Nickel 270 (UNS N02270/W. Nr. 2.4050) is a high- Table 1 - Limiting Chemical Composition, %
purity grade of nickel made by powder metallurgy. It
has a low base hardness and high ductility. Its extreme Nickel (Plus Cobalt) ...................................................99.9 min.
purity is useful for components of hydrogen thyratrons. Copper ......................................................................0.01 max.
It is also used for electrical resistance thermometers. Iron ............................................................................0.05 max.
Manganese .............................................................0.003 max.
Carbon ......................................................................0.02 max.
Sulfur.......................................................................0.003 max.
Titanium ..................................................................0.005 max.
Physical Constants & Thermal Magnesium .............................................................0.005 max.
Properties Silicon .....................................................................0.005 max.
Nickel 270
Table 2 - Physical Constants & Thermal Properties
Major specifications:
Atomized powder products Special Metals Pacific Pte. Ltd. Controlled Products Group
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