Private Car Comprehensive Policy: Certificate of Insurance Cum Policy Schedule
Private Car Comprehensive Policy: Certificate of Insurance Cum Policy Schedule
Private Car Comprehensive Policy: Certificate of Insurance Cum Policy Schedule
LIMITATIONS AS TO USE: The Policy covers use of the vehicle for any purpose other than: a) Hire or Reward b) Carriage of goods (other than samples or personal luggage) c) Organized racing d) Pace making
e ) Speed testing f) Reliability Trials g ) Any purpose in connection with Motor Trade. Persons or Class of Persons entitled to drive: Any person including the insured, provided that a person driving holds an
effective driving license at the time of the accident and is not disqualified from holding or obtaining such a license. Provided also that the person holding an effective learner's license may also drive the vehicle and
that such a person satisfies the requirements of Rule 3 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. Limits of Liability 1. Under Section II-1 (i) of the policy - Death of or bodily injury - Such amount as is
necessary to meet the requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. 2. Under Section II - 1(ii) of the policy -Damage to Third Party Property- ` 750000 3. P. A. Cover under Section III for Owner - Driver(CSI): `
1500000 Terms, Conditions & Exclusions: As per the Indian Motor Tariff. A personal copy of the same is available free of cost on request and the same is also available at our website.
I / We hereby certify that the policy to which the certificate relates as well as the certificate of insurance are issued in accordance with the provision of chapter X, XI of M. V.Act 1988.The stamp duty of Rs. 0.50
paid b y Demand Draft, vide Receipt/Challan no. LOA/CSD/547/2022/5450/22 dated 22/12/2022 as prescribed in Government of Maharashtra Order No. Mudrank No. 2017/CR.97/M-1, dated the 09th January 2018. I
/ We hereby declare that though our aggregate turnover in any preceding financial year from 2017-18 onwards is more than the aggregate turnover notified under sub-rule (4) of rule 48, we are not required to prepare
an invoice in terms of the provisions of the said sub-rule. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Insured is not indemnified if the vehicle is used or driven otherwise than in accordance with this Schedule. Any payment made
b y the Company b y reason of wider terms appearing in the Certificate in order to comply with the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 is recoverable from the Insured. See the clause headed "AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN
TERMS AND RIGHT OF RECOVERY". Disclaimer: The Policy shall be void from inception if the premium in full i s not realised by the company. In the event of misrepresentation, fraud or non-disclosure of
material fact, the Company reserves the right to cancel the Policy. Please note that the insured vehicle was pre-inspected and a report was prepared accordingly. The existing damages to the vehicle as mentioned
in the report shall not be paid by the Company. The policy is issued basis the information provided by you, which is available with the company. In case of discrepancy or non recording of relevant information in the
policy, the insured is requested to bring the same to the notice of the company within 15 days. GST for this invoice is not payable under reverse charge basis.
For Claim/Policy related queries call us at +91- 22 6234 6234/+91- 120 6234 6234 or Visit Help Section on for policy copy/tax certificate/make changes/register & track claim.
Goods & Services Tax Registration No: 36AABCL5045N1Z9 HSN Code 997134
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Reg No.146 UIN :IRDAN125RP0001V02201415. Customer Service Address: D 301, 3rd Floor,
CIN : U66030MH2007PLC177117. Registered & Corporate Office: 1st Floor, HDFC House, Eastern Business District (Magnet Mall), LBS Marg, Bhandup (West), Mumbai - 400 078.
165/166 Backbay Reclamation, H.T.Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020. Customer Service No : +91 22-62346234/+91-120 6234 6234 |
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
Certificate of Insurance cum Policy Schedule 2302205917819200000
Broker Name : LANDMARK INSURANCE BROKERS PVT LTD For HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Ltd
Broker Code : 200075064435 Tel No. : 91-8850766009 POSP PAN No.: ACWPP1760C
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Reg No.146 UIN :IRDAN125RP0001V02201415. Customer Service Address: D 301, 3rd Floor,
CIN : U66030MH2007PLC177117. Registered & Corporate Office: 1st Floor, HDFC House, Eastern Business District (Magnet Mall), LBS Marg, Bhandup (West), Mumbai - 400 078.
165/166 Backbay Reclamation, H.T.Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020. Customer Service No : +91 22-62346234/+91-120 6234 6234 |
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
Motor Insurance - Proposal Form cum Transcript Letter For Private Car Package
Broker Name : LANDMARK INSURANCE BROKERS PVT LTD Broker Code : 200075064435 Tel No. : 91-8850766009 POSP PAN No.: ACWPP1760C
Anti rebate clause
Prohibition of Rebates (Section 41 of Insurance Act, 1938 as amended) : 1. No person shall allow o r offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or
continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any
person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer: provided that acceptance by an
insurance agent of commission in connection with a policy of life insurance taken out by himself on his own life shall not be deemed to be acceptance of a rebate of premium within the meaning of this sub-section if
at the time of such acceptance the insurance agent satisfies the prescribed conditions establishing that he is a bona fide insurance agent employed by the insurer.
2. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to ten lakh rupees..
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Reg No.146 UIN :IRDAN125RP0001V02201415. Customer Service Address: D 301, 3rd Floor,
CIN : U66030MH2007PLC177117. Registered & Corporate Office: 1st Floor, HDFC House, Eastern Business District (Magnet Mall), LBS Marg, Bhandup (West), Mumbai - 400 078.
165/166 Backbay Reclamation, H.T.Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020. Customer Service No : +91 22-62346234/+91-120 6234 6234 |