Tube Preamplifier: C2200 Owner's Manual
Tube Preamplifier: C2200 Owner's Manual
Tube Preamplifier: C2200 Owner's Manual
Owner’s Manual
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New York 13903-2699 Phone: 607-723-3512 FAX: 607-724-0549
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The lightning flash with arrowhead, The exclamation point within an
within an equilateral triangle, is in- equilateral triangle is intended to
tended to alert the user to the presence alert the user to the presence of im-
of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” portant operating and maintenance
within the product’s enclosure that may (servicing) instructions in the litera-
be of sufficient magnitude to constitute ture accompanying the appliance.
a risk of electric shock to persons.
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Thank You Table of Contents
Your decision to own this McIntosh C2200 Tube Preampli- Safety Instructions ............................................................ 2
fier ranks you at the very top among discriminating music Thank You and Please Take a Moment ............................. 3
listeners. You now have “The Best.” The McIntosh dedica- Technical Assistance and Customer Service ..................... 3
tion to “Quality,” is assurance that you will receive many Table of Contents .............................................................. 3
years of musical enjoyment from this unit. Important Information ....................................................... 4
Please take a short time to read the information in this Connector Information ...................................................... 4
manual. We want you to be as familiar as possible with all Introduction ....................................................................... 5
the features and functions of your new McIntosh. Performance Features ....................................................... 5
Dimensions ........................................................................ 6
Please Take A Moment Installation ........................................................................ 7
The serial number, purchase date and McIntosh Dealer Connections
name are important to you for possible insurance claim or Rear Panel Connections ..................................................... 8
future service. The spaces below have been provided for How to Connect for Power Control ................................... 9
you to record that information: How to Connect for Audio and Data Control................... 10
How to Connect for Pass Thru Mode .............................. 11
Serial Number: How to Connect for a Second Room ................................ 12
Purchase Date: Front Panel Features
Front Panel Controls, Displays, Push-buttons,
Dealer Name: and Switches .................................................................... 13
Technical Assistance How to Operate the Setup Mode ...................................... 14
Default Settings ................................................................ 14
If at any time you have questions about your McIntosh Display Brightness ........................................................... 14
product, contact your McIntosh Dealer who is familiar with Input Trim Level .............................................................. 15
your McIntosh equipment and any other brands that may be Re-Title Inputs ................................................................. 15
part of your system. If you or your Dealer wish additional Power Control Triggers .................................................... 16
help concerning a suspected problem, you can receive tech- Auto Tone ......................................................................... 16
nical assistance for all McIntosh products at: Pass Thru Mode ............................................................... 17
Power On Option ............................................................. 17
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. Remote Control Selection ................................................ 17
2 Chambers Street Firmware Version ............................................................. 18
Binghamton, New York 13903 Operation
Phone: 607-723-1545 How to Operate the C2200 .............................................. 19
Fax: 607-723-3636 Remote Control Push-buttons .......................................... 22
Customer Service How to Operate by Remote Control ................................. 23
Additional Information
If it is determined that your McIntosh product is in need of Technical Description ....................................................... 24
repair, you can return it to your Dealer. You can also return Specifications ................................................................... 26
it to the McIntosh Laboratory Service Department. For as- Packing Instruction .......................................................... 27
sistance on factory repair return procedure, contact the
McIntosh Service Department at:
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Important Information Connector Information
1. The C2200 uses Vacuum Tubes for amplifying the audio XLR Connectors
signal. The C2200 is designed to have only qualified
Below is the Pin configuration for the XLR Balanced Input
Service Personnel perform any part(s) replacement
including all the vacuum tubes.
and Output Connectors on the C2200. Refer to the diagram
2. For additional information on Audio Connections, refer to for connection:
the Owner’s Manual(s) for the component(s). PIN 1: Shield/Ground Pin 2
3. Connecting Cables and Connectors are available from the PIN 2: + Input Pin 1
McIntosh Parts Department: PIN 3: - Input Pin 3
Data and Power Control Cable Part No. 170-202
Six foot, shielded 2 conductor, with 1/8 inch stereo mini Power Control and Trigger Connectors
phone plug on each end. The C2200’s Power Control Outputs provide a 5 volt sig-
4. The Main AC Power going to the C2200 and any other nal. Use a 1/8 inch stereo mini
McIntosh Component(s) should not be applied until all the
phone plug to connect to the Positive
system components are connected together. When the
C2200 and other McIntosh Components are in their
Power Control Input on other N/C
Standby Power Off Mode, the Microprocessor’s Circuitry McIntosh Components.
inside each component is active and communication is
occurring between them. Failure to do so could result in Data Port Connector
malfunctioning of some or all of the system’s normal The C2200’s Data Port Output provides Remote Control
operations. Signals. Use a 1/8 inch stereo mini
5. Up to four Sensors can be wired in parallel for Remote phone plug to connect to the Data Data Signal
Control of the C2200 from other rooms. Port Inputs on McIntosh Source
6. Balanced and Unbalanced Inputs and Outputs can be N/C
mixed. For example, you may connect signal sources to Ground
Unbalanced Inputs and send signals from the Balanced
Outputs. You can also use Balanced and Unbalanced
Outputs simultaneously, connected to different Power
7. A McIntosh Power Controller may be added to the C2200 to
provide AC Power Switching to components that do not
have Power Control Connections. See your McIntosh
Dealer for additional information.
8. Sound Intensity is measured in units called Decibels and
“dB” is the abbreviation.
9. The PHONO Circuitry uses four Vacuum Tubes. Those tubes
are only Powered-On (glow coming from the tubes) when
the AUX Input is re-titled to PHONO in the Setup Mode.
Refer to page 15 “Re-Titled Inputs” for additional
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Introduction and Performance Features
The McIntosh C2200 Tube Preamplifier is without question • Precision Parts
the finest Audio Tube Preamplifier ever created. No design Only the finest precision 1% tolerance resistors are used
compromises were allowed in the quest for a Tube Pream- throughout.
plifier with absolute accuracy, total sonic purity and virtual
elimination of distortion and audible noise. For those who
• Low Distortion
have been searching for their “Last Tube Preamplifier”,
Distortion levels of all types are less than 0.08%. Music is
your search is over.
amplified with total transparency and accuracy.
Performance Features
• Moving Magnet Phono Input
• Balanced Inputs and Outputs There is a Precision Phono Preamplifier for Moving Magnet
Four balanced high level Inputs and three balanced Outputs Cartridges.
are provided.
• Multichannel Pass Thru Mode
• Precision Tracking Volume Control The Input Assignable, Automatic Pass Thru Mode allows
Volume levels are controlled by a new Multi-Stage Precision the C2200 to become part of a Multichannel Sound System
Digitally Controlled Attenuator System with a tracking ac- for DVD-Audio, SACD and Home Theater. The Left and
curacy of 0.1dB. Levels change in 214 individual 0.5dB Right Channels of the C2200 become the two front chan-
steps. nels, simply by turning on the Multichannel Processor.
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The following dimensions can assist in determining the best
location for your C2200. There is additional information on
the next page pertaining to installing the C2200 into cabi-
13 -1/4"
2.06cm 10-1/2" 2"
26.67cm 5.08cm
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The C2200 can be placed upright on a table or shelf, stand- inches (5.08cm) above the top, 2 inches (5.08cm) below the
ing on its four feet. It also can be custom installed in a piece bottom and 1 inch (2.54cm) on each side of the A/V Control
of furniture or cabinet of your choice. The four feet may be Center, so that airflow is not obstructed. Allow 19-1/2
removed from the bottom of the C2200 when it is custom inches (49.53cm) depth behind the front panel. Allow 1-1/8
installed as outlined below. The four feet together with the inch (2.9cm) in front of the mounting panel for knob clear-
mounting screws should be retained for possible future use ance. Be sure to cut out a ventilation hole in the mounting
if the C2200 is removed from the custom installation and shelf according to the dimensions in the drawing.
used free standing. The required
panel cutout, ventilation cutout
and unit dimensions are shown. 17-1/16"
Always provide adequate 43.34cm
ventilation for your C2200. Cool
operation ensures the longest
possible operating life for any C2200
electronic instrument. Do not Front Panel 6 -5/8"
install the C2200 directly above Custom Cabinet 16.83cm
a heat generating component Cutout
such as a high powered ampli-
fier. If all the components are
installed in a single cabinet, a Cutout Opening for Custom Mounting
quiet running ventilation fan can
Cabinet 2"
be a definite asset in maintaining Front 5.08cm
all the system components at the Panel
coolest possible operating tem-
Opening for
perature. Ventilation
A custom cabinet installation
should provide the following C2200
minimum spacing dimensions for Side View in a
Partially Open
cool operation. Allow at least 2
Custom Cabinet
Enclosed Custom Cabinet
Ventilaton Fan
Cutout Opening for Ventilation
Support Chassis
Warm Air
Shelf 5-3/4" Spacers
Output 14.61cm
Other Component
in Enclosed 6-1/2"
Custom Cabinet 16.51cm
Cutout Opening for Ventilation
Support Shelf in Cutout 12" 13-1/4"
30.48cm 33.66cm
Custom Cabinet Opening
Side View
in Enclosed
Custom Cabinet
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Rear Panel Connections
Unbalanced MAIN OUT- TAPE/REC OUT- VCR, SAT, DVD and CD Bal-
PUTS contain the program PUTS contain anced INPUTS accept high
signals at all times. The Un- RECord Out Signals level program source signals
balanced 1 and 2 OUTPUTS
contain the program signals
and turn On/Off with the
Front Panel OUTPUTS 1 and
2 Push-buttons
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How to Connect for Power Control
Power Control
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How to Connect for Audio and Data Control
To AC Outlet
McIntosh Power Amplifier
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How to Connect for Pass Thru Mode
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How to Connect for a Second Room
Right Left
Loudspeaker Loudspeaker
4 ohms 4 ohms
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Front Panel Controls, Displays, Push-Buttons, and Switches
INPUT Switch selects TREBLE Control DISPLAY indicates the VOLUME Control ad-
the Program Source provides 12dB Sources, Volume/Bal- justs the listening vol-
Signals and is used in boost or cut with a ance Levels, Operational ume level and is used
Setup Mode flat center position Functions and Setup for setup functions
Mode Settings
provides 12dB indicator, when acti- Preamplifier’s Left and Switches the Meter allows the adjustment
boost or cut vated the audio signal Right Channels Relative Illumination On or of the relative volume
with a flat cen- totally bypasses the Output Level Off, and is used in levels for each channel
ter position Tone Control Circuitry the Setup Mode and is used for setup
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How to Operate the Setup Mode Default Settings
Your McIntosh C2200 has been factory configured for de- The following listings indicate the default settings and the
fault operating settings that will allow immediate enjoyment page number for instructions on how to change a setting.
of superb audio without the need for further adjustments. If Setup Function Name Setting Page Number
you wish to make changes to the factory default settings, a Alphanumeric Display Brightness:
Setup Feature is provided to customize the operating set- Meters Illumnation On 20 14
tings using the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display. Meters Illumnation Off 5 14
1. Press the POWER Switch to ON, the Red LED above Trim (Input Level) 00 14
the STANDBY/ON Push-button lights to indicate the Input Titles - 14
C2200 is in Standby mode. To switch On the C2200 Triggers Off 16
press the STANDBY/ON Push-button and wait until Auto Tone Off 16
the tube warmup period is over. Refer to figure 3. Pass Thru (Multichannel) Off 16
2. Press the C2200 Front Panel SETUP Push-button. The Power On - 16
LED above the SETUP Push-button will illuminate and Remote (Control Type) Norm 17
the Front Panel Display will indicate DISPLAY 20. Re- Version (C2200 Firmware) _.__ 17
fer to figure 1.
Note: The Front Panel Display will indicate DISPLAY 20
the first time, after then it will display whatever
Display Brightness
Setup Mode was last accessed.
The Front Panel Alphanumeric DISPLAY Brightness may
be varied from a setting of 1(Dim) to 31(Bright) with two
settings, one with the Meter Illumination On and the other
Figure 1 with the Illumination Off. Follow the steps below for chang-
3. Rotate the Front Panel METER LIGHTS (Menu) Con- ing the brightness. Refer to figure 4.
trol and notice that the Setup Mode advances through
eight different possible adjustment selections and one
informational display.
Figure 4
4. To exit from a specific Setup Mode, press the SETUP
Push-button a second time. The LED above the SETUP 1. Press the SETUP Push-button to access the Setup
Push-button will extinguish and the Front Panel Display Mode.
will revert back to its normal display. Refer to figure 2. 2. Rotate the Front Panel METER LIGHTS (Menu) Con-
trol until the word DISPLAY 20 appears.
3. Rotate the BALANCE (Select) Control until the desired
Display Brightness is achieved. This sets the Brightness
Figure 2 Level with the Meters Illumination On.
Figure 3
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Figure 5
5. Rotate the INPUT Control until the words TRIM 00
CD appears. Refer to figure 6. Figure 8
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1. Press the SETUP Push-button to access the Setup 5. Rotate the METER LIGHTS (Menu) Control until the
Mode. words TRIG PHONO>- - appears. Refer to figure 13.
2. The Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will change and Note: If another Input Title is displayed, rotate the INPUT
the Red LED above the SETUP Push-button be illumi- Control to Select the PHONO Input
3. Rotate the METER LIGHTS (Menu) Control until the
words INP AUX>AUX appears. Refer to figure 9.
Note: If another Input Title is displayed, rotate the INPUT Figure 13
Control to Select the AUX Input 6. Rotate the BALANCE (Select) Control until the Front
Panel Alphanumeric Display indicates TRIG PHONO>
B. Refer to figure 14.
Figure 9
Auto Tone
Figure 10 The Auto Tone Feature activates the TONE BYPASS Dy-
namic Memory Circuit. When the Auto Tone Feature is set
5. Press the SETUP Push-button to exit the Setup Mode. to the On position, the C2200 will automatically remember
for each Input whenever the Tone Bypass Circuit is On or
Power Control Triggers Off.
Three of the C2200 Power Control Outputs are reassignable 1. Press the SETUP Push-button to access the Setup
from their default settings, allowing for various fuinctions Mode.
such as activating only when a given Input is selected. 2. The Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will change and
In the following example the Power Control OUTPUT 2 the Red LED above the SETUP Push-button will be il-
Jack will be reassigned to function as TRIGGER B for the luminated.
PHONO Input. 3. Rotate the METER LIGHTS (Menu) Control until the
1. Press the SETUP Push-button to access the Setup words AUTOTONE OFF appears. Refer to figure 15.
2. The Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will change and
the Red LED above the SETUP Push-button will be il-
luminated. Figure 15
3. Rotate the METER LIGHTS (Menu) Control until the
words TRIG OUT2 > B appears. Refer to figure 11. 4. Rotate the BALANCE (Select) Control until the Front
Note: If another TRIG Title is displayed, rotate the INPUT Panel Alphanumeric Display indicates AUTOTONE
Control to Select OUT2. ON. Refer to figure 16.
Figure 11
Figure 16
4. Rotate the BALANCE (Select) Control until the Front
Panel Alphanumeric Display indicates TRIG OUT2 > 5. Press the SETUP Push-button to exit the Setup Mode.
- - . Refer to figure 12.
Figure 12
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Setup, con’t
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Setup, con’t
Firmware Version
The C2200 functionality is controlled by internal software
that is know as Firmware. The Version of the Firmware in
the C2200 can be identified at any time by utilizing the
Setup Mode.
1. Press the SETUP Push-button to access the Setup
2. Rotate the Front Panel METER LIGHTS (Menu) Con-
trol until the word VERSION _. _ _ appears. Refer to
figure 23.
Figure 23
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How to Operate the C2200
Figure 25
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Mono Setup
Press the MONO Mode Push-button to combine Left and Pressing the SETUP Push-button activates the Setup Mode
Right Stereo Signals to Mono, for the MAIN, OUTPUTs of the C2200 and allows customizing various operating
1&2 and the HEADPHONES Jack. The MODE Push-but- functions. Refer to page 14 for additional information.
ton on the Remote Control also can be used to switch be-
tween the Stereo and Mono Modes of Operation. Output 1 and 2
Note: The TAPE/REC Outputs are not effected by the Mono Press OUTPUT 1 or 2 Push-buttons to send audio to sepa-
Mode of Operation. rate Power Amplifiers connected to the rear panel OUT-
PUTS 1 or 2. It also activates the POWER CONTROL 1
Balance Control &2 Sockets on the rear panel of the C2200. Press either
Adjust the BALANCE Control as needed to achieve ap- Push-button individually or both together.
proximately equal listening volume levels in each Loud-
speaker. Rotate the BALANCE Control clockwise to em- Meter Lights
phasize the Right Channel by reducing the volume level of Rotate the METER LIGHTS Control counterclockwise to
the Left Channel. Refer to figure 27. switch Off the Meter Illumination and rotate the control
clockwise to switch On the Meter Illumination.
Note: It is normal for the brightness of the Front Panel
Alphanumeric Display to dim when the Meter
Illumination is switched Off. Refer to page 14 for
Figure 27
additional information.
Several seconds after the rotation of the BALANCE Con-
Pass Thru Mode
trol has stopped, the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will
When the C2200 is connected together with a McIntosh
once again indicate the Input Source and Volume together
Multichannel A/V Control Center or Surround Decoder and
with the “>” symbol to show that the Right Channel is now
has the PASS THRU MODE activated, it will automatically
louder than the Left Channel. Refer to figure 28.
Turn-On whenever the A/V Control Center or Surround De-
coder is switched On. It will indicate on the Front Panel Al-
phanumeric Display “PASSTHRU”. Refer to figure 31.
Figure 28
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How to Operate the C2200, con’t
Default Settings
To restore the C2200 to Factory Default Settings perform
the following. Press and hold in the MONO Push-button
together with the OUTPUTS 2 Push-button. Approximately
5 seconds after holding in the two the Front Panel Push-but-
tons together, the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will
indicate MASTER RESET. Refer to figure 32.
Figure 32
Figure 33
Press the STANDBY/ON Push-button on the C2200 and
proceed to the Setup on page 14 to re-enter and custom set-
ting that have beeen previously made.
Output Meters
The C2200’s Output Meters indicate the Output Voltage
available at the MAIN and OUTPUT 1 & 2 Jacks to drive
Power Amplifiers. Refer to figure 34. The Meters are cali-
brated in dBs (decibles) and respond to all the peaks con-
tained in the musical information. They indicate to an accu-
racy of at least 95% of a single cycle from a 2000Hz tone
The Meter Electronic Circuitry “Time Stretches” the
Meter Drive Signal so the Meter Pointer pauses just long
enough for the human eye to see it and is followed by a
moderate decay rate.
Figure 34
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Remote Control Push-Buttons
Notes: Push-buttons whose function is not identified above are for use with other
McIntosh Products. The Remote Control shipped with your C2200 may
differ from the illustration above; however, the functionality is the same.
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How to Operate by Remote Control
CD/Tape Functions
Use these push-buttons to operate a CD Player, CD
Changer or Tape Recorder.
Numbered Push-buttons
Press Push-buttons 0 through 9 to access tuner station pre-
sets or CD tracks/discs.
Tuner Push-buttons
Press the AM or FM Push-button to select the desired
broadcast band. Press and release the Channel UpS or
DownTPush-button to move from station to station. Press
and hold a Channel UpS or DownT Push-button to move
continuously from station to station. Press +10 Push-button
to start the automatic brief audition of each of the presets
stored in the tuner memory. Press +10 Push-button a second
time to stop on a station preset and exit the review process.
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Technical Description
McIntosh Laboratory, the company who introduced the
world’s first amplifier that could be called “High Fidelity”,
has done it again. The McIntosh engineering staff has cre-
ated a Tube Preamplifier without compromise, using the
most advanced McIntosh circuit design concepts. Creating a
Preamplifier with this level of performance did not come
easily. Many months of design, testing and measuring were
required. Extensive controlled listening tests, the ultimate
form of measuring, were made before the final design was
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Technical Description
Overall Design
The C2200 was designed to use the best components avail-
able. All resistors are the lowest noise 1% metal film. Each
amplifier section has its own power supply filter. The
C2200 is truly worthy of being considered a companion and
peer of the world famous MC2000 and MC2102 Tube
Power Amplifiers.
Block Diagram
and Meter
(one channel
Power Supply
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Frequency Response Tube Compliment
+0, -0.5dB from 20Hz to 20,000Hz Phono Circuitry:
2 - 12AX7A
Total Harmonic Distortion 2 - 12AT7A
0.08% from 20Hz to 20,000Hz
High Level Circuitry:
Signal To Noise Ratio 2 - 12AX7A
Phono, 80dB 2 - 12AT7A
High Level, 93dB
Overall Dimensions
Maximum Voltage Output 17-1/2 inches (44.5cm) W, 7-5/8 inches (19.37cm) H, 20
8Vrms Unbalanced, 16Vrms Balanced inches (50.8cm) D (including clearance for connectors)
Input Impedance
Phono MM, 47K ohms, 65pF
High Level, 22K Unbalanced, 44K Balanced
Power Requirements
100 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts
110 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts
120 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts
220 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts
230 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts
240 Volts, 50/60Hz at 75 watts
Note: Refer to the rear panel of the C2200 for the correct
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Packing Instructions
Packing Instructions
In the event it is necessary to repack the equipment for ship- Quantity Part Number Description
ment, the equipment must be packed exactly as shown be- 1 033888 Shipping carton only
low. It is very important that the four plastic feet are at- 4 033887 End cap
tached to the bottom of the equipment. This will ensure the
proper equipment location on the bottom pad. Failure to do 1 033697 Inside carton only
this will result in shipping damage. 1 033725 Top pad
Use the original shipping carton and interior parts only if 1 034194 Bottom pad
they are all in good serviceable condition. If a shipping car- 1 034037 Inner carton pad
ton or any of the interior part(s) are needed, please call or
write Customer Service Department of McIntosh Labora- 4 017218 Plastic foot
tory. Please see the Part List for the correct part numbers. 4 100159 #10-32 x 3/4” screw
4 104083 #10-7/16” Flat washer
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McIntosh Laboratory, Inc.
2 Chambers Street
Binghamton, NY 13903