Ipo Sample 5 HRM
Ipo Sample 5 HRM
Ipo Sample 5 HRM
Chapter I
employees in general. The discussion of this topic is getting broader at this time.
Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction has been distinct in many different ways.
Some believe it is simply how content an individual is with his or her job, in other
words, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such
orientations on the part of individuals toward work roles which they are presently
that workers have towards their work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a
business organization, brings with it the needs, desires and experiences which
degree to which expectations are and match the real awards. Job satisfaction is
closely linked to that individual's behavior in the work place (Davis et al., 1985).
Job satisfaction is a worker’s sense of accomplishment and success on the
personal well-being. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well
and being rewarded for one’s efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm
and happiness with one’s work. Job satisfaction is the key part that leads to
recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other goals that lead to a
Job satisfaction can be defined also as the extent to which a worker is content
with the rewards he or she gets out of his core her job, particularly in terms of
The term job satisfaction refers to the attitude and feelings people have about
their work. Positive and favorable attitudes towards the job indicate job
satisfaction. Pessimistic and unfavorable attitudes towards the job indicate job
Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about
their current job. People’s levels of job satisfaction can range from extreme
various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they do, their coworkers,
of the perception that the job enables the material and psychological needs (Aziri,
Job satisfaction enables the company to fit the right person to the right job
and to keep them satisfied. It is about the employee’s attitude about their work
which is based on various elements from their environment. This enables the
to understand the attitude and measure the job satisfaction of its employees. An
employee who is satisfied with his job exceeds expectations and performs better
at what he does.
negative and may also have an effect with their fulfillment with life. If the
Security of tenure and good paying jobs are two of the factors that may meet the
assurance that the employees are contented and happy with their work.
based in Manila, Philippines. The company specializes in the middle to the high
end of the Philippine market and caters to the high rise projects.
System Corporation uses imported materials and fittings to ensure precise and in
synch movement.
corporate culture. These values are the fundamental principles that guide the
• Respect for the Individual is a corporate value and a corporate goal. It is the
• Financial Strength is the foundation for all that we do. We are committed to
function and through every customer served. Community requires giving back
sexual orientation, experience and thought is about more than doing the right
thing. The thoughtful inclusion of every associate at every level of the business
facilitates the open exchange of ideas and engages individuals, allowing them to
They listen to each other and actively consider what they hear. This helps
generate new ideas and create solutions that enable the organization to function
to our future growth and success to attract associates from a diverse talent pool.
diverse workforce, the company also encourages and supports a diverse supplier
Based on figures compiled by the Family Firm Institute (FFI), family firms comprise
80 to 90% of all businesses in North America. In the United Kingdom 75% of all
“mom and pop” operations. Some of the world’s biggest and best-known
companies are actually family-owned. In the United States, some 37% of Fortune
Firestone, DuPont and Levi Strauss are some examples of big family businesses
companies, whose ownership may be already dispersed, are still identified with
the founding family. They would include Ayala Corporation (Ayala family),
Although these companies are publicly listed and hence, ownership may include
reaching: the top position is occupied by a family member. In addition, other family
members are part of the board of directors and/or are corporate officers.
Just what is a family business and why is it different from other forms of
would insist that at least 50% of ownership should reside in one family for it to be
require 60% or more equity in the family business. Ayala Land, Inc. fits this
Ayala family. Others however say that ownership can be substituted by other
members influence the direction of the business even though they may own less
than the majority of the stock, the firm may be considered a family business.
Fred Neubauer and Alden Lank, in their book The Family Business: Its
Governance for Sustainability, argue that voting control should be in the hands of
family. The Siemens family controls only 10% of the voting rights of the company.
The 90% however is spread among 607,000 non-family shareholders. Thus the
or are part of senior management, then for scholars like Smyrnios and Romano,
the company is a family business. SM Prime Holdings, which owns all the SM
Supermalls across Metro Manila and select provinces, meets these criteria.
Based on its 1999 annual report, out of the seven board directors, five seats
are held by Henry Sy, Sr. and his children. Six family members are executive
65.5% of the company, only two family members sit on the board and no one
It is clear that there are peculiarities that are unique to the family business.
Because these three systems overlap, conflicts arise. Since family members
run the business, family issues are brought into the business and business issues
are carried over into the family. Recently, the rivalry between the two children of
the late textile magnate Ramon Siy (whose family owns Jag/Lee, Kenny Rogers
and Seattle’s Best) have made the headlines. One business columnist reports that
the family has been divided into two camps. The only recourse may be to break
The family business faces other challenges uniquely its own. Because of the
company), problems can occur where one family member acts out a role
inappropriate for the situation. Family conflicts when left unchecked can lead to
the collapse of the business. Other causes for the failure of the family business
are: inadequate estate planning, failure to properly prepare for the transition to the
next generation, and lack of estate taxes -- the three leading causes for family
business failure according to the Family Firm Institute.
Despite these challenges, family businesses enjoy opportunities that may not
can outperform other companies because family members tend to think long-term.
In addition, because the family name is attached to the business, the family
members are willing to work longer hours and plow back earnings to ensure the
growth. According to Shanker and Astrachan, family firms contribute about 49%
to the total GDP of the United States. Based on FFI figures (Family Firm Institute),
DLSU-Angelo King Institute has created the Family Business Studies Center. The
(Johnston, 2004).
where there is a plan for such a transition. Using this definition, it is possible for a
It is estimated that family businesses make up more than 90% of the world’s
Family businesses dominate even among the largest companies in the world.
Among companies with revenues of more than $1 Billion a year, family businesses
compose 33% of companies in the United States, 40% in France and Germany
and close to 50% in Brazil. In Sweden, the Wallenberg family control companies,
like Ericsson, representing around 50% of total stock market capitalization of the
Swedish stock market. The top ten families control 34% of market capitalization
in Portugal, and 29% in France and Switzerland. The Agnelli family controls more
nations of the world. For example, the top 15 families control 84% of the GDP of
South Korea, about 20 families control companies that make up 60% of the
country’s South Korean stock market value and most of its exports.
There are cultural reasons why family businesses will continue to dominate
the economy especially in Asia. In this part of the world, the basic unit of society
is the family and not the individual. Families will, therefore, want to ensure that
survival rate of family businesses is higher than nonfamily businesses. In fact, the
longest surviving companies in the world are all family businesses. There is solid
becomes critical when there is lack of management talent in the family, when there
Family businesses must also understand that managing the family is also as
Theoretical Framework
satisfaction theories and models. The following aspects were found to fit the
studies on job satisfaction, researchers have concluded that “the satisfied worker
likewise a motivational theory in psychology which extends from lower level needs
fulfilling five basic needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-
stated that individuals are inspired to achieve certain needs and that some needs
take priority over others. Physical survival is our most essential need and this will
be the first thing that motivates our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled, the next
Affective Events Theory explains that there are both positive and negative
occurrences during the workday that can affect an employee's emotions and job
between each individual’s mood and emotion and their response to events that
happen in their work environment that affects their work performance and job
Herzberg developed one of the earliest theories relating to job satisfaction in
the 1950s. His "two-factor" theory emphasizes that there are factors in the
The five hygiene factors: (a) Monetary rewards; (b) Competent supervision;
(c) Policy and administration; (d) Working conditions; and (e) Security. These are
the factors that cause dissatisfaction in the workplace and do not motivate
The four motivators in the theory are: (a) Achievement; (b) Recognition; (c)
Herzberg believed that these two sets of factors act independently of each
other. This theory is also called motivation – hygiene theory. Herzberg’s theory
the presence of which causes satisfaction but their absence does not result in
The studies designed to test their theory failed to give any support to this
theory, as it seems that a person can get both satisfaction and dissatisfaction at
Conceptual Framework
for identifying the researcher’s input and how details are processed where the
The input box reflects the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, civil
It can further be observed from the input box the aspects of hygiene factors
the work; while the motivation factors are recognition, promotion, achievement,
and responsibility.
through questionnaire.
The output box reflects the respondent’s profile, identified respondent’s level
This study was conducted to identify the level of job satisfaction of the
manufacturing company and what makes the employees stay in the company.
A. Profile of the Respondents a. Assessment of the a. Level of Job
a. Age Level of Job Satisfaction Assessed
b. Sex Satisfaction
c. Civil Status
d. Highest Educational
Attainment b. Solutions and
e. Length of service in the b. Presentation, Analysis Recommendations
company and Interpretation of
f. Nature of Job data gathered through
Assignment questionnaire
Hygiene Theory. It was presented using the Input – Process – Output Model. The
model is sometimes configured to include any storage that might happen in the
process as well. The inputs represent the flow of data and materials into the
process from the outside. The processing step includes all tasks required to effect
a transformation of the inputs. The outputs are the data and materials flowing out
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the employee’s job
selected variable:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
2.2. Recognition;
2.3. Promotion;
2.4. Achievement;
2.6. Supervision;
2.11. Security;
study. Emory and Cooper pointed out that a hypothesis guide the direction of the
study and provide a framework for organizing the conclusions of the study. Thus,
1.1. Age
1.2. Sex
Employees. This research will support the employees in the assessment of their
working condition, determining what motivates them to stay in the company, and
towards the job which will give them a sense of belongingness and sense of
It will also help them assess if this type of working industry provides
relating to employees and their jobs which will aid in good decision making, both
performance will be improved and factors affecting the job performance of their
It will also help them improve overall job satisfaction through the company and
will be able to distinguish where to focus their efforts in improving employee job
satisfaction. This will enable to build foundation and create an environment that
fosters creativity.
This will also enable the department to provide ways and means on how to
minimize the level of stress that each employees experience during at work.
The Public. This research will enable to provide awareness to individuals
planning to work in this kind of work industry. It will give them an overview of the
framework of the same study. It will help them establish additional information for
their research enhancement. The future researchers should not be part of the
research topic.
Definition of Terms
The following are the terms used in the study. They are conceptually and
Age - refers from the respondents’ span of life when the research was
assistance to graduates who are looking to start their careers in the business
involves choosing and setting personal goals, and formulating strategies for
achieving them.
Company Policies and Rules - The term pertains to the policy that permits an
employee to use his discretion and initiatives in the discharge of his duties.
can be achieved with the same consumption of resources (money, time, labor,
Effectiveness - the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to
reference to costs and, whereas efficiency means "doing the thing right".
respondents’ education.
graph that identifies the inputs, outputs, and required processing tasks required
any storage that might happen in the process as well. The inputs represent the
flow of data and materials into the process from the outside. The processing step
includes all tasks required to effect a transformation of the inputs. The outputs
are the data and materials flowing out of the transformation process.
behavior for his or her own internal satisfaction or fulfillment. Intrinsic motivation
individual and the situation. It is very important factor in the design of learning or
training course.
Job Security - Assurance (or lack of it) that an employee has about the
continuity of gainful employment for his or her work life. Job security usually
Management - The directors and managers who have the power and
Motivation - Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in
make an effort to attain a goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both
conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire or need,
(2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual
structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the
carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems--they affect and are
one must fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure, particulars
paid in any frequency but, in common practice, is paid on monthly and not on
stress and noise levels, degree of safety or danger, and the like.
construction site or office building. Typically involves other factors relating to the
place of employment, such as the quality of the air, noise level, and additional
perks and benefits of employment such as free child care or unlimited coffee, or
adequate parking.
Chapter II
The previous chapter provided the overview to this study. It included the
The basic question which needs to be addressed is: “what initiates people
to work for them to feel contented in the attainment of their desired goals?”
In this chapter, the relevant foreign and local literature and studies will be
will be learned in this assessment. This will comprise the explanations of job
It is now important to understand what has led the employee to feel satisfied or
Several authors and researchers have attempted to define and explain the
Foreign Literature
understand individuals’ behavior and to predict labor market mobility (Clark, 2001,
Freeman, 1978).
• Financial benefits
of its main components for the work performance of those employees (Argyle,
Locke have identified nine basic job dimensions namely: work, pay,
& company and management. These dimensions may be acceptable for some
reasons. However, they may also be grouped into two levels of analysis: events
or conditions and agents level of analysis. The first six dimensions specifically:
to be under the events level of analysis because they are ultimately caused by
workers are elements under the Agents Level of Analysis because they are
Based on this concept, Hulin and Judge (2003) noted that job satisfaction
his or her work. (Armstrong, 2006) defines job satisfaction as the attitudes and
feelings people have about their work. Positive and favorable attitude towards
the job indicate job satisfaction, Negative and unfavorable attitude indicate
towards his or her work (Saari & Judge 2004). It describes the feelings or
employee job satisfaction and its contributing variable are important for any
organization to exist and prosper (Majidi, 2010). Similarly Oplatka & Mimon,
(2008) noted that the principal reason as to why job satisfaction is to extensively
Job satisfaction occurs when a job meets the expectations, values and
The greater the degree of the expectations being met the higher will the level of
Staff will be satisfied if they are justifiably treated by the outcomes they
receive or the processes that are implemented. However, they also warn that a
towards one’s job; the difference between the rewards received and what they
There are considered two major theories that have influenced the
Physiological needs are those needs required for human survival such as
clothing, sleep, water, air, food, and shelter. As an employer, you can provide
protection from accidents, harm and their adverse effects are all included in
safety needs. It also includes those needs that offer a person with a sense of
security and well-being. An employer may provide his employees those needs
Social needs, also called love and belonging, refer to the need to feel a
whether these groups are large or small. As an employer, you can account for
making sure each of them know one another and by promoting a good work-life
employer, you can account for the esteem needs of your employees by
acknowledgment when the employee does well, and to reflect your belief that
potential. Maslow describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that
one can, to become the most that one can be. Individuals may perceive or focus
on this need very specifically (Maslow, 1954). As an employer, you can account
their jobs.
Frederick Irving Herzberg (April 18, 1923 – January 19, 2000) was an
enrichment and the Motivator-Hygiene theory. His 1968 publication "One More
Time, How Do You Motivate Employees?" had sold 1.2 million reprints by 1987
and was the most requested article from the Harvard Business Review
Why do people stay or leave their jobs? Is it because of their salary? What
are they looking for in a job? Are they only after high salary, job security or good
and growth or something else altogether? These are significant questions for the
The two-factor theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven
hygiene factors.
relations with other employees etc.). Based on the Herzberg’s theory it is clear
that workers are most satisfied and most productive when their jobs are rich in
relationship (2013), based from the data she presented on her research, it is
clear that there must be an association between job satisfaction and employee
on employee performance.
well-being. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and
being rewarded for one’s efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and
happiness with one’s work. Job satisfaction is the key ingredient that leads to
recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other goals that lead to
Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about
their current job. People’s levels of degrees of job satisfaction can range from
about various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they do, their co-
context, this paper makes a humble attempt to clear the concept behind these
relationships among these variable (Dr. Riyaz Ahmad Rainyee, Arfat Ahmad,
management. Many studies undertaken in this field have also established its
200 accountants and engineers about job satisfaction in the attempt to identify
factors that contribute to their dissatisfaction towards their job. He listed that
On the other hand, the common factors identified for satisfied employees are
prevent employees from being dissatisfied towards their job. In other words,
factors towards job satisfaction. This means that when the workers have
towards their job can be prevented. But it is not definite that these factors will
increase the level of job satisfaction among the employees (Madura, 2006).
Fallon and Zgodzinski (2008) added that the hygiene factors might not have
significant impact in improving performance but if these factors are not fulfilled,
the performance of the employees will deteriorate.
Local Literature
An article from Rappler (2015), “Are you happy at work?”, Ms. Wyatt Ong
states that seven out of ten employees are satisfied with their jobs. This survey
was conducted by Jobstreet. Seventy percent of the Filipino employees are well
contented with their current jobs. However, the factors that make up the
The survey presented five common factors when it comes to job satisfaction:
Salaries, company benefits and incentives (64%); Job role (62%); Learning and
culture and reputation (59%); Relationships with colleagues and boss (56%).
The satisfaction factor of job satisfaction for the fresh graduate employees
is the salaries, company benefits and incentives. However, for the middle level
employees, the top factor is the relationship with colleagues and boss. For the
top level management, satisfaction factor for them is the role itself.
The level of job satisfaction varies on the length of service in the company
Since there are about seventy percent employees who are satisfied with
their jobs, listed below are the factors behind why employees are dissatisfied
with their jobs: Not satisfied with salary 42%; Not satisfied with career growth
31%; Culture, working environment, work life balance, 23%; I wasn't satisfied
The top dissatisfaction factor is the salary wherein the employees are not
satisfied with the compensation they are currently receiving. This may be
because they are not being paid based on the job they are working for. The next
factor is the career growth. They are working but there is no development in their
Culture, working environment and work life balance is another factor wherein the
employee’s pays more time working than they are spending on their selves. They
devote so much time on their work that they cannot even spend time with their
family. There is no work and life balance. The working environment is so toxic
that they cannot even give balance time between work and their social life.
organization itself hinders the performance of the employees. Last but not the
least, the job role factor. We all know that there are people who are employed
According to Jobstreet, the survey was conducted June to July 2015, with
In a report by Accenture last March 2011 states that: “More than half of
their male counterparts – report that they are dissatisfied with their jobs.” This
means that there is a larger percentage of employed individuals are still unhappy
Satisfactory working conditions are very important in order that the worker
will perform his work well and satisfied on their job. He has a direct bearing on
the health, safety, and efficiency of the work force. The health of the employees
The best form of motivation is self-motivation with proper attitude toward his
work, his co-workers and the management because this comes from within the
individual. His own motivators are his own personal drives to achieve his
Matines opines that the very simple motivator-behavior model shows that
motivation is strongly influenced by need and values. Needs are the basic
to the status and role of the person. Values are life’s artifacts that we prize and
cherish most. Like needs, they can also be arranged according to one’s priorities.
employees that can help motivate the employees to come to work. Improvement
staff about the workers role and place in the work organization influence workers
attitudes and adjustment in their day to day task. Hence a proper motivating
rather than passive and even adversary. Meanwhile, the psychological worker’s
social relation in work organization have given rise to such disruptive problems
as absenteeism, turnover, low productivity, low morale and even sabotage (Dia,
The overseas Filipino workers are generally happy with their situation. The
satisfaction with their financial condition. That is, happy workers are those who
satisfied with their financial situation and their earnings. Happiness is a function
of a job level. Those in higher ranks are happier than those in lower-level jobs.
physical conditions for work, provide each worker with the proper rank and status
minimum by means of a good plant; treat every worker as one that has a
personality that can be hurt provide wage and wage payment plans that are
directly related to the worker’s output and value to the company; have a good
Foreign Studies
the main focus was to examine the level of job satisfaction of employees of the
ICICI bank in their organizational context. Based from their research, it was
compensation, training and development, the nature of job, work life balance,
policies etc. It was noted that the factors of salary, interpersonal relationship,
and communication, attitude of superiors, working conditions and team work are
Himachal Pradesh.
The concepts of job satisfaction and motivation are clearly linked and
contentment in his or her job whiles motivation explains the driving force(s)
in Dinham and Scott (1998), explains that both phenomena are linked through
the influence each has on the other. He continues to give examples by saying
that lower order needs otherwise known as hygiene factors and higher order
dissatisfaction flowing from these and the need to engender long term career
banks have concluded that while public sector bank employees are highly
satisfied with job security, fringe benefits and the work environment, their
counterparts in private sector banks are dissatisfied with the aforesaid variables
perception of) job insecurity are associated with a reduction in job satisfaction
between temporary work and job insecurity is also tested. Data from four
European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and Sweden) are used to
test the robustness of the hypotheses. The results show that temporary work is
suggesting that the psychological contract was violated for this category of
Rakha Maniram (2007) found out in his study that there are more factors that
will base from the gathered results obtained from the dimensions, it can be
presumed that staff at the Swinton Campus is generally dissatisfied with their
In relation to the factors that affect the level of job satisfaction, it was
discovered that most of the academic staff draw their job satisfaction from having
peers, the training needs and the training provided from the college and the
It was mostly found that educators derive their job dissatisfaction from the
absence of recognition for work done, remuneration and the benefits that they
(2012) states that the interviewers are not satisfied with their job based on the
idea that they feel that they lack recognition, opportunities for career
they should be concerned with the nature of the work itself—the opportunities it
There are different facets to job satisfaction and the challenge to understand
job satisfaction and its effects in an organization is easier said than done. Job
satisfaction is a complex and multi- dimensional notion, which can mean different
things to different people. Job satisfaction is an attitude and an internal state that
qualitative. Job satisfaction has been widely researched in terms of work attitude
At the same time, Baron and Greenberg (2003:148-150) concurs that job
satisfaction is an attitude towards ones job and its cognitive, affective and
evaluative reactions towards his or her job. For some people they may feel
consistently satisfied with their jobs whilst others may be feeling quite
McShane and Von Glinow (2005) also claims that, job satisfaction is a multi-
faceted concept, that’s made up of past and present oriented pleasurable feeling
with TNS Gallup identifies what drives satisfaction and why some employees are
Krifa is one of the biggest trade unions in Denmark. TNS Gallup, a global
survey firm; and The Happiness Research Institute, a think tank focusing on well-
being, happiness and quality of life. There are considered six factors that affect
Those individuals who practice job satisfaction are more likely to accomplish
more while at work and are less likely to call in sick. Happy employees are also
more likely to produce and share new thoughts and generate greater help among
was purpose with an average of 42%. This factor affects well-being at work the
most. It also states that the more meaningful you find your work, the greater your
leader or manager, you must possess the two basic qualities: professional
expertise and social competence. To what extent do you experience your closest
Next factor is the influence. The more employees experience being involved
in decisions, the higher their job satisfaction. Forth factor is achievement which
satisfaction of attaining a goal is very much reliant on who sets a particular goal.
do not have enough time for their career, family, and friends which significantly
The last factor that drives job satisfaction is your colleagues. The more you
feel part of a community at work, the more job satisfaction you experience. Social
University, the main findings and conclusions were the following: It was
Company Enhancement Program” holds the key in the improvement of the level
of motivation and the level of job satisfaction of the call center agents of
with 155 feedbacks out of 212, consisting the 73.1 percent of the aggregate
number of respondents.
there are only 41 percent or 87 male respondents. This may be because women
Most of them are single with 171 responses or 80.7 percent. This means
they may have lesser home and family responsibilities, and may not be as
degree with 197 responses or 92.9 percent. Although their college degrees may
not be in line with selling or marketing, this means they are capable of performing
the tasks for the job. Most of them have been with the company for six (6) months
and below with one hundred twenty-one (121) responses or 57.1 percent. This
means that they may not be as committed and efficient compared to those who
have stayed longer. Most of the respondents are receiving a salary of between
minimum wage.
were all “Motivated.” The factor with the highest overall mean is achievement
When the Levels of Motivation were grouped according to Age, Gender, Civil
factors were generally “Satisfied”, except for working conditions where the result
is “Minimally Satisfied.” The factor with the highest overall mean is growth with
company policy and the lowest is working conditions with 2.5332 overall mean.
The result on the correlation between the level of motivation and the level of
job satisfaction is mostly “Substantial Correlation.” There were only a few marked
correlation and low correlation. The rate on substantial correlation ranges from
0.408 to 0.605, while the rate on marked correlation ranges from 0.612 to 0.748,
Medialink Contact Solutions, Inc. and to future researchers. First, the findings of
the study may be used as a basis to further increase the level of motivation and
the level of job satisfaction of the call center agents. Second, the working
management may be done to maintain and increase the level of motivation and
the level of job satisfaction of the call center agents. The third recommendation
Solutions, Inc.
conducted a research and came up with the following findings and conclusion:
Branches are satisfied with their job. The greatest factors that influence their
satisfaction are compensation and job security. The transformational leadership
satisfaction among its employees. It is recommended that the bank may conduct
decision making.
The bank may continue to provide job security by granting employee benefits
and incentives especially to those who meet and exceed the expectation of the
feedback of their employees and bank managers may continue to send regular
Based from the research conducted by Olga et.al. (2013), the following were
concluded: Based on the findings, the following conclusions are derived: (1)
Majority of the respondents above is married More than half of the respondents
were male. With regards to educational attainment, majority of the Police Officers
only have Bachelor’s Degree.
Most of them have served as Police Officers for five years and above. (2)
The respondents are generally satisfied and contented with their overall job as
Police Officers. (3) The respondents are within the low range of Adversity
Quotient®, in Reach and Endurance dimensions, the respondents are within the
average range. (4) The respondents have low level of Adversity Quotient®. (5)
Ownership, Reach and Endurance dimensions and the Over-all AQ® of the
attainment and AQ® Control dimension of the respondents. (6) With regard to
the relationship between job satisfaction and Adversity Quotient®, the study
that the working conditions are good. The second largest group of
respondents or 30% of them revealed that present jobs were hardly what
they wanted.
Age Groups. The largest group of respondents falling on the 24 – below age
group numbering 4 or 60% revealed that their present jobs were only
X2 value of 20.464 revealed that a significant difference did exist among the
researcher to identify various factors affecting the level of job satisfaction and
job dissatisfaction of employees. It was also noted that each aspect on job
satisfaction differed from the length of service in the organization. The factor that
satisfies the entry level employee may not be the factor that satisfies the middle
Edwin A. Locke had identified nine basic job dimensions namely: work, pay,
The job satisfaction levels of the employees have a great impact on the job
more likely that they will be take care about the quality of their work; they will be
Chapter III
In Chapter two the literature review on job satisfaction was conducted. This
▪ Description of Respondents
▪ Research Instrument
▪ Data-Gathering Procedure
Method of Research
Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of either quantitative
often within the same study. The term descriptive research refers to the type of
research question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic.
Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential statistics try to determine cause
and effect.
without using the scientific method. Sometimes it is ethically impossible to use the
The researcher found this method the most appropriate for the study in view
of the fact that it sought to establish the job satisfaction level of the employee’s
The Descriptive research method was used in this study. There were one
This study used data, gathered and treated, on the socio-demographic profile
of the respondents such as age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment,
length of service in the company, and nature of job assignment in the company;
to be able to identify and assess the level of job satisfaction of employees working
sample) for study from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen
entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of
being included in the sample. Every possible sample of a given size has the same
The researcher used the Slovin’s formula to determine the sample size.
Slovin's formula is used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population size
n = number of samples
N = total population
e = error of tolerance
The total population was 155. Using the Slovin’s formula, the sample size is
N = 155 employees
The researchers used a confidence of 95% for a better accuracy, which will
give a margin error of 0.05.
1 + 155(0.05)2
1 + 155 (0.0025)
1 + 0.3875
𝜂 = 112 Respondents
Description of Respondents
P I N hundred
Corporation. There were a total of four ES seventy eight employees. Only
one hundered fifty five employees were working in the company for more than two
years. After computing for the sample size, convenient sampling was employed
to identify who will serve as the actual respondents of this study. The researcher
used the one hundered twenty two employees as respondents of this study. The
Quezon City.
Research Instrument
The researcher used a questionnaire to gather the required data from the
respondents. The study gathered the data thru the use of survey questionnaire.
The content of the questionnaire adopted the aspects of job satisfaction from Two-
Factor Theory. The researcher used the factors of this theory as basis to gather
structure to apply sufficient and proper data needed from the respondents.
contained two parts. Part I focused on the basic information about each
respondent such as age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, length
respondents weighed using the Likert scale to modify their answers. The options
Data-Gathering Procedure
System Corporation for the gathering of data for this research project. Upon the
approval of the said request, the questionnaire was checked by the V.P. for
The retrieved questionnaires were gathered and the data were tabulated
manually by the researcher in the excel file. The statistical examination of the
study was handed over to a statistician. Explanation of the survey results was
conducted by the researcher and with some help from the statistician.
The statistical tools used in the analysis of data and testing the null hypothesis
that were produced from the overview were tallied, organized and condensed. The
study employed the following statistical tools:
respondents’ profile according to their basic information such as age, sex, civil
the percentage of observations that exist for each data point or grouping of
(Lavrakas, 2008).
%= f x 100
% = Percent
F = Frequency P I N E S
N = number of involved
data, and then we can no longer use simple arithmetic mean formula. Few
frequencies are allotted to each value. These frequencies are often referred
Xw = ∑fw
Xw = weighted mean
f = frequency
statistical examination; a t-test with two samples is commonly used with small
test statistic in the test is known as the t-statistic. To conduct a test with three
5. F-Test was additionally utilized; it is any factual test in which the test insights
contrasting factual models that have been fitted to an information set, keeping
in mind the end goal to recognize the model that best fits the populace from
potential differences in IQ scores by Country (US vs. Canada vs. Italy vs.
the z tests which have the problem of only allowing the nominal level variable
to have just two categories. This test is also called the Fisher analysis of
variance (Statisticssolutions).
Chapter IV
Before the initiation of the research, the purpose of the study was provided to
the respondents. Furthermore, the respondents have also been given the
assurance that all information gathered were treated strict confidentiality and for
The purpose of the study was to find out the employee's job satisfaction in
The data gathered were tabulated and analyzed to answer the specific
1.1 Age
in terms of age.
Table 1
old, 17 or 13.9% were 41 years old and above, and 13 or 10.7% were aged 36 to
40 years old.
Young employees are basically a blank slate. They do not have behaviors
from previous workplaces that you need to break. Young employees can easily
learn their positions at our business. While young employees might lack
experience or education; we have the opportunity to mold them into the perfect
1.2 Sex
Table 2
From the above table it is inferred that 61.5% of employees were “Male” and
respondents was male. It can be assumed that there were more male employees
Authority, 6 out of 10 or 61.3% of the employed persons in July 2016 were males.
The result of the study confirms the statement. Based on the data gathered by the
thousands or 61.3% men who were employed which means that there were more
Table 3 gives an idea about the profile of the respondents in terms of civil
Table 3
The above illustration shows the civil status of the respondents. 63.1% of the
total respondents were single. There were only 36.9% who were married from the
122 respondents.
The three main reasons people give for their singleness were that they have
not found the right person (30%), were not financially stable enough (27%) and
were not ready to settle down (22%). Fewer young people are getting married and
many are getting married later. About 20% of Americans older than 25 had always
According to a new study, single people may lead richer lives and may be
more self-sufficient and fulfilled than their married counterparts. The study was
Table 4
Likewise, the respondents were asked for their educational attainment and
the report shows 70 or 57.4% of them were college graduate and 52 or 42.6% of
Majority of the respondents were college graduates. This result may mean
Table 5 gives an idea about the profile of the respondents in terms of length
of service in the company
Table 5
of service in the company. Herein, it shows that 65.6% of the respondents had
stayed in the company for 2 to 5 years and only 11.4% had stayed in the company
In the study of Vroom (1964) when employees are already working more than
three to five years and even ten years already will just minimal their effort to their
work when not satisfied. Employees may look for another job if not given the
commensurate pay for their efforts. The result of this survey showed that the
Table 6
Production/Site 67 54.9
It can be assumed that this job requires employees working at the production and
2.1 Responsibility
in terms of responsibility.
As shown in Table 7, overall, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the level
Weighted Verbal
Responsibility Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Responsible for
organizing and planning 4.17 1 Satisfied
my work
Chance to be of service to
4.04 2 Satisfied
Responsible for the work
3.96 3 Satisfied
of others
GRAND MEAN 4.07 Satisfied
The statement “Responsible for organizing and planning my work” got the
highest weighted mean of 4.17 while the statement “Responsible for the work of
others” with weighted mean of 3.96 all of which were verbally interpreted as
The table shows that the respondents rated their level of satisfaction on all
statements under responsibility as “Satisfied”. This implied that the employees are
satisfied when they are given more freedom and more responsibility to their work.
They tend to associate their responsibility with the quality of their task output.
2.2 Recognition
Table 8
Weighted Verbal
Recognition Ranking
Mean Interpretation
The organization views its
3.80 3 Satisfied
employees as assets
Shows respect for a diverse
range of opinions, ideas and 3.94 1 Satisfied
Work is recognized and
3.90 2 Satisfied
I am provided with all
resources I needed to 3.69 4 Satisfied
GRAND MEAN 3.83 Satisfied
As shown in Table 8, overall, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the level
The statement “Shows respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas, and
people” got the highest weighted mean of 3.94 while the statement “I am provided
with all resources I needed to perform” with weighted mean of 3.69 all of which
were verbally interpreted as “Satisfied”. All the weighted mean were verbally
interpreted as “Satisfied”.
recognition. It can be deduced that employees like to feel valued and are
recognized for their work. Thus, recognizing the contributions employees make to
who receives it. However, the form that the recognition takes also makes it that
much more special for the recipient. Journals, newspapers, industry bodies,
newsletters, and other forms of public recognition are great vehicles to announce
2.3 Promotion
As shown in Table 9, overall, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the level
the highest weighted mean of 3.62 while the statement “Use of achievement as
basis for promotion” with weighted mean of 3.52 all of which were verbally
interpreted as “Satisfied”.
The respondents rated their level of job satisfaction on all statements under
promotion as “Satisfied”.
Table 9
Weighted Verbal
Promotion Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Possibilities for future career
3.62 2 Satisfied
Chance to participate in
planning and decision 3.65 1 Satisfied
Use of achievement as basis
3.52 3 Satisfied
for promotion
2.4 Achievement
As shown in Table 10, overall, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the level
The statement “Being able to develop new and better ways to do the job” got
the highest weighted mean of 3.93 while the statement “Chance to compare
achievement with others” with weighted mean of 3.52 all of which were verbally
interpreted as “Satisfied”.
Table 10
Weighted Verbal
Achievement Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Being able to see the results
3.86 2 Satisfied
of the work I do
Being able to develop new
3.93 1 Satisfied
and better ways to do the job
Chance to compare
3.52 3 Satisfied
achievement with others
It shows that the respondents rated their level of job satisfaction on all
statements under achievement as “Satisfied. The results might mean that the
them to take chances so that they can come up with ideas and suggest changes.
Table 11
Weighted Verbal
Meaningfulness of the Work Ranking
Mean Interpretation
I am acknowledged that I am
3.95 1 Satisfied
doing a good job
The job utilizes most of my
3.84 2 Satisfied
skills and abilities
Evaluates my work
performance on a regular 3.70 3 Satisfied
acknowledged in doing a good job, when the job utilizes most of their skills and
2.6 Supervision
Table 12
Weighted Verbal
Supervision Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Supervisor provides actionable
suggestions on what I can do to 3.83 2 Satisfied
Relationship between
supervisors and subordinates 3.93 1 Satisfied
in every unit
Training programs conducted Somewhat
3.30 5
by organization Satisfied
Supervisor attends to the career
development of his 3.47 4 Satisfied
Ability to motivate the team
3.71 3 Satisfied
loyalty and working spirit
GRAND MEAN 3.65 Satisfied
As shown in Table 12, overall, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the level
ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.93 while the statement “Training programs
showen to improve employee attitude towards work, their leader, and the
overall mean of 3.65. As stated by Guiron, supervision is the activity carried out
Table 13
Weighted Verbal
Company Policies and Rules Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Implementation of company
policies and standard operating 3.75 2 Satisfied
The way employees are informed
about the company policies and 3.77 1 Satisfied
The policies and rules towards
3.63 3 Satisfied
of job satisfaction in terms of company policies and rules as revealed by the grand
mean of 3.72.
The statement “The way employees are informed about the company policies
and rules” got the highest weighted mean of 3.77 while the statement “The policies
and rules towards employees” ranked lowest with weighted mean of 3.63 all of
Giron (2008) said that company policies are useful business tools. Often
compiled into employee handbooks, they detail rules for employees as well as the
The table exhibits that generally respondents’ level of job satisfaction in terms
of fringe benefits was “Somewhat satisfied” with a grand mean of 3.25. The
statement “Chance to offer health care plans” ranked the highest with a weighted
mean of 3.33 while the statement “Medical insurance; Retirement plan; other
addition to their salaries and wages. It means any good, service or other benefit
Table 14
Weighted Verbal
Fringe Benefits Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Chance to offer health Somewhat
3.33 1
care plans Satisfied
Medical insurance;
Retirement plan; other 3.10 3
Rewards for work well
done through - 3.32 2
Promotion / Bonus
Providing the employees with such fringe benefits may be based on your
business related expense tending to personally benefit the employee like a vehicle
to be used for business meetings and for personal travels, or a purely personal
expense intended to benefit the employee like housing personnel – house maid
or family drivers. In either case, they are treated as business expenses because
you have to pay fringe benefits tax in order for you to be allowed to claim the
Table 15
Weighted Verbal
Interpersonal Relationship Ranking
Mean Interpretation
People in my department
communicate sufficiently with 3.83 5 Satisfied
one another
Good communication from
3.89 4 Satisfied
employees to managers
Good communication from
3.93 3 Satisfied
managers to employees
Atmosphere of friendliness
and harmony among fellow 4.00 1 Satisfied
Readiness of coworkers in
3.97 2 Satisfied
extending a helping hand
GRAND MEAN 3.92 Satisfied
Table 16
Weighted Verbal
Working Conditions Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Cleanliness of workplace 3.65 2 Satisfied
Table 16 reveals that overall; respondents were “Satisfied” with the level of
The statement “Drinking water facilities” ranked the highest with a weighted
mean of 3.84 while the statement “Toilet facilities” ranked the lowest with a
weighted mean of 3.45 which were verbally interpreted as “Satisfied”.
2.11 Security
Table 17
Weighted Verbal
Security Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Safety for personal valuables 3.89 2 Satisfied
Self-safety 3.97 1 Satisfied
Procedures established in
work were properly 3.70 3 Satisfied
implemented by all
GRAND MEAN 3.85 Satisfied
were generally “Satisfied” with a grand mean of 3.85. The statement “self-safety”
ranked the highest with a weighted mean of 3.97 while the statement “Procedures
established in work were properly implemented by all” gained the lowest rank with
Table 18
Weighted Verbal
Salary/Compensation Ranking
Mean Interpretation
Salary release schedule 4.20 1 Satisfied
Salary’s relevance to the Somewhat
3.32 3
present standard of living Satisfied
Salary's relevance to my
qualifications and 3.40 2
Process used to determine Somewhat
3.30 4
annual increase Satisfied
As shown, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the schedule of their salary
as seen from the mean score of 4.20. On the other hand, the respondents were
determine annual increase with a mean score of 3.40, 3.32, and 3.30,
As a whole, the respondents were satisfied with their salary based on the
3.1 By Age
Table 19
Aspects of Job F- p-
Decision Remarks
Satisfaction value value
Accept Not
Responsibility 0.381 0.861
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Recognition 1.245 0.293
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Promotion 0.813 0.543
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Achievement 1.786 0.121
Ho Significant
Meaningfulness of Accept Not
1.864 0.106
Work Ho Significant
Accept Not
Supervision 1.966 0.089
Ho Significant
Company Policies Accept Not
1.003 0.419
and Rules Ho Significant
Accept Not
Fringe Benefits 0.483 0.788
Ho Significant
Interpersonal Accept Not
1.023 0.408
Relationship Ho Significant
Accept Not
Working Condition 0.545 0.742
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Security 0.816 0.541
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Salary/Compensation 0.736 0.598
Ho Significant
The table reveals that when the respondents were grouped according to
age, their perceptions generally were “Not significant”. Therefore, the null
hypothesis was accepted.
Supervision gained the highest with F-value of 1.966 and p-value of 0.089
while Responsibility got the lowest with F-value of 0.381 p-value of 0.861.
All the F-value of the other aspects of job satisfaction have p-value greater
than .05, tthe assumed level of significance. Hence, the null hypothesis was
accepted. That is, the aspects of job satisfaction of the respondents when they
3.2 By Sex
Table 20 reveals that when the respondents were grouped according to sex,
was accepted.
Meaningfulness of work gained the highest with T-value of 3.097 and p-value
of 0.002 while Fringe Benefit got the lowest with T-value of -1.26 and p-value of
Based on the results the hypothesis that there was significant difference in
Table 20
Aspects of Job t- p-
Decision Remarks
Satisfaction value value
Accept Not
Responsibility 0.999 0.32
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Recognition 1.7 0.092
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Promotion 0.895 0.373
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Achievement 0.395 0.694
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Meaningfulness of Work 3.097 0.002
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Supervision 1.208 0.229
Ho Significant
Company Policies and Accept Not
1.811 0.073
Rules Ho Significant
Accept Not
Fringe Benefits -1.26 0.21
Ho Significant
Interpersonal Accept Not
0.308 0.759
Relationship Ho Significant
Accept Not
Working Condition 1.318 0.19
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Security 1.086 0.28
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Salary/Compensation 0.406 0.686
Ho Significant
Table 21
Aspects of Job t- p-
Decision Remarks
Satisfaction value value
Accept Not
Responsibility -0.26 0.795
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Recognition -0.32 0.749
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Promotion -1.022 0.309
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Achievement -1.29 0.2
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Meaningfulness of Work -0.308 0.759
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Supervision -1.752 0.082
Ho Significant
Company Policies and Accept Not
-1.192 0.236
Rules Ho Significant
Accept Not
Fringe Benefits -0.493 0.623
Ho Significant
Interpersonal Accept Not
-1.105 0.271
Relationship Ho Significant
Accept Not
Working Condition -0.312 0.756
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Security -1.077 0.284
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Salary/Compensation -0.257 0.797
Ho Significant
Table 21 reveals that when the respondents were grouped according to civil
status, their perceptions generally were “Not significant”. Therefore, the null
hypothesis was accepted.
of 0.797 while Supervision got the lowest with T-value of -1.752 and p-value of
employees who do not have yet a family perceive these aspects as not significant.
civil status.
significantly different except for Company policies and rules where it had a T-value
of 2.071 and p-value of 0.041 and Meaningfulness of work where it had a T-value
of 2.214 and p-value of 0.029 which was less than 0.05, tthe assumed level of
educational attainment.
Table 22
Aspects of Job t- p-
Decision Remarks
Satisfaction value value
Accept Not
Responsibility 0.873 0.385
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Recognition 0.418 0.676
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Promotion 0.3 0.765
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Achievement -0.515 0.608
Ho Significant
Meaningfulness of Work 2.214 0.029 Significant
Accept Not
Supervision 1.128 0.262
Ho Significant
Company Policies and Reject
2.071 0.041 Significant
Rules Ho
Accept Not
Fringe Benefits -1.695 0.093
Ho Significant
Interpersonal Accept Not
0.982 0.328
Relationship Ho Significant
Accept Not
Working Condition 1.034 0.303
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Security 1.526 0.13
Ho Significant
Accept Not
Salary/Compensation 1.082 0.282
Ho Significant
using one way analysis of variance is shown in Table 23. The results revealed the
benefits (0.531), achievement (0.219), company policies and rules (0.148), and
promotion (0.098).
policies and rules (0.964), achievement (0.928), fringe benefits (0.713), security
Table 23
Based on the findings, the hypothesis was accepted; hence, there was no
was accepted. Furthermore, the levels of job satisfaction of the respondents when
grouped by length of service on the company was not significantly different.
This indicates that when respondents were grouped according to nature of job
assignment, generally their level of job satisfaction are not significantly different
except for Company policies and rules where it had a T-value of -2.108 and p-
value of 0.037 and Meaningfulness of work where it had a T-value of -2.589 and
p-value of 0.011 which was less than 0.05, the assumed level of significance.
Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected. There was a considerable difference
in the level of job satisfaction in terms of Company policies and rules and
Table 24
Table 25
Chapter 5
(1) The profile of the respondents in terms of the following variables namely: age,
(2) Their assessment of their level of job satisfaction in terms of the aspects
/compensation; and
their level of job satisfaction when they were grouped according to their
The study also revolved around the hypothesis that there was no significant
ranking, t-test, and ANOVA were used as statistical tools in the treatment of the
old, 17 or 13.9% were 41 years old and above, and 13 or 10.7% were aged 36 to
40 years old.
In terms of sex, there were 75 (61.5%) employees whoe were Male and 47
were married. It was found out that 70 or 57.4% were college graduates and 52
65.6% of the respondents had stayed in the company fo r2 to 5 years and only
34.4% had stayed in the company for 6 years and above.
Findings show that the dominant nature of job assignment among the
level of job satisfaction as revealed by the grand mean of 4.07. The statement
“Responsible for organizing and planning my work” got the highest weighted
mean of 4.17 while the statement “Responsible for the work of others” with
weighted mean of 3.96 all of which were verbally interpreted as “Satisfied”. The
as “Satisfied”.
The respondents were “Satisfied” with the level of job satisfaction in terms of
respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas, and people” got the highest
weighted mean of 3.94 while the statement “I am provided with all resources I
needed to perform” with weighted mean of 3.69 all of which were verbally
recognition. It can be deduced that employees like to feel valued and are
In terms of promotion, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the level of job
highest weighted mean of 3.62 while the statement “Use of achievement as basis
for promotion” with weighted mean of 3.52 all of which were verbally interpreted
of 3.77. The statement “Being able to develop new and better ways to do the
job” got the highest weighted mean of 3.93 while the statement “Chance to
compare achievement with others” with weighted mean of 3.52 all of which were
acknowledged in doing a good job, when the job utilizes most of their skills and
with a weighted mean of 3.93 while the statement “Training programs conducted
The respondents were overall “Satisfied” with the level of job satisfaction in
terms of company policies and rules as revealed by the grand mean of 3.72. The
statement “The way employees are informed about the company policies and
rules” got the highest weighted mean of 3.77 while the statement “The policies
and rules towards employees” ranked lowest with weighted mean of 3.63 all of
“Somewhat satisfied” with a grand mean of 3.25. The statement “Chance to offer
health care plans” ranked the highest with a weighted mean of 3.33 while the
from the mean score of 4.00 and 3.97, respectively. Furthermore, the
another as seen from the mean score of 3.89 and 3.83, respectively. As a whole,
The respondents were “Satisfied” with the level of job satisfaction in terms of
working conditions with a grand mean of 3.62. The statement “Drinking water
facilities” ranked the highest with a weighted mean of 3.84 while the statement
“Toilet facilities” ranked the lowest with a weighted mean of 3.45 which were
are generally “Satisfied” with a grand mean of 3.85. The statement “self-safety”
ranked the highest with a weighted mean of 3.97 while the statement
Under the salary / compensation, the respondents were “Satisfied” with the
schedule of their salary as seen from the mean score of 4.20. On the other hand,
the respondents were somewhat satisfied with the salary’s relevance to their
process used to determine annual increase with a mean score of 3.40, 3.32, and
3.30, respectively. As a whole, the respondents were satisfied with their salary
1. Most of the respondents were male, aged 21 to 25 years old and had
bachelor’s degrees, single and had been working for two to five years in the
1. Employees need to know clearly what their job roles and responsibilities are
When you take responsibility for another, you are more focused on doing
everyone can cross the finish line, you will learn something new about them
proposal for the larger team, you help shape a cultural norm that rewards the
behavior, and you stand out as a leader, which increases your professional
2. Provide the employees the needed resources to make them effective within
the organization.
4. Make regular assessments of the way employees work and the progress they
are making. A development plan will help track achievements, areas for
improvement, long-term objectives and training plans and will also be part of
regular basis to help the employees develop their knowledge, skills, how to
respond to new challenges and ideas, how to view new duties and practices,
to have an active role in improving the job, and to improve their personal
and maintain a better work environment for all and for the enhancement of
needed to explain how the company will deal with issues when they arise and
to show that they operate in a fair and consistent way towards all employees.
8. The incentives they give to their employees must be fair enough. The
9. The company should foster team building and more bonding activities to help
10. Make sure employees understand what the policy means, how it applies to
them and what will happen if they do not comply. Reinforce policies through
11. Employees might feel undervalued if their basic needs for facilities are not
adequate supply of toilet paper for each toilet, hand washing facilities, rubbish
bins, adequate and hygienic means for disposing of sanitary items for toilets
The salary should match with the volume of work and responsibilities. To
ensure that all employees are well paid off, revisit the compensation package
and benefits package of employees along with job scope and responsibilities
and check if they are still marketable and based on current trend.
Argyle, M. (1989), The Social Psychology of Work. 2ndEdition.
Harmondsworth: Penguin
Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper and Row.
Mimon, R., & Oplatka, I. (2008). Women Principals’ Conceptions of Job
Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: An Alternative View. Leadership in
Education, 11(2), 135- 153.
Rue, L.W., Byars, L.L. (1992). Management Skills and Application, 6th Ed.,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall International
Saari, L. M., & Judge, T. A. (2004). Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction.
Human Resource Management, 43(4), 295-407
Vroom, V.H. (1964). Work and Motivation, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
Journals and Monographs
Arfat Ahmad, Dr. Riyaz Ahmed Rainyee (2014), Which is the better predictor or
Employee Turnover Intention: Job Satisfaction or Organizational
Commitment? A Literature Review.
Evans, L. (2001). Diving Deeper into Morale, Job Satisfaction and Motivation
among Education Professionals: Re-examining the Leadership Dimension.
Educational Management in Administration, 29(3), 291-306
Schultz, H., Bagraim, J., Potgieter, T., Viedge, C., & Werner, A. (2003).
Organisational Behaviour: A contemporary South African Perspective.
Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers
M.H. del Pilar Campus Valencia St.
Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard, Sta. Mesa,
Manila, Philippines 01008
Greetings of Peace!
Rest assured that all information gathered will be treated strictly confidential and for the
sole purpose of the thesis only.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Respondent:
Greetings of Peace!
In line with this, I am requesting for your cooperation and assistance in answering the
questionnaires below with honest, candidness and personal judgment.
Sincerely yours,
Direction: Please provide the following information either by filling in the data
called for or by putting a check mark (✓) where applicable.
1. Age:
a. 18 to 20 years old
b. 21 to 25 years old
c. 26 to 30 years old
d. 31 to 35 years old
e. 36 to 40 years old
f. 41 years old and above
2. Sex:
a. Male
b. Female
3. Civil Status:
a. Single
b. Married
Instruction: Please put a check mark (✓) on the item/s that corresponds to your
In your assessment, what is your level of job satisfaction in terms of the following
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
5 4 3 2 1
1.1 Responsible for organizing and planning my work
1.2 Chance to be of service to others
1.3 Responsible for the work of others
2.1 The organization views its employees as assets
Shows respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas and
2.3 Work is recognized and acknowledged
2.4 I am provided with all resources I needed to perform
3.1 Possibilities for future career progression
3.2 Chance to participate in planning and decision making
3.3 Use of achivement as basis for promotion
4.1 Being able to see the results of the work I do
4.2 Being able to develop new and better ways to do the job
4.3 Chance to compare achievement with others
Supervisor provides actionable suggestions on what I can do
to improve
Relationship between supervisors and subordinates in every
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
5 4 3 2 1
6.3 Training programs conducted by organization
Supervisor attends to the career development of his
6.5 Ability to motivate the team loyalty and working spirit
8.1 Chance to offer health care plans
8.2 Medical insurance; Retirement plan; other benefits
8.3 Rewards for work well done through - Promotion / Bonus
People in my department communicate sufficiently with one
9.2 Good communication from employees to managers
9.3 Good communication from managers to employees
Atmosphere of friendliness and harmony among fellow
9.5 Readiness of coworkers in extending a helping hand
10.1 Cleanliness of workplace
10.2 Drinking water facilities
10.3 Maintenance of computers and other equipments
10.4 Toilet facilities
10.5 Supplies and materials
11.1 Safety for personal valuables
11.2 Self-safety
Procedures established in work were properly implemented
by all
12.1 Salary release schedule
12.2 Salary’s relevance to the present standard of living
12.3 Salary's relevance to my qualifications and experiences
12.4 Process used to determine annual increase