Vpax.ai.pdf10218-08-2024 00_00_00.
Vpax.ai.pdf10218-08-2024 00_00_00.
Vpax.ai.pdf10218-08-2024 00_00_00.
Teleradiology, Sharing.
Better Health
For All
Ai Enabled end to end
medical imaging solution
Access Images from Anywhere,
at Anytime.
Enjoy fast, flexible access to your images at any time and
through any web browser, compatible with operating systems
(Windows, iOS, and Android).
Why vpax.ai
Optimum Workflow
Cost Effective
AI Integration
Our system integrates multiple services— Offering competitive pricing without Incorporate advanced AI measurement
including Teleradiology, AI, and Dictation— sacrificing quality, we are committed to tools to enhance diagnostic speed and
within a highly optimized and user-friendly our vision of "Better Health for All," accuracy. This technology empowers
interface, ensuring a seamless and ensuring affordable and high-quality clinicians and radiologists to interpret and
efficient workflow for all users. healthcare solutions analyze medical images with improved
precision and efficiency, significantly
elevating patient care outcomes.
Using TLS cryptographic protocol, we Our Cloud PACS ensures 99.95% data Our Cloud PACS guarantees
ensure secure, HIPAA-compliant availability through a three-site redundancy 99.999999999% (11 nines) annual
communication between clinics and the strategy, storing medical images securely durability, meaning it's highly unlikely to
Cloud, accessible only to authorized across diverse locations for seamless lose any images over a century, even with
senders and recipients. access and improved patient care. a billion images managed yearly.
Your Health Journey, Together.
InstaNT AI report
AI Platform
adiologist Service
vpax.ai Services
Connect to Board-certified experts for rapid, precise remote medical Boost diagnostic speed and accuracy with the Clairvoyance AI
image interpretations through our cloud-based platform. Enhance your platform, designed to empower clinicians and radiologists with instant
workflow and ensure diagnostic accuracy with TeleRadx. AI-generated radiology reports, delivering results in just 1 minute.
vpax.ai Main Features
Seamlessly upload and archive DICOM Equipped with voice dictation and Enable seamless sharing of medical
images from direct sources (DX, advanced templates, our system offers studies via secure links accessible to
Fluoroscopy, MRI, CT, Ultrasound) and customizable reporting options to patients, doctors, and other authorized
PACS Systems for a duration of 7 streamline documentation and users from any location. This
years. enhance accuracy. eliminates the need for burning CDs/
Multi-User Capability
Intelligent UX and Modern UI
Multi Monitor
Supports multiple user roles including Features a user-friendly, contemporary Optimize your radiology workflow with
Admin, Staff, and Doctor, each interface designed for intuitive support for multiple monitors, enabling
equipped with distinct access navigation and enhanced user effective task distribution and
privileges to enhance operational experience, ensuring efficient workflow enhanced productivity throughout your
efficiency and security. and optimal interaction. reading and report writing operations.
Secure Image Sharing
Servers monitored 24/7
Need for hiring
Data Availability
99.95% Up-Time
Not Guaranteed
Data Reliability
99.9999999% Annual Durability
Not Guaranteed
Starting from $50/month