Week 011 A
Week 011 A
Week 011 A
Abdul-Rahman Mahmood
Assistant Professor, Computer Science, FAST-NU
abdulrahman@nu.edu.pk reddit.com/user/alphapeeler
alphapeeler.sf.net/pubkeys/pkey.htm www.flickr.com/alphapeeler
pk.linkedin.com/in/armahmood http://alphapeeler.tumblr.com
bqb-tsid-asp armahmood786@jabber.org
alphapeeler alphapeeler@aim.com
alphapeeler abdulmahmood-sss
armahmood786 alphapeeler@icloud.com
http://alphapeeler.sf.net/ pinterest.com/alphapeeler
About Instructor
Text & Reference books
● Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation: An Integrated Approach, Second Edition by
Brahma Dathan & Sarnath Ramnath
● Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML by Alan Dennis & Barbara
Haley Wixom & David Tegarden
● UML 2 Toolkit by Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brian Lyons, David Fado (2004)
● Applying UML and Patterns 3rd Edition by Craig Larman (October 20, 2004)
● Enterprise Java and UML, 2nd Edition by C. T. Arrington, Syed H. Rayhan, (2003)
● UML Distilled, 3rd Edition by Martin Flower (September 15, 2003)
● UML for Java Programmers Robert Cecil Martin (2002)
GCR codes
Section C: leovgww
Section D: zbt7bmd
Section J: e7jsm5x
Final Exam (50%)
Home work assignments (10%)
Term exams 30%
Project( confirmed) 10%
Course Goals
After successful completion of this course students
should be able to do analysis of software system. Do
modeling using UML and create diagram like use
cases, activity, class, sequence, collaboration etc.
What is Systems Analysis and
Object design
Implementation Phase
Design is implemented using a programming language or
database management system