SG Unit1MCQ 60598f326ebc85.60598f33456570.01104588
SG Unit1MCQ 60598f326ebc85.60598f33456570.01104588
SG Unit1MCQ 60598f326ebc85.60598f33456570.01104588
Unit 1 MCQ
1. The continuity equation indicates that the speed of a fluid flowing through a pipe will change when the
cross-sectional area of the pipe changes. Which of the following assumptions justify the use of the
continuity equation? Select two answers.
2. A balloon is floating in air. Which of the following describes the microscopic cause of the downward force
exerted on the air by the balloon?
Electrostatic attraction between the nuclei in the molecules in the air and the electrons in the molecules of the
Electrostatic repulsion between the nuclei in the molecules in the air and the nuclei in the molecules of the
Electrostatic repulsion between the electrons in the molecules in the air and the electrons in the molecules of
the balloon
D Gravitational attraction between the molecules of the air and the molecules of the balloon
A gas-filled balloon has a total average density of . The air surrounding the balloon has a density of .
The balloon is released from rest in a constant horizontal breeze directed north. If air resistance is negligible,
what is the shape of the path followed by the balloon?
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
A block is submerged in a container of liquid and held under the surface of the liquid by a string connected
to the bottom of the container, as shown in the figure above. The tension in the string is not zero. How does
the buoyant force FB exerted by the liquid on the block compare to the block’s weight w ?
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
A FB < w
B FB = w
C FB > w
5. A 3.0 kg block hanging from a spring scale is submerged in a beaker of water until the spring scale reads 20
N. What is the buoyant force on the block?
A 10 N
B 17 N
C 37 N
D 50 N
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
The figure above shows an object of mass 0.4 kg that is suspended from a scale and submerged in a liquid.
If the reading on the scale is 3 N, then the buoyant force that the fluid exerts on the object is most nearly
A 1.3 N
B 1.0 N
C 0.75 N
D 0.33 N
E 0.25 N
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
7. A liquid at rest in a fixed container exerts a force perpendicular to the wall of the container. Two students
make claims about the microscopic cause of this force.
Student says that the force exerted by individual molecules as they bounce off the wall is always
perpendicular to the wall.
Student says that the molecules may strike the wall at angles that are not perpendicular.
Which student is correct and why?
Student . If the molecules hit at nonperpendicular angles, there would be a component of force parallel to
the wall exerted on them. The net result would be macroscopic motion of the fluid.
Student . The molecules in a liquid are in random motion at the microscopic scale, so they move in every
B direction. Near the wall the molecules collide with each other in such a way that the components of their
motion not parallel to the wall cancel.
Student . The molecules in a liquid are in random motion at the microscopic scale. For every atom that hits
C at an angle to one side of perpendicular, there is likely to be another atom hitting at the same speed at the
same angle on the other side of perpendicular. On average the nonperpendicular components cancel.
Student . The walls of the container cannot move, so near the walls the parallel component of the motion of
the molecules is cancelled by the net force the wall exerts on the liquid.
A student is modeling the flow of air around an airplane wing, as shown in the figure. The model assumes
that the air behaves like a fluid. Which of the following can exert an upward force on the wing?
B The difference in the normal forces exerted on the wing by the air above and below the wing
C The difference in the force exerted by the air hitting the front of the wing and the back of the wing
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
Water enters the intake hose of a rotating sprinkler with two outlets, as shown in the figure. The density of the
water is , the height of the sprinkler arms above the intake hose is , the cross-sectional area of the hose is
, and the total cross-sectional area of the outlets is . The pressure inside the hose is and the pressure of the
air near the outlets is . Assume that the effects of the viscosity of the water and friction are negligible. The valve
connected to the hose is initially shut, so the sprinkler is off.
9. If the diameter of the exit holes increases by a factor of , the velocity of the exiting water will
A decrease by a factor of
B decrease by a factor of
C increase by a factor of
D increase by a factor of
10. Which of the following correctly explains whether an expression for the speed of the water exiting the
outlets can be determined with the variables provided?
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Unit 1 MCQ
A The exit speed cannot be determined because the speed of water in the inlet hose is not provided.
B The exit speed cannot be determined because the water pressure at the ends of the outlets is not provided.
The exit speed can be determined because the difference in pressure, the difference in height, and the ratio of
the cross-sectional areas of the inlet and outlet hoses are known.
The exit speed can be determined because conservation of energy indicates that the kinetic energy of each
unit volume of water at the inlet and the outlet must be the same.
11. The valve is opened and water flows out of the sprinkler outlets at a constant rate. Which of the following
best explains why the sprinkler begins rotating?
A The air exerts an equal and opposite force on the exiting water.
The magnitude of the force of the water on the sprinkler is greater than the magnitude of the force of the
sprinkler on the water.
The magnitude of the momentum change of the water per unit time is equal to the magnitude of the
momentum change of the sprinkler per unit time.
The magnitude of the impulse of the water on the sprinkler is greater than the magnitude of the impulse of
the sprinkler on the water.
12. A student predicts that the density of salt water is higher than the density of drinking water. The student has
a beaker filled with salt water, a beaker filled with drinking water, and a cube that is hung from a spring
scale. The cube will sink in both liquids. What measurements are needed to verify the student’s prediction?
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Unit 1 MCQ
C The spring scale reading with the cube submerged in each liquid only
D The spring scale reading with the cube in air and submerged in each liquid
13. The equation of continuity for an incompressible fluid, A1v1 = A2v2 , is essentially an expression of the
conservation of which of the following quantities?
A Energy
B Time
C Linear momentum
D Angular momentum
E Mass
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
Let be the magnitude of the weight of a block and be the magnitude of the tension in a string. Since
the net force on each block is zero, Newton’s second law can be written in the form “the force exerted
upward by the liquid equals some combination of and .” Which of the following indicates the correct
combination for each block?
Block A Block B
Block A Block B
Block A Block B
Block A Block B
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Unit 1 MCQ
A third block of the same size as and but with a density between that of and is released from rest in
the liquid. What can be concluded about the motion of the block?
The motion of the block cannot be determined without knowing how its density compares to that of the
In an experiment, rectangular solid objects of varying sizes made of the same material are floated in water. The data table
gives the dimensions of each object and how much of that object is floating above the water. Which two of following
variables together can be used to calculate the density of the object? Select two answers.
B Length
C Width
D Height
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Unit 1 MCQ
Students have a sample of an unusual fluid. The density of the fluid varies with temperature to a much
larger degree than most fluids. To investigate the relationship between the fluid’s density and its
temperature, a wooden cube is allowed to float in the fluid. The temperature of the fluid is varied and the
unsubmerged volume of the cube is measured. The upward force exerted on an object by a fluid is equal
to the product of the density of the fluid, the volume of the object that is submerged, and the acceleration
due to gravity . Which of the following must also be known to determine the density of the fluid
at the various temperatures?
A The mass of the cube only, because the equation can then be used
B The total volume of the cube only, because the equation can then be used
Both the mass of the cube and the total volume of the cube, because the equation
can then be used
Both the mass of the cube and the total volume of the cube, because the equation
can then be used
18. A spring scale calibrated in kilograms is used to determine the density of a rock specimen. The reading on
the spring scale is 0.45 kg when the specimen is suspended in air and 0.36 kg when the specimen is fully
submerged in water. If the density of water is 1000 kg/m3, the density of the rock specimen is
C 1.25 X 10 kg/m
3 3
D 4.0 X 10 kg/m
3 3
E 5.0 X 10 kg/m
3 3
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Unit 1 MCQ
19. Three different gas samples that have the same number of molecules and are at room temperature are kept at
different pressures. A lab technician has determined the molecular mass of each gas and recorded the
pressure and molecular mass of each sample in the table below.
A Px = Py > Pz
B Py > Pz > Px
C Pz > Px = Py
D Pz > Py > Px
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Unit 1 MCQ
A downward-directed faucet has a diameter of , as shown in the figure. A stream of water leaves the
faucet with the same diameter and a speed of . Which of the following describes a correct method to
determine the diameter of the stream at a distance of below the faucet?
The water falls freely, so the equation can be used to find the new speed of the water. Then
the equation of continuity can be applied to find the new diameter of the stream.
The water falls freely, so the equation can be used to find the new speed of the water.
Then the equation of continuity can be applied to find the new diameter of the stream.
D There is no calculation that needs to be done, because there will be no change in the freely falling water.
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Unit 1 MCQ
Three identical reservoirs, A, B, and C, are represented above, each with a small pipe where water exits
horizontally. The pipes are set at the same height above a pool of water. The water in the reservoirs is kept
at the levels shown. Which of the following correctly ranks the horizontal distances d that the streams of
water travel before hitting the surface of the pool?
A dA > dB > dC
B dA = dB = dC
D dC > dB > dA
A pump provides water to a hose at a constant rate. When the hose is at a height of above level ground,
the stream of water hits the ground a distance of from the end of the hose, as shown in the figure. If the
end of the hose is moved to above the ground, about how far will the stream travel before hitting the
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Unit 1 MCQ
The dashed line in the figure shows a stream of water from the end of a horizontal hose with an opening of
diameter . The water lands a horizontal distance from the end of the hose. With the water pressure
remaining the same, the diameter of the opening is decreased from to . At what horizontal
distance from the end of the hose will the stream of water now land?
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Unit 1 MCQ
A volume of an ideal fluid enters the left side of a cylindrical pipe with speed during a time interval
, and an equal volume of ideal fluid exits the right side of the pipe with speed during the same
time interval . The cross-sectional areas of the left end and right end of the pipe are and ,
respectively; the pressures at the left end and right end of the pipe are and , respectively; and the
distance between the centers of the two sections is , as shown in the figure. Which equation and
description best expresses the motion of the ideal fluid in the cylindrical pipe in terms of conservation of
. The volume flow rate of the fluid in the pipe must be the same for both sections of
A pipe. To conserve the volume flow rate of the fluid in the pipe, the fluid velocity must be slower in the left
side and faster in the right side.
. The net work done on the fluid in the pipe is the sum of the work done
C by the pressure on the volume of fluid at the left end of the pipe plus the negative work done by
the pressure on an equal volume of fluid at the right end of the pipe.
25. Water flowing in a horizontal pipe speeds up as it goes from a section with a large diameter to a section with
a small diameter. Which of the following can explain why the speed of the water increases?
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C Work is done because the water in the larger pipe has a higher pressure.
D Work is done because the water in the larger pipe has a lower pressure.
A fluid flows steadily from left to right in the pipe shown above. The diameter of the pipe is less at point 2
then at point 1, and the fluid density is constant throughout the pipe. How do the velocity of flow and the
pressure at points 1 and 2 compare?
Velocity Pressure
v1 < v2 p1 = p2
B Velocity Pressure
v1 < v2 p 1 > p2
C Velocity Pressure
v1 = v2 p 1 < p2
Velocity Pressure
v1 > v2 p1 = p2
E Velocity Pressure
v1 > v2 p1 > p2
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Unit 1 MCQ
The diagram above shows a pipe with an ideal fluid in motion to the right. As the fluid enters region II,
which of the following quantities related to the fluid will increase?
I. Pressure
II. Linear speed
III. Volume rate of flow
A I only
B II only
C III only
D I and II
E II and III
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Unit 1 MCQ
Each of the beakers shown above is filled to the same depth h with liquid of density p. The area A of the flat
bottom is the same for each beaker. Which of the following ranks the beakers according to the net
downward force exerted by the liquid on the flat bottom, from greatest to least force?
29. A stone is accelerating downward through water. Which of the following describe a force that the water
exerts on the stone? Select two answers.
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Unit 1 MCQ
30. The pressure that a liquid exerts on the bottom surface of a container is the net result of individual molecules
in the liquid that collide with the surface. Which of the following correctly indicates and justifies the
relationship between the force exerted on the surface by a molecule and the force exerted on a molecule by
the surface during a single one of these collisions?
, because the force the molecule exerts on the surface is equal and
opposite to the force the surface exerts on the molecule.
31. A student claims that the force on the sides of a tall object submerged in water is the same at all points on
the object. Which of the following is evidence that indicates the student is wrong?
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Unit 1 MCQ
The pressure of the water increases with depth, so molecules of water must, on average, exert a greater force
on a surface at a greater depth.
B The force exerted on one side of the object is balanced by the force exerted on the opposite side.
The buoyant force is the result of electrostatic repulsion between electrons in the molecules of an object and
the liquid it is in.
The buoyant force is proportional to the volume of the liquid that the object displaces, but this does not
support the student's claim that the forces on the sides are equal everywhere.
A jar contains vinegar and oil that have separated into layers, as shown in the figure. Which of the following
correctly identifies a Newton’s third law force pair?
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B The weight of the oil and the normal force of the vinegar on the oil
C The weight of the vinegar and the gravitational force of the vinegar on Earth
D The weight of the vinegar and the normal force of the jar on the vinegar
A triangular wedge is attached to a vertical wall. A hose directs a horizontal stream of water at the wedge, as
shown. The stream of water is deflected vertically up and down after striking the wedge. The wedge and
wall do not move. If the net force exerted on the water by the wedge is to the left, what is the net
force exerted on the wedge by the water?
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A to the right
B to the right
C to the right
The blimp shown in the figure has volume and is filled with a gas of density . The
materials that the blimp is made of (not including the gas) have a total mass of . The air surrounding
the blimp has density . The blimp is held at rest by a rope with tension . Which of the following
free-body diagrams correctly indicates the forces acting on the blimp and the magnitude of ?
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Unit 1 MCQ
A hollow sphere with mass and volume is submerged in water with density and
is being held at rest by a rope of negligible mass, as shown in the figure. The buoyant force on the sphere is
the product of its volume, the water density, and the acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following
shows a correct free-body diagram for the sphere?
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Unit 1 MCQ
One end of a hose is connected to an elevated water tank and the other end is capped, as shown in the figure.
The normal force exerted on the hose by the ground has magnitude . Then, a small hole is cut into the
hose, causing water to spray upward. Which of the following correctly describes the magnitude of the
normal force exerted by the ground on the hose after the hose has been cut?
A It is less than because water is escaping the hose, decreasing the total weight of the water in the hose.
C It is greater than because the water exiting the hole exerts a downward force on the hose.
D It cannot be determined without knowing the mass flow rate of the water.
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An object is held in equilibrium, submerged in a fluid by a piston. Which of the following is a possible free-
body diagram for the object?
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Unit 1 MCQ
A small toy is submerged in a plastic bottle filled with water. The toy is initially at rest in the middle of the
bottle. There is a small hole in the bottom of the toy, and the toy is partially filled with water. When the
bottle is squeezed, more water is forced into the toy, compressing the air inside and increasing the overall
density of the toy. The buoyant force exerted on the toy by the water is equal to the product of the volume of
the toy, the density of the water, and the acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following free-body
diagrams could represent the relative magnitudes of the forces exerted on the toy after the bottle is
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Unit 1 MCQ
39. A triangular block is underwater and slowly rising to the surface. Which of the following best represents the
forces exerted by the water on the surfaces of the block?
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Unit 1 MCQ
The figure shows four identical cubes at rest in a liquid. Which of the following is true about the claim that
the force on the sides of cube is greater than the force on the sides of the other cubes?
It is correct, because the liquid molecules at that depth hit cube with greater average force than the
molecules that hit the other cubes.
A hollow rectangular box is filled with a liquid and can be placed in any of the three orientations shown
above. In which orientation will the fluid pressure at the bottom of the box be greatest, and why?
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Orientation X, because pressure at the bottom of a fluid is greater when the vertical height of the fluid is
Orientation Y, because pressure at the bottom of a fluid is greater when the width times the height of the
fluid is greater
Orientation Z, because pressure at the bottom of a fluid is greater when the area of the bottom surface is
D All three orientations have the same pressure, because the weight of the fluid is the same in each case.
An engineer is designing a device to measure how the density of seawater changes with depth. The device
consists of a hollow spherical metal container of known mass and volume that can hold weights of known
mass. The weights can be added or removed without changing the volume of the device. The seawater exerts
an upward buoyant force on the device given by , where is the seawater’s density, is the
volume of the device and is the acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following correctly explains how
the device could be used to measure the density of seawater at a particular depth?
Add or remove weights until the device remains at rest in equilibrium, and use the known mass and volume
of the device to calculate the density of the seawater.
Add or remove weights until the device descends with constant speed, and use the known mass and volume
of the device to calculate the density of the seawater.
Fill the device with a known volume of seawater and weights until the device remains at rest in equilibrium,
C and use the ratio of the volume of the seawater in the device to the volume of the device to calculate the
density of the seawater.
Fill the device with a known volume of seawater and weights until the device descends with constant speed,
D and use the ratio of the volume of the seawater in the device to the volume of the device to calculate the
density of the seawater.
Water flows with speed through a horizontal, cylindrical pipe. Which of the following changes in the
geometry of the pipe will double the speed of the water in the pipe?
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Unit 1 MCQ
44. An ideal fluid is flowing with a speed of 12 cm/s through a pipe of diameter 5 cm. The pipe splits into three
smaller pipes, each with a diameter of 2 cm. What is the speed of the fluid in the smaller pipes?
A 4 cm/s
B 12 cm/s
C 25 cm/s
D 75 cm/s
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Unit 1 MCQ
A large water tank with area has an open spigot of area , as shown in the figure. Water exits the spigot
with speed , and the speed of the water at the top of the tank is . The pressure of the water exiting the
spigot is , and the pressure of the water at the top of the tank is . If , which of the following is
46. A student wants to determine the change in the density of a liquid as a function of its temperature. The
student has various measuring devices and some blocks that will float in the liquid. The upward force
exerted on the objects by the liquid is equal to the product of the density of the liquid, the volume of the
block that is underwater, and the acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following is an appropriate
experimental method? Select two answers.
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Unit 1 MCQ
Put a known volume of the liquid in a container and place it on a scale. Record the mass of the liquid as the
temperature is increased.
Put a known mass of the liquid in a container with a known cross-sectional area. Record the depth of the
liquid as the temperature is increased.
Let a block of known mass and cross-sectional area float in the liquid. Record the height of the submerged
part of the object as the temperature is increased.
Let a block of known density and cross-sectional area float in the liquid. Place the container of liquid on a
scale. Record the mass of the liquid as the temperature is increased.
Liquids 1 and 2 have different densities. A U-shaped tube of constant diameter with both ends open contains
mostly liquid 2. In addition, the left side of the tube also contains a small amount of liquid 1. The density of
liquid 1 is , and the density of liquid 2 is . Which of the following figures most accurately
represents the heights of the liquids in each side of the tube at equilibrium?
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Unit 1 MCQ
Water exits a water fountain at to the horizontal, as shown. To get the water to reach the ground farther
from the fountain, an adapter is added to the fountain that decreases the size of the hole that the water exits.
Which of the following explains why this approach will work?
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Unit 1 MCQ
Because the smaller opening will increase the angle at which the water exits the fountain, the time that the
water is in the air will increase. This means the water can go farther before it hits the ground.
Because the smaller opening blocks the water’s exit, the pressure in the pipe will increase, resulting in the
B water exiting the fountain with a greater speed. A greater vertical speed means the water will spend more
time in the air, and a greater horizontal speed adds to the increase in distance that the water can travel.
Because the mass flow rate must be constant, the smaller opening will result in the water exiting the fountain
C with a greater speed. A greater vertical speed means the water will spend more time in the air, and a greater
horizontal speed adds to the increase in distance that the water can travel.
Because the smaller opening will create a narrower stream of water, the stream will have less mass, which
D means the gravitational force exerted on it will be less. The stream will have a smaller downward
acceleration and will spend more time in the air.
Water with density moves with speed in a horizontal pipe with a diameter of .
The pipe then narrows to a diameter of . What is the rate of mass of flow through the narrower
section of the pipe in ?
A boat is moving to the right on the surface of a lake. At one instant, the following forces are exerted on the
boat: of thrust from the water on the boat’s propeller, of drag from the water, of drag from
the air, of buoyant force from the water, and of gravitational force. Which of the following
correctly indicates the direction and magnitude of the net force exerted on the boat?
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Unit 1 MCQ
51. A block is submerged in a container of fluid. Which of the following describes the microscopic cause of the
force that the fluid exerts on the block?
A The gravitational force between the molecules of the block and the molecules of the fluid
The electrostatic force between the electrons in the molecules of the block and the electrons in the molecules
of the fluid
The electrostatic force between the nuclei in the molecules of the block and the electrons in the molecules of
the fluid
The electrostatic force between the nuclei in the molecules of the block and the nuclei in the molecules of the
A block of mass is at rest at the bottom of a container full of liquid. Let be the magnitude of the
weight of the block, let be the magnitude of the buoyant force on the block, and let be the magnitude
of the normal force exerted on the block by the bottom of the container. Which of the following is a correct
expression of Newton’s second law for the block?
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
A block with twice the density of water is at rest on the bottom of a container partially filled with water, as
shown in the figure. The normal force exerted by the bottom of the container on the block is . Which of
the following correctly indicates the magnitude of the normal force exerted by the block on the container
and provides a valid explanation?
Equal to , because the forces between the block and the container are an interacting force pair described
by Newton’s third law.
B Equal to , because the block is not floating and therefore experiences no buoyant force.
Less than , because there is a buoyant force pushing up on the block, reducing the amount it is pushing
down on the container.
D Less than , because the block shields the container from some of the downward water pressure.
54. A puddle on the street has a layer of oil floating on it. Which of the following correctly identifies a
Newton’s-third-law force pair?
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Unit 1 MCQ
B The weight of the oil and the normal force exerted by the water on the oil
C The weight of the water and the gravitational force exerted by the water on Earth
D The weight of the water and the normal force of the street on the water
The containers pictured above are each filled to a height h with the same fluid of uniform density. Which of
the following is true of the pressure, pI, pII, pIII, and pIV, at the bottom of each respective container?
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
A water rocket of total mass (including the water) is ejecting water with speed at a rate of (in units
of mass per unit time) at the instant shown in the figure. What is the acceleration of the water rocket at this
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
Water is flowing with a speed of 9.0 m / s through a pipe of diameter 10 cm. The pipe widens to 30 cm as it
goes up an 8.0 m step, as shown in the figure above. If the pressure at point A is 2.0 x 105Pa, what is the
A 1.2 x 105Pa
B 1.6 x 10 Pa
C 2.4 x 10 Pa
D 3.2 x 10 Pa
58. A fluid flows through a pipe of radius r at a speed v for a time t. The volume of fluid that flows past a point
in the pipe during this time is equal to
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Unit 1 MCQ
A 2πrvt
B πr vt
C 2πrv/t
D 2πr v/t
E πr2/vt
59. A cube of ice of density floats in a container of water of density . If the cube has a
volume of , the volume of the cube that will be below the surface of the water is most nearly
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Unit 1 MCQ
The figure above represents a portion of a blood vessel with circular cross sections. The segment on the left
has diameter 1.6 mm, and each of the segments on the right has diameter 0.4 mm. Assume the blood can be
treated as an ideal fluid. If blood enters the segment on the left with speed v, at what speed does the blood
leave the segments on the right?
A 2v
B 4v
C 8v
D 16v
61. The following data are obtained from various sources and investigations. Based on these data, which of the following represents the
order of the substance densities ranked from greatest density to least density?
Substance Gold Silver Copper Iron
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
The figure above shows pipe 1 of cross-sectional area A1 and pipe 2 of cross-sectional area A2 , which merge
into pipe 3 of cross-sectional area A3 . The water in pipes 1 and 2 flows with speeds v1 and v2, respectively.
What is the speed of the water in pipe 3 ?
A A1v1+A2v2/A3
B A1v1−A2v2/A3
C (A1+A2)(v1+v2)/A3
D A3(v1/A1+v2/A2)
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Unit 1 MCQ
A student has three objects of different shapes, as shown, and wants to compare their densities using liquids
of known density. Which of the following experimental methods will allow the comparison to be made?
Let each object float in the same liquid, and compare the heights of the parts of each object that are below
the liquid surface.
Let each object float in the same liquid, and compare the fractions of the objects’ volumes that are below the
liquid surface.
Hang each object from a scale, submerge each object in the same liquid, and compare the readings on the
Hang each object from a scale, submerge each object in the same liquid, and compare the change in readings
on the scales.
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Unit 1 MCQ
Water of density 1000 kg/m3 flows at a speed of 3.0 m/s through a section of pipe of radius 0.040m. The
pipe bends upward to 0.25 m above its original height and tapers to a radius of 0.020 m, as shown in the
figure above.
If the water pressure is 1.50 × 105 Pa in the lower part of the pipe, the water pressure in the upper part of the
pipe is most nearly
A 0.80 ×10 Pa
B 1.48 ×10 Pa
C 1.53 ×10 Pa
D 2.29 ×10 Pa
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
A T-shaped tube with a constriction is inserted in a vessel containing a liquid, as shown above. What
happens if air is blown through the tube from the left, as shown by the arrow in the diagram?
A The liquid level in the tube rises to a level above the surface of the liquid surrounding the tube.
B The liquid level in the tube falls below the level of the surrounding liquid.
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AP Physics 2 Scoring Guide
Unit 1 MCQ
An object is submerged in water and pulled by a cable attached to a boat. The object accelerates
horizontally. The forces exerted on the object are shown in the figure. is the drag force, is the
buoyant force, is the object’s weight, and is the tension force exerted by the cable. Which of the
following is a correct expression that can be used to determine the acceleration of the object?
67. A solid object of mass m is suspended vertically from a spring balance. The spring balance reads W when
the object is in air. When the object is submerged in water while still attached to the balance, the reading on
the balance is
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A always exactly W
C greater than W only if the density of the object is greater than the density of water
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Unit 1 MCQ
A sphere is dropped into a large body of water. The sphere then moves downward through the water. Three
forces are exerted on the sphere during its descent: the water exerts a frictional force on the sphere, the
water exerts a buoyant force on the sphere, and Earth exerts a gravitational force on the sphere. The
free-body diagram depicts the direction and relative magnitude of these forces at an instant during the
sphere’s motion. Which of the following describes the acceleration of the sphere at this instant?
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Unit 1 MCQ
A layer of mineral oil is poured on top of a layer of ethylene glycol and a piece from a board game is placed
at rest with its midpoint in line with the boundary between the two layers, as shown. The piece remains at
rest because the density of the sphere is greater than the density of mineral oil and less than the density of
ethylene glycol. Earth, the mineral oil, and the ethylene glycol exert forces on the piece with magnitudes
, , and , respectively. Which of the following, where the dot represents the
piece, correctly identifies the direction and relative magnitude of these forces?
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Unit 1 MCQ
A tank with a diameter of is open at the top and contains water that is deep. There is a hole
from the bottom of the tank with a diameter of . The speed of the water as it exits the hole is
most nearly
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Unit 1 MCQ
Helium gas is flowing steadily through the pipe shown above. The diameter of the pipe at the left end is 2.00 x
10-2m and at the right is 1.00 x 10-2m. The flow is slow enough that the density of the gas remains essentially
constant. The volume flow rate is 2.00 x 10-3m3/s.
71. What is the speed of the gas in the left end of the pipe?
A 4 x 10 m/s
B 0.10 m/s
C 0.20 m/s
E m/s
72. The speed of the gas in the right end of the pipe is how many times the speed in the left end?
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A 1/4
B 1/2
C 1
D 2
E 4
73. The buoyant force on a block submerged in salt water is greater than the buoyant force on the block when it
is submerged in tap water. Which of the following describes the microscopic cause of this difference?
The electrostatic force between the nuclei in the molecules in the block and the nuclei in the molecules of the
A salt water is greater than the force between the nuclei in the molecules in the block and the nuclei in the
molecules of the tap water.
The electrostatic force between the nuclei in the molecules in the block and the electrons in the molecules of
B the salt water is greater than the force between the nuclei in the molecules in the block and the electrons in
the molecules of the tap water.
The electrostatic force between the electrons in the molecules in the block and the electrons in the molecules
C of the salt water is greater than the force between the electrons in the molecules in the block and the
electrons in the molecules of the tap water.
The gravitational force between the molecules in the block and the molecules of the salt water is greater than
the force between molecules in the block and the molecules of the tap water.
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Unit 1 MCQ
A pipe of radius carries water moving at a speed at point . The pipe then narrows to a smaller radius
and travels upward a distance to point , where the water is moving at speed .
Which of the following gives correct reasoning about the water’s properties as it moves from point to
point ?
Since the water’s linear momentum remains constant and the density of the water increases at point , the
velocity of the water decreases.
The increase in gravitational potential energy of the water-Earth system is equal to the decrease in the
water’s kinetic energy.
The increase in gravitational potential energy of the water-Earth system and in the kinetic energy of the
water causes a decrease in water pressure.
The kinetic energy of the water must remain constant, so the increased density of the water in the narrow part
of the pipe results in a slower speed of the water.
Which of the following is a correct expression for the pressure difference between points and
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Unit 1 MCQ
76. The pressure exerted on the bottom of a dam by the water in the reservoir created by the dam depends on the
The figure shows a horizontal pipe with a circular cross section whose diameter varies. The cross-sectional
area at is and at is . Water of density fills the pipe and
flows through it at a constant rate of . The difference in pressure between and is most
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Unit 1 MCQ
78. A student has four pieces of a substance in different shapes and sizes. The student wants to determine the
density of the substance. Which of the following procedures would yield the most accurate data?
Place a beaker on a mass balance and tare the balance. Place the pieces in the beaker and record the mass,
then add just enough water to the beaker to cover the pieces and record the volume of added water.
Place the pieces on a mass balance, one at a time and record the mass of each. Submerge the pieces one at a
time in a graduated cylinder filled with a volume of water and record the volume change.
Fill four beakers with fluids that have different densities. Place a different piece in each beaker and record
whether it sinks or floats.
Fill four beakers with fluids that have different densities. Place one of the pieces into each beaker and record
whether it sinks or floats. Repeat with the remaining three pieces.
79. A large rock thrown into a pool of water of uniform density becomes completely submerged and then sinks
to the bottom. When is the buoyant force on the rock the greatest?
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Unit 1 MCQ
A beaker partially filled with water rests on a scale. A metal block is lowered into the water by a string until
it is fully submerged. Which of the following correctly explain why the reading on the scale increases?
Select two answers.
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Unit 1 MCQ
A The higher water level causes a greater pressure on the bottom of the beaker.
B The block exerts a downward force on the water equal to the weight of the block.
The increase in density of the water at the bottom of the beaker causes the pressure on the bottom of the
beaker to increase.
D The block exerts a downward force on the water equal to the buoyant force on the block.
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