G.S Verma Vs Supertech
G.S Verma Vs Supertech
G.S Verma Vs Supertech
(Under Section 7 of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 And Rule 4 Of The
Insolvency And Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority), Rules,
3. Annexure- A-1
A copy of the order dated 28.08.2019 passed by
Hon’ble NCLT.
4. Annexure-A-2
A copy of Public Notification dated 25-08-2019
issued by Rabindra Kumar Mintri (Resolution
Professional) inviting financial creditors for claims
in the matter of Today Homes Noida Pvt. Ltd.
5. Annexure-A-3
A copy of the Allotment Letter dated 28.08.2010
issued to the Applicant by Corporate Debtor.
6. Annexure -A-4
A copy of the bank statement of the Applicant
containing the details of the payments.
7. Annexure -A-5
A copy of payment receipts issued by Corporate
Debtor to the Applicant.
7. Annexure-A-6
A copy of the email dated 28.07.2022 along with
Form-CA sent on behalf of Applicant to the RP.
8. 8. Annexure-A-7
A copy of the email dated 04.08.2022 sent on
behalf of Resolution Professional to the applicant
rejecting the claim.
9. Annexure–A-8
Copy of power of attorney executed by applicant
Manish Kumar Gupta in favor of his real brother
Ashish Kumar Gupta who will execute all the
necessary documents of this case on his behalf.
9 9. V Vakalatnama
10. Proof of service
11. Affidavit
Amit Singh & Akanksha Srivastava
Counsel for Applicants
Office at- D-6, LGF, Sector 61
Noida, NCR-201301 (U.P.)
Phone No: 9871812151
Email: adv.amitsingh2010@gmail.com
Under Section 7 of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 And Rule 4 Of The
Insolvency And Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority), Rules,
Supertech Limited
Registered Office At:
1114, Hemkunt Chambers,
11th Floor, 89, Nehru Place,
New Delhi – 110019 …Respondent
Amit Singh & Akanksha Srivastava
Under Section 7 of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 And Rule 4 Of The
Insolvency And Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority), Rules,
1. That the captioned case was filed by the financial creditor, union bank of
loan EMI’s.
2. That the captioned company petition was filed by the aggrieved party
read along with Rule 4 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Rules, 2016 jointly
4. That section 14, 18, and 19 under RERA protect the interests of
to the RP for inclusion of the claim of the Applicant in the list of Financial
and the payment schedule for the unit (apartment) was provided by the
hard earned savings and then availed loan facility from IDBI Bank and
the booked flat. That the CD received money from the Applicant on
9. That the Details of payments received by the CD from the Applicant are
as follows: -
Limited Noida
A copy of the bank statement/ receipts issued by the CD, containing the
10.That for the aforesaid amount, the acknowledgement receipts were
11. That As per the terms and conditions of allotment letter the
period of 30 months with a further grace period of 120 days but the
stipulated time.
fake response and promises for the next date of delivery of possession
13. That the Applicant waited for several years for delivery of possession of
flat but the possession of flat could not be handed over because of delay
Promoter could not complete the project on time and therefore the
14. That in 2022 Applicant got to know about the insolvency procedure has
been initiated against the builder and CIRP has been appointed by NCLT
Delhi. Applicant also came to know that the notification for submission
of claims were issued much before but being a bonafide homebuyer the
applicant tried his level best to attempt the legal recourse and
15. That After few days on 04-08-2022, the applicant received an email
from CIRP that the claim filed by applicant has been rejected by the Mr.
RP are as under :-
‘I have received your claim Form –CA, as a financial creditor in a class for
the project Today Homes Ridge Residency of Today Homes Noida Private
Limited vide speed post on 01.08.2022. As per regulations, 2016 and the
16. That the applicant is presently posted in Karnataka, South India and due
his nature of job found himself unable to pursue the matter on regular
the necessary actions and sign the required documents on behalf of the
Applicant and pursue the matter, hence could not immediately pursue
the matter before the Hon’able NCLT Court seeking proper relief which
17. That the Applicant herein is a genuine bonafide Homebuyer who had
invested his hard earned money in the project in a dream home but also
18. That due to the inadequate publicity regarding the initiation of CIRP in
the matter of Today Homes Noida Pvt. Ltd. the applicant was not aware
about the public notification, hence could file his claim before RP on
Regulation 12(2) has provided that the creditor can submit the proof of
20. That the Hon’able NCLT court has in its prior orders shown leniency in
Landmarks Ltd.) whereby the Ld. Adjudicating Authority had held the
21. That it is pertinent to mention that when the claim was submitted
before the RP, no successful Resolution Plan had been passed by the
Committee of Creditors of the CD, and as such, the Applicant was well
Code, it is the duty of the concerned IRP to receive, collate and verify
23. That hence, the kind intervention of this Hon’able court is solicited to
invested his hard-earned money only for the creation of his family’s
dream house.
24. It is humbly prayed that the prayer sought in the instant application
that this Hon’ble Tribunal may be pleased to pass the following orders: -
the CD;
with Rule 11 of the NCLT Rules for inclusion of the claim of the
I, Ashish kumar Gupta, aged about 43 yrs, S/o Shambhu Sharan Gupta,
Address 1/1022, Ratan Khand, Sharda Nagar Yojna, Lucknow , do hereby
solemnly affirm and state as under:-
3. That the Annexures annexed with the application/IA are true copies
of their respective originals.
Verified at Lucknow___ day of March, 2023. I, the above named
deponent do hereby verify that the contents of the above affidavit
are true and correct, no part of it is false and nothing material has
been concealed there from.