Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella. She livedwith her father
and two stepsisters. While her stepsisters spent their time buying pretty clothes and going to
the parties, Cinderella wore old, ragged clothes and had to do all the hard work in the house.
The two sisters were selfish,unkind girls which showed in their faces. They never looked as
sweet as Cinderella.
One day a royal messanger came to announce that there was tobe a grand ball at the
King’s palace. The ball was in honour of the prince. Cinderella sisters were both excited. The
prince was very handsome and he had not yet found bride.
When the evening of the ball arrived, Cinderella had to help her sisters get ready.
They didn’t think for a minute that Cinderella might like to go to the ball. When her sisters
had driven off in their fine carriage, Cinderella sat all by herself and cried bitterly. “Why are
you crying , my dear?” said a voice. Cinderella looked up and was ammazed to see her fairy
godmother smiling down at her.
“I wish I could go to the ball and meet the prince,” said Cinderella wiping away her
tears. “Then you shall!” laughed her fairy godmother.
Then Cinderella ran into the garden and fetch the biggest pumpkin that she could find
and brought it to the fairy godmother. With a wave of her magic wand, the fairy had changed
the pumpkin into a wonderful golden coach. Then Cinderella went into the kitchen and
brought six mice to the fairy. Waving her magic wand again, the fairy godmother had
changed the mice into six gleaming white horses to pull the coach. Cinderella rubbed her eyes
in amazement.
Then Cinderella looked down at her old ragged clothes and said “ How can I go to the
ball in this old dress?” For the third time, her fairy godmother waved her magic wand. In a
trice, Cinderella was wearing a lovely white ballgown trimmed with blue silk ribbons. There
were jewel in her hair, and on her feet were dainty glass dancing slippers. “ Now off you go,”
said the fairy godmother. “Just remember,the magic can only last until midnight!”
So Cinderella went off to the ball in her sparkling golden coach. In the royal palace
everyone was enchanted by the beautiful girl in the white and blue dress. The prince thought
Cinderella was the loveliest girl he had ever seen. The prince asked Cinderella for a dance.
All the other girls were jealous of the mysterious stranger.
Cinderella danced with the prince all evening. She forgot her fairy godmother
warning until …dong…dong…dong…the clock began to strike midnight. Cinderella ran out
from the ballroom without a word. In her hurry, she lost one of her slippers. The prince ran
out as the lovely girl slipped out of sight.
When Cinderella’s sisters arrived home, they could talked off nothing but the
beautiful girl who had danced with the prince. Cinderella hardly heard their complaining. Her
head and her heart were whirling with memories of the handsome Prince who had held her in
his arms.
Meanwhile the prince was determined to find the mysterious beauty who had stolen
his heard. The glass slippers was the only clue he had. So, the prince set out to search the
kingdom for his bride. A royal messenger carried the slipper on a silk cushion. Every girl in
the land wanted to try the slipper. But although manytried, the slipper was always too small
and too dainty.
At last the prince came to Cinderella’s house. Each ugly sisters in turn tried to
squeeze her foot into the elegant slipper, but it was no use.Their feet were far to big and
clumsy. “Do you have any other daughter?” the prince asked Cinderella’s father. “One
more,” said the father.
Cinderella hung her head in shame. She did not want the prince to see her in her old
clothes. She sat down and tried the dainty slipper. Off course, it fitted her perfectly. The
prince looked at Cinderella sweet face and recognised the girl he had danced. “It is You,”
said the prince. “Please be my bride.” How happy Cinderella was. Her fairy godmother
appeared and waving her magic wand, dressed Cinderella in a gown fit for a princess.
Cinderella and the prince were married and lived happily ever after.
The end.