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Evolutions of Group Management Development of Mobi

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ISSN 2522-9818 (print)

Сучасний стан наукових досліджень та технологій в промисловості. 2021. № 4 (18) ISSN 2524-2296 (online)

UDC 62.932:007.52 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30837/ITSSI.2021.18.057



The subject of this research is the technology of management of mobile robot groups in the concept of Industry 4.0 and its
composition. The purpose of this article is to find ways to implement an effective strategy for building and managing mobile robotic
platforms in Warehousing, as a key tool of Lean Production. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to
analyze the management of supply chains in Smart Manufacturing, within Industry 4.0 and its impact on achieving the goals of Lean
Production; to study the evolution of technologies used in Warehousing in the dynamics of the Industrial Revolution; to analyze the
evolution of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) as one of the most important components on the basis of which the
requirements for automation of Warehousing automation in Smart Manufacturing with group management of mobile robotic
platforms are implemented and achieved; to compare the impact of the technologies used by Warehousing 4.0 and Warehouse
Management Systems on the key indicators of Lean Production. Results: One of the promising ways to achieve the effectiveness of
the implementation of Lean Production tools in WMS systems is the use of Collaborative Robot System technology, which makes it
possible to ensure a high density of product storage in Warehousing. However, modern mobile robotic platforms have their limitations
both in the methods of loading and unloading products, and in the design. Therefore, the authors see the task in improving the design
of mobile robotic platforms, which will develop a new intelligent group method of loading and unloading products, increasing the
storage density for a variety of goods. Conclusions: The paper compares the impact of Warehousing 4.0 and Warehouse Management
Systems on key Lean Production tools, which shows how the introduction of new group management technologies for robotic
platforms in Warehousing 4.0 and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) affects the effectiveness of Lean Production tools such
as Heijunka, Just-in-time, 5S. This suggests that the introduction of new models and methods of managing complex warehouses with
high density and chaotic storage of products, through the use of mobile robotic autonomous systems, will significantly optimize the
process of supply chain management in Smart Manufacturing.
Keywords: Industry 4.0; Smart Manufacturing; Logistics 4.0; Warehousing 4.0; Lean Production.
Introduction through more efficient inventory management, optimize
supply chain management and access to resources, and
The introduction of Industry 4.0 has brought about a research into this area of Industry 4.0 is an urgent task.
number of dramatic changes in industrial process
management systems, in operations and supply chain Analysis of recent research and publications
management (SCM) processes. Rapid changes in
manufacturing and service systems have resulted in In [1], a study of the Logistics 4.0 maturity model is
phenomenal productivity gains that are reflected in the carried out in the general concept of Industry 4.0, the
Smart Manufacturing (SM) concept. A rapidly changing authors focus on the influence of the development of
environment creates new challenges and opportunities for supply chain management on the improvement of the
manufacturing that are associated with adapting to new entire production process. At the same time, the authors of
technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things [1] do not define the positive dynamics of Lean
(IIoT) and cyber-physical production systems (CPPS), Production parameters as an important factor in
artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, cybersecurity, data determining the level of implementation of Industry 4.0 in
analytics, block chain and cloud technologies, which an enterprise.
directly affect the achievement of economic results, by The author [2], in his work, focuses on the fact that
creating the prerequisites for the implementation of Lean Warehousing 4.0 is a new area of storage and retrieval of
Production. Therefore, the implementation of the modern goods using shuttle storage systems and autonomous
concept of Industry 4.0 in SM is impossible without transport robotic means to retrieve and store objects. But,
creating more efficient distribution strategies (Logistics), in turn, this is impossible without improvements in the
storage (Warehousing) and supply chain management technology and management system of Warehousing 4.0,
(SCM). Warehousing 4.0 is an automated intelligent which will reduce and optimize the storage, accounting
warehouse concept for tasks such as automatic and preparation for transportation of items necessary for
replenishment of stocks, autonomous identification of production in Smart Manufacturing.
stocks, order picking and routing of delivery systems for The work [3] shows that warehouse services are an
loading and unloading using group control of robotic important component of logistics and play a decisive role
autonomous vehicles. Autonomous transport robotic in achieving the success of the company and achieving the
vehicles that can “scan” their surroundings with laser goals of Lean Production. The author [3] points out that
scanners, infrared sensors, and RFID chips for these systems are constantly being revised to ensure a
autonomous navigation in warehouses. Each of them has continuous flow of products in logistics. At the same time,
the ability to make autonomous decisions about their the author [3] does not disclose the issue of the
movements, route selection and transit priorities, development of warehouse management systems of their
exchanging data about their location and status with other evolution and does not consider the solution of this issue
transport robotic vehicles. The implementation of in combination with the study of the development and
Warehousing 4.0 in enterprises can reduce operating costs evolution of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS),

© I. Nevliudov, V. Yevsieiev, O. Klymenko, N. Demska, M. Vzhesnievskyi, 2021

ISSN 2522-9818 (print)
ISSN 2524-2296 (online) Innovative technologies and scientific solutions for industries. 2021. No. 4 (18)
which in total does not provide complete information study of Warehousing and Warehouse Management
about the requirements for modern Warehousing 4.0 Systems, which are some of the important elements of SM
systems. organizations.
In [4], theoretical studies are carried out that show The aim of this article is to implement an effective
the positive effectiveness of the impact of Logistics 4.0 on strategy for building and managing mobile robotic
the operation of SM, in the framework of assessing the platforms in Warehousing 4.0, as a key tool for achieving
performance of warehouse facilities. At the same time, the Lean Production.
work [4] does not pay attention and unreasonably misses
the thesis that the efficiency of Logistics 4.0 is based on 1. The Role of Supply Chain Management in Smart
minimizing the loss of time by improving Warehousing Manufacturing
4.0 by introducing autonomous transport robotic means.
The authors of [5] consider the work as a stimulating Modern digital production is a seamless connection
factor for SM, the introduction of modern technologies in of all the main and auxiliary elements of the production
logistics supply chains and their use in Industry 4.0. To process, which includes all the necessary stages from the
substantiate this assumption, the authors cited Unity stage of product design, planning the use of production
Industry 4.0. Roadmap: Logistics, where they made the and material resources. One of the key elements of the SM
assumption that Warehousing, in the framework of organization is the implementation of high-quality Supply
Industry 4.0, is not needed. This assumption is incorrect Chain Management (SCM), within the framework of the
from the point of view of organizing supply chain Logistics 4.0 concept, using modern technologies for
management in cyber-physical production systems, since storing and processing data in Cloud Computing (CC),
the need to provide the technological process with obtaining information about the location of an object in
consumables, transport blanks or move finished products SCM using identification systems and tracking at all
to another production area, is one of the key parameters in stages of production, storage and delivery in real time. An
SM [6]. example of building an SCM in SM is shown in fig. 1.
Based on the analysis of the publications, it can be
seen that many authors do not pay enough attention to the

Fig. 1. Supply Chain Management in Smart Manufacturing

Correctly implemented SCM allows: to provide 2. A study of the evolution of Warehousing in the
uninterrupted production, storage, reception and shipment dynamics of the industrial revolutions Industry 4.0
of products to customers [7-10]. By analyzing SCM,
within the framework of the Logistics 4.0 concept for SM, The evolution of Warehousing cannot be viewed in
you can see that warehousing is a complex organizational isolation from the stages of the Industrial 4.0 revolution.
and technical structure. Therefore, in order to achieve the In the classical view, the industrial revolution went
goals in SM, it is necessary to develop and implement through four stages of development, such as: Industry 1.0
modern technologies in Warehousing management – Mechanization, Steam Power, Weaving Long (circa
systems [11-14]. 1784); Industry 2.0. – Mass Production, Assembly Line,
Electrica Energy (circa 1870); Industry 3.0. – Automation,
ISSN 2522-9818 (print)
Сучасний стан наукових досліджень та технологій в промисловості. 2021. № 4 (18) ISSN 2524-2296 (online)
computers and Electronics (circa 1960); Industry 4.0 – of the technology for each revolution. As a result, the
Cyber physical system, Industrial Internet of Things following technologies were considered as the key ones
(IIoT), Network (since 2011) [15-18]. Based on the that were used in Warehousing at different stages of
analysis, the authors propose to trace the stages of the Industry development. The results of the comparative
Warehousing revolution, depending on the achievements analysis are presented in table 1.
Table 1. Stages of the Industrial Revolution Industry and the Evolution of Warehousing Development

Stages of the
Technologies Evolution stages Technologies
Industry Warehousing
Manual System; Mechanical System; Bulk/Case
Mechanization of production; Handling; Bulk & Horizontal Storage; Wide Aisle
Industry 1.0 Configuration; Oral-Based Communication;
steam power Warehousing 1.0
(1784-1860) Individual Decision

Electricity and production Electrical System; Electrical-mechano System; Pallet

Industry 2.0 assembly lines; mass Handling; Block-Stracking & Verticla Storage;
Warehousing 2.0 Narrow Aisle Configuration; Paper-Based
(1861-1947) production
[21-22] Communication; Group Decision.

Information System; Automated System; Automatic

Partial automation of
Handling; Dense& High-Level Storage; Very Narrow
production processes;
Industry 3.0 Aisle Configuration; Computer-Based
computer systems; Warehousing 3.0
(1947-2010) Communication; Centralized Decision.
mobile robots
Collaborative System; Autonomous System; Smart
Industrial Internet of Things; Handling; Chaotic and Compact Storage; Dynamic
Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing; Aisle Configuration; Interconnection-Based
Warehousing 4.0
(2011- uptill now) Cyber-physical system Communication; Decentralized Decision

As you can see from the table 1 technologies that are (RFID) technologies, as well as the use of computer vision
used in Warehousing are directly dependent on the level to recognize 2D barcodes, ISBN and QR codes;
of development of the basic technologies of the current - Chaotic and Compact Storage – storage of different
industrial revolution. Considering the modern types of products on the same level of the shuttle system
technological advances that have found application in of storage racks (Pallet Shuttle system), to achieve the
Industry 4.0, you can see that modern Warehousing 4.0 highest possible storage density;
systems are aimed at solving the problems of Smart - Dynamic Aisle Configuration – implementation of
Manufacturing and should implement the following methods for constructing a route of movement of a robotic
functions: platform (Shuttle) in both horizontal and vertical
- Collaborative System is a synthesis of systems, on projections for loading and unloading products, using
the one hand - an operator who monitors the warehouse intelligent decision-making systems;
through the Human-machine interface (HMI), on the other - Interconnection-Based Communication – the use of
hand - automatic robotic platforms (Shuttle) based on multiple computer networks (wired, wireless), since any
artificial intelligence (AI) that can work together with a pair of hosts on connected networks can exchange
human for solving problems of optimal storage of messages, regardless of their hardware-level networking
different types of products; technologies, within the overall Industrial Internet of
- Autonomous System is an autonomous self-healing Things for Smart Manufacturing;
system for storing data on the arrival, transportation, - Decentralized Decision – making decisions on the
movement of products inside the warehouse and their placement, movement and path of unloading products
issuance for the implementation of the Lean Production from storage racks is delegated to a robotic platform
concept (Just in Time and 5C), which allows you to (Shuttle), and general information on the number and type
reduce the loss of time waiting for materials, parts, semi- of products stored in the warehouse (s) is in
finished products or the necessary information for the general control system implemented on Cloud
production process; Computing.
- Smart Handling – identification of products by a The stages of the evolution of Warehousing with the
robotic platform (Shuttle) using modern Near Field technologies used for the development of industrial
Communication (NFC), Radio Frequency Identification technologies are shown in fig. 2.
ISSN 2522-9818 (print)
ISSN 2524-2296 (online) Innovative technologies and scientific solutions for industries. 2021. No. 4 (18)

Fig. 2. Evolution of Warehousing

Analyzing the technologies that led to the in Smart Manufacturing are implemented and achieved
development of Warehousing, it is worth paying attention [28-32]. Based on the analysis, the following technologies
to the evolution of Warehouse Management Systems were selected as the basis for each stage of WMS
(WMS), as one of the most important components on the development, which are presented in table 2 for ease of
basis of which the requirements for warehouse automation comparison.
Table 2. The use of basic WMS technologies in the evolution stages of Warehousing
Evolution stages Warehouse Management Systems Technologies
Manual or Hydraulic Pallet Jack; Manual or Hydraulic
Mechanical Pulley; Manual or Hydraulic Crane; Manual or Cravity
Warehousing 1.0
Handling System Conveyor

Electro-Mechanical Electro-mechano Pallet Jack; Forklift; Order-Picker Truck;

Warehousing 2.0 Electro-mechano Crane; Electro-Mechano Conveyor
Handling System
Automated Guided Vehicle; Automated Storage and
Automated Retrieval System; Horizontal Carousel; Vertical Life Module
Warehousing 3.0
Handling System
Mobile Autonomous Rack System; Autonomous Vehicle
Autonomous Storage and Retrieval System; Compact Storage and
Warehousing 4.0
Handling System Retrieval System; Collaborative Robot System.

To implement the requirements for modern WMS, identifying products and their location in the warehouse.
within the framework of Industry 4.0 concepts for SM, it AS / RS, as a rule, is used in warehouses where large
is necessary to implement basic technologies that allow cargo is moved with high intensity, with high storage
providing the following functions: density due to space constraints;
- Mobile Autonomous Rack System – Shelving - Compact Storage and Retrieval System –
systems that fit into a rail system so that the shelves can automated systems that efficiently and safely store
move back and forth along the rails. The advantage of products in a compact size. They also allow operators to
mobile shelving systems is that it is possible to transform retrieve items quickly and easily, provided with an
small sections of a building into storage rooms that can extensive list of alternative names as needed, such as:
accommodate a large number of items. Modern WMS dynamic storage systems, high-density storage and
uses mobile robotic platforms (Shuttle) or automated retrieval systems, and custom picking technology;
forklifts that move along or inside the racking system; - Collaborative Robot System – a system of
- Autonomous Vehicle Storage and Retrieval System automatic group control of mobile robotic platforms,
(AS / RS) – the use of automated controlled lifting and which interacts with the operator, in order to share the
transport devices that deliver products to the warehouse workspace, to solve the problems of storage, loading,
and retrieve them from there as needed. Automated unloading of products.
warehouse systems allow you to save storage space, which The levels of development of basic WMS
speeds up warehouse operations and improves control technologies, at the stages of the evolution of
over SM inventory, based on the use of technologies for Warehousing, are shown in fig. 3.
ISSN 2522-9818 (print)
Сучасний стан наукових досліджень та технологій в промисловості. 2021. № 4 (18) ISSN 2524-2296 (online)

Fig. 3. Levels of development of basic WMS technologies in the stages of evolution of Warehousing
3. Analysis of the implementation of modern Production [33-35]. Table 3 shows the results of a
technologies Warehousing 4.0 for Lean Production comparative analysis of the impact of Warehousing 4.0
indicators, within the framework of the industrial and Warehouse Management Systems technologies on key
revolutions Industry 4.0 LP indicators: Heijunka, Just-in-time, Kanban, Total
Productive Maintenance (TPM), Optimize the ergonomics
One of the complex indicators of the effectiveness of the of the place of work (5S), Single Minute Exchange of Die
implementation of modern technologies in Warehouse (SMED), and Mistake proofing (Poka yoke).
Management Systems (WMS), in the form of
Warehousing 4.0, is its impact on the performance of Lean
Table 3. Comparison of the impact of Warehousing 4.0 and Warehouse Management Systems technologies on LP key indicators
Instruments of Lean Production
Industry 4.0
Heijunka Just-in-time Kanban TPM 5S SMED Poka yoke
Warehousing 4.0
Collaborative System +++ +++ ++ + +++ + +++
Autonomous System ++ +++ + + +++ +++ +
Smart Handling +++ +++ + + +++ +++ +++
Chaotic and Compact Storage ++ ++ - + ++ + ++
Dynamic Aisle Configuration +++ +++ - + ++ ++ ++
Interconnection-Based +++ +++ + - +++ +++ +
Decentralized Decision +++ +++ + - ++ +++ +++
Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Mobile Autonomous Rack System +++ ++ + + +++ +++ +
Autonomous Vehicle Storage and
+++ +++ - + +++ + +++
Retrieval System
Compact Storage and Retrieval
++ ++ + + +++ - +
Collaborative Robot System +++ +++ ++ - +++ +++ +++
“+++” – strong impact; “++” – medium impact; “+” – weak impact; “–” – no impact
Results These limitations do not allow such systems to be used in
the implementation of Warehousing systems with high
Analyzing the results obtained, it can be concluded density chaotic storage. Consequently, the authors see the
that the introduction of advanced technologies in WMS, in task in improving the designs of mobile robotic platforms,
the framework of Warehousing 4.0, will improve the which will allow developing a new intelligent group
process of supply chain management of the necessary method for the implementation of loading and unloading
materials for the smooth functioning of cyber-physical goods, increasing the storage density for unlike goods
production systems in the SM concept. One of the (chaotic storage).
promising directions for achieving the effectiveness of the
implementation of Lean Production tools in WMS systems Conclusions
is the use of Collaborative Robot System technology,
which makes it possible to ensure high density of storage Research in this area has shown that Industry 4.0 has
of goods in Warehousing. It is worth noting that modern become an impetus in the development of modern
control systems for mobile robotic platforms, such as production, due to the introduction of new technologies:
Toyota RadioShuttle, Raymond RadioShuttle, Rochiev Industrial Internet of Things; Smart Manufacturing;
RadioShuttle, have their own limitations in the methods of Cyber-physical system, which requires a change in
warehousing, loading and unloading goods (First-In-First- management mechanisms, construction and support of
Out (FIFO), Last-In -First-Out (LIFO)) and in design. production processes. The authors, during the literary
ISSN 2522-9818 (print)
ISSN 2524-2296 (online) Innovative technologies and scientific solutions for industries. 2021. No. 4 (18)
analysis of publications, drew attention to the fact that the high randomness and density, in the framework of
existence of Smart Manufacturing is impossible without Warehousing 4.0 for Smart Manufacturing, a table was
the implementation of a more effective strategy for developed comparing the impact of Warehousing 4.0 and
building and managing supply chains (SCM), which is Warehouse Management Systems technologies on key
based on the synthesis of distribution strategy (Logistics), Lean Production tools. This table shows how the
storage (Warehousing) and Lean tools. Production. Based implementation of new technologies in Warehousing 4.0
on this, the stages of development of technologies used in and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) affects the
the framework of the industrial revolution Industry were efficiency of Lean Production tools such as: Heijunka,
investigated, and their impact on the evolution of Just-in-time, 5S. This makes it possible to assert that the
Warehousing, in terms of functionality, and therefore introduction of new models and methods for managing
made it possible to conduct research on the development complex warehouses with chaotic storage of high-density
of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) technology. products is impossible without the use of mobile robotic
To prove the need for research and search for new autonomous systems, which will optimize the supply
solutions for the implementation of storage tasks with chain management process in Smart Manufacturing.

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Відомості про авторів / Сведения об авторах / About the Authors

Невлюдов Ігор Шакирович – доктор технічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри комп’ютерно-інтегрованих
технологій, автоматизації та мехатроніки, м. Харків, Україна; е-mail: igor.nevliudov@nure.ua; ORCID ID: https://
Невлюдов Игорь Шакирович – доктор технических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой компьютерно-
интегрированных технологий, автоматизации и мехатроники, г. Харьков, Украина.
Nevliudov Igor – Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation
and Mechatronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Євсєєв Владислав В’ячеславович – доктор технічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри комп’ютерно-інтегрованих
технологій, автоматизації та мехатроніки, м. Харків, Україна; e-mail:vladyslav.yevsieiev@nure.ua; ORCID ID: https://
Евсеев Владислав Вячеславович – доктор технических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры компьютерно-
интегрированных технологий, автоматизации и мехатроники, г. Харьков, Украина.
Yevsieiev Vladyslav – Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Asistant Professor, Professor the Department of Computer-Integrated
Technologies, Automation and Mechatronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Клименко Олександр Миколайович – Генеральний Директор, ТОВ «Kapelou», м.Київ, Україна; e-mail:
kan@kapelou.com.ua; ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5277-138X
Клименко Александр Николаевич – Генеральный Директор, ООО «Kapelou», г. Киев, Украина.
Klymenko Oleksandr – Managing Director, «Kapelou» LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Демська Наталія Павлівна – кандидат технічних наук, доцент кафедри комп’ютерно-інтегрованих технологій,
автоматизації та мехатроніки, м. Харків, Україна; e-mail: demska.nataliia@nure.ua; ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9931-
Демская Наталия Павловна – кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры компьютерно-интегрированных
технологий, автоматизации и мехатроники, г. Харьков, Украина.
Demska Nataliia – PhD (Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies,
Automation and Mechatronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
ISSN 2522-9818 (print)
ISSN 2524-2296 (online) Innovative technologies and scientific solutions for industries. 2021. No. 4 (18)
Вжеснєвський Максим Олегович – R&D бізнес партнер, ТОВ «Kapelou», м.Київ, Україна;
e-mail: vmo@kapelou.com.ua; ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7585-628X
Вжесневский Максим Олегович – R&D бизнес партнер, ООО «Kapelou», г. Киев, Украина.
Vzhesnievskyi Maksym – R&D business partner, «Kapelou» LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Об’єктом даного дослідження є технологія управління групами мобільних роботів в концепції Industry 4.0 та її складових.
Метою статті є аналіз шляхів реалізації ефективної стратегії та управління мобільними роботизованими платформами в
складських системах, як ключового інструменту Lean Production. Для досягнення поставленої мети необхідно вирішити
наступні завдання: провести аналіз управління ланцюгами поставок в Smart Manufacturing, в рамках Industry 4.0, і його
вплив на досягнення цілей Lean Production; дослідити еволюцію їх застосовуваних у складських технологіях в динаміці
розвитку промислової революції Industry 4.0; проаналізувати еволюцію Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), як одного із
найважливіших компонентів, які відповідають вимогам до автоматизації складування в Smart Manufacturing за допомогою
групового управління мобільними роботизованими платформами; провести порівняння технологій, що застосовуються
Warehousing 4.0 і системи управління складом та їх вплив на ключові показники Lean Production. Результати: одним із
перспективних напрямків досягнення ефективності впровадження інструментів Lean Production у системи WMS є
використання технології Collaborative Robot System, яка дає можливість забезпечити високу щільність зберігання товарів у
Warehousing. Однак сучасні мобільними робототехнічними платформами мають свої обмеження, як у методах реалізації
завантаження та вивантаження товарів, так і у конструкційному виконанні. Отже, автори вбачають завдання в удосконаленні
конструкцій мобільних робототехнічних платформ, що дозволить розробити новий інтелектуальний груповий метод
реалізації завантаження та вивантаження товарів, збільшивши щільність зберігання різнойменних товарів. Висновки:
проведено загальний аналіз впливу технологій Warehousing 4.0 і Warehouse Management Systems на ключові інструменти
Lean Production, який показує як впровадження нових технологій групового управління роботизованими платформами в
Warehousing 4.0 і системи управління складами (WMS) впливає на ефективність таких інструментів Lean Production як:
Heijunka, Just-in-time, 5S. Це дозволяє стверджувати, що впровадження нових моделей і методів управління складними
складами з високою щільністю та хаотичним зберіганням виробів, шляхом використання мобільних робототехнічних
автономних систем, дозволить значно оптимізувати процес управління ланцюгами поставок в Smart Manufacturing.
Ключові слова: Industry 4.0; Smart Manufacturing; Logistics 4.0; Warehousing 4.0; Lean Production.


Предметом данного исследования является технология управления группами мобильных роботов в концепции Industry 4.0 и
ее составляющих. Целью данной статьи является поиск путей реализации эффективной стратегии построения и управления
мобильными роботизированными платформами в Warehousing, как ключевого инструмента Lean Production. Для достижения
поставленной цели необходимо решить следующие задачи: провести анализ управления цепочками поставок в Smart
Manufacturing, в рамках Industry 4.0 и его влияние на достижения целей Lean Production; исследовать эволюцию
применяемых в Warehousing технологий в динамике развития промышленной революции Industry 4.0; проанализировать
эволюцию Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), как одного из важнейших компонентов, на базе которого реализуются и
достигаются требования к автоматизации складирования в Smart Manufacturing при групповом управлении мобильными
роботизированными платформами; провести сравнение влияния технологий, применяемых Warehousing 4.0 и Warehouse
Management Systems, на ключевые показатели Lean Production. Результаты: одним из перспективных направлений
достижения эффективности внедрения инструментов Lean Production в системы WMS является использование технологии
Collaborative Robot System, которая дает возможность обеспечить высокую плотность хранения изделий в Warehousing.
Однако современные мобильные робототехнические платформы имеют свои ограничения как в методах реализации
погрузки и выгрузки изделий, так и в конструкционном исполнении. Следовательно, авторы видят задачу в
усовершенствовании конструкций мобильных робототехнических платформ, что позволит разработать новый
интеллектуальный групповой метод реализации погрузки и выгрузки изделий, увеличив плотность хранения для
разноименных товаров. Выводы: в работе проведен сравнительный анализ влияния технологий Warehousing 4.0 и Warehouse
Management Systems на ключевые инструменты Lean Production, который показывает, как внедрение новых технологий
группового управления роботизированными платформами в Warehousing 4.0 и Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
влияет на эффективность инструментов Lean Production, таких как: Heijunka, Just-in-time, 5S. Это позволило утверждать, что
внедрение новых моделей и методов управления сложными складами с высокой плотностью и хаотическим хранением
изделий, путем использования мобильных робототехнических автономных систем, позволит значительно оптимизировать
процесс управления цепочками поставок в Smart Manufacturing.
Ключевые слова: Industry 4.0; Smart Manufacturing; Logistics 4.0; Warehousing 4.0; Lean Production.
Бібліографічні описи / Bibliographic descriptions
Невлюдов І. Ш., Євсєєв В. В., Клименко О. М., Демська Н. П., Вжеснєвський М. О. Еволюції розвитку групового
управління мобільними роботизованими платформами в Warehousing 4.0. Сучасний стан наукових досліджень та
технологій в промисловості. 2021. № 4 (18). С. 57–64. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30837/ITSSI.2021.18.057
Nevliudov, I., Yevsieiev, V., Klymenko, O., Demska, N., Vzhesnievskyi, M. (2021), "Evolutions of group management
development of mobile robotic platforms in Warehousing 4.0", Innovative Technologies and Scientific Solutions for Industries,
No. 4 (18), P. 57–64. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30837/ITSSI.2021.18.057

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