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2. Which of the following (n, l, ml, ms) combinations is possible for an electron in an atom?
A. 3, 3, 1, −1/2 B. 6, 0, 2, ½ C. 3, 2, 2, 1/2 D. 3, 1, −1, 1
3. Frequency and wavelength of the matter wave associated with a free electron with kinetic energy 5 keV are:
A. 1.5 × 1034 Hz, 3.9 × 10−10 m B. 1.5 × 1018 Hz, 1.3 × 10−14 m
C. 2.4 × 1015 Hz, 1.2 × 10−9 m D. 1.2 × 1018 Hz, 1.7 × 10−11 m
4. Which of following reactions is the fission:
14 − 14 19
A. 6C + 7β N B. 9 F +11 p 168 O +42 He
235 139 95 3 1 4
92 U 54 Xe 38 Sr 1 H 1 H 2 He
C. n + + + 2n D. + + + 19.2 MeV
5. Which of following statements is wrong :
Δm= 0,±1
A. B. ∆l = ±1 C. ∆ms = ±1/2 D. None of mentioned rules is correct
6. An electron in a hydrogen atom drops from the n=5 energy level to the n=3 energy level. The energy of the
emitted photon is:
A. 4.91eV B. 1.51eV C. 0.97eV D. 3.40eV
7. The binding energy of a nucleus is the energy that must be supplied to:
A.remove a nucleon B.remove an alpha particle C.remove a beta particle D.separate the nucleus into nucleons
8. A radionuclide decays to a nuclide with A decreasing by 2, and with Z decreasing by 2. This is an example of:
B. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference.
C. The speed of light in vacuum is the same in all inertial frames of reference and is dependent of the motion of
the source.
D. Both B and C.
15. Einstein suggested that:
A. Light is composed of tiny particles called protons.
B. The speed of photon is c = m/s in free space and equal v = c/n in medium
C. Each photon has energy where h: Planck’s constant, : light frequency
D. All of the above
16. Planck assumed:
A. Energy can only be absorbed or released in tiny discrete packets, which are an integer multiple of a quantum
B. Quantum energy of an electromagnetic wave of frequency is defined by the formula energy , where
h is Plank’s constant.
C. Both A and B. D. None of these.
17. An alpha particle (m = 6.64 x10-27 kg) emitted in the radioactive decay of uranium-238 has an energy of 4.20
MeV. What is its de Broglie wavelength?
A. 7.02 x10-15m B. 5.67 x10-15m C. 1.67 x10-15m D. 7.20 x10-15m
18. Two stars, both of which behave like ideal blackbodies, radiate the same total energy per second. The cooler
one has a surface temperature T and a diameter 3.0 times that of the hotter star. What is the temperature of the
hotter star in terms of T?
A. 4T B. 1.7T C. 2.04T D. 2T
19. As measured by an observer on the earth, a spacecraft runway on earth has a length of 3900 m. What is the
length of the runway as measured by a pilot of a spacecraft flying past at a speed of 12x10 7 m/s relative to the
A. 3574.4 m B. 3676.5 m C. 3764.2 m D. 3823.4 m
20. A meson moving through a laboratory of length x at a speed v decays after a lifetime T as measured by an
1. (2 pts) A black-body emits the radiation with the greatest intensity wavelength 0.760 μm. Calculate:
a) The temperature of the body.
b) The energy radiated per second from 10cm2 of the body surface.
2. (1.5 pts) An electron is in a quantum state for which the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum
is .
a) How many allowed values of the z component of the angular momentum are there? Sketch the schema
expressing mentioned cases.
b) Calculate the maximal angle between and the z axis.
3. (1.5 pts) a) Calculate the minimum energy required to separate a tritium (3H) into its component parts
(1amu= 931.2 MeV), where mproton = 1.00727 amu, mneutron = 1.00866 amu, mtritium = 3.0161 amu.
b) Why should the fusion occur in the condition of very high temperature (~106 K) ?