File 2
File 2
File 2
exercise 1: suppose we are analyzing the market for hot chocolate, graphically illustrate the
impact each of the following would have on demand or supply. also show how equilibrium
price and equilibrium quantity would change.
chocolate decreases → D shifts to left handed side
chocolate increases → D shifts to right hand side
f. the surgeon general of the US announces that hot chocolate cures acne.
g. protecting farmers dump millions of gallons of milk, causing the price of milk to rise
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j. currently, the price of hot chocolate is $0.50 per cup above equilibrium.
chocolate increases → QS > QD
3-step analysis
step 3: P?, Q?
question 1: how do you understand the “negative oil price”? please use the theory of demand
and suply to explain. this event is good or bad for the economy?
exercise 2:
a/ given the table below, graph the demand and supply curves for flashlights. make certain to
label the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity.
$5 6000 10000
$4 8000 8000
$3 10000 6000
$2 12000 4000
$1 14000 2000
QD = 16000 - 2000P
= 2000P
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QD = QS ↔ 16000 - 2000P = 2000P ↔ P = 4
c/ suppose the price is currently $5. what problem would exist in the market? what would you
expect to happen to price? show this on your graph.
d/ suppose the price is currently $2. what problem would exist in the market? what would you
expect to happen to price? show this on your graph.
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at a price of $2, the quantity demanded
is 12000 while the quantity supplied is
4000. this would lead to a shortage of
8000 flashlights in the market. with the
shortage, the price of flashlights will
eventually rise.
exercise 3: the demand and supply functions are respectively: (D): P = 80 - 0.25Q, (S): P = 20
+ 0.25Q
a/ determine price and quantity in the equilibrium. draw the figure representing it. calculate
the CS, PS, TS and the elasticity at the equilibrium price.
(S): P = 20 + 0.25Q → QS = - 80 + 4P
QD = QS ↔ 320 - 4P = - 80 + 4P ↔ P
= 50
CS = 12
× QE ×(Pmax - PE ) = 12 ×
50 −5
120 = 3 ≈- 1.67
b/ if the government impose a tax on seller: 10$/a product, what are new price and quantity in
the equilibrium. how much of the tax will the buyers pay, seller receive? calculate the TS, CS,
PS, DWL and the tax revenue. draw a figure.
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the government impose a tax on seller:
10$/a product
QD = QS ↔ 320 - 4P = - 120 + 4P ↔ P
= 55
- $50 = $5
CS = SΔABE’ = 12 x BE’ x AB = 12 x
PS = SΔBCE’ = 12 x BE’ x BC = 12 x
20) - 2 x (120 - 100) x (55 - 45) = 3500
c/ if the government control price at 55$, how we understand this type of price control
(ceiling price or floor price)? what happen for market? calculate TS, CS, PS, DWL.
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PS = SBCGF = 12 x BF x (BC + FG) =
x 100 x (55 - 20 + 10) = 2250
- 100) = 100
d/ if the government control price at 45$, how we understand this type of price control
(ceiling price or floor price)? what happen for market? calculate TS, CS, PS, DWL.
2 x 100 x (80 - 45 + 10) = 2250
PS = SΔBCG = 12 x BG x BC = 12 x
- 100) = 100
exercise 4: new cars are normal goods. what will happen to the equilibrium price of new cars
if the price of gasoline rises, the price of steel falls, public transportation becomes cheaper
and more comfortable, auto-workers accept lower wages, and automobile insurance becomes
more expensive?
A. price will rise
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exercise 5: you own a small town movie theatre. you currently charge $5 per ticket for
everyone who comes to your movies. your friend who took an economics course in college
tells you that there may be a way to increase your total revenue. given the demand curves
shown, answer the following questions.
QD adult = a - bP ↔ 40 = a - b x 8, 50 = a - b x 5 ↔ a = 200
, b = 10
→ QD adult = 200
10 dQ P
P → EDP adult = dP x Q
= −10
x 50 = −1
QD children
= a - bP ↔ 10 = a - b x 6, 20 = a - b x 5 ↔ a = 70, b = 10 → QD adult
= 70 -
dQ P 5
10P → EDP children
= dP x Q
= - 10 x 20 = −5
|EDP adult
| < |EDP children
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d/ what is the elasticity of demand between the prices of $5 and $2 in the adult market? is this
elastic or inelastic?
Q1 −Q2
EDP = (Q + / (PP+1 −P 2 50−60
= (50+60)/2 $5−$2
/ ($5+$2)/2 = −7 ≈
33 - 0.21
Q )/2 P )/2
1 2
the elasticity of demand between the prices of $5 and $2 in the adult market is inelastic
(|EDP | = 0.21 < 1)
e/ what is the elasticity of demand between $5 and $2 in the children’s market? is this elastic
or inelastic?
1 2Q −Q 1 2 P −P
20−50 $5−$2
EDP = (Q + / (P + = (20+50)/2 / ($5+$2)/2 = -1
Q )/2 P )/2
1 2
the elasticity of demand between the prices of $5 and $2 in the adult market is elastic (|E
DP | = 1)
f/ given the graphs and what your fiend knows about economics, he recommends you increase
the price of adult tickets to $8 each and lower the price of a child’s ticket to $3. how much
could you increase total revenue if you take his advice?
exercise 7: if the price of natural gas rises, when is the price elasticity of demand likely to be
the highest?
A. immediately after the price increase.
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D. one year after the price increase.
exercise 8: which of the following is likely to have the most price inelastic demand?
exercise 9: a person who takes a prescription drug to control high cholesterol most likely has
a demand for that drug that is:
A. inelastic.
B. unit elastic.
C. elastic.
exercise 10: there are very few, if any, good substitutes for motor oil. therefore,
exercise 11: if the price elasticity of demand for a good is 0.8, then which of the following
events is consistent with 4% decrease in the quantity of the good demanded?
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exercise 12+13+14+15:
A. $3000
B. $5000
C. $7000
D. $9000
13. when price falls from $50 to $40, it can be inreferred that demand between those 2 prices
1 Q 2 )/2 (P 1 + P 2 )/2
→ elastic
Untitled 10
TR($30) = P x Q = $30 x 300 = $9000
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