Selfstudys Com File (1) (4)
Selfstudys Com File (1) (4)
Selfstudys Com File (1) (4)
a) Phrases b) Answer
5. Which of the following agencies initially started the project Internet? [1]
a) NSA b) NSF
c) ARPA d) .NET
9. Priyanka has developed two separate webpages. Now she wants to link the two [1]
pages. What is this type of linking called?
10. Which of the following tags is used to position the images in a web page? [1]
a) <ALIGN> b) <SRC>
c) <IMG> d) <ALT>
11. Assertion (A): The external style sheet is the one that we define in the same HTML [1]
page in which we want to use the styles.
Reason (R): The styles can even be defined in the HTML code along with the code
for which we want to define styles. Such style sheets are known as inline style
a) Both A and R are true and R is b) Both A and R are true but R is
the correct explanation of A. not the correct explanation of
12. Assertion (A): A web browser is an application software that lets you open and [1]
visit websites on the devices like computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Various types of web browsers are the Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google
Chrome, UC Browser, etc.
Reason (R): Markup means to instruct the web browser program. HTML tags are
actually HTML commands that mark up or instruct a web browser how to display
the page in the web browser view.
a) Both A and R are true and R is b) Both A and R are true but R is
the correct explanation of A. not the correct explanation of
Section B
13. Search engine maintains an index of searched pages. Define indexing in terms of [2]
search engine.
14. Newsgroups and emails both can be used to communicate. How is newsgroup [2]
different from E-mail messages?
Write two advantages of 4G over 3G Mobile communication technologies in terms of
speed and services.
17. Mention the properties of CSS used to insert Letter spacing in a line. [2]
18. Which three tags are used to create definition lists? [2]
Name the attribute of the anchor tag that specifies where to open the linked document.
19. Name the attributes of <SELECT> tag which are used to create drop-down menus. [2]
Section C
20. What do you understand by the term secure data transmission? Mention any two [3]
main points to ensure secure data transmission in e-commerce.
22. Explain the text-transform property with all its values. [3]
Discuss different border properties.
23. What can you do to avoid plagiarism? Write any three points. [3]
Section D
24. Identify the errors in the following HTML code and write the correct code with [4]
each correction underlined.
<BODY bgcolor ="PICI.JPG">
<IMG href="ABC.JPG">
Create a web page to demonstrate how to create a link within the same page.
Section E
25. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
Outline Property: The outline property specifies a line to be drawn around
elements. The line is drawn outside the borders to make the element 'stand out' and
to enhance its impact. Different types of outline properties such as outline-style,
outline-colour, outline-width can be specified for an HTML tag.
(i) Which property applies an outline that makes the box look like it is embedded in
the page?
(iii) Which property applies an outline that makes the box look like it is coming out of
the canvas?
(iv) What are the different types of outline properties which can be specified for an
HTML tag?
26. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
Zeeshan is a student of XYZ school and is an excellent poet. He decides to upload
some of his poems on his blog. After few days, he notices that his classmate, Antara
has uploaded Zeeshan's poem on her Facebook page, mentioning Antara as its poet.
(ii) Zeeshan informs his class teacher about the incident. The school decides to hold a
seminar for its students to make them aware of moral principles that determine
behaviour of students when they are online. These are called ________.
(iv) One of the students requests the expert to give tips on using their email account in a
secure manner. The expert advises the students to never share their ________ with
Computer Applications (165)
Class X (2024-25)
Section A
(c) Sending unsolicited email
Sending unsolicited email
(c) Keywords
The queries or terms entered to search a particular information in search engine are called
(b) All of these
All of these
(c) cannot be the same
cannot be the same
(c) ARPA
6. (a) Anchor Tag
Anchor Tag
7. (a) a container tag
a container tag
(c) Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets
(b) External Linking
External Linking
10. (a) <ALIGN>
(d) A is false but R is true.
A is false but R is true.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Section B
13. Indexing is the process to store and organize the content found during the crawling
process. Once a page is in the index, it’s in the running to be displayed as a result to
relevant queries.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2><a id="top"> Laws of motion</a></h2>
<h2>First Law of Motion</h2>
<p>An Object continues to be in a state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight l
<h2>Second Law of Motion</h2>
<p>The rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the applied unbala
<h2>Third Law of Motion</h2>
<p>To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction and they act on two differe
<br />
<a href="top">Go to top</a>
</ht l>
Section E
25. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Outline Property: The outline property specifies a line to be drawn around elements. The
line is drawn outside the borders to make the element 'stand out' and to enhance its impact.
Different types of outline properties such as outline-style, outline-colour, outline-width
can be specified for an HTML tag.
(i) Inset property.
(ii) The outlines are different from the borders because of the following reasons:
i. An outline does not take up space.
ii. The outlines do not have to be rectangular.
iii. The outline is always the same on all sides.
(iii)Outset property.
(iv)The different types of outline properties which can be specified for an HTML tag are as
i. Outline-style
ii. Outline-color
iii. Outline-width