Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: 1 Cor. 12:4–7, 11; Eph. 4:7;
1 Cor. 12:14–31; Rom. 12:3–8; 1 John 4:1–3.
Memory Text: “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are
diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all”
(1 Corinthians 12:4–6, NKJV).
oing away on a long business trip, a man left his son in charge
of the household, with a specific task to do. But the son soon
realized that his father had not provided him with the necessary
means and tools to accomplish that task. Frustrated, the son had to leave
it undone.
Likewise, when Jesus left His disciples and went to be with His
Father in heaven, He gave them a specific task: preach the good
news of the gospel to the world. But Jesus did not leave His disciples
unequipped. What He commanded them to do He enabled them to do,
but in His name and through the power and help of the Holy Spirit.
In 1 Corinthians 1:4–7 Paul gives thanks “for the grace of God which
was given you in Christ Jesus, that in everything you were enriched in
Him . . . so that you are not lacking in any gift” (NASB). Spiritual gifts
are given through the Holy Spirit in Christ to build His church.
This week we will study the Holy Spirit as the Sovereign Giver of
God’s remarkable gifts and look at the difference between the fruit of
the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.
S unday February 19
While all aspects of the fruit of the Spirit are designed by God to
be visible in the life of His followers, not every believer has the same
gift or gifts. There is no command that all should have one particular
gift, such as speaking in tongues. Instead, God sovereignly equips His
believers with different gifts as He sees fit. The gifts of the Spirit are
given so that we can serve others and build up the body of Christ, His
church. These gifts are not given for our own pleasure and glory. They
are bestowed to further the cause of God.
Therefore, spiritual gifts are worthless without the fruit of the Spirit.
It is interesting that within the context of the spiritual gifts, love is
often alluded to. Immediately after 1 Corinthians 12 comes the supreme
description of love, in chapter 13. Ephesians 4:11–13 is followed in
verses 15 and 16 with references to love. The next verses after Romans
12:3–8, where the gifts of the Spirit are mentioned, speak about love
(see Rom. 12:9, 10).
The gifts are, after all, gifts of grace; that is, they are gifts of love.
They are given out of love and serve the love of God in reaching other
people. By loving others, we are revealing the love of God to them. A
loving and omniscient God provides the means to accomplish what He
has commissioned His people to do. Perhaps that is why love is the
greatest gift of all (1 Cor. 13:13).
M onday February 20
Read Ephesians 4:7. We often think that the Holy Spirit is the One who
bestows spiritual gifts. The apostle Paul also connects Jesus Christ with
the giving of the gifts. How is Jesus involved in the giving of the gifts?
Paul says that the grace of Christ secured the right to give us gifts.
But it is the Holy Spirit who distributes them to the members of the
church. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior
and believe in Him will be equipped by the Holy Spirit with spiritual
gifts “as He wills” (1 Cor. 12:11, NASB). The bestowal of the gifts is
God’s sovereign decision.
Innate ability as such is not a spiritual gift. Spiritual gifts are not the
same as natural talents that a person might have developed through
intense education. Many non-Christians are blessed with such providen-
tial talents. While every good thing and perfect gift is ultimately from
God (James 1:17), God has decided to equip His believers with special
gifts in order to bless the lives of other Christians and to build up His
church. God also can use a natural talent for that purpose when the per-
son acknowledges that even such a talent ultimately comes from God and
then prayerfully and submissively dedicates that talent to the Lord’s work.
What does Paul tell his readers in 1 Corinthians 12:14–31 about the
distribution of the gifts? Why is this perspective so important for
understanding how spiritual gifts function in the church?
The Holy Spirit is the one who distributes the gifts according to His
wisdom and will. Since He loves us and knows best how we can serve
Him most efficiently, we do not need to be envious of others and their
gifts. To envy other gifts is a sign of ingratitude toward God and of
doubting His wisdom in distributing His gifts.
The spiritual gifts were clearly given for service, not for our sanctifica-
tion. They are not miraculous tricks that satisfy our curiosity, nor are they
given as an antidote to boredom. Often we think about the gifts of the
Holy Spirit in terms of fulfilling our spiritual needs or as empowering us
in our walk with God. The result is a view of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
that is more Christian-centered than Christ-centered. It is more focused
on us than on God. When we try to recover a God-centered perspective
of the spiritual gifts, we realize that the gifts God gives fulfill multiple
divine purposes: they are given to further the unity of the church and
for building up the church (Eph. 4:12–16). They are given to carry on
the divinely commissioned ministry of the church (Eph. 4:11, 12). And
ultimately they are given to glorify God (1 Pet. 4:10, 11).
This is the reason why the gifts are never given to please us. They are
to edify others (1 Pet. 4:10; 1 Cor. 14:12, 26). They are given to bring
spiritual profit and edification to the whole church. It is a tragedy when
God’s gifts, which are supposed to foster unity in the church, are mis-
used so that only certain individuals are elevated. When this happens,
individuals receive undue prominence. This in turn fosters disunity and
gives way to divisiveness.
Too often we think about spiritual gifts only in terms of ability and
talents that we receive. While talents are involved in spiritual gifts, we
should keep in mind that in bestowing a spiritual gift the Holy Spirit
also always gives a specific task or ministry that goes along with it
(1 Pet. 4:10). Thus, we might say that spiritual gifts are certain capaci-
ties given supernaturally by God through the Holy Spirit. These gifts
fit the person for a special type of service that will build up the church.
To reach that goal, diverse gifts are needed.
W ednesday February 22
There are some Christians who think that the spiritual gifts men-
tioned in the New Testament were restricted to the times of Jesus and
the apostles. They argue that, with the death of the first apostles, the
special spiritual gifts also have ceased to be present in the church.
In support of such a view, they quote 1 Corinthians 13:10, where
the apostle Paul states that “when the perfect comes, the partial will
be done away” (NASB). Yes, there will be a time when the gifts will
cease. But they will cease only when the perfect has come; that is,
when we no longer see as through a dark glass, but face to face, when
Jesus comes again. The Bible tells us that the spiritual gifts are given
to build up the church (1 Cor. 12:28). Paul admonishes the believers
to “desire earnestly spiritual gifts” (1 Cor. 14:1, NASB). They are nec-
essary to the well-being of the body. In the absence of any scriptural
proof that God has abolished them, we have to assume that He intends
them to remain until the church has completed its mission, and Christ
has come again.
The work of God will be completed at the end of time with power
and strength far exceeding the first beginnings. As long as the church
is called to prepare the world for Christ’s second coming, God will
not leave the members of the church without help in fulfilling their
mission. But these gifts will never supersede the Bible, nor occupy the
same place as the Bible. Rather, they are a fulfillment of the biblical
promise to equip the believers so that they can build up the body of
Christ and prepare the world for the soon coming of Jesus.
T hursday February 23
While there are genuine spiritual gifts present in the church, the
Bible also warns us not to believe every spirit but rather to test the spir-
its by their conformity to Scripture, their consistency, and whether they
exalt Jesus as the Lord. It is necessary to “distinguish between spirits”
(1 Cor. 12:10, ESV) because not everything that pretends to come from
God is really from God. We are warned that there are demonic powers
seeking to mislead the church and that there are devilish reproductions
of the genuine gifts of the Spirit, such as false teachings, false proph-
ecy, lying visions, counterfeit tongue-speaking, occult healing powers,
misleading signs and wonders, et cetera.
Some who accept the validity of the spiritual gifts even today, how-
ever, have placed a special emphasis on some spiritual gifts and have
given unwarranted prominence to the presence of special signs and
wonders. It is interesting that Paul lists the gift of discernment imme-
diately after he mentioned the gift of “effecting of miracles” and the
gift of “prophecy” and before he mentions the gift of tongues (1 Cor.
12:10, NASB).
In order to preserve the church in truth and unity and to safeguard
the members from following false prophets and being deluded by false
signs and miracles, God gives the church the gift of discernment. Biblical
maturity, knowledge, and faithfulness to God’s Word in belief and prac-
tice are needed to make proper evaluations. The basis for all discernment,
however, has to be the Word of God. Only through testing everything by
the Word can we know for sure whether what we are hearing or seeing is
truly from the Lord or, instead, from somewhere else.
“The man who makes the working of miracles the test of his faith
will find that Satan can, through a species of deceptions, perform
wonders that will appear to be genuine miracles. . . . Let not the days
pass by and precious opportunities be lost of seeking the Lord with all
the heart and mind and soul. If we accept not the truth in the love of it,
we may be among the number who will see the miracles wrought by
Satan in these last days, and believe them. Many strange things will
appear as wonderful miracles, which should be regarded as deceptions
manufactured by the father of lies. . . . Men under the influence of
evil spirits will work miracles.”—Ellen G. White, Selected Messages,
book 2, pp. 52, 53.
F riday February 24
Some have asked, “Why don’t we see the same kind of miracles,
such as the miraculous healings, today that were seen in Bible times?”
First, we do hear stories about miracles. And surely some people have
seen them firsthand, too. Second, when reading the Bible, we can get
the impression that miracles were always happening. But we get that
impression only because the Holy Spirit inspired the authors to write
about events that were crucial in establishing the early church, and these
events often included miracles. We could imagine that in most cases,
and most of the time, things back then were the way they are today:
people being taught the Word of God and then responding to the Holy
Spirit. And, finally, Ellen G. White wrote: “The way in which Christ
worked was to preach the Word, and to relieve suffering by miraculous
works of healing. But I am instructed that we cannot now work in this
way, for Satan will exercise his power by working miracles. God’s
servants today could not work by means of miracles, because spurious
works of healing, claiming to be divine, will be wrought. For this reason
the Lord has marked out a way in which His people are to carry forward
a work of physical healing, combined with the teaching of the Word.
Sanitariums are to be established, and with these institutions are to be
connected workers who will carry forward genuine medical missionary
work. Thus a guarding influence is thrown around those who come to
the sanitariums for treatment.”—Selected Messages, book 2, p. 54.
Discussion Questions:
What is the difference between the fruit of the Spirit and the
gifts of the Spirit?
How can the understanding that the gifts are given by a lov-
ing and wise God help us to appreciate the various gifts in our
i n s i d e
The Newspaper Ad:
Part 1
Kim leafed through the newspaper, scanning the headlines and reading
the stories that caught his interest. His eyes fell on a small advertisement
in the lower corner of the page. He read it absently, then stopped and
read it again. He turned the page and continued reading, but his mind
returned to that small advertisement. The few sentences in the advertise-
ment invited readers to join a Bible study that was meeting on Tuesday
Kim flipped back through the newspaper, drawn to the ad as a moth
is drawn to a flame. He read the ad again, sensing that it offered some-
thing that he needed, that he had been searching for.
Kim had always been interested in spiritual things. Although his
family, like most in Denmark, wasn’t religious, Kim always believed
in good, if not in God. Kim sensed that life was filled with struggles
between good and evil. He had seen evil in the alcohol and drugs and
violence that he’d encountered, and he reasoned that if evil existed,
then somewhere good must exist as well.
He tried to live a good life, but his failures frustrated him. He
searched for ways to embrace goodness without realizing that the
good he was looking for was God.
In his search for goodness, Kim adopted a healthy lifestyle and
became a vegetarian. He shared what he was learning with his family,
but he was careful not to overwhelm them with too much information.
Over the course of time his parents saw the wisdom in his healthy
As he read books on health, he was introduced to the New Age
movement. New Age teachings don’t deny God; instead they teach
that God exists within every person as a force for good. But salvation
through Jesus Christ isn’t a part of New Age.
When Kim faced some personal problems, he realized that the New
Age movement didn’t hold all the answers. There had to be something
more to life that he hadn’t yet discovered. He began to question God.
Was He real? Did He care about humanity? Could He love a person
and help him or her in times of trouble? If God cared about him, Kim
wanted to meet Him.