CN Question Bank
CN Question Bank
CN Question Bank
Unit 1
1. Define Computer Network and describe various types of topologies with a neat diagram.
2. What is the need of Layered Architecture? Explain OSI/ISO model with appropriate
3. Explain Layers in TCP/IP Protocol Suite with neat diagram.
4. Differentiate between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model.
5. What is Transmission media? Explain about Guided Transmission media and unguided
Transmission media.
6. Compare LAN, MAN and WAN.
7. Explain about different techniques used for bandwidth utilization.
8. What is Spread Spectrum? Explain about Spread spectrum techniques with a neat
9. What are basic components of data communication?
10. Discuss Circuit Switching and Packet Switching Methods.
11. Explain about Simplex, Half Duplex mode, Full Duplex mode.
12. What is Multiplexing? Discuss about Frequency Division Multiplexing and Time
Division Multiplexing.
13. Explain the architecture of IEEE 802.3 and its Frame format.
14. Explain about various Internet Standard Organizations.
15. Explain about the functionality of Repeaters, Routers, Switch, Bridges and Spanning
Tree Bridges.
16. Compare Circuit Switching, Datagram Networks and Virtual Circuit Method.
17. Explain Virtual LAN.
18. Explain Wired LAN (Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Ten Gigabit Ethernet).
Unit 2
1. Discuss about TCP Connection establishment, Data Transfer and TCP connection
termination with a neat diagram using Threeway Handshaking method.
2. Explain about congestion control policies.(Open loop congestion control policies and
closed loop congestion control policies)
3. Explain about techniques to improve Quality of Service(QoS).
4. Explain about TCP Segment Header Format with a neat diagram.
5. Explain Client Server paradigm with a neat diagram.
6. Write about Leaky Bucket Algorithm with a neat diagram.
7. Discuss about Token Bucket Algorithm with a neat diagram.
8. Explain about UDP Header datagram format.
9. Explain TCP flow control of Transport Layer.
10. Explain about SCTP Packet Format and SCTP services.( SCTP-Stream Control
Transmission Protocol)
Unit 5