14. Unitwise Question Bank
14. Unitwise Question Bank
14. Unitwise Question Bank
22. Explain how these elements influence the accuracy of measurements. (13)
standards. (13)
26. Give the structure of generalized measurements system and explain in detail. (13)
27. (a) Illustrate the desirable characteristics of precision measuring instruments (8)
(b) Discuss about the fundamental and derived units in details. (5)
(a) With suitable example explain the difference between precision and accuracy.
30. Distinguish between and give appropriate examples in each case, (13)
31. Obtain the expression for the step response of a second order system. (13)
33. What is the need of calibration? Explain the classifications of various standards. (13)
35. What are thevarious possible sources of errors in measurements? Explain in detail.
41. Point out any four precautions to be taken while using gauge blocks.
42. Why rocking procedure is followed when measuring with a dial bore gauge?
43. A 100 mm sine bar was used to measure the tapper angle of the specimen and
47. List out any four angular measuring instruments used in metrology.
48. A vernier scale consists of 25 divisions on 12 mm spacing and the main scale
54. Name any four instruments used measuring internal diameters in components.
collimator. (8)
ii) Describe the GO and NOGO gauge design procedure with a sketch (5)
63. Calculate the limits for a hole shaft pair designated 25 H8/d9.Show graphically
the deposition of tolerance zones with reference to the zero line. The lower
deviation for a H type hole is zero. 25 mm lies in the diameter range 18mm to
30 mm. Standard tolerance foe IT 8 is 25i and IT 9 is 40i, where "i" is the
(b) Explain the vernier height gauge with neat sketch. (8)
67. How slip gauges are manufactured? Write notes on slip gauge accessories and
its calibration.
68. (a) What is a comparator? Explain any two types of Mechanical comparator. (8)
69. Explain the construction and working principle autocollimator with neat a
70. Describe with the help of a neat, any two bevel protractors. (13)
71. Define straightness. Describe any one method of measuring straightness of the
72. Explain working principle of sine bar and why sine bars are not suitable for
73. Describe working principle of angle Dekkor with the neat sketch and also write
its application.
76. Calculate the tolerances, fundamental deviations and limits of sizes for the shaft
‘i’ is the standard tolerance unit. Upper deviation for ‘f’ shaft is -5.5D0.41,40 mm
77. Design a workshop type progressive type Go-Not-GO plug gauge suitable for
80. How laser is used in measurement? Explain the basic principle involved in any
one application.
102. (a) With a neat sketch explain the dimensional measurements using laser gauge.
103. (a) With a neat sketch describe the working of AC laser interferometer. (8)
104. Describe the working principle of a dual frequency laser interferometer with a
105. (a) Discuss the working principle of the NPL Flatness interferometer. (8)
(b) What is meant by alignment test on machine tools? Give its importance.
106. Explain the construction and working of various types of CMM (13)
108. (a) Discuss about the various causes of errors in CMM (5)
109. List out the methods of operating and controlling a CMM (8)
110. (a) Briefly explain the important features available in CMM software. (8)
(b) With neat diagram explain the working principle of tough trigger probes. (5)
111. (a) Define machine vision. Name four types of machine vision systems. (8)
15. Explain briefly the different parameters used in measurement of surface
texture. May/June-14, Set-2
16. Differentiate between primary and secondary texture. OCT/NOV -17, Set-1,
OCT/NOV -16, Set-1
Differentiate between surface roughness and waviness. Nov-15, Set-1
Write the difference between surface roughness and surface waviness.
May/June-14, Set-1
17. Discuss the following terms in connection with surface finish measurement: (i)
Waviness, (ii) Lay,
(iii) Roughness, (iv) Centre line profile. [4M] Nov-15, Set-4
18. Describe various methods of numerical assessment of surface finish. [4M] Nov-
15, Set-1
19. State the possible causes of each of the various types of irregularities found in
surface texture. Show how surface having the same numerical assessment may
have the different properties and textures. OCT/NOV -17, Set-1
20. How surface texture is related to tolerances on a surface dimension? Discuss
which measure of surface roughness is now recommended by ISO? OCT/NOV -
17, Set-3
21. Describe Centre Line Average method of finding surface roughness value. How
do you determine mean line? Describe with a graph. Explain the terms
Traversing Length and True Profile length of a surface texture. OCT/NOV -17,
22. Enumerate the different modes of defining surface texture. OCT/NOV -17, Set-4
Explain different methods of measuring surface finish.
23. Describe the principle and working of Tracer type profilograph with the help
of a neat sketch. OCT/NOV -17, Set-4
Describe the working principle of profilograph. Nov-15, Set-2
24. Explain with a neat sketch, the principle and working of Talysurf surface
roughness tester for the measurement of surface finish. OCT/NOV -16, Set-2
Explain the neat sketch, the working of Taylor Hobson Talysurf. OCT/NOV -16,
Describe with a neat sketch the construction, principle and operation of
Talysurf. NOV -15, Set-1 OR
Explain With a neat sketch explain the working of Taylor Hobson Talysurf
instrument for surface roughness measurement. April/May -13, Set-3
25. Explain profilometer for the measurement of surface finish. OCT/NOV -16, Set-4
With a neat sketch explain about profilometer. April/May -13, Set-2
26. Brief about Tomlinson surface recorder. OCT/NOV -17, Set-2
27. With a neat sketch explain the working of double microscope for evaluating
surface roughness. April/May -13, Set-4
28. Describe in detail about reasons for controlling surface texture and order
of geometric irregularities. April/May -13, Set-1
29. What are various orders of geometrical irregularities on surfaces? How these
are classified? [4M] Nov-15,Set-3
30. What is a comparator? How they are classified? State the various uses of
comparators. April/May-13, Set-4
31. Mention the basic requirements of a comparator. [3M] Nov-15, Set-2
List out various characteristics of comparator.
32. Explain the system of displacement amplification used in mechanical
33. With the help of neat sketch explain the working principle of a reed type
mechanical comparator. [8M] Nov-15,Set-2
34. Explain with a neat sketch the principle and working of sigma comparator.
Oct/Nov.-16, Set-2,4
35. Why damping is essential in mechanical comparators? How it is achieved in
sigma comparator?
36. Explain the differential comparator with neat sketch.
37. Describe in detail about Johansson Mikrokrator with a neat sketch. April/May -
13, Set-1
38. Describe in detail about Zeiss optotest comparator with neat sketch and list
out their advantages also. April/May -13, Set-3
39. State the principle on which the optical comparators are based. Oct/Nov.-16,
40. Describe the principle of mechanical comparator with neat sketch. May/June-
14, Set-3
41. Compare among measuring instrument, gauge and comparator.
42. Describe and sketch two types of comparators with special reference to the
means of magnifying the movement of the stylus. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-4
43. What are the requirements of a good comparator? Explain with the help of a
neat sketch how these features are achievable in the “sigma comparator”.
Oct/Nov.-17, Set-1
44. Differentiate between a comparator and measuring machine. Discuss
the fundamental requirements of a comparator. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-2
45. With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of electrical comparators.
April/May -13, Set-3
46. Explain with a neat sketch any one of the electrical comparator. Oct/Nov.-16,
47. With the help of a line diagram explain the working of LVDT.
48. What are the advantages, uses and disadvantages of electrical comparators?
[6M] Nov-15, Set-3
49. Describe the working principle of an electronic comparator. [5M] Nov-15,Set-4
50. Explain how a pneumatic comparator works and briefly enumerate the
advantages of different pneumatic comparators. Oct/Nov-16, Set-3
51. Explain with a neat sketch construction and working of the solex pneumatic
comparator. Oct/Nov- 16, Set-1
52. Describe the working principle of a solex pneumatic comparator. Nov-15, Set-4
53. Explain the specific advantages and limitations of pneumatic comparator
over other comparators used in practice. Oct/Nov-17, Set-3
54. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic comparators?
May/June-14, Set-4
1. Explain base circle, pitch circle, pitch circle diameter with the help of figure.
2. Explain how various elements of screw thread are measured.
[3M] Nov.-15, Set1 OR
3. Enumerate various screw thread parameters for metrological measurement.
Also enlist instruments corresponding to their measurements. [4M] Nov.-
4. Describe the tooth thickness measurement with flange micro meter. [4M] Nov.-
15, Set4
5. Differentiate between simple effective diameter and virtual effective
diameter of an external screw. [4M] Nov.-15,Set3
6. Explain the method of checking the thread form and angle. [4M] Nov.-15, Set4
7. What is the “Best size” wire?
8. Define the term constant chord. Calculate the chord length and its distance
below the tooth tip for a gear of module 3 and 20 pressure angle. April-10,set2
9. Calculate chord length and its distance below the tooth tip for a gear of
module 4 mm and pressure angle 200.Oct/Nov-17, Set-1
With neat sketch explain the working of a Rolling gear tester. [6M] Nov.-15, Set-
21. Explain about automatic gear measuring machine with neat sketch. April/May-
13, Set-3
22. With a neat sketch, explain about checking involute shape of gear. Oct/Nov.-
16, Set-4, Aril/May- 13, Set-3
Explain the method to check involute profile of a screw thread. [5M] Nov.-15,
23. Explain about total composite error and tooth to tooth composite errors. [4M]
Nov.-15, Set-3
24. Explain the principle of operation of a rolling gear tester. State the errors in a
spur gear that can be detected by the rolling gear tester. Oct/Nov.-16, Set-1
25. Explain about bench micrometer for measuring major diameter of threads.
April/May-13, Set-1
26. Write short notes on “errors in screw threads”. Oct/Nov.-16, Set-2
Explain the different errors in screw threads in engineering metrology.
May/June-14, Set-3
27. Define error in measurement. Explain the types of errors in screw thread
and gear measurement. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-4
28. Describe in brief how the errors in elements of thread affect the working of the
threaded elements.
29. Describe the following terms in screw threads: (i) Major diameter, (ii) Minor
diameter, (iii) Tooth thickness and (iv) Pitch [4M] Nov.-15, Set-2
30. Discuss on angle of thread, thread pitch, and profile thread gauges. [6M] Nov.-
15, Set-3
31. Explain about thread micrometer for measuring effective diameter with neat
sketch. April/May- 13, Set-2
32. Explain the (i) Two wire method (ii) Three wire method with neat sketches.
May/June-14, Set-3
33. Compare two wire and three wire methods of measuring the effective diameter
of a screw.
34. Explain how effective diameter of an internal thread can be measured?
35. What are the two corrections applied in the measurement of effective
diameter by the method of wires?
36. Derive expression for best size wire diameter.
Oct/Nov.-17, Set-4 OR
What is ‘best size of wire’ for effective diameter measurement? Derive a
relationship for the best size wire in terms of its effective diameter. [6M] Nov.-
15, Set-2
37. Calculate the effective diameter and best wire diameter for M22x2.5 srew
plug by using floating carriage micrometer for which reading were taken as:
Diameter of standard cylinder = 20 mm
Micrometer reading over standard cylinder with two wire = 15.9334 mm
Micrometer reading over plug screw gauge with two wire = 15.2245 mm.
Oct/Nov.-17, Set-3
38. Briefly explain the measuring of effective diameter by using 3- wire method.
Oct/Nov.-16, Set-2
39. With a neat sketch illustrate how the effective diameter of a screw thread
may be checked using the three-wire method. [6M] Nov.-15, Set-1
40. Define “effective diameter “. Explain the 3-wire method of finding the effective
diameter of screw threads. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-1
41. Explain 2-wire method pf measuring effective diameter of a screw thread.
Oct/Nov.-16, Set-3 OR
42. With a neat sketch explain how the simple effective diameter of a screw
thread may be checked using the two-wire method. [7M] Nov.-15, Set-4
43. Describe a pitch measuring machine with a neat sketch. April/May-13, Set-3
44. Briefly describe with necessary sketches how the following elements of
screw thread are measured. Oct/Nov.-16, Set-1
45. Describe the pitch measurement of internal screw threads by various methods.
[5M] Nov.-15, Set-1
46. Describe with a neat sketch the measurement of pitch of internal and external
screw threads using a pitch measuring machine. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-2
22. Explain various instruments required for performing the alignment tests on
machine tools.
23. Distinguish between alignment tests and performance tests on machine tools.
[4M] Nov.-15, Set-1
Differentiate geometric and practical tests on machine tools. [6M] Nov.-15, Set-
24. With neat sketches describe the following tests on the lathe. Oct/Nov.-16, Set-1
(i) Spindle centre run- out
(ii) Spindle taper bore run – out
(iii) Cros slide run - out
(iv)Chuck run - out
25. What is meant by alignment tests on machine tools? Why they are necessary?
Briefly describe any five alignment tests that can be performed on a Lathe
Machine. Oct/Nov.-16, Set-4
26. Explain alignment tests for lathe machine. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-1
27. Explain in detail with suitable sketches about various alignment tests
performed on a lathe. [10M] Nov.-15, Set-1
28. Explain alignment tests for milling machine. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-3
Briefly describe the various alignment tests that can be performed on a
milling machine. Oct/Nov.-16, Set-3
Explain with suitable sketches the various alignment tests performed
on milling machine. [10M] Nov.-15, Set-3
29. Briefly explain the various alignment tests that can be performed on a shaper.
April/ May-13, Set- 2
30. Explain alignment tests for drilling machine. Oct/Nov.-17, Set-2
Briefly describe the various alignment tests that can be performed on a
drilling machine. Oct/Nov.-16, Set-2
31. Describe how you would perform alignment tests on drilling machine. [7M]
Nov.-15, Set-2