Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Submitted by
Under the esteemed guidance of
Asst. Prof. of the CSE Department
This is to certify that summer internship report entitled “CYBER SECURITY” is being
submitted by A VIGNESWARI (21U91A0505) in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for
ENGINEERING for the academic year 2023-2024. This work is done under mysupervision
and guidance.
Certified that the candidate was examined by us in the viva voice examination held at SRI MITTAPALLI
Date of submission:
, Reg. No. 21U91A0505 of the Department of CSE. I hereby declare that I have completed the
mandatory internship from 01-08-2024 to 01-10-2024 in PLASMID in accordance with
MSME under the Faculty Guidance of Mr.V.KESAVA KUMAR M.Tech,Ph.D Department
This is to certify that A.VIGNESWARI Reg. No: 21U91A0505 has completed internship in
PLASMID accordance with MSME on CYBER SECURITY under my supervision as a part
of partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of B. TECH in theDepartment of
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. This is accepted for evaluation.
It is a great privilege for me to convey my sincere gratitude Prof Dr.S.Gopi Krishna M.Tech Ph.D.
principal of my college for his encouragement and for providing excellent lab facilities.
I would like to gratefully acknowledge my Head of the Department of computer science and
Engineering Mr.V.KESAVA KUMAR,M.Tech,Ph.D. has been abundantly helpful and has
assisted me in numerous ways.
I wish to thank all the staff members in the department for their kind cooperation and my
parents for giving support throughout the semester internship
Finally, I acknowledge sincerely the effective services rendered by one and all involved directly
and indirectly in the entire semester internship.
Effective cyber security is a critical capability for the defence and preservation of civil
society. Cybercrime is one of the world’s largest and fastest growing categories of crime. Cyber
criminals are responsible for more than $1 trillion USD in stolen funds and other assets, with
crime in some segments growing 300 percent per year. Cyber espionage is epidemic and
pervasive: even the world’s smartest companies and government institutions have terabytes of
intellectual propertyand financial assets being lost annually via the Internet. Concealed
malicious actors even threaten our electrical power grids, global financial systems, air traffic
control systems, telecommunications system, healthcare systems, and nuclear power plants.
Learning Objectives:
Explore career alternatives prior to graduation.
Integrate theoryand practice.
Assess interests and abilities in our fields of study.
Learn to appreciate work and its function in the economy.
Develop work habits and attitudes necessary for job success.
Build a record of work experience.
Acquire employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following graduation
from college.
A virtual internship was an opportunity to practice flexibility and develop collaboration.
Practice our communication skills.
Time management skills in a completely virtual environment.
Widen our world and connections.
Prepare for the future of work.
Develop how to work.
Enhance our employability.
In this internship training I had learnt many of the activities in the part of IBM cybersecurity,
by this the many of the responsibilities are acquired by me. By this type of online internship
program there is many things to learn like technological skills, technical skills, managerial skills
and many of the skills are acquired by me. I have acquired the real time technical skills are
gaining expertise in performing physical or digital tasks. There are many different kinds of
technical skills. Traditionally, people working in mathematics, computer science, mechanics
and information technology have used many technical skills. Today, however, many more
industries rely on employees with technical knowledge. For example, retail and food service
workers often need to know how to use point-of-sale (POS) software. Technical skills vary
widely between industry and job type. For computer programmers, knowledge of various
coding languages is considered a technical skill. Customer service representatives may need
technical skills relating to customer management and telephone systems. Teachers might need
technical skills related to instructional technologies and software applications ranging from
student behavior monitoring to grading. Technical skills vary widely between industry and job
type. I have acquired the best managerial skills from the institution which I have performed and
gave my best in as part of internship. In this I have learnt about the managerial skills that are
technical skills, conceptual skills, human management skills. in part of internship, I had learnt
that defining the abilities that can executive should possess in order to fulfill specific tasks in
an organization. They can include the capacity to perform executive duties in an organization
while avoiding the crisis situations and promptly solving problems when they occure. . In this
I had learnt that the main theme is to maintain the positive energy to do any task to complete.
Person In-
Date Brief description of the daily Learning Outcome Charge
activity Signature
Person In-
Date Brief description of the daily Learning Outcome Charge
activity Signature
In this week I had completed the concept onthe pricing on the cloud concepts and in the cloud
economics. In this fundamental on pricing the many things are taken into consideration when
talking about the pricing on the cloud, first thing is that the service provider’s aims to maximize
the profit and the customers are looking for a higher quality of services with a lower price.
Selling service on the cloud is very competitive due to the high number of providers that are
selling the same services. prices are influenced by the lease period, which can be considered
as the contract time between the provider and the customer. The initial cost of resources. The
rate of depreciation, which means how many times these resources are being used, the quality
of service, the age of the resources, the cost of maintenance. There are many pricing models
used in cloud. in this cloud billing is main important to know about the cloud concepts.
Person In-
Date Brief description of the daily Learning Outcome Charge
activity Signature
In this week I had completed the concept about Global infrastructure and web services. In this
week the main outcome is to the worldwide inter connections of communications, networks,
computers, databases and consumer electronics that makes a vast amount of information
available to users. The global information infrastructure encompasses a wide range of
equipment, including cameras, scanners, keyboards, computers, switches, compact disks, video
and audio tape, cable, wire, satellites, fiber optic transmission lines, networks of all types of
televisions, monitors, printers and much more. the friendly and adversary personal who make
decisions and handle the transmitted information constitute a critical component of a global
information infrastructure. And along with this topic I had completed the web services in the
part of cloud foundations. In this web service is a software system that supports interoperable
machine to machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine
processable format.
Person In-
Date Brief description of the daily Learning Outcome Charge
activity Signature
In this session I had learnt the main AWS identity and access
concept in cloud securityand it is the management (IAM)
(24-08-2024) MANAGEMENT.
Person In-
Date Brief description of the daily Learning Outcome Charge
activity Signature
In this session I had learnt about the Route 53 and cloud front
Day–6 cloud front and how to use the route 53
WEEK-5(From 29-08-2024 to 04-09-2024)
Detailed Report:
In this week I had completed the knowledge checkup for the above week and in this week, I
had learned the networking and content delivery. In this aspect of respected topic, the
networking is a type of IT infrastructure in which some or all of an organizations network
capabilities and resources are hosted in a public or private cloud platform, managed in house or
by a service provider and available on demand. Cloud networking has also played a critical role
in the way organizations address their growing infrastructure needs, regional expansions, and
redundancy plans. Many organizations are adopting a multi-data center strategy and leveraging
multiple clouds from multiple cloud service providers (CSPs). The basic benefits about the
cloud networking is a complex situation that contributes to a weak security posture and results
in inadequate governance, visibility and manageability across fragmented networks.In this the
next topic is very interested to learn and it is VPC (virtual private cloud).
Person In-
Date Brief description of the Learning Outcome Charge
daily activity Signature
In this week I learned about machine learning algorithms are deployed to help design trailers
and other advertisements, provide consumers with personalized content recommendations, and
even streamline production. The most promising strength of AWS machine learning tools is
that they are based on highly comprehensive cloud platform. AWS is ideally optimized for
machine learning with the facility of high-performance compute and a lack of compromises in
security and analytics. Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that
enables computers to self-learn from training data and improve over time, without being explicit
programmed. Machine learning algorithms are able to detect patterns and data and learn from
them, in order to make their own predictions. Machine learning is a sub-field of artificial
intelligence, which is broadly define as the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human
The work environment I have experienced:
The real time work experience is great and it is very positive towards our studies and it helps
me a lot in maintaining time. From one day to another I am able to transition from online
classes without falling behind schedule. Mentors are very helpful and approachable to
complete my virtual internship. It is very surprising to see how quickly I adapted to them in
this aspect of internship. This online or virtual learning provides more time flexibility. I have
a bit more time to complete my further projects and any other works. It helps me to develop
my skills and self-discipline from planning my day and to do the particular tasks to complete
my virtual internship. I am very glad to take my internship in virtual manner because of to
improve my technical skills and to be in a better position after completion of many of the
programs like this. Sometimes it bores to take the virtual classes but it made me to take class
in any situation. Mentors and guides are very helpful in this type of virtual internship. I had
learned the more technical skills from this virtual manner and it is my great experience to
complete it as per the yearly outcome. By the encouragement from my respected principal sir
and honorable HOD sir. They had played a wonderful role to complete my internship. By this
I had learned about socialization, socialization is the process through which someone else to
become a member of society individual and how to perform their social roles internalized the
norms, terms and values of the community specialization. It prepared me to participate in a
social grew by teaching me their norms and expectations. I had learned about, teaching
impulse control and developing a concern, preparing me to perform certain social rules, and
cultivating shared sources of minimal values.
Technical skills I have acquired:
I have acquired the real time technical skills are gaining expertise in performing physical or
digital tasks. There are many different kinds of technical skills. Traditionally, people working
in mathematics, computer science, mechanics and information technology have used many
technical skills. Today, however, many more industries rely on employees with technical
knowledge. For example, retail and food service workers often need to know how to use point-
of-sale (POS) software. Technical skills vary widely between industry and job type. For
computer programmers, knowledge of various coding languages is considered a technical skill.
Customer service representatives may need technical skills relating to customer management
and telephone systems. Teachers might need technical skills related to instructional
technologies and software applications ranging from student behaviour monitoring to grading.
The most natural way to acquire and enhance skills is through. It is one of the first self-initiated
activities humans engage in after pure instinct, and from it the first skills are learned. In
childhood, after socialization begins, play becomes more complex leading to the growth of
other, more difficult skills. Skills acquired are the talents and abilities you've mastered through
education, practice and experience. They can help you perform your job at a more proficient
level or move to other roles in your field. Acquired skills include hard skills, such as technical
skills and job-specific knowledge. Acquired skills are abilities you learn through practice and
experience. Often, acquired skills can include both hard and soft skills, and these abilities may
help you improve your performance at work. Technical skills are the abilities or the knowledge
you need to perform a specific task. I am thankful to my management for cooperation and I
acknowledge my HOD sir for giving the best experience.
The managerial skills I have acquired:
I have acquired the best managerial skills from the institution which I have performed and
gave my best in as part of internship. In this I have learnt about the managerial skills that are
technical skills, conceptual skills, human management skills. In part of internship, I had learnt
that defining the abilities that can executive should possess in order to fulfill specific tasks in
an organization. They can include the capacity to perform executive duties in an organization
while avoiding the crisis situations and promptly solving problems when they occur. In this
I had learnt that the main theme is to maintain the positive energy to do any task to complete.
The best leadership qualities are acquired by the mentor of that particular internship platform.
The main skills are mandatory acquired by the students are technical skills, conceptual skills,
communication skills, human management skills. By this the requirement of technical skills
are very much important in this society to survive. I had completed all the modules with a
great experience. I had improved my skills by every week and I realized that improvement is
always wins. Improvement and development are the two keywords which are very deserved
in this society. In this the managerial skills are acquirement is very easy to learn but difficult
to apply in this society. But in this society the lack of managerial skills the number of students
is not ready for getting job with good package. I am very happy to say that I learnt that
managerial skills to prevent my career.
Improvement on my communication skills:
In this internship training, I learnt many of the communication skills, I learnt about the oral
communication, written communication, conversational abilities, confidence levels while
communicating by the above-mentioned skills, I can make my resume powerful and to notice
by the interviewer. By listening, I learnt many of the things about the subject relatedtopics
and to speak fluently with others and among them I learnt that to speak with others in
understandable language and in this the body language also matters. It is very important in
the face-to-face meetings and interviews and also in the video conferences. Making that the
appear accessible, that should not cross arms by making the eye contact the other person will
knows the attention. The main skill is noting the notes which is delivering by another person.
It is the main to treat every person equally, communication communicate effectively is a
teachable skill, ready to communicate, be sure that you are in right frame of mind, tiredness,
frustration, sadness, and anger, among the other range of emotions can hamper. Sometimes
the direct communication is required to maintain a good relation or to be thankful. By
articulating the information in good matter to deliver to other person then the other person
appreciates and be thankful to others who helps us to make our own way to get into it. By
noticing the close conversations, I learnt many of things from the higher officials and
participating in the many of group discussions and debates will improved me to make a right
choice and made a right place to speak. Giving greetings to the others also main them in the
communication skills. Be always thankful to others who have given you chance to prove
what you are and to stand by yourself in that particular field. Without going with the negative
information who spreads the negative more then don’t be the tail of them be positive and
maintain your ideas and strategies very secretly and appreciate others without ego tic issues
in mind. As the skill developer student you have to be brave always to take more actions to
grew more and more.
Technological developments I have observed:
In this internship training, I had observed the best developments in the RPA Developer. They
I have observed Apex Technology is North Carolina's leading Managed IT Service
Provider. Our Full-Service, Flat-Rate Managed IT Services are designed to reduce costs,
increase productivity, and mitigate business risk. If you are looking for stocks with good return,
Apex Technology Acquisition Corp can be a profitable investment option.
Cloud Computing:
I have observed cloud computing is the delivery of computing services— including
servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet
(“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Cloud
computing technology gives users access to storage, files, software, and servers through their
internet-connected devices: computers, smartphones, tablets, and wearables. Cloud computing
providers store and process data in a location that's separate from end users.
Name Of the Student : A.VIGNESWARI
1. Activity Log 10
2. Internship Evaluation 30
3. Oral Presentation 10