Preprocessor C++
The preprocessors are the directives, which give instructions to the compiler to preprocess
the information before actual compilation starts.
All preprocessor directives begin with #, and only white-space characters may appear
before a preprocessor directive on a line. Preprocessor directives are not C++ statements,
so they do not end in a semicolon (;).
You already have seen a #include directive in all the examples. This macro is used to
include a header file into the source file.
There are number of preprocessor directives supported by C++ like #include, #define,
#if, #else, #line, etc. Let us see important directives:
When this line appears in a file, all subsequent occurrences of macro in that file will be
replaced by replacement-text before the program is compiled. For example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14159
int main ()
return 0;
Now, let us do the preprocessing of this code to see the result assuming we have the
source code file. So let us compile it with -E option and redirect the result to test.p. Now,
if you check test.p, it will have lots of information and at the bottom, you will find the
value replaced as follows:
int main ()
return 0;
Function-Like Macros
You can use #define to define a macro which will take argument as follows:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int i, j;
i = 100;
j = 30;
cout <<"The minimum is " << MIN(i, j) << endl;
return 0;
If we compile and run above code, this would produce the following result:
The minimum is 30
Conditional Compilation
There are several directives, which can be used to compile selective portions of your
program's source code. This process is called conditional compilation.
The conditional preprocessor construct is much like the ‘if’ selection structure. Consider
the following preprocessor code:
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
You can compile a program for debugging purpose. You can also turn on or off the
debugging using a single macro as follows:
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr <<"Variable x = " << x << endl;
This causes the cerr statement to be compiled in the program if the symbolic constant
DEBUG has been defined before directive #ifdef DEBUG. You can use #if 0 statement to
comment out a portion of the program as follows:
#if 0
code prevented from compiling
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define DEBUG
int main ()
int i, j;
i = 100;
j = 30;
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr <<"Trace: Inside main function" << endl;
#if 0
/* This is commented part */
cout << MKSTR(HELLO C++) << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr <<"Trace: Coming out of main function" << endl;
return 0;
If we compile and run above code, this would produce the following result:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MKSTR( x ) #x
int main ()
cout << MKSTR(HELLO C++) << endl;
return 0;
If we compile and run above code, this would produce the following result:
Let us see how it worked. It is simple to understand that the C++ preprocessor turns the
#define CONCAT( x, y ) x ## y
When CONCAT appears in the program, its arguments are concatenated and used to
replace the macro. For example, CONCAT(HELLO, C++) is replaced by "HELLO C++" in
the program as follows.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define concat(a, b) a ## b
int main()
int xy = 100;
If we compile and run above code, this would produce the following result:
Let us see how it worked. It is simple to understand that the C++ preprocessor transforms:
Macro Description
__LINE__ This contains the current line number of the program when it
is being compiled.
__FILE__ This contains the current file name of the program when it is
being compiled.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << "Value of __LINE__ : " << __LINE__ << endl;
cout << "Value of __FILE__ : " << __FILE__ << endl;
cout << "Value of __DATE__ : " << __DATE__ << endl;
cout << "Value of __TIME__ : " << __TIME__ << endl;
return 0;
If we compile and run above code, this would produce the following result:
Value of __LINE__ : 6
Value of __FILE__ : test.cpp
Value of __DATE__ : Feb 28 2011
Value of __TIME__ : 18:52:48