Leadrship Assignment
Leadrship Assignment
Leadrship Assignment
Department: LEADERSHIP
For this assignment, you have to undertake a review of one journal article on any topic
related to the course. As an advice, let you use ‘Google Scholar’ to get recent (not older than
5 years) and relevant journal articles.
In general terms, a review analyses, comments on and evaluates the work. As a course
assignment, it situates the work in the light of specific issues and theoretical concerns being
discussed in the course. Your review should show that you can recognize arguments and
engage in critical thinking about the course content.
State the full bibliographic reference for the article you are reviewing (authors, title, journal
name, volume, issue, year, page numbers, etc.) Important: this is not the bibliography listed at
the end of the article, rather the citation of the article itself!
Paragraph 1: State the objectives (goals or purpose) of the article. What is the
article's domain (topic area)?
Paragraph 2: State whether the article is "conceptual" or "empirical", and why you
believe it is conceptual or empirical. Empirical articles and conceptual articles have a
similar objective: to substantiate an argument proposed by the author. (Read further
about these two types of articles).
3. Brief Summary
For an article review, do not spend much space summarizing the article. Instead focus on
analysis of the article.
4. Results
Very briefly summarize the important points (observations, conclusions, findings) in the
article. Please do not repeat lists of items in the articles - just summarize the essence of these
if you feel they are necessary to include.
5. Contributions
6. Foundation
Good research often is built upon theories and frameworks that other researchers have
developed. Sometimes articles will be substantially based upon this prior work, and refer
back to it in some detail. (Not all research articles will do this.) In other terms, let you point
out the theoretical foundations of the article you review. But, if the article does not build
upon key pieces of prior research, then write in your review "This article does not build upon
any foundation research." (If you do not state this explicitly, you will not receive credit for
this section.)
7. General Critique
In this section, you should state your opinions of how well (or poorly) the author did their
research and presented the research results in the article. Your critique can contain both
positive and negative comments. Justify and explain in detail each of your critique points in a
separate paragraph of at least 4-5 sentences.
8. Issues
What open questions or issues has the author stated remain unresolved? Discuss each in a
separate paragraph of 5-10 sentences. Each issue's paragraph should take the following
List several open questions or issues which remain unresolved in your opinion? For example,
what possible future research questions could arise from this article? Discuss each in a
separate paragraph of 5-10 sentences. Each issue's paragraph should take the following
What is the issue? Why do you believe this is an important issue? in what way is it
unresolved , and suggestions for resolving it