Ts-Bpass: Office of The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
Ts-Bpass: Office of The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
Ts-Bpass: Office of The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
Sir / Madam,
Sub: Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation - Construction of Residential consisting of 1 Stilt + 5 upper floors , to an extent of 489.86,
situated at KONDAPUR Locality, SERILINGAMPALLY Mandal, Rangareddy District Issued - Reg.
Ref: 1. Your Application dated: 22 December, 2023
2. G.O.Ms.No.168 M.A., dt. 07-04-2012 and its time to time amendments.
Your application submitted in the reference 1st citied has been examined with reference to the rules and regulations in force and permission is hereby
sanctioned conditionally as detailed below:
1 Name of Applicant M/s PLATINA DEVELOPERS PVT LTD S/o
2 Represented By NARENDER REDDY A
3 Developer / Builder MS. PLATINA DEVELOPERS PVT LTD Lic.No. BL/4268/2022
4 Licensed Technical Person/Architect KAUSHIK KUMAR T Lic.No. CA/2010/50876
5 Structural Engineer DEEPAK DONGRE Lic.No. 405
6 Others NA
1 T.S. No./Survey No./Gramkhantam/Abadi 190 P, 197 F AND 198 P
2 HouseNo/Door No/Pr.No -
3 PlotNo. 35 PART
4 Approved Layout No. / LRS Proceeding No./Sub division No 9355/HUDA/MP2/91
5 Street / Road -
6 Locality Name KONDAPUR
7 Village Name KONDAPUR
8 Town/City NA
1 Plot Area (Sq. Mtrs) 493.96
2 Roadaffectedarea(Sq. Mtrs) 0.0
3 Nala affectedarea(Sq. Mtrs) 0.0
4 Net Plot Area (Sq. Mtrs) 489.86
5 Floors Ground Upper floors Parking floors
Area No. of Area
Use No. Area (Sq.Mt.) No. Level No. Stack Area
(Sq.Mt.) Stack (Sq.Mt.)
a Residential 0 0.00 5 1,292.35 Cellar 0 - - 0
b Commercial 0 0.00 0 0.00 Stilt 1 - - 257.25
c Others 0 0.00 0 0.00 U.Floors 0 - - 0
d No of floors 1 Stilt + 5 upper floors
e Height of the Building 14.99
Front Rear Side I Side II
d Set backs (m)
4 2.52 2.5 2.53
7 Tot Lot NA
8 Height(M) 14.99
9 No.of Rain Water Harvesting Pits 5
10 No. of Trees NA
11 Total Parking Area 160.2
1 Contractor’s all Risk Policy No. 433702/44/2024/920 Date 04 December, 2024 Valid Upto 03 December, 2029
2 Notarised Affidavit No. 7236/2024 Date 10 April, 2024 Area (m2) 129.28
3 Enter Sr. No. in prohibitory Property Watch Register 7575/2024 Date 10 April, 2024
4 Floor handed over FIRST FLOOR S.R.O. RANGA REDDY
5 Details of TDR Utilization
DRC No. Area (Sq. Yds) Market value No of Additional Floor
The applicant should follow the clause 5.f (xi) (iii) (iv) (v) & (vii) of G.O.Ms.No.168, MA dt:07.04.2012.
1. The permission accorded does not confer any ownership rights, At a later stage if it is found that the documents are false and fabricated the permission will be
2. If construction is not commenced within 6 months, building application shall be submitted afresh duly paying required fees.
4. Sanctioned Plan copy as attested by the GHMC shall be displayed at the construction site for public view.
5. Commencement Notice shall be submitted by the applicant before commencement of the building U/s 440 of HMC Act.
6. Completion Notice shall be submitted after completion of the building & obtain occupancy certificate U/s 455 of HMC Act.
8. Public Amenities such as Water Supply, Electricity Connections will be provided only on production of occupancy certificate.
9. Prior Approval should be obtained separately for any modification in the construction.
10. Tree Plantation shall be done along the periphery and also in front of the premises.
11. Tot-lot shall be fenced and shall be maintained as greenery at owners cost before issue of occupancy certificate.
13. Space for Transformer shall be provided in the site keeping the safety of the residents in view.
15. Cellar and stilts approved for parking in the plan should be used exclusively for parking of vehicles without partition walls & rolling shutters and the same
should not be converted or misused for any other purpose at any time in future as per undertaking submitted.
16. No. of units as sanctioned shall not be increased without prior approval of GHMC at any time in future
17. This sanction is accorded on surrendering of Road affected portion of the site to GHMC free of cost without claiming any compensation at any time as per the
undertaking submitted.
18. Strip of greenery on periphery of the site shall be maintained as per rules.
19. Stocking of Building Materials on footpath and road margin causing obstruction to free movement of public & vehicles shall not be done, failing which
20. The permission accorded does not bar the application or provisions of Urban Land Ceiling & Regulations Act 1976.
21. The Developer / Builder / Owner to provide service road wherever required with specified standards at their own cost.
22. A safe distance of minimum 3.0mts. Vertical and Horizontal Distance between the Building & High Tension Electrical Lines and 1.5mts. for Low Tension
23. No front compound wall for the site abutting 18 mt. road widths shall be allowed and only Iron grill or Low height greenery hedge shall be allowed.
24. If greenery is not maintained 10% additional property tax shall be imposed as penalty every year till the condition is fulfilled.
25. All Public and Semi Public buildings above 300Sq.mts. shall be constructed to provide facilities to physically handicapped persons as per provisions of NBC of
26. The mortgaged built-up area shall be allowed for registration only after an Occupancy Certificate is produced.
27. The Registration authority shall register only the permitted built-up area as per sanctioned plan.
28. The Financial Agencies and Institutions shall extend loans facilities only to the permitted built-up area as per sanctioned plan.
29. The Services like Sanitation, Plumbing, Fire Safety requirements, lifts, electrical installations etc., shall be executed under the supervision of Qualified
Technical Personnel.
30. Architect / Structural Engineer if changed, the consent of the previous Architect / Structural Engineer is required and to be intimated to the GHMC.
31. Construction shall be covered under the contractors all risk Insurance till the issue of occupancy certificate (wherever applicable).
32. As per the undertaking executed in terms of G.O. Ms. No. 541 MA, dt. 17-11-2000 (wherever applicable),
a) The construction shall be done by the owner, only in accordance with sanctioned Plan under the strict supervision of the Architect, Structural Engineer
and site engineer failing which the violations are liable for demolition besides legal action.
b) The owner, builder, Architect, Structural Engineer and site engineer are jointly & severely responsible to carry out and complete the construction
c) The Owner, Builder, Architect, Structural Engineer and Site Engineer are jointly and severely are held responsible for the structural stability during the
building construction and should strictly adhere to all the conditions in the G.O.
d) The Owner / Builder should not deliver the possession of any part of built up area of the building, by way of Sale / Lease unless and until Occupancy
Certificate is obtained from GHMC after providing all the regular service connections to each portion of the building and duly submitting the following.
i. Building Completion Certificate issued by the Architect duly certifying that the building is completed as per the sanctioned plan.
ii. Structural Stability Certificate issued by the Structural Engineer duly certifying that the building is structurally safe and the construction is
iii. An extract of the site registers containing inspection reports of Site Engineer, Structural Engineer and Architect.
iv. Insurance Policy for the completed building for a minimum period of three years.
33. Structural Safety and Means of Escape Safety Requirements shall be the responsibility of the Owner, Builder/Developer, Architect and St. Engineer to provide
all necessary Fire Fighting Installation as stipulated in National Building Code of India, 2016 .
34. Occupancy FIRE NOC Shall be Obtained from Director (EV&DM) before issue of Occupancy Certificate.
35. In respect of All Non Residential Buildings and Residential Building in plot of 500 Sq.mts / 600 Sq.Yds and above, the Applicant shall comply with the
provision of Telangana State Cool Roof Policy 2023-2028 and the same is mandatory for issuance of Occupancy Certificate(OC).
36. A dual piping system is a type of plumbing system where two separate sets of pipes are installed to distribute water in a building. One set of pipes carries
potable or drinking water, while the other set of pipes carries non-potable or reclaimed water. The potable water pipes are connected to the main water supply
and distribute water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. The non-potable or reclaimed water pipes carry water that has been treated and recycled from sources
like rainwater, greywater from sinks and showers, or treated wastewater.
37. Parking places in buildings shall be provided with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure as per Central Electricity Authority (CEA) Technical Requirements
for Connection of Distributed Generation Sources, CEA Measures of Safety Regulations, 2010 and Ministry of Power Consolidated Guidelines and Standards for EV
Charging Infrastructure, as amended from time to time".
38. For Constructions over 10,000 Sq.mt and above and in case of Group Housing Buildings where there are 100 units and above, the plumbing arrangement
shall be made in a way that the potable water shall be used for drinking, cooking and bathing only and for rest of the uses, provision for dual piping system shall
be made.
39. New building constructions shall have to properly demarcate sections within buildings and on rooftops for housing Broadband/digital connectivity
infrastructure / antenna. These areas should have access to power supply for reliable, always on services. Further, Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) of a
building shall include the common duct to access the common space used as telecomn room inside the building.
40. Occupancy Certificate to a building shall be granted only after ensuring that the CTI as per the prescribed standards is in place and an undertaking is given
by the Architect or Engineer certifying that building has ensured common access to all digital infrastructure to all Service providers in accordance with plan of
creation of CTI.
General Conditions:
1. The owner / developer of the site shall ensure that the C&D Waste generated id transferred only to the designated C&D Waste Collection point Circle 20
SERILINGAMPALLY/ Khajaguda / Nallagandla flyover of the proposed site duly paying the requisite fee to the agency at the transfer as per the quantity arrived.
2. The GHMC reserve the right to cancel the permission it is falls that the permission is obtained by framed misrepresentation OR by mistake of fact.
3. The Builder/Developer shall register the project in the RERA website for the plots above 500 Sq.Mtrs or more than 8 Dwelling units .
Additional Conditions
1. 1. The proceedings are issued based on all the documents attached by the applicant, and in the later stage if it is found that the subject land is
ULC land/government land and in the event of any title dispute on prima facia or title of the subject land and if the matter is settled in favor of a
third party by any respective courts, the applicants will only be solely responsible and adhere to the court orders and the GHMC can revoke the
building permission at any time without any notice and the GHMC will not return the fees whatever has been paid.
2. The applicant/Owner and builder/ developer shall not change the usage of the building other than the permitted, and should not construct any
extra floor or any rooms on the terrace floor, the applicant should not construct extra rooms in the parking area and in setbacks, the applicant
should not place the lift in the mid landing of the staircase and if any violations are done in deviation from the sanctioned plan the GHMC will not
accord the Occupancy Certificate and the same will be demolished at any time without any notices.
The applicant also has to also ensure the following :
1) Avenue plantation inside perimeter of at least 2mts height mandatorily, rooftop greenery for aesthetics, with horticulture and creeper plants
2) RWHS pit as per norms with piped connection from the terrace and all sides
3) To ensure zero ramps onto the road slope and no vehicles bound outwards to be without washed /cleaned tyres
4) To ensure Copy to the concerned DC for Property Tax assessment
5) To mandatorily install CCTVS as per GOMs 167 MA & UD dt 06-10-2020; as per specifications of the Police Department and to provide linkage
to the concerned SHO.
6) To keep a Dust Mitigation/Control Plan while construction work and not to exceed Ambient Air Quality Standards
7) Not to occupy a place in front of the building compound wall along the road, and not to occupy the footpath by placing greenery with fencing
and other utilities
8) The Owner/Developer of the site shall ensure that the C&D waste generated is transferred only to the designated C&D waste collection point
located in respective GHMC circle of the proposed site duly paying the requisite fee to the agency at the transfer as per the quantity arrived.
Department and to provide linkage to the concerned SHO.
6) To keep a Dust Mitigation/Control Plan while construction work and not to exceed Ambient Air Quality
7) Not to occupy a place in front of the building compound wall along the road, and not to occupy the footpath
by placing greenery with fencing and other utilities
8) The Owner/Developer of the site shall ensure that the C&D waste generated is transferred only to the
designated C&D waste collection point located in respective GHMC circle of the proposed site duly paying the
requisite fee to the agency at the transfer as per the quantity arrived.
Yours Faithfully
Copy To :-
1. The Manager Director, HMWS&SB.
2. The Director, T.S. TRANSCO, Hyderabad.
3. The Director General, Stamps and Registration Department, Hyderabad.
4. The Director General, Telangana State Disaster Response and Fire Services, Hyderabad.
5. The Neighbors (side1, side2 & rear).
6. The Licensed Technical Personnel/Structural Engineer/Builder.
NOTE: This is computer generated letter, doesn't require any manual signatures.