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nuclear solution-1

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Reference Solution

Chapter 2
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
1. How many neutrons and protons are there in the nuclei of the following atoms:

(a) 7Li,

[Sol] The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons and nuclide is expressed by . The total
number of nucleon, that is protons and neutrons, is equal to A(mass number) = Z(atomic number)
+ N (neutron number) and atomic number is represented as the proton number. So proton
number of 7Li is 3(atomic number) and the number of neutrons is 4

(b) 24Mg,

[Sol] 24(mass number) = 12(atomic number) + neutron number. So, the neutron number is 12.

(c) 135Xe,

[Sol] 135(mass number) = 54(atomic number) + neutron number. So, the neutron number is 81.

(d) 209Bi,

[Sol] 209(mass number) = 83(atomic number) + neutron number. So, the neutron number is 126.

(e) 222Rn,

[Sol] 222(mass number) = 86(atomic number) + neutron number. So, the neutron number is 139.

2. The atomic weight of 59Co is 58.93319. How many times heavier is 59Co than 12C?

[Sol] M(12C) = 12.00000 amu , M(59Co) = 58.93319 amu

M(59Co) / M(12C) = 58.93319/12.00000 = 4.911 times.

3. How many atoms are there in 10g of 12C?

[Sol] 12g : 0.6022ⅹ10-24 atoms = 10g : X

X = 10g ⅹ 0.6022ⅹ10-24 atoms / 12g = 5.0183ⅹ1023 atoms

4. Using the data given next and in example 2.2, compute the molecular weights of
(a) H2 gas (b) H2O (c) H2O2

Isotope Abundance, a/o Atomic weight

H 99.985 1.007825
H 0.015 2.01410

[Sol] (a) H2 gas

M(H2 gas) = { (99.985ⅹ1.007825)/100 + (0.015ⅹ2.01410)/100} ⅹ 2
= 2.015952 amu

(b) H2O
M(H2O) = M(H2) + M(O)
= 2.015952 + 0.01(99.759 ⅹ 15.99492 + 0.037 ⅹ 16.99913 + 0.204 ⅹ 17.99916)
= 18.05532 amu

(c) H2O2
M(H2O2) = M(H2) + 2M(O)
= 2.015952 + 31.99876
= 34.014712 amu
5. When H2 gas is formed from naturally occurring hydrogen, what percentages of the molecules have molecular
weights of approximately 2, 3, and 4?

[Sol] (a) In the case of being molecular weights of 2

H + 1H → H2
0.99985 ⅹ 0.99985 = 0.9991 = 99.91 %
(b) In the case of being molecular weights of 3
H + 2H → H2
0.99985 ⅹ 0.00015 = 0.000149977 = 0.0149977%
(c) In the case of being molecular weights of4
H + 3H → H2
H + 2H → H2
0.99985 ⅹ 0 + 0.00015 ⅹ 0.00015 = 0.00000002%

6. Natural uranium is composed of three isotopes, 234U, 235U, 238U. Their abundances and atomic weights are
given in the following table. Compute the atomic weight of natural uranium.

Isotope Abundance, % Atomic weight

U 0.0057 234.0409
U 0.72 235.0439
U 99.27 238.0508

[Sol] M(U) = 0.01(0.0057ⅹ234.0409 + 0.72ⅹ235.0439 + 99.27ⅹ238.0508)

= 238.0187 amu.

7. A beaker contains 50g of ordinary (i.e., naturally occurring) water.

(a) How many moles of water are present?
(b) How many hydrogen atoms?
(c) How many deuterium atoms?

[Sol] (a) M(H2O) = 18.015g/mole

50g/18.0015g∙mole-1 = 2.775mole

(b) 2.775mole ⅹ 0.6022 ⅹ 1024 atoms/mole ⅹ 2

= 3.3422 ⅹ 1024

(c) Abundance of 2H is about 0.0151%

3.3422 ⅹ 1024ⅹ 0.01 ⅹ 0.0151 =5.046 ⅹ1020 atoms

8. The glass in Example 2.1 has and inside diameter of 7.5 cm. How high does the water stand in the glass?

[Sol] N(H) = 6.6 ⅹ1024atoms

N(H2O) = 0.5 N(H)
= 3.3 ⅹ 1024atoms
3.3 ⅹ 1024atoms / (0.6022 ⅹ 1024atoms∙ mole-1 ) = 5.4799 mole
ρ(density) = m(mass)/v(volume)
m= 5.4799 mole ⅹ 18g/mole = 98.6382g
ρ(H2O) = 98.6382g/ (3.752 ⅹ π ⅹ H cm3)
H = 2.2327 cm

9. Compute the mass of a proton in amu.

[Sol] The mass of proton is 1.67261ⅹ10-24g
Mp = 1.67261ⅹ10-24g ⅹ (amu/1.66053ⅹ10-24g)
= 1.007277 amu

10. Calculate the mass of a neutral atom of 235U

(a) in amu
(b) in grams

[Sol] M(235U)=235.0439 amu = 235.0439 amu ⅹ 1.66053 ⅹ 10-24g/amu

= 3.903 ⅹ 10-22g

11. Show that 1 amu is numerically equal to the reciprocal of N A

[Sol] 1 amu = 1/12 ⅹ m(12C)

= 1/12 ⅹ 1.99264 ⅹ 10-22 g
= 1.66053 ⅹ 10-24 g
= 1/(1/1.66053 ⅹ10-24 ) g
= 1 / 6.02216 ⅹ1023 g
= 1/ NA g
238 238
12. Using Eq. (2.3), estimate the radius of the nucleus of U. Roughly what fraction of the U atom is taken
by the nucleus?

[sol] Eq. (2.3) R1 = 1.25fm × A1/3 = 1.25 × 10-13 × 2381/3 = 7.7464 × 10-13 cm
R2(Radius of atom) = 2 × 10-8 cm

13. Using Eq. (2.3), estimate the density of nuclear matter in g/cm 3; in Kg/m3. Take the mass of each nucleon to
be approximately 1.5 10-24 g.

[sol] Nuclear matter = AX

R(Radius of nucleus) = 1.25fm × A1/3 = 1.25 × 10-13 × A1/3

14. The planet earth has a mass of approximately 6 1024 kg. If the density of the earth were equal to that of
nuclei, how big would the earth be?

[sol] Density = 1833.5×1014 kg/m3(2.13 ans)

R = 198.42m (Radius of earth = 6400km)

15. The compete combustion of 1 kg of bituminous coal releases about 3 107 J in heat energy. The
conversion of 1 g of mass into energy is equivalent to the burning of how much coal?

[sol] Ec = Energy of 1 kg of bituminous coal = 3×10 7 J

16. The fission of the nucleus of U releases approximately 200 MeV. How much energy (in kilowatt-hours
and megawatt-days) is released when 1 g of 235U undergoes fission?

[sol] NA = 0.6022045×1024/mol

17. Compute the neutron-proton mass difference in MeV.

[sol] Neutron :

Proton :

Neutron-proton mass difference = 1.28MeV

18. An electron starting from rest is accelerated across a potential difference of 5 million volts.
(a) What is its final kinetic energy?


(b) What is its total energy?


(c) What is its final mass?


19. Derive Eq. (2.18).

[sol] Eq. (2.5)


20. Show that the speed of any particle, relativistic or nonrelativistic, is given by the following formula:

, where Erest and Etotal are its rest-mass energy and total energy, respectively, and c is the
speed of light.

21. Using the result derived in Problem 2.20, calculate the speed of a 1-MeV electron, one with a kinetic energy
of 1 MeV.


22. Compute the wavelengths of 1-MeV

(a) photon


(b) neutron.


23. Show that the wavelength of a relativistic particle is given by


where is called the Compton wavelength.

[sol] When body is in motion, it’s mass increase relative to an observer : ----- (Eq 2.5),

So .
Relativistic momentum : p = mv = ----(Eq.2.15)

So = ,

= = =
Rearrange this relation.
so pc = ---

p= , replace p in eq -- (1) => c =

so =

24. Using the formula obtained in Problem 2.23, compute the wavelength of a 1-MeV electron.

[sol] in prob 2.23, ,

[kg] (2.9979 [ ] 81.87 [joule]
1ev = 1.60219 joule,
81.87 1.60219 510.9950 0.511[MeV]

= 8.71 [cm]

25. An electron moves with a kinetic energy equal to its rest-mass energy. Calculate the electron’s
(a) total energy in units of

[sol] = - , so =2

(b) mass in units of

[sol] m = , m=2

(c) speed in units of c

[sol] ----- Eq 2.8

m=2 , so 2= => 4= => = 1/4

= 2.9979

(d) wavelength in units of the Compton wavelength

[sol] =2.426

26. According to Eq. (2.20), a photon carries momentum, thus a free atom or nucleus recoils when it emits a
photon. The energy of the photon is therefore actually less than the available transition energy(energy between
states) by an amount equal to the recoil energy of the radiating system.
(a) Given that E is the energy between two states and .is the energy of the emitted photon, show that

Where M is the mass of the atom or nucleus

[sol] The momentum of zero mass particle is

p = E/c ----(Eq.2.20)
The momentum of the particle having nonrelativistic energy is
p= ----(Eq.2.15)

(b) Compute E - for the transitions from the first excited state of atomic hydrogen at 10.19eV to ground
and the first excited state of at 4.43 MeV to ground (see Figs. 2.2 and 2.3)

[sol] i) For Hydrogen

E- =

ii) For Carbon

E- =

27. The first three excited states of the nucleus of are at 0.158 MeV, 0.208MeV, and 0.403 MeV above
the ground state. If all transitions between these states and ground occurred, what energy -rays would be

Possible observed -rays are ..







28. Using the chart of the nuclides, complete the following reactions. If a daughter nucleus is also radioactive,
indicate the complete decay chain.

[sol] (stable)







29. Tritium( decays by negative beta decay with a half-life of 12.26 years. The atomic weight of is
(a) To what nucleus does decay?

[sol] decay : neutron proton + +anti-neutrino so it will be cause increase in proton number
and same atomic mass So decay of , the proton number increase +1 so it will be 2, and same
atomic mass 3,

(b) What is the mass in grams of 1mCi of tritium?

[sol] ----(Eq.2.23), using Eq.2.26

1mCi = 3.7 disintegrations / second =
Total number of , n(t)
n(t) = 3.7 2.06
mass = =

30. Approximately what mass of ( has the same activity as 1g of

[sol] Activity of 1g of
= [

= 4.19 [
some mass of activity same as 1g of Co activity
= [

, = 5.50
So, X = 8.2197990088

31.Carbon tetrachloride labeled with is sold commercially with an activity of 10 millicuries per
millimole(10mCi/mM). What fraction of the carbon atoms is ?

[sol] Activity = 10mCi/mM = 3.7 =n(t) , is 5730yr

n(t)= .7 9.6458

32. Tritiated water (ordinary water containing some for biological applications can be purchased in
1- ampoules having an activity of 5mCi per . How many atoms per . What fraction of the water
molecules contains an atom?

[sol] , atomic mass : 20.04g/mole

volume of 1mole of

= 3.6445 disintegrations per second


n(t) =

33. After the initial cleanup effort at Three Mile Island, approximately 400,000 gallons of radioactive water
remained in the basement of the containment building of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 nuclear plant. The
principal sources of this radioactivity were at 156 Ci/ and at 26 Ci/ . How many atoms
per of these radionuclides were in the water at that time?

[sol] For


number of total atoms at that time per
of atoms and of atoms

34. One gram of 226Ra is placed in a sealed, evacuated capsule 1.2cm3 in volume.
(a) At what rate does the helium pressure increase in the capsule, assuming all of the α-particles are
neutralized and retained in the free volume of the capsule?

[sol] pressure rate → activity

(per volume),

(b) What is the pressure 10 years after the capsule is sealed?


35. Polonium-210 decays to the ground state of 206Pb by the emission of a 5.305-MeV α-particle with a half-life
of 138 days. What mass of 210Po is required to produce 1MW of thermal energy from its radioactive decay?

To produce 1MW(thermal),
, ← We need this reactivity .

= ←

36. The radioisotope generator SNAP-9 was fueled with 475 g of 238PuC (plutonium-238 carbide), which has a
density of 12.5 g/cm3. The 238Pu has a half-life of 89 years and emits 5.6MeV per disintegration, all of which
may be assumed to be absorbed in the generator. The thermal to electrical efficiency of the system is 5.4%.
(a) the fuel efficiency in curies per watt (thermal);


(b) the specific power in watts (thermal) per gram of fuel;

= 4.763

(c) the power density in watts (thermal) per cm3;

[sol] watts/
(d) the total electrical power of the generator.


37. Since the half-life of 235U (7.13 ×108 years) is less than that of 238U (4.51×10 9 years), the isotopic
abundance of 235U has been steadily decreasing since the earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. How
long ago was the isotopic abundance of 235U equal to 3.0 a/o, the enrichment of the uranium used in many
nuclear power plants?


(Primary) Abundance of

= 0.0072

38. The radioactive isotope Y is produced at the rate of R atoms/sec by neutron bombardment of X according to
the reaction
If the neutron bombardment is carried out for a time equal to the half-life of Y, what fraction of the
saturation activity of Y will be obtained assuming that there is no Y present at the start of the bombardment?

Assuming that there is no Y present at the start of the bombardment,

If the neutron bombardment is carried out for a time equal to the half-life of Y,

= 0.5R

39. Consider the chain decay

A → B → C →,
with no atoms of B present at t=0.
(a) Show that the activity of B rises to a maximum value at the time t m given by
at which time the activities of A and B are equal.


, -②


(b) Show that, for t<tm, the activity of B is less than that of A, whereas the reverse is the case for t> tm.


← ① :

← ② :





40. Show that if the half-life of B is much shorter than the half-life of A, then the activities of A and B in
Problem 2.39 eventually approach the same value. In this case, A and B are said to be in secular equilibrium.


⇒ → → ,

If ,

41. Show that the abundance of U can be explained by assuming that this isotope originates solely from the
decay of 238U.

24.1days 6.75years
→ Half life of is much longer than others (Th, Pa).
So depends on decay of .

42. Radon-222, a highly radioactive gas with a half-life of 3.8 days that originates in the decay of 234U (see chart
of nuclides), may be present in uranium mines in dangerous concentrations if the mines are not properly
ventilated. Calculate the activity of 222Rn in Bq per metric ton of natural uranium.


43. According to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations, the maximum permissible concentration of
radon-222 in air in equilibrium with its short-lived daughters is 3 PCi/liter for nonoccupational exposure.
This corresponds to how many atoms of radon-222 per cm3?


Short-lived daughters

= 3min + 27min + 20min + 180microsec

= 3000.18s

44. Consider again the decay chain in Problem 2.39 in which the nuclide A is produced at the constant rate of R
atoms/sec. Derive an expression for the activity of B as a function of time.

[sol] 1. = -λnA + R = -(λnA – R)

= -t
= -λt
=C +R
= +
If t = 0, nA = n0
n0 = +
C + R = λ n0
C = λ n0 – R
= +
= n0 - +
= n0 - (1 - )
2. A → B → C
+ λBnB = λAnA
nA = nA0 - (1 - )
+ λBnB = λA nA0 - R(1 - ) ----------- a
2-1. homogeneous
+ λBnB = 0
dnB = -λBnBdt
dnB = dt
= -λBt + C
nB = C
if t = 0, nB = nB0
nB0 = C
nB = nB0
2-2. non-homogeneous
Let, λBt = I
λBdt = dI
= λB
nB = nB0
nB = nB0
(nB ) = n'B + nB
= n'B + nB λB
Eq. a ×
+ λBnB = λA nA0 - R(1 - ) = (nB )
nB = dt - dt +C
nB = dt - dt +C
= dt - dt +C
= - R( - )+C
nB = - R( - )+C
if t = 0, nB = 0
- R( - )+C=0
C = R( - )-
nB = - R( - ) + {R( - )-
= ( - )+ ( )+ ( – 1)
3. homogeneous + non-homogeneous
nB = nB0 + ( - )+ ( )+ ( – 1)
activity αB = αB0 + ( - )+ ( )+ ( – 1)

45. Complete the following reactions and calculate their Q values. [Note: The atomic weight of C is
[a] 4He(p, d)

[sol] 4He(p, d) = 4He(p, d)3He : 4He + 1H → 3He + 2H

Q = {[M(4He) + M(1H)] – [M(3He) + M(2H)]} × 931.502 MeV <Eq. (2.38)>
= [(4.002603 + 1.007825) – (3.016029 + 2.014102)] × 931.502 MeV
= -18.3534 MeV
[b] 9Be(α, n)

[sol] 9Be(α, n) = 9Be(α, n)12C : 9Be + 4He → 12C + n

Q = {[M(9Be) + M(4He)] – [M(12C) + M(n)]} × 931.502 MeV
= [(9.012182 + 4.002603) – (12 + 1.008665)] × 931.502 MeV
= 5.70079 MeV
[c] 14N(n, p)

[sol] 14N(n, p) = 14N(n, p)14C : 14N + n → 14C + 1H

Q = {[M(14N) + M(n)] – [M(14C) + M(1H)]} × 931.502 MeV
= [(14.003074 + 1.008665) – (14.003242 + 1.007825)] × 931.502 MeV
= 0.625969 MeV
[d] 115In(d, p)

[sol] 115In(d, p) = 115In(d, p)116In : 115In + 2H → 116In + 1H

Q = {[M(115In) + M(2H)] – [M(116In) + M(1H)] × 931.502 MeV
= [(114.903879 + 2.014102) – (115.905262 + 1.007825)] × 931.502 MeV
= 4.55877 MeV
[e] 207Pb(γ, n)

[sol] 207Pb(γ, n) = 207Pb(γ, n)206Pb : 207Pb + γ → 206Pb + n

Q = {[M(207Pb) + M(γ)] – [M(206Pb) + M(n)]} × 931.502 MeV
= [(206.975880 + 0) – (205.974449 + 1.008665)] × 931.502 MeV
= -6.73849 MeV

46. (a) Compute the recoil energy of the residual, daughter nucleus following the emission of a 4.782-MeV α-
particle by 226Ra.

[sol] 226Ra → 222Rn + α : 226Ra → 222Rn + 4He

Recoiling Energy = Q(E) – Eα
Q = {[M(226Ra)] – [M(222Rn) + M(4He)]} × 931.502 MeV
= [226.025402 – (222.017570 + 4.002603)] × 931.502 MeV
= 4.87082 MeV ≒ 4.871 MeV
Recoiling Energy = E – Eα = (4.871 – 4.782) MeV = 0.089 MeV
(b) What is the total disintegration energy for this decay process?

[sol] Total disintegration energy = Q value

= 0.089 MeV

47.In some tabulations, atomic masses are given in terms of the mass excess rather than as atomic masses. The
mass excess, Δ, is the difference
Δ = M – A,
Where M is the atomic mass and A is the atomic mass number. For convenience, Δ, which may be positive or
negative, is usually given in units of MeV. Show that the Q
Q = (Δa + Δb) – (Δc + Δd),

[sol] Q = [(Ma + Mb) – (Mc + Md)]931 MeV <Eq. (2.38)>

= [(Δa + Aa + Δb + Ab) – (Δc + Ac + Δd + Ad)] <Δ = M – A and usually given in units of MeV>
= (Δa + Δb) – (Δc + Δd) <Aa +Ab = Ac + Ad>

48. According to the tables of Lederer et al. (See References), the mass excesses for the (neutral) atoms in the
reaction in Example 2.8 are as follows: Δ(3H) = 14.95 MeV, Δ(2H) = 13.14 MeV, Δ(n) = 8.07 MeV, and Δ(4He) =
2.42 MeV. Calculate the Q value of this reaction using the results of Problem 2.47.

[sol] a + b → c + d
H + 2H → 4He + n
Q = (Δa + Δb) – (Δc + Δd) <Problem 47>
= [(Δ(3H) + Δ(2H)) – (Δ(4He) + Δ(n))]
= [(14.95 + 13.13) – (2.42 + 8.07)] MeV
= 17.59 MeV

49. The atomic weight of 206Pb is 205.9745. Using the data in Problem 2.35, calculate the atomic weight of 210
[Caution: See Problem 2.46]

[sol] Eα = 5.305 MeV <Problem 2.35>

Pb → 206Pb + α : 210Pb → 206Pb + 4He
Q = {[M(210Pb)] – [M(206Pb) + M(4He)]} × 931.502 MeV
= [M(210Pb) – (205.9745 + 4.002603)] × 931.502 MeV = 5.305 MeV <Recoiling Energy = 0>
M(210Pb) = 209.9828

50. Tritium (3H) can be produced through the absorption of low-energy neutrons by deutrerium. The reaction is
H + n → 3H + γ,
Where the γ-ray has an energy of 6.256 MeV.
(a) Show that the recoil energy of the 3H nucleus is approximately 7 KeV.

[sol] Eγ = 6.256 MeV

Recoiling Energy = MV2 = <p=mv> = <p= >
2 3
= (6.256 MeV) / (2 × M( H) × 931.502 MeV)
= (6.256 MeV)2 / (2 × 3.016049 × 931.502 MeV)
= 0.006965 MeV ≒ 7 KeV
(b) What is the Q value of the reaction?

[sol] Q = {[M(2H) + M(n)] – M(3H)} × 931.502 MeV <Eq. (2.38)>

= [(2.014102 + 1.008665) – 3.016049] × 931.502 MeV
= 6.25783 MeV
(c) Calculate the separation energy of the last neutron in 3H.

[sol] Separation Energy = Binding Energy of the last neutron

Es = [Mn + M(A-1Z) – M(AZ)] × 931.502 MeV <Eq. 2.45>
= [Mn + M(2H) – M(3H)] × 931.502 MeV
= 6.25783 MeV
(d) Using the binding energy for 2H of 2.23 MeV and the result from part (c), compute the total binding
energy of 3H.

[sol] BE(A,Z) = [ZM(H) + NMn – M(AZ)] × 931.502 MeV

BE(A-1,Z) = [ZM(H) + (N-1)Mn - M(A-1Z)] × 931.502 MeV
BE(A,Z) - BE(A-1,Z) = [ZM(H) + NM n – M(AZ) - ZM(H) - (N-1)Mn + M(A-1Z)] × 931.502 MeV
= [Mn + M(A-1Z) – M(AZ)] × 931.502 MeV = Es
BE(A,Z) = Es + BE(A-1,Z) = BE(3H) = Es + BE(2H) = (6.25783 + 2.23) MeV = 8.48783 MeV

51. Consider the reaction

Li(α, p)9Be
Using atomic mass data, compute:
(a) the total binding energy of 6Li, 9Be, and 4He;

[sol] BE(a) = [ZaM(1H) + NaMn - Ma] × 931.502 MeV

M(1H) = 1.007825
Mn = 1.008665
BE(6Li) = (3 × 1.007825 + 3 × 1.008665 – 6.015122) × 931.502 MeV
= 31.9952 MeV
BE(9Be) = (4 × 1.007825 + 5 × 1.008665 – 9.012182) × 931.502 MeV
= 58.1658 MeV
BE(4He) = (2 × 1.007825 + 2 × 1.008665 – 4.002603) × 931.502 MeV
= 28.2962 MeV
(b) the Q value of the reaction using the results of part (a).

[sol] Q = [(Ma + Mb) – (Mc + Md)]c2 <Eq. 2.37>

= [M(6Li) + M(4He) – M(9Be) – Mp]c2
= [3M(1H) + 3Mn – BE(6Li)/c2 + 2M(1H) + 2Mn – BE(4He)/c2
- 4M(1H) – 5Mn + BE(9Be)/c2 – M(1H)]c2
= BE(9Be) - BE(6Li) - BE(4He)
= (58.1658 – 31.9952 – 28.2962) MeV
= -2.1256 MeV

52. Using atomic mass data, compute the average binding energy per nucleon of the following nuclei:
(a) 2H

[sol] BE(2H) = (1 × 1.007825 + 1 × 1.008665 – 2.014102) × 931.502 MeV

= 2.22443 MeV
BE(2H)/2 = 1.11221 MeV
(b) 4He

[sol] BE(4He) = (2 × 1.007825 + 2 × 1.008665 – 4.002603) × 931.502 MeV

= 28.2962 MeV
BE(4He)/4 = 7.07406 MeV
(c) 12C

[sol] BE(12C) = (6 × 1.007825 + 6 × 1.008665 – 12) × 931.502 MeV

= 92.1628 MeV
BE(12C)/12 = 7.68023 MeV
(d) 51V

[sol] BE(51V) = (23 × 1.007825 + 28 × 1.008665 – 50.943964) × 931.502 MeV

= 445.846 MeV
BE(51V)/51 = 8.74207 MeV
(e) 138Ba

[sol] BE(138Ba) = (56 × 1.007825 + 82 × 1.008665 – 137.905242) × 931.502 MeV

= 1158.31 MeV
BE(138Ba)/138 = 8.39356 MeV
(f) 235U

[sol] BE(235U) = (92 × 1.007825 + 143 × 1.008665 – 235.043922) × 931.502 MeV

= 1783.89 MeV
BE(235U)/235 = 7.59104 MeV

53. Using the mass formula, compute the binding energy per nucleon for the nuclei in Problem 2.52. Compare
the results with those obtained in that problem.
(a) 2H

[sol] M = NMn + ZM p – αA + βA2/3 + γZ2/A1/3 + δ(A – 2Z)2/A <Eq. 2.50>

M = NMn + ZMp – αA + βA2/3 + γZ2/A1/3 + δ(A – 2Z)2/A + δ <Eq. 2.51> (Nuclei with odd numbers
of neutrons and odd numbers of protons would thus be less strongly bound together.)
BE = αA - βA2/3 - γZ2/A1/3 - δ(A – 2Z)2/A – δ
BE(2H) = (15.56 × 2 – 17.23 × 22/3 – 0.697 × 12/21/3 – 23.285 × (2 – 2 × 1)2/2) MeV <N=1, Z=1>
= 3.21587 MeV
BE(2H)/2 = 1.60794 MeV (> 1.11221 MeV)
(b) 4He

[sol] BE(4He) = (15.56 × 4 – 17.23 × 42/3 – 0.697 × 22/41/3 – 23.285 × (4 – 2 × 2)2/4 – 12.0 × -1) MeV <N=2,
= 29.0668 MeV
BE(4He)/4 = 7.2667 MeV (> 7.07406 MeV)
(c) C

[sol] BE(12C) = (15.56 × 12 – 17.23 × 122/3 – 0.697 × 62/121/3 – 23.285 × (12 – 2 × 6)2/12 – 12.0 × -1) MeV
<N=6, Z=6>
= 97.4493 MeV
BE(12C)/12 = 8.12078 MeV (> 7.68023 MeV)
(d) 51V

[sol] BE(51V) = (15.56 × 51 – 17.23 × 512/3 – 0.697 × 232/511/3 – 23.285 × (51 – 2 × 23)2/51 – 12.0 × 0)
MeV <N=23, Z=28>
= 445.765 MeV
BE(51V)/51 = 8.7405 MeV (< 8.74207 MeV)

(e) 138Ba

[sol] BE(138Ba) = (15.56 × 138 – 17.23 × 1382/3 – 0.697 × 562/1381/3 – 23.285 × (138 – 2 × 56)2/138 – 12.0 ×
-1) MeV <N=56, Z=82>
= 1162.12 MeV
BE(138Ba)/138 = 8.42117 MeV (> 8.39356 MeV)

(f) 235U

[sol] BE(235U) = (15.56 × 235 – 17.23 × 2352/3 – 0.697 × 922/2351/3 – 23.285 × (235 – 2 × 92)2/235 – 12.0 ×
0) MeV <N=92, Z=143>
= 1786.75 MeV
BE(235U)/235 = 7.60319 MeV (>7.59104 MeV)

54. Compute the separation energies of the last neutron in the following nuclei:
Es=[Mn + M(A-1Z) - M(AZ)]931 Mev/amu
(a) He
[sol] Es=[1.008665 + 3.016029 – 4.002603]931=20.567 MeV

(b) 7Li
[sol] Es=[1.008665 + 6.015122 – 7.016004]931=7.246 MeV

(c) 17O
[sol] Es=[1.008665 + 15.99491 – 16.99913]931=4.141 MeV

(d) 51V
[sol] Es=[1.008665 + 49.947163 – 50.943964]931=11.045 MeV

(e) 208Pb
[sol] Es=[1.008665 + 206.97588 – 207.97664]931=7.3633 MeV

(f) 235U
[sol] Es=[1.008665 + 234.040945 – 235.043922]931=5.296 MeV

55. Derive Eq.(2.53).[Hint: Try taking the logarithm of Eq.(2.52) before differentiating.]


56. What is 1 atmosphere pressure in units of eV/cm3 ? [Hint: At standard temperature and pressure (0℃ and 1
atm), 1 mole of gas occupies 22.4 liters.]
[sol] The Eq.(2.58), P=NkT

57. Calculate the atom density of graphite having density of 1.60 g/cm3.

[sol] In Eq.(2.59) , so

58. Calculate the activity of 1 gram of natural uranium.

Abundance, a/o Atomic weight Half life (T 1/2)
U-234 0.0057 234.0409 2.46 10E5 y
U-235 0.72 235.0439 7.038 10E8 y
U-238 99.27 238.0508 4.68 10E9 y

Atomic weight of natural uranium is;

Total number of natural uranium nuclei in 1 gram of uranium is;

In Eq.(2.26), λ=ln2/T1/2

59. What is the atom density of U in uranium enriched to 2.5 a/o in this isotope if the physical density of the
uranium is 19.0 g/cm3?


60.Plutonium-239 undergoes α-decay with a half-life of 24,000 years. Compute the activity of 1 gram of
plutonium dioxide, 239PuO2. Express the activity in terms of Ci and Bq.

The weight percent of plutonium is
The weight percent is almost the same with a/o.

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