5 Which of the following is purine based antagonist
Roll No. .................. 2132 a) 5 - Fluorouracil b) Busulfan c) 6 - Mercaptopurine d) None 2nd Year / Pharmacy Q.6 Which of the following is anti fungal drugs. Subject : Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II a) Rabeprazole b) Aripiprazole Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 80 c) Miconazole d) all of these Q.7 Which of the following is cholinergic blocking SECTION-A agent. Note: Multiple choice questions. All questions are a) Atropine b) Ipratropium compulsory (20x1=20) c) Dicyclomine d) All of these Q.1 Which of the following is Biguanide derivative. Q.8 Potassium sparing diuretic is a) Phenformin b) Metformin a) Thiazide b) Torsemide c) Both a and b d) None of these c) Triamterene d) All of these Q.2 Which one of following is not first line anti Q.9 Which of the following is opioid analgesic? tubercular drug. a) Pethidine b) Pentazocine a) Isoniazid b) Rifampicin c) Paracetamol d) Codeine c) Ethionamide d) Pyrazinamide Q.10 Which of the following is not a cholinergic drug. Q.3 Epinephrine hormone is secreted by a) Pilocarpine b) Pyridostigmine a) Adrenal cortex b) Adrenal medulla c) Propantheline d) Physostigmine c) Both a and b d) None of these Q.11 Salbutamol is used as_________. Q.4 Which of the following is Non-steroidal Anti- inflammatory drugs Q.12 Beta Blocker are prescribed for the treatment of ________. a) Naproxen b) Diclofenac Q.13 Antineo plastics are prescribed for the treatment of c) Ibuprofen d) All of these ________. (1) 2132 (2) 2132 Q.14 Aminophylline is a salt of theophylline with ______. Q.31 Differentiate between a coagulant and an Q.15 Allergic reaction occur due to release of histamines anticoagulant and give examples of both of these. from ______ cells. SECTION-C Q.16 Mention one example of Oral hypoglycaemic agent. Note: Long answer type questions. Attempt any six Q.17 Define the term antipyretic. questions out of seven questions. (6x5=30) Q.18 Write example of indirectly acting cholinergic drug. Q.32 Differentiate sedative and hypnotic and classify them. Q.19 Write storage condition of adrenaline. Q.33 What are antiseptic and disinfectant. Give chemistry Q.20 Write one example of antithyroid drug. of proflavine and chloroxylenol. SECTION-B Q.34 What are anti-inflammatory agent? Give an account Note: Short answer type questions. Attempt any ten of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. questions out of eleven questions. (10x3=30) Q.35 Give general properties, storage conditions, dosage Q.21 Draw structure of sulphacetamide and Dapsone. forms and medicinal use of the following compounds. Q.22 Mention classification of anti-hypertensive agents. a) Isoniazid b) Hydrochlorothiazide Q.23 Write a short note on penicillin. Q.36 Provide examples of specific cholinergic drugs as Q.24 Write structure of chlorpropamide and chloroquine. per classification and discuss their use in the Q.25 Mention use of Isoniazid. treatment of various medical conditions. Q.26 Write structure of pyrazinamide and phenformin. Q.37 What are anti amoebic and anti helminthic drugs? Discuss with two examples of each and draw Q.27 Write properties, storage, use and structure of chemical structure and use of diethylcarbamazine. ampicillin. Q.38 Give general properties, storage condition, dosage Q.28 Discuss Potassium sparing diuretic. forms and medicinal use of the following Q.29 Write structure and nomenclature of Imipramine and compounds. Neostigmine. a) Propranolol b) Phenobarbitone Q.30 Mention uses of Glyceryl trinitrate and Progesterone.