zero.

Figure 4:- Soil Moisture

Temperature and Humidity Sensor:

It is a straightforward digital humidity and temperature sensor. We'll use this sensor to monitor the
ambient temperature and humidity. It uses a humidity sensor to detect the surrounding wind and
outputs a digital signal on the output pin. It's not that difficult, but it does need close attention to
capture the data. It has the constraint that we will acquire updated data from it every 2 seconds
through this sensor, therefore when we utilise the library, sensor values are usually up to 2 seconds

Figure 5: - DHT11

Water pump for submersibles (3-6V DC):

A DC 3-6 V Mini Submersible Pump is a low-cost, small-size Submersible Pump Motor that may
be powered by a 2.5 - 5V power source. It can take 140 litres per hour and has a very low current
consumption of roughly 220mA. The tube pipe is simply attached to the motor output, submerged
in water, and powered.

Figure 6:- Water pump

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 203

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577

Rain Detector:
A rain sensor, as the name implies, is a switching device that is activated by rainfall. It has two
important applications. The first is a water storage device that is connected to the irrigation system
and results in the system turning off when rainfall occurs. The second type of device is used to
protect the interior of a vehicle from rain and to assist the automatic windscreen wipers.

Figure 7:- Rain Sensor

The ATmega328-based Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board.It contains 14 digital I/O pins (six
of which may be used as PWM outputs), six analogue inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB
connection, a power connector, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It comes with everything you
need to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer through USB or power it using
an AC-to-DC converter or battery to get started.

Figure 8:- Arduino UNO

Voltage Regulator:
A voltage regulator is required to provide line regulation and load control to maintain a consistent
output dc voltage. We can utilise a Zener-regulator, a transistorised regulator, or a three-terminal IC
regulator for this purpose. A switched-mode power supply (SMPS) is utilised to generate a high
load current while dissipating very little power in the series pass transistor.

Communication Wi-Fi Module:

The ESP8266 is a powerful, low-cost Wi-Fi module that may be used to provide Wi-Fi capability
via UART serial connection. 802.11 b/g/n protocol, Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) soft-AP, and integrated
TCP/IP protocol stack are among the features.

Figure 9:- Wi-Fi Module

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Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577

PHP is a popular general-purpose programming language that is ideal for Web development and can
be integrated into HTML. PHP is a Web Development Language that was created by and for web
developers. PHP is an abbreviation for Hypertext Pre-processor. Many people still believe the
abbreviation stands for Personal Home Page Tools, which is what the product was originally called.
However, community voting chose a new and more fitting name when its scope grew. PHP is a
server-side scripting language that may be incorporated in HTML or run independently (although
the former use is much more common). Much of its syntax is based on C.


Figure 10:-Prototype of Smart Irrigation

The temperature and humidity of the surrounding area were measured using the DHT11 sensor, and
water was supplied to the plant-based on the results. When there was a particular degree of
humidity, the pump was maintained 'OFF,' whereas when there was less humidity, the pump was
switched 'ON.'

Figure 11:-Analysis of Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 205

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Graph 1:-Soil Moisture Comparison

The figure shows that with lower soil moisture values, the variance of findings from the five
resistive sensing probes under consideration is reduced. For all of the sensors, it rises when the soil
moisture rises. When the soil moisture is between 5% and 20%, the variance remains within 20%
for all sensors and then begins to increase as the moisture increases.
The variance changes in the same way for sensors R1, R2 and R3, whose lengths are the same.
In comparison, the sensor R4 has a lower fluctuation, with moisture values ranging from 15% to
23%. R4 has a lower maximum value of variation. When the coefficients of variations for the five
sensors are compared, R4 has less variance and provides a superior repeatability figure.

Figure 12:- Analysis of Soil Moisture SensorGraph 2:- Rain Fall Sensor Comparison
The figure shows that Conductive sensors show less variance compared to others.

Figure 12:- Analysis of Rain Fall Sensor

Graph 3: - Temperature and Humidity Comparison

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 206

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN No: 0898-3577

The figure shows that Temperature sensor2 shows less variance compared to others.

IoT-enabled smart agriculture can have a huge impact on today's agricultural growth. With the use
of IoT-based sensors, environmental and soil conditions may be quickly and correctly monitored.
This approach is capable of detecting moisture, humidity, temperature, and obstacles. These
numbers may be utilised to execute all essential procedures and automate the agricultural process
efficiently and effectively.

This study discusses an automated irrigation system that makes use of IoT. The Internet of Things
and cloud computing work together to create a system that successfully controls the agriculture
industry. This system will detect all environmental factors and communicate the information to the
user through the cloud. The user will take control action based on it, which will be accomplished
through the use of an actuator.
This asset enables the farmer to increase cultivation in a way that the plant requires. It results in
increased crop output, a longer production period, superior quality, and reduced usage of protective

As technology advances, additional features in IoT systems may be developed to make them more
efficient, reliable, quicker with accuracy, and less expensive. This approach may and must be
implemented by agricultural farmers in the future.

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Volume 13, Issue 3, 2022 Page No: 209

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