The Destiny Ple Target Emergency Spot MTC 2024
The Destiny Ple Target Emergency Spot MTC 2024
The Destiny Ple Target Emergency Spot MTC 2024
Timeallowed:2 hours 30minutes
Index No. Random No. Personal No.
SECTION A (40 Marks).
Each question carries 2 marks
1. Find the value of 2 in the numeral 213five.
2. Given that Set P = {prime factors less than 17} and Set Q = {first six
whole numbers}, list the elements of (P – Q).
4. Town M is 3.09 kilometres from Town N. Find the distance between the
two towns in metres.
(2x – 1) cm
(x + 3) cm
6. Express 100 as a product of its prime factors.
7. A wife is 5 years younger than her husband. If the wife’s age is k years,
express the husband’s age in terms of k.
8. Subtract the 4th square number from the 6th square number.
9. A worker’s salary has been increased by 15%. If the original salary was
sh. 240000, find the man’s new salary.
12. A farmer bought items from a market using the denominations below:
3 twenty thousand shilling notes
7 five hundred shilling coins
Find the farmer’s total expenditure on the items.
13. If 20 pieces of cloth of the same type take 3 hours to get dry, how long
will 15 pieces of cloth of the same type take to dry if they are dried
under the same condition?
12cm 13cm
Find the base “r” of the triangle in centimetres.
16. The product of the LCM and GCF of two numbers is 48. If one of the
numbers is 6, find the second number.
18. If today is Wednesday 21st June 2023, which day of the week was it on
9th May of the same year?
20. A tank contains 3000 litres of water. A tap is opened and releases
water at a rate of 10 litres per minute. How many hours will it take for
the tank to become completely empty?
22. The product of three numbers is 192. If the numbers are in the ratio
2:3:4, find the sum of the three numbers.(05 Marks)
23. Lydia and James contested in a bye-election. of the electorate voted.
Lydia got 2800 votes and James got of the vote cast.
iii) Median height(02 Marks)
iv) Arithmetic Mean of height of the boys with 120 cm and below.
(02 Marks)
26. A car covers a distance at a speed of 60km/hr in 3 hours. At what
speed should the car travel to cover the same distance in only 2
hours?(04 Marks)
27. A sum of money was invested for 4 years at an annual simple interest
rate of 5%. If the same sum of money had been invested for the same
time at 4½% per annum simple interest, the interest would have been
less by sh. 23000. What sum of money was invested?(06 Marks)
28. The interior angle of a regular polygon is four times its exterior angle.
a) Find the size of each exterior angle of the polygon.(02 Marks)
b) Name the polygon. (03 Marks)
a) If 12 candidates like Mirinda only, find the value of x.(02 Marks)
31. a) Find the number that can be subtracted from 423 to get 287.
(02 Marks)
32. Grace has bought 60 kg of posho at sh. 120,000. At what price must
she sell each kilogram to get a total profit of sh. 60,000?(04 Marks)
Enjoy your P.7 vacation