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Information updated by: Djeuta Tagne Eva Katelyn [030999-0309991254]

Tawara Agricultural College

Tawara Agricultural College has been at the forefront of agricultural education and a key contributor
to the land-based sector for over one hundred years. We are located near Springbrook Village in
Tawara. As a specialist agricultural college, we offer a wide range of vocational training in topics
such as animal care, farm and rural land management, horticulture, agricultural engineering, and
floristry. We deliver full and part-time courses from level 1 all the way to foundation degrees. Higher
level courses are delivered in partnership with Tawara University. We have excellent links with
industry and all our courses are designed to meet the demands of the employment market for land-
based expertise worldwide.
Our teaching staff are professionals with relevant industrial experience in crops, animals, food,
business, and engineering. They are committed to the very highest standards of academic
excellence and encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. Our staff
are friendly and approachable and ensure students are supported both personally and academically
to achieve their potential. We aim to offer exceptional education and training for every PAMPHLET.

Educational Facilities
Tawara Agriculture College is a unique place professional development through our short
to learn agriculture. Set in one thousand courses. A recent investment has brought
acres of rural land we have a working farm new facilities to our site including a state-of-
and a range of land-based engineering the-art Agri-Tech teaching centre, a brand-
workshops featuring modern vehicles and new tractor with full GPS guidance and a
equipment. Our courses are designed to give robotic milking parlour. The whole estate is a
students the best preparation for work in the classroom where students develop essential
industry. Assignments and case studies teach skills and learn about all aspects of farming in
how to solve problems that occur in everyday the modern world.
work. Relevant practical experience in our Along with classroom learning the college
modern facilities is a part of all our courses. farm provides a fantastic way to see
Students gain firsthand experience working in agriculture in action. There are also visits to
our on-site commercial farm which is home to agriculture and food-related businesses along
cows, calves, sheep, and arable land. The with talks from industry specialists. Students
commercial focus of our farming activities also could exhibit livestock and produce at
provides plenty of opportunities to put theory agricultural shows. We have excellent links
into practice in real situations. Students with farming organisations, and we involve
cultivate crops, raise livestock, and operate industry experts in everything that we do at
machinery using the latest equipment. This is the college. This means that our course
supported by learning in our teaching centre content is current and relevant to industry
with our experienced staff. We continually because we seek their feedback and take
invest in our buildings, equipment, and their opinions on board. They show their
resources to benefit not just our students, but support by providing work placements, guest
also people from industry who continue their lecturers and real-life course projects.

Tawara Bursary
The college has a limited fund available to help academically successful.
students who would otherwise be unable to attend Click on the image to
college. It is open to applicants from households request an application form.
with limited income and demanding circumstances
The fund can be used to
wishing to study agriculture or related subjects.
help new or returning
The bursary offers financial assistance for up to three years of
students towards the costs
study including work placements. It is payable in three
of course-related expenses
instalments each year in autumn, spring, and summer. Students
such as:
who receive the bursary in their first year are guaranteed to
receive it in subsequent years of study, providing they are a) books
Information updated by: Djeuta Tagne Eva Katelyn [030999-0309991254]

b) accommodation application form together

c) equipment with a short personal
d) subsistence statement outlining why they
e) sporting participation think they would be a
f) trips suitable candidate for the
g) travel bursary.
Applicants must complete and return the Tawara Bursary
Our on-site accommodation is home to over four hundred students. Living in college accommodation
is a wonderful way of meeting new friends and gaining confidence and independence. Students living
on site are part of a vibrant and international community of all ages who share their experience of
life at college together on one campus. Our resolute accommodation and welfare team provide
support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They also organise regular evening and weekend
enrichment activities to ensure there is always something going on outside of timetabled college
hours. All room rates include full board, utility bills and wi-fi. Adapted rooms are available. Room
rental is for 38 weeks, and a range of room options are available:
Annual Room Rental 2024/2025
Single large
Single standard
Twin standard
Twin bunks
Twin large
Twin standard
Living on site you will have access to a range of communal areas and facilities including a gym,
common room, computer room and a TV and games lounge. There is also a student recreational
area which offers a range of refreshments and snacks. Students can be sure that their time here will
be a safe and enjoyable experience.

A Digital College
We are a fully digitally connected site with top of the range IT facilities. We offer high-speed digital
communications and free wi-fi, both of which are available throughout the campus and residential
rooms. Desktop PCs are available for students to use in study spaces and wireless laptops can be
borrowed and connected anywhere on campus. Our network provides access to a wide range of
software applications and collaboration tools to support study and research. Many of our learning
materials are digitised and accessible from anywhere on the campus. The student intranet is the
place to go for accessing lecture notes, submitting assignments, completing assessments, and
communicating with lecturers. There is also an online storage system so students can store their
work centrally and access it from anywhere on site. Centrally stored documents can be shared for
collaborative working and updating. When materials need to be printed, they will be available at the

Information updated by: Djeuta Tagne Eva Katelyn [030999-0309991254]

nearest printer.
All students are issued with a digital identity badge. Access to the college buildings is controlled by
this badge. It also serves as a library card and is needed to use the printers around the site. It is
recognised by many local businesses and production of this card may entitle students to discounts
or additional privileges.
Our global population is increasing by approximately eighty-three million people each year. As a
result, there is increased demand for food which puts more pressure on the planet’s natural
resources. We are committed to farming sustainably and creating a sustainable future for the next
generations. Our students develop a range of skills aimed at yielding high-quality consumer products
in a sustainable and profitable way. Talented, highly skilled agricultural specialists are needed to
ensure this essential industry is fit for the challenges ahead.
Students study here because they are passionate about following a career in agriculture. All our
courses offer clear progression routes through to university courses or the world of work. Our results
speak for themselves – over 96% of our students gain employment or progress onto further
education within six months of completing their course. As a leading agricultural college this is the
best place to develop talent. Get ahead of the competition and enrol with us now!

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