Date: 23-08-2024
Time of Issue: 1300 IST
Impact Very low Very low Very low Very low Very low
Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy
sky. Light to sky. Light to sky. Light Rain or sky. Light Rain or sky. Light Rain or
Moderate Rain or Moderate Rain or Thundershowers Thundershowers Thundershowers
Thundershowers Thundershowers accompanied with accompanied with very likely
accompanied with accompanied with gusty winds upto gusty winds upto
gusty winds upto gusty winds upto 30-40 kmph 30-40 kmph
30-40 kmph 30-40 kmph very likely very likely
very likely very likely
Impact Very low Very low Very low Very low Very low
Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy
sky. Light to sky. Light to sky. Light Rain or sky. Light Rain or sky. Light Rain or
Moderate Rain or Moderate Rain or Thundershowers Thundershowers Thundershowers
Thundershowers Thundershowers accompanied with accompanied with very likely
ZONE accompanied with accompanied with gusty winds upto gusty winds upto
gusty winds upto gusty winds upto 30-40 kmph 30-40 kmph
30-40 kmph 30-40 kmph very likely very likely
very likely very likely
Impact Very low Very low Very low Very low Very low
Terminology Rainfall Range in (mm) Terminology Rainfall Range in (mm)
Light spell 1 cm/hr Very intense spell 3-5 cm/hr
Moderate spell 1-2 cm/hr Extremely intense spell 5-10 cm/hr