Deswik Block Model Command
Deswik Block Model Command
Deswik Block Model Command
You can convert input *.dm files at any time to the Datamine Unicode file format by changing the
extension for output files to *.dmu. However, moving back to a *.dm file from a *.dmu file is
not advised (and will shortly be disallowed). This is because there will be a loss of data and
fidelity, and any text in the file may be corrupted in the process. For more information on the
Datamine Unicode format, see Datamine Unicode Format.
A rule is comprised of a list of user-defined commands which take an input file, alter it, and
write out an output file. The input file and the output file may be the same.
Most of the sequential commands let you view input Datamine tables using Deswik.TableViewer, a
proprietary program you can use to view and edit fields. See Deswik.TableViewer to learn
more about this View option).
This command provides a user-friendly interface to the underlying Deswik scripting library.
You can also run this command from a node in a process map. Embedding this command in a
process map lets you save your settings, so they are available each time you click the node.
This is particularly useful when multiple people use a process map to perform the same
To add a new rule, click in the upper-left corner of the dialog. Enter a name for the
rule, or keep the default name.
When you add a new rule, all commands are automatically copied from the currently
selected rule. To use most (or all) of the settings from an existing rule, select the rule in
the list before you add a new one. Then delete any commands you do not want.
4. Use the following table to assist you with the options in this dialog.
Field Description
Run multiple selected By default, only the active rule (that is, the rule that is
rules currently selected in the grid) is run when you click Run .
Select this checkbox to run more than one rule. An
additional column called Run will appear in the Rule grid.
Select the checkboxes for all of the rules you want to run.
The command will process these rules in the order they
appear in the grid. For example, in the image on the left,
only the last rule (which is gray to indicate it is selected) will
run. The Run column is not even visible. In the image on the
right, all three rules will run, because the Run column is
visible, and all three checkboxes are selected.
Apply rule to multiple Run the selected rules over multiple models using a
models selected 'find and replace' rule.
This field supports the use of global constants. This is also true
when the command is accessed through a process map.
Save Click to save all existing rules without exiting the dialog.