Emdad Company Profile 21 October 2024 1
Emdad Company Profile 21 October 2024 1
Emdad Company Profile 21 October 2024 1
EMDAD in Brief 03
Company History 04
Upstream Services 10
Downstream Services 15
Emdad Services 16
Sustainability 22
Company Awards 28
Founded in 1979, EMDAD Group has been at the forefront of the UAE’s rapid
economic development and the transformation of its customers into global leaders.
Recognizing this trajectory, EMDAD has strategically evolved into an integrated
services provider for the Energy, Utilities, Petrochemical, Power, Nuclear, and
Industrial sectors within the UAE. By leveraging its own resources and effectively
integrating partner capabilities, EMDAD has played a vital role in enhancing
the reliability and performance of Abu Dhabi’s prominent energy players and
continuously building a sustainable future for its communities. I am pleased with
our group overall performance, our people knowledge and commitment. Our
dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction sets us apart, as we remain
focused on pushing boundaries and delivering value to our clients and partners in
the ever-evolving energy landscape. I am eager to embrace the opportunities that
lie ahead and continue working towards a more sustainable future for generations
to come.
Founding of Al Bawardi Oil &
Gas. Started strong business
partnership with worldwide
2001 leading products & service
• Re-branded to Emdad LLC
• Shareholders expanded
from 2 to 11
• Acquisition of IGC 2003
• JV formed with Transfield • Launching of Marine
Australia Capabilities (MarCap LLC)
• JV formed with Sanjel.
JV with Transfield was
fully acquired by Emdad
Establishing Emdad Services.
JV with Sanjel was acquired
by Emdad Launching of
EMJEL Oil Field Services
Launching of Emdad
Treatment of Oil-Based Mud
Cutting Services
Launching of MarCap Saudi
Launching of Emdad Well
Intervention (Fishing &
Whipstock Services)
Introducing Emdad Whipstock
(Fully designed and
manufactured in UAE)
Establishing of Emdad
Hose Manufacturing at M45
Facility with collaboration of
Continental Group 2022
Launching of Emdad Energy
4 EMDAD’s-Corporate
EMDAD’s- CorporateProfile
Mission & Vision
We are fully committed to taking a leading role in the energy transition,
by implementing state of the art technologies focusing on areas such
as Unconventional oil production, Digital oil fields, Cost optimization,
and Sustainability. We recognize our responsibility in assisting both
the UAE and the world by partnerships & innovators in achieving a
Net-Zero economy, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring
a sustainable future.
To maintain our position as the preferred national partner for our
customers, providing them with exceptional services and solutions.
For our shareholders, we strive to create long-term value and
sustainable growth. Additionally, we are dedicated to serving our
community by delivering reliable, affordable, and environmentally
friendly energy with minimal emissions.
EMDAD’s- CorporateProfile
Profile 55
Core Values
6 EMDAD’s-Corporate
EMDAD’s- CorporateProfile
Company Leadership Team
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating and Bussines Group QHSE Manager
Development Officer
Group Commercial Director
Group Finance Director GM – EMDAD Services
MDAD has been a leading player in the providing products and services for improving
UAE industry for more than 45 years by efficiency, productivity, reducing risk, achieving
unleashing the lifecycle of the assets net-zero with game-changing performance
from exploration to well construction. These improvements, and delivering competitive
include directional drilling, pressure pumping, advantage added value proposition to today’s
well cementing, coiled tubing CTU, stimulation, market – locally, regionally and globally.
Nitrogen N2, fracturing, well completion, well
The oil and gas industry brings a distinctive set
intervention fishing & milling solutions and inter-
of challenges to operators. As reserves diminish
casing pressure control by optimizing production
and product demand fluctuates, the efficiency,
to rejuvenate the life of the field.
accuracy, and reliability of support services
become more critical than ever.
We provide innovative products, services and
solutions for every aspect of the oil & gas industry Our customized innovative integrated services
that covers the mature field development, the and engineering solutions can help eliminate
enhancement of oil recovery and unconventional nonproductive and invisible lost time, ultimately
operations. Our reputation for providing unique improving and optimizing the overall performance.
integrated solutions by talented
Our people are committed to anticipating and
experts and innovation has
meeting your quality, safety, compliance, and
positioned us as a
performance needs with consistent, reliable
market leader in
assurance and cost-effective solutions.
At EMDAD, well intervention services encompass inventory of proprietary junk, pilot and section
a wide range of Fishing systems and Downhole mills, specifically designed to mill through
tools that are utilized to effectively remove any stationary or loose obstructions in a wellbore.
wellbore obstruction. This comprehensive EMDAD’s team of skilled welders also enables
approach ensures a safe and efficient resolution us to provide customized mill or wash over shoe
to wellbore problems, ultimately reducing designs as needed. Our patented Whipstock with
associated costs. proven records differentiates us amongst others.
Our services include both Cased-Hole and By employing these advanced techniques and
Open-Hole solutions, which are overseen tools, EMDAD aims to minimize downtime and
by experienced supervisors known for their optimize drilling operations for their clients,
expertise in the field. We boast an extensive delivering exceptional results.
Solutions Include:
Casing Exit Services (Whipstock)
Marcap’s services include offshore support, logistical support and offshore transportation,
project management, cross chartering and managing of vessels.
The company is aiming to become the leading marine solutions provider while maintaining
reliable, trustworthy and high-quality services to its current and future customers.
You can read more about Marcap here: https://www.marcap.ae/
oving downstream, we seamlessly transition our capabilities to
deliver innovative solutions that facilitate refining, processing,
and distribution of energy products. Whether it’s optimizing
refining processes, designing state-of-the-art storage facilities,
or implementing efficient transportation networks, we excel
at developing integrated solutions that enhance productivity,
reliability, and safety.
The most matured solutions EMDAD was offering since 2005 and has grown wide in the market
with some of the biggest clients spread across the oil and gas industry in UAE including other
regions. Emdad Services executes shutdowns and turnarounds, catalyst handling, Commissioning,
decommissioning and electromechanical works to the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)
group of companies and other major clients.
Solutions Include:
Turnaround Shutdowns
Retrofit, Valves Testing &
Manpower Supply
Catalyst Services
Hydrojetting, Bundle
Flange Management,
Bolting & Torquing
Across all our operations, we have always aimed to keep pace with steady
developments defining the emirates and the region’s industrial landscape.
Solutions Include:
Renewable Energy & System Integration
HYBRID Systems
BEMS Systems
Fire and Gas Detection and Suppression Systems
Electromechanical EPC - Maintenance
Green Field
Brown Field
Tie-Ins, Upgrades, Hot-Tapping.
Manufacturing & Repair
Piping / Structural Fabrication
Pressure Vessel Fabrication &
Repair (U & R-stamp)
Skid Manufacturing
ISO Container Fabrication for
Onshore and Offshore
Mechinering & Manufacturing
Whipstock and special downhole tools.
Fishing and Milling Equipments
Cutomized solution products
Solutions Include:
Solutions include:
Cathodic protection:
EPC Contracts
AI Intergration
ustainability is a core aspect of EMDAD’s lighting across all our facilities and solar lights in
vision, reflecting the values of the UAE’s our plants. We are actively pursuing solar panel
founding father, the late H.H. Sheikh installations at our workshops in Mussafah main
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who championed facility as part of our sustainability initiatives.
the protection of our ecosystem. At EMDAD,
we have made significant strides toward this In addition, we practice waste reuse and
important goal, with a clear roadmap to achieve recycling through approved service providers at
both national and international sustainability all our facilities. We are committed to reducing
objectives. our transportation impact by optimizing our
logistics, allowing us to utilize more space and
As part of our efforts, we have transitioned our reduce the number of trips made by our trucks.
Mud Treatment Plant operations from diesel
generators to the grid, significantly reducing our As a responsible company, EMDAD regularly
operational carbon footprint. We also reuse water engages in sustainability campaigns such as
extracted from OBM treatment for cooling towers mangrove planting, waste clean-up drives, Earth
and repurpose wastewater from our camps Hour, and promoting the use of recycled products
to water plants on our facilities after proper in our offices and events to raise awareness
treatment. Furthermore, we have installed LED among our employees.
t EMDAD, our bedrock is an unswerving to established protocols but also consistently
dedication to maintaining the highest evolving to meet emerging industry standards.
standards in Quality, Health, Safety, and
Environment (QHSE). The QHSE management EMDAD’s Management is resolutely committed
system at EMDAD is dynamic, perpetually to an ongoing journey of improvement in
evolving to align with the requisites of international QHSE performance. We ensure that our QHSE
standards, our valued external clients and Management System remains not only compliant
our internal organizational framework. This with the best practices of our industry but also
commitment is substantiated by an impressive in perfect alignment with the legal requisites
array of certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, applicable in our market.
ISO 45001, API Spec Q1, API Spec Q2, API 6A,
API 7K, ASME U, and NBBI “R” stamps. These Our repository of policies related to QHSE serves
certifications not only stand as a testament to as a tangible manifestation of our commitment.
our steadfast adherence to the industry’s highest They stand as a testament to our pledge to deliver
standards but also as a reflection of our pledge services of the highest quality while maintaining
to operate at the pinnacle of excellence. an unyielding commitment to safeguarding the
well-being of individuals, the environment, and
The effectiveness of our QHSE Management the communities we serve. At EMDAD, every
System is vigilantly scrutinized through a regimen team member is vested with the authority and the
of internal and external audits, complemented by responsibility to intervene in any unsafe situation,
comprehensive management reviews conducted address QHSE concerns promptly, and ensure
at regular intervals. This rigorous assessment that our policies and procedures are rigorously
ensures that our practices are not only adhering adhered to.
Our Certifications:
ISO 9001 - 2015
6A - 2043 NBBI “R” ASME “U” ISO 14001 - 2015
Q1 - 1630 Q2 - 0165 7K - 0564 Certificate Certificate ISO 45001 - 2018
EMDAD is dedicated to ensuring the safety of its to conduct basic HSE reporting and inspections.
employees. We are excited to announce that a It is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.
new HSE application is now fully operational and
utilized by all members of the EMDAD group. Web Link:
EMDAD LLC DBA Emdad Energy Industries – Sole Proprietorship – LLC EMDAD LLC DBA Emdad Energy Industries – Sole Proprietorship – LLC
Plot No. 1, Sector M45 Plot No. 1, Sector M45
Mussafah, Abu Dhabi Mussafah, Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
6A-2043 7K-0564
The scope of this license includes the following: Blind and Test Flanges, Tees and Crosses, Top Connectors at The scope of this license includes the following: High Pressure Mud and Cement Hoses at FSL 0, at FSL 1, at
PSL 1, PSL 2, PSL 3; Bullplugs FSL 2
QMS Exclusions: Design and Development QMS Exclusions: No Exclusions Identified as Applicable
Senior Vice President of Global Industry Services Senior Vice President of Global Industry Services
Q1-1630 Q2-0165
Maintenance, Testing and Repair of Valves, Actuators and Wellhead Equipment Provision of Rental, Inspection and Refurbishment of Downhole Drilling Equipment &
Tubulars; Conventional & Through Tubing Fishing Service and Whipstock Systems for
Directional Drilling Service for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry
Senior Vice President of Global Industry Services Vice President of Global Industry Services
Repairs and Alterations
Shop and Field Locations
Executive Director
The named company is authorized by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers The named company is authorized by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers The named company is authorized by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) for the scope of activity shown below in accordance with the applicable rules of (ASME) for the scope of activity shown below in accordance with the applicable rules of (ASME) for the scope of activity shown below in accordance with the applicable rules of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The use of the ASME Single Certification the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The use of the ASME Single Certification the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The use of the ASME Single Certification
Mark and the authority granted by this Certificate of Authorization are subject to the Mark and the authority granted by this Certificate of Authorization are subject to the Mark and the authority granted by this Certificate of Authorization are subject to the
provisions of the agreement set forth in the application. Any construction stamped with provisions of the agreement set forth in the application. Any construction stamped with provisions of the agreement set forth in the application. Any construction stamped with
the ASME Single Certification Mark shall have been built strictly in accordance with the the ASME Single Certification Mark shall have been built strictly in accordance with the the ASME Single Certification Mark shall have been built strictly in accordance with the
provisions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. provisions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. provisions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Emdad Energy Industries - Sole Proprietorship L.L.C. Emdad Energy Industries - Sole Proprietorship L.L.C. Emdad Energy Industries - Sole Proprietorship L.L.C.
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Manufacture of pressure vessels at the above location and field sites controlled Manufacture of Class 1 and Class 2 pressure vessels at the above Manufacture and assembly of power boilers at the above
by the above location (This authorization does not cover impregnated graphite) location and field sites controlled by the above location location and field sites controlled by the above location
AUTHORIZED: December 01, 2023 AUTHORIZED: December 01, 2023 AUTHORIZED: December 01, 2023
EXPIRES: December 01, 2026 EXPIRES: December 01, 2026 EXPIRES: December 01, 2026
Board Chair, Conformity Assessment Board Chair, Conformity Assessment Board Chair, Conformity Assessment
Managing Director, Standards & Engineering Services Managing Director, Standards & Engineering Services Managing Director, Standards & Engineering Services
This certificate is awarded to