Assignemnt 0
Assignemnt 0
Assignemnt 0
August-September 2022
1. (T)Let P (z) be a polynomial with real coefficients. Show that if z0 is a root of P then
so is z 0 .
2. Solve the following equations in polar form and locate the roots in the complex plane:
(a) z 4 = −1
(b) (T)z 4 = −1 + 3ι
4. Show that if two integers can be expressed as the sum of two squares, then so can their
5. (T)Show that the n-th roots of 1 (aside from 1) satisfy the cyclotomic equation z n−1 +
z n−2 + · · · + z + 1 = 0
8. For each of the following equations, give a geometric description of the set of complex
numbers. (a) (T)|z − z1 | = |z − z2 | (b) |z − z1 | + |z − z2 | = c (c) |z − 2 + 3ι| < 1 (d)
(T)0 ≤ z < π/4 (e) |z − 4| ≥ |z| (f) | Re z| ≥ a > 0
9. In each following functions f (z), compute the limit lim f (z). Hence conclude whether
the functions can be defined at z = 0 to become continuous.
(T)(a) 2z Re
(T)(b) ιz
(c) 3 Rez z
10. (T)Let
{(1 − ι)z + (1 + ι)z̄}2
f (z) = .
Show that lim lim f (z) = lim lim f (z) but lim f (z) does not exist.
x→0 y→0 y→0 x→0 z→0