IFU R11-All
IFU R11-All
IFU R11-All
Release 11.0
Ingenia Ambition
Table of contents
Table of contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 15
Publication Details.......................................................................................................................................... 15
About these Instructions for Use.................................................................................................................... 15
Other Instructions........................................................................................................................................... 19
About the system............................................................................................................................................ 21
Indications for Use.......................................................................................................................................... 25
Compatibility................................................................................................................................................... 28
Compliance..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Training........................................................................................................................................................... 31
........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Installation, Maintenance and Repair............................................................................................................. 32
Equipment classification................................................................................................................................. 33
Security and Privacy features implemented................................................................................................... 35
Other Security and Privacy features addressed................................................................................. 37
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
2 Safety..................................................................................................................................................... 39
Safety before scanning................................................................................................................................... 39
Prescreening...................................................................................................................................... 40
Contraindications.............................................................................................................................. 41
MR implant labeling........................................................................................................................... 42
MR Conditional implants................................................................................................................... 45
Risk factors for MRI-related adverse events...................................................................................... 48
Clothing and other removable risk factors........................................................................................ 52
Controlled Access Area...................................................................................................................... 53
Operating modes............................................................................................................................... 63
Patient observation and medical supervision................................................................................... 64
Emergency procedures...................................................................................................................... 65
Safety during scanning.................................................................................................................................... 76
Exposure to EMF................................................................................................................................ 76
Coil and cable positioning................................................................................................................ 102
Tabletop movement........................................................................................................................ 108
Laser radiation safety (Light visor)................................................................................................... 118
High Bore Temperature................................................................................................................... 121
Other MRI safety........................................................................................................................................... 123
Patient support and tabletop.......................................................................................................... 123
Communication: nurse call & intercom........................................................................................... 128
Image quality................................................................................................................................... 129
Imaging Techniques......................................................................................................................... 130
Auxiliary Medical equipment........................................................................................................... 132
Ingenia Ambition 3
Table of contents
4 Ingenia Ambition
Table of contents
FlexTilt............................................................................................................................................. 383
Breast Pads...................................................................................................................................... 385
Coil Caddy........................................................................................................................................ 388
Acoustic Hood.................................................................................................................................. 389
Head-and-Arm Support................................................................................................................... 394
Trolleys.......................................................................................................................................................... 396
FlexTrak patient transportation system and trolleys....................................................................... 396
Trolley........................................................................................................................................................... 406
Physiology Equipment .................................................................................................................................. 406
Functional Description..................................................................................................................... 407
Safety............................................................................................................................................... 408
Components Overview.................................................................................................................... 408
Respiratory Belt............................................................................................................................... 411
VitalEye............................................................................................................................................ 412
Peripheral Pulse Sensor................................................................................................................... 413
VCG (VectorCardioGraphy).............................................................................................................. 415
Operator's console........................................................................................................................................ 421
Introduction to the User Interface.................................................................................................. 421
Navigation Bar................................................................................................................................. 424
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Ingenia Ambition 5
Table of contents
6 Ingenia Ambition
Table of contents
Ingenia Ambition 7
Table of contents
8 Ingenia Ambition
Table of contents
Ingenia Ambition 9
Table of contents
10 Ingenia Ambition
Table of contents
Ingenia Ambition 11
Table of contents
10 Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................. 1367
Artifacts....................................................................................................................................................... 1367
Artifacts on High Field Strengths................................................................................................... 1367
Motion Artifacts............................................................................................................................ 1368
Chemical Shift Artifacts................................................................................................................. 1372
Aliasing Artifacts............................................................................................................................ 1374
SENSE Artifacts.............................................................................................................................. 1378
Compressed SENSE Artifacts......................................................................................................... 1380
12 Ingenia Ambition
Table of contents
EasySwitch..................................................................................................................................... 1439
Philips Software Update installation........................................................................................................... 1459
Notification and Installation.......................................................................................................... 1460
Notification without permission to install..................................................................................... 1464
Ingenia Ambition 13
Table of contents
14 Ingenia Ambition
Publication Details Introduction
1 Introduction
Affix: IFU only! Added now: Security and Privacy Features ID: 9007314552494987
Last Content Modificator: Status: NotReleased
• Ingenia Ambition S
• Ingenia Ambition X
End fragment title: _Ambition - non china
• Ingenia Elition S
• Ingenia Elition X
End fragment title: _Elition - non china
Ingenia Ambition 15
Introduction About these Instructions for Use
• MR 5300
End fragment title: MR5300
• MR 7700
• Ingenia 3.0T with upgrade package SmartPath to MR 7700
• Ingenia Elition with upgrade package SmartPath to MR 7700
End fragment title: MR7700
• Ingenia Ambition X
End fragment title: Ambition - china
• Ingenia 1.5T
• Ingenia 1.5T S
• Ingenia 3.0T
• Ingenia 1.5T with upgrade package Evolution Upgrade 1.5T
• Ingenia 3.0T with upgrade package Evolution Upgrade 3.0T
Ingenia 1.5T is available in two configurations:
• With yellow magnet covers ('classic design')
• With white magnet covers and blue mattresses ('white-blue design'), including VitalScreen
and VitalEye options.
End fragment title: Ingenia/s/evolution
• Ingenia 1.5T CX
• Ingenia 3.0T CX
• Achieva 1.5T with upgrade package SmartPath to Achieva dStream
16 Ingenia Ambition
About these Instructions for Use Introduction
• Achieva 1.5T
• Achieva 3.0T
• Intera 1.5T upgrade
• Intera 3.0T upgrade
End fragment title: Achieva
All information in this document applies to the above-mentioned systems, unless explicitly
stated otherwise.
End fragment title: 81738 SYS.Label.IFU.Tradenames
End fragment title: Ing, LE, EVO, CX,Ambit/Elit
{ Geenen, Hubert, 9/19/2021 6:28:34 PM: replaced broken x-reff with"...described in the safety
These Instructions for Use assist Users and operators in the safe and effective operation of their
Philips MRI system.
The ‘User’ is considered to be the body with authority over the system; ‘operators’ are those
persons who actually handle the system.
Before you operate the system:
• Read, note and strictly observe all danger notices and safety markings on and around the
MRI system.
• Read these Instructions for Use thoroughly. Pay particular attention to all warnings,
cautions and notes. Pay special attention to all the information and procedures described in
the safety chapter.
Safe operation of the MR equipment, as installed and maintained according to Philips’
instructions, requires adherence to all warnings in this IFU. When adhered to, the residual
safety risk of the use of Philips MR equipment is evaluated by the manufacturer to be
End fragment title: 24627 SYS.Label.IFU.AcceptableRiskStatement
Ingenia Ambition 17
Introduction About these Instructions for Use
The Instructions for Use of any applied equipment, other than the MR scanner, shall be
considered as integral part of the safety and operational requirements, beyond those described
in the Instruction for Use of the Philips MR system.
End fragment title: 73750 SYS.Label.IFU.AuxiliaryDeviceInstructions
Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a low level or risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.
Node title (original): Intera added for Achieva IFU only v2 ID: 36028887010562571
Status: Released
These Instructions for Use are valid for the Achieva MRI systems and the Intera 1.5T MRI
Throughout the Instructions for Use, all instances of Achieva 1.5T also refer to the Intera 1.5T.
If your system has been upgraded to the current release, your hardware may differ from the
systems described in this manual.
If this is the case, refer to the Instructions for Use originally delivered with your MRI system.
18 Ingenia Ambition
Other Instructions Introduction
These Instructions for Use, describe the most extensive configuration of the system, including
all options and accessories. Not every function described in the Instructions for Use may be
available on your system.
Contact your Philips representative to discuss available options.
End fragment title: 66488 SYS.Label.IFU.ExtensiveSystemDescription
This manual may contain descriptions regarding the features and functionalities that are not
implemented on the current equipment shipped for Japan and/or the product(s) that is/are not
currently sold in Japan due to limitations and restrictions under the applicable local laws and
regulations in Japan. Please contact your local sales representatives and/or Customer Support
for details.
End fragment title: 66628 SYS.Label.IFU.ExtensiveSystemDescription_Japan
ISO/IEC: 24638
Contact your local Philips representative for an overview of available options, accessories and
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Technical Description
The Technical Description provides additional data essential for safe operation, and measures
or conditions necessary for installing the MR system. A PDF of the Technical Description is
located in the User Documentation folder on the console. The Technical Description is also
included in the online Help menu.
End fragment title: 24672 SYS.Label.IFU.ReferenceTD
Help system
The Help system contains the Instructions for Use, the Technical Description, and gives basic
and advanced scanning information. The Help system is embedded in the software and can be
accessed on the operator's console or when you press the F1 key.
Ingenia Ambition 19
Introduction Other Instructions
In some parts of the user interface, e.g. imaging parameters, the Help system is context-
sensitive. This means that the Help shows directly information which is relevant to what you are
currently doing in the application. If context-sensitivity is not available, the home page of the
Help system will open.
End fragment title: Help system
About function
A summary of relevant hardware and software information is available in the About function.
To access the About function:
► Click Help icon, then About.
End fragment title: 82800 SYS.Label.IFU.AboutFunction.UILocation_v1
With these Instructions for Use a separate addendum may be available. This addendum
PDF documents
To access PDF documents of the Instructions for Use, Addendum, Technical Description, DICOM
Conformance statement, and IHE Integration statement, on the menu bar, click Help, then User
Documentation. Links will be provided to the PDF documents in the user interface language.
If you require PDF documents of any of these documents in another language than the user
interface language:
► Press the Windows key.
► Select All programs, then MR Applications, then User Documentation.
► Select the required language.
► Select the required document.
End fragment title: PDF documents
20 Ingenia Ambition
About the system Introduction
ISO/IEC: 24665
Additional equipment
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Additional equipment that is used with the MRI system may have their own Instructions for
Use. Always consult the Instructions for Use of the manufacturer of the additional equipment.
Only use MR Safe or MR Conditional equipment near your MRI system (also see chapter
“Auxiliary Medical equipment” on page 132)
End fragment title: 24665_IEC Ed3A1 OtherAccompanyingDocuments
Philips Ingenia CX / Achieva dStream systems are digital broadband Magnetic Resonance
Imaging systems.
End fragment title: Ingenia CX / Achieva dStream
Ingenia Ambition 21
Introduction About the system
This Instruction for Use is common for Prodiva 1.5T CS and CX products.
Prodiva 1.5T CS has a fixed height table as standard with 145 cm imaging coverage, single dS
Interface to allow up to 24 Ch RF receive and a single configurable (left or right) UIM (User
Interface Module).
Prodiva 1.5T CX has a motorized vertical travel table as standard with 190 cm imaging coverage
(Elite Patient Table), dual dS Interface to allow up to 32 Ch RF receive and a dual sided UIM
(User Interface Module).
Not all listed options and features listed in this Instructions For Use document are available on
Prodiva CS or CX in all markets. Contact your local Philips representative for an overview of
available options, accessories and other supporting materials.
This Instruction for Use is common for Prodiva 1.5T CS and CX products.
Prodiva 1.5T CS has a Classic Patient Table with 150 cm imaging coverage and a fixed height.
Motorized vertical travel is optional.
It comes with a single dS Interface to allow up to 24 Ch RF receive and with a dual sided UIM
(User Interface Module).
Prodiva 1.5T CX has an Elite Patient Table with 190 cm imaging coverage and with motorized
vertical travel table.
It comes with dual dS Interface to allow up to 32 Ch RF receive and with a dual sided UIM (User
Interface Module).
Not all listed options and features listed in this Instructions For Use document are available on
Prodiva CS or CX in all markets. Contact your local Philips representative for an overview of
available options, accessories and other supporting materials.
End fragment title: Jaguar Eagle
22 Ingenia Ambition
About the system Introduction
The operation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems is based on the principle that certain
atomic nuclei present in the human body will emit a weak relaxation signal when placed in a
strong magnetic field and excited by a radio signal at the precession frequency.
The emitted relaxation signals are analyzed by the system and a computed image
reconstruction is displayed on a video screen.
End fragment title: 66485 SYS.Label.IFU.System
Philips MR systems are designed to create images of the head, body or extremities of any
patient (prenatal to geriatric) referred to an MR study by a trained physician.
Exceptions to admissible patients relate to their physical characteristics (circumference, mass)
in relation to system capabilities (magnet bore size: 60 cm; mechanical strength of the patient
support, allowing 200 kg) and taking into account pre-screening results and contraindications.
End fragment title: 77092 SYS.Label.IFU.PatientTargetGroup Prodiva
The following clinical benefit descriptions are representative for all Philips MRI systems and are
included in the associated Risk-Benefit Analysis documents as part of the Risk Management file.
The clinical benefits are:
• Images, spectra, and measurements of physical parameters obtained by an MR scan may,
when interpreted by a trained physician, provide information that may assist patient
diagnosis and therapy planning.
• Image contrasts can be tailored to specific clinical applications required for a specific
patient, to emphasize dedicated types of pathology.
• Images can be obtained in numerous planes without repositioning the patient.
Ingenia Ambition 23
Introduction About the system
• Patients do not need to be subjected to ionizing radiation in order to obtain an MR scan and
there is no need to administer contrast agent to patients in order to generate tissue-specific
End fragment title: 75662 SYS.Label.IFU.ClinicalBenefit
Heating X X
{ Geenen, Hubert, 2/14/2020 6:06:04 PM: Text was never used I suppose, Hubert Geenen}
{ Geenen, Hubert, 2/14/2020 6:06:04 PM: Text was never used I suppose, Hubert Geenen}
24 Ingenia Ambition
Indications for Use Introduction
Affix: new Indications for Use, currently only for RestofWorld ID: 99079237650439691
09/2018 Status: NotReleased
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert
{ Geenen, Hubert, 9/20/2021 1:43:22 PM: version with screening in: "...assist diagnosis,
SCREENING and therapy planning", in R11 this is NOT the version in the PRQ labeling}
Philips Magnetic Resonance (MR) systems are Medical Electrical Systems indicated for use as a
diagnostic device.
This MR system enables trained physicians to obtain cross-sectional images, spectroscopic
images and/or spectra of the internal structure of the head, body or extremities, in any
orientation, representing the spatial distribution of protons or other nuclei with spin.
Image appearance is determined by many different physical properties of the tissue and the
anatomy, the MR scan technique applied, and presence of contrast agents.
The use of contrast agents for diagnostic imaging applications should be performed consistent
with the approved labeling for the contrast agent.
The trained clinical user can adjust the MR scan parameters to customize image appearance,
accelerate image acquisition, and synchronize with the patient’s breathing or cardiac cycle.
The systems can use combinations of images to produce physical parameters, and related
derived images. Images, spectra, and measurements of physical parameters, when interpreted
by a trained physician, provide information that may assist diagnosis, screening and therapy
planning. The accuracy of determined physical parameters depends on system and scan
Ingenia Ambition 25
Introduction Indications for Use
Philips Magnetic Resonance (MR) systems are Medical Electrical Systems indicated for use as a
diagnostic device.
This MR system enables trained physicians to obtain cross-sectional images, spectroscopic
images and/or spectra of the internal structure of the head, body or extremities, in any
orientation, representing the spatial distribution of protons or other nuclei with spin.
Image appearance is determined by many different physical properties of the tissue and the
anatomy, the MR scan technique applied, and presence of contrast agents. The use of contrast
agents for diagnostic imaging applications should be performed consistent with the approved
26 Ingenia Ambition
Indications for Use Introduction
MR image data may be distorted and can lead to improper representations when used to
generate 3D printed volumes.
Node title (original): Indication for use - pre July 2018 ID: 54043283743512203
Affix: obsolete since new Indications for use Status: NotReleased
This system is a Magnetic Resonance Medical Electrical System indicated for use as a diagnostic
The system can produce cross-sectional images, spectroscopic images and/or spectra in any
orientation of the internal structure of the head, body or extremities.
Magnetic Resonance images represent the spatial distribution of protons or other nuclei with
spin. Image appearance is determined by many different physical properties of the tissue and
the anatomy, and the MR scan technique applied. The image acquisition process can be
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
synchronized with the patient’s breathing or cardiac cycle. The systems can use combinations of
images to produce physical parameters, and related derived images.
Images, spectra, and measurements of physical parameters, when interpreted by a trained
physician, provide information that may assist the diagnosis and therapy planning. The accuracy
of determined physical parameters depends on system and scan parameters, and must be
controlled and validated by the clinical user.
Node title (original): 64892 ID: 27021654867442443
SYS.Label.IFU.IntendedDeviceUse_Limitations_RoW Status: Released
Affix: non-US
For some studies the use of contrast agents can be essential. Their application is subject to local
medico-legal regulations and to their appropriateness to assist the diagnosis and therapy
planning as judged by a trained physician.
End fragment title: 64892 SYS.Label.IFU.IntendedDeviceUse_Limitations_RoW
The use of contrast agents for diagnostic imaging applications should be performed consistent
with the approved labeling for the contrast agent.
End fragment title: 64891 SYS.Label.IFU.IntendedDeviceUse_LimitationsUSA
{ Geenen, Hubert, 2/12/2016 10:44:03 AM: Inserted extra white space after paragraph.
JvdB, LM}
Ingenia Ambition 27
Introduction Compatibility
The Instructions for Use of any applied equipment, other than the MR scanner, shall be
considered as integral part of the safety and operational requirements, beyond those described
in the Instruction for Use of the Philips MR system.
End fragment title: 73750 SYS.Label.IFU.AuxiliaryDeviceInstructions
Do not use the MRI system for anything other than the intended use.
Before the system is used to examine a patient, make sure that:
ISO/IEC: 24502
During an MR examination energy is transferred to the patient in the form of Radio Frequency
waves, switching magnetic fields and acoustic noise. The energy levels as well as the level of the
static magnetic field are controlled following international safety standards. For a static
magnetic field at values over 2T, patients and operators may experience effects such as
dizziness, vertigo and a metallic taste in the mouth.
End fragment title: 24502 SYS.Label.IFU.IntendedFieldExposures
End fragment title: Indication for use - pre July 2018
1.6 Compatibility
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 54043241372870283
Status: Released
28 Ingenia Ambition
Compatibility Introduction
Do not use your Philips MRI system in combination with other equipment or components,
unless the equipment or components are expressly labelled as MR Safe or MR Conditional (see
chapter “Auxiliary Medical equipment” on page 132).
Changes and/or additions to the system should only be carried out by a Philips service engineer,
or by third parties expressly authorized by Philips. Such changes and/or additions must comply
with all applicable laws and regulations that have the force of law within the jurisdiction(s)
concerned, and with best engineering practice.
Changes and/or additions to the system that are carried out by persons without the
appropriate training and/or using unapproved spare parts may lead to the Philips warranty
being voided. As with all complex technical systems, maintenance by persons not appropriately
qualified and/or using spare parts that do not meet Philips’ specifications carries serious risks of
damage to the system and of personal injury. Please be aware that Philips does not validate the
use of non-Philips provided parts with this system. Validation is done to ensure product
performance will meet its specification and Instructions for Use. System performance issues
arising from parts not meeting the above requirements will be the responsibility of the User as
its use is not validated by Philips.
Technical information to facilitate testing of compatibility of auxiliary equipment, is provided in
the Technical Description.
End fragment title: 66489 SYS.Label.IFU.OtherEquipment
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Philips is performing dedicated compatibility testing for selected combinations of MRI systems
and other equipment. The results of these tests are captured in compatibility statements. Ask
your Philips Representative or go to www.philips.com/IFU for the available compatibility
End fragment title: 77551 SYS.Label.IFU.ThirdPartyDeviceInstructions_v1
Ingenia Ambition 29
Introduction Compliance
The EMISSIONS characteristics of this equipment make it suitable for use in industrial areas
and hospitals (CISPR 11 class A). If it is used in a residential environment (for which CISPR 11
class B is normally required) this equipment might not offer adequate protection to radio-
frequency communication services. The user might need to take mitigation measures, such as
relocating or re-orienting the equipment.
1.7 Compliance
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 63050440630121867
Status: Released
Philips MRI systems comply with relevant international and national standards and laws.
Information on compliance will be supplied on request by your local Philips Healthcare
In particular, the MR system is designed in compliance with IEC60601-2-33 (Basic Safety and
Essential Performance of MR Systems), which includes IEC60601-1 (Basic Safety and Essential
Performance of Medical Electrical Equipment and Systems) and its collaterals.
IEC-60601-2-33 is the MR Safety standard published by the International Electrotechnical
End fragment title: 24663 SYS.Label.IFU.NormCompliance
ISO/IEC: 24675
In particular, the MR system is designed in compliance with YY 0319 (Basic Safety and Essential
Performance of MR Systems), which includes GB 9706.1 (Basic Safety and Essential
Performance of Medical Electrical Equipment and Systems) and its collaterals.
End fragment title: 24675 SYS.Label.IFU.StandardsReference
Philips MRI systems comply with relevant international and national law and standards on EMC
(electromagnetic compatibility) for this type of equipment when used as intended. Such laws
and standards define both the permissible electromagnetic emission levels from equipment,
and its required immunity to electromagnetic interference from external sources.
End fragment title: 66486 SYS.Label.IFU.StandardsCompliance
30 Ingenia Ambition
Training Introduction
Use and operation of this system is subject to the law in the jurisdiction(s) in which the system
is being used. Both users and operators must only use and operate the system in such ways as
do not conflict with applicable laws or regulations which have the force of law. Both users and
operators must be trained appropriately and have taken notice especially of the safety
paragraphs in these Instructions for Use.
End fragment title: 54053 SYS.Label.IFU.UseAndOperation
In the United States, Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a
1.8 Training
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Before you attempt to operate the Philips MRI system described in these Instructions for Use,
you must have received adequate training on its safe and effective use. Training requirements
for this type of device will vary from country to country. Training must be adequate and in
accordance with local laws or regulations which have the force of law.
Training for the following emergency procedures must be included:
Node title (original): Non-Ambition ID: 108235877771
Status: Released
• Medical emergency
• Fire
• Using the Emergency Magnet Off button
• (Unauthorized) access to the Controlled Access Area
• Actions in case of a quench.
End fragment title: Non-Ambition
• Medical emergency
• Fire
Ingenia Ambition 31
Introduction Installation, Maintenance and Repair
Philips provides application training for safe and effective use of general system functions and
for dedicated application packages. If you require further information about training, contact
your Philips application specialist.
End fragment title: 75625 SYS.Label.IFU.TrainingRequirements_v1
{ Marshall, Tom, 11/30/2018 9:13:46 AM: This node is very similar to node
9007206096265995. That node does not mention maintenance and includes a title.}
Installation, maintenance and repair instructions for the system described are supplied by
Philips Healthcare in separate documentation.
Installation, maintenance and repair must be performed by appropriately trained personnel.
End fragment title: 24655 SYS.Label.IFU.InstallationInstructions
The user is responsible to (at least weekly) check the integrity of system and coil covers, coil
cables, and accessories. Contact Philips Healthcare for information on the system maintenance
Philips Healthcare can only accept responsibility for basic safety, reliability and (essential)
performance, if:
• qualified personnel carry out assembly operations, extensions, readjustments or repairs,
• the electrical installation of the technical room complies with the appropriate
requirements, and
32 Ingenia Ambition
Equipment classification Introduction
The MR equipment/system must emit electromagnetic energy in order to perform its
intended function. When installed according to Philips guidelines, electromagnetic emission
will be compliant to IEC60601-1-2. The Responsible Organization is advised to evaluate any
nearby electronic equipment for the need of additional shielding or repositioning to ensure
proper operation. Guidance for such evaluations may be found in e.g. AAMI TIR18:2010.
Node title (original): Used for IFU and Td requirement - non- ID: 18014507517927179
China Status: Released
According to the degree of protection against electric Type B and type BF applied parts.
According to the degree of protection against harmful Ordinary equipment (enclosed equipment without
ingress of water: protection against ingress of water, IPX0).
According to the methods of sterilization or disinfection: Non sterilizable. Use of Liquid surface disinfectants only.
Node title (original): Used for IFU and Td requirement - China ID: 9007315463214859
Status: Released
Ingenia Ambition 33
Introduction Equipment classification
According to the degree of protection against electric Type B and type BF/CF applied parts.
According to the degree of protection against harmful The MR system is ordinary equipment (enclosed
ingress of water: equipment without protection against ingress of water,
IPX0) with the exception of RF Coils which are IPX1 and
the eCOIL which is IPX4.
According to the methods of sterilization or disinfection: Non sterilizable. Use of Liquid surface disinfectants only.
According to the degree of protection against harmful Ordinary equipment (enclosed equipment without
ingress of water: protection against ingress of water, IPX0).
According to the methods of sterilization or disinfection: Non sterilizable. Use of Liquid surface disinfectants only.
34 Ingenia Ambition
Security and Privacy features implemented Introduction
According to the degree of protection against harmful Ordinary equipment (enclosed equipment without
ingress of water: protection against ingress of water, IPX0).
According to the methods of sterilization or disinfection: Non sterilizable. Use of Liquid surface disinfectants only.
ISO/IEC: 24640
The following (electrical component containing or weight bearing) parts of the system are
considered suitable for direct contact with the patient in normal use conditions, i.e. are
considered Applied Parts per IEC60601-1:
• Tabletops.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
It is the policy of Philips Healthcare to adhere to all required standards and regulations. To
assist the hospital, the following functionality has been added to the system:
Access control
Intended to restrict access to the system to authorized users only:
• Customizable on/off, a user log-on/log-off procedure is required to gain access to the
• Access to the system is granted according to a customizable list of authorized users.
• Username/Password authentication is supported for Active Directory and Local users.
2-Factor authentication is supported for Philips Engineers only.
• The system provides functionality to synchronize with customer central user account
administration, LDAP only.
• The system supports only single user sessions. It does not provide functionality to register
multiple simultaneous users or to switch between users other than via log-off / log-on.
Ingenia Ambition 35
Introduction Security and Privacy features implemented
• The system does not support single sign-on for situations where the system works together
with other (optional) systems or is part of another system, e.g. extra workstations. Single
sign-on is also not for some optional software components that require additional login.
Audit trail
Required to log user activities which are information-security critical:
• Applies to logging-on, reading and/or modifying clinical information.
• Requires that means be provided for auto-backup on a hospital server, e.g. the use of an
external standard 'Syslog' server.
• The creation of an audit trail on the local system is not supported.
In order to meet the requirements described above, the system implements the solution
defined by the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) year 4 Basic Security profile.
• The Basic Security Integration Profile establishes security measures which, together with
the Security Policy and Procedures of the Enterprise, provide patient information
confidentiality, data integrity and user accountability. For more information see the DICOM
Conformance Statement.
Field Service
Field Service is used to enable the following configuration items based on information supplied
by the hospital:
• Authentication and encryption
• Time synchronization
36 Ingenia Ambition
Security and Privacy features implemented Introduction
Certificate requests should be handled by the hospital. The hospital should decide on a
procedure to create the Certificate request and import the certificates.
The hospital should also define the types of certificates required, for example:
• The certificate of the machine itself
• The certificates of the machines it chooses to trust
• The certificate of the Certificate Authority (CA).
Certificates should always be signed by someone else, i.e. no self-signed are allowed. However,
the signer of the certificate need not be present on the system. Self-signed certificates are the
certificates required by the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE).
The following should also be specified:
• The location of the certificates (local machine)
• The location of the tools for certificate installation.
Certificates should be used between nodes to enable them to validate the identity of each
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
It is the responsibility of the Healthcare Enterprise (HE) to define the maximum validity period
of certificates in its security policy.
HIPAA defines a number of physical and technical safeguards which are either required or
addressable. Some features that could implement these functions are differently or not
implemented for reasons mentioned below.
This section also lists other information related to security features that are not implemented
and that the owner of the systems should be aware of.
Backup procedure
It is not the intended use of the system to permanently store (sensitive) personal information.
Information should be exported to a storage device as soon as possible.
Ingenia Ambition 37
Introduction Security and Privacy features implemented
Automatic logoff
An auto-logoff feature is not implemented since it contradicts the intended use of the system.
Manual logoff using a ‘short-cut’ key combination is not implemented for the same reason. A
configurable screen save function with password protection is available.
The system supports encryption of personal data on hard-drive and removable media (USB
devices). Hard drive encryption can be activated by Philips Service Engineers.
If the system is placed behind a network firewall (this is preferred), then the following ports
should be allowed to pass through for the system to operate correctly in a network under
normal operating conditions:
• Clinical use: ICMP:Echo, ICMP:Echo-Reply, TCP:1041)
• emote service: TCP:222), TCP:59002), TCP:9903, TCP:9044 or outbound: TCP:4432)
default port might be reconfigured. It is assumed that outbound traffic is unrestricted.
depending on configuration of the system (ISSLLink or VPN) .
38 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
2 Safety
Affix: edited Artes ID: 9007315288999051
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: NotReleased
This Safety chapter covers general MRI Safety. Make sure you read, understand and know all
safety information in this chapter before you use the MRI system.
Safety instructions for specific workflows or MRI components are presented in the relevant
chapters of these Instructions for Use.
End fragment title: Safety intro general
Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device should be reported to the
In the European Economic Area (EEA), the incident should also be reported to the Competent
Authority that the Member State, in which the user and/or patient is established, has
designated responsible for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on medical devices.
In the United States of America, the Medical Device Reporting regulation contains mandatory
requirements for manufacturers, importers, and device user facilities to report certain device-
related adverse events and product problems to the FDA.
Follow the applicable laws or regulations on reporting device-related incidents or adverse
events in the jurisdiction(s) in which the system is being used.
Ingenia Ambition 39
Safety Safety before scanning
2.1.1 Prescreening
Last Content Modificator: Drunen, Jenneke van ID: 18014414377084939
Status: Released
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 4/12/2016 8:59:18 AM: Replaces 24507}If patient eligibility for an MRI
scan is unclear, do not scan the patient. Consult the responsible physicians. A qualified
physician must evaluate the risk:benefit ratio of the MRI examination for every patient before
End fragment title: 59945 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Prescreening.Consult physician
40 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
2.1.2 Contraindications
Last Content Modificator: Drunen, Jenneke van ID: 27021632288747403
Status: Released
For implants that are labeled MR Safe or MR Conditional, make sure that both these conditions
are met before scanning:
• The responsible physician approved the patient for MR scanning.
• The conditions specified by the implant manufacturer are strictly adhered to.
See chapter “MR implant labeling” on page 42 and chapter “MR Conditional implants” on
page 45 for more information.
End fragment title: 57901 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Contraindications.Contraindications
Ingenia Ambition 41
Safety Safety before scanning
The MRI system may cause implant malfunction or displacement.
Risk of serious patient injury or death.
• Do not allow persons with implants to enter the Controlled Access Area unless they have
specific approval to do so.
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 11/2/2015 9:33:50 AM: Replaces 24348 and 24457}
MR scanning or the MRI system itself can:
• Cause the dislodgement of metallic implants through strong attraction or torque.
• Interfere with the operation of electronically, magnetically or mechanically activated
The maximum dB/dt on the info page does not display the maximum dB/dt for
automatically inserted prescans to calibrate the system. Please refer to the Gradients
paragraph of the Technical description.
Status: Released
42 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
According to current FDA definitions (21CFR812.3 revised April 1, 2014), an implant is defined
as “a device that is placed into a surgically or naturally formed cavity of the human body if it is
intended to remain there for a period of 30 days or more. FDA may, in order to protect public
health, determine that devices placed in subjects for shorter periods are also ‘implants’ for
purposes of this part.”
End fragment title: Implant definition
Ingenia Ambition 43
Safety Safety before scanning
Tab. 1: Icons used to label medical devices and other items, to ensure safe use in the MRI environment. * As defined
by: ASTM F2503-13. Standard Practice for Marking Medical Devices and Other Items for Safety in the Magnetic
Resonance Environment. ASTM International (2013) and by IEC62570 1st edition 2014.
End fragment title: 65490 SYS.Label.IFU.21CFR_Parts660,801,809_SymbolsGlossary_IEC62570
44 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
dB/dt, and to review other system characteristics, as specified in the Technical Description.
Philips does not assume responsibility or liability for the operation of their MRI system with any
implantable medical device.
End fragment title: SYS.Label.Pop-up.Implants.MR Conditional
It is the responsibility of the implant manufacturer to define the conditions that allow for safe
MR scanning of an MR Conditional implant. It is the obligation of the MRI operator to be aware
of these conditions and to ensure that these conditions are strictly adhered to.
Refer to the user documentation of the implant or contact the implant manufacturer to obtain
the implant specific conditions.
Your Philips MRI system provides options through ScanWise Implant, to restrict whole body or
head SAR or B1+rms, in addition to options to restrict dB/dt, and gradient slew rate, and to
review other system characteristics, as specified in the Technical Description. See . Philips does
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
not assume responsibility or liability for the operation of their MRI system with any implant
other than restricting the system to such implant-specific values entered.
End fragment title: 57870 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.MR Cond impl.
Node title (original): Disclaimer for US 3.0T systems only ID: 27021649474683787
Status: Released
ScanWise implant may not be available on your system. Contact your Philips Healthcare
representative for more information.
End fragment title: Disclaimer for US 3.0T systems only
Most implants have only been tested for field strengths up to 1.5T
Risk of patient injury
• Make sure that implant documentation states that scanning is allowed at the field
strength of your system.
End fragment title: 58117 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.MR Cond Impl.Implants tested for 1.5T only
Ingenia Ambition 45
Safety Safety before scanning
Refer to the table for parameters typically specified for MR Conditional implants and their
possible risks.
Conditional parameter (unit) What is it? Possible implant-related risk
Main field strength (T) Strength of the magnetic field at Dislodgement of the implant due to
isocenter. torque.
Spatial field gradient Measure of how quickly the fringe Dislodgement of the implant due to
Also called static field gradient, MSG, field of the magnet changes over a attraction.
SFG, SGF (G/cm or T/m) given distance. The fringe field of the
magnet varies with spatial location
inside and around the magnet.
1 T/m = 100 G/cm
Note: The spatial field gradient is
always present, even when not
scanning, because it is related to the
magnet, not the gradient coils.
SAR value (W/kg) The RF power absorbed by the Excessive (local) heating.
Whole body SAR or head SAR (W/kg, patient per unit mass.
dB/dt (T/s) The rate of change of the magnetic Malfunction of active implants.
field generated by the switching
gradients used for imaging. The value
is specified at a radial distance of 20
cm about the central axis of the
magnet bore.
Note: this value varies spatially, but
the 20-cm nominal value is used for
implant labeling.
Gradient slew rate (T/m/s) Measure of the rate of ascent or Malfunction of active implants.
descent of a gradient from zero to
the maximum amplitude.
The implant manufacturer may specify other conditions, including, but not limited to:
• Use of a specific coil.
• Configuration of the implant itself.
46 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
The maximum dB/dt on the info page does not take the maximum dB/dt for automatically
inserted prescans into account. However, if a maximum dB/dt has been specified in ScanWise
Implant, all scans, including prescans, will be restricted to the dB/dt value specified. For more
information, refer to the paragraph ‘Gradients’ in the Technical Description.
The maximum dB/dt on the info page does not display the maximum dB/dt for
automatically inserted prescans to calibrate the system. Please refer to the Gradients
paragraph of the Technical description.
Ingenia Ambition 47
Safety Safety before scanning
Patient has bilateral MR Conditional orthopedic implants.
Risk of skin or internal burns
• If scanning of bilateral orthopedic implants is approved by the implant manufacturer, use
positioning aids to ensure adequate distance between body parts.
MR conditions for 3.0T systems are only valid for quadrature excitation.
Risk of skin or internal burns
• When scanning an MR Conditional implant at 3.0T, never apply patient adaptive RF
End fragment title: 58120 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.MR Cond Impl.Cond impl 3.0T, no RF shimming
48 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety Pregnancy
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 128947914635
Status: NotReleased
Ingenia Ambition 49
Safety Safety before scanning
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 12/22/2015 11:47:55 AM: Replaces 24466, 24478, 24534, 24535,
{ Geenen, Hubert, 9/19/2021 5:57:45 PM: changed "see chapter" to "refer to" accroding to
No documented adverse fetal effects of MRI examination have been reported. However,
• The fetus is especially thermally vulnerable during the first trimester.
• Scanning is not recommended in the first trimester or if pregnancy status is unknown.
• When scanning a pregnant patient, it is recommended to limit Whole Body SAR level to
2W/kg (normal operating mode). Refer to chapter “Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)” on page
• Local regulations may consider the fetus as a member of the general public and strict
exposure limits may apply.
End fragment title: 58125 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Risk factors.Pregnancy
50 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Tattoos, permanent eye-liner, and facial make-up may contain metallic particles.
Risk of burns
• Warn patients that scanning may cause heating of the tattooed tissue, resulting in a
burning sensation or skin irritation.
• Place a cold compress or ice pack on the tattoo to decrease the potential for RF heating,
as recommended by the ACR (Kanal E, Barkovich AJ, Bell C, et al. ACR guidance document
on MR safe practices: 2013. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2013; 37(3): 501–530).
Patient is unable to sense adverse events or is unable to notify the operator of an adverse
event during scanning.
Risk of patient burns, severe PNS or hearing damage
• Make sure optimal hearing protection is in place.
• Examine patient between individual scans to detect potential burns before they progress.
Ingenia Ambition 51
Safety Safety before scanning
• Remove any added insulation such as blankets or warm clothing. Insulation interferes with
the ability to dissipate heat.
• Monitor physiological signs.
• Avoid scanning in first level controlled mode.
• Limit the whole body SAR to maximum 1 W/kg whenever possible.
• Avoid SED >3.0 kJ/kg, preferably keep SED <2.0 kJ/kg.
• Examine the patient between individual scans to detect potential burns before they
End fragment title: Impaired thermoregulation
Clothing or other objects on the patient can lead to local excessive heating.
Risk of burns
• Remove all metallic and other risk-enhancing items from the patient.
52 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
End fragment title: 83059 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Clothing and other removable risk factors_v1
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 4/12/2016 7:14:21 AM: Replaces 24461 and 24501}
The Controlled Access Area is the area around the magnet wherein the magnetic fringe field
exceeds 0.5 mT (5 gauss).
The magnetic fringe field can:
• Cause injury to certain people (see chapter “Contraindications” on page 41).
• Attract objects made of iron or other magnetic material (see chapter “Static magnetic field”
on page 77).
The Controlled Access Area must therefore be protected by both administrative and physical
End fragment title: 58143 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA General
The perimeters of the Controlled Access Area usually coincide with the walls of the RF room
shield. Inside this shield:
Ingenia Ambition 53
Safety Safety before scanning
• Elevated RF levels or the magnetic fringe field may disturb electronic equipment other than
equipment tested by Philips.
• The presence of such equipment may interfere with the operation of the MR system.
End fragment title: 60349 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA.ElectromagneticInterference
The magnet attracts objects made of iron or other magnetic materials.
Risk of injury or death.
• Do not bring objects made of iron or other magnetic materials into the Controlled Access
Examples of iron or other magnetic materials include, but are not limited to:
54 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Unauthorized or unintentional access to the Controlled Access Area.
Risk of injury or death, in particular for patients with a pacemaker.
• The User must ensure that:
• All points of entry into the Controlled Access Area are marked with a Safety Marking
Plate or appropriate safety symbols.
• Adequate rules for controlling access to the Controlled Access Area are established.
• Local statutory requirements concerning access to the Controlled Access Area are
It is advised to ensure that the operator always has visual oversight of the entrance (Kanal E,
Barkovich AJ, Bell C, et al. ACR guidance document on MR safe practices: 2013. J Magn Reson
Imaging. 2013; 37(3): 501–530).
Node title (original): 58448 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA 5 gauss ID: 18014517334138891
line - Elition MR7700 Status: NotReleased
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The distances from the magnet in which 0.5 mT is exceeded, are shown in the table and
Field Strength X direction Y direction Z direction
Ingenia Ambition 55
Safety Safety before scanning
56 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Fig. 2: Top view with 0.5 mT (5 gauss) lines for 1.5T (left) and 3.0T (right).
End fragment title: 58448 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA 5 gauss line - Ingenia
{ Geenen, Hubert, 9/19/2021 6:22:27 PM: obsolete because elition and ambition are in
different IFUs now}
The distances from the magnet in which 0.5 mT is exceeded, are shown in the table and
Field Strength X direction Y direction Z direction
Ingenia Ambition 57
Safety Safety before scanning
58 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Ingenia Ambition 59
Safety Safety before scanning
Fig. 5: Top view with 0.5 mT (5 gauss) lines for 1.5T (left) and 3.0T (right).
End fragment title: 58451 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA 5 gauss line - Achieva
60 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
The distances from the magnet in which 0.5 mT is exceeded, are shown in the table and
Field Strength X direction Y direction Z direction
Ingenia Ambition 61
Safety Safety before scanning
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 12/22/2015 12:17:03 PM: Replaces 24542, 24556, 24508}
Philips MRI systems comply with the requirements of applicable electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) standards. Other electronic equipment exceeding the limits defined in these EMC
standards could, under unusual circumstance, affect the operation of the system.
End fragment title: 58458 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA EMC standards
62 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
hazardous situations and artifacts. Only use and permit devices labeled as MR Safe or MR
Conditional within the Controlled Access Area. See chapter “Auxiliary Medical equipment” on
page 132 for more information.
End fragment title: 58459 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA Auxiliary equipment
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 12/22/2015 12:18:17 PM: Replaces 24542, 24556, 24508}
Node title (original): 58509 Non-China - operating modes ID: 18014444342449803
according to IEC Status: Released
All Philips MRI systems comply with the IEC 60601-2-33 standard, which defines separate
operating modes.
End fragment title: 58509 Non-China - operating modes according to IEC
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): 58509 China - operating modes according ID: 18014444342451339
to Chinese regulations Status: Released
All Philips MRI systems comply with the YY 0319 standard, which defines separate operating
End fragment title: 58509 China - operating modes according to Chinese regulations
The type of scanner (static magnetic field) and the scan protocol (gradient output and SAR
levels) determine the operating mode. The levels of exposure for the normal operating mode
and the first level controlled operating mode are specified in IEC 60601-2-33 and are based on
current scientific literature related to safety.
End fragment title: 58509 Non-china - levels of exposure normal/1st level based on IEC
Ingenia Ambition 63
Safety Safety before scanning
The type of scanner (static magnetic field) and the scan protocol (gradient output and SAR
levels) determine the operating mode. The levels of exposure for the normal operating mode
and the first level controlled operating mode are specified in YY 0319 and are based on current
scientific literature related to safety.
End fragment title: 58509 China - levels of exposure normal/1st level based on Chinese standard
End fragment title: 58509 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.OperatingModes
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 4/12/2016 1:27:34 PM: Replaces - none, not previously in SRAS
Labeling or IFU.}
It is the responsibility of the User to establish a program to ensure that appropriate patient
observation and medical supervision of patients is available when required.
End fragment title: 58536 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Medical supervision.User responsibility
64 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Routine patient observation Verbal contact with or visual observation of the patient in the MRI examination
room. Includes the ability of the patient to attract the attention of the operator
using the nurse call.
*See chapter “Auxiliary Medical equipment” on page 132 for more information about the use
of auxiliary devices.
Node title (original): 58512 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Medical ID: 18014435048313611
supervision.Indication Status: Released
• Is exposed to a first level controlled scan. See chapter “Operating modes” on page 63.
• Is at an increased risk of MRI-related adverse events. See .
A qualified physician must evaluate the risk:benefit ratio of the MRI examination for every
patient before scanning. The physician must include the need for medical supervision in this
End fragment title: 58512 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Medical supervision.Indication
{ Geenen, Hubert, 7/4/2018 11:31:42 AM: Hubert Geenen for Tiger5/R5.6 Ambition }
The User is required to establish emergency procedures for the following situations:
• A medical emergency
Ingenia Ambition 65
Safety Safety before scanning
• A fire
• An emergency that requires immediate removal of the magnetic field
Philips MRI systems have an Emergency Table Stop button in case there is an emergency during
tabletop movement.
End fragment title: 66500 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Emergency.User responsibility_Sealed
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 4/12/2016 1:30:32 PM: Replaces - none, not previously listed as such in
the SRAS Labeling/IFU}
The User is required to establish emergency procedures for the following situations:
• A medical emergency
66 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
A procedure must be in place to remove a patient rapidly from the MRI examination room. Safe
and effective use of electronic or other metallic emergency equipment may be impossible near
the magnet. Only bring emergency equipment that is MR Safe or MR Conditional into an MRI
examination room. If necessary, use the Emergency Magnet Off button (see chapter
“Emergency Magnet Off button” on page 70).
End fragment title: 57871 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Emergency.Med Emerg Procedure
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 4/12/2016 1:33:17 PM: Replaces - none, not previously in SRAS
A procedure must be in place in case an unexpected implant is found during scanning. In
principle, all patients must be adequately screened for implants before they are allowed near
MRI equipment (see chapter “Prescreening” on page 40 and chapter “Contraindications” on
page 41).
End fragment title: 57872 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Emergency.Unexpected implant
When the MR system is used for interventional procedures, the hospital must establish
procedures to complete the intervention or adequately stabilize the patient in case of MR
system failures.
Ingenia Ambition 67
Safety Safety before scanning
The system is not designed to withstand cardiac defibrillation procedures. If cardiac
defibrillation is required, remove the patient from the table and outside the 5 gauss line. If an
MRI system part or coil has been exposed to a defibrillation pulse, do not use the system. A
Philips service engineer must replace the affected part. Fire
Last Content Modificator: Drunen, Jenneke van ID: 36028831621119883
Status: Released
Node title (original): How to select fire extinguishers for MRI ID: 18014437196589579
Status: Released
68 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Flammable gases or vapors (such as certain anesthetics) near the MRI system can lead to fire
or explosion.
Risk of burns or serious injury
• It is not allowed to use flammable anesthetic mixtures with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide
near the MRI system.
• Philips MRI systems are not AP (Anesthetic-Proof) or APG (Anesthetic-Proof-Category G)
• Consult an anesthetist if you are not sure whether a certain anesthetic is allowed near
the MRI system.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Oxygen rich environment can lead to fire or explosion
Risk of burns or serious injury
• If ventilation or anesthesia equipment detects an error condition, immediately stop the
scan and remove the patient from the MRI system.
Ingenia Ambition 69
Safety Safety before scanning
70 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Using the Emergency Magnet Off button causes a quench. See chapter “Quench” on page 72.
After a quench, a Philips service engineer must perform a system restart. This restart is
expensive and takes two to three days.
After an emergency magnetic field removal, the magnet needs time to recover (cool-down).
Typical duration is approx. 48 hours. Contact Philips Service or Philips-certified in-house
engineer to restore the magnetic field.
Ingenia Ambition 71
Safety Safety before scanning
In an emergency event, you can remove the static field immediately by pressing the Emergency
Magnet Off button.
Please note that in rare occasions also a spontaneous magnet field loss can occur.
When this occurs, the following notification appears at the bottom of the user interface: "The
MR resonance frequency cannot be found". To confirm that the magnet is off-field and that no
attractive force is present, carefully bring a securely held ferromagnetic coin or key close to the
Contact call Philip service to restore the magnet field. Quench
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 72057628642700299
ISO/IEC: IEC 2-33, clause Status: Released
Does not apply to BlueSeal systems.
During a quench, a large amount of helium evaporates and is vented outside the building
through a venting system. This causes immediate removal of the static magnetic field. A quench
can occur spontaneously or can be induced if there is an emergency.
To induce a quench, press the Emergency Magnet Off button (see chapter “Emergency Magnet
Off button” on page 70)
End fragment title: What is a quench?
72 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
After a quench, all MRI scans fail. The following notification appears at the bottom of the user
interface: "The MR resonance frequency cannot be found".
To confirm that the magnet is off-field and that no attractive force is present, carefully bring a
securely held ferromagnetic coin or key close to the magnet.
End fragment title: 57877 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.Emergency.Quench identification and handling
Not applicable to BlueSeal systems
Ingenia Ambition 73
Safety Safety before scanning
Your MRI system has an Emergency Table Stop button on each side of the magnet bore:
Node title (original): Emergency button Ingenia Achieva ID: 105396469771
Status: Released
On the UIM
Fig. 9: Emergency Table stop button (1) and the Resume button (2).
On the VitalScreen
Fig. 11: Emergency Table stop button (1) and the Resume button (2) (Tumble
switch serves to resume tabletop movement).
Depending on the configuration of your system, the patient-operator intercom in the control
room may also have an Emergency Table Stop button.
Node title (original): Emergency Table Stop button function - ID: 45036052007661195-1
Ingenia, Optimus Status: Released
74 Ingenia Ambition
Safety before scanning Safety
Node title (original): Emergency Table Stop button function - ID: 27021653498180747
Achieva, Multiva Status: Released
TTR button
Another way to stop automated tabletop movement in and out of the bore, is to press the
Tabletop Release button (TTR).
Automated tabletop movement is stopped and the tabletop can be moved in and out of the
bore manually. The green light next to the Manual Mode button flashes to indicate that the TTR
button is activated. To re-enable automated tabletop movement, press the TTR button again.
Ingenia Ambition 75
Safety Safety during scanning
To stop tabletop movement controlled by software during scanning, press the F12 key or
press the Emergency Table Stop button on the patient-operator intercom.
Node title (original): Finger Switch Plate - Achieva/Multiva only ID: 18014453953726475
Status: Released
The Finger Switch Plate is located between the bore and the patient support. When the plate is
pushed against the gantry, the Emergency Table Stop button is activated immediately. This
prevents finger pinching and items getting caught during tabletop movement. The red LED light
next to the Emergency Table Stop button switches on.
To reset the tabletop and re-enable normal operation:
► Press the Manual Mode button.
End fragment title: Finger Switch Plate - Achieva/Multiva only
76 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
The magnetic field strength of the system and the applicable IEC standard are stated in the
About function. To access the About function, on the menu bar, click Help, then About.
Information about the spatial field gradient can be found in the Technical Description.
End fragment title: 24455 SYS.Label.IFU.B0value
Philips 3.0T systems that comply with IEC60601-2-33 second edition are considered to always
operate in first level controlled mode for static magnetic field. Medical supervision is therefore
recommended when scanning with these systems.
End fragment title: 24560 SYS.Label.IFU.StaticFieldFirstLevelMode
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
When inside or close to a 3.0T magnet, patients and operators can experience transient effects
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Vertigo
• Metallic taste in the mouth
These effects can occur particularly during rapid head movement. Effects can vary between
individuals. To avoid these effects, move slowly within the magnetic fringe field and remain
motionless where possible.
In addition, patients should be instructed to avoid moving their heads during the examination.
End fragment title: 24561 SYS.Label.IFU.StaticFieldPhysiologicalEffects
ISO/IEC: 24503
Ingenia Ambition 77
Safety Safety during scanning
Working near or inside the magnet bore (e.g. interventional procedures) may affect task
performance of medical staff.
Reduced attention can be the effect of movement in the magnetic field or peripheral nerve
stimulation. It is recommended that medical staff will evaluate their sensitivity to such
effects, prior to performing the medical procedure.
The scan procedures always involve the emission of radio frequency (RF) energy. This RF energy
can heat the patient, and hence, is of concern. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is the RF
power absorbed by the patient per unit mass expressed in Watts per kg (W/kg).
Personnel working inside or very close to the magnet during scanning may experience heating
due to RF exposure. Relative SAR levels for occupational exposure can be derived from the
spatial distribution provided in the Technical Description. Exposure can be reduced by keeping
distance from the magnet or by selecting Normal Operating Mode.
There are different SAR types each with its own limit:
Whole body SAR the SAR averaged over the total mass of the patient.
Head SAR the SAR averaged over the mass of the patient's head.
Local torso SAR the SAR averaged over any 10g of tissue of the patient.
Local extremities SAR the SAR averaged over any 10g of extremity tissue of the patient.
78 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
The system determines the limiting SAR type of a scan (whole body, head, local torso, or local
extremity) based on the applied coil, table position, and patient orientation. This SAR type is
the first to reach its maximum allowed value and thus poses the strongest restriction on the
All limiting SAR types can produce:
• Local warming sensations.
• Core temperature increases.
The severity of these effects depends on the SAR value, patient positioning, and the
condition of the patient. To ensure proper patient care, consider both effects.
End fragment title: 24546 SYS.Label.IFU.SAR.Effects
The predicted SAR is calculated for each scan and is a conservative estimate. Information on the
limiting SAR type and expected SAR values for the scan is displayed on the Scan Dashboard and
on the info page:
• SAR / limiting SAR type: x%
Limiting SAR type = whole body, head, local torso or local extremities.
x % = The predicted SAR expressed as a percentage of the maximum for the limiting SAR type.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
SAR correlates with the average RF deposition in the patient, also denoted as B1+rms. SAR and
B1+rms can be found on the scan information page. Labeling of MR Conditional implants may
specify an upper limit for SAR or B1+rms to control the MR exposure conditions. B1+rms is a
more direct measure of RF-related heating induced in implants than SAR. See chapter ScanWise
Implant for more information about scanning patients with MR Conditional implants and the
ScanWise implant wizard.
Node title (original): ScanWise implant reference ID: 9007249591636875
Status: Released
The maximum value for B1+rms can be limited through ScanWise Implant, see ScanWise
End fragment title: ScanWise implant reference
End fragment title: 24456 SYS.Label.IFU.B1+RMS
The system recognizes three operating modes, see chapter “Operating modes” on page 63
Node title (original): 56301 ID: 9007267046531339
SYS.Label.IFU.ExplanationUI4SARLevels Status: Released
Ingenia Ambition 79
Safety Safety during scanning
IEC Operating mode SAR limits for Volume SAR limits for Transmit Safety measures
Transmit Coils Surface Coils
Level 0 (Normal) • Whole body SAR < 2 • Local torso SAR < 10 • Patient observation.
W/kg W/kg*
• Head SAR < 3.2 W/kg • Local extremities SAR
< 20 W/kg*
Level I (First level • Whole body SAR ≥ 2 • Local torso SAR < 20 • Patient monitoring
controlled) W/kg and < 4 W/kg W/kg* with medical
• Head SAR < 3.2 W/kg • Local extremities SAR expertise.
< 40 W/kg* • Particular caution for
patients at risk.
Level II (Second level • Whole body SAR ≥ 4 • Local torso SAR ≥ 20 The system is limited. Level
controlled) W/kg W/kg* II cannot be reached.
• Head SAR ≥ 3.2 W/kg • Local extremities SAR
≥ 40 W/kg*
* Note: These are the limits for IEC-60601-2-33 3rd edition. Local regulations may require compliance with
IEC-60601-2-33 2nd edition.
ISO/IEC: 24544
80 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
The patient's temperature rise depends on the total RF energy delivered during the
examination (SED). Information on the total (delivered + scheduled) SED is available at the
user interface to support evaluation of the patient's warming.
Room temperature too high
Risk of excessive patient heating
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Scan in normal mode if the examination room temperature exceeds 22 °C (72 °F).
• Monitor room temperature using MR Safe or MR Conditional equipment.
• Reassess medical benefit of the scan versus potential risk to the patient.
The system is specified for use with examination room temperatures 18–22 °C (64–72 °F).
Exceeding the upper limit must be a medical judgment as to the patient’s benefit versus
potential risk. High examination room temperature may lead to excessive patient heating,
especially in combination with high RF exposure.
Check the examination room temperature twice a day. If it exceeds 22 °C (72 °F):
• Take action to reduce the examination room temperature.
• Reevaluate the medical judgement of the benefit of scanning versus the potential risk to
the patient.
• Restrict scan SAR values to normal operating mode (whole body SAR < 2W/kg).
• Apply patient ventilation.
End fragment title: 67343 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.(HAZ-RF.30.5, SAR.RoomTemperature.SiteSpecification)_v2
ISO/IEC: 24545
Ingenia Ambition 81
Safety Safety during scanning
The consequence of SAR-induced increase of the patient's core temperature is that scanning a
patient with an initial core temperature >39.5 °C is contra-indicated, while a patient with an
initial core temperature >39 °C can only be scanned in Normal Mode. Scan duration shall be
limited, and monitoring of the core temperature is recommended.
Node title (original): 01 - restricting all scan protocols to normal ID: 18014468472364299
operating mode Status: Released
Restricting all scan protocols of an examination to normal operating mode for SAR
► To restrict all scan protocols of an examination to Normal Operating Mode for SAR,
End fragment title: 01 - restricting all scan protocols to normal operating mode
Node title (original): 02 - Alerts before entering first level ID: 27021667727817099
controlled mode Status: Released
82 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
3. Must actively accept First Level Operating Mode for the rest of the examination, separately
for SAR and for gradient output.
These alerts are given once per examination.
End fragment title: 68830 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.OperatingModes.Alerting
End fragment title: 02 - Alerts before entering first level controlled mode
Pop-ups requesting the operator to actively accept first level controlled mode
Node title (original): 24476 ID: 36028865454255243
SYS.Label.IFU.ExplanationUI4SARFirstLevel Status: Released
Allow First Level Medical supervision of the patient is required. Whole Body
Controlled Operating SAR of scan is between 2 and 4 W/kg.
Mode for SAR? This message is displayed when the scan exceeds SAR limits
Medical supervision of of the Normal Operating Mode. The system enters the First
the patient is required. Level Controlled Operating Mode and the following safety
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): 73254 HAZ-RF.92.1 1st level SAR pop-up ID: 18014466985796107
Status: Released
Ingenia Ambition 83
Safety Safety during scanning
Allow all scans which require Whole • Particular caution for patients at
Body SAR > 2 W/kg? risk. Press 'cancel' to lower SAR
by modifying the scan(s) and
• Confirm and Start
operate within Normal
• Cancel Operating Mode. Press 'Confirm
& Start' to continue the
examination in First Level
Controlled Operating Mode. For
If you decide to cancel, scanning is interrupted to allow you to restrict operation to Normal
Operating Mode. This can be done for each scan:
• Set the imaging parameter SAR allow first level on the Contrast tab to No.
• Set the imaging parameter PNS mode on the Contrast tab to Moderate or Low.
If you intend to restrict all scans to Normal Operating Mode for SAR, re-registration of the
patient allows to select the checkbox for Normal Operating Mode in the New Examination
End fragment title: 03 - Pop ups requesting operator to actively accept 1st level controlled mode
84 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
Yellow warning sign to indicate that the system will be A tooltip is available to review the planned SED, SAR and
operating in First Level Controlled Operating Mode. PNS levels.
End fragment title: 04 - Warning icon during planning
Patient Status Area with SAR and PNS values for the running scan.
The alarm icon is displayed if the value corresponds to First Level Controlled Mode, to remind of the need of
medical supervision.
End fragment title: 05 - Alerts during scanning
Ingenia Ambition 85
Safety Safety during scanning
It is advised to scan in normal mode when scanning without patient ventilation during an
interventional procedure.
Patient temperature must constantly be monitored during interventional procedures using
MR Conditional equipment.
ISO/IEC: 24471
Increased examination room temperature and humidity hinder the body’s ability to dissipate
excess heat. Likewise, thick clothing and clothing made of synthetic fibers hinders heat
Examination room:
• Room temperature must be kept to 18 - 22°C (64 - 72°F).
Recommended room temperature is 21°C (70°F) .
• Relative humidity must be kept to 40 - 70%.
End fragment title: 69270 SYS.Label.IFU.EnvironmentalConditions_v1
86 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
Take appropriate action to prevent severe perspiration of the patient.
Severe perspiration of the patient may result in the formation of unintended RF circuits
between body parts and ultimately in burn injuries.
ISO/IEC: 24547
Remove any added insulation (such as blankets).
Added insulation prevents satisfactory dissipation of body heat.
ISO/IEC: 24528
Verify that the patient ventilation system is working. Pads and accessories must never
obstruct patient airflow in the bore.
Patient core temperature rise can be minimized by adequate ventilation of the patient
ISO/IEC: 24454
Ingenia Ambition 87
Safety Safety during scanning
Avoid direct contact of the patient with the magnet bore covers or Transmit-Receive Coils.
This may cause local heating of the patient.
It is advised to use high whole-body SAR levels only if absolutely necessary. For patient comfort
lower SAR levels are preferred. Scanning in high SAR mode may result in perspiration and
For High SAR scanning it is required to use the patient ventilation system.
88 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
Patients who are exposed to high SAR values must be dressed in light clothing (e.g. light
pajamas, nightshirt or T-shirt).
ISO/IEC: 24548
For scanning a baby in an incubator it is advised to only scan in normal operating mode.
This will avoid a too high SAR value for the baby in the warm and humid incubator
For high SAR scanning it is advised to plan breaks between the scans for the patient to cool
Breaks can be created by planning low SAR scans between the high SAR scans.
Ingenia Ambition 89
Safety Safety during scanning
Medical supervision is required for all scans in first level controlled mode.
Special attention is required for young, pregnant and elderly patients to prevent increase of
body core temperature. Select low SAR sequences whenever possible.
Adequate patient cooling (for example by using in-bore patient ventilation and making sure
examination room temperature is within the specified range) is necessary in order to keep
patient comfort within desired limits. Also see chapter “Clothing and environmental
conditions” on page 86.
90 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
Delivered SED The SED of the completed scans including the SED of the currently running scan.
Scheduled SED The SED of the scans that are scheduled for the examination.
Total SED The total amount of the delivered and scheduled SED.
Node title (original): SAR SED PNS screengrabs and explanation ID: 116847401227-1
Status: Released
• SED, SAR and • Regular SED • Regular SED • SED exceeded • SED, SAR and
PNS with no (medium), SAR PNS exceeded
data and PNS
End fragment title: SAR SED PNS screengrabs and explanation
Node title (original): Alarm High total SED - needs to be added ID: 9007247586172171
to SRAS Labeling Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Ingenia Ambition 91
Safety Safety during scanning
• A pop-up informs you that recommended SED maximum value will be exceeded with the
next scan.
• An arrow appears at the end of the SED bar.
• An alarm symbol appears in front of the SED value in the Patient Status Area.
Recommended SED exceeded (Recommended SED
Total (delivered + scheduled) SED exceeds the
recommended maximum of 7.0 kJ/kg in the next scan.
See Instruction for Use.
If clinical benefit exceeds the risk of high SED:
• Make sure medical supervision is in place.
Accept high SED, continue scanning (Accept high SED,
continue scanning)
Stop scanning (Stop scanning)
► Click Accept high SED, continue scanning (Accept high SED, continue scanning)to continue
with the scheduled scans and a SED above the recommended level.
ISO/IEC: 24481
The use of fast switching and high gradients may lead to peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS)
during the scan. The location and nature of the PNS differs for each individual. PNS can cause a
tingling sensation or superficial twitching. Some patients may report such sensations as pain,
when scanning in first level controlled operating mode.
92 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
Very high gradient output could even cause cardiac nerve stimulation.
Literature indicates that threshold levels for cardiac stimulation are much higher than for
peripheral nerve stimulation. Peripheral nerve stimulation is possible. Cardiac stimulation is
never induced by the exposures from the gradient switching.
ISO/IEC: 24482
During the scan definition, the gradient output is calculated for this scan (PNS) and compared
with mean threshold level. This mean threshold PNS is defined as the onset of sensation, and
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
refers to the level at which 50% of the people start to experience PNS.
End fragment title: 24482 SYS.Label.IFU.GradientOutputSpecification
During the scan definition, the gradient output is calculated for this scan (PNS) and compared
with mean threshold level. This mean threshold PNS is defined as the onset of sensation, and
refers to the level at which 50% of the people start to experience PNS.
The expected PNS level is displayed on the info page and expressed as a percentage of the
mean threshold level for PNS as calculated by the system for the sequence prepared for the
PNS/level x%/n
x % = The predicted PNS value is expressed as a percentage of the mean threshold level for PNS.
n = Operating mode (‘Normal’ or ‘Level I’)
ISO/IEC: 24483
Ingenia Ambition 93
Safety Safety during scanning
This MR system employs a Whole Body Gradient System, and the Gradient Output related to
potential peripheral nerve stimulation is defined in a cylinder of 20 cm radius around the
magnet bore's center line.
End fragment title: 68889 SYS.Label.IFU.GradientSystemComplianceSpecification_v1
The system recognizes three PNS levels, corresponding to chapter “Operating modes” on page
IEC Operating mode Gradient output Safety measures
Level I 80% of the mean threshold level < • Patient monitoring with medical
(First level controlled) Gradient output ≤ 100% of the mean expertise
threshold level • Particular caution for patients at risk
Level II Gradient > 100% of the mean threshold The system is limited to a maximum
(Second level controlled) level gradient output of 100% of the mean
When Level I is reached (predicted gradient output exceeds 80% of the mean threshold level) a
warning message is displayed:
94 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
The operator has to decide whether to accept the parameter settings for execution of the scan
or to cancel. If cancelled the parameter settings can be modified to decrease the gradient
output below the PNS limit.
Safety Measures
For scans which may produce peripheral nerve stimulation attention must be paid to the
• Inform the patient that peripheral nerve stimulation may occur and describe the nature of
the sensation.
• Maintain permanent contact with the patient during the scan either directly or via an
observation monitor and intercom.
• Terminate the scan when the patient calls for attention via the nurse call.
• Patients should be positioned with the arms alongside the body to reduce the likelihood of
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation.
End fragment title: 69440 SYS.Label.IFU.ExplanationUI4PNSFirstLevel
Ingenia Ambition 95
Safety Safety during scanning
Personnel working inside or very close to the magnet during scanning may experience
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. Occupational exposure can be derived from the spatial
distribution of the Gradient Output (dB/dt) provided in the Technical Description.
Exposure can be reduced by keeping distance from the magnet or by scanning in Normal
Operating Mode.
The potential for peripheral nerve stimulation depends on the maximum gradient strength,
slew rate and timing of the scan. When defining a scan, the parameter ‘PNS mode’ is used to
control the maximum allowed gradient output. The actual gradient output is displayed on the
Scan Dashboard and on the Info page and is dependent on other parameters.
Three levels are available:
Basic hearing protection must be worn by the patient during scanning. Such hearing protection
is provided by appropriately fitted earplugs with sufficient damping (>30 dB). Additional use of
the Philips headset at all times is recommended.
96 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
Always apply hearing protection to the patient and anyone else present in the examination
room before start scanning.
Without hearing protection, noise levels may be high enough to cause discomfort or result
in temporary or even permanent loss of hearing.
ISO/IEC: 24488
Hearing protection shall be used for the safety of the Patient. This hearing protection shall
be sufficient to reduce the A-weighted r.m.s. sound pressure level below 99 dB(A); Pay
special attention to the correct placement of the earplugs. Positioning of the headset is also
critical for additional acoustic damping.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
For scanning of patients to whom the earplugs or headset cannot be applied adequately
(e.g. neonates and babies), special attention is required to use other means to obtain
maximum hearing protection for these patients.
Special training for the operator is required for fitting earplugs for optimal hearing
Follow the fitting instructions of the earplug manufacturer to assure maximum noise
Ingenia Ambition 97
Safety Safety during scanning
It is MANDATORY to use earplugs that are specified by the manufacturer to provide acoustic
damping of 30 dB, or better.
Always apply hearing protection to the patient and anyone else present in the examination
room before start scanning.
Always apply hearing protection to anesthetized patients.
Anesthetized patients are more sensitive to high sound pressure, so that hearing protection
for these patients must not be omitted.
It is MANDATORY to use earplugs when scanning with the gradient mode set to maximum.
For maximum patient comfort it is recommended to use both earplugs and headset.
98 Ingenia Ambition
Safety during scanning Safety
The sound level in the control area must comply with local regulations concerning exposure
to noise at work.
Personnel must wear hearing protection when present in the MR examination room during
Due to increased anxiety, accepted sound level may still be of concern to pregnant women,
to neonates, infants and young children and to elderly patients.
Enable SofTone to reduce acoustic noise.
Always use hearing protection, even when SofTone is enabled.
The following message is displayed when the predicted sound level exceeds the maximum level
for pediatric patients (age < 3 years).
Verify that appropriate hearing protection is applied to the patient.
The predicted sound pressure level of this scan is xx dB higher than recommended for pediatric patients (99 dB).
Ingenia Ambition 99
Safety Safety during scanning
ISO/IEC: 24436
Acoustic noise burden is characterized by the measurement method from NEMA MS 4:2010, to
establish A-weighted RMS sound pressure levels, LAeq. Representative measurements for
maximum acoustic noise are performed on an MR system installed according to specifications.
Resulting acoustic noise levels comply with regulations from IEC 60601-2-33.
End fragment title: with IEC standards
Acoustic noise burden is characterized by the measurement method from NEMA MS 4:2010, to
establish A-weighted RMS sound pressure levels, LAeq. Representative measurements for
maximum acoustic noise are performed on an MR system installed according to specifications.
ISO/IEC: 24518
All personnel that need to enter the MR examination room must be screened and instructed
concerning the risk factors associated with working in the MR environment. Specific risk
factors include magnetic materials, pacemakers, pregnancy and sensitivity to movement in
high magnetic fields.
ISO/IEC: 24510
Similarly, keeping distance when possible will limit exposure to the main magnetic field.
End fragment title: 24510 SYS.Label.IFU.MRWorkers.B0EffectTraining
ISO/IEC: 24511
Workers shall be informed that occupational exposure to RF and gradient fields is limited to
those present in the examination room when the system is scanning.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Current scientific evidence does not indicate harm related to occupational exposure, but
exposure can be limited by keeping distance from the MR system.
End fragment title: 24513 SYS.Label.IFU.MRWorkers.EMFRisk
ISO/IEC: 24512
In some countries legislation may exist covering occupational limits for exposure to EMF
(Electro Magnetic Fields).
These regulations may be stricter than those adopted by the IEC (International Electrical
Committee) and used to design the MR systems.
Refer to the Technical Description for applicable EMF exposure values in and around the MR
Further information related to exposure and Directive 2013/35/EU can be found in the
Technical Description.
End fragment title: Directive 2013/35/EU
ISO/IEC: 24515
Whereas no epidemiological evidence exists to date concerning adverse health effects on the
fetus, it is prudent for pregnant workers to minimize exposure to the magnetic fields.
End fragment title: 24515 SYS.Label.IFU.MRWorkers.Pregnancy
ISO/IEC: 24516
Risk factors
The MR system dissipates energy from various sources. This can lead to a temperature rise of
components surrounding the patient such as cables and RF coils. Usually the end temperature
of these components do not exceed body temperature. In these situations there is no concern
regarding patient safety.
The most important source of energy is the RF energy emitted by the transmit coil. Safety
issues on the direct deposition of RF energy into the patient are described in .
When electrical cables are close to the patient (e.g. RF coil cables) or connected to the patient
by electrodes (e.g. ECG cables), care must be taken to avoid situations of components heating
up to high end temperatures.
Node title (original): 81688 SYS.Label.IFU.ACR2020.Pads ID: 9007316255412875
Status: Released
To help safeguard against thermal injuries or burns, pads meeting the MR system
manufacturer’s specifications should be placed between the patient’s skin and any transmit
RF coil. These pads protect the patient from proximity to the transmit RF coil, to ensure
spacing between the transmit coil and the patient’s tissues.
ISO/IEC: 24363
Never position heavy objects or let patients sit on the posterior coil cover of the patient
Heavy weight load can damage the coil, which may result in excessive heating and patient
burns when scanning. The posterior coil cover is visible when the tabletop is removed or
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Avoid placing cable loops and twisted cables (RF coil cables and ECG leads) inside the body
coil (RF area).
Loops can cause excessive heating of the cables which may result in burns upon contact to
patient’s skin. The cables must be routed parallel to the axis of the bore.
Avoid routing of the RF coil cable assembly in proximity to the RF transmit coil. Avoid direct
contact of the patient’s skin with the RF coil cable assembly.
Failing to do so may result in excessive local heating and ultimately in skin burns.
Positioning of the RF coil cable assembly must be done with care. Keep a distance to the
patient’s skin of at least 2 cm. Use the special spacer or pads of the standard accessory set
where the cable assembly may touch the skin.
The combined use of RF coils, high SAR levels and direct skin contact of the coils cables may
cause local cable heating and can lead to skin burns.
Leave a 2 cm distance between the patient’s skin and the RF cables and interface boxes. Use
pads from the accessory set.
Node title (original): HG - Keep > 2 cm distance between coil ID: 9007206294815243
cables Status: Released
Never attempt to bend or force the coil into an abnormal shape.
Do not place the coil perpendicular to the main magnetic field.
End fragment title: HG - Do not place coil perpendicular to main magnetic field
Always run the cable directly away from the region of interest.
ISO/IEC: 24480
Position and secure the cable in the grooves of the tabletop.
ISO/IEC: 24351
{ Geenen, Hubert, 11/29/2018 1:10:46 PM: 24351 and 24362 are identical}
Node title (original): 24525 SYS.Label.IFU.NoUnconnectedCoils ID: 36028815973277963
Status: Released
Unconnected coils on the tabletop while scanning.
Risk of patient injury and damage to unconnected coils.
• Connect all coils on the tabletop to the system before scanning, even if the coils are not
used for scanning.
Combination of receive coils is restricted by the software.
In case of combination of RF receive coils, cable handling is even more critical to avoid
ISO/IEC: 24451
Always position the cables of the coils parallel to the direction in which the table moves. A
minimum of 2 centimeters clearance must be secured between the cable and the bore
covers (as well as between the cable and the patient).
Node title (original): HG - Use the dedicated pads and ID: 9007206294821387
mattresses Status: Released
Always use dedicated pads and mattresses provided with the coils.
Ensure clearance between body parts and the bore wall, primarily for air flow. Avoid large area
contact between body parts and the bore wall.
A dry, small rolled towel (made from non-conductive material, for example linen or cotton) can
be used to create a clearance of more than 5 mm between body parts and bore. This ensures
only a minimum disruption of airflow through the bore.
Wrapping in sheets is inadequate, because it does not ensure air flow over the body part and
traps in heat.
Node title (original): 24538 ID: 18014405347778955
SYS.Label.IFU.PreventRFCurrentLoops Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If patient body parts touch, high-frequency current loops may form within the body.
Risk of patient burns
• Secure a minimum of 2 cm clearance between body parts.
• When necessary, use the positioning aids to obtain sufficient clearance.
Current loops are formed when two parts of the human body come into contact (skin to skin) or
almost come into contact, e.g.:
• Both thighs are in contact.
• Both knees are in contact.
• Both ankles are in contact.
• Arms and hands touching other body parts.
• Both hands are in contact. This especially is possible for scanning with breast coils when
patients are imaged lying prone with both arms extended above the head.
Fig. 13: Current loops (curved arrows) and locations where heating can occur (black arrows).
Contact between body parts must be prevented as shown in the picture below:
• Example 1: positioning the patient appropriately. No skin to skin contact.
• Example 2: padding between arms and body.
• Example 3: padding between thighs and ankle.
A minimum of 2 cm clearance must be secured. When necessary, use the positioning aids to
ISO/IEC: 24300
Special care must be taken that no objects or body parts (e.g. patient in a wheelchair) are
present near the patient support while lowering the patient support.
Objects can get trapped between patient support and floor which may lead to damage or
personal injury.
Node title (original): HG - Do not remove covers from the ID: 9007206293581707
patient support Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Do not remove the covers from the patient support as it contains moving parts.
Removing the covers could lead to serious or fatal injury.
End fragment title: HG - Do not remove covers from the patient support
Your MRI system has Emergency Table Stop buttons. See chapter “Emergency Table Stop” on
page 73.
In the event of an electrical power failure, the tabletop is automatically released. The tabletop
can be moved manually out of the magnet.
When electric power is re-established the tabletop is engaged again.
Please note that there might be events where table movement is not possible even in manual
mode, refer to chapter “Moving the patient into the magnet bore” on page 113.
If horizontal tabletop movement is not functioning properly the patient support switches
automatically into 'manual mode': The Manual mode button on the UIM flashes.
Move the tabletop manually out of the system into its end position. The patient support is reset
and the button stops flashing.
Press the ‘Manual mode’ to switch to motorized movement again: horizontal movement of the
tabletop is re-enabled.
ISO/IEC: 24330
• Press the red TTR button to free the tabletop. All motorized tabletop movement is
interrupted and the tabletop can then be moved manually in and out of the bore.
• Press the TTR button again to re-enable motorized movement.
Node title (original): Excluded for Prodiva ID: 68112676747
Status: Released
The motor driven vertical and horizontal movements are interrupted when the finger switch
plate is pressed.
End fragment title: Excluded for Prodiva
End fragment title: 24330 SYS.Label.IFU.Instruction.HAZ-PS.80.2
If the control electronics break down, it will still be possible to move the patient support to the
highest position and continue scanning. The ‘Manual override’ switch is located at the magnet
end under the patient support.
If the switch is activated the patient support will move up and stop at its highest position.
Node title (original): all systems except Jaguar ID: 27021645739174283
Status: Released
Fig. 20: Retractable hooks for infusion bags or bottles are located at the top of the magnet front cover.
End fragment title: Multiva image
ISO/IEC: 24336
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The operator must be aware that the patient may have claustrophobic reactions when moved
into the magnet.
A panicking patient may hurt itself or damage equipment.
Node title (original): HG - Move patient table slowly in manual ID: 9007206295399691
mode Status: Released
In manual mode move the table slowly into the magnet bore.
Fast movement can cause mispositioning and may result in misdiagnoses.
ISO/IEC: 24319
Before starting a scan which initiates tabletop movement, always check that nothing can get
caught or hit during tabletop movement.
Check patient, patient extremities, clothing, equipment and accessories. Guide cables and
intravenous lines.
Before starting a scan which initiates tabletop movement, always check that nothing can get
caught or hit during tabletop movement.
Check patient, patient extremities, clothing, equipment and positioning aids. Guide cables
and intravenous lines.
ISO/IEC: 24306
Verify if an urine bag is present at the patient. Empty the urine bag before starting an
Spilled urine can form a conductive path possibly resulting in an electric shock.
ISO/IEC: 24303
Verify that no blankets, sheets, pillows or clothing hang over the front and end side of the
tabletop or are wrapped around it.
These objects may get caught between tabletop and patient support during table
movement. This can block tabletop movement even when in manual mode.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): HG - Avoid contact between patient and ID: 9007206295401227
RF transmit coil Status: Released
Avoid contact of the patient’s body or extremities with the RF transmit coil or system body
coil surface.
This may result in excessive local heating.
End fragment title: HG - Avoid contact between patient and RF transmit coil
ISO/IEC: 24331
Due care must be taken to verify that no part of the patient's body, hair, clothing, cables or
infusion lines can get trapped or injured by any part of the equipment.
• Cancel to modify the patient preparation.
• Select one of the two options:
Node title (original): Note automatic tabletop movement all ID: 45036044252971915
scans Status: Released
Affix: All systems
If you allow automatic tabletop movement for all scans, you still have to confirm tabletop
movement in some special cases.
The permission for automatic tabletop movement is withdrawn:
• when a local movement (manual table movement or toggle-switch controlled, or finger
pinching) is performed or occurs at the magnet, or
• when a scan or movement is stopped from the operator console.
The next automatic movement must be confirmed again.
ISO/IEC: 24415
Verify that nothing can get trapped or caught when starting table movement: Infusion lines, leads, extremities, hair,
blankets etc.
ISO/IEC: 24378
• Cancel to modify the patient preparation.
• Confirm & Start to initiate table movement and to start the current scan.
End fragment title: 24378 SYS.Label.IFU.Message.Tabletop.FastMovement
Click: Stop movement to immediately stop tabletop movement in case something unexpected
End fragment title: 24379 SYS.Label.IFU.Alarms.HAZ-PS.200.3
The Light visor should only be used under supervision of medical trained personnel, who are
acquainted with hazards implied by the use of laser light.
It is the user’s responsibility to meet local safety regulations.
Node title (original): 24320 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PS.56 ID: 9007205885899403
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24320
Avoid laser light shining in the patient's eyes. The laser is a Class II (FDA) / Class 2 (IEC) laser.
Instruct the patient not to look into the laser beam. Direct laser light may cause irreversible
damage to the eyes.
Node title (original): HG - Use laser light visor for intended use ID: 9007206293650187
only Status: Released
Use the Light visor for its intended use only, avoid unnecessary exposure to laser radiation.
End fragment title: HG - Use laser light visor for intended use only
Node title (original): HG - Be careful when using laser light for ID: 9007206293651723
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
For non-responsive patients (babies, anesthetized patients) provide adequate protection to
avoid direct laser light in the eyes.
End fragment title: HG - Be careful when using laser light for non-responsive patients
Use of controls, adjustments or procedures other than those specified in this manual may
result in hazardous radiation exposure.
The following warning labels are put on the system:
Caution label
Laser radiation
Do not stare into beam
Max output < 0.35 mW
Emitted wavelength 635nm
Class II Laser product
Caution label
Laser radiation
Do not stare into beam
Class 2 Laser product
Max output< 0.35 mW
Emitted wavelength 635 nm
IEC 60825-1: 2007
Laser Aperture
Caution label
Laser radiation
Do not stare into beam
Class 2 Laser product
Max output< 0.35 mW
Emitted wavelength 635 nm
IEC 60825-1: 2007
Caution label
Laser radiation
Do not stare into beam
Class 2 Laser product
Max output< 0.35 mW
Emitted wavelength 635 nm
GB 7247.1
The system calculates the possible bore surface temperature for each scan.
The following messages appear when the calculated temperature of the bore surface may
exceed the maximum allowed level.
High Bore Temperature (High Bore Temperature)
Bore temperature may reach a value above the allowed
The system needs to wait <x> seconds before
automatically proceeding.
Refer to the Instructions for Use for information about
bore temperature.
Press <Modify> (Modify) to modify the patient
ventilation level.
Press <Cancel> (Cancel) to cancel the Scan.
Modify (Modify), Cancel (Cancel)
When this message is displayed, the scan is delayed and started automatically after the
indicated time.
• Modify patient ventilation level
– Click <Modify> (Modify), the patient ventilation control window is displayed.
– Modify the patient ventilation level and click Proceed (Proceed).
– Restart the scan.
• Cancel scan
High Bore Temperature (High Bore Temperature)
Bore temperature may reach a value above the allowed
The system needs to wait <x> seconds before
automatically proceeding.
Press <Cancel> (Cancel) to cancel the Scan.
Cancel (Cancel)
When this message is displayed, the scan is delayed and started automatically after the
indicated time.
• Cancel scan
High Bore Temperature (High Bore Temperature)
Bore temperature may reach a value above the allowed
Setting patient ventilation level to maximum will result
This message is displayed when the operator is required to set the patient ventilation to
maximum before the scan can be started. After restarting the scan, the scan is executed after
the indicated delay time.
• Modify patient ventilation level
– Click <Modify> (Modify), the patient ventilation control window is displayed.
– Set the patient ventilation to maximum and click Proceed (Proceed).
– Restart the scan.
• Cancel scan
The safe working load is 150 kg for the trolley and 250 kg for the patient support.
The safe working load as labeled on patient support and trolley is based on the sum of the
maximum allowable patient weight and the mass of accessories and coils. The weights
mentioned above are equal to the safe working load.
The safe working load for FlexTrak and Patient support is 250 kg.
The safe working load as labelled on patient support and trolley is based on the sum of the
maximum allowable patient weight and the mass of accessories and coils. The weights
mentioned above are equal to the safe working load.
Node title (original): Weight Load tabletop Ingenia, Achieva ID: 18014446517749259
dStream Status: Released
Affix: Ingenia, Optimus
• The maximum weight load allowed for horizontal and vertical movement of the tabletop on
the patient support is 250 kg.
• The maximum allowed weight load of the tabletop on the FlexTrak is 250 kg.
End fragment title: Weight Load tabletop Ingenia, Achieva dStream
Node title (original): Weight Load tabetop Achieva, Multiva ID: 48008345867
Status: Released
• The maximum weight load allowed for the tabletop on the patient support is 250 kg for
horizontal movement and 150 kg for vertical movement.
The maximum weight load allowed for the tabletop on the patient support is 200 kg for
horizontal movement and 200 kg for vertical movement.
End fragment title: Weight Load tabletop Jaguar
Verify that no object can fall into the cable slab. Objects in the cable slabs may obstruct
table movement.
The tabletop can not be moved out of the magnet. Emergency removal of the tabletop is not
Verify that the hand of the patient are on the tabletop before moving the tabletop into the
magnet, to avoid finger pinching.
Fingers can get pinched between the tabletop and the system covers.
• The special arm supports (see Positioning Aids) can be used to avoid finger pinching. The
arm supports prevent the patient from grabbing around the table sides, avoiding finger
pinching during tabletop movement.
Fig. 21: Left: Arm support. Middle: Incorrect patient positioning. Right: Advised patient positioning with arm support (1) and padding (2).
End fragment title: 24660 SYS.Label.IFU.MovementRisk
In prone position support the lower legs in such a way that the patient’s toes are positioned
higher than the tabletop surface.
If the patient’s feet are positioned over the end of the tabletop, verify that the feet cannot
be caught between tabletop and system parts when moving into the magnet.
ISO/IEC: 24321
Take special precautions for anxious patients and patients in panic.
Use the accessories to immobilize a patient.
For total body scanning the special Total Body tabletop must be installed onto the (regular)
Node title (original): 24309 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PS.30 ID: 9007206046218507-1
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24309
Verify that the Total body tabletop is locked securely on the tabletop before the patient is
An unlocked Total body tabletop could suddenly move causing the patient to fall off and
lead to personal injury.
It is not allowed to use the Total body tabletop with a trolley.
The Total body tabletop could suddenly move causing the trolley with tabletop to tip over.
This may lead to personal injury.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The Total body Tabletop is designed for scanning with the patient in "feet first" and
"supine" position only.
Always retract the Total body tabletop completely out of the magnet before lowering the
patient support.
If not fully retracted the Total body tabletop will be damaged and patient injury may occur.
The ‘Nurse call pinch ball’ must be given and demonstrated to every patient.
Pressing the ‘Nurse call pinch ball’ activates a buzzer that can be heard as long as the ball is
squeezed. When the pinch ball is pressed more than once within 4 seconds or for more than 1.5
seconds, a flashing yellow light will also be activated in the control room to draw the
personnel’s attention.
End fragment title: 24298 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PH.37.2
Instruct the patient on using non-verbal communication signs.
Because of acoustic noise levels in the examination room verbal communication with the
patient may be impaired.
MR images may demonstrate structures that are not present in the patient (artifacts), which
may lead to misinterpretation.
These structures may occur as a result of technological and physiological factors or can be
introduced by metallic or magnetic objects in the patient.
Technological factors can be spurious signal generated by system components or other
source in the immediate area of the system.
Intrinsic artifacts
MR technical capabilities and patient physiology may result in artifacts which appear in the
These artifacts may be caused by e.g.:
• Magnet homogeneity.
• Gradient non-linearity.
• RF inhomogeneity.
• Truncation.
• Aliasing.
• Motion.
• Flow.
• Chemical shift.
• Susceptibilities.
End fragment title: 24438 SYS.Label.IFU.Artifacts.Categories
Extrinsic artifacts
Magnetic objects or non-magnetic metallic objects such as jewelry, hairpins, buttons,
prosthetics will disturb the RF signal or will influence the homogeneity of the magnet field and
will interfere with the imaging capabilities of the system. This may lead to clinical misdiagnoses.
Node title (original): HG - No magnetic or non-magnetic ID: 9007206293684619
metallic objects near magnet Status: Released
MR image data may be distorted and can lead to improper representations when used to
generate 3D printed volumes.
Node title (original): 24342 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.18 ID: 9007205893074059
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24342
Applying imaging techniques must always be done with great care to avoid any unwanted
effects like artifacts.
Correct parameter optimization is essential for optimal image quality.
The SENSE/CLEAR parallel imaging technique must be applied carefully to avoid unexpected and
possibly unidentified image artifacts. The technique can be used successfully to speed up the
scan technique, get a ideal homogeneity correction or optimize the protocol in a number of
other ways (SAR reduction, acoustic noise reduction, resolution improvement, etc.).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
With CLEAR and SENSE significant artifacts may occur in case of gross patient motion
between the reference scan and the CLEAR or SENSE scans.
The patient must to be instructed not to move head or limbs between scans.
Artifacts may occur if the SENSE or CLEAR scan is performed with inspiration breath hold.
Geometry compensation
Node title (original): 24269 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-GR.29 ID: 9007205893480843
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24269
For comparing images the same type of geometry compensation must be used.
Erroneous distance, area and volume measurements may lead to misinterpretations.
Stereotaxy guidance can be distorted which may lead to personal injury.
Only use Philips-approved Multiple Socket Outlet (MSO) to power auxiliary equipment, as
approved for connection through MSO by Philips.
End fragment title: 24662 SYS.Label.IFU.MSO
ISO/IEC: 24446
Assessment of compatibility and use of auxiliary devices for physiological monitoring or
sensing inside the MR Examination room is the responsibility of the User. Always follow the
guidance of the manufacturer of the auxiliary equipment.
ISO/IEC: 24441
All accessories used with the MR system must be labeled MR Safe or MR Conditional Safe,
see table below for labeling.
Third parties claims about MR compatibility of accessories must be interpreted with care:
Philips does not verify these claims.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
After an upgrade of the system, e.g. to higher gradients, do not use auxiliary medical
equipment approved for use with the system configuration before the upgrade, unless
recognized as tested for use with this configuration after the upgrade.
Changes and/or additions to the MR system that are carried out using untested auxiliary
medical equipment may lead to the Philips Healthcare warranty being voided. Do not use
unapproved auxiliary medical equipment.
This equipment carries serious risks to cause damage to the system or personal injury.
Third party RF coils cannot be used in combination with Philips RF coils nor with SENSE and
The physiology sensing devices of the MR scanner are only intended for sequence triggering
Patient monitoring of physiological signals and application of sensing devices is subject to
requirements and specifications of the monitoring equipment manufacturer.
It is the responsibility of the hospital and the operator to implement necessary safety
provisions and to understand potential interferences with monitoring reliability introduced
by the MR scanner.
Patient ventilator error.
Risk of serious injury or death.
• When a patient is supported by a ventilator or under anesthesia , any error condition
The use of auxiliary equipment, such as physiological monitoring and gating equipment and
radio frequency coils, which have not been specifically tested and approved for use with
Philips MR systems may result in burns or other injuries to the patient.
ISO/IEC: 24443
Auxiliary devices labeled as MR Conditional may cause injury if the manufacturer's
instructions, especially with respect to electrically conducting lead positioning, are not
ISO/IEC: 24444
Auxiliary devices labeled as MR Conditional may only be used in combination with Philips
MR systems when the conditions specified in the manufacturer’s instructions for use are
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Auxiliary devices not labeled as compatible with MR equipment may be affected by
electromagnetic interference (EMI).
This may influence the proper functioning of the Auxiliary device.
Portable RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables and
external antennas) should be used no closer than 30 cm to any part of the MRI system,
including cables specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, degradation of the performance
of this equipment could result in decreased electromagnetic immunity of this equipment
and result in improper operation.
For description and further Instructions for Use on compatibility test protocols, see the
Technical Description of the system.
ISO/IEC: 24445
MR Safe
MR Conditional
MR Unsafe
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Do not start an examination with the system when the examination-room door is open.
Operation of the system with the examination-room door open can cause malfunction of
other (medical) devices outside the examination room and consequently may lead to
personal injury.
Other (medical) devices could also interfere with the MR system, possibly resulting in image
Compatibility of tools and devices will depend on the magnetic field strength of the MR
Contact the supplier when using tools or devices at different systems than specified.
It is advised to carefully secure monitoring equipment to the wall of the examination room,
using a chain and/or other anchorage device of sufficient strength.
This will prevent the equipment to be pulled into the system.
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 12/22/2015 12:17:03 PM: Replaces 24542, 24556, 24508}
Philips MRI systems comply with the requirements of applicable electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) standards. Other electronic equipment exceeding the limits defined in these EMC
standards could, under unusual circumstance, affect the operation of the system.
End fragment title: 58458 SYS.Label.IFU.Safety.CAA EMC standards
Do not allow radio frequency transmitting devices (such as mobile telephones) into the
examination room. Even when switched off.
These devices could exceed EMC radiation standards and, under unusual conditions,
interfere with the proper functioning of the system. This could, in extreme cases, lead to
fatal or other serious personal injury or to clinical misdiagnoses.
End fragment title: HG - Do not allow any RF transmitters in the examination room
Do not allow radio frequency transmitting devices (such as mobile telephones) into the
examination room. Even when switched off.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
These devices could exceed EMC radiation standards and, under unusual conditions,
interfere with the proper functioning of the system. This could lead to clinical misdiagnoses.
End fragment title: HG - Do not allow any RF transmitters in the examination room
Not applicable to Ingenia Ambition systems
ISO/IEC: 24464
Under no circumstances should a liquid helium container be brought into the magnet area
unless it is known to be made of non-magnetic material or the magnet is not energized.
It is extremely dangerous for patients, personnel and equipment to bring any magnetic or
ferrous metal objects into the examination room. Special non-magnetic containers are
available from liquid helium suppliers and must always be specified and appropriately
ISO/IEC: 24463
Filling with liquid helium should be carried out by trained and authorized persons. See
chapter “Topping up liquid helium” on page 1470.
ISO/IEC: 24492
Always use protective gloves, skin covering clothing, and preferably goggles.
Liquid helium is extremely cold and can freeze human tissue.
Injuries caused by freezing must be washed with water and treated as burns.
ISO/IEC: 24496
Always verify that the examination room and the storage room for liquid gases are well
There is danger of suffocation as the evaporating helium will dilute or displace the oxygen in
the air.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): HG - Fire hazard caused by escaping liquid ID: 9007206293625867
helium Status: Released
If liquid helium is accidentally released in the examination room, accumulation of liquid
oxygen may occur, resulting in a potential fire hazard.
Fig. 23: Magnet helium refill required. Confirm you contacted your helium supply organization.
Fig. 24: Cryo compressor is off. Check power supply. Contact local engineer.
Fig. 25: Cryo compressor temperature alarm. Check water cooling. Contact local engineer.
Cryo compressor temperature alarm is detected for more than 1.5 hours.
Check the water cooling. If required, contact your local service representative.
Fig. 26: Cry compressor pressure alarm. Please contact PHILIPS Service.
Fig. 27: Cryo compressor malfunction. Contact local engineer or contact PHILIPS Service.
Fig. 28: Cryo compressor malfunction detected for over 3 hours. Contact PHILIPS Service.
This message is displayed when the average magnet pressure exceeds the defined level during
the last three hours.
End fragment title: Obsolete Cryo compressor pop-ups
2.3.8 Safety
Affix: not for Ingenia in China: comp MRS ID: 54043243504974731
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
The system supports export to a proprietary file format. However, since this is not a published
standard, Philips makes no claims about the correctness of this file.
Do not use the coils in an unloaded situation.
When the load (normally the patient) is removed from the coil, or vice versa, the voltages
may damage the capacitors of the spectroscopy coils.
In 3.0T applications, distortions in spatial shift of the CSI PRESS box may lead to
Analogous to the fat-water slice shift in imaging, the voxel volume localized using STEAM or
PRESS for one metabolite is displaced relative to that for a different metabolite with a
different chemical shift. The relative size of this spatial displacement is greater at higher
field strengths, because chemical shift differences in Hz scale with the main magnetic field.
In chemical shift imaging (CSI), the displacement of localization volumes will give rise to
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
distorted relative intensities and incorrect peak area ratios in spectra from voxels at the
edges of the region of interest, where the volumes do not overlap.
SpectroView does not apply any correction factors for chemical shift displacement.
Philips MR systems may be operated on a permanent 24-hour basis without adversely affecting
its safety or performance.
Node title (original): 24669 SYS.Label.IFU.ProtectiveEarth ID: 9007206097888651
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24669
To avoid risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a supply mains
with protective earth.
ISO/IEC: 24677
Do NOT open cabinets. Do NOT remove system covers.
The system and all subsystems remain powered. Danger of an electric shock.
Covers or cables should only be removed by a qualified and authorized service engineer.
Node title (original): HG - Do not allow water in the system ID: 9007206293474443
Status: Released
Do not allow water or other liquids to enter the equipment as they may cause short-circuits
or corrosion.
Only use the MR system in rooms or areas that comply with all applicable law (or regulations
having the force of law) concerning electrical safety for this type of equipment.
End fragment title: HG - Do not allow water in the system
Applied Parts
The following electrical or weight bearing parts of the MR system are designed for patient
contact during normal use (known as Applied Parts):
• Tabletop.
• VCG.
• PPU.
• All RF coils and their coil parts, see their respective instructions for further details.
Node title (original): HG - Phantoms with liquids - handle with ID: 9007206293727627
care Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Handle all phantoms with care to prevent damage, and spilling of the liquid contents.
If the phantoms are not used, the phantoms must be placed in the phantom box and closed
Note that the contents of the phantoms may irritate the skin. Washing with water after
contact with the human skin is sufficient.
Node title (original): Liquid in body 530, 400 mm and Head 200 ID: 27021654939754507
mm phantoms for 1.5T systems Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
First aid • Skin contact: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water, then wash
with soap and water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
End fragment title: Liquid in body 530, 400 mm and Head 200 mm phantoms for 1.5T systems
Node title (original): Liquid in bottle phantoms for 1.5T systems ID: 18014455685015051
Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
First aid • Skin contact: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water, then wash
with soap and water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
End fragment title: Liquid in bottle phantoms for 1.5T systems
Node title (original): Liquid in AC-PC bottle phantoms for 1.5T ID: 18014455685016587
systems Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
Node title (original): All 3.0T: Liquid in Head 200 mm phantom ID: 27021654939806731
Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
First aid • Skin contact: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water, then wash
with soap and water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
End fragment title: All 3.0T: Liquid in Head 200 mm phantom
Node title (original): Liquid in 400 mm Body and bottle ID: 36028854194549259
phantoms for Ingenia 3.0T systems Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
• Clothing: Remove contaminated clothing. Launder contaminated
clothing before re-use.
Node title (original): Liquid in 530 mm Body Ingenia series 3.0T ID: 9007292075751179
systems Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
First aid • Skin contact: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water, then wash
with soap and water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
End fragment title: Liquid in 530 mm Body Ingenia series 3.0T systems
Node title (original): Liquid in AC-PAC bottle phantoms for ID: 36028854194550795
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
Node title (original): Achieva 3.0T: Liquid in 400 mm Body ID: 36028844995184395
phantom and Bottle phantoms Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
Proton Phantoms
Node title (original): Liquid in proton sphere phantoms A ID: 18014455685119243
Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
First aid • Skin contact: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water, then wash
with soap and water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
End fragment title: Liquid in proton sphere phantoms A
Phosphorus phantoms
Node title (original): Liquid in phosphorus sphere phantoms B ID: 18014455685120779
Status: Released
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
First aid • Skin contact: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water, then wash
with soap and water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
End fragment title: Liquid in phosphorus sphere phantoms B
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
First aid • Skin contact: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water, then wash
with soap and water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
End fragment title: Liquid in phosphorus disk phantoms A
Emergency actions • Spillage: Absorb the liquid in dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite etc.
Shovel the mixture into plastic bags and remove to a chemical waste
Gradient amplifier
Gradient amplifier
Emergency actions in case of a leakage • Absorb the liquid with an appropriate absorbent (e.g. powersorb, dry
sand, diatomite etc.).
• Dispose the used absorbent of (in plastic bags) according local
legislation for chemical waste.
• After a leakage, the gradient amplifier cooling system needs topping
up. Contact Philips Customer Support.
First aid • Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse
the skin with plenty of water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
Emergency actions in case of a leakage • Absorb the liquid with an appropriate absorbent (e.g. powersorb, dry
sand, diatomite etc.).
• Dispose the used absorbent of (in plastic bags) according local
legislation for chemical waste.
• After a leakage, the gradient coil cooling system needs topping up.
Contact Philips Customer Support.
First aid • Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse
the skin with plenty of water.
• Eyes: Rinse for a long time with plenty of water.
Any connection of a device to a hospital network should be done with appropriate risk
management for safety, effectiveness, and data and systems security. For guidance on risk
management, see the IEC-80001-1 standard.
Additional security and privacy information can be found on the Philips product security
website at http://www.philips.com/productsecurity. Please review Philips product security
policies regarding remote service, patch management, anti-virus software and more in the
“Product Security Policy Statement” and additional information sources available through this
The internal electronic log files generated by this product as a part of its normal operations,
will contain the names of storage folders created by the user, and therefore will include any
patient, clinician or other personal identifying information used in such folder names. In the
course of maintenance, monitoring or repair of this product or of related development and
other product-related activities, Philips may access, store or otherwise use those log files.
2.3.13 Q-Flow
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 117001435531
Status: Released
Q-Flow measurements.
Node title (original): 67856 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-GR. ID: 18014405153220747-1
35_part2 Status: Released
For Q-Flow measurements the field-of-view (FOV) must be positioned in the isocenter of the
magnet to avoid misinterpretations due to incorrect Q-Flow calculations.
During patient preparation, explain the function of the nurse call to the patient. Test that the
nurse call functions properly for each new patient. The operator must be in the examination
room or the control room to be notified by this alarm.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/22/2021 8:28:35 AM: Title "Important Messages and Indications"
is also part of this PRQ entry. So always take care that the title is used correctly as requested in
PRQ. }
Important messages and indications are displayed in the language of the user interface. The
table displays the English messages and their translation.
Node title (original): 83132 SYS.Label.Alarms.Pop-up.HAZ-PS. ID: 130427803403
200.3_v1 Status: NotReleased
Affix: no system model missing -> all
A Remote Desktop session has been requested. A Remote Desktop session has been requested.
If you accept this Remote Desktop request, you confirm If you accept this Remote Desktop request, you confirm
that you know that this is an authorized Remote Desktop that you know that this is an authorized Remote Desktop
session. session.
You further confirm that you are the responsible You further confirm that you are the responsible
local operator for the system during this Remote local operator for the system during this Remote
Desktop session and have been fully informed about the Desktop session and have been fully informed about the
possible consequences regarding Safety, Security and possible consequences regarding Safety, Security and
Privacy arising from permitting remote operation of the Privacy arising from permitting remote operation of the
system, including those discussed in the system's system, including those discussed in the system's
Instructions for use. Instructions for use.
During a single windows Take Over session, you must During a single windows Take Over session, you must
stay at the system console and monitor the activities stay at the system console and monitor the activities
performed by the remote user. You can end the Remote performed by the remote user. You can end the Remote
Scanner Scanner
Helium overpressure too low. Please contact Philips Helium overpressure too low. Please contact Philips
service immediately! service immediately!
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If this condition is not solved within x days from now If this condition is not solved within x days from now
scanning will be disabled. Press Proceed anyway to scanning will be disabled. Press Proceed anyway to
continue the examination. continue the examination.
This message pops up when an an insufficient helium overpressure is detected. This error must be resolved within
two days. From the third day onwards, the scanner is disabled.
• To continue the examination, click Proceed anyway.
Proceed anyway is the default value.
Planscan Planscan
Position of the tabletop changed since acquisition of Position of the tabletop changed since acquisition of
survey. Please select recent survey. survey. Please select recent survey.
This message pops up when the movement of the tabletop invalidates the current survey.
• To set the scan back to Ready to run, click Close. This action allows you to adjust parameters.
Close is the default value.
dS HeadNeck coil
Warning Warning
dS HeadNeck coil is connected. Scanning with a tilted dS HeadNeck coil is connected. Scanning with a tilted
HeadNeck coil is not allowed. HeadNeck coil is not allowed.
Refer to the Instructions for Use for information Refer to the Instructions for Use for information
about the dS HeadNeck coil. about the dS HeadNeck coil.
Press Cancel to stop scanning. Press Cancel to stop scanning.
Press Proceed to start scanning, only if the ds HeadNeck Press Proceed to start scanning, only if the ds HeadNeck
coil is not tilted. coil is not tilted.
This message pops up before the first scan when the dS HeadNeck coil is connected.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
This message pops up when you activate Unified Communications and then initiate Remote Desktop Sharing.
• To share the desktop, click Continue.
• To exit without sharing the desktop, click Exit.
Exit is the default value.
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields exert strong forces Magnetic and electromagnetic fields exert strong forces
on implants. on implants.
Risk of serious patient injury or death Risk of serious patient injury or death
Do not allow persons fitted with implants to enter the Do not allow persons fitted with implants to enter the
Controlled Access Area unless they have specific Controlled Access Area unless they have specific
approval to do so. approval to do so.
MR scanning or the MRI system itself can: MR scanning or the MRI system itself can:
• Cause the dislodgement of metallic implants • Cause the dislodgement of metallic implants
through strong attraction or torque. through strong attraction or torque.
• Interfere with the operation of electronically, • Interfere with the operation of electronically,
magnetically or mechanically activated implants. magnetically or mechanically activated implants.
• Cause excessive (local) heating of implants. • Cause excessive (local) heating of implants.
These effects can cause tissue damage, loss of These effects can cause tissue damage, loss of
physiologic function, serious injury or death. Presence of physiologic function, serious injury or death. Presence of
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
implants may also cause significant MR image artifacts implants may also cause significant MR image artifacts
due to magnetic field distortion. All these effects may due to magnetic field distortion. All these effects may
also apply to patients and personnel who rely on also apply to patients and personnel who rely on
electrically, magnetically or mechanically activated electrically, magnetically or mechanically activated
external life support systems. external life support systems.
It is the responsibility of the implant manufacturer to It is the responsibility of the implant manufacturer to
declare an implant MR Safe, MR Conditional or MR declare an implant MR Safe, MR Conditional or MR
Unsafe. For MR Conditional devices, the general Unsafe. For MR Conditional devices, the general
contraindications regarding implants, may not be contraindications regarding implants, may not be
applicable in their entirety. applicable in their entirety.
More about MR Safe and MR Conditional Implants. More about MR Safe and MR Conditional Implants.
This message pops up when you select What are the risks of scanning patients with implants? in the MR Label
screen of the implant guidance.
• To display more information about implants, click More about MR Safe and MR Conditional Implants.
More about MR Safe and MR Conditional Implants More about MR Safe and MR Conditional Implants
Implantable medical devices labeled MR Safe or MR Implantable medical devices labeled MR Safe or MR
Conditional have been cleared, approved and/or Conditional have been cleared, approved and/or
licensed by the Competent Governmental Authorities licensed by the Competent Governmental Authorities
and/or labeled by the manufacturer. For such devices, and/or labeled by the manufacturer. For such devices,
the general contraindications may not be applicable in the general contraindications may not be applicable in
its entirety. its entirety.
It is the responsibility of the implant manufacturer to It is the responsibility of the implant manufacturer to
declare an implant MR Safe or MR Conditional and to declare an implant MR Safe or MR Conditional and to
define the conditions (restrictions) that allow for safe define the conditions (restrictions) that allow for safe
MR scanning. MR scanning.
This message pops up when you select What are the risks of scanning patients with implants? in the MR Label
screen of the implant guidance, and then More about MR Safe and MR Conditional Implants. Philips
Maximum dB/dt
The maximum dB/dt on the info page does not take the The maximum dB/dt on the info page does not take the
maximum dB/dt for automatically inserted prescans into maximum dB/dt for automatically inserted prescans into
account. However, if a maximum dB/dt has been account. However, if a maximum dB/dt has been
specified in the Implant Conditions menu, all scans, specified in the Implant Conditions menu, all scans,
including prescans, will be restricted to the dB/dt value including prescans, will be restricted to the dB/dt value
specified. specified.
For more information, refer to the paragraph Gradients For more information, refer to the paragraph Gradients
in the Technical Description. in the Technical Description.
This message pops up when you click Which conditions are typically provided by the manufacturer of the
implant? link Which MR label does the implant have? screen in the Implant Conditions menu.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The implant must NOT touch the red areas These The implant must NOT touch the red areas These
areas exceed the specified maximum spatial field areas exceed the specified maximum spatial field
gradient value for this implant. gradient value for this implant.
This message pops up in the Spatial Field Gradient screen of the implant guidance when you enter a maximum
spatial field gradient value. It also pops up when you click the Details... button.
Maximum SAR for scanning Pregnant Patients Maximum SAR for scanning Pregnant Patients
Limit to normal operating mode. Maximum SAR Limit to normal operating mode. Maximum SAR
2W/kg (advised). 2W/kg (advised).
Allow first level controlled operating mode. Allow first level controlled operating mode.
Maximum SAR 4 W/kg. Maximum SAR 4 W/kg.
Medical supervision must be provided while scanning. Medical supervision must be provided while scanning.
This message pops up in the New Exam window when you set Patient gender to female, Pregnancy to Yes, SAR
mode to 1st level.
• To select normal operating mode or first level controlled operating mode, click the corresponding button.
• Make sure that all electronic equipment is put in • Make sure that all electronic equipment is put in
areas where the magnetic field is less than 10 mT. areas where the magnetic field is less than 10 mT.
• Make sure that all loose magnetic objects are • Make sure that all loose magnetic objects are
removed from the imaging room. These objects may removed from the imaging room. These objects may
become projectiles when the magnet is energized. become projectiles when the magnet is energized.
If you do not obey these instructions, there is a risk of If you do not obey these instructions, there is a risk of
death or serious injury. death or serious injury.
This message pops up when the magnet is about to be energized by the trained operator or your service provider.
• To start the process of energizing the magnet and to remove the precondition text, click Next .
Also inform other relevant persons that the magnet goes on field again.
• To remove the precondition text without starting the process of energizing the magnet, click Cancel.
Unclear if the magnet is on or off field, because the Unclear if the magnet is on or off field, because the
magnetic field sensor and the magnet discharge status magnetic field sensor and the magnet discharge status
are inconsistent. The system should be considered on are inconsistent. The system should be considered on
field, until proven that it is off field. field, until proven that it is off field.
This message pops up at the end of the procedure Corrective Maintenance-Magnet-Magnet Discharge if the
magnetic field sensor and the magnet discharge status are inconsistent.
• To remove the message, close the pop-up window.
This message pops up when the patient position is unknown to the system.
• To continue the examination, select Reuse Current Position.
Reuse Current Position is the default value.
Scanner Scanner
Scanner not operational. The system is in hazardous Scanner not operational. The system is in hazardous
state due to insufficient overpressure. Contact Philips state due to insufficient overpressure. Contact Philips
service. service.
This message pops up when the Helium overpressure is too low for 3 days or more.
Scanner Scanner
Same patient selected. Has the patient been Same patient selected. Has the patient been
repositioned? repositioned?
This message pops up when you create a new examination selecting the same patient.
• To reset the patient reference point, click Yes. To reposition and plan the patient, use the light visor
Yes is the default value.
• To continue the examination, click No.
Implant responsibility
Help menu page for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). Help menu page for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).
This message pops up in the SAR screen of the implant guidance when you select the link What should I know
about SAR, B1rms and patient heating?
This message pops up in the Field Strength screen of the implant guidance. XX indicates the magnetic field strenght
of the system.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
MR Safe implant
This message pops up in the screen of the implant guidance when you selected MR Safe.
Read about 1st level controlled operating mode Read about 1st level controlled operating mode
for SAR. for SAR.
This message pops up upon Start Scan when 1st level controlled operating mode for SAR and high SAR are not
confirmed for the current examination.
• Confirm and Start immediately starts the scan.
All scans for the current patient which require medical supervision due to high SAR are allowed.
• Cancel sets the scan back to ready to run and allows you to adjust parameters.
Cancel is the default value.
Read about 1st level controlled operating mode Read about 1st level controlled operating mode
for SAR. for SAR.
This message pops up upon Start Scan when 1st level controlled operating mode for SAR and high SAR are not
confirmed for the current examination.
• Confirm and Start immediately starts the scan.
All scans for the current patient which require medical supervision due to high SAR are allowed.
• Cancel sets the scan back to ready to run and allows you to adjust parameters.
Cancel is the default value.
The next scan requires 1st level controlled operating The next scan requires 1st level controlled operating
mode for local SAR. In this mode, the SAR value is mode for local SAR. In this mode, the SAR value is
between 10 and 20 W/kg. Medical supervision is between 10 and 20 W/kg. Medical supervision is
required to monitor local body temperature rise. required to monitor local body temperature rise.
If you observe that the patient experiences local If you observe that the patient experiences local
warming, lower the SAR mode to Normal. Do you allow warming, lower the SAR mode to Normal. Do you allow
high local SAR for the current patient? high local SAR for the current patient?
Read about 1st level controlled operating mode Read about 1st level controlled operating mode
for SAR. for SAR.
This message pops up upon Start Scan when 1st level controlled operating mode for SAR and local high SAR are not
confirmed for the current examination.
• Confirm and Start immediately starts the scan.
All scans for the current patient which require medical supervision due to high SAR are allowed.
• Cancel sets the scan back to ready to run and allows you to adjust parameters.
Cancel is the default value.
Read about 1st level controlled operating mode Read about 1st level controlled operating mode
for SAR. for SAR.
This message pops up upon Start Scan when 1st level controlled operating mode for SAR and local high SAR are not
confirmed for the current examination.
• Confirm and Start immediately starts the scan.
All scans for the current patient which require medical supervision due to high SAR are allowed.
• Cancel sets the scan back to ready to run and allows you to adjust parameters.
Cancel is the default value.
The tabletop will move. Check that the patient, patient The tabletop will move. Check that the patient, patient
extremities, clothing, equipment, cables and intravenous extremities, clothing, equipment, cables and intravenous
lines cannot get trapped. lines cannot get trapped.
Verify that nothing can get trapped during the tabletop Verify that nothing can get trapped during the tabletop
movement. movement.
Allow the tabletop to move automatically for Allow the tabletop to move automatically for
• this scan? • this scan?
• all scans? • all scans?
This message pops up when the scan requires tabletop movement after Start scan.
• To not initiate tabletop movement, click Cancel.
The scan will be aborted if it the scan status is dispatched. The scan will be cancelled if the scan status is ready
to run.
Cancel is the default value.
• To start tabletop movement and then start the scan, click Confirm and Start.
– If you select for this scan, tabletop movement takes place only for the current scan.
The message pops up again for the next scan that requires tabletop movement.
– If you select for all scans, tabletop movement takes place for all scans where it is required or
Allow for all scans is the default value.
This message pops up when the bore ventilation is below the recommended level after Start scan.
• Confirm and Start immediately starts the scan.
• Cancel sets the scan back to ready to run and allows you to adjust parameters.
Cancel is the default value.
This message pops up when the scan requires fast tabletop movement.
• To not initiate tabletop movement, click Cancel.
The scan will be aborted if it the scan status is dispatched. The scan will be cancelled if the scan status is ready
to run.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
High Sound Level For Pediatric Patients High Sound Level For Pediatric Patients
The predicted sound pressure level exceeds the The predicted sound pressure level exceeds the
recommended maximum level of 99 dB for pediatric recommended maximum level of 99 dB for pediatric
patients.This may result in temporary or permanent loss patients.This may result in temporary or permanent loss
of hearing. of hearing.
Verify that the patient or others in the examination Verify that the patient or others in the examination
room wear appropriate hearing protection. room wear appropriate hearing protection.
Do you allow a high sound level for the current patient? Do you allow a high sound level for the current patient?
Read about high sound levels. Read about high sound levels.
Read about 1st level controlled operating mode Read about 1st level controlled operating mode
for PNS. for PNS.
The message pops up when the PNS exceeds 80%, and high PNS was not confirmed for the current examination.
• Cancel{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/20/2021 1:45:57 PM: UI control} sets the scan back to ready to
run{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/20/2021 1:45:57 PM: UI control?} and allows you to adjust the parameters.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
This message pops up when the total SED for the current patient exceeds 7.0 kJ/kg when the scan is started.
• Confirm and Start immediately starts the scan.
Recommended Maximum SED Will Be Exceeded Recommended Maximum SED Will Be Exceeded
In the next scan and the remainder of the examination In the next scan and the remainder of the examination
the SED exceeds 7.0 kJ/kg, which leads to patient the SED exceeds 7.0 kJ/kg, which leads to patient
discomfort. Medical supervision is required to monitor discomfort. Medical supervision is required to monitor
the patient temperature rise. Specific Energy Dose (SED) the patient temperature rise. Specific Energy Dose (SED)
is a comfort measure about the RF energy delivered to is a comfort measure about the RF energy delivered to
the patient. Serious discomfort is reported at values the patient. Serious discomfort is reported at values
greater than 7.0 kJ/kg. greater than 7.0 kJ/kg.
If you observe that the patient is feeling warm, stop If you observe that the patient is feeling warm, stop
scanning to avoid serious discomfort. Confirm that the scanning to avoid serious discomfort. Confirm that the
clinical benefit exceeds the risk of high SED. Do you clinical benefit exceeds the risk of high SED. Do you
allow to exceed the recommended SED for the current allow to exceed the recommended SED for the current
patient? patient?
This message pops up when the Delivered SED for the current patient exceeds 7.0 kJ/kg when the scan is started.
• To continue scanning, click Confirm and Continue Scanning.
• To stop scanning, click Stop Scanning.
Stop Scanning is the default value.
Read about 2nd level controlled operating mode Read about 2nd level controlled operating mode
for PNS. for PNS.
The complete discharge and magnet stabilize time takes The complete discharge and magnet stabilize time takes
about 2 hours. about 2 hours.
Attracted objects may suddenly fall down or move due Attracted objects may suddenly fall down or move due
to magnetic field discharge. to magnetic field discharge.
Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active
implants. implants.
Risk of death or serious injury. Risk of death or serious injury.
Do not allow anyone in the examination room. Do not allow anyone in the examination room.
Click Start to initiate discharging the magnet. Click Start to initiate discharging the magnet.
The complete discharge and magnet stabilize time takes The complete discharge and magnet stabilize time takes
about 2 hours. about 2 hours.
Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active
implants. implants.
Risk of death or serious injury. Risk of death or serious injury.
Do not allow anyone in the examination room. Do not allow anyone in the examination room.
Click Start to initiate discharging the magnet. Click Start to initiate discharging the magnet.
The complete energize procedure time takes about 2 The complete energize procedure time takes about 2
hours. hours.
Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active
implants due to energization of magnetic field. implants due to energization of magnetic field.
Risk of death or serious injury. Risk of death or serious injury.
Remove all loose magnetic objects from the examination Remove all loose magnetic objects from the examination
room. room.
Do not allow anyone in the examination room. Do not allow anyone in the examination room.
Take general MR safety precautions until the Magnet Take general MR safety precautions until the Magnet
Status is OFF. Status is OFF.
The energize procedure can not be stopped. The magnet The energize procedure can not be stopped. The magnet
energization process runs independently on the system. energization process runs independently on the system.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
It will continue even if the host is down. It will continue even if the host is down.
For more information, refer to the Instructions for For more information, refer to the Instructions for
Use. Use.
Click Start to initiate energizing the magnet. Click Start to initiate energizing the magnet.
Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active
implants. implants.
Risk of death or serious injury. Risk of death or serious injury.
Take general MR safety precautions unless the Magnet Take general MR safety precautions unless the Magnet
Status is Off. Status is OFF.
Please wait until the system is ready. Please wait until the system is ready.
Estimated time remaining: x minutes. Estimated time remaining: x minutes.
This message pops up when the discharge procedure with EasySwitch was unsuccessful.
• To close the window, click Close.
Risks of discharging and energizing the magnet using Risks of discharging and energizing the magnet using
EasySwitch. EasySwitch.
Risk of death or serious injury. Risk of death or serious injury.
Read the section on EasySwitch in the instructions Read the section on EasySwitch in the instructions
for use to understand related risks. for use to understand related risks.
Magnet homogeneity may be out of specificaton, and Magnet homogeneity may be out of specificaton, and
Image Quality may be degraded. Image Quality may be degraded.
Risk of serious injury due to misdiagnosis. Risk of serious injury due to misdiagnosis.
Contact your Authorized Service Provider to have Contact your Authorized Service Provider to have
magnet homogeneity checked. magnet homogeneity checked.
WARNING: Contact an Authorized Service Provider to WARNING: Contact an Authorized Service Provider to
have the magnet homogeneity checked! have the magnet homogeneity checked!
The following symbols may be used on your Philips system, on accessories and packaging, as
well as at the examination room.
Node title (original): Symbols ID: 63050442761260171
Status: Released
Node title (original): Mandatory symbols with - ONLY screened ID: 54043263669512843
Status: Released
Danger of clamping.
FlexTrak Marking
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
ISO7000-3082 Manufacturer
ISO7000-0434B Caution
2017/745/EU UDI
2017/745/EU Importer
• ISO 7000:2014 (ed. 5.0), Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Registered symbols.
The following Accessories are provided with the system to enable specific procedures or to
ensure safety:
• All RF coils.
• PPU Sensor for wireless physiology.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• MR Elastography.
End fragment title: only for 3.0T (Ingenia and Elition)
End fragment title: 76971 SYS.Label.IFU.Accessories
The following Accessories are provided with the system to enable specific procedures or to
ensure safety:
• All RF coils.
• PPU Sensor for wireless physiology.
• Pediatric PPU Sensor.
• Trolley.
• MammoTrak trolley.
• MR Elastography.
• Tabletop extender.
• Acoustic Hood.
End fragment title: 76971 SYS.Label.IFU.Accessories
The following Accessories are provided with the system to enable specific procedures or to
ensure safety:
• All RF coils.
• PPU Sensor for wireless physiology.
• Pediatric PPU Sensor.
• FlexTrak.
• MR Elastography.
• Acoustic Hood.
End fragment title: 76971 SYS.Label.IFU.Accessories
MR Scanner
For more information, refer to chapter “MR Scanner” on page 204.
Node title (original): RF system Ingenia & Optimus ID: 90072000028669067
Affix: Ingenia Optimus Status: NotReleased
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• RF coils.
A transmit coil transmits the RF pulses into the patient. A receive coil receives the MR
relaxation signals subsequently emitted by the patient. Available coil types on your MR
systems are transmit-/receive-coils and receive-only coils.
• RF transmitter.
The RF transmitter generates the RF pulses.
On 3.0T systems the RF transmitter has MultiTransmit capability (with MultiTransmit
capable coils).
• RF receiver and spectrometer.
These analyze the MR signals emitted by the patient.
End fragment title: Ingenia, CX, Elition, Achieva
• RF coils.
A transmit coil transmits the RF pulses into the patient. A receive coil receives the MR
relaxation signals subsequently emitted by the patient. Available coil types on your MR
systems are transmit-/receive-coils and receive-only coils.
• RF transmitter.
The RF transmitter generates the RF pulses.
• RF receiver and spectrometer.
Wireless Physiology
Wireless Physiology provides synchronization of the MRI sequences with physiology signals. The
systems detects respiration, VectorCardioGraphy (VCG) and peripheral pulse (PPU)signals.
For more information, refer to .
Node title (original): Operator's Console ID: 27021665700061707
Status: Released
Operator's Console
• Computer system (Windows operating system and MR system software) and an external
DVD recorder.
• A wide-screen display unit with USB connectors.
The operator's console monitor is not a Primary Diagnostic Monitor. Image appearance
does conform the DICOM GSDF standard.
• Keyboard and a mouse.
• Patient-operator intercom with nurse call reset.
End fragment title: Operator's Console
3.1.1 MR Scanner
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 117093597792136203
Status: NotReleased
Number Description
4 Patient support
5 Tabletop
Number Description
4 Patient support
5 Tabletop
Number Description
4 Patient support
5 Tabletop
Number Description
1 Ambient ring
2 Magnet
5 Tabletop
6 Patient support
End fragment title: System components Optimus
Number Description
5 Tabletop
Philips’ MR imaging systems are available with different magnet field strengths.
End fragment title: 1.5T/3.0T systems
During an examination the patient is positioned in the magnet bore of the system.
Gradient coils, the System Body coil and a patient ventilation system are integrated in the
magnet bore.
Node title (original): Ambition ID: 45036081225966219
Status: NotReleased
Your MRI system has a sealed Magnet with only a small amount of helium gas closed (sealed)
into the magnet during manufacturing, for the lifetime of the device. In the event of a
spontaneous magnet field loss or with a controlled magnet field removal, the helium remains in
the magnet vessel, helium cannot escape into the examination room.
End fragment title: Ambition
Gradient system
The gradient coils, which are integrated in the system, provide the relative small magnetic field
variations needed for the localization of the weak magnetic resonance relaxation signal emitted
by the human body.
Philips’ MR imaging systems are available with different gradient field strengths.
Node title (original): Tabletop and patient support intro ID: 113758521995
Status: Released
The tabletop can be moved longitudinally to transport the patient into the magnet. It can also
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The VitalScreen is a touch-screen device which comprises buttons and switches for patient
support control, acquisition control and patient comfort.
For more information, see chapter “Panels” on page 210.
End fragment title: VitalScreen in SystemOverview
3.1.2 Panels
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 135107996301713419
Status: NotReleased
There is a UIM located on both sides of the magnet bore. Both panels have the same
functionality, but the layout is mirrored.
Node title (original): HG - Only the left UIM is displayed ID: 9007206334506891
Status: Released
In this section only the UIM at the left side of the magnet bore is displayed.
2 Resume
3 Manual mode
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
5 Ventilation
6 Music volume
7 Talk
8 Stop scan
10 Tumble switch
11 Light visor
You can find definitions of used symbols in the symbol glossary on the following website:
Pressing this button will reset the tabletop after an emergency stop of tabletop movement.
Operation is re-enabled.
Manual mode
Manual mode can be used to toggle between motorized and manual mode. The LED next to the
button illuminates when the tabletop is in manual mode. Tabletop position information is
available in manual mode.
The amount of ventilation through the magnet bore can be controlled with the Ventilation
button. There are 5 levels available, including off.
Also see .
Node title (original): HG - Ventilation air is not sterile ID: 9007206334509963
Status: Released
Ventilation air is not sterile.
Music volume
This button can be used to adjust the volume of music for the patient. There are 5 levels
The Talk button enables communication between the operator in the examination room and
the patient wearing a headset.
Press the Talk button when the headset is plugged in.
This connects the magnet microphone to the patient headset (the button lights green), and
switches off the music speakers in the examination room. This allows easy communication with
the patient. Once pressed, it will remain active until pressed again (the button light goes off).
The Talk button on the intercom at the console can temporarily overrule the magnet
microphone, but cannot switch it off.
Node title (original): HG - Turn music on after talking to patient ID: 9007206334511499
Status: Released
Remember to turn on the music after talking to the patient.
Unplug the head set when not used.
Stop scan
Pressing the Stop scan button will stop the currently running scan.
Pressing this button will also abort tabletop movement during a MobiTrak scan.
Node title (original): HG - Stop scan button, pressing the button ID: 9007206334706571
twice Status: Released
Pressing the Stop scan button twice will also stop image reconstruction.
End fragment title: HG - Stop scan button, pressing the button twice
In a MobiTrak scan this button will also initiate tabletop movement and start the scan
Tumble switch
The Tumble switch initiates all motorized movements of patient support and tabletop.
Horizontal and vertical movement
With the Tumble switch the patient support is moved:
• up or down when the tabletop is totally moved out of the magnet bore. The vertical speed
is fixed.
• in or out the magnet bore when the patient support is at its highest position. Two speeds
are available.
Operating the Tumble switch
Push the Tumble switch up for the up or in movement of the tabletop and push the switch
down for the out or down movement.
The up/in and out/down symbols above and below the Tumble switch are only visible when this
function is available.
Light visor
Node title (original): HG - Light visor button, before operating ID: 18014405589450635
consult Safety chapter Status: Released
Before operation, read and familiarize yourself with the warnings in the safety chapter how to
use the light visor.
End fragment title: HG - Light visor button, before operating consult Safety chapter
By pressing this button a laser light beam is projected onto the patient.
This selects the patient reference point, i.e. the plane which will be positioned in the isocenter
of the magnet.
• The laser light will automatically switch off after 60 seconds.
• Typical use of the light visor is only once for every patient.
• Use of the light visor during the execution of scan or ExamCard will be ignored: a new
patient reference point cannot be defined.
the ’up/In’ position and hold it until the tabletop automatically stops and the patient reference
point has reached the isocenter.
Pressing the TTS button for 2 seconds will initiate automatic tabletop movement without using
the tumble switch. The tabletop will stop when the patient reference point has reached the
Patient reference point
After the patient reference point is positioned in the isocenter of the magnet, a survey is
performed and all subsequent scans are planned with the information of this patient reference
point. All tabletop movements which are required for optimal image quality are deduced from
this point.
Do not leave the patient unattended until the tabletop has reached the isocenter.
{ Geenen, Hubert, 7/25/2018 1:49:43 PM: Autostart not on Prodiva. according Raja Munusamy
July 2018}
The AutoStart functionality automatically starts the next item of the ExamCard, mostly the
Survey scan, when you close the door to the examination room. AutoStart also works for
paused dynamic scans.
⊳ Prerequisite: Centering with the light visor is completed and the travelling to scanplane
procedure is initiated. Consequently the Start scan/Pause scan button is active.
Coils that have a fixed position (see table below) do not require using the light visor.
► To enable AutoStart, press the Start scan/Pause scan button.
⇨ To indicate that AutoStart is enabled, the Start scan/Pause scan button starts blinking.
Note: press the Stop scan button to stop AutoStart. The scan will not abort but return to
► Close the door to the examination room.
⇨ The next item of the ExamCard automatically starts.
Coils with fixed position: Light visor is not needed for isocenter positioning
• dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil Only when the coil top is used VitalScreen
Affix: Ingenia-Atlas ID: 90072061004495371
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: NotReleased
VitalScreen is a display and operating unit that is fastened to the MR gantry. It consists of two
touch screen devices (on each side of the bore) with physical buttons and a tumble switch. The
two devices are mirrored horizontally.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
At the VitalScreen, an image is displayed that shows if the patient is to be positioned head- or
feet-first, supine, prone or decubitus. This positioning example depends on the anatomy of
interest and the ExamCard properties (patient orientation and patient position) of the
• Position the patient in orientation and patient position as shown in the positioning
• Only if patient conditions do not allow the proposed patient position and patient
orientation, adjust ExamCard properties (patient position and orientation) at the
VitalScreen to get another proposal suiting your patient best.
For more information, see chapter “Adusting ExamCard properties at the VitalScreen” on
page 226.
Feet-first patient orientation 6. superman supine for left
7. superman prone for right
8. superman prone for left
9. endo-rotation of the hand/
10. neutral position of the
11. exo-rotation of the hand/
These positioning examples provide information about the status of the connected coils:
• The green checkmark indicates that the coil is properly connected.
• The orange alert indicates that the coil is not properly connected.
End fragment title: currently obsolete text marked as obsolete in item number
Brain examination
Whole Body
showing the different
stages of positioning
Orbit examination
Knee examination
with different coils
with different coils
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
For more information about correct patient positioning, see Instructions for Use, Positioning
and Safety chapter. chapter “Coil and cable positioning” on page 102.
Physiology signals
When an ExamCard requires the use of physiology devices, the following icons and pictograms
indicate which device is needed.
VitalEye icon:
• indicating that VitalEye is in use
VCG pictogram:
• indicating that VCG is required for this ExamCard
• indicating how to place the electrodes on the patient's chest
PPU pictogram:
• indicating that PPU is required for this ExamCard
Light visor
Travel to scanplane
Since the VitalScreen is a touch-screen device, you operate it with your fingers.
Preferably you work with bare hands. Alternatively you wear plastic gloves.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Tapping:
You tap to
– select an option,
– toggle on/off a feature.
The VitalScreen shows patient data and information of the examination currently selected for
This information is automatically transferred from the operator's console to the VitalScreen,
when an examination is entered or selected for scanning.
Node title (original): securing of patient privacy ID: 45036065614771467
Status: Released
How is patient privacy secured when changing over patients in the examination room?
• You have to activate the display of patient and examination information at the VitalScreen
before every new patient.
• When the first scan of an ExamCard is finished, the patient data of this examination is
automatically hidden at the VitalScreen to protect patient's privacy.
The information stays hidden till another examination is selected for scanning.
End fragment title: securing of patient privacy
ECG signal
In the Signal Settings menu, you can select the signal
trace for display.
Respiratory signal
In the Signal Settings menu, you can select the signal
trace for display.
► Tap the VitalScreen patient field to activate the display of examination and patient
Only if patient conditions do not allow to position the patient as proposed in the positioning
example, adjust ExamCard properties (patient position and orientation) at the VitalScreen to
get another position proposal suiting your patient best.
When you change ExamCard properties at the VitalScreen, you also change ExamCard
properties of the current examination at the operator's console. In such a way the correct
display of the imaging series in all reviewing and analysis packages is ensured.
► To change the patient position to supine, left or right decubitus or prone, tap one of the
patient position buttons as often as needed (depending on the initial setting).
► To change the patient orientation to head-first or feet-first, tap the patient orientation
► To change the hand position in a hand/wrist examination, tap any of the hand buttons
(where 1 - Superman/overhead, 2 - Neutral, 3 - EndoRotation, 4 - ExoRotation).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): Emergency Table Stop button function - ID: 45036052007661195-2
Ingenia, Optimus Status: Released
On the VitalScreen
Fig. 33: Emergency Table stop button (1) and the Resume button (2) (Tumble
switch serves to resume tabletop movement).
Alternatively press the Emergency Stop button on the Audio module at the operator's console.
To stop remote software controlled moves, press the F12 key on the keyboard at the
operator's console.
For more information, see Instructions for Use, Safety chapter. chapter “Emergency Table Stop” Moving the tabletop into and out of the magnet bore
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 36028865476870411
Status: Released
You move the tabletop into and out of the magnet bore to position the patient for or to release
the patient after the examination.
You move the tabletop to its end stop to lower the patient support for easy patient access.
• You can only move the tabletop horizontally when it is at its highest position.
• You have to wait 2 seconds between two tabletop move actions (for example: raising the
talbetop, interval of 2 s, then moving into magnet bore).
Node title (original): VitalScreen with tumble switch ID: 36028866269699979-1
Status: Released
► To move the tabletop to its end stop, push and hold the Tumble switch down until the
tabletop automatically stops at the end stop.
Node title (original): intro moving patient to isocenter (identical ID: 45036065544831115
to intro of Jaguar-Eagle UIM text) Status: Released
You move the patient to the isocenter when positioning is complete: the patient is positioned
with coils, positioning aids, headset and nurse call.
This workflow consists of:
• Centering by means of the light visor
• Travelling to scanplane
End fragment title: intro moving patient to isocenter (identical to intro of Jaguar-Eagle UIM text)
1. Travel-to-scanplane button
2. Tumble switch
3. Light visor button
4. AutoStart button
• Typically you use the light visor only once for every patient.
• During the execution of a scan or an ExamCard, the use of the light visor is ignored.
Once the light visor is pressed, an icon is displayed reminding you to use arm supports to
avoid finger pinching.
Click the "i" to display more information about how to use the arm supports.
► Push and hold the Tumble switch (2) up until the area of interest lies within the light visor
The closer the area to be imaged is to the middle of the beams, the better the image
End fragment title: centering with light visor
Coils with fixed position: Light visor is not needed for isocenter positioning
• dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil Only when the coil top is used
Travelling to Scanplane
Before operation, read and familiarize yourself with the warnings in the Safety chapter
(Instructions for Use). chapter “Tabletop movement” on page 108
When light visor positioning is completed, travel the patient to scanplane.
Node title (original): travelling to scan plane normal procedure ID: 45036065571102091
Status: Released
Do not leave the patient unattended until the tabletop has reached the isocenter.
To stop automatic tabletop movement, touch the tumble switch or press the 'Travel-to-scan
plane' button.
To stop tabletop movement in case of an emergency, press the 'Emergency Table Stop'
Status: NotReleased
The AutoStart functionality automatically starts the next item of the ExamCard, mostly the
Survey scan, when you close the door to the examination room. AutoStart also works for
paused dynamic scans.
Node title (original): states of AutoStart button ID: 45036065629932171
Status: Released
AutoStart button can be pressed when travelling to
scanplane is initiated.
AutoStart button has been pressed. Next item of the
ExamCard starts on door close.
Next to the AutoStart button a (smaller)Stop AutoStart
button is displayed to stop AutoStart.
End fragment title: states of AutoStart button
⊳ Prerequisite: Centering with the light visor is completed and the travelling to scanplane
procedure is initiated. See chapter “Moving the patient to the isocenter” on page 230.
Consequently the AutoStart button is active.
► To enable AutoStart, tap the AutoStart button.
⇨ To indicate that AutoStart is enabled now, the AutoStart button starts blinking:
Note: tap the (smaller) Stop AutoStart button to stop AutoStart. The scan will not abort but
return to active.
► Close the door to the examination room.
⇨ The next item of the ExamCard automatically starts.
Coils with fixed position: Light visor is not needed for isocenter positioning
• dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil Only when the coil top is used
You can only manually move the tabletop when it is in manual mode.
Tabletop position is available in manual and motorized mode.
⊳ At the VitalScreen:
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
You can select the physiology signals for display and adjust the time range for display in the
Signal settings window.
⊳ At the VitalScreen:
Bore illumination consists of bore lights and if available the light ring.
⊳ At the VitalScreen:
► Tap the bore illumination button.
► To switch the light ring on, tap the right side of the slider.
To switch the light ring off, tap the left side of the slider.
► To switch the bore light off, tap 0.
To set the bore light to dimmed, tap 1.
To switch the bore light on, tap 2.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The MR system has a recommended ventilation level. This is a static level based on average
scans and system specific conditions.
The system does not change the recommended ventilation level for e.g. high SAR scans,
examination room temperature and patient weights, clothing and conditions. It is solely the
responsibility of the operator to determine the level of ventilation for different scans and
conditions together with the patient.
End fragment title: intro bore ventilation
⊳ At the VitalScreen:
► Tap the bore ventilation button.
► To adjust the bore ventilation, tap a value on the scale of 0 to 5 with an additional setting of
When you set the ventilation to a value marked with a caution sign, you are warned that
the patient might get too warm and that you need to pay attention.
You can also adjust the bore ventilation at the operator's console. See section .
During the examination the patient can listen to music in the magnet bore.
⊳ At the VitalScreen:
► Tap the music button.
This action enables communication between the operator in the examination room and the
patient who is wearing a headset. It connects the magnet microphone to the patient headset,
and switches off the music speakers in the examination room.
⊳ Prerequisite: Patient is wearing the headset. Headset is plugged in.
⊳ At the VitalScreen:
► Tap the Talk button.
Once pressed, the Talk option remains active until pressed again.
• When Talk is active, the Talk button lights green.
• When Talk is inactive, the Talk button light goes off.
The Talk button on the operator-patient intercom at the console can temporarily overrule the
magnet microphone, but cannot switch it off.
You execute this workflow when you want to clean the screen.
⊳ At the VitalScreen:
► Tap the menu button.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Clean the screen as described in the Cleaning Chapter, see chapter “Cleaning and
disinfecting: other procedures” on page 1503.
There is a UIM located on both sides of the magnet bore. Both panels have the same
functionality, but the layout is mirrored.
The location of the buttons on the right side UIM are mirrored with respect to the left side
Tumble switch
The Tumble switch initiates all motorized movements of patient support and tabletop.
If the Tumble switch is released suddenly it will result in an emergency stop of the tabletop
movement: it will stop within a distance 15 mm.
Light visor
By pressing this button a laser light beam is projected onto the patient. This selects the patient
reference point, i.e. the plane which will be positioned in the isocenter of the magnet.
• The laser light will automatically switch off after 15 seconds.
• Typical use of the Light visor is only once for every patient.
• Use of the Light visor during the performance of an exam will be ignored: a new patient
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Prevent a patient from looking into the laser beam.
Direct laser light damages the eyes.
TTS Mode
In TTS mode the tabletop movement will follow the operation of the Tumble switch. When
moving the tabletop into the magnet bore it will stop when the patient reference point is in the
The direction of movement to the isocenter is indicated: when tabletop movement is away
from the isocenter, the button will flash slowly.
Stop scan
Pressing the ‘Stop scan’ button will stop the currently running scan.
Pressing this button will also abort travel to scanplane tabletop movement. It will also stop
tabletop movement during a MobiTrak scan.
The button has a ridge around it to prevent it from being pressed by accident.
Pressing the ‘Stop scan’ button twice will also stop image reconstruction.
The amount of ventilation through the magnet bore can be controlled with the ‘Ventilation’
Ventilation air is not sterile.
Music volume
This button can be used to adjust the volume of music for the patient.
The ‘Talk’ button enables communication between the operator in the examination room and
the patient wearing a headset.
• Press the ‘Talk’ button when the headset is plugged in.
This connects the magnet microphone to the patient headset (the button illuminates), and
switches off the music speakers in the examination room. This allows easy communication
with the patient. Once pressed, it will remain active until pressed again (the LED goes off ).
The Talk button on the intercom at the console can temporarily overrule the magnet
microphone, but cannot switch it off.
Remember to turn on the music after talking to the patient.
If the headset is not in use, it should be unplugged.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Emergency stop
Pressing the ‘Emergency stop’ button will stop the tabletop movement. This can be reset using
the ‘Resume’ button. The ‘Stop’ button has a ridge around it to prevent it from being pressed
by accident.
Pressing this button will reset the tabletop after an emergency stop. Operation is re-enabled.
Manual mode
‘Manual mode’ can be used to toggle between motorized and manual mode. The LED next to
the button illuminates when the tabletop is in manual mode. Tabletop position information is
available in manual mode.
When one of the ‘Tabletop release’ buttons on the patient support is pressed, the manual
mode LED will flash.
Pressing the same ‘Tabletop release’ button will re-engage the tabletop.
{ Geenen, Hubert, 7/25/2018 1:49:43 PM: Autostart not on Prodiva. according Raja Munusamy
July 2018}
The AutoStart functionality automatically starts the next item of the ExamCard, mostly the
Survey scan, when you close the door to the examination room. AutoStart also works for
paused dynamic scans.
⊳ Prerequisite: Centering with the light visor is completed and the travelling to scanplane
procedure is initiated. Consequently the Start scan/Pause scan button is active.
Coils that have a fixed position (see table below) do not require using the light visor.
► To enable AutoStart, press the Start scan/Pause scan button.
⇨ To indicate that AutoStart is enabled, the Start scan/Pause scan button starts blinking.
Note: press the Stop scan button to stop AutoStart. The scan will not abort but return to
► Close the door to the examination room.
⇨ The next item of the ExamCard automatically starts.
Coils with fixed position: Light visor is not needed for isocenter positioning
• dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil Only when the coil top is used
The coil connector sockets are located on the left side of the magnet, see figure below.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Number Description
2 Receive coils
On the left side of the patient support there is a connection panel. Here are the sockets for the
patient headset and the nurse call located.
Number Description
1 Headset
2 Nurse call
The UIM on the front of the magnet can be located either on the left or right side of the magnet
Fig. 37: UIM on ACHIEVA systems at the left side of the magnet bore.
The location of the buttons on the right side UIM are mirrored with respect to the left side
Icons shown on stop, start scan and stop scan buttons may differ on upgraded systems.
Tumble switch
The Tumble switch initiates all motorized movements of patient support and tabletop.
If the Tumble switch is released suddenly it will result in an emergency stop of the movement
of the tabletop: it will stop within 15 mm.
Pressing the ‘Stop button’ will stop the tabletop movement. This can be reset using the
‘Manual’ button. The Stop button has a ridge around it to prevent it from being pressed by
Manual mode
‘Manual mode’ can be used to toggle between motorized and manual mode. The LED next to
the button illuminates when the tabletop is in manual mode. Tabletop position information is
available in manual mode. Pressing the ‘Manual mode’ button will reset the ‘Stop table’ button.
When one of the ‘Tabletop release’ buttons on the patient support is pressed, the manual
mode LED will flash.
Pressing the same ‘Tabletop release’ button will re-engage the tabletop.
Light visor
A laser cross projected onto the patient selects the patient reference point i.e. the plane which
will be positioned in the isocenter of the magnet.
• The laser cross will automatically switch off after 15 seconds.
• Typical use of the Light visor is only once for every patient.
• Use of the Light visor during the performance of an execution list will be ignored: a new
patient reference point cannot be defined.
TTS Mode
In TTS mode the patient reference point is moved to the isocenter.
Bore illumination
You can adjust te bore illumination with the button on the UIM.
15 minutes after the tabletop is fully out of the magnet, the lights will automatically switch off.
The amount of ventilation through the magnet bore can be controlled with the ‘Ventilation’
Ventilation air is not sterile.
The ‘Talk’ button enables communication between the operator in the examination room and
the patient wearing a headset.
• Press the ‘Talk’ button when the headset is plugged in.
This connects the magnet microphone to the patient headset (the LED illuminates), and
switches off the music speakers in the examination room. This allows easy communication
with the patient. Once pressed, it will remain active until pressed again (the LED goes off ).
The Talk button on the intercom at the console can temporarily overrule the magnet
microphone, but cannot switch it off.
Remember to turn on the music after talking to the patient.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If the headset is not in use, it should be unplugged from the control panel.
Music volume
This knob can be used to adjust the volume of music for the patient.
Start scan
This green button can be used to start a scan in the examination room.
In a MobiTrak scan this button will also initiate tabletop movement and start the scan
Stop scan
Pressing the ‘Stop scan’ button will stop the currently running scan.
Pressing this button will also abort tabletop movement when initiated by ‘TTS’ and also during a
MobiTrak scan when initiated by pressing the ‘Start scan’ button or clicking the |Proceed|
The button has a ridge around it to prevent it from being pressed by accident.
Pressing the ‘Stop scan’ button twice will also stop reconstruction.
{ Geenen, Hubert, 7/25/2018 1:49:43 PM: Autostart not on Prodiva. according Raja Munusamy
July 2018}
The AutoStart functionality automatically starts the next item of the ExamCard, mostly the
Survey scan, when you close the door to the examination room. AutoStart also works for
paused dynamic scans.
⊳ Prerequisite: Centering with the light visor is completed and the travelling to scanplane
procedure is initiated. Consequently the Start scan/Pause scan button is active.
Coils that have a fixed position (see table below) do not require using the light visor.
• dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil Only when the coil top is used
At the back of the magnet another small control panel is located with a limited number of
Number Description
1 Manual mode
2 Talk
3 Start scan
4 Stop scan
The buttons on this panel have the same function as their equivalent on the Patient Support
Control Panel.
3 Respiratory sensor
4 Receive coils
6 Receive coils
Number Description
1 Nurse call
2 Headset
On the patient support at the same side of the magnet bore as the UIM a connection panel is
On this connection panel sockets are provided for nurse call and headset.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
An (optional) LCD display meant for display of physiology signals can be provided on the MR
Coil, headset and nurse call connection sockets are located at the corners of the tabletop.
Node title (original): Sockets tabletop Ingenia family except ID: 54043203009404299-1
Optimus (CX) and MR5300 Status: Released
1. FlexConnect socket
2. Not used
3. FlexConnect socket
4. Not used.
5. Headset and Nurse call
6. Not used
7. FlexConnect socket
8. Headset and Nurse call
1. FlexConnect socket.
2. Not used.
3. FlexConnect socket.
4. Not used.
5. Headset and Nurse call
1. dS socket
(to connect the dS
2. FlexConnect socket
(to connect the dS Base
3. Headset and Nurse call
4. dS socket
(to connect the dS
5. Headset and Nurse call
6. Not used
End fragment title: Sockets tabletop Ingenia family except Optimus (CX) and MR5300
dStream Interface
You use the dStream interface to connect some dedicated coils. The interface must be
positioned at the magnet end of the tabletop.
1. ME coil connector release
2. Connection lead and
3. SE (Single Element) socket
4. ME (Multi Element) socket
An ME coil connector is easily released by turning the release knob (1). LED’s next to the knob
indicate that coils are connected.
End fragment title: dStream Interface
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
For more information on how to connect a coil to which socket, refer to chapter “Connectors
and Plugs” on page 694.
The Patient Observation System (POS) is an option that is available for all Philips MRI systems. It
allows you to observe the patient using a camera and a monitor. This can be useful when direct
visual contact is not possible. The POS has no interaction with the MRI system.
The camera is positioned in the examination room in such a way that the image provides full
view of the patient in the magnet bore. The monitor, together with the camera interface box, is
positioned near the operator's console.
The camera is always on. To switch the monitor off:
► Press the on/off button at the bottom of the monitor.
► Press the on/off button at the bottom of the monitor again to switch the monitor back on
If the image from the camera is not clear, contact your Philips service engineer.
Ingenia Elition
End fragment title: Elition
The following devices on the system and in the examination room are considered to be
essential for system safety and should therefore never be removed, modified, over-ridden or
• Emergency Magnet Off buttons.
Buttons are located inside and outside the examination room.
• Nurse call button.
• Emergency Table Stop buttons on the UIM and the keyboard.
• RF door switch.
• Quench pipe inside and outside the examination room.
• RF examination room configuration.
• Patient ventilation.
End fragment title: 66490 SYS.Label.IFU.EssentialDevices_Digital
Ingenia Ambition
End fragment title: Ambition
The following devices on the system and in the examination room are considered to be
essential for system safety and should therefore never be removed, modified, over-ridden or
• Emergency Magnet Off buttons.
Buttons are located inside and outside the examination room.
• Nurse call button.
• Emergency Table Stop buttons on the UIM and the keyboard.
• RF door switch.
• RF examination room configuration.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Patient ventilation.
End fragment title: 69014 SYS.Label.IFU.EssentialDevices_Digital_RilliasT15
The following devices on the system and in the examination room are considered to be
essential for system safety and should therefore never be removed, modified, over-ridden or
• Emergency Magnet Off button. Buttons are located inside and outside the examination
• Tabletop release button (TTR)
• Fingerswitch plate
• Nurse call
• Emergency Table Stop buttons on the UIM and the keyboard
• RF door switch
• Quench pipe inside and outside the examination room
• RF examination room configuration
• Patient ventilation
End fragment title: 66492 SYS.Label.IFU.EssentialDevices_Analog
This chapter describes the coils and the coil solutions available for your system and how to
apply them.
Node title (original): Clothes MRexam in photos ID: 2285214859-1
Status: Released
As most of the photographs in this chapter have been taken in a non-clinical environment, it is
possible that in some of the photographs the patient’s clothing is not suited for a real MR
Patients may also be shown without headset and nurse call.
Only coils that have been proven safe and compatible on the Philips MR system shall be used.
Coded connectors and software keying are provided to control the use of coils. Refer to the
Instructions for Use of the coil for further safety instructions.
Safety measures
Node title (original): 24353 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.38 ID: 18014404969489675-1
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24353
Never use surface coils, cable traps and cables which are damaged.
A damaged cable or connector is hazardous because of high voltage across the cable during
the transmit phase of the system. Sharp edges may cause injury to patient’s skin.
Coils must be returned to the manufacturer's Customer Support for replacement if there is any
suspected damage to either the external covering or the coil's internal components. The patient
must never be allowed to come into contact with the internal coil connections.
End fragment title: 24353 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.38
ISO/IEC: 24641
Do not simultaneously touch the coil connector contacts and the patient to prevent
potential harm for the patient.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
ISO/IEC: 24364
Do not scan with an incomplete base coil. The protective lids on the contacts of base coil
must be present at all times.
These lids can be removed for cleaning purposes.
ISO/IEC: 24289
Prevent patients from touching the contacts of separable coils.
When connected to the system a voltage of 12 volt DC is present at the contacts of the coil
base. Under normal conditions this voltage is not hazardous to patients. However for
critically ill cardiac patients this low DC voltage may have serious consequences.
• Always close the coil before connecting it to the system.
• Always disconnect the coil from the system before opening the coil.
• Do not leave unused coils or coil parts on the tabletop.
Never scan with the SENSE Head Coil and neurovascular coil positioned more than 5
dS Anterior coil
Node title (original): HG - Do not use Anterior coil upside down ID: 36028804058543627-1
Affix: Ingenia Optimus Status: Released
Do not use the dS Anterior coil upside down.
This may cause excessive local heating.
dStream Interface
Node title (original): HG - Do not sterilize dStream Interface ID: 27021604804118795-1
Affix: Ingenia Optimus Status: Released
Do not sterilize the dStream Interface.
Sterilizing the dStream Interface will damage it.
The most important aspects of coils are described in the following paragraphs.
dStream Coils
dStream coils are:
• The term for all available coils on your system.
• Phased-array coils and as a consequence compatible with CLEAR and dS-SENSE.
• Receive-only coils if not otherwise labeled.
A 'T/R' in the coil name identifies a coil as Transmit/Receive coil.
• Available as integrated or dedicated coil solution.
– Integrated Coil Solution
Integrated coils
1. dS Head top coil
2. dS Posterior coil (built-in
coil in patient support)
3. 2 x dS Anterior coil
4. dS Base coil
5. dS HeadNeck top coil
6. dS Flex coil in 3 sizes
More information
• about the available dStream coils can be found in the section 'Available Coils' of this
• about the available dStream Coil Solutions can be found in the chapter 'Coil Solutions and
Patient Positioning'.
• about patient and coil positioning can be found in the chapter 'Coil Solutions and Patient
The patient support of your system has an integrated dS Posterior coil. The dS Posterior coil
automatically repositions in the patient support according to the desired isocenter and Field-of-
There are three markers on each side of the tabletop representing the range of the dS Posterior
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Range a.
The markers represent the maximum available range of the tabletop in which the dS Posterior
coil can be used for scanning.
Range b.
This is the range between the middle marker and the marker at the magnet end side of the
tabletop. It represents the maximum available range with which scanning is possible without
using the dS Posterior coil.
Any point within this range can be positioned in the isocenter.
Disengage coil
The dS Posterior coil can be disengaged by means of the eponymous parameter in the
ExamCard Properties window.
Status: Released
SmartSelect is a method that selects the best suited coils and coil elements for each
• The MR system automatically detects the connected coils.
• By default it selects the best-suited coil and coil elements for optimal signal-to-noise ratio
for the current stack and/or scan.
For information about SmartSelect, see
Node title (original): dStream Coil Solutions - short description ID: 118356502283
Affix: Ingenia family except MR5300 Status: Released
dS Coil Solutions
A dS coil solution is a recommended coil combination for a specific MRI application.
End fragment title: dS Coil Solutions - short description
You can connect multiple coils to the system which then work
• in conjunction with the integrated dS Posterior coil, or
• in conjunction with each other, or
• as dedicated (stand-alone) coils.
Node title (original): dStream coil solution table ID: 118356509579
Affix: Ingenia family except MR5300 Status: Released
The table lists the available dStream Coil Solutions with their applications and which coil parts
contribute to a specific dStream Coil Solution. A detailed description of all dStream Coil
Solutions can be found in chapter “Available Coils and Coil Solutions”.
dS HeadSpine • Neuro imaging: Brain, Spine (cervical, thoracic, dS Base, dS Posterior, dS Head
lumbar), Total Spine and Total Neuro
• Head examinations
dS HeadNeckSpine • Neuro imaging: Brain, Spine (cervical, thoracic, dS Base, dS Posterior, dS HeadNeck
lumbar), Total Spine and Total Neuro
• Head and neck examinations
• Neurovascular examinations
• Pediatric examinations
dS Anterior coil • Large baluns and cable exit to the side. • Small baluns and cable exit in head direction.
dS Base and dS Head or • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops both • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops have
dS HeadNeck tops have 12 paired contacts. 4 paired contacts.
dS Wrist dS Wrist 8ch coil according as shown the picture dS Wrist 8ch coil with redesigned base plate as
below: shown in the picture below:
• NO superman position support. • Superman position support.
• Base plate without cable holders. • Additional redesigned base plate with pre-
amplifier holders for correct cable routing.
dS Breast 7ch & 16ch • Multiple accessory parts. • Redesigned accessories (two parts) and thinner
diagnostic mattress to accommodate for more patient sizes
(dS Breast 16ch not in the 60 cm/23.6 in. bore.
available for Ingenia S)
{ Geenen, Hubert, 5/2/2019 4:00:04 PM: Obsolete since Tiger 6 -R570 as 1.5 and 3.0T systems
Elition and Ambition are combined in one IFU}
List of compatible coils for dStream systems. Coils mentioned in the first column are only
compatible with Ingenia Systems.
dS Anterior coil • Large baluns and cable exit to the side. • Small baluns and cable exit in head direction.
dS Base and dS Head or • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops both • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops have
dS HeadNeck tops have 12 paired contacts. 4 paired contacts.
dS Wrist dS Wrist 8ch coil according as shown the picture dS Wrist 8ch coil with redesigned base plate as
below: shown in the picture below:
• NO superman position support. • Superman position support.
• Base plate without cable holders. • Additional redesigned base plate with pre-
amplifier holders for correct cable routing.
dS Breast 7ch & 16ch • Multiple accessory parts. • Redesigned accessories (two parts) and thinner
diagnostic mattress to accommodate for more patient sizes
(dS Breast 16ch not in the 60 cm/23.6 in. bore.
available for Ingenia S)
{ Geenen, Hubert, 5/2/2019 4:00:10 PM: Obsolete since Tiger 6 -R570 as 1.5 and 3.0T systems
Elition and Ambition are combined in one IFU}
The below list provides an overview of coil/system compatibility. Some legacy coils can only be
used on Ingenia systems.
dS Base and dS Head or • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops both • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops have
dS HeadNeck tops have 12 paired contacts. 4 paired contacts.
dS Anterior coil • Large baluns and cable exit to the side. • Small baluns and cable exit in head direction.
dS Base and dS Head or • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops both • dS Base and dS Head or dS HeadNeck tops have
dS HeadNeck tops have 12 paired contacts. 4 paired contacts.
dS Wrist dS Wrist 8ch coil according as shown the picture dS Wrist 8ch coil with redesigned base plate as
below: shown in the picture below:
• NO superman position support. • Superman position support.
• Base plate without cable holders. • Additional redesigned base plate with pre-
amplifier holders for correct cable routing.
dS Breast 7ch & 16ch • Multiple accessory parts. • Redesigned accessories (two parts) and thinner
diagnostic mattress to accommodate for more patient sizes
(dS Breast 16ch not in the 60 cm/23.6 in. bore.
available for Ingenia S)
dS-SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
General remarks All receive-only coils use the dS System Body coil for transmission. dS HeadSpine
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 63050401248831499
Status: Released
Fig. 44: Components of the dS HeadSpine coil solution. 1: dS Base coil and dS Head top coil attached to the dS Base
coil. 2: Patient support with the built-in dS Posterior coil.
End fragment title: Ingenia image
1. dS Base
2. dS Head top coil (top view)
3. Patient positioned on dS
Base coil with dS Head top
coil and mirror attached
4. Tabletop with built-in dS
Posterior coil
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes dS HeadNeckSpine
Affix: for Ingenia family except for MR5300 ID: 54043201994164235
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
Fig. 46: Components of the dS HeadNeckSpine coil solution. 1: dS HeadNeck top coil attached to the dS Base coil. 2:
Patient support with the built-in dS Posterior coil.
End fragment title: image Ingenia
Fig. 47: Components of the dS HeadNeckSpine coil solution. 1: dS HeadNeck top coil attached to the dS Base coil. 2:
Patient support with the built-in dS Posterior coil.
End fragment title: Image Optimus
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Applications • Neuro imaging: Brain, Spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), Total Spine and
Total Neuro examinations
• Head and neck examinations
• Neurovascular examinations
• Pediatric examinations
Tab. 4: Overview dS TotalSpine
Affix: for complete Ingenia family, images different per system ID: 54043201993010443
type Status: Released
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den
Fig. 48: Components of the dS Total Spine coil solution. 1: dS Base coil. 2: Patient support with the built-in dS
Posterior coil.
End fragment title: image Ingenia
Fig. 49: Components of the dS Total Spine coil solution. 1: dS Base coil. 2: Patient support with the built-in dS
Posterior coil.
End fragment title: image Optimus
Node title (original): Table Overview for Ingenia except ID: 118357543179
MR5300 Status: Released
Coverage 90 cm
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Coverage 90 cm
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Fig. 50: dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil. 1: Front view of complete coil. 2: Front view of posterior coil section. 3: Rear view of
complete coil.
Design Volume coil consisting of posterior and anterior coil section. Two coil connectors.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible Yes
Markers on the coil In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning
User Interface Name dS Head1-32ch and dS Head2-32ch (for the two coil sections)
Node title (original): table Ingenia family except MR5300 ID: 118440560011
Status: Released
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Markers on the coil In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning
dS-SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
Markers on the coil In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning dS Torso
Affix: for Ingenia family except for MR5300 ID: 54043201993111947
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
Fig. 51: Components of the dS Torso coil solution. 1: dS Anterior coil. 2: Patient support with the built-in dS Posterior
End fragment title: image Ingenia
Fig. 52: Components of the dS Torso coil solution. 1: dS Anterior coil. 2: Patient support with the built-in dS Posterior
End fragment title: image Optimus
Coverage 60 cm
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Tab. 5: Overview dS WholeBody
Affix: for complete Ingenia family, images different per system ID: 54043201993728395
type Status: Released
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den
Fig. 54: Components of the dS Whole Body coil solution. 1: two dS Anterior coils. 2: Patient support with the built-in
dS Posterior coil. 3: dS HeadNeck top coil attached to the dS Base coil.
End fragment title: Image Optimus
Node title (original): Table for Ingenia family except MR5300 ID: 118357406091
Status: Released
Coverage 200 cm
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Coverage 200 cm
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Fig. 55: dS Endo coil with its components: 1 - luer lock syringe used for inflation, 2 - probe cable, 3 - valve for luer lock
syringe, 4 - grip, 5 - migration stop, 6 - plastic rod, 7 - non-permeable balloon.
The label on the coil says: eCoil 1.5T and eCoil 3.0T.
Type of coil • Linear detection
• Receive-only
Design • RF coil which can be positioned inside the rectum. The RF coil is fixed inside
a non-permeable balloon; both are mounted on a plastic rod which extends
to a grip. The coil amplifier and decoupling electronics are placed in a small
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• The dS Endo 3.0T coil can be filled with air or fluids whereas the dS Endo 1.5
T coil can be filled with air only.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Only in combination with the Posterior coil and/or Anterior coil.
Applications • Rectum
• Prostate
• Cervix
Contraindications The dS Endo coils have several contraindications, e.g. inflammatory bowel
disease. Please refer to chapter “Positioning with the dS Endo coil solution” on
page 715 for the complete list.
General remarks Before starting an examination, make sure that the coil is connected to the
amplifier box.
Fig. 56: dS Endo coil with its components: 1 - luer lock syringe used for inflation, 2 - probe cable, 3 - valve for luer lock
syringe, 4 - grip, 5 - migration stop, 6 - plastic rod, 7 - non-permeable balloon.
Design • RF coil which can be positioned inside the rectum. The RF coil is fixed inside
a non-permeable balloon; both are mounted on a plastic rod which extends
to a grip. The coil amplifier and decoupling electronics are placed in a small
• The dS Endo 3.0T coil can be filled with air or fluids.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Only in combination with the Posterior coil and/or Anterior coil.
Applications • Rectum
• Prostate
• Cervix
Contraindications The dS Endo coils have several contraindications, e.g. inflammatory bowel
disease. Please refer to chapter “Positioning with the dS Endo coil solution” on
page 715 for the complete list.
General remarks Before starting an examination, make sure that the coil is connected to the
amplifier box.
Fig. 57: dS Endo coil with its components: 1 - luer lock syringe used for inflation, 2 - probe cable, 3 - valve for luer lock
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Design • RF coil which can be positioned inside the rectum. The RF coil is fixed inside
a non-permeable balloon; both are mounted on a plastic rod which extends
to a grip. The coil amplifier and decoupling electronics are placed in a small
• The dS Endo 1.5 T coil can be filled with air only.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Only in combination with the Posterior coil and/or Anterior coil.
MultiTransmit-compatible No.
Applications • Rectum
• Prostate
• Cervix
Contraindications The dS Endo coils have several contraindications, e.g. inflammatory bowel
disease. Please refer to chapter “Positioning with the dS Endo coil solution” on
General remarks Before starting an examination, make sure that the coil is connected to the
amplifier box.
Design Volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be positioned.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Tab. 6: Overview
Fig. 59: dS Breast 7ch coil solution: coil with head support.
• Receive-only
Design Volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be positioned. A separate
head support is provided.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Tab. 7: Overview
Delivery Contents
In the delivery of the dS Breast 7ch coil solution, the following kits are included:
For more information refer to chapter “Breast Biopsy with dS Breast 7ch” on page 728 and
chapter “Breast Immobilization with dS Breast 7ch” on page 726.
Fig. 60: dS Breast Adaptive 16ch coil solution: coil and head support.
Design • Volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be positioned.
• Open access design.
• With comprehensive set of dedicated positioning aids and auxiliaries.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Tab. 8: Overview
Number Description
1 Coil base
2 Handrail
3 Phantom holder
8 Head Support
Number Description
1 Ramp pad
3 Ankle bolster
4 Patient pad
Number Description
Number Description dS Flex S, M, L
Affix: for Ingenia family except for MR5300 ID: 54043201994384395
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
Fig. 64: Components of the dS Flex coil solutions. 1: dS Flex coil in three sizes. 2: Patient support with the built-in dS
Posterior coil.
End fragment title: Image Ingenia
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
User Interface Name • when used in combination with the dS Posterior coil: Posterior, Flex (S, M or
• when not used in combination with the dS Posterior coil: Flex (S, M or L)
Tab. 9: Overview
Node title (original): Combination Flex coils different sizes ID: 27021604230235915-1
Status: Released
Single dS Flex coils of different sizes can be combined with each other and with the dS
Posterior coil.
⇨ The dS Posterior coil is disengaged for the current ExamCard as long as Disengage Posterior
coil remains enabled.
End fragment title: Combination Flex coils different sizes
Fig. 67: Components of the dS Flex Breast coil solution. 1: dS Flex L coil. 2: Patient support with the built-in dS
Posterior coil, 3: Breast mattress.
End fragment title: Image Optimus
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of base plate and anterior coil part plus inferior,
anterior and posterior pad. The posterior coil elements are integrated in the base
plate. The anterior coil part is adjustable in height.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Design Rigid volume coil with dedicated mattresses and pads. The anterior coil part is
adjustable in height.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Coil components
1. Anterior coil with anterior
2. Posterior coil with posterior
3. Anterior Tilt Lock
To tilt the anterior coil
against or away from the
patient's chest, release the
Anterior Tilt Lock. When
done lock again.
4. Anterior Height Lock
To adjust the height and
the rotation of the anterior
coil, release the Anterior
Height Lock. When done
lock again.
Coil itself 1
Phantom holder 1
For service use only.
SPT positioner 1
For service use only.
Design Rigid volume coils of 8 elements that closely encircle the wrist for high SNR. One-
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Fig. 70: Base plates to fixate the coil on the tabletop. 1 - Base plate for examinations at the patient's side, 2 - Base
plate for examinations overhead, 3 - Groove to slide in the coil for examinations at the side, 4 - Transverse slots to
slide in the coil for overhead examinations, 5 - Cable holders.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
1 2
Fig. 72: The mount adaptor has to be attached to the coil for overhead positioning and removed for positioning at
the patient's side.
End fragment title: positioning aids dS Wrist 8ch
Design Rigid volume coils that closely encircle the wrist for high SNR. One-piece, hinged
design for easy patient set-up. To reduce patient motion artifacts, the dS Wrist
coil includes two rigid base plates to fixate the coil; one for overhead and one for
at the side examinations.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Delivery contents
Item/Purpose Quantity Photo
Coil itself 1
with 2 markers (for hand and wrist) on top of
it for isocenter positioning
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Base plate 1
To immobilize the coil in a fixed left or right
Mount adaptor 1
To fix the coil to the base plate for superman
Wedge pad 1
To immobilize the fingers and to give good
flat surface for the palm of hand to rest.
Elbow/arm pad 1
To support the arm parallel to the coil
Phantom 1
For service use only
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of a coil base (base plate with the posterior coil part
attached to it) and an anterior coil part plus positioning aids.
The dS T/R Knee 16ch coil has one cable coming out of the top of the coil that
splits into 2 connectors to connect into the T/R socket and the dStream socket on
the dStream interface.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Connector • dStream socket/connector on the dStream Interface for dS Knee 16ch coil
• T/R socket and dStream socket/connector on the dStream Interface for dS
T/R Knee 16ch coil
Node title (original): 71426 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ- ID: 36028804233634571-1
RF.Jewel2.1.2_v1 Status: Released
Affix: Ingenia
Do not scan body parts other than the lower limbs with the dS T/R Knee 16 coil.
Do not scan pediatric patients under 15 kg (33 lbs) with the dS T/R Knee 16 coil.
Label on the coil: Do not scan pediatric patients under 15 kg (33 lbs) with this coil..
End fragment title: 71426 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.Jewel2.1.2_v1
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of a coil base (base plate with the posterior coil part
attached to it) and an anterior coil part plus positioning aids.
The dS T/R Knee 16ch coil has one cable coming out of the top of the coil that
splits into 2 connectors to connect into the T/R socket and the dStream socket on
the dStream interface.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Connector • dStream socket/connector on the dStream Interface for dS Knee 16ch coil
• T/R socket and dStream socket/connector on the dStream Interface for dS
T/R Knee 16ch coil
Node title (original): 71426 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ- ID: 36028804233634571-2
RF.Jewel2.1.2_v1 Status: Released
Affix: Ingenia
Do not scan body parts other than the lower limbs with the dS T/R Knee 16 coil.
Do not scan pediatric patients under 15 kg (33 lbs) with the dS T/R Knee 16 coil.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Applications Knee
Markers on the coil In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning
Limitations • This coil should only be used for ‘Feet first’ studies.
General remarks • Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images.
• Do not combine this coil with other coils.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of base plate with foot support and the coil plus
positioning aids.
Dimensions • Inner dimensions: FH: 200 mm, LR: 105 mm, AP: 270 mm.
• FOV: FH: 220 mm, LR: 120 mm, AP: 280 mm.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
General remarks • Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images.
• Do not combine this coil with other coils.
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of base plate with foot support and the coil plus
positioning aids.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Delivery contents
Item/Purpose Quantity Photo
Coil itself 1
For imaging
Coil mattress 1
To support the unaffected leg, for comfort
Wedge pad 1
To flex ankle if needed and immobilize foot
Tilt device 1
To raise the head end of the base plate for
patient comfort
Phantom holder 1
For service use only
Fig. 77: dS Small Extremity8ch coil solution. 1: Closed coil. 2: Open coil. 3: Dedicated mattresses.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Delivery contents
Item/Purpose Quantity Photo
Coil itself 1
For imaging
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Elbow pad 1
To increase patient comfort for elbow
imaging by providing a slight bend in the
Coil mattress 1
To support the coil and maintain optimal
left/right offset (by cut-out)
Cable mattress 1
Phantom holder 1
For service use only
Fig. 78: 1 - dS Pediatric Head-Spine 8ch coil, 2 - table pad, 3 - patient pad.
Design Rigid volume coil with table pad and patient pad
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Fig. 79: 1 - dS Pediatric Body-Cardiac 8 ch coil, 2 - table pad, 3 - patient pad, 4 - torso inserts.
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of posterior and anterior coil part plus table pad,
patient pad and torso inserts.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Applications • Pediatric torso imaging: designed for examinations of neonates and babies
below 8 kg.
• Single loop.
Available for On the connector, you see the size of your coil, the MRI system type and field
strength your coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit compatible No
Applications Applications requiring small FOV with high SNR, e.g. skin, eyes, small joints,
superficial vessels, pediatric and nipple imaging. Placed
around a finger, against the skin or close to the body surface.
General remarks To ensure a flat surface, the coils can be ‘closed’ with special coil inserts.
Limitations • Make sure, that the coil is not positioned in the transverse plane. Coils work
best when positioned in coronal or sagittal plane.
• The coil may not be used in the mouth.
Available for • On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength
your coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Markers on the coil • Laser marker on the housing to indicate the middle of the coil loop.
• Small proton marker in the center of the coil loop (on the distal side) for
coil localization in survey images.
General remarks • Keep the plane of the coil parallel to the magnetic field.
• Do not combine this coil with other coils.
• The dS Posterior coil must be disengaged (“in holdback”) while scanning.
• The penetration depth of the coil is +/- half the diameter of the coil.
Multi-coil imaging No
Dual-coil imaging No
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
MultiTransmit- compatible No
Applications MR Phosphorous Spectroscopy, for example leg, muscle, brain, liver, heart.
Markers on the coil Small proton marker in the center of the coil loop (on the distal side) for coil
localization in survey images.
General remarks • Keep the plane of the coil parallel to the main magnetic field.
• Proton decoupling and Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE) irradiation
are provided by the Body coil. SAR is calculated on a scan-by-scan basis and
takes into account both, the proton and phosphorous pulses.
Design • Volume coil (dS Base and dS Head Top) and surface coils (dS Posterior coil,
• Integrated coil solution including the dS Posterior coil and the TorsoCardiac
coil, with or without dS Base coil.
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks The coil can be used with the longest expansion in FH or in RL direction,
depending on its orientation.
Marker In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning.
dS Interface Required
Connector dS Interface
More information
• About positioning:
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 4/1/2021 9:55:38 { Heuvel, Martina van den, 4/1/2021 9:55:38
AM: dS MSK M } AM: dS MSK S}
Type of coil • Multi-element phased-array coils { Heuvel, Martina van den, 2/21/2021
10:16:54 PM: Raja wants 8ch phased-array coil. REJECTED! }
• Receive-only
Design Flexible surface coils designed to wrap around the anatomy of interest
The dS MSK coils are available in two different sizes: M (medium) and S (small).
Available for On the sticker on the coil, you see the MRI system type and field strength your
coil is suited for.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit compatible No { Heuvel, Martina van den, 3/2/2021 12:58:50 PM: NOT for Ambition, NOT
for MR5300}
Applications MSK applications depending on the different sizes of the MSK coils, for example:
• Small joints (for example, elbow, wrist, ankle)
• Hand and foot
• Large joints (for example, shoulder, hip, knee)
• Pediatric imaging
• Posterior triangle (combined with dS Base, dS Head Top and dS Posterior)
• Neck (combined with dS Base, dS Head Top and dS Posterior)
Marker No
dS Interface Required
Connector dS Interface
Always store the coil flat.
Design Volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be positioned. A separate
head support is provided.
dS-SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
dS Interface Required
Connector dS Interface
Cover pad for the Breast 7ch coil Designed for patient comfort.
• There is no padding between the two
breasts in order to reduce the pressure
on the sternum.
Lower leg pad with velcro on the bottom Designed for patient comfort.
Delivery Contents
In the delivery of the dS Breast 7ch coil solution, the following kits are included:
Figure of the kit Kit Purpose of the kit
SmartExam is a tool that automates planning, scanning and processing in brain, knee, shoulder,
breast, cervical and lumbar spine examinations.
Ingenia Elition
Anatomic area Supported coils
Ingenia Ambition
Anatomic area Supported coils
Anatomic area Supported coils
This chapter describes the coils and the coil combinations available for your system and how to
apply them.
Node title (original): Clothes MRexam in photos ID: 2285214859-2
Status: Released
As most of the photographs in this chapter have been taken in a non-clinical environment, it is
possible that in some of the photographs the patient’s clothing is not suited for a real MR
Patients may also be shown without headset and nurse call.
Refer to the Maintenance chapter for full information on how to clean the coils.
Only coils that have been proven safe and compatible on the Philips MR system shall be used.
Coded connectors and software keying are provided to control the use of coils. Refer to the
Instructions for Use of the coil for further safety instructions.
Safety measures
Node title (original): 24353 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.38 ID: 18014404969489675-2
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24353
Never use surface coils, cable traps and cables which are damaged.
A damaged cable or connector is hazardous because of high voltage across the cable during
the transmit phase of the system. Sharp edges may cause injury to patient’s skin.
Coils must be returned to the manufacturer's Customer Support for replacement if there is any
suspected damage to either the external covering or the coil's internal components. The patient
must never be allowed to come into contact with the internal coil connections.
End fragment title: 24353 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.38
ISO/IEC: 24641
Do not simultaneously touch the coil connector contacts and the patient to prevent
potential harm for the patient.
ISO/IEC: 24364
Do not scan with an incomplete base coil. The protective lids on the contacts of base coil
must be present at all times.
These lids can be removed for cleaning purposes.
ISO/IEC: 24289
Prevent patients from touching the contacts of separable coils.
When connected to the system a voltage of 12 volt DC is present at the contacts of the coil
base. Under normal conditions this voltage is not hazardous to patients. However for
critically ill cardiac patients this low DC voltage may have serious consequences.
• Always close the coil before connecting it to the system.
• Always disconnect the coil from the system before opening the coil.
• Do not leave unused coils or coil parts on the tabletop.
Never scan with the SENSE Head Coil and neurovascular coil positioned more than 5
centimeters offcenter.
This may cause local heating of the patient. Always position the SENSE Head coil and
neurovascular coil in the isocenter by using the light visor.
dS Anterior coil
Node title (original): HG - Do not use Anterior coil upside down ID: 36028804058543627-2
Affix: Ingenia Optimus Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
dStream Interface
Node title (original): HG - Do not sterilize dStream Interface ID: 27021604804118795-2
Affix: Ingenia Optimus Status: Released
Do not sterilize the dStream Interface.
Sterilizing the dStream Interface will damage it.
Type of detection
Linear coil Quadrature coil Phased-array coil
The term ’SENSE’ in the coil name indicates that a coil is SENSE compatible.
Spine coils
• SENSE Spine coil 15 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Spine coil 1.5T
• SENSE Spine coil 3.0T
• Synergy Pediatric coil 1.5T
Body coils
• Q-Body coil 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Cardiac coil 1.5T
• SENSE Cardiac coil 3.0T
• SENSE Torso/Cardiac coil 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Breast coil 4 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Breast coil 7 (incl. biopsy) 1.5T and 3.0T
• MammoTrak
• MammoTrak Breast coil 16
• MammoTrak Breast coil 7
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Orthopedics coils
• SENSE Shoulder coil 8 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Shoulder coil 4 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Wrist coil 4 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Wrist coil 8 1.5T and 3.0T
• Hand/Wrist coil 4 1.5T
• SENSE Small Extremity coil 8
• Knee/Foot coil 1.5T
• Knee/Foot coil 4 (FootAnkleKnee) 1.5T
• SENSE Knee coil 8 1.5T and 3.0T
• SENSE Knee coil 16 1.5T
• SENSE T/R Knee coil 16 3.0T
Miscellaneous coils
• Microscopy coils 1.5T
• SENSE Flex coils 1.5T and 3.0T
• Circular coils C1, C3, C4 1.5T
This paragraph describes per anatomic region which coil(s) can be used best. Click on a link to
go to the corresponding description:
• Head / CNS
• Head / Neck
• Spine
• Thorax
In the table below, the text ’Any Head coil’ refers to the following coils:
• on 1.5T: SENSE Head 6 or 8 coil, SENSE Head/Neck coil, SENSE NeuroVascular 8 or 16 coil, or
Q-Head coil
• on 3.0T: SENSE Head 8 coil, SENSE NeuroVascular 8 or 16 coil or T/R Head coil
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717108363
Status: Released
Pediatric spine • SENSE Pediatric Head Spine • SENSE Pediatric Head Spine
• SENSE Spine • SENSE Spine
• SENSE Flex • SENSE Flex
• Combination SENSE Flex coils • Combination SENSE Flex coils
The SENSE Head/Spine coil is a combination of the SENSE NeuroVascular 16 coil and the SENSE
Spine 15 coil. Thorax
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 18014404971853195
Status: Released
For examinations of the mediastinum, prone positioning is recommended.
Breast Examinations
Node title (original): Breast screening ID: 98936341387-1
Status: Released
Breast examinations can be used to visualize lesions using high-resolution and/or time-resolved
imaging, which may assist diagnosis in women with pre-identified cancer, and provide adjunct
screening information in women with high risk to develop cancer. Identical coil solutions and
sequences are used to support diagnosis or screening. Additional coil solutions are available to
enable breast biopsies.
End fragment title: Breast screening
End fragment title: Screening Abdomen
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717116043
Status: Released Pelvis
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717119883
Status: Released
Microscopy • Microscopy
Pediatric applications • SENSE Flex-S, -M, -L depending on • SENSE Flex-S, -M, -L depending on
patient’s size patient’s size
• SENSE Small Extremity coil 8 • SENSE Small Extremity coil 8
• SENSE XL Torso • SENSE XL Torso
Pediatric applications • SENSE Flex-S, -M, -L depending on • SENSE Flex -S, -M, -L depending on
patient’s size patient’s size
• SENSE Small Extremity coil 8 • SENSE Small Extremity coil 8
• SENSE XL Torso • SENSE XL Torso
SmartExam is a tool that automates planning, scanning and processing in brain, knee, shoulder,
breast, cervical and lumbar spine examinations.
As most of the photographs in this chapter have been taken in a non-clinical environment, it is
possible that in some of the photographs the patient’s clothing is not suited for a real MR
Patients may also be shown without headset and nurse call.
Dual coil imaging can be performed on both Achieva and Intera systems with a FreeWave
It is possible to connect multiple coils simultaneously to the system. Coils can be combined in
two different ways:
• in Multi coil imaging
• in Dual coil imaging
These imaging types can be enabled or disabled by means of the imaging parameters ’Multi
coil’ or ’Dual coil’.
• Multi coil (if set to ’Yes’, different coils can be selected per stack)
Dual coil imaging can be performed on Achieva and Intera systems with a FreeWave upgrade.
In Dual coil imaging, multiple phased-array coils are combined in such a way that they function
as one coil: the signal is added up into one image. This new multi-element coil is CLEAR- and
SENSE-compatible. Dual coil imaging opens a wide range of applications.
ExampleThe SENSE Head/Spine coil is an example of such a coil combination: the SENSE
NeuroVascular 16 coil and the SENSE Spine 15 coil are combined to a 31 channel phased-array
coil. This coil combination allows total neuro and total spine imaging.
Related imaging parameter
• Dual coil (if set to ’Yes’, two phased-array coils can be used as one coil)
In this section the possible coil combinations on 1.5T systems are listed.
This section replaces section "Possible Coil Combinations 1.5T" of chapter 5 in IFU volume 2.
Allowed combinations
More coil combinations are allowed. These can be used in Multi coil imaging only. The table
below gives an overview.
Fig. 81: The R indicates recommended coil combinations (Dual or multi coil imaging can be performed); the checkmark indicates allowed
coil combinations (Multi coil imaging can be performed).
In this section the possible coil combinations on 3.0T systems are listed.
Design Coil combination of the SENSE NeuroVascular 16 coil and a rigid 15 element spine
surface coil. In this case, the SENSE NV 16 coil offers different anterior parts: a
cage (as usual) and a rigid surface coil (referred to as ’top-off’).
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks The SENSE Spine 15 and the SENSE NV 16 coils can both be used as stand-alone
coils. For more information:
• See section ‘SENSE NeuroVascular coil 8 and 16’.
• See section ‘SENSE Spine coil 15’
► Place the NV posterior part and the spine coil on the tabletop.
► Slide the spine coil over posterior part. Move it up maximally.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Route the cable of the NV through the groove on the side of the spine coil.
► Place the mattress on the coil. The mattress helps keeping the cable in place.
► Position the patient on the coil combination.
► Let the patient move upwards so that the patient's shoulders touch the NV posterior part.
► Use the knee cushion to increase patient comfort.
► Make sure that the patient's hands are on the tabletop and not at the side of the table so
that finger pinching cannot occur during table movement. Make use of the arm supports to
avoid such a situation.
► Attach the anterior coil part (either cage or top-off) to the NV posterior part.
In case of the cage, move the mirror on the coil to the optimum position.
Node title (original): SENSE Head/Spine combination & ID: 6463431819-1
positioning Status: Released
Total Neuro examinations can be done by means of the MobiTrak option and the SENSE Spine
15 coil with the SENSE NV 16 coil.
Total Neuro ExamCards acquire three stacks (head/cervical, thoracic, lumbar) at different table
positions. Table movement is required between acquisition of these stacks.
• Stack A (lumbar) is acquired with the SENSE Spine 15 coil.
• Stack B (thoracic) is acquired in Dual coil mode with both coils (elements ABC and NPC ).
• Stack C (head/cervical) is acquired with the SENSE NV 16 coil.
Total Neuro can also be acquired in 4 stacks.
Adapt the ExamCard if necessary.
► Position the patient on the coil combination.
► Center on the middle marker (chin) of the NV 16 coil.
► Start the Total Neuro ExamCard.
Automatically the sagittal survey will start, followed by the coronal survey.
► Load both surveys into the MobiView package.
► Click |Smooth fuse|.
► Save the images to the data base.
► Load the fused surveys into the planning environment.
► Plan a sagittal Total Neuro sequence on the sagittal survey (FH and AP offcenters) and on
the coronal survey (RL angulations).
► Press |Proceed| to complete planning.
All scans and stations are now planned since GeoLinks and ScanAlign are applied within the
Total Neuro ExamCard.
► Start the ExamCard.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
On 16 channel systems
SENSE NV selection AND SENSE Spine 15 selection
On 32 channel systems
On 32 channel systems, the same coil combinations are allowed as on the 16 channel systems
plus those listed in the table below.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Fig. 83: Positioning with the SENSE Spine and the SENSE Flex-L coil.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Total Neuro examinations can be done by means of the MobiTrak option using the SENSE Spine
coil with the SENSE Flex-L coil.
Change the Total Spine ExamCard in the following way:
► Add another stack so that you end up with four stacks (head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar) at
different table positions.
► Table movement is required between acquisition of these stacks.
► Ensure that the stacks A, B, C (lumbar, thoracic, cervical) are acquired with the SENSE Spine
► Ensure that the stack D (head) is acquired with the SENSE Flex-L coil.
► Use CLEAR in the head and enable Dual coil imaging.
On 16 channel systems
SENSE Flex selection AND SENSE Spine selection
12 or 1 or 2 A
12 or 1 or 2 AB
12 or 1 or 2 M-ABCDE
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
It is highly recommended to use the dedicated coils, e.g. knee coils for knee examinations or a
foot/ankle coil for ankle examinations.
If these dedicated coils are not available or can’t be used, SENSE Flex combinations can be
used instead.
This chapter shows the positioning aids that are delivered with your system: the basic set and
the optional positioning aids. For most of them, application examples are given and their
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
purpose is explained.
Node title (original): Positioning aids NOT made with natural ID: 87955069963-1
Rubber Status: Released
Philips' positioning aids are not made with natural rubber.
End fragment title: Positioning aids NOT made with natural Rubber
Fig. 85: Mattress yellow long, dimensions: 1800 mm x 560 mm. Mattress yellow short, dimensions: 600 mm x 560
mm. Knee support, dimensions.
Fig. 86: Wedge 30o. Wedge 15o. Extremity straps: large, medium, small.
Fig. 88: Sandbags (2.8 kg and 3.6 kg). Set of foam wedges. 6 x cable clips.
Fig. 89: Body straps: 2xlarge, 2xmedium, 4xsmall. Spacer Flex coils. (4x) wrist strap.
More positioning aids are delivered with the specific coils. Refer to the ’Coils’ chapter for more
Node title (original): NVC stability pad ID: 9007292923122187
Affix: Achieva udoc (Ingenia is fine already!) Status: Released
Node title (original): Comfort Plus pack (slightly different ID: 93933487371
description in Ingenia IFU, so no reuse here) Status: Released
Affix: add to all Best systems (okay already - but differently -
with Ingenia)
End fragment title: Comfort Plus pack (slightly different description in Ingenia IFU, so no reuse here)
TMJ holder 1
Coil holder to be used for TMJ, orbit or
carotid examinations with the dS Flex
and the dS Microscopy coils.
The use of contrast agent is normally based on first non-contrast images. When applying
► Move the patient partially out of the magnet. Keep the tabletop partly within the bore to
maintain the same off-center positioning.
► Place the arm board with its top corner under the shoulder of the patient.
► Push the arm board further under the body of the patient. The patient’s body weight will fix
the arm board and provide stability for insertion of the infusion needle.
► Insert the infusion needle and connect the infusion lines.
► Remove the arm board and return the patient to the scan plane.
Ensure that no part of the patient's body, hair, clothing, cables or infusion lines can get caught
by any part of the equipment while returning the patient into the magnet bore.
Node title (original): ped pack components - for China ID: 9007256032052619
Affix: China Status: Released
Fig. 92: Pediatric Package. From left to right: Baby on the cradle. Pediatric knee support. PPU with different sensors
on the cradle.
Fig. 94: Left: Acoustic hood Right: Acoustic hood with coil in isocenter
Node title (original): acoustic hood purpose - for all countries ID: 9007256032085899
except China Status: Released
Affix: non China
The acoustic hood is designed to be used with the SENSE Pediatric Head Spine coil and the
SENSE Pediatric Body/Cardiac coil and their mattresses. It will provide good acoustic noise
damping for vulnerable neonatal patients requiring MR examinations.
End fragment title: acoustic hood purpose - for all countries except China
Node title (original): acoustic hood purpose - for China ID: 9007256032087435
Affix: China Status: Released
The acoustic hood will provide good acoustic noise damping for vulnerable neonatal patients
requiring MR examinations.
End fragment title: acoustic hood purpose - for China
Many premature patients are scanned while their acoustic sensory systems are still in
development and should be protected. Very small children will not always tolerate a headset.
Other positioning aids or auxiliaries, such as Mini-Muffs provide some noise damping (~7dB).
The Acoustic Hood will provide noise damping of 12 - 14dB.
The acoustic hood is not designed for use with the SENSE Head Coil.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Do not block the flow of air through the bore, around the coil and the patient when the
acoustic hood is used. Free convection is necessary in order for the coil to work at the
specified ambient temperature.
Patient monitoring is advised.
Use Earplugs - the acoustic hood provides additional protection.
Place the hood over the patient and coil before moving the patient into the bore.
In this way one will have control over peripheral equipment, cables, tubes and lines.
If an adjustment is made to the position of the acoustic hood, always pull it straight watching
carefully that cables, tubes and lines are not affected by the movement.
Do not sterilize or disinfect the hood.
The hood is water resistant but cannot be sterilized or disinfected. If it becomes very dirty we
advise that a new one be purchased.
This chapter shows the positioning aids that are delivered with your system: the basic set and
the optional positioning aids. For most of them, application examples are given and their
purpose is explained.
Node title (original): Positioning aids NOT made with natural ID: 87955069963-2
Rubber Status: Released Philips
Philips' positioning aids are not made with natural rubber.
End fragment title: Positioning aids NOT made with natural Rubber
Node title (original): 3 different types of mattresses are ID: 9007317845446283-1
available Status: Released
Item Quantity
Long Mattress 2
Short Mattress 2
T-Shape Mattress 1
• Long
• Short
• T-shape
Long Mattress 2
Short Mattress 2
T-Shape Mattress 1
End fragment title: 3 different types of mattresses are available
Node title (original): Comfort mattress partner - for MR5300 ID: 9007317703737227
only Status: Released
Node title (original): 03-dS Base coil mattress (NVC stability ID: 36028869444838027
pad) Status: Released
End fragment title: 03-dS Base coil mattress (NVC stability pad)
TMJ holder 1
Coil holder to be used for TMJ, orbit or
carotid examinations with the dS Flex
and the dS Microscopy coils.
Sandbag 3.6 kg 2
MR Safe non-magnetic artifact-free
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Wedges 30° 2
Wedge 15° 2
Wedges of different shapes to aid in
patient positioning. Stain-resistant
Foam Wedges 6
Foam wedges in different sizes to aid in
patient positioning.
Node title (original): Straps for Ingenia family except MR5300 ID: 9007317701549707
Status: Released
Head/Orbit Strap 2
To strap around the head in order to fix
Shoulder/Hip Strap 3
To strap around the shoulder or hips in
order to fix e.g. a coil.
Node title (original): Straps for MR5300 (different images, and ID: 9007317702198667
one more strap: immobilization strap) Status: Released
Head/Orbit Strap 2
To strap around the head in order to fix
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
e.g. a coil.
Shoulder/Hip Strap 3
To strap around the shoulder or hips in
order to fix e.g. a coil.
Immobilization Strap 1
To immobilize the patient and reduce
breathing artifacts, and to fix the
respiratory belt.
End fragment title: Straps for MR5300 (different images, and one more strap: immobilization strap)
Passive Headset 1
To provide hearing protection for the
Nurse Call 1
To allow for communication between
the patient and the operator at all
Node title (original): Headset and Nurse call for MR5300 ID: 9007317702349451
Status: Released
Passive Headset 1
To provide hearing protection for the
Nurse Call 1
To allow for communication between
the patient and the operator at all
Node title (original): nurse call clip usage - Ingenia family ID: 9007271021969163-1
except MR5300 Status: Released
Node title (original): Supports - for Ingenia family except ID: 9007317702587787
MR5300 Status: Released
Knee Support 1
To support the lower extremities while
maintaining hip flexion, and to help
relieve lower back stress and pain.
Stain-resistant coating.
Arm Support 2
To ensure secure hand and arm
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): Supports - for MR5300 (new images) ID: 9007317702591755
Status: Released
Knee Support 1
To support the lower extremities while
maintaining hip flexion, and to help
relieve lower back stress and pain.
Stain-resistant coating.
Arm Support 2
Item/Purpose Quantity Photo Application Example
Adaptive Connector 1
Required to connect
dedicated coils (for
example dS Breast 7ch coil)
pediatric examinations.
Comfort pad 1
Arm Board 2
To ensure secure hand and arm
positioning during table movement.
The use of contrast agent is normally based on non-contrast images. When contrast agent is
necessary, the arm board can be used as an aid for convenient injection needle insertion.
The arm board can be used with almost every coil and in combination with the trolley.
► Move the patient partially out of the magnet. Keep the tabletop partly in the bore to
Before starting a scan which initiates tabletop movement, always check that nothing can get
caught or hit during tabletop movement.
Check patient, patient extremities, clothing, equipment and positioning aids. Guide cables
and intravenous lines.
Node title (original): All items for Ingenia family except MR5300 ID: 118449108619
Status: Released
Feet Immobilizer 1
To ensure patient immobilization (to
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Arm Board 2
To ensure secure hand and arm
positioning during table movement.
End fragment title: All items for Ingenia family except MR5300
Feet Immobilizer 1
To ensure patient immobilization (to
obtain good subtraction images)
To reduce venous enhancement by
positioning the lower legs higher than
the upper legs and increasing flow to
the capillary bed.
3.5.5 FlexTrak
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 36028803482733707
Status: Released
The trolley mattresses are the same as described in the chapter “Basic Set” on page 367 with
the exception of the Head/Leg support.
Drip stand
Item/Purpose Quantity Photo Application Example
3.5.6 FlexTilt
Affix: Ingenia family except MR5300 and Optimus ID: 27021604228148363
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
FlexTilt is a tilting device which can be used to position the Base coil (with or without Head or
HeadNeck top coil) in an angle. This is especially helpful for patients who cannot comfortably lie
flat with their head in the Base coil.
Fig. 96: Left: FlexTilt device on lowest level. Right: FlexTilt device on different levels.
Fig. 97: Base coil and FlexTilt. Left: Lowest level. Right: Highest level.
Recommended Use
FlexTilt is especially designed for the following situations:
Kyphotic spine: These patients are unable to put their head on the head cushion of the Base
coil. By tilting the coil, the patient is able to lie in the magnet bore for any examination.
Claustrophobic patients: FlexTilt is convenient for patients with claustrophobia because FlexTilt
enables the patients to look more forward into open space.
► Place the FlexTilt device between the Base coil and the tabletop.
► Position the patient on the tabletop with the head in the Base coil.
► Tilt the tilting device to an angle convenient for the patient.
► Optional: Depending on the type of examination, attach the Head or the HeadNeck top coil
to the Base coil.
Fig. 98: Examples of positioning with FlexTilt from lowest level (1) to highest level (3).
Fig. 99: Examination on the highest tilting level with a top coil attached: HeadNeck top coil (left) or Head top coil
(right) .
End fragment title: FlexTilt workflow
The breast pads are designed for ease of use in breast imaging. They can be used with the dS
Breast 16ch and the dS Breast 7ch coil.
Fig. 100: Setup for a breast examination with the breast pads and the dS Breast 16ch coil.
3 Cover pad for the breast The breast cover pad is designed for
coil maximum patient comfort.
• There is no padding between the
two breasts in order to reduce the
pressure on the sternum.
Cover pad for the Breast 7ch coil Designed for patient comfort.
• There is no padding between the two
breasts in order to reduce the pressure
on the sternum.
Ramp pad with velcro on the bottom Designed for patient comfort.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Lower leg pad with velcro on the bottom Designed for patient comfort.
The Coil Caddy can be used to store the coils and positioning aids.
Node title (original): for Ingenia family except for MR5300 ID: 118449097867
Status: Released
5. Drip stand.
6. Drawer for positioning aids.
It will provide good acoustic noise damping for vulnerable neonatal and pediatric patients
requiring MR examinations.
MR scans can be very loud although the level of noise is different for different types of scan
methods. Technological developments and new techniques are becoming widely utilized for
pediatric patients. The acoustic sensory system degrades slowly after birth. Many premature
patients are scanned while their acoustic sensory systems are still in development and should
Node title (original): HG - Acoustic Hood - Use earplugs ID: 9007206293913483
Status: Released
Use earplugs.
When the Acoustic Hood is positioned correctly, it provides additional noise damping of
around 8 dB.
Verify that the Acoustic Hood is always at least 10 cm away from the ventilation outlet.
Do not block the flow of air through the bore and around the patient when the Acoustic
Hood is used.
Patient monitoring is advised.
Place the Acoustic Hood over the patient and coil before moving the patient into the bore.
In this way one will have control over peripheral equipment, cables, tubes and lines.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If an adjustment is made to the position of the Acoustic Hood, always pull it straight watching
carefully that cables, tubes and lines are not affected by the movement.
Do not sterilize or disinfect the hood.
Cleanabilty is limited because of the sound absorption characteristics of the Acoustic Hood.
The Acoustic Hood is water repellent, but cannot be sterilized or disinfected. If it becomes
very dirty we advise that a new one be purchased.
Patient Positioning
► Complete positioning of the patient.
For most of the examinations, proceed as follows:
• Optional: Depending on the size of the pediatric patient, place the pediatric support of
the dS HeadNeckSpine coil solution on the tabletop.
• Position the pediatric patient on the tabletop (or on the pediatric support).
• Attach the HeadNeck top coil to the Base coil.
• Place the anterior coil frame above the patient's body and position the Anterior coil on
Fig. 102: 1: Pediatric patient on the pediatric support. 2: The HeadNeck top coil is attached to the Base coil. 3: The
Fig. 103: Acoustic Hood (1) with Anterior coil (2) on the anterior coil frame (3), Base (5) with HeadNeck top coil (4)
and pediatric support (6).
► Move to the light visor selection point. First use the light visor.
► Then position the Acoustic Hood over the coil and the patient.
► Ensure that all lines and peripheral equipment are correctly positioned.
Node title (original): 24265 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-AX.01 ID: 27021604395376523
Status: Released
Check that the hood is correctly positioned by positioning the step in the correct place.
This means that the Acoustic Hood extends over the end of the tabletop – leaving the head
of the baby near the center of the Acoustic Hood, thus providing good acoustic protection.
This position will be the same for both head and body scans of a baby.
Fig. 104: Acoustic Hood on the tabletop where 'S' indicates the step and 'O' the part extending over the tabletop.
End fragment title: 24265 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-AX.01
► Travel to isocentre.
Guide the Acoustic Hood if necessary during travel to isocentre.
► For body or spine scans of a baby, the Acoustic Hood can be moved to cover the ventilation
exits. In this case it is advised to push the Acoustic Hood back into the bore so that there is
a 10cm gap between the ventilation exit and the Acoustic Hood.
Please also note that it is always important to monitor the temperature of the baby and to
use low SAR.
Sound absorbing properties of the Acoustic Hood are guaranteed over a lifetime of 3-5 years
when stored upright.
The head-and-arm support facilitates comfortable positioning of the arms upwards (above the
End fragment title: Intro arms-up device
Arm support Head support Combined
(Rigid frame with detachable soft
• Body examinations with the arms up in head-first or feet-first patient position.
End fragment title: Applications arms-up device
You can use the head-and-arm support with the dS Torso and the dS TotalSpine coil solution.
End fragment title: Use
► Position the patient on the tabletop with the arms upwards on the arm support.
3.6 Trolleys
Affix: Ingenia family ID: 9007314419037451
Last Content Modificator: Status: NotReleased
The FlexTrak allows patient preparation for an examination while the previous patient is being
scanned. Positioning of coils, positioning aids, monitoring and triggering equipment can be
done outside the examination room.
For generic safety information, cautions and warnings refer to chapter “Safety” on page 396.
Tilted tabletop due to incompatible patient transportation system.
Risk of patient falling off tabletop and serious injury.
• Only use the patient transport system intended for your system.
• On Achieva/Multiva systems: only use the Achieva/Multiva trolleys.
• On digital MR systems: only use the FlexTrak.
FlexTrak systems and compatible tabletops are labeled with FlexTrak Label.
Tilted tabletop due to incompatible patient transportation system.
Risk of patient falling off tabletop and serious injury.
• Only use the patient transport system intended for your system.
• On Achieva systems: only use the Achieva trolleys.
• On digital MR systems: only use the FlexTrak.
FlexTrak systems and compatible tabletops are labeled with FlexTrak Label.
The following warnings apply to the use of the FlexTrak and HA FlexTrak (Height Adjustable)
patient transport systems.
Confirm that the tabletop is locked securely on the FlexTrak before the patient is moved,
positioned or transported.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on FlexTrak may not be effective.
Risk of death.
• Only perform CPR on a patient while the CPR performer stands next to the trolley.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 7/22/2020 5:38:04 PM: complete text is ONE PRQ entry now, ALM
80926. Needs to be cleaned up with next release.}
When the caregiver climbs on the FlexTrak to perform CPR, the risks are:
• The tabletop may bend too much or break due to the applied forces.
• The tabletop may fall off the FlexTrak.
These effects can cause the CPR to be unsuccessful, cause serious injury or death.
End fragment title: CPR
ISO/IEC: 24313
Patient falling off the Fixed Height FlexTrak or HA FlexTrak
Risk of serious patient injury.
• Park the FlexTrak with the non side-rail side to the wall and apply the wheel locks when a
patient is left unattended on the FlexTrak.
For the HA FlexTrak with side rails on two sides: Park the FlexTrak with both side rails up
and apply the wheel locks when a patient is left unattended on the FlexTrak.
• Apply the wheel locks before a patient is moved to the tabletop.
• Apply the wheel locks when the FlexTrak is parked.
• Put the side rail(s) up once the patient is positioned on the tabletop.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): HG - Do not move the FlexTrak by means ID: 9007206315178123
of the tabletop Status: Released
Do not move the FlexTrak by means of the tabletop. Use the handle bar or the horizontal
End fragment title: HG - Do not move the FlexTrak by means of the tabletop
Fingers, hands, or other extremities of the patient get stuck or hit.
Risk of serious patient injury.
• Watch patient extremities during transfer onto the tabletop.
• Make sure that patient extremities remain on the tabletop during transportation and
docking to the patient support.
• Use the arm supports or fixate the patient and extremities if necessary (for example for
sedated patients).
Examination room
Node title (original): 80930 SYS.Label.IFU.HAZ-MA.02.2 - ID: 18014405569943179
FerroMagnetic_Warning Status: Released
Verify that no cables and connectors are hanging down from the tabletop when it is taken
over from the patient support onto the FlexTrak or vice versa.
This could lead to damage.
FlexTrak is adjusted for docking to only one side of the patient support.
Please contact Philips Customer Service if you want to change the docking side.
The FlexTrak is the dedicated patient transportation system for your MR system. There is a
height adjustable (HA) and a fixed height (FH) version available.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 105: F lexTrak components, warning signs and labels. by example of the height adjustable version.
2 Tabletop. All.
4 Bumper. HA FlexTrak. Operation
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 9007271015548299
Status: Released
Swivel wheels
The swivel wheels can be locked with the foot operated pedals. Both wheels on one end are
locked simultaneously.
• Increase the HA FlexTrak height by operating the foot lever repeatedly downwards.
• Decrease the HA FlexTrak height by lifting the lever carefully but completely up with the top
of your foot until the desired height has been reached.
Decrease the FlexTrak height gently when a patient is on the tabletop.
Fold down
• Pull the side rail up, out of its locking position.
• Fold the side rail carefully down.
Do not let the side rail fall down.
Fold up
• Fold up the side rail until it snaps into its locking position.
Verify that nothing gets clamped while folding the side rail up, e.g. fingers and infusion lines.
Before docking and taking over the tabletop by and from the patient support, make sure to
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
set the HA FlexTrak in its highest position by operating the foot levers.
The HA FlexTrak must be at its maximum height to avoid possible damage. Over hours the
trolley height may show a slight decrease.
► Lower the patient support to its lowest position.
► HA FlexTrak:
increase the FlexTrak height to its maximum: the maximum height indication label is
completely visible.
► Unlock the swivel wheels of the FlexTrak and position it at the patient support.
► Dock the FlexTrak sideways to the patient support. Both bumping blocks of the FlexTrak
must touch the bumping blocks of the patient support.
► Apply the wheel locks.
► Move the patient support up until the tabletop is taken over by the patient support.
The tabletop is automatically released from the FlexTrak and engages to the patient
The FlexTrak can remain at the patient support while scanning. Verify that the FlexTrak stays
at its maximum height and the side rail is folded down.
► Move the patient support up to its maximum position.
► HA FlexTrak:
increase the FlexTrak height to its maximum: the maximum height indication label is
completely visible.
► Unlock the swivel wheels of the FlexTrak and position it at the patient support.
► Dock the FlexTrak sideways to the patient support.
Both bumping blocks of the FlexTrak must touch the bumping blocks of the patient support.
3.7 Trolley
Affix: Achieva ID: 116964702475
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
The trolley allows patient preparation for an examination while the previous patient is being
scanned. Positioning of coils, positioning aids, monitoring and triggering equipment can be
done outside the examination room.
For more information, see Using the Trolley in Preparing the Exam.
This chapter describes features and components of Wireless Physiology and gives relevant
workflow information.
End fragment title: 0 Intro: Wireless
This chapter describes features and components of Wireless and Wired Physiology and gives
relevant workflow information. All information in this chapter is relevant for Wireless and
Wired Physiology, unless otherwise mentioned.
End fragment title: 0 Intro: Wireless and Wired
Node title (original): Wireless & Wired Physiology (Achieva & ID: 115347504523
Optimus) Status: Released
Affix: Achieva Optimus
• Wireless and Wired Physiology provide synchronization of the MRI sequences with the
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
physiology signals.
• The physiology signals are displayed in the Exam Dashboard on the operator's console.
• If correctly used, Wireless and Wired Physiology reduce image artifacts caused by breathing,
pulsatile flow and cardiac motion.
• Wireless and Wired Physiology utilize sensors for
– respiration,
– VCG (VectorCardioGraphy),
– plethysmography (Peripheral Pulse Unit PPU).
End fragment title: Wireless & Wired Physiology (Achieva & Optimus)
• Wireless Physiology provides synchronization of the MRI sequences with the physiology
• The physiology signals are displayed in the Exam Dashboard on the operator's console.
• If correctly used, Wireless Physiology reduces image artifacts caused by breathing, pulsatile
flow and cardiac motion.
• Wireless Physiology utilizes sensors for
– respiration,
– VCG (VectorCardioGraphy),
3.8.2 Safety
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 115347150859
Status: Released
Do not use the physiology signals for monitoring or diagnostic purposes.
The physiology signals are distorted when the patient is inside the magnet.
Item Image
SpO2 grip sensors for PPU Either you have this set of grip sensors: Or this one:
Two different sets are available.
Respiratory belt
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Wired-VCG unit
• possibly with connection for
the respiratory belt;
• configuration-dependent
with a long ECG cable.
Item Image
Battery charger
Wired basic triggering unit located in the magnet room (no image)
End fragment title: Components Wired Physiology
SpO2 grip sensors for PPU Either you have this set of grip sensors: Or this one:
Two different sets are available.
Respiratory belt
Item Image
Battery charger
Wireless basic triggering unit located in the magnet room (no image)
End fragment title: Components Wireless Physiology
Property Description
Purpose To detect the patient’s breathing through abdominal or chest wall motion
Limitations The respiratory signal cannot be used for monitoring or diagnostic purposes other than
determining the respiration wave for MR imaging
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/5/2018 8:30:31 AM: only for Ambition and Elition}
The VitalEye is a camera that is used to detect respiratory motion. The camera is located at the
back end of the magnet bore. VitalEye is delivered with additional infrared bore lights for better
lighting conditions.
Purpose To detect the patient's breathing through abdominal or chest wall motion.
Limitations • The respiratory signal can only be used to determine the respiration wave
to synchronize MR scans with.
• The VitalEye only works properly when the line of sight of the camera is not
Property Description
Purpose Cardiac Triggering: Acquisition of imaging data at defined moments in the cardiac cycle. The
trigger signal is derived from changes in capillary blood flow during the cardiac cycle. It is
transmitted via fiber optics.
Limitations May alternatively be used for cardiac imaging or angiography, although there is an inherent
delay from the time of the R-peak until flow change is registered in the finger.
Fig. 112: PPU SpO2 MRI sensor. 1: Sensor cable, 2: Reusable grip sensor Pediatric (P), 3: Reusable grip sensor Adult
(A), 4-7: Disposable grip sensors in different sizes where 4 - Neonatal (N), 5 - Adult (A), 6 - Infant (I), 7 - Pediatric (P).
Depending on the system configuration, different grip sensors may be available. For more information about these
sensors, see the dedicated Instructions for Use.
Reusable Clip A Adult: more than 40 Any adult finger, preferably index -
Disposable Grip A Adult: more than 40 Any adult finger, preferably index Toe
Disposable Grip I Infant: between 5 kg Any infant or small pediatric’s Big toe
and 15 kg finger, preferably index or thumb
The patient weights above are given for orientation only. The size of the chosen limb is more
important in determining the attachment type to use.
Property Description
Purpose Cardiac Triggering: Acquisition of imaging data at defined moments in the cardiac cycle.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Limitations The VCG signal cannot be used for monitoring or diagnostic purposes.
With VCG, the electrical activity of the heart is modeled as a vector. During the cardiac cycle
this vector changes magnitude and orientation. The vector’s projection on to a plane gives a
spatial plot of the heart’s electrical activity.
By connecting the tips of the vector at different moments loops are generated describing the
different cycles of the electrical activity of the heart: P-, QRS- and T-loop. Thus, using spatial
information of the ECG the QRS-loop can be differentiated from the loops of the artifacts.
Node title (original): 24297 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PH.29 ID: 9007206010232587-2
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24297
Do not use the physiology signals for monitoring or diagnostic purposes.
The physiology signals are distorted when the patient is inside the magnet.
ISO/IEC: 24670
Only use the appropriate InvivoMDE™ battery pack with the VCG module.
This battery pack may only be charged with the InvivoMDE™ battery charger.
For successful cardiac triggering of MR scans, a good VCG signal with a clearly detectable R-
peak is a prerequisite.
However the VCG signal and the calibration of the VCG signal are affected by several factors:
Patient respiration
Some trigger loss may occur during inspiration. The severity depends on the position of the
• Make certain that the electrodes are positioned correctly. See chapter “Connecting VCG to
the patient” on page 819.
Table motion, as well as patient motion causes the VCG signal to rapidly change. For cardiac
triggered scans, patient motion negatively impacts the reliability of VCG triggering.
• Avoid table motion at all times. Instruct the patient to lie still to avoid motion.
4 T-wave artifact (indicated by circle) in VCG. Most likely occuring with the patient inside the
In all scans that make use of VCG, VCG calibration is required to ensure correct triggering.
VCG calibration analyzes the detected ECG-signal to determine the R-peak in the QRS-complex:
A trigger algorithm determines which peak in the detected ECG-signal is marked as R-peak. A
trigger marker is assigned to the signal (and displayed in the Physiology Display) if all criteria of
the trigger algorithm are met.
Status: Released
Triggering efficiency • predictable for all scans • possibly different between scans
Display of trigger markers / heart • only after manual calibration • immediately after 7 seconds of
rate calibration
End fragment title: comparison: continuous vs manual VCG calibration
You can either perform manual or continuous VCG calibration. It is recommended to use
manual VCG calibration for smooth cardiac triggering in all patients.
Node title (original): main features of manual VCG calibration ID: 115359663371
Status: Released
• Manual VCG calibration analyzes 15 seconds of VCG data to ensure accurate detection of R-
peaks in all patients, also in patients at low heart rate or in arrhythmic patients.
• Manual VCG calibration can be initiated at any moment in the workflow. It is recommended
to execute it before moving the patient to the isocenter.
• You start and adjust Manual VCG calibration in the Physiology Properties window.
• You can adjust the trigger threshold during cardiac triggered scans to adjust the sensitivity
for the detection of R-peaks.
• When calibration data is available, trigger markers and the patient's heart rate are
displayed in the Physiology Display panel.
• Calibration data that is collected, is applied to all subsequent scans until
– you initiate a new VCG calibration,
– you recall a previously stored VCG calibration,
– you disable manual calibration.
• Results of manual VCG calibration depend on the tabletop position.
• The VCG calibration results are provided with an indication of Signal Strength (amplitude of
the R-peak in mV) and Trigger Quality (number of false positive and false negative signals).
• All VCG calibration results are reset when you start a new examination.
Outside the bore The patient is positioned and ready to Outside bore
recommended be moved to the isocenter.
edge of tabletop < 450 mm in the This is the recommended tabletop
magnet bore position, because flow artifacts,
induced by the presence of the
magnetic field, are minimized.
- no information about tabletop position VCG calibration is not yet performed. No results are stored yet.
The tabletop position is defined relative to the edge of the head end of the tabletop and NOT to
the light visor. This definition allows for a new outside bore calibration during an examination
when moving the patient bed partially out of the bore.
Use of VCG calibration results
• If both types of calibration results are available, you can select which calibration results are
used to detect R-peaks.
• The type of calibration results used is displayed in the Physiology Properties window and in
the Extended Physiology Display.
• The calibration results are overwritten when you start a new calibration on the same
tabletop position.
The User Interface consists of generic main elements that are always on top and of other
elements that vary depending on the current patient task.
Philips UI Elements
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 115287500427
Status: Released
Text field Text fields allow you to enter (and Patient name
edit) texts.
Date field Date fields allow you to pick a date. Date of birth
Icon An icon is a symbol that indicates the Planned icon in Exam Overview
status of something. It provides you icon that shows the function of the
with information. mouse
Progress bar A progress bar shows the status of an Progress of the examination
Message box A message box displays a message in An alert is displayed which requires
a small window. This message acknowledgement that the message
prompts for a response. has ben read, usually by clicking OK,
or if a decision is needed by clicking
OK or Cancel.
Scroll bar
The Navigation Bar is the major navigation component and as such it is always available.
It is composed of informational components and buttons that provide access to generic
End fragment title: Navigation Bar - intro
• The Navigation Bar gives access to the Patient Dashboard and the Patient Directory.
• The Navigation Bar allows to check the status of the MRI system and of jobs.
• To change your settings, the Navigation Bar provides Settings and Tools.
• Information about the current patient and about the logged in user is displayed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
3 Patient name
4 Patient ID
6 Gender
7 Status of MRI system, System Health chapter “Status of MRI System” on page 426
These buttons allow you to display the patient directory in list or thumbnail view as exam
schedule. From the Patient Directory, you select an examination to review, analyze, or print the
available imaging series.
{ Maethger, Maria, 10/12/2020 2:17:59 PM: I am not sure if this topic is necessary...}
Node title (original): Table Link Patients+Examinations ID: 115401955595
Status: Released
The status of the MRI System is displayed in the Navigation bar in System Health. System
Health informs about possible issues and actions that you have to take.
Button Description
There are four types of messages, which are also indicated by the icon in the Navigation bar.
Effect on future functionality Issues have arisen that affect the future functionality of
the system.
For example: Patient database 80% full.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, For example: Patient reference position missing.
8/13/2020 12:55:47 PM:
There are always
background processes
running, I wonder why this
one has its own icon. The
background process in this
case seems to block the
normal workflow. }
System servicing required An error has occurred that you cannot solve. Contact
your service provider.
For example: Data Acquisition System not reachable.
The Job Viewer shows the status of background jobs, for example importing, exporting or
printing of imaging series. The Job Viewer is available on the Navigation bar.
Button Description
Job Viewer
Status: Released
The job list displays the following information for each job.
Column Title Short Description
Status • Processing
• Completed
• Failed
• Canceled
• Submitted
Cancel Cancel a submitted job or a job in processing without removal from the job list.
Prioritize Set a submitted job or a job in processing as priority. The prioritized job is next
in line.
End fragment title: 2 Editing the Jobs
The Message Center is a log of messages and operator actions or decisions. In the Message
Center, you can trace the sequence of events that lead to the current state of the system.
The Message Center is available on the Navigation Bar.
Button Description
Message Center
Each message contains a time stamp, the area you worked in, and the message itself or your
The Message Center can log 256 messages. If the number of messages exceeds the limit, the
oldest messages are deleted first.
The log of the Message Center is cleared when you log out or shut down the system.
{ Maethger, Maria, 7/29/2020 3:27:54 PM: What else can I tell the users?}
The Settings and Tools are available on the Navigation Bar. From here, you can access the
settings and configurations for the functions of your system.
Button Description
Contrast Preset Settings... To set up and manage presets for contrast agent chapter “Functional Description”
administration. on page 478
chapter “ContrastCards for
Contrast Administration” on page
Image Display Settings... To specify the default display settings for images, chapter “Functional Description”
and to create customized settings for specific on page 490
Activate Research Patch... Only applicable for MR Research users and your -
service provider. Password-Protected.
Dicom Configuration... To add DICOM nodes to your system. chapter “Functional Description”
on page 1206
On the Navigation Bar, you access information about the MRI system.
User Documentation... Here you access the Instructions for Use and the Technical Description of your
MRI system.
The Patient Directory (F3) displays a list of the available patient data with their exam
It allows you
• To select which patients are displayed:
– Scheduled: Patients whose examinations are scheduled for an examination, but the
examination has not yet taken place.
– All: Patients where examination data is already available.
– Patients in an external database (for example RIS or DICOM nodes).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• To sort the patients based on the criteria Status, Name, and ID.
• To open an examination in the Review tab.
• To lock an examination so that it cannot accidentally be deleted.
• To delete an examination.
• To modify the examination data.
• To export an examination.
• To merge or split examinations.
1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8
6 Detailed patient data Details about the study including the image chapter “Detailed Patient
series that was used and if applicable Data” on page 432
bookmarks and prior studies of the patient
7 Export Export selected data (only possible for chapter “Exporting Exam
prepared examinations) Data Manually” on page
The lower part of the Patient directory provides detailed information about the selected
• Study Details: Patient data with details, for example weight, height, allergies or study
• Series (if available): Information on the ExamCards or Scan Items used in the examination,
geometry settings, and export location
You can also
– export selected series or the whole study in Classic MR format (see chapter “Exporting
Exam Data Manually” on page 1201),
– delete selected series,
– refresh the list.
• Bookmarks: bookmarks of scans in the current study { Maethger, Maria, 10/6/2020 2:55:36
PM: Is this correct? what does this look like? Cannot find patients with bookmarks/cannot
create bookmarks}
• Priors: Information about previous examinations { Maethger, Maria, 10/6/2020 2:55:36
PM: What does this look like? Cannot find patients with previous examinations - don't know
how to "create" such patients.}
You lock patient data that is on the system to prevent accidentally deleting the data.
► To lock a patient entry, right-click on a patient entry and click Lock.
⇨ The lock symbol appears in front of the patient entry.{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 11/2/2020
11:06:47 PM: image needed?}
⇨ The patient entry cannot be deleted, a message appears describing the reason.
"Modification can lead to mismatch in patient data" { Maethger, Maria, 9/28/2020 1:13:25
PM: Is it important to write the whole warning here?}
4. Modify the examination data, for example delete existing data, enter new data.
5. Do one of the following:
• Click End Modification to save the modification and go back to the Patient Directory.
• Click Undo to reset the patient data.
In the Patient Directory, you can select to display Scheduled or All patients. However, you can
also select to display the patients from an external database. A column is reserved for this
external database.
► Click More, then select any of the available options:
• PACS/Network with iSite
• This Computer
• Browse Path
⇨ The tab between All and More displays the patients from the selected external database.
⇨ To change the external database that is displayed in the tab, repeat this workflow.
See also chapter “Using Patient Data from RIS” on page 839 and chapter “Importing Patient
Data from External Sources” on page 1205.
In the Patient Directory, you can merge up to 5 studies from the RIS.
You merge studies when there are more than one requests per patient, and when it is more
efficient to combine these requests in one session.
When the examination is finished, you split the single exam into multiple exams in line with the
⊳ Prerequisites:
• You can only merge studies before the examination is performed.
• The studies have the same Patient name, Patient ID, Date of Birth and Referring Physician.
• The examinations are from RIS, or originates from RIS and is copied to the local database.
You can not merge patient studies which you created locally with New Patient.
⇨ The Study Description of the merged study displays as: <first study description> + <number
of added studies>.
Example: When a C-spine, T-spine and L-spine study are merged, the study description
displays as: C-spine +2
To easily find the merged studies in the Patient Directory, open the All list and sort all entries
with the Merged sorting criteria.
Split Exam allows you to separate an exam acquired during a single scan session into multiple
exams. This allows for correct association of imaging series to ordered/ scheduled examinations
to facilitate proper reporting, data handling and billing activities.
Split Exam allows you to:
• Split and Copy
This option creates a copy of the selected scan items and places them in the new
examination location, leaving the selected scan in the original examination.
• Split and Move
This option removes the selected scan items from the original examination and places them
in the new examination.
Split Exam
⊳ Prerequisites:
• Split Exam is only available for completed exams.
• All open instances of the examination to be split must be closed prior to the Split Exam
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► In the Patient Directory, right-click the examination that you wish to split, and select Split.
The Split window opens with:
• Information about the current examination.
• A list of the available imaging series.
• Additional columns for the destination of the studies after split: Assign to Studies with
Current Study, and others, e.g.Study 1, Study 2.
By default, all imaging series are initially assigned to the Current Study.
► Assign imaging series to the studies.
You can assign imaging series to none of the exams or to multiple exams.
• To split and copy, select multiple destinations, e.g. the Current Study and Study 1.
• To split and move, select any destination but not the Current Study.
► Click Split.
The Patient Directory displays the new examinations immediately.
End fragment title: Split exam workflow
The Patient Dashboard (F4) provides a quick and easy overview for the exam schedule.
You can see the Previous patients, the Current Patient and the Scheduled patients in this order
from left to right.
Each patient is represented by a patient card. The color scheme of the patient cards indicate
their state on the Patient Dashboard.
Previous Current Patient Scheduled
In Settings and Tools , you can adjust the Patient Dashboard (see chapter “Adjusting the
Patient Dashboard” on page 441).
On the Patient Dashboard, each patient card displays patient data (name, ID, date of birth and
age, sex) and information about patient and examination:
Patient on tabletop. If
applicable, this icon appears in
front of the patient name.
Patient Availability
Icon Description
In-patient arrived
Out-patient arrived
MR Safe implant
MR Conditional implant
MR Unsafe implant
Contrast agent
Prepared exam
Unprepared exam
Exam In progress
Icon Description
Patient released
Exam discontinued
Archiving in progress
Archive completed
Archive failed
Exam Completed
You can select which type of patient studies are displayed for which time frame , and you can
specify the refresh rate of the Patient Dashboard.
► On the navigation bar, click Settings and Tools , then Settings and then select Patient
► Select whether to refresh the Patient Dashboard manually or automatically.
If you select Automatic refresh, enter a starting time and an interval for refreshing the
Patient Dashboard.
► Select the period from which the patients are displayed:
• Select Show only exams of today.
• If needed, also select Additionally show exams of yesterday and tomorrow.
► Select the type of examination that is displayed.
• Disable Show Completed and Discontinued Exams to show only upcoming and current
• Enable Show Completed and Discontinued Exams to include these exams in the Patient
► Close the window to save the settings.
The Patient Tasks Bar guides you through the examination. Each tab on the Patient Tasks Bar
represents a task:
• Prepare
• Plan
• Review
• Analysis
• Print
The Exam Overview is always visible, independent of the current patient task (Prepare, Plan,
Review, Analysis, Print), as it is essential for each examination.
• The Exam Overview gives an overview of the current examination.
The Exam Overview provides you with buttons, drop-down menus and a context menu to
control the course of an examination.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
2 Show all postprocessing steps displays all { Heuvel, Martina van den,
postprocessing steps per EC item above the 11/27/2020 1:08:31 PM:
Exam Overview. reference}
3 More Options: { Heuvel, Martina van den,
• Save ExamCard allows to save the scan 11/27/2020 1:08:31 PM:
items of the current examination as reference}
5 Scan Overview
8 Thumbnail Overview
9 Drop-down menu: Actions that change the workflow state: { Heuvel, Martina van den,
• Start Exam • Start Exam: You start the examination 11/27/2020 1:08:31 PM:
when the patient is registered and the reference}
• Release Patient
ExamCard assigned.
• Complete Exam
• Release Patient: You confirm that the
• Discontinue
acquisition of the scans is done. You can
still review and analyze the imaging
series, while you prepare the scanner
for the next patient.
• Complete Exam: You confirm that all
work for this exam is done. Archiving is
started for all series that are marked for
archive, but have not been archived yet.
A MPPS Complete message is sent to
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 12/1/2020 6:49:11 PM: Confluence ... https://
The Thumbnail Overview shows one thumbnail (representative image) per imaging series of
the current examination in Review. It provides you with a preview of all types of imaging series
which includes scans, reformats and any type of series created by a post-processing step.
Each thumbnail shows the scan number and the scan name. When you hover of the thumbnail,
more information is displayed.
The Scan Overview shows the items of the current ExamCard and their status.
In the Scan Overview, you control the course of the current examination:
• You add new EC items for scanning.
Invalid The scan item is invalid and cannot be executed (e.g. because
it originates from an older release).
Conflict (being modified) The scan item containing a parameter conflict is being
Conflict (await update) The scan item containing a parameter conflict awaits update.
Icon Tooltip Explanation
Safety warning When a scan item has high SAR, high SED or high PNS, the
tooltip of this Safety icon gives information about SAR, SED
and PNS.
Table movement normal Table moves before scanning or in between stacks within the
Table movement active While the table is moving, it is indicated in yellow warning
The tooltip gives color.
information about tabletop
movement, e.g. 12.6mm in
or Multiple Positions.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den,
1/8/2021 9:07:52 AM:
should be UI elements?}
End fragment title: 2 Safety and Tabletop
A, B, C GeoLink:
• The selected GeoLink is indicated.
You assign a GeoLink to a scan item in the context menu of the
• Scan Overview.
End fragment title: 4 Geometry: Links, names and propagation
Node title (original): 5 contrast agent, pause, manual start and ID: 116371818251
breathhold Status: Released
Click to specify mandatory Patient requires contrast, and contrast is not prepared.
information Enter the required information in the Contrast Injection
Parameters window which opens automatically, when you
enable Contrast.
Pause before scan Scan pauses after the completion of previous scan when
AutoContinue is enabled.
You enable the pause in the context menu of the Scan
Manual start Scan pauses after the preparation phases before the actual
image acquisition.
You enable Manual start in the Advanced Parameters.
End fragment title: 5 contrast agent, pause, manual start and breathhold
Node title (original): Icons SmartExam ID: 117376974987-1
Status: Released
Smart learned locked Geometry is smart, learned and locked for further learning.
Smart learning disabled Geometry is smart and still learning, but Smart is disabled, or
the smart survey is missing.
Smart learning locked Geometry is smart, still learning, but locked for further
Spine smart learned locked Geometry is smart spine, learned, but locked for further
Spine smart learning Geometry is smart spine and still learning (not validated).
Spine smart learning Geometry is smart spine and still learning but locked for
locked further learning.
Smart name conflict Geometry is smart, but given a name that already exists for a
non-smart geometry.
Smart planning The smart geometry is applied: the smart survey is analyzed
and the smart geometries are planned.
Smart spine planning The smart spine geometry is applied: the smart spine survey is
analyzed and the smart geometries are planned.
End fragment title: Icons SmartExam
End fragment title: 6 SmartExam
Scan progress
Icon Tooltip Explanation
Awaiting recon The item awaits resources and is started as soon as sufficient
resources are available.
Postprocessing in progress New series are being generated. The progress is shown using a
horizontal progress bar in %. This bar is placed at the bottom
end of the processing icon.
The context menu provides different functions depending on the status of the EC items (or
already completed imaging series ) in the Thumbnail Overview or Scan Overview.
ImageAlgebra (MR
Echo Accumulation
ADA (Advanced
Diffusion Analysis)
End fragment title: 1 Functions for completed EC items
Node title (original): 2 Functions for EC items during planning ID: 116392730379
Status: Released
See Administration
Image Export Sorting
• Paste
• Delete
Allows to link scans with different geometry See Workflow Assignng GeoLink
GeoLink parameters to each other.
Status: Released
The Exam Dashboard gives access to information and functionality which is needed during
The Exam Dashboard is a vertically aligned dashboard located on the side of the screen.
1. Header with patient name and Toggle Button:
The Scan Preview (F7) shows the latest reconstructed image of the scan currently in progress.
Scan Preview allows you to:
• Refresh the display and display the Live scan status.
• Maximize (and minimize) Scan Preview.
• Navigate through imaging series of the current examination in maximized view.
The image information (displayed in Scan Preview) is different in minimized and maximized
Minimized view Maximized view
Information displayed along Information of the completed scan: Information of the completed scan:
with the images • Series number. • Patient name.
• Reconstruction number. • Image information as provided in the
• Scan name. Review environment. { Heuvel,
Martina van den, 10/27/2020
This section of the Exam Dashboard displays safety-related information of the current scan, and
the status of AutoVoice and of the Ventilation (airflow) in the bore.
It also allows to:
• Enable (or disable) and adjust AutoVoice for the current examination: ,
– Select the AutoVoice language.
– Set AutoVoice to Manual or Automatic.
• Adjust the Ventilation settings.
Node title (original): 01 - SAR, SED and PNS ID: 116847400203
Status: Released
Safety-related Information
The SAR and PNS values are displayed for each scan in progress. The SED value increases over
time with the acquisition of each scan. The bar indicates the SED status:
• The bar shows the scheduled SED in light grey and the delivered SED in dark grey.
• Once the delivered SED exceeds 3.5 kJ/kg the color changes to yellow.
• White color (with a downward arrow) shows the current SED.
If SED, SAR or PNS exceed the upper limit, a warning icon is displayed besides the value.
Node title (original): SAR SED PNS screengrabs and explanation ID: 116847401227-2
Status: Released
• SED, SAR and • Regular SED • Regular SED • SED exceeded • SED, SAR and
PNS with no (medium), SAR PNS exceeded
data and PNS
End fragment title: SAR SED PNS screengrabs and explanation
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Node title (original): 02 - SAR, SED, PNS - Hover for more ID: 116542148491
information Status: Released
• Ventilation is off.
End fragment title: status ventilation in Bore
When you hover over the icon, the current ventilation level is displayed, e.g. Ventilation Level 3
End fragment title: 03 - Status of Ventilation in Bore
Status of AutoVoice
• AutoVoice is enabled.
• AutoVoice is disabled.
When you hover over the icon, the AutoVoice status and selected language are displayed,
e.g. AutoVoice English (US)
End fragment title: 04 - Status of AutoVoice
3 (Reserved for) PPU signal or External • Allows to select another physiology signal.
4 (Reserved for) respiratory signal • Displays icons that indicate the battery level, the
connectivity of the wireless battery module, the status of
• Respiratory Belt
VCG calibration, and the status of a Manual Breathhold.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
5 Only available when AutoVoice is set Select any AutoVoice set for your manual breathhold
to Manual. scanning.
• Expiration-long:
Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in... Breathe out...
Hold your breath
• Expiration:
Breathe in... Breathe out... Hold your breath
• Direct:
Hold your breath
6 Use the intercom to give breath hold Displays the advice to use the intercom for breath hold
instructions instructions.
Context menu
The context menu provides you with more functionality:
Item Explanation
In the Physiology Display, icons indicate the battery level, the connectivity of the wireless
battery module, the status of VCG calibration, and the status of a Manual Breathhold.
When you right-click the Physiology Display, the Extended Physiology Display opens. It displays
the same icons in a larger window. You can reposition or resize the Extended Physiology Display
when you drag the header or the borders.
Icon Explanation
Display Options
Item Explanation
View Gridlines To enable or disable the display of gridlines with the physiology signals.
Magnet Display To enable or disable the display of physiology signals on the Magnet Display
(only available on Achieva systems, depending on their configuration).
The Magnet Display uses the same settings as the Physiology Display in the
Exam Dashboard. You cannot change the settings on the Magnet Display itself.
VCG Calibration
Item Explanation
Inside bore
Item Explanation
When you change any setting of VCG calibration, this change has immediate effect on the R-
peak detection.
This is valid for: manual or continuous VCG calibration, inside or outside bore VCG calibration
and change of the trigger threshold.
Battery Level
Icon Explanation
Communication Strength
Only applicable for Wireless Physiology, and not for Wired Physiology.
Icon Explanation
Wireless Connection
For Wireless Physiology, you need to select the wireless network. .
Icon Explanation
Network Selection
To select the wireless network for your type of VCG and PPU/Resp module.
Expression MR200
Expression MR400
End fragment title: 5 Wireless Connection
NIBP non-invasive blood pressure
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On the Exam Dashboard, you see the progress of the current examination, and you start, stop,
pause and resume the examination.
1 Information about current scan Once the ExamCard is started, this scan protocol
protocol information is displayed here:
• Name of scan protocol
• Remaining scan duration
• Number of scan protocol in ExamCard as
<current number/total number of all scans in
2 Information about current ExamCard Once the ExamCard is selected, this ExamCard
information is displayed are:
• Name of ExamCard
• Remaining examination duration
In all scans that make use of VCG, VCG calibration is required to ensure correct triggering.
VCG calibration analyzes the detected ECG-signal to determine the R-peak in the QRS-complex:
A trigger algorithm determines which peak in the detected ECG-signal is marked as R-peak. A
trigger marker is assigned to the signal (and displayed in the Physiology Display) if all criteria of
the trigger algorithm are met.
3.9.8 ExamCards
Last Content Modificator: ID: 116034352011
Status: Released
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– Geometry reuse:
Scan protocols within an ExamCard can share the same geometry settings.
If you plan one scan protocol with a specific geometry, all scan protocols with the same
geometry are planned automatically.
Geometries are mapped by name.
– Information about the ExamCard and the scan protocols:
A short description is available with an example image.
– ExamCard Properties:
ExamCard Properties are parameters that are valid for the complete examination, such
as Patient position (for example: supine or prone).
For more informatiation, see chapter “Functional Description of the Exam Setup” on
page 849.
• ExamCards are organized in ExamCard databases.
• You can create your own ExamCards according to your specific needs.
End fragment title: What is an EC?
You find examples of ExamCards and scan protocols in the ExamCard databases (EC databases),
and you can store your own ExamCards here.
An EC database can be locked or unlocked:
• Locked EC databases cannot be changed, deleted, or overwritten.
• A lock is indicated by the Lock icon besides the EC database name.
Philips Philips ExamCards and scan • ExamCards and scan protocols in this database can
protocols only be used for scanning.
• The Philips EC database is always locked and cannot
be changed or overwritten.
• Some ExamCards are delivered as an example and
as starting point for the creation of your own
ExamCards. You find them in the Philips EC
database in the folder ExampleCards.
Hospital Hospital ExamCards and scan • ExamCards and scan protocols in this database can
protocols be used for scanning. They can be changed, deleted,
and overwritten.
• You can lock the Hospital EC database using
password protection.
For more information, see password protection.
Other Reserved for Import and Export of • ExamCards and scan protocols can always be stored
ExamCards and scan protocols in this database.
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The default password is: Philips
With Central Protocol Management (CPM) being used in your institution, your Hospital
ExamCard database is locked and you cannot edit it.
For more information about CPM, see chapter “Central Protocol Management (CPM)” on page
470 and the Instructions for Use of CPM.
End fragment title: reference to CPM
End fragment title: EC Databases
ExamCards are saved to and retrieved from the patient database with the examination.
• Saving an examination will also save the corresponding ExamCard
– when saving into any patient database;
– when exporting to devices.
• Retrieving an examination will also retrieve an ExamCard
– when retrieving from any patient database;
ExamCards are not retrieved from datasets acquired with previous software releases.
• It provides a central repository for all Hospital ExamCards for all connected MRI systems.
• It enables editing of ExamCards in the central repository (with validity check).
• It makes central ExamCards available for the use on local MRI systems.
The CPM service solution is compatible with Philips MRI systems on software release 5.4 and
For more information, see Instructions for Use of CPM.
• the Hospital ExamCard (EC) database is locked for any ExamCard editing on your local
MRI system.
– You cannot unlock the Hospital EC database.
– Authorized operators edit Hospital ExamCards only centrally, but not on the local MRI
• the Other EC database is not locked.
– To edit local ExamCards on your MRI system, save the ExamCard to the Other EC
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– Distribute the validated ExamCard to connected MRI systems via CPM.
ExamCards are automatically restarted when a failure in the ExamCards application occurs.
This prevents the need of restarting the complete application software and consequently saves
3.9.9 SmartExam
Affix: MAP ID: 117137044875
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
This section describes the main features of SmartExam, and also covers SmartExam Spine and
SmartExam Breast.
SmartExam is a tool that automates planning, scanning and processing in brain, knee, shoulder,
breast, cervical and lumbar spine examinations. Automatic planning and scanning is realized by
SmartPlan, automatic processing by SmartLine Processing.
End fragment title: SmartExam
• The Smart ExamCard has to start with a SmartSurvey. The SmartSurvey is a dedicated 3D
survey scan covering the anatomic region completely.
You cannot change the parameters of the SmartSurvey.
• In a Smart ExamCard, only SmartGeometries can be planned automatically.
• Existing ’normal’ geometries need to be
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SmartGeometries can be locked to protect them against being overwritten.
For more information, see Lock and unlock Smart geometries.
Refer to the Coils chapter to find out which coils can be used and are supported for SmartExam.
End fragment title: prerequisites for SmartExam SmartPlan
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 117120811531
Status: Released
Node title (original): SmartPlan with mention of breast (now all ID: 116871217163
system types) Status: Released
Affix: Ingenia Achieva Optimus Multiva Jaguar-Atl
SmartPlan is available for head, knee, shoulder, breast, cervical and lumbar spine examinations.
It is a tool that helps in automatically planning scans with respect to the geometry parameters
offcenter and angulation.
End fragment title: SmartPlan with mention of breast (now all system types)
SmartPlan makes use of an algorithm that automatically detects some typical anatomic
structures in a Smart survey, e.g. corpus callosum for brain examinations, but also symmetry
aspects are taken into account. These typical structures are recognized, stored and used as a
reference for further automatic planning.
SmartGeometry Database
SmartPlan makes use of a SmartGeometry database. In this database, anatomy-specific
SmartGeometries are stored. These SmartGeometries are predefined with the most common
way of planning and allow for the immediate use of SmartExam. If another way of planning is
preferred, user-specified Smart geometries can be created:
In the Philips geometry database, all angulations are set to zero for shoulder, breast, cervical
and lumbar spine. This is also referred to as ’Snap-to-table’.
The maximum number of SmartLine processing steps is 6.
Smart MPR
If a 3D scan is planned using SmartExam, angulations are stored relative to the volume in the
Smart MPR.
This means that every MPR will have the same orientation if this ExamCard is stored with the
SmartLine MPR, .
End fragment title: Smart MPR
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A SmartExam Spine examination requires additional features to cope with variations in planning
procedures compared to head, knee and shoulder examinations.
Every spine examination is unique. It is not always known beforehand at which disc level the
transverse scans need to be positioned. SmartExam Spine comes with a unique graphical user
interface. A schematic drawing of the spine allows easy definition of the precise levels for each
Often a high resolution scan is necessary to determine the precise locations at which the
transverse stacks must be planned. A Philips-unique snapping mechanism is implemented:
dragging a stack in the graphical planscan user interface from one disc level to another results
in the stack snapping precisely to the new disc level. This snapping occurs according to the user
prefered planning as learned during the training phase.
If necessary, all stacks can be freely manipulated to tweak and train SmartExam planning
better. The graphical planscan user interface automatically differentiates between manual fine
tuning of individual stacks and dropping stacks at different levels.
Severe pathology or metal might cause SmartExam Spine to fail.
Different to other anatomies, Image Based (IB) Shimming is automatically performed as part of
SmartExam Breast, based on the SmartBreast shimming algorithm.
SmartBreast shimming requires that a SmartBreast survey is performed. The SmartBreast
survey is designed to acquire the entire volume of tissue placed in the breast coil. It is
important to position the patient so that they are in the center of the chosen coil. As with other
Smart Surveys, first 3D images are acquired, then orthogonal reconstructions (including both
left and right breasts) are created and automatically updated in the view ports upon completion
of the SmartExam analysis.
Smart Surveys with the
orthogonal reconstructions.
To provide optimal shimming for the tissue of interest, SmartBreast shimming uses the 3D
volume acquired during the SmartBreast Survey: an automatic segmentation is performed that
Shimming is performed on the remaining breast and axillae, leading to a uniform flip angle in
the areas of interest and uniform fat suppression. Optimal shimming is obtained by calculating
a B0 map before shimming and making adjustments to the shim in order to optimize the B0 in
the segmented area.
B0 maps.
Once calculations are completed they are available to the system to be applied to any sequence
in which SmartBreast shimming is the enabled shim parameter.
To utilize the segmentation algorithm for the SPIR and SPAIR sequences, enable SmartBreast
shimming by the 'Shimming' parameter on the 'Contrast' tab.
A shim box is not visualized, and the values calculated by SmartBreast shimming are used.
A system with SmartBreast enabled is delivered with trained Smart Geometries. The
SmartBreast geometries are trained at 0 angle, covering the breasts:
• Cor_PH –centered right to left
• Sag_PH – centered foot to head according to the breast tissue
• Tra_PH – centered to just anterior to the subcutaneous adipose tissue and chest wall,
midway right and left between the breasts.
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Planning example.
If the provided Smart Geometries do not meet the user's individual needs, site specific
geometries can be trained. For more information, refer to the section SmartExam:
Workflow ’Set up a Smart ExamCard’.
Related parameters
• Shim (values relevant for SmartExam Breast: IB-Volume, SmartBreast)
• RF Shim (values relevant for SmartExam Breast: IB-Volume, SmartBreast)
• Interactive F0
Presets for contrast administration store contrast-agent specific attributes. Use these presets to
avoid repetitive typing when you enter mandatory contrast agent information.
The Contrast Preset Settings are available in the Settings and Tools on the Navigation Bar.
You can add new presets and you can modify, delete and share them among MRI systems. The
presets are password-protected.
Each contrast preset contains the following information.
Node title (original): 1 - contrast-agent specific attributes ID: 114088722955
stored in presets Status: Released
Commercial name (of contrast agent) Free text uniquely identifying the preset such as
• Magnevist
• intracutaneous
• intraperitoneal
• intramedullary
• intrahecal
• intra-articular
• intraepithelial
• topical
• oral
• transluminal
• intraluminal
• extraluminal
• by inhalation
{ Maethger, Maria, 8/24/2020 4:00:06 PM: Not sure what's this section. Maybe it is better in
the operation "Adding a new Preset" 114088842507?}
Carefully read the contrast agent label and look up the maximum dosage prescribed. The
Contrast Preset Settings window guides you with the message:
The goal of this workflow is to add a new contrast preset for the registration of contrast agent
• You add new presets independent of an examination.
• During an examination, you select the preset instead of manually entering all mandatory
contrast-agent specific attributes.
Node title (original): adding preset from contrast admin ID: 114088961675
window & from System menu Status: Released
► To open the Contrast Preset Settings, click Settings and Tools in the Navigation Bar
and then Contrast Preset Settings....
► To unlock the preset database, click Unlock to Customize and enter the password.
► Click Add Preset (1), then do any of the following:
• Select Create Preset (2) from the drop-down menu.
This option allows to create a new preset from scratch.
• Select Duplicate Current Preset (3) from the drop-down menu.
This option allows to modify a duplicate of the current preset and save with a different
• Select Import Presets (4) from the drop-down menu.
This option allows you to import presets from other systems to your system. For more
information on importing contrast presets, see chapter “Importing presets” on page 483.
► Enter or select values for all contrast-specific attributes. All fields are mandatory, missing
fields are marked by an orange asterisk.
For more information about contrast-agent specific attributes, see chapter “Functional
Description” on page 478.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/15/2020 9:42:10 AM: I have not reviewed in detail, since I think
that you reused most of the old texts and replaced the graphics. It looks good to me so far.
More when I'm back from my vacation.}
The goal of this workflow is to edit a preset for the registration of contrast agent injection.
⊳ In the Contrast Preset Settings window:
► To unlock the preset database, click Unlock to Customize and enter the password.
► Select the preset you want to modify from the preset drop-down menu, then click Edit.
► Edit the values for the contrast-specific attributes you want to change. All fields are
mandatory, missing fields are marked by a red asterisk.
For more information about contrast-agent specific attributes, see chapter “” on page 478.
► Do any of the following:
• To save the preset when all mandatory fields are entered correctly and to close the
window, click Save.
• To close the window without saving, click Cancel.
The goal of this workflow is to delete a preset for the registration of contrast agent injection.
⊳ In the Contrast Preset Settings window:
► To unlock the preset database, click Unlock to Customize and enter the password.
► Select the preset you want to delete from the preset drop-down menu, then click Delete.
You can share contrast presets among your MRI systems. By this there is no need to manually
enter identical presets at all systems.
To copy contrast administration presets from one MRI system to other MRI systems:
• First you export your presets to a USB stick.
• Then at the other MRI systems you import these presets from the USB stick.
You can also use the Export/Import functionality to backup your presets.
Node title (original): Exporting Contrast presets ID: 114115008267
Status: Released
Exporting presets
⊳ In the Contrast Preset Settings window:
► To select the destination, browse to the desired folder (possibly located on a USB stick).
► To start the export procedure, click Export.
• Every preset is saved as a separate file.
• The name of the preset is used as name of the file.
• If a file of the same name already exists, it is overwritten by the newest version.
⇨ When the export is completed, the message "Successfully exported x presets" is displayed.
"x" is the number of exported presets.
End fragment title: Exporting Contrast presets
Importing presets
⊳ In the Contrast Preset Settings window:
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► To unlock the preset database, click Unlock to Customize and enter the password.
► To import contrast presets from a folder, click Add (1) and select Import Presets... (2) from
the drop-down menu.
► To select the source, browse to the desired folder (possibly located on a USB stick).
► Select the presets that you want to import.
• To select one preset, click on its name.
• To select multiple consecutive presets, hold Shift while dragging over the presets.
• To select multiple individual presets, hold Ctrl while clicking on the presets.
► To start the import procedure, click Import.
If a preset of the same name already exists, it is overwritten by the newest version.
⇨ When the import is completed, the message "Successfully imported x presets" is displayed.
"x" is the number of imported presets.
End fragment title: Importing Contrast presets
AutoVoice provides the option to give pre-recorded, automated instructions to the patient
during scanning. Use AutoVoice to instruct or inform the patient about:
• Breathholds
• Scan duration
Instruction text <language> Actual text of the instruction (displayed in the selected UI language).
You can also create your own presets and save them as a new set of instructions, see chapter
“Customizing Instruction Sets” on page 486.
End fragment title: Customize AutoVoice
For each breathhold scan, settings are displayed on the Physiology Display in the Exam
Overview (see table). All or some of these settings can be adjusted, depending on the type of
Breathhold mode Indicate whether breathholds must be done during inspiration or expiration.
Slices/Breathhold Set the number of slices that must be scanned during a single breathhold.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Voice instruction (AutoVoice Select the type of instruction that must be played: direct, normal, or long
only) duration.{ Maethger, Maria, 10/19/2020 2:00:56 PM: UI Text "long, direct,
Breath hold guidance (AutoVoice Select the type of breathhold guidance. Select Use AutoVoice settings to use
only) the system level settings (when enabled on system level), AutoVoice will be
Select Manual to force a manual instruction, even when AutoVoice is enabled
on system level.
To enable AutoVoice on system level and to define which features of AutoVoice to use:
► Click Settings and Tools in the Navigation Bar and then AutoVoice Settings....
⇨ The AutoVoice window opens.
► On the Settings tab, click the AutoVoice check box, to enable or disable AutoVoice.
End fragment title: Enable or disable AutoVoice_system level
Once AutoVoice is enabled, select the type of instructions or information you want AutoVoice
to provide.
► Click the check box in front of an instruction to enable or disable it. You can select:
• Guide all patients through breathhold scans.
• Inform all patients about the duration of the scan before the start of each scan.
• Warn all patients before the table moves.
The AutoVoice preset instructions are listed in the AutoVoice window. To view the presets:
► Click Settings and Tools in the Navigation Bar and then AutoVoice Settings....
► Select the Customize instruction sets tab.
⇨ The list with all available instructions within a set are displayed.
The Phillips presets are available in various languages. To select a different language:
► Click the arrow next to the language drop-down menu.
► Select the language you want to use.
► To play an instruction, click the Play icon in front of the instruction.
End fragment title: AV Instruction sets_general
• To import a set from another location, click Import set from a file.
The Philips presets cannot be changed but they can be duplicated and then customized. The
Philips presets are indicated by a lock icon in front of the preset name.
End fragment title: AV Create customized set
► Click the instruction you want to edit. The instruction line is highlighted.
Status: Released
Renaming a set
Philips preset instructions cannot be renamed. These presets are indicated with a lock icon in
front of the name.
► Select the set you want to rename.
Deleting a set
Philips preset instructions cannot be deleted. These presets are indicated with a lock icon in
front of the name.
To delete a customized set:
► Select the set you want to delete.
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► Click Delete.
► Confirm that you want to delete the set and click Yes.
End fragment title: AV Delete a set
Export a preset
To export a preset for back-up or use on other systems:
► Select the preset you want to export.
► Click the Export button.
► Choose the location where you want to save the preset.
► Click Select.
⇨ The preset is saved as a zip-file.
End fragment title: AV export a set
Fig. 113: Sound waves indicated in the Edit & Record window. Without (a) and with (b) an extra silent period before
and after the instruction.
In the Image Display Settings, you can change the way you look at the images (image
orientation) and the way images are numbered (slice order) at system level. You can:
• Change the default display settings.
• Create customized settings for specific anatomies.
Settings apply to the operator's console, remote workstations and PACS systems after system
Ensure that information regarding patient position, patient orientation and anatomic region is
entered correctly in the ExamCard Properties (see ). Only then the image display is correct for
each anatomy and each way of positioning.
The Image Display Settings are available in the Settings and Tools on the Navigation Bar.
The Display settings for field shows for which anatomies the displayed settings are applicable.
The display settings and slice order are indicated by an image for each plane, sagittal, coronal
and transverse.
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You can change the default settings using the buttons described in chapter “Changing Image
Display Settings” on page 491.
When you create customized settings for specific anatomies, a new field is added underneath
the default field (see chapter “Setting Anatomy-Specific Image Display Settings” on page 493).
The top field always displays the default settings.
The image display settings are locked and require a password to change.
To change the image display settings:
⊳ In the Image Display Settings window:
Fig. 114: The images indicate the selected display settings. a. Original settings. b. Sagittal plane image display settings
are mirrored. c. Sagittal and coronal plane image display settings are flipped.
Slice order
► To change slice display order, click the Change slice order button under the plane for which
you want to change the reviewing slice order.
The direction of the arrow indicating the slice order changes. The arrow on the slice order
button also changes direction.
► Click the Change slice order button again to return to the previous setting.
Fig. 115: Change of slice order. a. Original settings. b. Slice order change for transverse orientation. The arrow
indicating the slice order and the arrow on the slice order button both change direction.
Save changes
► Click Save to save changes you made to the image display settings.
► Click Reset at the left top, to remove all changes and to return to previously saved
settings but to remain within the Image Display Settings window.
After reset, you go back to the earlier settings.
► Click Cancel to close the Image Display Settings window without saving changes.
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When display settings are already customized for an unpaired anatomy, sagittal slice order can
no longer be changed at default level. To change the sagittal slice order for unpaired
anatomies, remove anatomy-specific settings for unpaired anatomies first. The sagittal slice
order for paired anatomies such as knee and elbow can always be customized.
Anatomy-specific settings that differ from the default settings are highlighted in blue.
Fig. 116: Image display settings that are different from default settings are highlighted in blue. a. Default settings. b.
Mirrored settings for sagittal head images, flipped settings coronal head images. c. Slice order change for transverse
head images.
Customized settings cannot be combined for all anatomies. Paired anatomies (hips, knees,
ankles, feet, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands) cannot be combined with head, neck,
thorax, spine, abdomen, breast, and pelvis anatomies.
Fig. 117: Image display settings that are different from default settings are highlighted in blue a. Flipped images for
transverse foot images, applicable for both sides. b. Mirrored sagittal images for the right foot only. c. Slice order
change for sagittal images of right foot and coronal images, applicable for both sides.
Save settings
► Click Export at the top right of the Image Display Settings window.
► Click Browse and navigate to the location where you want to save the settings.
► Click Select.
► Click Export to finalize the export. The Image Display settings are saved under file name
► Click Import , at the top right of the Image Display Settings window.
► Click Browse and navigate to the location where previously stored settings are saved.
► Select the required file and click Select.
► Click Import in the Import Preset window to start the import.
This section describes the ExamCard Manager and how to edit ExamCards independently of the
current examination.
The ExamCard Manager is available in Settings and Tools on the Navigation Bar.
With the ExamCard Manager, you modify the Hospital ExamCard database independently of
the current examination. The ExamCard Manager allows you:
• To create a new ExamCard.
• To edit (copy, modify, rename, delete, import and export) an existing ExamCard in the same
way as during an examination.
• To edit EC items (scan protocols) in the Advanced Parameters.
• To reorder EC items.
• To filter ExamCards based on their RIS code.
• To assign a popularity to the ExamCard. ExamCards with a higher popularity appear higher
on the list of ExamCards (with similar RIS code).
• To save this ExamCard so that you can reuse it in the examinations.
• To manage SmartGeometries in the SmartGeometries Database.
The ExamCard Manager provides you with
• Realistic information about SED (Specific Energy Dose).
The calculation of the SED is based on the knowledge of the patient weight, and the values
on the scan information page are coil dependent. For a calculation as accurate as possible,
you must enter a patient weight and select the coil you are going to use.
• The scan information page.
For more information, see chapter “Scan Information Page” on page 919.
The default password is: Philips
Hospital administrators or your service provider can change or reset the ExamCard Manager
The ExamCard Manager... opens with four columns where the left-most column displays the
ExamCard databases. Initially the other three columns are empty and only filled from left to
right when an ExamCard database is selected.
1. ExamCard databases and
(sub-)anatomy folders with
the RIS Code filter
2. ExamCards in selected
(sub-)anatomy folder
3. ExamCard items of selected
4. Information for selected
ExamCard or ExamCard
When you edit or create an ExamCard, the Exam Setup and the Scan Overview are displayed
and allow to work in the usual way.
When you edit an ExamCard item, the Scan Overview and the Advanced Parameters are
displayed and allow to work in the usual way.
• Popularity of the ExamCard ( The more light gray bars, the higher the popularity).
• A button to adjust Smart Exam: depending on the ExamCard either Convert to SmartExam
or Manage SmartExam
Status: Released
You create and edit ExamCards independently of the current examination with the ExamCard
Node title (original): 0 Starting up the EC Manager ID: 117081117579
Status: Released
To set the ExamCard to the highest popularity, click (Set Highest Popularity).
Philips prelearned SmartGeometries are grayed out and cannot be deleted.
► Click SmartGeometries.
The SmartGeometries Database window opens.
► To browse to the SmartGeometries that you want to change, select the anatomy and
anatomic region from the drop-down list.
► To delete a SmartGeometry, select the geometry. Then click Remove Selected.
► To delete samples of a SmartGeometry, select the Samples. Then click Remove Selected.
► To import or export a SmartGeometry, click Import or Export. Then select the destination.
► To lock the SmartGeometries Database, click Lock Database.
► To leave the SmartGeometries Database, click Close.
End fragment title: Workflow Managing SmartGeometries
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
You import and export ExamCards, and you lock or unlock the Hospital ExamCard Database
with the ExamCard Manager.
You lock the Hospital ExamCard Database to write-protect it and to prevent it is overwritten by
⊳ You are in the password-protected ExamCard Manager.
► Ciick Databases.
► To lock the Hospital database, right-click it. Then select Lock Database.
► To unlock the Hospital database, right-click it. Then select Unlock Database.
Node title (original): Intro: Reason for export or import ID: 117405810315-1
Status: Released
You export or import ExamCards to reuse the ExamCard on another Philips MRI scanner.
In this case, always make sure that the configurations of the systems are identical.
Otherwise the ExamCard(s) possibly do not work or provide lower quality than expected.
End fragment title: Intro: Reason for export or import
Node title (original): Contact service provider for export or ID: 117408870667-1
import of EC database Status: Released
If you want to import or export a complete ExamCard database, contact your service provider.
End fragment title: Contact service provider for export or import of EC database
Node title (original): Intro: Reason for export or import ID: 117405810315-2
Status: Released
You export or import ExamCards to reuse the ExamCard on another Philips MRI scanner.
In this case, always make sure that the configurations of the systems are identical.
Otherwise the ExamCard(s) possibly do not work or provide lower quality than expected.
End fragment title: Intro: Reason for export or import
⊳ Prerequisite: The software release of the import destination folder is the same as or newer
than the source folder.
1. Right-click any ExamCard database, then select Import ExamCards....
2. Browse to the ExamCard which has to be imported. Then click Import.
⇨ The Import destination always is the InBox of the Other ExamCards database.
⇨ During the import of ExamCards, geometry filtering removes the unused geometries from
the ExamCards.
Node title (original): Contact service provider for export or ID: 117408870667-2
import of EC database Status: Released
If you want to import or export a complete ExamCard database, contact your service provider.
End fragment title: Contact service provider for export or import of EC database
When you face problems during your daily operation, you provide feedback with the Feedback
tool. This tool is available in Settings and Tools on the operator's console of your MRI system.
Inform your service provider when you submitted feedback: The service provider must read out
your feedback and forward it to Philips.
Node title (original): Preparing DICOM images for the Customer ID: 117119938315
Feedback tool Status: Released
If DICOM images were not prepared, an error message is displayed.
In this case, follow the instructions given to include DICOM images.
The Operator-Patient Intercom enables communication with the patient, it provides music to
the patient and signals when the patient uses the nurse call.
Node title (original): Achieva Bore Microphone Headset ID: 27021616838592395
Microphone Status: Released
Affix: Achieva
During a scan the microphone of the headset is active, when the system is idle the bore
microphone is active.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Number Description
1 Microphone
Number Description
3 Talk volume
4 Music volume
7 Listen on/off
8 Listen volume
End fragment title: Operator-Patient Intercom- overview
Node title (original): Note about configuration and eventually ID: 18014450204894475
missing Emergency Table Stop button Status: Released
Affix: all except Jaguar
*) Note that depending on your system configuration the intercom may not have an Emergency
Table Stop button.
End fragment title: Note about configuration and eventually missing Emergency Table Stop button
You can find definitions of used symbols in the symbol glossary on the following website:
The keyboard is used to enter text such as patient data and annotations.
At times, keyboard entry is disabled by the system. When this occurs, all new keystrokes are
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
ignored and an audible signal is sounded. To rectify this, click on the window to make it active.
A keyboard overlay shows the functions of all function keys on your keyboard in the system
application software.
Node title (original): Keyboard strip Rest of World ID: 9007315358359307
(international) Status: NotReleased
F1 Help...
F2 New Patient
F3 Patient Directory
F4 Patient Dashboard
F5 Refresh
F6 Job Viewer
F7 Scan Preview
F8 Start (scan)
Pause (scan)
Before you start with the preparation of the patient and the examination:
• Verify patient identity.
• Prescreen the patient for contraindications. { Heuvel, Martina van den, 11/16/2020
3:34:38 PM: link to safety}
• Inform the patient over the course of the examination, e.g. scan and exam duration, noise,
communication, tabletop movement, breathhold commands).
• If applicable, prepare the intravenous line.
ISO/IEC: 24658
Note that for every new patient the following items must be replaced (if applicable):
• Mattress paper.
• Ear plugs.
• ECG pads.
Node title (original): NO MR5300 ID: 9007317620227339-1
Status: Released
• Alternatively (manual operation): Press the `Manual' button and move the tabletop out
of the magnet manually until the parking position is reached. The tabletop then locks
into place automatically.
► Lower the tabletop to the appropriate height by pressing the tumble switch down to the
`Out/down' position and holding it there until the appropriate height is reached.
• The table should not be at its lowest position when a heavy patient is placed upon it. It
should be raised at least 15 cm from its lowest point to ensure ease of vertical
The trolley allows patient preparation for an examination while the previous patient is being
scanned. Positioning of coils, positioning aids, monitoring and triggering equipment can be
done outside the examination room.
Trolley Compatibility
Node title (original): 67773 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.(HAZ-PS. ID: 36028858014482059-2
69.1, HAZ-PS.70.1) Status: Released
Tilted tabletop due to incompatible patient transportation system.
Risk of patient falling off tabletop and serious injury.
• Only use the patient transport system intended for your system.
• On Achieva/Multiva systems: only use the Achieva/Multiva trolleys.
• On digital MR systems: only use the FlexTrak.
FlexTrak systems and compatible tabletops are labeled with FlexTrak Label.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Tilted tabletop due to incompatible patient transportation system.
Risk of patient falling off tabletop and serious injury.
• Only use the patient transport system intended for your system.
• On Achieva systems: only use the Achieva trolleys.
• On digital MR systems: only use the FlexTrak.
FlexTrak systems and compatible tabletops are labeled with FlexTrak Label.
General safety
ISO/IEC: 24313
Patient falling off the Trolley.
Risk of serious patient injury.
• Do not to leave a patient unattended on the Trolley.
• Apply the wheel locks before a patient is moved to the tabletop.
• Apply the wheel locks when the Trolley is parked.
• Avoid fast movement, especially around corners.
• Fixate the patient if necessary.
Fingers, hands, or other extremities of the patient get stuck or hit.
Risk of serious patient injury.
• Watch patient extremities during transfer onto the tabletop.
• Make sure that patient extremities remain on the tabletop during transportation and
docking to the patient support.
• Use the arm supports or fixate the patient and extremities if necessary (for example for
sedated patients).
The safe working load for the tabletop on the trolley is 150 kg. This is the total weight of
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Docking Left/Right
Trolleys for Intera systems cannot dock at the ‘Patient support control panel’ side.
Every trolley is adjusted for docking to a specific side of the patient support and should never
be docked to the opposite side.
If manual positioning of the tabletop on the trolley is unavoidable, ensure that it is securely
locked in position by the endstops and the handle of the trolley.
Ensure that the patient's hands are within the arm supports, next to the body before patient
Ensure that the tabletop is in the correct and secure position on the trolley.
► Roll the trolley, with tabletop, patient, coils etc. away leaving the scanner free for the next
For safe patient transfer, use the trolley grips to move both trolley frame and tabletop
► Put the system tabletop back onto the support, figure 120 on page 515.
When the tabletop is positioned on the support by hand, make sure the tabletop is in its
outmost position. If this is not the case, the support cannot be moved in vertical direction.
To restore this, put the support in manual mode and push the tabletop to its outmost
mechanical endstop. Return to normal mode and the support can be moved vertical again.
Node title (original): Image Trolley Achieva ID: 54043202595153547
Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 120: Trolley: 1 - arm supports in use, 2 - using the brakes to lock the trolley, 3 - putting system tabletop back
onto the support.
End fragment title: Image Trolley Achieva
ISO/IEC: 24658
Note that for every new patient the following items must be replaced (if applicable):
• Mattress paper.
• Ear plugs.
• ECG pads.
Node title (original): NO MR5300 ID: 9007317620227339-2
Status: Released
This section describes the workflows needed to prepare the tabletop for an examination
• Moving the tabletop to its end stop,
• Lowering the tabletop.
Fig. 121: User Interface Module (UIM). 1: 'Manual' button, 2: Tumble switch.
End fragment title: Ingenia UIM 2 arrows
Fig. 122: User Interface Module (UIM). 1: 'Manual' button, 2: Tumble switch.
End fragment title: Optimus UIM 2 arrows
• To ensure optimum vertical and horizontal table movement, don't exceed the maximum
allowed patient weight.
Refer to the Instructions for Use for the maximum allowed patient weight for table and
Node title (original): same text as used in Ingenia Positioning ID: 116964466187-1
Map node Status: Released
This chapter provides some general information about positioning and describes the positioning
procedures for the various MRI examinations.
End fragment title: same text as used in Ingenia Positioning Map node
• Be aware that the first consideration in positioning is comfort, in the patient's interest and
to minimize motion artifacts.
• Use positioning cushions, sandbags and immobilization straps for comfort and stability.
Normal X-ray positioning cushions may also be used.
• Ensure that patients fit easily into the system when positioned off-center or semi-sitting.
If positioned semi-obliquely for a shoulder examination, the patient's raised shoulder may
impede passage into the system.
• Use the arm supports to prevent the patient from grabbing around the table sides and
pinching the fingers during horizontal table motion.
Node title (original): WARNING Arm supports versus finger ID: 9007202320022539
pinching Status: Released
Verify that patient’s hands are on the tabletop before moving the tabletop into the magnet
to avoid finger pinching.
Fingers can get pinched between tabletop and the system covers.
The special arm supports of the accessory set can be used to avoid finger pinching. The arm
supports prevent the patient from grabbing around the table sides avoiding finger pinching
during tabletop movement.
Fig. 123: Left: Arm support. Middle: Incorrect patient positioning. Right: Advised patient positioning with arm support (1) and padding (2).
End fragment title: WARNING Arm supports versus finger pinching
Hearing Protection
Node title (original): Acoustic noise protection ID: 9007200724271371-1
Status: Released
Basic hearing protection must be worn by the patient during scanning. Such hearing protection
is provided by appropriately fitted earplugs with sufficient damping (>30 dB).
Typical damping characteristic of the Philips' headset is 20 dB in the 1 kHz range.
Always apply hearing protection to the patient and anyone else present in the examination
room before start scanning.
Without hearing protection, noise levels may be high enough to cause discomfort or result
in temporary or even permanent loss of hearing.
Nurse Call
Node title (original): 24290 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PH.01 ID: 18014399979008907-1
Status: Released
The ‘Nurse call pinch ball’ must be given to every patient.
This allows for communication between the patient and the operator at all times.
Check correct functioning of the ‘Nurse call system’ before each examination.
Its use should always be demonstrated. If it is pressed quickly twice or once for a longer period,
the alarm bell will be heard and the light will be activated on the intercom.
• Cables have to run in a straight line to the connector.
Position and secure the cable on the mattress beside or in the groove.
Fig. 126: 1: Correct positioning (at the back of the magnet): the cables are straight. 2: 2: Wrong positioning (at the back of the magnet):
the cables are not straight. 3: Correct positioning: the cables are straight, a spacer is being used.
Flexible coils
• Use as many fixation bands as required to ensure stability.
• Attach the coil to the patient in such a way that respiration or normal patient movement
does not change its position.
• Do not place flexible coils ‘perpendicular’ to the patient's head-feet axis (= axis of the main
static field). In this orientation no MR signals can be received. Any other plane of
orientation is possible.
Electronics box
• Position the electronics box as far away from the FOV as possible.
• Extend the cable alongside the patient, avoiding loops, and plug it into one of the
Using flexible coils for head imaging, the Q-Head coil can be used to support or immobilize the
patient. Although it is not used, its connector must be plugged into one of the sockets to avoid
irreparable damage.
During a scan, no coil should ever be placed inside the magnet without connecting it to a
Design Volume coil: It comprises a base, a sliding coil and a head support accessory. The
coil may be lifted using one of the horizontal bars and supporting the base.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
Applications • Head
• Ankle or Feet
General remarks • This coil may be used in combination with any flexible coil in multi coil mode
(see chapter 6, coil combinations).
• During imaging with a flexible coil, the Q-Head coil must also be plugged into
a connector.
Remember to insert the coil connector into one of the sockets.
Starting a scan without it connected will damage the coil. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 18014404985197579
Status: Released
Brain examinations
1. Place the Q-Head coil at the very end of the tabletop.
2. Place the mattress on the table top. Make sure the head support is secure.
3. Place the patient on the tabletop with the head in the head support.
• If the patient has a short neck, it is advisable to place some padding over the lower part
of the support under the shoulders.
• Use the small wedges to immobilize the head by placing them firmly between the head
and the sides of the support.
• Use the head fixation strap for extra immobilization.
4. Pull the sliding part gently over the head and face.
Fig. 128: Patient positioning for brain examinations with Q-Head coil. 1: Q-Head coil open. 2: Q-Head coil closed. 3: Pediatric examination.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Applications • Brain
General remarks • On systems with a 6-channel acquisition system, this coil is available as a 6-
element coil only.
• This coil should only be used for ‘Head first’ studies.
• Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Markers on the coil • In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning
• On both sides for image quality verification (phantom)
Remember to insert the coil connector into one of the sockets.
Starting a scan without it connected will damage the coil.
Design Volume coil consisting of head support and anterior coil section. Two coil
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Applications • Brain
General remarks • This coil should only be used for ‘Head first’ studies.
• Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
Markers on the coil • In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning
Dual coil imaging Yes (Use “Dual coil = yes” to be able to use both coil halves simultaneously).
User Interface Name The anterior and posterior coil part can be combined in Dual coil imaging and be
selected separately as:
• SENSE-Head-32AH
• SENSE-Head-32P
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 132: 1: Closed coil with pads and cable with connectors. 2: Elements and housing of the SENSE Head coil 32. 3:
Open coil. Head support with pads and EEG grove, and anterior section.
Remember to insert the coilconnector into both of the sockets.
Starting a scan without it connected will damage the coil.
Always scan with the anterior section on the head support.
1. Place the head support of the coil at the very end of the tabletop.
2. Place the patient on the tabletop with the head in the head support.
• Use the small wedges to immobilize the head by placing them firmly between the head
and the sides of the support.
3. Optional: place the EEG cable in the EEG groove of the head support.
4. Attach the anterior section to the coil.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-1
Status: Released
Fig. 133: 1: Patient positioning in head support. 2: Closing the coil. 3: Isocenter positioning.
1. Tilt the lever on the anterior section upwards to unlock the anterior section.
2. Carefully raise the coil at the cranial side and take it off the head support.
3. To attach the anterior coil back to the head support, proceed in the same way in reverse
Fig. 134: 1: Side view of the closed coil. 2: Upturned pin on anterior section to open the coil. 3: Tilted anterior section.
Design Volume coil : Combination of Q-Head coil and two quadrature neck elements.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • All combinations of the three coil elements are possible.
• The coil can be used with or without anterior neck element.
• Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
• The mirror of the Q-Head coil cannot be used (tilted position).
Fig. 135: Left: SENSE Head/Neck coil with all components. Right: Patient positioning with anterior neck element.
• Always use the dedicated holes at both sides in the base support of the SENSE Head/Neck
coil to remove the coil from the patient table.
• Do not lift the coil by using a bar of the Q-Head coil since base support and combiner box
1. Position the coil’s base support at the very end of the tabletop.
2. Position the Q-Head coil on the base support.
3. Position the combiner box next to the base support (side of patient support control panel).
4. Connect the short cable of the Q-Head coil to the lowest connector in the combiner box.
5. Replace the head rest of the Q-Head coil with the head rest and posterior element of the
6. Connect the short cable of the posterior element to the middle connector in the combiner
Fig. 137: 1: Short cable connection. 2: Posterior element and head rest. 3: Posterior element and short cable.
7. Position the holder for the anterior element on the head coil.
8. Position the patient as close to the top part of the headrest as possible for best coverage in
FH-direction. Make sure the patient is comfortable. Move the sliding part of the Q-Head
coil down over the patient’s head.
See section ’Q-Head coil’ for more information.
9. Click the anterior element onto its holder on the Q-Head coil. Turn the lock to fixate it.
Connect the cable of the anterior element to the upper connector in the combiner box.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The elements are called: H (head coil), A (anterior), P (posterior), and can be selected in the
following way:
Angio AP or HAP
SENSE-compatible No
MultiTransmit- compatible No
Applications • Brain
General remarks Coil is shorter than the standard head coil for other field strengths. Make sure
the patient is high up in the coil for maximum coverage.
Patient positioning
1. Place the patient on the tabletop with the head in the head support.
• If the patient has a short neck, it is advised to place some padding over the lower part of
the support under the shoulders.
• Use the small wedges to immobilize the head by placing them firmly between the head
and the sides of the support.
• Use the head fixation strap for extra immobilization.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
2. Pull the sliding part gently over the head and face.
• Pull gently on both sides of the coil, close to the base.
3. Attach the optical mirror to the coil so that the patient can look out of the bore. This can be
reassuring for patients.
End fragment title: patient positioning T/R & H head coil 1.5T Achieva
► Place the T/R Head coil 3.0T at the very end of the tabletop.
► Verify that the box (of old models) or the cone-shaped end does not stick out.
► Place the mattress on the tabletop. Make sure the head support is secure.
Node title (original): pictures coil on tabletop/wrong and right ID: 50180021515-1
placement Status: Released
Node title (original): patient positioning T/R Head coil 3.0T ID: 50180045195
Achieva Status: Released
Patient positioning
1. Place the patient on the tabletop with the head in the head support.
• If the patient has a short neck, it is advised to place some padding over the lower part of
the support under the shoulders.
• Use the small wedges to immobilize the head by placing them firmly between the
headset and the sides of the support.
• Use the head fixation strap for extra immobilization.
2. Pull the sliding part gently over the head and face.
• Pull gently on both sides of the coil, close to the base.
3. Attach the optical mirror to the coil so that the patient can look see out of the bore. This
can be reassuring for patients.
End fragment title: patient positioning T/R Head coil 3.0T Achieva
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
MultiTransmit- compatible No
General remarks Coil is shorter than the standard head coil for other field strengths. Make sure
the patient is high up in the coil for maximum coverage.
Node title (original): H Head coil 1.5T preparing tabletop (old ID: 50156720395
models) Status: Released
► Place the H Head coil 1.5T at the very end of the tabletop.
► Verify that the box does not stick out.
► Place the mattress on the tabletop. Make sure the head support is secure.
End fragment title: H Head coil 1.5T preparing tabletop (old models)
Node title (original): pictures coil on tabletop/wrong and right ID: 50180021515-2
placement Status: Released
Node title (original): patient positioning T/R & H head coil 1.5T ID: 9007220790443275-2
Achieva Status: Released
Patient positioning
1. Place the patient on the tabletop with the head in the head support.
• If the patient has a short neck, it is advised to place some padding over the lower part of
the support under the shoulders.
• Use the small wedges to immobilize the head by placing them firmly between the head
and the sides of the support.
• Use the head fixation strap for extra immobilization.
2. Pull the sliding part gently over the head and face.
• Pull gently on both sides of the coil, close to the base.
3. Attach the optical mirror to the coil so that the patient can look out of the bore. This can be
reassuring for patients.
End fragment title: patient positioning T/R & H head coil 1.5T Achieva
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
TMJ, orbit or carotid examinations make use of the TMJ coil holder and the dS Flex coil solution.
End fragment title: all variants of Ingenia
TMJ, orbit or carotid examinations make use of the TMJ coil holder and the SENSE Flex coils.
End fragment title: Achieva
Positioning examples
Type of coil • 18 element phased-array coil, available in versions for the 8- and 16-channel
RF platforms
• Receive-only
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of a posterior and anterior part (cage). Optional: a
top-off anterior part (only part of the SENSE Head/Spine coil combination).
SENSE-compatible Yes; max. SENSE factor: 8 for SENSE NV coil 8, 16 for SENSE NV coil 16
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit- compatible • SENSE NV coil 8 and 16: Yes (only applicable for Achieva 3.0T TX)
Markers on the coil • In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning.
• In the middle of the anterior part.
General remarks Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 146: 1: Posterior part with pad. 2: Posterior part with anterior part attached. 3: Dedicated headset.
Dedicated headset
Since this coil is not compatible with the Q-Head coil headset, a dedicated headset is available.
The hearing protection provided is lower than with the Q-Head coil headset. The use of
earplugs is mandatory on 3.0T and highly recommended on 1.5T. An alternative to the headset
are the gray wedge cushions which can be placed between the patient’s head and the coil.
General Considerations
Always close the coil before connecting it to the system.
Always disconnect the coil from the system before opening the coil.
NOTICE Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 18014404971960587
Status: Released
1. Place the posterior part with the pad at the very end of the tabletop.
2. Place the patient on the posterior part so that the shoulders touch the posterior part.
3. Attach the anterior part (either cage or top-off) to the posterior part.
4. Use the two handles to close the coil.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-2
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Fig. 147: 1: Attaching of anterior part to posterior part. 2: Anterior part attached to posterior part. 3: Top-off anterior part attached to
posterior part. Note that the coil may not be lifted by gripping through the holes (see arrows) between anterior and posterior part.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Never lift the coil by gripping through the holes between anterior and posterior part.
This might lead to severe damage of the coil.
The SENSE NV coil 16 and the SENSE NV coil 8 are different coils which offer a different number
of elements for scanning. However, both coils are based on an 18-element design:
• 8 head elements,
• 4 neck elements,
• 6 chest elements.
Fig. 148: Coil elements: 8 head (red), 4 neck (green), 6 chest elements (blue).
These 18 coil elements are combined in two different ways resulting in the two SENSE
NeuroVascular coils:
• the 8-channel SENSE NV coil: SENSE NV 8
• the 16-channel SENSE NV coil: SENSE NV 16
Head mode
• The signal from each individual head coil element is directly routed to Freewave. This
means that 8 head elements (red in figure) are used as 8 channels.
• This mode is preferred for head and brain imaging including intracranial MRA. It provides
excellent detail for small anatomical structures in the head.
NV (NeuroVascular) mode
• The signals from all elements (red, green and blue in figure) are combined resulting in an 8-
channel NV mode.
• This mode is preferred for cervical spine, neck imaging including extracranial MRA. The
maximal recommended field of view (FOV) is 44 cm.
The signals from all elements (red, green and blue in figure) are combined resulting in a 16-
channel NV coil. These channels can be combined in several ways.
The table shows the full range of selection possibilities.
Selection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
HNACPC x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
H x x x x x x - - - - - - - - - -
N - - - - - - x x x x - - - - - -
AC - - - - - - - - - - x x x - - -
PC - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x x
HN x x x x x x x x x x - - - - - -
NAC - - - - - - x x x x x x x - - -
NPC - - - - - - x x x x - - - x x x
HNPC x x x x x x x x x x - - - x x x
NACPC - - - - - - x x x x x x x x x x
TO-HNPC - x x x x - - x x x - - - x x x
TO-NPC - - - - - - - x x x - - - x x x
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The abbreviations stand for H - Head, N - Neck, AC - Anterior Chest, PC - Posterior Chest, TO -
Design Coil combination of the SENSE NeuroVascular 16 coil and a rigid 15 element spine
coil. The SENSE NV 16 coil offers different coil tops: an anterior coil part (cage)
and a U-shaped cover without elements (referred to as ’top-off’).
CLEAR-compatible Yes
The SENSE NeuroVascular 16 coil with top-off can be used stand-alone for the cervical spine in
claustrophobic patients.
This will result in loss of SNR due to missing anterior elements. Therefore it is not
recommended for examinations of the anterior neck, brain or carotid angiography.
See chapter ’Coil Combinations, section ’SENSE Head/Spine coil combination’ for more
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Fig. 150: Left: SENSE Pediatric Head Spine coil. Right: Baby positioned in coil. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 6473797387
Status: Released
Dimensions 54 cm x 95 cm
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks This coil cannot be used for the cervical spine as a stand-alone coil.
Markers on the coil There are no inside markers. All elements are indicated by a marker on the
outside of the coil.
The mattress and the accessories might look different to the figures above.
Fig. 152: Layout of SENSE Spine coil 15 with element groups A, B, C, D and E. H stands for Head, F stands for Feet.
See chapter 6 ’Coil Combinations’, section ’SENSE Head Spine coil combination’ for more
information on the coil combination SENSE Spine 15 and SENSE NV coil 16.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks Always use either CLEAR or Homogoneity Correction set to ’Strong’ for best
image quality.
Markers on the coil This coil has two built-in MR-markers: in the middle of segment 2 and In the
middle of segment 4. All elements are indicated by a marker on the outside of
the coil.
Total Spine examinations can be done with the SENSE Spine coil using the MobiTrak option.
Total Spine ExamCards acquire three stacks (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) at different table
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1. Position the patient on the SENSE Spine coil.
2. Center on the first element (cervical spine part) of the coil.
3. Start the Total Spine ExamCard.
Automatically the sagittal survey will start, followed by the coronal survey.
4. Load both surveys into the MobiView package.
5. Click |Smooth fuse|.
6. Save the images to the data base.
7. Load the fused surveys into the planning environment.
8. Plan a sagittal Total Spine sequence on the sagittal survey (FH and AP offcenters) and on
the coronal survey (RL angulations).
9. Press |Proceed| to complete planning.
10. All scans and stations are now planned since GeoLinks and ScanAlign are applied within the
Total Spine ExamCard.
11. Start the ExamCard.
12. Images can be viewed, fused and saved in MobiView.
Status: Released
In MobiTrak/MobiFlex examinations, the SENSE Spine coil can be used for improved SNR in the
lower legs. Follow the procedure as described below:
The SENSE Spine coil is not compatible with the MobiTrak leg support.
1. Remove the small mattress from the end of the tabletop closest to the magnet.
2. Place the SENSE Spine coil at the very end of the tabletop.
3. Position the patient supine with feet first.
4. Raise the patient support with the patient sitting on the tabletop.
• For tall patients only: the SENSE Spine coil neck element (element 1) should stick out in
order to obtain as large as possible coverage.
5. Ensure that the middle of the abdominal stack does not lie beyond the markers on the
Check the coil for all stacks (stack A: phased-array coil, stack B and C: Q-Body coil).
The parameter ‘Multi Coil’ has to be set to ‘Yes” if a phased-array coil is used for the lower
Design Rigid surface coil consisting of 12 elements divided in 6 sections (2 coils per
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • The coil is not compatible with the head set.
• Always use either CLEAR or Homogoneity Correction set to ’Strong’ for best
image quality.
Markers in the coil This coil has two built-in MR-markers: between element B and C, and between
element D and E.
Coil sections are indicated at the side of the pad covering the coil.
Fig. 154: Left: SENSE Spine coil. Right: Patient positioned on coil.
A separate refscan is required for each coil mode.
• Use CLEAR in cervical and lumbar spine in sagittal and axial orientation.
• Use Homogeneity Correction set to ’Strong’ in sagittal total spine examinations.
Total Spine examinations can be carried out with the SENSE Spine coil using the MobiTrak
option. Total Spine ExamCards acquire three stacks (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) at different table
positions. Table movement is required between acquisition of these stacks.
1. Position the patient on the coil (SENSE Spine coil).
2. Center on the first element (cervical spine part) of the coil.
3. Start the Total Spine ExamCard.
Automatically the sagittal survey will start, followed by the coronal survey.
4. Load both surveys into the MobiView package.
5. Click |Smooth fuse|.
6. Save the images to the data base.
7. Load the fused surveys into the planning environment.
8. Plan a sagittal Total Spine sequence on the sagittal survey (FH and AP offcenters) and on
the coronal survey (RL angulations).
9. Press |Proceed| to complete planning.
All scans and stations are now planned since GeoLinks and ScanAlign are applied within the
Total Spine ExamCard.
10. Start the ExamCard.
11. Images can be viewed, fused and saved in MobiView.
In MobiTrak/MobiFlex examinations, the SENSE Spine coil can be used for improved SNR in the
lower legs. Follow the procedure as described below:
The SENSE Spine coil is not compatible with the MobiTrak leg support.
Check the coil for all stacks (stack A: phased-array coil, stack B and C: Q-Body coil).
The parameter ‘Multi Coil’ has to be set to ‘Yes’ if a phased-array coil is used for the lower
Design Volume coil consisting of the Q-Head coil and a dedicated 5 element phased-
array pediatric spine coil
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Markers spine coil There are slots for markers in the middle of the 2nd and the 4th element.
► Put the base support of the Synergy Pediatric coil on the table.
► Place the spine coil in the base and the special mattress on the base.
The Q-Head coil and the pediatric spine coil must always be positioned together on the
tabletop and be connected to each other.
The Q-Head coil is NOT plugged into the connectors on the front of the system but is plugged
into the holder of the pediatric spine coil.
Always disconnect the Q-Head coil from the pediatric spine coil before removing them from
the tabletop.
► The Q-Head coil does not need to be moved over the patient’s head.
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► The Q-Head coil must always be placed on the tabletop and be connected to the coil base.
► Do not select the head coil element, but elements 1-5 (the spine coil).
Using the vertical holder for decubitus examinations
► Position and lock the Q-Head coil on the base support.
► Put the base support of the pediatric spine coil on the table.
► Place the special vertical coil holder in the base.
► Slide the spine coil into the vertical holder with the cable on the top.
► Put the special mattress on the base.
► Connect the Q-Head coil cable to the base of the pediatric spine coil.
Decubitus positioning
► Place the pediatric patient on their right side against the coil with the patient’s head in the
► Minimize the distance between the patient’s spine and the coil.
► Slide the Q-Head coil gently totally over the patient’s head.
► For neonates (spina bifida), 4 elements (head coil and first 3 elements of spine coil) will
cover brain and spine.
Parameter settings
• FOV should be chosen according to the size of the child.
• Homogeneity correction should be set to ‘none’.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
General remarks • All other coils (except for the T/R coils) are passive receive-only coils using
the Quadrature Body coil for transmission.
• Coils with a large effective volume (Q-Body coil) have a lower SNR than coils
Fig. 157: Left: Achieva system. Right: Patient in tunnel (integrated Q-Body coil).
Whole Body Imaging with Diffusion Weighted Whole Body Imaging with Background Signal
Suppression (DWIBS) allows scanning from head to toe with one ExamCard acquiring multiple
► To combine (fuse) the multiple stations acquired by the Total Body or DWIBS scan, use the
MobiView package.
See .
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Tabletop Extender
• designed for Whole Body Imaging.
• enables a maximum (combined) FOV of 200 cm (without Tabletop Extender: 120 cm),
making it possible to scan the majority of people from head to toe.
• consists of:
– a moveable tabletop fitted with brakes for patient safety,
– bearing plate consisting of four bearing assemblies which allows easy movement of the
– dedicated head pad,
– dedicated leg pad.
• provided with head phones, a nurse call button with longer cables and also a cable tie.
This cable tie allows the cables to be secured to the Tabletop Extender to minimize the risk
of the cables being trapped and causing discomfort to the patient.
Philips Safety
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007247317641483
Status: Released
For the Tabletop Extender (also referred to as: Total Body Tabletop), the following rules must
be followed at all times:
The Total body Tabletop is designed for scanning with the patient in "feet first" and
"supine" position only.
Verify that the Total body tabletop is locked securely on the tabletop before the patient is
An unlocked Total body tabletop could suddenly move causing the patient to fall off and
lead to personal injury.
• Properly fix the Tabletop Extender to the tabletop. Verify that the runners on the sides of
the Tabletop Extender fit the dove tail groove properly.
• The Tabletop Extender is not interchangeable with other tabletops (e.g. of other MR
It is not allowed to use the Total body tabletop with a trolley.
The Total body tabletop could suddenly move causing the trolley with tabletop to tip over.
This may lead to personal injury.
Always retract the Total body tabletop completely out of the magnet before lowering the
patient support.
If not fully retracted the Total body tabletop will be damaged and patient injury may occur.
► Slide the Tabletop Extender towards the magnet end of the tabletop. Verify that the
runners fit properly in the dove tail groove.
Advance the Tabletop Extender until it runs over the bearing plate.
► Secure the brakes so that the Tabletop Extender cannot move when the patient is
► Put the standard mattress and the dedicated head pad on the Tabletop Extender.
► Place the dedicated leg pad at the outmost end of the Tabletop Extender at the magnet
End fragment title: preparing Total Body tabletop
► Release the brake and slide the Tabletop Extender on the tabletop into the magnet.
Due to the bearing plate this is possible with one person.
► Position the patient with the eyebrows just below the marker at the side of the Tabletop
Extender (2).
This marker (brown circle or triangular marker of same color as tabletop) represents the
outmost position that can be placed in the isocenter.
This positioning allows the use of the maximum possible FOV in FH-direction whilst the
Tabletop Extender extends as little as possible over the end of the tabletop.
► Move the patient into the magnet and position the light visor at the lower rim of the orbit
► Secure the cables to the Tabletop Extender with the cable tie.
Always retract the Total body tabletop completely out of the magnet before lowering the
patient support.
If not fully retracted the Total body tabletop will be damaged and patient injury may occur.
Design Volume coil consisting of five separate coil elements: two anterior flexible coils
(element 1 and 2) and three posterior coils which are encased in the coil base
(elements 3, 4 and 5).
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Dimensions The top circular coils are 200 mm in diameter. The base is made of three
rectangular coils measuring 138 x 200 mm.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
Markers on the coil The coil base contains markers to demonstrate the location of elements within
the coil.
Fig. 158: Left: SENSE Cardiac coil - coil base and anterior elements. Right: SENSE cushion besides SENSE Cardiac coil.
The patient lies on the base of the coil and the top section is placed on the anterior chest. There
is an adjustable fixation strap which secures the two top coils on to the patient’s chest.
1. Lie the patient on the base and use the side markers to align the patient's chest to the
For SENSE scans, the SENSE cushion has to be attached to the top section.
See figure.
Fig. 159: 1 SENSE Cardiac coil - coil base and anterior elements. 2: Attaching the top section to SENSE cushion. 3: SENSE Cardiac coil in
cardiac examination.
4. Attach the top section to the base by using the clips on both sides of the coil base.
5. Adjust the velcro straps to give a secure, but comfortable fit.
In case of a PSCP (patient support control panel) on the right side of the system, the cable
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The coil top may also be positioned more towards center or right side, if the heart is not in the
normal location.
Design Volume coil consisting of a rigid lower part and flexible upper part. Each part
contains three phased-array coil elements.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
Markers on the coil A sticker displaying the element lay-out is positioned on the upper part of the
coil. The length of the coil elements is shown by a dotted line.
Design Volume coil consisting of a flexible posterior part and a flexible anterior part.
Each part contains 16 phased-array coil elements.
Two types of mattresses are provided: a housing mattress for the posterior coil, a
posterior spacer mattress (SENSE pad) for patient comfort and a thick anterior
SENSE pad.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Applications • Abdomen and pelvis, e.g. liver, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, prostate
• Cardiac applications, e.g.
• Four main cardiac chambers,
• Coronary arteries,
• Aortic and pulmonary root,
• Mediastinum
General remarks • Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
• Always use the spacer mattress between patient and anterior coil part for
best image quality.
Markers on the coil A sticker displaying the element lay-out is positioned on the anterior part of the
coil. The length of the coil elements is shown by a dotted line.
Dual coil imaging Yes (Use “Dual coil = yes” to be able to use both coil halves simultaneously).
User Interface Name The anterior and posterior coil part can be combined in Dual coil imaging and be
selected separately as:
• HR-TorsoCardiac-A
• HR-TorsoCardiac-P
1. Place the housing mattress with the posterior coil part embedded on the tabletop.
2. Make sure that the cable of the posterior coil passes through the groove of the housing
mattress which is on the side of the Patient Support Control Panel so that it can easily be
plugged into the connector.
3. Cover with the yellow spacer mattress.
4. Stick the anterior SENSE pad to the anterior coil part by means of the velcro attachment
Fig. 163: Left: Anterior coil part and anterior SENSE pad. Right: Anterior coil part and anterior SENSE pad sticked
5. Position the patient on the mattress with the anatomical region to be examined above the
posterior coil part.
6. Place the anterior coil part on the patient’s breast.
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The posterior and the anterior coil part should be aligned such that they have the same FH
(Feet-Head) position.
For cardiac examinations, the top of the anterior coil part should almost reach the chin.
The arms can be placed inside or outside the coil.
7. Use the standard Philips table Velcro straps to fix the anterior coil.
Fig. 164: 1: Tabletop is prepared for patient positioning: housing mattress with posterior coil part embedded and spacer mattress on top,
(anterior coil part floating above). 2: Patient is positioned on tabletop, the anterior coil part (with SENSE pad) is being placed. 3: Anterior
coil part (with SENSE pad) is fixed to the patient by means of velcro straps.
Design Volume coil with an aperture in wich the breasts can be positioned. A positioning
cushion for the lower part of the body is provided.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
Fig. 165: SENSE Breast coil 4. Left: Coil. Right: With positioning cushion.
Patient preparation
1. Prepare the patient as usual for an MR examination.
• It is advisable to have the patient strip to the waist and to remove any zip fasteners in
the waist area.
• Imaging is best performed when the breasts can hang freely in the coil aperture.
End fragment title: Patient preparation Breast examination
Coil Positioning
1. Place the coil on the tabletop with the coil aperture to the magnet.
2. Place the positioning cushion behind the coil.
3. Route the cable in the groove in the bottom of the cushion.
4. Put a pillow on the tabletop in front of the coil.
Fig. 166: Left: Coil with positioning cushion. Note the groove in the cushion for the cable. Right: Patient positioning
on the coil.
Patient Positioning
1. Position the patient prone on the breast coil.
2. Ensure that the breasts are hanging freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axilla
area are free of folds.
3. Ask the patient to place the arms next to the head.
The patient’s head should not be turned to the side.
This affects the position of the upper part of the body: the breasts and the shoulder may lift
up out of the coil.
Design Volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be positioned. A separate
head support is provided.
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
General remarks • Switch off CLEAR as homogeneity correction for all T1-weighted and all fat-
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
suppressed scans.
• This coil can be used for biopsy with the biopsy starter kit *.
Patient preparation
1. Prepare the patient as usual for an MR examination.
• It is advisable to have the patient strip to the waist and to remove any zip fasteners in
the waist area.
• Imaging is best performed when the breasts can hang freely in the coil aperture.
End fragment title: Patient preparation Breast examination
Coil Positioning
1. Place the coil on the tabletop with the coil aperture to the magnet.
2. Place the head support on the table in front of the coil.
Patient Positioning
1. Position the patient prone on the breast coil, with the head on the head support.
2. Adjust the height of the head support by means of the lever, see figure.
3. Ask the patient to place the arms either next to the head or alongside their body.
4. Ensure that the breasts are “hanging” freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axilla
area are free of folds.
5. Center the light visor to the middle of the breast, and move the patient into the isocenter.
The coil can be used for biopsy in combination with the corresponding biopsy kit. For
information about content and assembly of the biopsy kit, please refer to the user
documentation provided with the biopsy kit.
For information about content and assembly of the biopsy kit, please refer to the user
documentation provided with the biopsy kit.
Make sure that you are familiar with the set up and function of the biopsy device prior to use
with a patient.
1. Prepare the patient as usual for an MR examination.
• It is advisable to have the patient strip to the waist and to remove any zip fasteners in
the waist area.
• Imaging is best performed when the breasts can hang freely in the coil aperture.
2. Prepare the tabletop in the same way as for Breast imaging.
Patient Positioning
1. Position the patient prone on the breast coil, with the head on the head support. Adjust
the height of the head support by means of the lever.
2. Place the medial plate in all the way prior to patient positioning. Wait until the patient is
lying down to place lateral rail.
3. Ask the patient to place the arms either next to her head or alongside her body.
4. Ensure that the breasts are hanging freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axillae
area are free of folds.
5. Use compression from both medial and lateral sides.
• Tissue should be slightly pushing through the immobilization system. Do not over-
1. Find the lesion on the dynamic e-THRIVE sequence. Draw a region-of-interest (ROI) over
the lesion. Copy the ROI to all slices. Note the slice number of the slice containing the
2. Find the marker (vitamin E capsule). Draw a region-of-interest (ROI) over the marker. Note
the slice number of the slice containing the marker.
3. The FH offset is given by the number of slices between the marker and the lesion
multiplied by the slice thickness.
4. Draw straight lines between the ROI of the marker and the ROI of the lesion. There should
be a 90 degree angle between both lines.
5. The vertical line length specifies the needle entry point relative to the marker in AP
6. The horizontal line length specifies the required needle depth.
End fragment title: Biopsy - Contrast Agent part
4.3.22 MammoTrak
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 54043201991142411
Status: Released
The MammoTrak enables comprehensive breast examinations including all kinds of diagnostic
imaging (such as high resolution scans, dynamic scans, fat-suppressed scans) combined with
breast biopsy. It allows for patient preparation outside the MR room. Safety
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 45036003454514315
Status: Released
General safety
Node title (original): 24332 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ- ID: 9007206047334539
PS.MAM.27 Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24332
Verify that the table is at the same position within a set of scans that have the same
reference frame.
This is facilitated by the iso-center locking features of MammoTrak and the possibility to
enforce a new reference frame.
Verify that no magnetic object is present on the tabletop.
Magnetic objects are attracted by the magnetic field and may cause severe personal injury
when the MammoTrak is moved into to magnet.
To avoid cross-infection always clean and disinfect the tabletop, Abdomen ramp, Breast coil
Do not use the MammoTrak with different MR systems.
The MammoTrak only matches with one system. Using the trolley with a different system
may cause personal injury while moving the tabletop into the magnet.
The safe working load for the tabletop on the trolley is 150 kg. This is the total weight of
patient, coils and positioning aids.
The maximum total mass of the trolley is 220 kg.
The safe working load of the trolley shall be distributed over the tabletop as with a patient in
lying position when moving the trolley.
End fragment title: 65196 SYS.Label.IFU.Trolley.SafeWorkingLoad_Mass_Trolley
Verify that no person is sitting on the tabletop at the end of the magnet.
The tabletop could tip over causing injury to the patient.
For scanning always move the tabletop to its end stop in the magnet.
This is the only position for which correct repositioning is guaranteed.
Do not use the Tumble switch on the patient support control panel when the MammoTrak
trolley is docked to the system.
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Patient positioning
When positioning the patient on the tabletop lock the trolley brakes securely.
When the brakes are unlocked the trolley may suddenly move, which may cause the patient
to fall off.
Do not to leave the patient unattended on the FlexTrak.
The patient may fall off the tabletop, which could lead to serious injury.
ISO/IEC: 24334
Verify that the patient is not using the Breast coil or the Abdomen ramp to hold on to.
The coil and ramp are not rigidly connected to the tabletop and may fall off.
Be careful when body parts hang over the tabletop.
These parts can scrape over the trolley sides or system bridge and injure the patient.
When patient’s feet hang over the MammoTrak end, support the lower legs in such a way
that the patient’s toes are positioned higher than the tabletop surface.
When the patient’s length is causing the feet hang over the end of the MammoTrak, the feet
can get caught between tabletop and system parts when moving into the magnet.
Patient transport
Verify that tabletop is locked securely to the trolley, do not use the tabletop lock handles to
move the trolley.
When unlocked the tabletop can be pushed off the trolley, which may lead to the tabletop
falling off and personal injury of the patient.
ISO/IEC: 24333
Verify that the patient’s extremities remain to be on the tabletop.
Patient’s extremities can get squashed between the MammoTrak and possible colliding
Verify that the patient’s extremities remain to be on the tabletop.
Patient’s extremities can get squash ed between the MammoTrak and possible colliding
Verify that the trolley brake pedal does not collide with people or objects.
The brake pedal protrudes from the trolley and may cause injuries or damage to the brake
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Do not use the Tumble switch on the patient support control unit when the MammoTrak
trolley is docked to the system.
Raising the patient support can damage the MammoTrak trolley.
While docking the MammoTrak verify that the patient’s arms and hands are on the tabletop.
Arms and hands can get caught between trolley and (lowered) patient support when
Lock the brakes after docking the MammoTrak to the system.
When the brakes are unlocked the trolley may move while the tabletop is pushed into the
Instruct the patient to keep hands and other body parts on the tabletop while it is moving.
ISO/IEC: 24316
ISO/IEC: 24331
Due care must be taken to verify that no part of the patient's body, hair, clothing, cables or
infusion lines can get trapped or injured by any part of the equipment.
ISO/IEC: 24319
Before starting a scan which initiates tabletop movement, always check that nothing can get
caught or hit during tabletop movement.
Check patient, patient extremities, clothing, equipment and accessories. Guide cables and
intravenous lines.
With extremely heavy patients, be careful when moving the tabletop into the magnet, such
that it sticks out at the magnet end.
Due to patient weight and not optimal weight distribution the table top could break.
Verify that no object can fall into the cable slab. Objects in the cable slabs may obstruct
table movement.
The tabletop can not be moved out of the magnet. Emergency removal of the tabletop is not
When using drug delivery, Verify that no intravenous lines can get caught during tabletop
Doing a biopsy
Node title (original): 24335 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ- ID: 18014405302174731
PS.MAM.57 Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24335
Do not exert unnecessary force on the MammoTrak carrier during a Biopsy.
If not required all people must keep clear of the carrier during the intervention. Too much
force will move the carrier and may result in injury of the patient or damage to the
Fig. 170: MammoTrak trolley with head support (2), 16 channel Breast coil (1) and abdomen ramp. Note that the 7 channel breast coil is
not shown here.
The figure shows the MammoTrak trolley with all its components except for the 7 channel
Breast coil. In this figure, the items which are part of the trolley itself are labeled. They are
described in detail in the following sections in the order:
Fig. 171: MammoTrak trolley. The indicated items are part of the trolley itself.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
1 Abdomen ramp
2 Connection panel
3 Tabletop handle
4 Side wing
5 Trolley handle
6 Trolley bars
7 Brake pedal
8 5th wheel
When the MammoTrak trolley is placed at the MR system for examinations, the tabletop has to
be moved to the isocenter.
With the tabletop handle, the tabletop can be released so that it can easily be moved to the
isocenter or back to the initial position.
Fig. 172: 1 - Tabletop handle left and right from the connection panel. 2 - Handle is not pressed. Tabletop cannot be moved, but is locked.
3 - Handle is pressed. Tabletop can be moved since it is released.
The connection panel is located at the end of the trolley close to the trolley handle. It offers
connections for the nurse call, the headset and the coil.
Fig. 173: Left: Lid of connection panel is closed. Right: Lid of connection panel is open.
The coil connector is located at the patient’s feet-side of the MammoTrak trolley which is to be
placed towards the magnet bore for an examination.
Fig. 174: Left: Coil cables and cable routing in the table where: 1 - connection panel, 2 - coil, 3 - magnet, 4 - coil cable, 5 - cable routing in
the table, 6 - cable with coil connector. Right: Coil connector.
1 Connection panel
2 Coil
3 Magnet
4 Coil cable
Besides the four standard wheels, the trolley has a fifth wheel which can be used to facilitate
trolley movement for straight movement and to turn the corner. This fifth wheel can be lifted
up or set to the ground. It can be controlled by means of the brake pedal.
Fig. 175: 1 - The trolley is locked and cannot be moved. 2 - The trolley is released and can be moved with the 5th
Fig. 176: 1 - The trolley is locked and cannot be moved. 2 - The trolley is released and can be moved with the 5th
wheel lifted up. 3 - The trolley is released and can be moved with the 5th wheel on the ground.
The trolley bars are meant for stability. They can be used by the patient to step up/down the
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 177: The different ways of how to get on the trolley tabletop by means of the trolley bars.
The MammoTrak trolley has two side wings, one on each side of the trolley.
They serve
• as a support for the patient when positioning herself on the coil and the abdomen ramp,
• as a handle when the trolley has to be removed from the MR system.
You can hold on to the grip on top of the side wing or the grip underneath.
Fig. 178: Left: Side wing. Right: Side wing serves as support for the patient.
Hold on to the trolley handle to move the trolley from its parking position into the magnet
room and back.
Design Volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be positioned.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • Switch off CLEAR as homogeneity correction for all T1-weighted and all fat-
suppressed scans.
• This coil cannot be used for biopsy.
• Use with feet-first positioning only.
Fig. 180: Breast 16 coil with abdomen ramp and head support.
Design Open-design volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • Switch off CLEAR as homogeneity correction for all T1-weighted and all fat-
suppressed scans.
• This coil can be used for biopsy.
• Use with feet-first positioning only.
Fig. 181: Breast 7 coil with abdomen ramp and head support.
For maximum patient comfort, the height of the head support can be adjusted. You can also
adjust the distance of the head support to the breast coil by simply sliding the head support as
shown in figure. This can be done with the mattress around the head support.
Fig. 182: 1: Head support on tabletop. Mattress around head support. H = knob for heigth adjustment. 2: Head
support is close to coil (mattress removed). 3: Head support is far away from coil (mattress removed). Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717522955
Status: Released
Fig. 183: Left: Locking the brakes. Right: The trolley is locked.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Coil positioning
The 16 channel breast coil can be used for diagnosis whereas the 7 channel breast coil can be
used for diagnosis and biopsy. In some cases, it might be necessary to replace the previously
used coil with the other one.
Take a coil off the tabletop
1. Remove the mattress around the head support.
2. Remove the head support.
3. Unplug the coil.
4. Take the coil off the tabletop.
Fig. 184: 1: Head support with mattress on tabletop. 2: Mattress is removed. 3: Head support is removed and cable is
being unplugged.
Fig. 185: Left: Coil has been taken off the tabletop. Right: Coil is being placed on tabletop.
Patient preparation
1. Prepare the patient as usual for an MR examination.
• It is advisable to have the patient strip to the waist and to remove any zip fasteners in
the waist area.
• Imaging is best performed when the breasts can hang freely in the coil aperture.
End fragment title: Patient preparation Breast examination
Patient positioning
1. Let the patient step on the tabletop by means of the trolley bars. You can also let the
patient step up via a staircase.
Do not use the brake’s pedal as a step for the patient.
Fig. 186: Left: Stepping up the table. Right: Side wing serves as support for patient.
2. Tell the patient to lean onto the side wings when positioning herself on the coil and the
abdomen ramp.
Ensure that the patient is not using the breast coil or the abdomen ramp to hold on to.
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3. Position the patient prone on the breast coil, with the head on the head support.
4. Adjust the height of the head support.
5. Ask the patient to place the arms either next to the head or alongside their body.
6. Ensure that the breasts are hanging freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axillae
area are free of folds.
While transporting the patient on the MammoTrak, ensure that the tabletop is locked securely
to the trolley.
Do not use the tabletop handles to move the trolley.
While transporting the patient on the MammoTrak, ensure that the trolley brake pedal does
not collide with people or objects.
If docking from the right side, place all cables (nurse call, coil) on the MammoTrak trolley so
that they cannot be damaged while docking.
Ensure that the patient’s arms and hands are on the tabletop.
Lock the brakes after docking the MammoTrak to the system.
1. Set the patient support to its lowest position before docking the MammoTrak.
Do not use the tumble switch on the patient support control panel when the MammoTrak
trolley is docked to the system.
Raising the patient support can damage the MammoTrak trolley.
2. Set the brake pedal to position 2 (5th wheel off the ground, brake released). Now small
trolley movements are possible.
3. Fine-adjust the trolley position: make sure that the trolley’s bumpers and the patient
support’s bumpers are against each other. Hold on to the side wings since this facilitates
trolley movement.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 188: Left: setting brake pedal to position 2. Middle: Bumpers at the trolley's end for fine-adjustment. Right:
Bumpers at the trolley's side for fine-adjustment.
4. Set the brake pedal to position 1 (trolley is locked and cannot be moved).
Fig. 189: Left: Locking the brakes. Right: The trolley is locked.
Traveling to isocenter
Ensure that the patient’s extremitites are on the tabletop.
Whenever the tabletop handles are released, the tabletop is locked.
Performing scans
► Perform the survey scan and the required diagnostic scans.
Performing biopsy
1. To release the tabletop, press the tabletop handle.
2. To move the coil out of the magnet, slide the tabletop slowly out of the magnet while
keeping the tabletop handle pressed.
Fig. 191: Trolley tabletop moved out of the magnet for biopsy. The coil is just outside of the magnet.
Undocking MammoTrak
When the examination (and/or the biopsy) is finished, MammoTrak has to be undocked again.
1. To release the tabletop, press the tabletop handle.
2. To move the MammoTrak tabletop out of the magnet, slide the tabletop completely out of
the magnet while keeping the tabletop handle pressed.
3. To move the MammoTrak trolley away from the magnet, set the brake pedal to position 2
(5th wheel off the ground, brake released). Now small trolley movements are possible.
4. Move the trolley away from the magnet. Hold on to the side wings since this facilitates
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
trolley movement.
Fig. 192: TX 7 Breast coil with abdomen ramp and head support.
Design Open-design volume coil with an aperture in which the breasts can be
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • Switch off CLEAR as homogeneity correction for all T1-weighted and all fat-
suppressed scans.
• This coil can be used for biopsy.
• Use with head-first positioning only.
More information
• Positioning the patient, see chapter “Positioning for breast examinations” on page 577.
Design Flexible volume coil consisting of an upper (anterior) and lower (posterior) coil
Each part contains two phased-array coil elements.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
Markers on the coil The elements are labelled with coil identification numbers (1, 2, 3 and 4). The
odd numbers (1 and 3) are on the cable side.
Fig. 193: SENSE Body coil: anterior and posterior coil part, SENSE mattress and SENSE cushion.
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General considerations
Use high SAR only if specifically required in order to perform the scan. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717561611
Status: Released
Positioning in general
The coil is usually positioned with the largest coverage in RL direction.
► Use SENSE mattress, SENSE cushion and two ‘shoulder straps’ in order to have a distance
between patient and coil and for higher comfort.
► Place the posterior coil part with the shoulder straps on the tabletop.
► Position the SENSE mattress on the coil so that the patient has no discomfort from the
electronics part of the coil.
Fig. 194: 1: Placing posterior coil part (no straps shown here) and SENSE mattress on the tabletop. 2: Schematic set-up of an examination
with the SENSE Body coil. a - anterior coil part, b - SENSE cushion, c - SENSE mattress, d - posterior coil part (no straps shown here).
► While positioning the patient, the anterior part can hang beside the table (straps are used
to connect element 1 and 3).
► Place the anterior part directly above the posterior part. The SENSE cushion must be
attached to the coil (to create a small distance between patient and coil).
► Strap the coil tightly around the patient, if necessary with the respiratory belt in between
patient and coil.
Rotated coil
• When rotating the SENSE Body coil by 90o for large FH- coverage, a signal intensity drop
might be seen between coil loops of anterior and posterior coil part in sagittal images. This
effect can be reduced by using CLEAR.
Fig. 196: 1: SENSE Body coil on tabletop. 2: Abdomen study. 3: Rotated coil.
Fig. 197: Peripheral angio: use of SENSE Body coil and MobiTrak leg support.
Fig. 198: SENSE Body coil with leg support. Shift the elements with respect to the posterior elements either up- or
downwards as illustrated above..d - distance of 5 cm to 10 cm. The white arrow indicates the light visor position for
isocenter positioning.
The flexible cover is designed to sit on the top of the base and cover the coil and cable. It is also
fixed to the coil and the base by use of velcro attachment. Both the base and cover are
designed for ease of cleaning for the prevention of cross-infection.
Fig. 199: Left: Breast mattress. Right: Schematic drawing of the breast mattress. 1 - flexible cover, 2- anterior coil part, 3 - base of the
mattress, 4 - posterior coil part, 5 - cables located in groove.
End fragment title: Breast mattress (SENSE Body & SENSE Flex)
1. Put the posterior elements of the SENSE Body coil in the recesses of the base.
2. Place the cables of the SENSE Body coil in the groove on the bottom of the mattress.
3. Put the base centrally on the tabletop so that the whole device is supported.
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If the base is off-centred so that part of it is not fully on the tabletop, a risk of the mattress
tipping exists which could lead to injury to the patient.
4. Place the cables of the SENSE Body coil in the grooves on the top of the mattress.
5. Put the anterior part of the coil in the top recess of the base.
6. Put the flexible cover on the top of the base, covering both the base and the SENSE Body
7. Position the patient so that the breasts are centrally located within the holes provided.
• The patient’s arms can be positioned either alongside the body or above the head
depending on the patient’s preference.
• Ensure that the breasts are hanging freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axilla
area are free of folds.
• Make sure that the patient’s head faces to the pillow.
8. Centre the light visor to the middle of the patient’s breasts, and move the patient into the
Node title (original): Breast positng: Head NOT to side ID: 6462654475-2
Status: Released
The patient’s head should not be turned to the side.
This affects the position of the upper part of the body: the breasts and the shoulder may lift
up out of the coil.
Design Flexible volume coil consisting of anterior and posterior sections. Each section
consists of 8 elements: 4 upper and 4 lower elements.
SENSE-compatible Yes; SENSE can be used routinely at reduction factors of 2 (2x2=4 in 3D) and with
a theoretical maximum value equal to the number of coil elements. SENSE can be
performed in AP, RL, and FH directions. It is advised to perform SENSE mainly in
AP and RL directions.
CLEAR-compatible Yes
CLEAR can be set to Yes, Body Tuned or No
Markers on the coil The coil has markers to indicate the effective edges of the elements as well as
the isocenters for the upper, lower and center of both combined groups.
Dual coil imaging • No on 1.5T, Yes on 3.0T (see chapter 6, Coil combinations)
General considerations
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Do not rotate the SENSE XL Torso coil by 90o.
Use only the orientation shown in this document.
Avoid routing of the RF coil cable assembly in proximity to the RF transmit coil. Avoid direct
contact of the patient’s skin with the RF coil cable assembly.
Disregard for the above listed notes may result in excessive local heating. Positioning of the RF
cable and driver box assembly must therefore be done with care. Keep a separation between
the patient's skin and the RF cables of at least 2 cm. Use the special spacer or pads of the
standard accessory set wherever the cable assembly may touch the skin.
If the Q-Body coil is used for acquiring a 3rd station, be sure that it is performed to the
superior end of the coil to minimize imaging in areas where the cables and driver box will be in
the Field of View.
On 3.0T systems: Make sure that the posterior section of the coil is the part on the table and
the anterior section on top of the patient. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717585803
Status: Released
For systems with the UIM (User Interface Module) on the right side, it is necessary to flip the
1. Position the posterior coil section on the tabletop. Attach the four (SENSE XL Torso coil)
positioning straps to the Velcro strips at the upper and lower ends of the coil.
2. Be careful to control the anterior section of the coil by placing it towards the foot end of
the tabletop to keep it from falling off of the tabletop while initially positioning the patient.
3. Position the patient head-first on the tabletop with his/her back on the posterior coil
4. Place the anterior section directly parallel and above the posterior section in order to
reduce artifacts related to mispositioning of coil parts, most noticeable when using SENSE.
Position the SENSE cushion between patient and the anterior part of the coil.
Improved image quality can be achieved by having at least 1/3 overlap between the lateral
upper and lower elements or by keeping them separated.
5. Strap the coil tightly around the patient. If necessary place the respiratory belt between
patient and coil. For optimal results, position the arms of the patient above the head.
Fig. 202: Positioning with the SENSE XL Torso coil 16. 1 - Anterior and posterior coil sections, 2 - Prefered patient positioning with arms
above the head, 3 - Patient positioning with arms inside of the coil.
6. Be sure that the RF cable and driver box assembly is secured to the tabletop. This can be
accomplished by using the arm supports.
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Fig. 203: 1 - Arm support device used to secure driver box to tabletop. 2 - In head-first positioning: place cushions between patient and
coil cable to avoid direct contact. 3 - In any patient position: avoid direct contact with coil cables. Note that pads are placed between
patient and cables.
Strictly follow the safety directions on cable handling as described in the Instructions for Use.
It is crucial that the cables are separated from the patient’s body. See figure above.
The driver box must be secured to the tabletop and not allowed to contact the façade of the
See figure below.
Fig. 204: Incorrect (left) and correct (right) positioning of the driver box.
Design • Volume coil consisting of anterior and posterior sections, each with its own
• Semi-flexible housing.
• 8 element phased array in anterior section and 8 element phased array in
posterior section.
SENSE-compatible Yes; SENSE can be used routinely at reduction factors of 2 (2x2=4 in 3D) and with
a theoretical maximum value equal to the number of coil elements. SENSE can be
performed in AP, RL, and FH directions. It is advised to perform SENSE mainly in
AP and RL directions.
CLEAR-compatible Yes
• On 1.5 T systems, CLEAR can be set to Yes or No.
• On 3.0T systems, CLEAR can be set to Yes, Body Tuned or No.
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User Interface Name The anterior and posterior section can be combined in Dual coil imaging and be
selected separately as:
• SENSE-XL2A-Torso
• SENSE-XL2P-Torso
Fig. 206: Components of the SENSE XL Torso 2.0 1.5T coil. Left: Anterior coil, right: posterior coil. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 8498996747
Status: Released
► Position the patient with the area of interest centered to the posterior coil section.
► Position and adjust the anterior coil section to align with the posterior coil section.
This will reduce artifacts related to mispositioning of the coil parts and most noticeably
when using SENSE.
► Use Velcro straps to maintain the coil alignment and limit the coil motion during
Fig. 208: Left: Patient on the tabletop with the area of interest centered to the posterior coil section. Right: Anterior
coil section aligned with posterior coil section and attached with velcro straps. The patient's arms are positioned
alongside the body.
► The patient’s arms can be positioned either alongside the body or above the head
depending on the patient’s preference.
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Fig. 209: Left: The patient's arems are positioned above the head. Right: Feet-first positioning utilizing a comfort
device between cable outlet and patient body.
► When using the coil set for feet-first positioning, use a comfort device between the cable
outlet and the patient body.
Design Volume coil consisting of a rigid lower part and flexible upper part. Lower part
contains two phased-array coil elements, upper part contains four phased-array
coil elements.
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
General remarks • Always use CLEAR or Body-Tuned CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best
image quality.
Markers on the coil A sticker displaying the element lay-out is positioned on the upper part of the
coil. The length of the coil elements is shown by a dotted line.
General considerations
Use high SAR only if specifically required in order to perform the scan.
Always position the patient's arms above their head for coronal imaging.
Fig. 212: Endo coil with disposable probe: 1 - luer lock syringe used for inflation, 2 - probe cable, 3 - valve for luer lock
syringe, 4 - grip, 5 - migration stop, 6 - plastic rod, 7 - non-permeable balloon.
End fragment title: coil image Endo
Design RF coil which can be positioned inside the rectum. The RF coil is fixed inside a
non-permeable balloon; both are mounted on a plastic rod which extends to a
grip. The coil amplifier and decoupling electronics are placed in a small box.
SENSE-compatible Only in combination with specific SENSE coils. More information see ’SENSE and
CLEAR’ table entry below.
The Endo coil can be used as an element of a SENSE coil when combined with
some specific SENSE coils. In order to enable this SENSE coil combination, the
parameter ’Dual coil’ has to be used.
General remarks Before starting an examination, make sure that the coil is connected to the
amplifier box.
Design • RF coil which can be positioned inside the rectum. The RF coil is fixed inside
a non-permeable balloon; both are mounted on a plastic rod which extends
to a grip. The coil amplifier and decoupling electronics are placed in a small
• The Multiva Endo coil can be filled with air only.
Applications • Rectum
• Prostate
• Cervix
Contraindications The Endo coil has several contraindications, e.g. inflammatory bowel disease.
Please refer to the section Contraindications below for the complete list.
General remarks Before starting an examination, make sure that the coil is connected to the
amplifier box.
Do not use the coil when any of the following is indicated:
• Inflammatory bowel disease i.e. ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease etc.
• Latex sensitivity.
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• Radiation or surgery of the prostate, rectum or surrounding area within the last 8 weeks.
• Rectal fistula.
• Severe hemorrhoids.
• Rectal obstruction or stricture.
• Impacted or excessive stool in the rectum.
• Stricture of the anal canal.
• Any exclusion normally recognized for intrarectal and endorectal devices.
• Gold seed fiducial markers within the last 3 weeks. Consult the responsible physician and
the instructions of the manufacturer of the gold seed fiducial markers.
• Brachytherapy seeds within the last 12 weeks. Consult the responsible physician and the
instructions of the manufacturer of the brachytherapy seeds.
Node title (original): 58632 SYS.Label.IFU.Notice.HAZ- ID: 27021604186987275-1
PegRF2.1_v1 Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24285
The probe of the coil is intended for single use only.
The interface device is reusable.
Liquid may leak from the balloon of the dS Endo 3.0T coil.
Risk of irritation.
• Only use liquid that is approved by the manufacturer of the dS Endo 3.0T coil for inflation
of the balloon.
This product contains natural rubber and DEHP.
Natural rubber can cause allergic reactions such as itching, fever, dyspnea, urtication, asthma,
hypotension, and shock. When these symptoms occur, immediately stop using the coil and
take proper action. For USA only: refer to FDA March 29, 1991 Medical Alert on latex product.
DEHP may cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Do not expose Endo-probes to UV or direct sunlight. Always store the probes in the storage
box at temperatures below 21o C.
Deterioration speed will increase highly when exposed to UV light or high temperatures.
Node title (original): HG - Avoid excessive bending of coil rod ID: 9007205677630347-1
Status: Released
Avoid excessive bending of the coil rod.
Excessive bending can lead to leakage of the non-permeable balloon.
1. Use a lubricating gel on the outside of the probe to ease insertion into the rectum.
Too much lubricant may create signal artifacts on the images.
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Fig. 213: 1 - Endo coil where m - migration stop, b - balloon. 2 - Preparation for the examination. 3 - Insertion of the
coil where p - prostate, r - rectum, s - spinal column.
Do not scan with the patient in decubitus position when using the Endo coil. Only scan in the
supine or prone position with the endo coil in the center of and aligned with the body coil
axis. The coil cable must be aligned with the body coil axis.
Scanning with the patient in decubitus position could result in excessive coil heating and
ultimately causing burns to the patient.
1. Position the patient in left or right decubitus position, with the knees pulled-up.
2. Squeeze the balloon gently to remove the air and thus ease insertion.
3. Maintain alignment and orientation of the blue stripe with the anterior midline of the
4. Care should be taken when inserting the coil into the rectum; this should be done slowly,
according to the patient's tolerance.
5. After positioning the coil, the balloon must be inflated to permit the coil loop to take up its
natural form. The balloon is inflated with air using the enclosed luer-lock syringe which fits
into a valve located close to the grip.
• The inflated balloon makes it possible not only to position the coil close to the prostate,
but also to prevent further movement of the coil in the rectum.
6. Place the migration stop on the shaft.
7. Inflate the balloon to the greatest volume that the patient can tolerate (60 cc to 100 cc).
The 1.5 T Endo coil can be filled with air only.
During inflation one should continuously ask the patient if it is still tolerable.
Node title (original): HG - Do not rotate the dS Endo coil ID: 9007205677753867-1
Status: Released
After insertion, do not rotate the coil once the balloon is inflated.
The following instructions have to be followed strictly to avoid patient injury or damage to the
Node title (original): Pos Endo coil Achieva ID: 18014406652814475
Affix: Achieva Status: Released
1. When the balloon is inflated, the patient must turn to a supine position. This is the
appropriate position for the examinations.
2. Position the patient head-first supine in the middle of the tabletop, with the cable routed
straight away from the patient.
3. Place the preamplifier box on the table and connect the probe cable to it.
4. Route the probe cable and preamplifier box between the patient’s legs parallel to the axis
of the bore. Make sure that the cable and the amplifier box do not touch the patient or the
bore (see figure).
5. Move the patient into the isocenter of the magnet.
6. Route the cable of the amplifier box underneath the leg to the coil socket and connect it to
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the system.
Fig. 214: Routing of the Endo coil cable and amplifier box.
End fragment title: 24356 SYS.Label.IFU.Instruction.HAZ-RF.89 (achieva/multiva)
End fragment title: Pos Endo coil Achieva
The cable of the preamplifier box cannot be connect before the patient is positioned in the
Do not scan with the patient in decubitus position when using the Endo coil. Only scan in the
supine or prone position with the endo coil in the center of and aligned with the body coil
axis. The coil cable must be aligned with the body coil axis.
Scanning with the patient in decubitus position could result in excessive coil heating and
ultimately causing burns to the patient.
After the examination, fully deflate the balloon before removing the coil.
1. To deflate the balloon use the stopcock close to the grip, place the luer-lock syringe on the
valve and withdraw the syringe plunger.
2. Remove the coil.
Emergency Patient Removal: Stop the scan, disconnect the probe from the Endo coil interface
device, and remove the patient from the examination room. After the patient is removed,
deflate the balloon and remove the probe.
For information about cleaning and disinfection of the Endo coil, refer to the Instructions for
Use, volume 1: chapter Maintenance and Quality Assurance. Storage
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717691531
Status: Released
1. Store the Endo coil in the original shipping container to prevent bending of the shaft.
2. Avoid transporting and storing the Endo coil imaging system at extreme temperatures and
humidity as this may cause damage to the system.
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of posterior and anterior coil part plus auxiliaries.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 6473974795
Status: Released
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of base plate and an anterior coil plus inferior,
anterior and posterior pad. The posterior coil elements are integrated in the base
plate. The anterior coil is adjustable in height.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Fig. 217: SENSE Shoulder coil 8. 1 - coil and cable. 2 - Set-up for right shoulder imaging. 3: Set-up for left shoulder
imaging. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717714187
Status: Released
Fig. 218: Preparation for a left shoulder examination. 1 - Base plate on tabletop. 2 - Inferior pad on tabletop and posterior pad on
baseplate. 3 - Patient on tabletop.
Fig. 219: 1 - Opening the connector on the base plate. 2 -Inserting anterior coil into connector. 3 - This picture shows the groove at the
coil’s pillar and the connector and the pin which snaps against the pillar during insertion
9. Press the handles at the anterior coil’s pillar and adjust the height and the angulation of
the anterior coil.
• Make sure that shoulder tissue is not extruded from between the anterior coil and the
base plate.
• Align the lateral portion of the anterior coil with the base plate.
Fig. 220: 1: Handles are pressed to adjust the height of the coil. 2: Positioning for left shoulder imaging. The arrow indicates where to
make sure that no tissue is extruded. 3: The lateral portion of the anterior coil is aligned with the base plate.
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of base plate and a small and a large coil plus
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
General remarks • On 1.5T systems, the coil has two slots on each side. On 3.0T systems, the
coil has one slot on each side only.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 221: SENSE Shoulder coil. Left: 1.5T version with 2 slots on each side, right: 3.0T version with one slot on each
side. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007206836569739
Status: Released
Select the small coil if possible.
On 1.5T systems only: Do not use the outer slot since image quality might decrease.
Only in case of extremely large patients, the outer slot can be used.
3. Position the patient on the tabletop, and place the coil around the shoulder.
4. Let the patient pull up his/her shoulder so that it is as close as possible to the coil.
5. Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
Design Rigid volume coil. Ovoid, two-piece, split shell design which conforms closely to
the wrist.
To reduce patient motion artifacts, this coil includes a base plate to fixate the coil
and several pads.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
General remarks • The coil can be used overhead (superman position) with the joint
horizontally, or at the patient’s side, with the joint vertically.
• Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images. In fat-
suppressed scans however, image interpretation may sometimes be easier
without CLEAR. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717735691
Status: Released
The wrist coil includes a coil holder for scans performed at the patient's side, and for scans
performed over the patient's head. The base plate is equipped with a transverse slot and two
lateral slots.
Fig. 224: Positioning with the SENSE Wrist coil 4. Left: Positioning of wrist at patient's side. Right: Positioning
overhead (superman positioning).
Fig. 225: 1 - Lateral (l) and transverse (t) slots. 2 - Coil holder and insert lockdown button (b). 3 - Coil cable pointing
away from magnet (m).
4. Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
Design Rigid volume coil of 8 elements that closely encircles the wrist for high SNR. One-
piece, hinged design for easy patient set-up. To reduce patient motion artifacts,
the SENSE Wrist coil includes a rigid base plate to fixate the coil.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • The coil can be used overhead (superman position) or at the patient’s side,
with the joint vertically or horizontally.
• Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images. In fat-
suppressed scans however, image interpretation may sometimes be easier
without CLEAR. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 27021604227232395
Status: Released
The base plate is equipped with two central transverse slots and two lateral slots on each side.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-3
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Fig. 228: Left: Coil positioning for left wrist - overhead. Right: Coil positioning for right wrist - overhead. With
4. Make sure that the cable does not stick out over the table. If necessary, shift the coil
5. Put a pillow on the tabletop below the coil. Position the patient prone with the hand in the
coil and the upper body on the pillow.
6. Use cushions so that the patient lies comfortable.
7. Insert padding into the coil for patient comfort.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The cable points towards the magnet and runs down next the coil and patient to the
Fig. 229: Left: Removing the mount adaptor. Right: mount adaptor removed.
4. Position the patient on the tabletop supine and feet-first with his/her hand in the coil
5. Insert padding into the coil for patient comfort.
6. Close the coil.
7. Insert padding into the coil through the opening, underneath the fingers.
8. Place thin cushions under the upper arm for patient comfort.
Design Rigid volume coils of 4 elements that closely encircle the wrist for high SNR. One-
piece design for easy patient set-up. To reduce patient motion artifacts, the
Hand/Wrist coil includes a rigid base plate to fixate the coil.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • The coil can be used overhead (superman position) or at the patient’s side,
with the joint vertically or horizontally.
• Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images. In fat-
suppressed scans however, image interpretation may sometimes be easier
without CLEAR.
Fig. 232: Left: Base plate on tabletop. The base plate is equipped with one pair of slots for 'at side' positioning (3),
two pairs of slots for 'overhead' positioning (1) and one pair of slots for the phantom holder (2). Right: 2 wedge pads,
2 hand palm supports (small and normal size), 2 flat hand supports (small and normal size). Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717766667
Status: Released
Fig. 233: 1 - Coil on base plate. 2 - Examination of left wrist - at side - feet first. 3 - Examination of right wrist
4. Place the hand palm support in the coil, either for a hand examination or for a wrist
Fig. 235: These figures show how the hand palm support has to be put in the coil and how the hand has to be placed
on this pad for either a hand or a wrist examination. Left: Positioning of pad and hand for wrist examination. Right:
Positioning of pad and hand for hand examination.
5. Put a pillow on the tabletop below the coil. Position the patient prone with the hand in the
coil and the upper body on the pillow.
6. Use cushions so that the patient lies comfortably.
7. Insert one or more flat hand supports on top of the hand to stabilize the hand.
8. Insert the wedge pad into the coil through the opening above the hand to flatten the hand.
Fig. 236: Placement of wedges in the coil: 1 - flat hand support, 2 - wedge pad.
9. Place the knee cushion under the lower legs for patient comfort.
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10. Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
Fig. 237: Left: Coil set-up for left wrist examination. Right: Patient positioning for a left wrist examination. The pads
are inserted into the coil.
3. Place the hand palm support in the coil, either for a hand examination or for a wrist
4. Position the patient on the tabletop supine and feet-first with his/her hand in the coil
5. Insert one or more flat hand supports on top of the hand to stabilize the hand.
6. Insert the wedge pad into the coil through the opening above the hand to flatten the hand.
7. Place thin cushions under the upper arm for patient comfort.
8. Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
Design Wrap-around coil on coil base with two dedicated mattresses and dedicated filler
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Fig. 238: SENSE Small Extremity coil 8. 1 - Coil in Small Extremity coil mattress. 2 - Small Extremity coil mattress with filler pads. 3 - Cable
guide mattress. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717784459
Status: Released
This coil can be used for examinations in supine (lateral) or prone (superman) patient position.
The procedure for supine examinations is described here.
1. Place the short mattress (mattress provided with all Philips systems) at the bore end.
2. Place the Small Extremity coil mattress on the table.
3. Put the coil into the required side so that the coils lies stable. Place filler pads into the
empty spaces.
4. Place the cable guide mattress on the table.
5. Place the cable through an available guide.
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Fig. 239: Left and right: Three mattresses (short mattress, coil positioning mattress and cable guide mattress) on the tabletop from
different views.
6. Position the patient on the mattress with his/her elbow into the coil.
7. Use cushions for patient comfort and stability.
8. Wrap the coil around the patient’s elbow.
Ensure that the edges of the coil overlap.
Snap the coil closed and pull the strap tight.
9. Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
Fig. 240: Left: Open coil on tabletop. Right: Closed coil on tabletop.
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of a coil base and an upper coil part.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717799179
Status: Released
The coil should be placed with the cable coming out on the front. Make sure the coil is properly
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-4
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
► Use foam pads to keep the knee securely in place. Use sandbags and cushions to stabilize
the knee.
► Do not place sandbags near or inside the field of view. This will help with shimming.
Ankle /Foot
► Medially rotate the ankle a little to get nice anatomic orthogonal surveys.
Fig. 243: Left: Knee/Foot coil with foot-support coil insert. Right: Knee/Foot coil applying fixation wedge.
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of base plate, posterior coil part and two different
anterior coil parts, one for a knee examination and one for a foot/ankle
examination, plus auxiliaries.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible Yes
General remarks • Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images. In fat-
suppressed scans however, image interpretation may sometimes be easier
without CLEAR.
Fig. 244: Knee/Foot coil: 1 - base plate, posterior and anterior coil part for foot/ankle examination, 2 - base plate, posterior and anterior
coil part for knee examination, 3 - base plate, posterior part with accessories: a - support cushion, b foot support, c - balun cover pad, d -
lower leg support.
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Fig. 245: Auxiliaries: 1 - knee pad for a knee examination, 2 - toe wedge pad and straps for a foot examination, 3 - foot support pads. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 18014404972554891
Status: Released
General preparation
1. Place the base plate on the tabletop.
2. Slide the coil in the transverse slots, and push it to the left or right side for an examination
of the left or right extremity.
The coil should be placed with the cable coming out away from the magnet.
Fig. 246: Base plate on tabletop with posterior coil part. Left: for an examination of the left knee, foot or ankle. Right:
for an examination of the right knee, foot or ankle.
Fig. 248: Left: Set-up for left foot/ankle examination. Right: Set-up for right foot/ankle examination.
5. Insert the pads into the foot support, and fix the straps to the coil.
6. Place the contralateral foot on the support cushion and the lower leg on the balun cover
7. Position the foot in the foot support with the lower leg on the lower leg support. Place the
straps around the foot for immobilization.
Fig. 249: 1 and 2: inserting pads into foot support. 3 - positioning and immobilizing foot in foot support.
8. Very carefully slide the anterior coil part onto the posterior coil part with both hands. Make
sure the coil is properly closed.
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Special attention is needed in case of patients with damaged feet and toes, e.g. diabetes.
9. Insert the toe wedge pad into the coil through the opening, underneath the toes. This pad
can help keep the forefoot immobile.
10. Use the landmark on top of the anterior coil part for isocenter positioning.
Fig. 250: 1 and 2: Right foot examination. Contralateral leg on support cushion and balun cover pad. Foot in coil and lower leg on lower
leg support. 3 - Insertion of toe wedge pad into the coil. The arrow indicates the landmark for isocenter positioning.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-5
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Positioning - Knee
1. Put the knee pad on the posterior coil part.
Fig. 251: Left: Knee pad. Right: Posterior coil part on base plate for left knee examination. Note that the knee pad is
not yet inserted into the knee coil.
Fig. 252: Left: Left knee examination with contralateral (right) knee on knee support. Right: Left knee examination
with left foot on lower leg support.
Fig. 253: Left: Closing the coil. Right: Set-up for a right knee examination. Note that the balun cover pad can also be
used for patient positioning and comfort. The arrow indicates the landmark for isocenter positioning.
• Receive-only
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of a coil base (base plate with the posterior coil part
attached to it) and an anterior coil part plus auxiliaries.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Node title (original): Knee coil 16 Receive-only AND T/R ID: 6463100043-1
overview Status: Released
Fig. 254: SENSE Knee coil 16. 1: Front view, 2: Rear view, 3: Auxiliaries, upper left: unaffected knee pad; upper right: foot support pad;
lower left: thin and thick wedge pad; lower right: knee ramp.
End fragment title: Knee coil 16 Receive-only AND T/R overview Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717829003
Status: Released
1. Place the coil base on the tabletop with the scale towards the magnet.
2. Put the small mattress in front of the coil base.
3. Put the knee ramp on the coil base.
Due to its design, the knee ramp can be put on the coil base in one way only.
Fig. 255: 1: Coil base with posterior coil part (p) on tabletop with small mattress in front of it. 2: Knee ramp (r) on coil
base. 3: Knee ramp can be put on coil base in one way only. s = scale on the coil base. M = arrow points to magnet.
4. Slide the posterior coil part to the left or to the right for a left or right knee examination.
5. Put the thin and/or thick wedge pad in the coil for small knees.
6. Put the unaffected knee pad on the coil base besides the posterior coil part.
Fig. 256: Set-up for feet-first knee examinations with unaffected knee pad besides posterior coil part. R: set-up for a right knee
examination with posterior coil part slid to the right side. Wedge pads are placed in the coil for a small knee. L: set-up for a left knee
examination with posterior coil part slid to the left side.
Fig. 257: Right knee examination. Left: right leg with knee in posterior coil part and foot on foot support pad. Right: left leg with knee on
unaffected knee pad.
8. Carefully place the anterior coil part on the posterior coil part.
9. Close the coil by moving the U-bolt.
10. Use the light visor and move the patient’s knee to the isocenter.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-6
Status: Released
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of a coil base (base plate with the posterior coil part
attached to it) and an anterior coil part plus auxiliaries.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Node title (original): Knee coil 16 Receive-only AND T/R ID: 6463100043-2
overview Status: Released
Fig. 259: SENSE Knee coil 16. 1: Front view, 2: Rear view, 3: Auxiliaries, upper left: unaffected knee pad; upper right: foot support pad;
lower left: thin and thick wedge pad; lower right: knee ramp.
End fragment title: Knee coil 16 Receive-only AND T/R overview
ISO/IEC: 71427
Do not scan body parts other than the lower limbs with the SENSE T/R Knee 16 coil.
Do not scan pediatric patients under 15 kg (33 lbs) with the SENSE T/R Knee 16 coil.
Label on the coil: Do not scan pediatric patients under 15 kg (33 lbs) with this coil.
End fragment title: 71427 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.Jewel2.1.2_Achieva_v1 Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717852683
Status: Released
Node title (original): Positioning Knee 16 Receive-only AND T/R ID: 9007205717836555-2
Status: Released
1. Place the coil base on the tabletop with the scale towards the magnet.
2. Put the small mattress in front of the coil base.
3. Put the knee ramp on the coil base.
Due to its design, the knee ramp can be put on the coil base in one way only.
Fig. 260: 1: Coil base with posterior coil part (p) on tabletop with small mattress in front of it. 2: Knee ramp (r) on coil
base. 3: Knee ramp can be put on coil base in one way only. s = scale on the coil base. M = arrow points to magnet.
4. Slide the posterior coil part to the left or to the right for a left or right knee examination.
5. Put the thin and/or thick wedge pad in the coil for small knees.
6. Put the unaffected knee pad on the coil base besides the posterior coil part.
Fig. 262: Right knee examination. Left: right leg with knee in posterior coil part and foot on foot support pad. Right: left leg with knee on
unaffected knee pad.
8. Carefully place the anterior coil part on the posterior coil part.
9. Close the coil by moving the U-bolt.
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10. Use the light visor and move the patient’s knee to the isocenter.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-7
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Fig. 264: Connectors of the SENSE T/R Knee coil 16 3.0T in the corresponding sockets on the Achieva TX system.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
Applications • Knee
Markers on the coil • In the middle of the coil (FH direction) for light visor positioning
General remarks • This coil should only be used for ‘Feet first’ studies.
• Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images. In fat-
suppressed scans however, image interpretation may sometimes be easier
without CLEAR. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717865867
Status: Released
► Use foam pads to keep the knee securely in place. Use sandbags and cushions to stabilize
the knee.
► Do not place sandbags near or inside the field of view. This will help with shimming.
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Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-8
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Design Rigid volume coil consisting of base plate with foot support and the coil plus
Dimensions • Inner dimensions: FH: 200 mm, LR: 105 mm, AP: 270 mm.
• FOV: FH: 220 mm, LR: 120 mm, AP: 280 mm.
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
General remarks • Applying CLEAR gives excellent homogeneity throughout the images. In fat-
suppressed scans however, image interpretation may sometimes be easier
without CLEAR.
• Do not combine this coil with other coils.
Markers • On the cable to facilitate cable routing into the groove of the base plate.
• Landmark on top of the handle for isocenter positioning.
Fig. 267: Left: SENSE Foot-Ankle coil: base plate and coil. Right: Schematic drawing of the 8 coil elements.
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Fig. 268: 1: Base plate with foot support. 2: Toe wedge pad. 3: Foot support pad. 4: Knee support (2x). 5: Unaffected
foot pad. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007205717879051
Status: Released
1. Place the base plate on the tabletop towards the magnet so that the patient can be
examined supine and feet first.
2. Slide the foot support on the base plate to the left or the right side to accommodate left or
right foot and ankle examinations.
3. Insert padding into the foot support for patient comfort and good fixation.
• The foot support pad is used to center the ankle in the coil.
4. Position the patient on the tabletop. Place the foot to be examined in the foot support. To
improve patient comfort, use the knee supports.
5. Place the foot which is not to be imaged in the unaffected foot pad for patient comfort.
6. Use the strap to immobilize the foot to be examined.
7. Very carefully slide the coil onto the foot support with both hands.
Special attention is needed in case of patients with damaged feet and toes, e.g. diabetes.
There are no latches, the coil is held in place by gravity.
8. Insert the toe wedge pad into the coil through the opening, underneath the toes. This pad
can help keep the forefoot immobile.
9. Route the coil cable as illustrated above. Markers on the cable indicate which part of the
cable has to be pressed into the groove on the edge of the base plate.
Proper placement of the cable simplifies cable management when the table is raised/
lowered or moved in/out of the bore.
10. Use the landmark on top of the handle for isocenter positioning.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-9
Status: Released
Fig. 269: 1: Foot positioning in foot support. 2: Sliding coil onto foot support with both hands. 3: Inserting of toe
wedge pad through opening.
Fig. 270: 1: Positioning with unaffected foot on dedicated pad. 2: Toe wedge pad in coil, and landmark (arrow) for
isocenter positioning. 3: Cable routing: part between markers in groove on coil.
Design Bilateral coil which consists of base pad, posterior and anterior coil.
The base pad has the shape of an elongated wedge such that one extremity is
thicker than the other. The posterior coil is larger than the anterior coil and
wraps around the patient’s legs. The anterior and posterior coil elements have to
be connected to the base pad.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Applications • High resolution imaging of abdominal aorta and peripheral vasculature. CE-
Angio run off studies.
• Three-station contrast studies.
• Ideal in combination with MobiTrak studies.
General remarks • The complete SENSE PeriphVascular coil consists of three stations: upper,
middle and lower station for abdomen, upper and lower legs. Each station is
made up of 4 coils which can be selected separately. It can only be scanned
with one coil station at any one time.
• Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
Multi coil imaging Yes (only to combine the stations of this coil)
Coil Positioning
1. Move the tabletop completely out of the magnet without lowering it.
2. Place the base pad onto the tabletop with the thick extremity towards the magnet.
3. Place the posterior coil onto the base pad allowing the base to fit into the coil grid.
4. Bend the longest of the two short base pad cables and plug it into the posterior coil.
5. Make sure that the upper station is centered below the mark on the table to ensure that
the table can travel to isocenter.
6. The thick end of the base pad will stick out of the tabletop by 4 cm or more.
Patient positioning
1. Position the patient feet first with the heels resting on the thick square pads at the end of
the base pad.
2. Position the patient’s heels within the lower coil element (see orange marked area in
3. Place the two elongated foam cushions under the knee and under the ankles in order to
avoid calf compression.
4. Place the supplied foam cube between the patient’s legs to provide support to the anterior
5. Support the upper back and the head of the patient with a pillow or other padding material
to ensure patient comfort.
6. Position the patient’s arms above the head on the support cushion (or on the abdomen
outside the coil).
7. Place the anterior coil on top of the patient’s legs and abdomen while making sure that the
three stations’ coil centers coincide to the ones of the posterior coil.
8. Stabilize the patient’s legs with sandbags if necessary.
9. Wrap the posterior coil lateral flaps around the patient’s legs until they touch the anterior
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Fig. 272: 1: The orange spots indicate where to position the patient's heels. 2: SENSE PV coil open. 3: SENSE PV coil
closed with straps.
10. Wrap the straps attached to the posterior coils around the patient to stabilize the anterior
coil as well as the lateral flaps.
11. Plug the base pad connector with the shortest cable into the anterior coil.
12. As the patient’s feet are in close proximity to this connector they should be padded
medially, then strapped together.
13. Plug the coil into the connector.
14. Use the light visor to position the lower station marker, marked by an engraved cross on
the anterior coil surface, into the magnet isocenter.
The arms of the patient are best left outside the coil on the abdomen or above the head.
The parameter ’Multi coil’ has to be set to ’Yes’ in order to switch between the different coil
parts per stack.
Cleaning of the coil is possible with a moist cloth.
Avoid cleaning the connector at the feet end of the coil with water.
Coil selection
It is only possible to scan with one coil station (upper, middle or lower station) at any one time.
Select the stations for the stacks as follows:
• Upper station for the abdominal stack (Stack C);
• Middle station for the upper legs (Stack B);
• Lower station for the lower legs (Stack A).
Dimensions 65 cm x 24 cm
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Always store the coil flat.
Fig. 274: Single Hip examination with the SENSE GP Flex L 8 coil: The patient is positioned supine, feet-first. The coil is
wrapped around the hip and fixed with a strap.
Fig. 275: Left: GP positioning cushion. Right: Preparation of an examination with the two coils utilizing the GP
positioning cushion.
Coil parameters
► Enable ’Dual Coil’ mode.
► Select ’All’ or ’Overlap’ as ’Element selection’.
All Overlap
Make sure that the ’Element selection’ is set to the correct value for both coils.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible Yes
Applications Applications requiring small FOV with high SNR, e.g. skin, eyes, small joints,
superficial vessels, pediatric and nipple imaging. Placed
around a finger, against the skin or close to the body surface.
General remarks To ensure a flat surface, the coils can be ‘closed’ with special coil inserts.
Limitations • Make sure, that the coil is not positioned in the transverse plane. Coils work
best when positioned in coronal or sagittal plane.
• The coil may be combined with the Q-Head coil.
• The coil may not be used in the mouth.
Instead of a cable trap, the Microscopy coils use a driver box.
The driver box contains dedicated electronics for the Microscopy coils. This driver box looks
very similar to the cable trap and must be plugged directly in the coil connector. Do not try to
use the Microscopy coil with the cable trap as it does not fit. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 18014404972646411
Status: Released
Skin imaging
1. To achieve the best possible image quality, make sure that both the coil and the anatomy
are perfectly immobilized. Use sandbags and/or straps.
2. Start with a large FOV (450 mm) to find the location of the coil.
3. Proceed with a multistack small FOV (15 mm) survey.
4. Then perform high resolution scans.
Fig. 277: Incorrect (left) and correct (right) positioning of the Microscopy coil. The arrow indicates the axis of the
main magnetic field.
Eye studies
To avoid eye movement, ask the patient to close the eyes or to focus on a specific point in the
Positioning examples
Fig. 278: Positioning examples with the Microscopy coils: orbit, ear, skin.
Fig. 279: Positioning examples with the Microscopy coils: placed against the skin, around a digit and around a thumb.
The arrow indicates the axis of the main magnetic field.
SENSE-compatible Yes
CLEAR-compatible Yes
MultiTransmit-compatible No
General remarks Always use CLEAR as homogeneity correction for best image quality.
The SENSE Flex coil is available in three sizes: S-small, M-medium, L-large.
For more information on how to use the coil in different anatomic areas, refer to the following
Positioning the coil, care must be taken to avoid coupling or cross-talk between the two
elements. To avoid coupling:
• Keep a minimum distance of approximately half the size of an element between the coil
elements if they are positioned parallel.
• Ensure that the coil elements do not touch if they are positioned next to each other. It is
better if the coil elements overlap a few centimeters.
• Ensure that the elements do not touch if they are positioned at an angle. Position one
element slightly on the other instead.
• Do not connect the coil until the patient is positioned in the bore. This makes coil handling
Fig. 281: Positioning advices for the SENSE Flex coils to avoid coupling.
Use the SENSE Flex coil Spacer in order to keep a distance between coil cables and the patient.
With virtually all applications of the SENSE Flex coils, the Spacer can be attached to the cables
running between the interface-box and the coil elements. The small cushion can be attached to
the interface-box whenever the interface-box cannot be positioned at the tabletop. See
examples showing the use of the SENSE Flex coil spacer.
1. Position the patient in the TMJ coil holder rest assembly, if available.
2. Center the patient’s head and immobilize it using strap and band.
3. Place the coil elements on both sides of the patient’s head or neck.
Fig. 283: Left: SENSE Flex-S coil with TMJ holder for orbit. Right: SENSE Flex-S coil with TMJ holder for anterior neck.
► Do not place the coil elements too close to each other. Keep a minimum distance of 8 cm.
► Use cushions if necessary.
SENSE imaging of the breast. The SENSE Flex L-coil fits precisely into the mattress.
The mattress is available for 1.5T and 3.0T systems. It comprises of two parts:
• a solid foam base
• a flexible cover with fits onto the top side of the base
The base of the mattress has recesses on the top and bottom into which the elements of the
SENSE Flex-L coil fit. These recesses also contain velcro attachment points to anchor the coil in
place. Along either side of the top and bottom of the base are grooves into which the cables of
the coil should be placed. This gives the required separation between the patient’s skin and the
cables ensuring both safety and comfort.
The flexible cover is designed to sit on the top of the base and cover the coil and cable. It is also
fixed to the coil and the base by use of velcro attachment. Both the base and cover are
designed for ease of cleaning for the prevention of cross-infection.
It is allowed to scan with a combination of two SENSE Flex coils in dual mode.
Node title (original): Breast mattress (SENSE Body & SENSE ID: 9007205717573387-2
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The flexible cover is designed to sit on the top of the base and cover the coil and cable. It is also
fixed to the coil and the base by use of velcro attachment. Both the base and cover are
designed for ease of cleaning for the prevention of cross-infection.
Fig. 285: Left: Breast mattress. Right: Schematic drawing of the breast mattress. 1 - flexible cover, 2- anterior coil part, 3 - base of the
mattress, 4 - posterior coil part, 5 - cables located in groove.
End fragment title: Breast mattress (SENSE Body & SENSE Flex)
For more information on the workflow, refer to the section 'SENSE Body coil'.
Method 1
1. Place one coil element such that it encompasses the top of the shoulder and lies
approximately in the sagittal plane.
2. Place the second coil element on top of the first one approximately in the coronal plane. It
should have a 20% overlap parallel to the clavicle.
Method 2
1. Place one coil element behind the shoulder joint.
2. Place the second coil element anterior.
3. Position the elements parallel to each other. Make sure there is the required distance
between the elements and the elements do not touch each other.
4. Use the strap to keep both coil elements in place.
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Do not put a sandbag on the shoulder, because this can generate movement artifacts or
artifacts that result from small ferrous particles in the sandbag.
In order to avoid breathing artifacts, try to oblique the patient towards the to-be-examined
side. Do not place the patient’s arm on the abdomen.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
When on the tabletop, all coils (if used as positioning aid also the head coil) must always be
connected to the system, whether they are being used for imaging or not. Positioning
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 6463220235
Status: Released
• Position the patient supine, with the arm along the patient's side.
– The hand/wrist is as much in the isocenter as possible
• Use positioning cushions to ensure patient comfort. Avoid placing sandbags near or inside
the FOV.
• Use the C3 or the C4 coil dependent on the size of the wrist.
• Insert the wrist through the coil or position the wrist on the coil.
SENSE-compatible No
CLEAR-compatible No
MultiTransmit- compatible No
General remarks • The plane of the coil should be kept parallel to the main magnetic field.
• Proton decoupling and Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE) irradiation
are provided by the Body coil. SAR is calculated on a scan-by-scan basis and
takes into account both, the proton and phosphorous pulses.
► The plane of the coil should be kept parallel to the main magnetic field.
Node title (original): 82662 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.MN. ID: 117001120651
9b Status: Released
Use of the Multi Nuclei coils P-140, P-140-Flex, C-140-Flex and Na-140-Flex close to the eyes.
Risk of heating of the eyes.
• Keep a distance to the eyes of at least 6 cm (2.5 inches) in all directions.
Handle the coil with care to prevent damage.
• After unpacking a new coil or storage, the coil requires 24 hours of acclimatization before
first use.
• Carry the coil by its housing only.
• Do not handle the coil by its cables or connectors.
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Node title (original): same text as used in Ingenia Positioning ID: 116964466187-2
Map node Status: Released
This chapter provides some general information about positioning and describes the positioning
procedures for the various MRI examinations.
End fragment title: same text as used in Ingenia Positioning Map node
• Be aware that the first consideration in positioning is comfort, in the patient's interest and
to minimize motion artifacts.
• Use positioning cushions, sandbags and immobilization straps for comfort and stability.
Normal X-ray positioning cushions may also be used.
• Ensure that patients fit easily into the system when positioned off-center or semi-sitting.
If positioned semi-obliquely for a shoulder examination, the patient's raised shoulder may
impede passage into the system.
• Use the arm supports to prevent the patient from grabbing around the table sides and
pinching the fingers during horizontal table motion.
Node title (original): WARNING Arm supports versus finger ID: 9007206656686475
pinching Status: Released
Verify that patient’s hands are on the tabletop before moving the tabletop into the magnet
to avoid finger pinching.
Fingers can get pinched between tabletop and the system covers.
The special arm supports (see Positioning Aids) can be used to avoid finger pinching. The arm
supports prevent the patient from grabbing around the table sides avoiding finger pinching
during tabletop movement.
Fig. 290: Left: Arm support. Middle: Incorrect patient positioning. Right: Advised patient positioning with arm support (1) and padding (2).
End fragment title: WARNING Arm supports versus finger pinching
Node title (original): Nurse call and headset images for Ingenia ID: 118368232587
family except MR5300 Status: Released
End fragment title: Nurse call and headset images for Ingenia family except MR5300
Hearing Protection
Node title (original): Acoustic noise protection ID: 9007200724271371-2
Status: Released
Basic hearing protection must be worn by the patient during scanning. Such hearing protection
is provided by appropriately fitted earplugs with sufficient damping (>30 dB).
Typical damping characteristic of the Philips' headset is 20 dB in the 1 kHz range.
Always apply hearing protection to the patient and anyone else present in the examination
room before start scanning.
Without hearing protection, noise levels may be high enough to cause discomfort or result
in temporary or even permanent loss of hearing.
Nurse Call
Node title (original): 24290 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PH.01 ID: 18014399979008907-2
Status: Released
The ‘Nurse call pinch ball’ must be given to every patient.
This allows for communication between the patient and the operator at all times.
Check correct functioning of the ‘Nurse call system’ before each examination.
Its use should always be demonstrated. If it is pressed quickly twice or once for a longer period,
the alarm bell will be heard and the light will be activated on the intercom.
Node title (original): Nurse call MR5300 ID: 118368236811
Status: Released
Node title (original): nurse call clip usage - Ingenia family ID: 9007271021969163-2
except MR5300 Status: Released
Node title (original): Intro Mattress and coil concept - ALL ID: 118368462347
Ingenia family Status: Released
Optimum patient positioning is crucial for a successful MR examination. The setup of coils and
mattresses is an essential part of patient positioning. Understanding the mattress and coil
concept allows for a smart setup of every MR examination.
End fragment title: Intro Mattress and coil concept - ALL Ingenia family
Node title (original): Mattresses part 1 - ALL Ingenia family ID: 118368482571
Status: Released
Node title (original): Mattress philosophy for MR5300 ONLY ID: 118368492939
Status: Released
► Use the comfort mattresses with the comfort mattress partner at all times: put the comfort
mattress in the comfort mattress partner.
The comfort mattress partner surrounds the comfort mattress and provides secure space
for cable positioning.
► Safely place all cables in the space of the comfort mattress partner.
Node title (original): Mattresses part 2 - Ingenia family except ID: 118368484107
MR5300 Status: Released
The short mattresses are of the same size as the dedicated coils (with their mattresses) that
are used in combination with the dStream Interface.
The short mattresses are to be substituted by a dedicated dStream coil for a specific clinical
1 Base coil (B), two long mattresses (LM) and one T-shape mattress (TM)
2 dStream Interface (d) with two short mattressses (SM), one long mattress and one T-
shape mattress (TM).
End fragment title: Mattresses part 2 - Ingenia family except MR5300
Node title (original): Base always on tabletop! Ingenia family ID: 9007205721523211
except MR5300 Status: Released
Without the dStream interface, always leave the Base coil on the tabletop as head support,
even when not in use.
One exception to this rule is the dS Shoulder 8ch coil.
End fragment title: Base always on tabletop! Ingenia family except MR5300
Fig. 293: Preferred locations for the dedicated coils in combination with the dStream Interface (LM - long mattress,
SM - short mattress, TM - T-shape mattress, Ded - Dedicated mattresses of the Small Extremity coil).
2 Knee coils (dS Knee 8ch coil, dS Knee 16ch, dS Knee T/R 16ch coil) for knee examinations in
Feet-First position
3 dS Wrist 8ch coil for wrist examinations in Feet-First position with the wrist at side
6 dS Small Extremity 8ch coil with dedicated mattresses for elbow examinations in Head-First
Note that the dS Small Extremity 8ch coil is to be used with its dedicated mattresses (ded).
The breast coils are delivered with dedicated mattresses. None of the above described setups
applies for these coils. For more information, please refer to the chapter “Positioning for
Breast Examinations” on page 723.
End fragment title: Overview of positioning possiblities - Ingenia family except MR5300
Node title (original): Sockets tabletop Ingenia family except ID: 54043203009404299-2
Optimus (CX) and MR5300 Status: Released
1. FlexConnect socket
2. Not used
3. FlexConnect socket
4. Not used.
5. Headset and Nurse call
6. Not used
7. FlexConnect socket
8. Headset and Nurse call
1. FlexConnect socket.
2. Not used.
3. FlexConnect socket.
4. Not used.
5. Headset and Nurse call
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
6. Not used.
7. FlexConnect socket.
8. Headset and Nurse call
1. dS socket
(to connect the dS
2. FlexConnect socket
(to connect the dS Base
3. Headset and Nurse call
4. dS socket
(to connect the dS
5. Headset and Nurse call
6. Not used
End fragment title: Sockets tabletop Ingenia family except Optimus (CX) and MR5300
For specifc information about which socket is required for a specific coil, see section chapter
“Available Coils and Coil Solutions” on page 266.
End fragment title: Ingenia family all of them
Node title (original): FlexConnect socket for Ingenia family ID: 18014516877781387
except MR5300 Status: NotReleased
FlexConnect sockets
These sockets are to be used for:
• dStream Interface
• dS Base coil
• dS Anterior coil(s)
• dS Shoulder 8ch coil
Node title (original): 3.0T ID: 130472312203
Status: NotReleased
The short cable length of the dS Base coil, the dS Shoulder 8ch coil and the dStream Interface
forces the operator to use the FlexConnect closest to these devices at the magnet side.
In such a way, mistakes are prevented.
End fragment title: FlexConnect socket for Ingenia family except MR5300
Node title (original): dStream socket for Ingenia family except ID: 9007317623041419
MR5300 Status: Released
dStream socket
The dStream socket is available on the dStream Interface.
This socket is to be used for most of the dedicated coils, for example:
• Breast coils.
• Musculoskeletal coils.
• Pediatric coils.
Fig. 295: dStream interface on the patient support plugged into FlexConnect socket. Left: Open socket for the
connection of a dStream coil. Right: dStream coil is connected.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The dStream socket/connector and the FlexConnect socket/connector are different in shape
and size.
In such a way, mistakes are prevented.
End fragment title: dStream socket for Ingenia family except MR5300
Node title (original): Plugging in - Ingenia family except MR5300 ID: 9007317623042443
Status: Released
Procedure of plugging in
An empty socket is protected by a sliding disk.
► Place the connector against the lever of the sliding disk.
► Move the connector further against the lever to open the socket.
► When the socket is completely open, plug the connector into the socket.
Fig. 296: Closed and open sockets with levers and sliding disk.
1 Sliding disk
2 Levers
End fragment title: Plugging in - Ingenia family except MR5300
► Prepare the tabletop with coil(s), mattresses and, if required, the dStream interface.
► Position the patient on the tabletop with hearing protection, nurse call and the appropriate
positioning aids and, if required, wireless PPU or VCG.
For more information on positioning, see the following sections.
Damaged coil or mirror due to collision with the magnet.
Risk of injury
• To tilt the dS Head or dS HeadNeck coil, only use the tilting device dedicated for your
• When the tilting device is in use, watch that the mirror does not collide with the magnet
during tabletop movement.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The set-up of a head examination, a head/neck examination or a spine examination are very
• The dS Posterior coil and the dS Base coil are used for all these examinations.
• Depending on the type of examination, the dS Head top or the dS HeadNeck top coil are
also used.
Fig. 298: Positioning for spine, head, head/neck and total neuro examinations.
1 Schematic set-up: T-Shape mattress (TM), two long mattresses (LM) and the dS Base coil (B) on
the tabletop with the dS Base coil connected to the FlexConnect socket.
2 Positioning for Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar and Total Spine examinations: patient on the tabletop.
3 Positioning for Head and Total Neuro examinations: patient on the tabletop. The dS Head top coil
is attached to the dS Base.
4 Positioning for Head/Neck examinations: patient on the tabletop. The dS HeadNeck top coil is
attached to the dS Base.
1. Place the dS Base coil and two long mattresses on the tabletop.
2. Connect the dS Base coil to the FlexConnect socket.
3. Position the patient supine on the tabletop with their head in the dS Base coil.
4. Use the small wedges to immobilize the head by placing them firmly between the head and
the sides of the support.
5. Use the knee cushion to increase patient comfort.
Fig. 301: Positioning for spine examinations. 1: Without mirror. 2: With mirror. 3: The mirror.
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Fig. 302: Left: Set-up for head and total neuro examinations. Right: Set-up for head/neck examinations.
Fig. 303: The figure shows the possible positions of the movable part of the coil.
Fig. 304: The arrows indicate the buttons that need to be pressed to release the top coil in order to detach it from
the dS Base coil.
Never lift the coil by holding on to the dS Head (or dS HeadNeck) top coil.
This might lead to severe damage of the coil.
Fig. 305: Left: Correct way of how to lift up the coil. Right: Wrong way.
ISO/IEC: 24365
1.5T dS-HeadNeck coil of types 45100100048* and 45980017123*:
Do not tilt the coil or put it on padding. This may cause local heating of the patient.
Always position the coil flat on the tabletop.
At the start of a scan a warning message is displayed when a 1.5T dS HeadNeck coil of types
45100100048* and 45980017123* is connected to the system.
HeadNeck is connected.
Scanning with a tilted HeadNeck coil is not allowed.
Refer to the Instructions for Use for information about
the HeadNeck coil
Press 'Cancel' to stop scanning.
Press 'Proceed' to start scanning only if the HeadNeck
coil is not tilted.
|Cancel| or |Proceed|
► Place the FlexTilt device between the dS Base coil and the tabletop.
► Position the patient on the tabletop with the head in the dS Base coil.
► Tilt the tilting device to an angle convenient for the patient.
► Optional: Depending on the type of examination, attach the dS Head or the dS HeadNeck
top coil to the dS Base coil. Philips
Fig. 306: Examples of positioning with FlexTilt from lowest level (1) to highest level (3).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 307: Examination on the highest tilting level with a top coil attached: dS HeadNeck top coil (left) or dS Head top
coil (right) .
End fragment title: FlexTilt workflow
4.4.3 Positioning for Head Examinations with the dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil
Affix: all Ingenia 3T system types ID: 45036002740071819
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
For head examinations on 3.0T, the dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil is an alternative solution to the
integrated Base with the Head or HeadNeck top.
The examination with the dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil is a Head-First examination with the patient
1. Place the dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil, two long mattresses and the T-shape mattress on the
The coil is positioned correctly when the tab on its posterior section fits into the notch on
the table.
Fig. 308: Left: Rear view of the dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil. The arrow points to the part of the posterior section that is
supposed to fit into the notch on the table. Right: The posterior section fits into the notch on the table.
3. Unlatch and remove the anterior section of the coil in preparation for the patient to be
• Tilt the lever on the anterior section upwards to unlock this section.
• Carefully raise the anterior section at the cranial side and take it off the posterior
• To attach the anterior section back to the posterior one, proceed in the same way in
reverse order. Philips
Fig. 310: 1: The anterior section attached to the posterior section. 2: Tilting the lever to unlock the anterior section. 3 : Anterior section is
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 311: Tabletop setup with long mattresses and knee support, posterior coil section connected to dStream
4. Position the patient with his/her head in the posterior section of the coil.
Make sure that the patient's head is centered in the posterior section and that the patient's
shoulders touch the coil pads.
• Optional: Place the EEG cable in the EEG groove of the posterior section.
5. Provide hearing protection for the patient.
• For maximum patient comfort it is recommended to use both earplugs and headset.
The advantages are optimum noise reduction and good communication via the
• For improved signal-to-noise ratio, it is recommended to use earplugs and foam
The advantage is less noise breakthrough. However the patient will experience a higher
noise level, and the communication via the intercom could be affected.
Fig. 312: Alternative ways of positioning. Left: with earplugs and headset, right: with earplugs and foam wedges.
6. Optional: Place the EEG cable in the EEG groove of the posterior section.
7. Attach the anterior section to the coil.
8. For isocenter positioning, use the patient's eyebrow line as landmark.
Fig. 314: Mirror on the coil to enable the patient to look outside the bore.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-11
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
4.4.4 Positioning for Head Examinations with the T/R Head coil
Affix: Available on MR5300 for safety compliance ID: 45036002742059531
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
The examination with the T/R Head coil is a Head-First examination with the patient supine.
► Place the coil and the mattresses on the tabletop.
Make sure the head support is secure.
► Connect the coil to the T/R socket.
► Position the patient with their head in the head support.
• If the patient has a short neck, it is advisable to place some padding under the
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Use the small wedges to immobilize the head by placing them firmly between the head
and the sides of the support.
• Use the head fixation strap for extra immobilization.
► Pull the sliding part gently over the head and face.
• Pull gently on both sides of the coil, close to the base.
• Pull the coil all the way down so that it 'clicks' into position: this may not be possible
with patients with large shoulders or a short neck. In this case, the coil will function
normally, although the head appears lower in the survey image.
► Attach the optical mirror to the coil or use the comfort zone so that the patient can look
outside the bore.
This can be reassuring for patients.
Fig. 315: Ready for a head/brain examination with the T/R Head coil.
Body examinations (e.g. cardiac imaging and all organs of chest, abdomen, pelvis and peripheral
angiography) make use of the dS Torso coil solution with its components dS Anterior coil and dS
Posterior coil.
1 Schematic set up of a Head-First examination: dS Base, two long mattresses (LM), one T-Shape
mattress (TM), and one dS Anterior coil (A) on the patient's chest connected to a FlexConnect
2 Schematic set up of a Feet-First examination: dS Base, two long mattresses (LM), a pillow (P) on
the T-Shape mattress at the bottom of the tabletop, and one dS Anterior coil (A) on the patient's
chest connected to a FlexConnect socket.
3 Patient positioned head-first on tabletop with one dS Anterior coil on his chest. Set up for body
4 Patient positioned feet-first on tabletop with one dS Anterior coil on his legs. Set up for peripheral
• for Feet-First examinations: with their head on the T-shape mattress or if used the
Head/Leg support.
2. For cardiac imaging, place VCG electrodes and connect the leads properly.
3. Place the dS Anterior coil on the patient's chest.
4. If necessary place the respiratory belt between patient and coil.
5. The arms of the patient can either be positioned above the head or at the side.
• For optimal results, position the patient's arms above the head.
Use the delivered positioning aids to support the patient's arms and position the patient
as comfortable as possible.
• With the arms at the side, use a strap to fix the arms so that they cannot move.
Put arm supports on both sides under the patient's lower arms to have the arms safely
positioned during tabletop movement.
6. Place pads between the patient's body and arms or between legs to avoid skin-to-skin
7. Optional: Strap the coil around the patient.
Straps are recommended but not required.
8. Connect the dS Anterior coil to the FlexConnect socket.
Fig. 318: 1: Base on tabletop with dS Anterior coil (The shown cable layout may differ from the actual one). 2: Patient prepared for Head-
First examination. 3: Patient prepared for examination with strap for coil and arms. A pad is placed between the patient's body and his
You can place the dS Anterior coil on top of the anterior coil frame, e.g. for pediatric patients.
Fig. 320: Left: Anterior coil frame. Right: dS Anterior coil on top of the anterior coil frame (The shown cable layout may differ from the
actual one).
Use the dS Whole Body coil solution with its components: dS Posterior coil, two dS Anterior
coils, the dS Base coil and the dS HeadNeck top coil.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
1 Schematic set up of a Whole Body examination: dS Base, two long mattresses (LM), one T-shape
mattress (TM), and two dS Anterior coils (A) connected to the FlexConnect socket.
2 Setup for Whole Body examination: Patient positioned head-first on tabletop with two dS
Anterior coils on his body. The dS HeadNeck top coil is not yet attached to the dS Base coil.
3 Setup for MobiFlex examination: Patient positioned feet-first on tabletop with two dS Anterior
coils on his body. The feet immobilizer is placed in front of the dS Base coil.
⊳ The dS Base, two long mattresses and one T-shape mattress are placed on the tabletop.
1. Position the patient supine on the tabletop
• for head-first examinations: with their head on the base;
• for feet-first examinations: with their head on the T-shape mattress or if used the
Head/Leg support.
2. For optimal results, position the patient's arms along the body and use arm supports.
3. Use the knee cushion to increase patient comfort.
4. Place two dS Anterior coils on the patient, one on the chest and and one on the legs.
Make sure that the dS Anterior coils do not overlap.
This can affect the image quality due to coupling of the coils.
5. Use the dedicated clips to attach the two dS Anterior coils to each other.
Fig. 323: Patient prepared for Head-First Whole Body examination with two dS Anterior coils (and dS HeadNeck top coil). 1: without
straps. 2: with coils and arm strapped. 3: clips to attach the two dS Anterior coils to each other.
8. Optional: for Head-First Whole Body examinations attach the dS HeadNeck top coil to the
dS Base coil.
9. If necessary place the respiratory belt between patient and coil.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
You can place the dS Anterior coils on top of the anterior coil frame(s), e.g. for pediatric
Fig. 324: Left: Anterior coil frame. Right: dS Anterior coils on top of the anterior coil frame(s).
The label on the coil says: eCoil 1.5T and eCoil 3.0T.
End fragment title: 1.5T and 3.0T
This section describes how to insert the coil, how to position the patient, how to remove and
store the coil.
Node title (original): 67333 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PegRF ID: 36028803653789451-2
5.2 & HAZ-PegRF 6 Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24285
The probe of the coil is intended for single use only.
The interface device is reusable.
This product contains natural rubber and DEHP.
Natural rubber can cause allergic reactions such as itching, fever, dyspnea, urtication, asthma,
hypotension, and shock. When these symptoms occur, immediately stop using the coil and
take proper action. For USA only: refer to FDA March 29, 1991 Medical Alert on latex product.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): HG - Avoid excessive bending of coil rod ID: 9007205677630347-2
Status: Released
Avoid excessive bending of the coil rod.
Excessive bending can lead to leakage of the non-permeable balloon.
Do not scan with the patient in decubitus position when using the Endo coil. Only scan in the
supine or prone position with the endo coil in the center of and aligned with the body coil
axis. The coil cable must be aligned with the body coil axis.
Scanning with the patient in decubitus position could result in excessive coil heating and
ultimately causing burns to the patient.
1. Use a lubricating gel on the outside of the probe to ease insertion into the rectum.
Too much lubricant may create signal artifacts on the images.
2. Position the patient feet-first in left or right decubitus position, with the knees pulled-up.
3. Squeeze the balloon gently to remove the air and thus ease insertion.
4. Maintain alignment and orientation of the blue stripe with the anterior midline of the
5. Care should be taken when inserting the coil into the rectum; this should be done slowly,
according to the patient's tolerance.
6. After positioning the coil, the balloon must be inflated to permit the coil loop to take up its
natural form:
• The inflated balloon makes it possible not only to position the coil close to the prostate,
but also to prevent further movement of the coil in the rectum.
• The balloon is inflated using the enclosed luer-lock syringe which fits into a valve
located close to the grip.
7. Place the migration stop on the shaft.
8. Inflate the balloon. During inflation, continuously check with the patient if it is still
tolerable. Inflate the balloon to the greatest volume that the patient can tolerate (60 cc to
100 cc).
9. When the balloon is inflated, the patient must turn to a supine position. This is the
appropriate position for the examinations.
Node title (original): 60151 ID: 36028845368795915-2
SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.Cleaning.HAZ-PegRF 3 Status: Released
Liquid may leak from the balloon of the dS Endo 3.0T coil.
Risk of irritation.
• Only use liquid that is approved by the manufacturer of the dS Endo 3.0T coil for inflation
of the balloon.
Node title (original): HG - Do not rotate the dS Endo coil ID: 9007205677753867-2
Status: Released
After insertion, do not rotate the coil once the balloon is inflated.
1 Schematic set-up for examination with dS Endo coil: the dStream Interface (d), two short mattresses (SM), a long
mattress (LM) and T-Shape mattress (TM) on the tabletop with the dS Endo coil connected to the dStream
Interface. Patient on tabletop in Feet-First position.
2 Schematic set-up as in 1), but then with the optional Anterior coil.
3 Patient on the tabletop with the Head-/Leg support in order to perform examinations on tall patients.
End fragment title: Tbd for RfVD picture: Endo coil exam set-up
The following instructions have to be followed strictly to avoid patient injury or damage to the
Node title (original): 82423 SYS.Label.IFU.Instruction.HAZ-RF. ID: 9007308273203595
89_HAZ-PegRF.1 (dS systems) Status: Released
5. Route the cable of the amplifier box to the dStream interface and connect it.
6. Recommended: Place the Anterior coil on the patient and connect the coil to the socket at
the handgrip side of the tabletop. See figure 326 on page 719.
Always connect the Anterior coil to the socket at the handgrip side. See figure 326 on page
It is strongly advised against connecting the Anterior coil to the socket at the magnet side, as
in this configuration the patient cannot be positioned in a manner in which they do not touch
the dStream interface.
Fig. 327: Routing of the Endo coil cable and amplifier box.
ISO/IEC: 24355
Do not scan with the patient in decubitus position when using the dS Endo coil. Only scan in
the supine or prone position with the endo coil in the center of the body coil.
Scanning with the patient in decubitus position could result in excessive coil heating and
ultimately causing burns to the patient.
After the examination, fully deflate the balloon before removing the coil.
1. To deflate the balloon use the stopcock close to the grip, place the luer-lock syringe on the
valve and withdraw the syringe plunger.
2. Remove the coil.
Coil storage
1. Store the dS Endo coil in the original shipping container to prevent bending of the shaft.
2. Avoid transporting and storing the dS Endo coil solution at extreme temperatures and
humidity as this may cause damage to the system.
More information
Node title (original): More info -> Safety chapter IfU ID: 1889549835
Status: Released
For more information, refer to the Safety chapter of the Instructions for Use.
End fragment title: More info -> Safety chapter IfU
The Safety chapter contains generic warnings. Furthermore cleaning and disinfection of the coil
are covered.
Breast examinations can be used to visualize lesions using high-resolution and/or time-resolved
imaging, which may assist diagnosis in women with pre-identified cancer, and provide adjunct
screening information in women with high risk to develop cancer. Identical coil solutions and
sequences are used to support diagnosis or screening. Additional coil solutions are available to
enable breast biopsies.
End fragment title: Breast screening
dS Breast Adaptive16ch optimally suited for high resolution imaging and breast biopsy
Patient positioning is identical for the dS Breast 16ch and the dS Breast 7ch coil solution.
Fig. 328: Positioning with the dS Breast 16ch / 7ch coil solution. Left: tabletop ready for breast examination: d-Stream interface, ramp
extension, (abdomen) ramp, dS Breast coil, head/arm support. Right: Patient positioned on the coil prone feet-first with head set.
A dedicated nurse call is delivered with the breast coils.
Feet-first breast examinations require a nurse call with a longer cable than usual.
Fig. 329: 1 - Arm support. 2 - Head support. 3 -dS Breast 16ch coil with cover pad. 4 - Ramp. 5 - Ramp extension.
Note that without a patient lying on it, the ramp is higher than the coil. However with a
patient on the coil, the ramp will be squeezed down to the same height.
Fig. 330: The image shows the difference in height between ramp and coil when no patient is positioned.
Fig. 331: Left: 1 - Knob to adjust the height of the head support. 2 - dS Breast 16ch coil is placed adjacent to the arm support. 3 - Marker
for isocenter positioning on the coil. Right: Patient positioned on the coil prone feet-first with head set.
Fig. 332: Left: Base plate and cranio-caudal compression plates. Right: complete setup placed in the coil with the
base plate lockers (b) and the compression plate lockers (c).
► Insert the base plate into the coil.
► Lock the base plate lockers.
► Slide the medial plate in.
► Position the patient as usual.
► Slide the lateral plate in.
► Adjust the compression plates and lock the position of the compression plates.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 333: 1: Compression plates on base plate, inserted into coil. 2: The arrows indicate the base plate lockers. 3:
Compression plates adjusted. 4: The arrows indicate the compression plate lockers.
Fig. 334: Left: Base plate and cranio-caudal compression plates. Right: Base plate and medio-lateral compression
The coil can be used for biopsy in combination with the corresponding biopsy kit. For
information about content and assembly of the biopsy kit, please refer to the user
documentation provided with the biopsy kit.
For information about content and assembly of the biopsy kit, please refer to the user
documentation provided with the biopsy kit.
Make sure that you are familiar with the set up and function of the biopsy device prior to use
with a patient.
1. Prepare the patient as usual for an MR examination.
• It is advisable to have the patient strip to the waist and to remove any zip fasteners in
the waist area.
• Imaging is best performed when the breasts can hang freely in the coil aperture.
2. Prepare the tabletop in the same way as for Breast imaging.
Patient Positioning
1. Position the patient prone on the breast coil, with the head on the head support. Adjust
the height of the head support by means of the lever.
2. Place the medial plate in all the way prior to patient positioning. Wait until the patient is
lying down to place lateral rail.
3. Ask the patient to place the arms either next to her head or alongside her body.
4. Ensure that the breasts are hanging freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axillae
area are free of folds.
5. Use compression from both medial and lateral sides.
• Tissue should be slightly pushing through the immobilization system. Do not over-
compress since this will constrict arteries.
6. Place a vitamin E capsule (serves as marker) onto the immobilization system, away from
suspected lesion location.
7. Center the light visor to the middle of the breast, and move the patient into the isocenter.
4. Draw straight lines between the ROI of the marker and the ROI of the lesion. There should
be a 90 degree angle between both lines.
5. The vertical line length specifies the needle entry point relative to the marker in AP
6. The horizontal line length specifies the required needle depth.
End fragment title: Biopsy - Contrast Agent part
The dS Breast Adaptive 16ch coil provides means for breast immobilization. Immobilization can
useful for diagnostic procedures, for localization and/or for biopsy procedures.
The breast examination is to be performed prone in feet-first position:
Fig. 337: Prone feet-first positioning with the dS Breast Adaptive 16 ch coil solution.
A dedicated nurse call is delivered with the breast coils.
Feet-first breast examinations require a nurse call with a longer cable than usual.
► Connect the coil to the FlexConnect socket at the handgrip side of the tabletop.
► Place the head support with the head support pads in the cut-out of the arm support pad.
► Slide the medial diagnostic plate along rails to the center of the coil.
For diagnostic exams, ensure the medial diagnostic plate is in the unlocked position and
insert onto the coil base.
► Center the plate on the coil base so the edges of the plate align with the alignment marks.
► Secure the plug connection between the plate and the carriage. Verify that a positive
connection is made by checking the status indicator lights.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 341: Left: Centered plate aligned with the alignment marks (A). C indicates the connection that needs to click
into a locked positioning. Right: The arrow indicates the status indicator lights (S).
► Attach the patient pad to the coil base utilizing velcro attach points. Lock the medial
diagnostic plate.
► Place the ramp pad on the tabletop against the coil and attach it to the patient pad using
velcro attach point.
► Attach the patient top sling pad to the handrails utilizing clips to secure.
Fig. 345: This figure shows the complete set up of coil and pads for an examination (except for the coil cable), where: 1 - arm support pad,
2 - head support spacer, 3 - head support with head support pad, 4 - coil base, 5 - patient top sling pad, 6 - patient pad, 7 - ramp pad, 8
ankle bolster.
Fig. 346: Patient on tabletop. Left: patient utilizing handrails. Right: grasping arm support pad hand grip features.
► Ensure that the breasts are hanging freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axilla
area are free of folds.
This can be achieved when the base of the breast is at the edge of the pad, and any belly is
up on the patient top sling pad, to keep it out of the hole.
► Place the ankle bolster under the patient's ankles.
► Adjust the height of the head support as needed.
You can remove the pad under the headrest if the headrest is too tall. Optionally an angled
Fig. 347: Left: Ankle bolster under the patient's ankles. Right: Head support.
► Center the light visor to the middle of the breast, and move the patient into the isocenter.
Fig. 348: Left: Patient positioning prone feet-first, still without headset and nurse call. Right: Additionally you can use
the wedges 15o under the lateral ribs.
► Ensure the lateral frame assembly has its lever in the unlock position and attach onto the
coil base. Secure the plug connection between the frame and the carriage (1). The
connector carriage must be positioned at the lateral most extent in order to secure the
frame connection. Verify that a positive connection is made by checking the status indicator
light. Position the breast tissue so that the nipple is facing downward and centered within
the aperture opening. Slide the lateral frame to immobilize tissue. Once positioned, lock the
frames by rotating lever (2). Verify electronic connection via indicator lights.
Fig. 350: Left: Lateral frame assembly attached to coil base with: 1 - carriage, 2 - rotating lever. Right: The arrow
indicates the status indicator lights where the abbreviations stand for: R-L = right lateral, M = medial, L-L = left
► Center the light visor to the middle of the breast, and move the patient into the isocenter.
Fig. 352: Use of medial saddle and additional medial clip-on spacer.
► Insert the grid plate into the lateral frame assembly. Attach two (2) sealed fiducial
assemblies to the bottom of the lateral frame assembly.
Fig. 353: Left: Inserting grid plate. Right: Attaching two sealed fiducial assemblies.
Fig. 354: Lateral frame assembly: Left: Inserting lateral solid plate. Right: Inserting axilla solid plate.
Fig. 356: Left: Inserting the medial grid plate. Right: Attaching 2 sealed fiducial assemblies to the bottom of the
medial biopsy frame.
► Place the breast blocker over the contra-lateral aperture blocking off the opening.
► Slide the medial and lateral frames to immobilize tissue. When the breast tissue is
sufficiently immobilized, lock the levers to secure each frame. Work from the unaffected
side, reaching under the breast blocker plate to the affected side of the medial biopsy grid
► Remove the medial diagnostic plate from the coil base and replace it with the assembled
medial biopsy frame and grid. If doing a medial biopsy, fiducials need to be in the slots.
Secure the plug connection between the medial biopsy frame and the carriage connection.
Verify that a positive connection is made by checking the status indicator light.
Fig. 358: Left: Medial biopsy frame and grid in place. Right: The arrow indicates the status indicator lights.
► Insert the medial grid plate into the medial biopsy frame assembly. Align arrows with grid
plate and frame.
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Fig. 359: Align arrows on medial grid plate and medial biopsy frame assembly when inserting the medial grid plate.
Grid can only be inserted from one side with arrows facing up.
The coil can be used for biopsy in combination with the corresponding biopsy kit. For
information about content and assembly of the biopsy kit, please refer to the user
documentation provided with the biopsy kit.
For information about content and assembly of the biopsy kit, please refer to the user
documentation provided with the biopsy kit.
Make sure that you are familiar with the set up and function of the biopsy device prior to use
with a patient.
1. Prepare the patient as usual for an MR examination.
• It is advisable to have the patient strip to the waist and to remove any zip fasteners in
the waist area.
• Imaging is best performed when the breasts can hang freely in the coil aperture.
Patient Positioning
1. Position the patient prone on the breast coil, with the head on the head support. Adjust
the height of the head support by means of the lever.
2. Place the medial plate in all the way prior to patient positioning. Wait until the patient is
lying down to place lateral rail.
3. Ask the patient to place the arms either next to her head or alongside her body.
4. Ensure that the breasts are hanging freely in the coil, and that the breasts and the axillae
area are free of folds.
5. Use compression from both medial and lateral sides.
• Tissue should be slightly pushing through the immobilization system. Do not over-
compress since this will constrict arteries.
6. Place a vitamin E capsule (serves as marker) onto the immobilization system, away from
suspected lesion location.
7. Center the light visor to the middle of the breast, and move the patient into the isocenter.
Use the Breast mattress in conjunction with the dS Flex-L coil solution and the Posterior coil to
provide high quality SENSE imaging of the breasts.
The dS Flex L-coils fit precisely into the mattress.
The mattress comprises of two parts: a solid foam base and a flexible cover which fits onto the
top side of the base.
The base of the mattress has recesses on the top into which the elements of the Flex-L coil fit.
Along either side of the top of the base are grooves into which the cables of the coil should be
placed. This gives the required separation between the patient's skin and the cables ensuring
both safety and comfort.
The flexible cover is designed to fit on the top of the base and cover the coil and cable. Both the
base and cover are designed for ease of cleaning.
► Place the dStream interface on the tabletop and connect it to the socket at magnet side.
► Place the foam base of the breast mattress on the tabletop.
► Place the dS Flex L coils into the recesses and the cables into the grooves.
► Place a short mattress above the cables on the tabletop.
► Place the cover of the breast mattress on the foam base with the coils.
► Place the head support in front of the breast mattress at magnet side.
Fig. 360: 1: Breast mattress: solid foam base on tabletop. 2: with coils in recesses, 3: with mattress above the cables, 4: with cover on top.
Fig. 361: Patient positioned with the dS Flex Breast coil solution.
The shoulder examination with the dS Shoulder 16ch coil is to be performed with the patient
supine Head-First.
Node title (original): 1-preparing tabletop shoulder exam with ID: 18014458905383051
dS Shoulder 16ch coil Status: Released
Preparing the tabletop for a shoulder examination with the dS Shoulder 16ch coil
⊳ The dStream interface is on the tabletop and plugged into the FlexConnect socket.
► For the first use of the coil: attach the anterior and posterior coil pad to the coil using the
attached velcro tabs.
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► Place the coil at the head end of the tabletop leaving room for a pillow.
• Verify that the feet on the bottom of the coil are aligned with the groove on the table.
This helps to immobilize the coil.
• Turn the lateral stabilizing legs of the coils up so that the coil is laying in the tabletop
► Place a pillow on the tabletop such that it does not lie on the dStream interface.
► Place the dedicated table mattresses on the tabletop, with their track on the bottom side in
the table groove to keep the mattresses in place.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► To move and rotate the anterior coil to the side, unlock the Anterior Height Lock. Lift the
anterior coil up to the maximum height and rotate it laterally.
2. Rotate the anterior coil over the patient. Lower it until it touches the patient's shoulder.
3. To align the anterior coil with the anatomy, unlock the Anterior Tilt Lock. Adjust the angle
of the anterior coil so that the apex of the coil touches the edge of the shoulder and the
base of the coil is just above the chest. The angle can vary greatly depending on patient
shape and size.
Verify that the anterior coil is parallel to the patient's chest. Adjust the anterior coil till this
is the case.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
5. Place the knee cushion under the patient's knees and a sandbag under their arm for
End fragment title: patient positioning shoulder exam dS Shoulder 16ch coil
1 Schematic set up of a shoulder examination: the coil (C), the Shoulder mattress (ShM), two short
mattresses (SM) on top of each other, two long mattresses (LM) on top of each other and the T-
shape mattress (TM)
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Place the dS Shoulder 8ch coil as close as possible to the outermost end of the tabletop.
Use the dedicated shoulder mattress and two long mattresses with this coil.
Use the dedicated head support and the wedge 15o to support the head. Do not cover the coil
with a pillow.
1. Prepare the tabletop as shown above.
2. Connect the dS Shoulder 8ch coil to the FlexConnect socket.
3. Place the posterior pad on the base plate for best image quality and patient comfort.
Fig. 363: Connected Shoulder coil on tabletop (the shown posterior pad may differ from your actual one).
4. Position the patient supine on the tabletop with his/her head on the head support of the
Shoulder coil.
5. Open the connector on the base plate.
6. Make sure that the cup-shaped anterior pad is securely attached to the anterior coil.
7. Insert the anterior coil part into the connector. There is a groove in the coil’s pillar and the
connector which allows inserting in only one way.
Do not use the handles on the coil pillar during insertion.
Fig. 364: 1: Opening connector on base plate. 2 and 3: Inserting the anterior coil part into connector.
9. Press the handles at the anterior coil’s pillar and adjust the height and the angulation of
the anterior coil part.
• Make sure that shoulder tissue is not extruded from between the anterior coil and the
base plate.
• Align the lateral portion of the anterior coil with the base plate.
Fig. 365: 1: Set-up of a right shoulder examination. 2: Set-up of a left shoulder examination. 3: Adjusting the height of the anterior coil
To achieve optimal image quality, the lateral edge of the anterior coil part should be parallel
to the lateral edge of the base plate.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 366: Patient positioned ready for the examination. Left: complete setup. Right: The lateral portion of the anterior
coil is aligned with the base plate.
Hand and wrist examinations can be performed with the following coil solutions:
Coil Solution Application Examination Patient orientation/
dS HandWrist 16ch optimally suited for high With the hand at the side feet-first supine
resolution and routine
Overhead positioning head-first prone
dS Wrist 8ch routine imaging With the hand at the side feet-first supine
Alternatively you can use the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil, the dS SmallExtremity 8ch coil and
the dS Flex coil solutions.
Hand/wrist examinations with the dS HandWrist 16ch coil are to be performed with the patient
either prone with the arm overhead, or supine with the arm at side. This section describes how
to position the patient supine with the arm at the side.
End fragment title: intro positioning Hand/wrist dS SmallExt 16ch - at side
Preparing the tabletop for hand/wrist with the hand at the side and the dS Hand/Wrist 16ch
⊳ The dStream interface is on the tabletop and plugged into the FlexConnect socket.
► Put a short mattress on the tabletop beside the dStream interface. Place the base plate next
to it with the groove on top of the base plate on the affected side (with Feet-First supine
Verify that the rail is in the table groove and the base is placed securely.
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► Attach the coil to the base plate: slide the coil onto the base plate (hubs of coil go into rail
on base plate) with the cable pointing towards the bore. Then add the base plate mattress.
► Open the coil: pull the lock button towards the wrist end of the coil and pull the coil open.
Node title (original): pat pos - Hand/wrist dS SmallExt 16ch - at ID: 9007260040961291
side Status: Released
Patient positioning for hand/wrist at the side with the dS Hand/Wrist 16ch coil
► Position the patient Feet-First supine on the tabletop with their hand vertically in the coil.
Place the knee cushion under the patient's knees for comfort.
► Place the wedge pad under the patient's fingers to hold the fingers straight.
Scanning impossible with the coil not fully closed
Always fully close the coil. Push the top end down until it fully closes.
Hand/wrist examinations with the dS HandWrist 16ch coil are to be performed with the patient
either prone with the arm overhead, or supine with the arm at side. This section describes how
to position the patient prone with the arm overhead.
End fragment title: intro positioning Hand/wrist dS SmallExt 16ch - at side
Preparing the tabletop for hand/wrist with the hand overhead and the dS HandWrist 16ch
⊳ The dStream interface is on the tabletop and plugged into the FlexConnect socket.
► Place the base plate on the tabletop beside the dStream interface. Cover the remaining
tabletop with mattresses.
If the patient is tall, also place the head-/leg support on the tabletop to support the
patient's feet.
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Verify that the rail is in the table groove and the base is placed securely.
► Attach the coil to the mount adaptor on the base plate, with the cable pointing to the head
► Open the coil: pull the lock button towards the wrist end of the coil and pull the coil open.
Node title (original): pat pos - Hand/wrist dS SmallExt 16ch - at ID: 9007260046427403
side Status: Released
Patient positioning for hand/wrist overhead with the dS HandWrist 16ch coil
► Rotate the coil for the appropriate wrist.
► Position the patient Head-First prone on the tabletop with their hand in the coil. Put a
pillow under the patient's chest for comfort.
Fine-tune the coil angle to make the patient as comfortable as possible.
Scanning impossible with the coil not fully closed
Always fully close the coil. Push the top end down until it fully closes.
► To slightly elevate the patient's legs, put a pillow under their ankles.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
End fragment title: pat pos - Hand/wrist dS SmallExt 16ch - at side Wrist with the hand at the side - dS Wrist 8ch coil
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 36028804471212683
Status: Released
The wrist examination can be performed in Feet-First position with the hand at side or in Head-
First position with the hand overhead. This section describes how to position the patient Feet-
First supine with the arm at the side.
1 Schematic set up of a wrist examination: the dStream Interface (d), one long mattress (LM), the
coil (C), one short mattress (SM) and a pillow (P) on the T-shape mattress at the end of the
2 Patient placing their hand in the coil for an examination in Feet-First position with the hand at
1. Prepare the tabletop as shown above with the base plate for examinations at the side.
2. Set up the coil for the examination:
• Slide the coil vertically into the groove of the base plate.
• Remove the mount adaptor from the coil if applicable.
• Put the coil mattress on the base plate.
• Connect the coil to the dStream socket on the dStream interface.
Make sure that the groove in the base plate is on the side of the wrist to be examined.
Fig. 367: 1: Baseplate on tabletop for left wrist examination. 2: Baseplate on tabletop for right wrist examination. 3:
Coil set up for left wrist examination. 4: Coil set up for right wrist examination.
3. Position the patient on the tabletop: supine and Feet-First with their hand (vertically) in the
Fig. 368: Left: Open coil. Right: Patient on tabletop with hand in coil.
6. Place thin cushions under the upper arm for patient comfort.
7. Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-12
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
The wrist examination can be performed in Feet-First position with the hand at side or in Head-
First position with the hand overhead. This section describes how to position the patient Head-
First prone with the hand overhead.
Fig. 371: Setup for overhead examinations. d - dStream interface, C - coil (on base plate), SM - short mattress, LM -
long mattress, TEx - Head- / Leg Support.
1. Prepare the tabletop as shown above with the base plate for overhead examinations.
Make sure that the short longitudinal slot in the base plate is on the side of the wrist to be
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 372: The mount adaptor has to be attached to the coil for overhead positioning and removed for positioning at
the patient's side. Left: Removing the mount adaptor. Right: mount adaptor removed.
3. Slide the coil horizontally into the transverse slot of the base plate.
4. Angle the coil for right or left wrist examinations.
5. Press the coil cable with the balun into the cable holders (clips in the base plate).
6. Connect the coil to the dStream socket on the dStream interface.
7. Put a pillow on the tabletop below the coil. Position the patient prone with the hand in the
coil and the upper body on the pillow.
8. Use cushions so that the patient lies comfortable.
9. Insert padding into the coil for patient comfort.
10. Close the coil.
11. Insert padding into the coil through the opening, underneath the fingers.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-13
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Knee examinations make use of the dS (T/R 3.0T) Knee 16ch or dS Knee 8ch coil solution.
End fragment title: 1.5T and 3.0T systems
Knee examinations make use of the dS Knee 16ch or dS Knee 8ch coil solution.
End fragment title: Ambition
1 Schematic set up of a knee examination: the dStream Interface (d), one short mattress (SM), the
coil (C), one long mattress (LM) and a pillow (P) at the very end of the tabletop.
1. Prepare the tabletop as shown above.
2. Connect the coil to the dStream socket on the dStream interface.
3. Only for the dS T/R Knee 16ch coil on 3.0T systems: Also connect the coil to the Transmit
plug at the Patient Support Control Panel.
4. Set up the coil for the examination:
• Slide the posterior coil part to the left or to the right for a left or right knee examination.
• Put the thin and/or thick wedge pad in the coil for small knees.
• Put the knee pad on the coil base around the posterior coil part.
Fig. 375: Set up with dS Knee 16ch coil. 1: Coil on the base plate. The arrow indicates the groove in the base plate. 2: Set up of a left knee
examination. 3: Set up of a right knee examination.
6. Carefully place the anterior coil part on the posterior coil part.
7. Close the coil by moving the U-bolt.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 377: Closing the dS Knee 8ch coil: first putting the anterior coil part on the posterior coil part, and then closing by means of U-bolt.
Fig. 378: Closing the dS Knee 16ch coil by means of the U-bolt.
8. Use the light visor and move the patient’s knee to the isocenter.
Fig. 379: Left knee examination feet-first. Left: Examination with the dS Knee 8ch coil. Right: Examination with the dS
Knee 16ch coil.
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-14
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Foot and ankle examinations can be performed with the following coil solutions:
Coil Solution Application
dS FootAnkle 16ch optimally suited for high resolution and routine imaging
Foot and ankle examinations make use of the dS FootAnkle 8ch coil solution.
The foot and ankle examinations are to be performed in Feet-First position with the patient
1 Schematic set up of the foot or ankle examination in Feet-First positioning: the dStream Interface
(d), the coil (C), one short mattress (SM), one long mattress and one T-shape mattress (TM).
1. Prepare the tabletop as shown above.
2. Set up the coil for the examination:
• Slide the foot support to the left or the right side to accommodate left or right foot and
ankle examinations.
• Put the coil mattress with integrated unaffected foot pad over the coil.
• Insert the foot support pad into the foot support for patient comfort and good fixation.
Fig. 381: Preparation. Left: coil in base plate. The groove is visible. Right: Coil in base plate. FootAnkle pad on top of
the base plate.
Fig. 382: Examination set up. Left: left side examination, right: right side examination.
Special attention is needed in case of patients with damaged feet and toes, e.g. as in diabetes.
There are no latches, the coil is held in place by gravity.
Fig. 383: 1: Affected side foot in foot support. 2: Sliding the coil onto the foot support. 3: Connecting the coil.
8. Insert the toe wedge pad into the coil through the opening, underneath the toes. This pad
can help keep the forefoot immobile.
9. Use the landmark on top of the handle for isocenter positioning.
Fig. 384: Positioning. 1: Positioning of the feet in the coil and on the pad. 2: inserting toe wedge pad through opening. 3: Toe wedge pad
in coil, and landmark for isocenter positioning (arrow).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): HG: notice headneck coil pinching skin ID: 9007206737092875-15
Status: Released
While closing the coil verify that the patient's skin cannot be pinched between coil parts.
Positioning aids
The foot and ankle examinations with the dS FootAnkle 16ch coil are to be performed in Feet-
First position with the patient supine.
End fragment title: intro pos - dS FootAnkle 16ch
Preparing the tabletop for a foot and ankle examination with the dS FootAnkle 16ch coil
⊳ The dStream interface is on the tabletop and plugged into the FlexConnect socket.
1. Put the base plate with foot support at the end of the tabletop. Verify that the tracts on
the base plate are secure in the table grooves.
Place the table mattresses next to the coil.
2. Slide the foot support to the left or the right side to accommodate left or right foot and
ankle examinations.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
4. Optionally: to increase patient comfort, place the tilt device under the base plate with the
thin end towards the magnet.
• Verify that the tract on the tilt device is aligned with the groove on the tabletop.
• Verify that the base plate is securely aligned with the tilt device before placing the
patient's foot in the coil.
End fragment title: prep tabletop - FootAnkle 16ch
Patient positioning for a foot and ankle examination with the dS FootAnkle 16ch coil
Special attention is needed in case of patients with damaged feet and toes, e.g. as in diabetes.
5. Insert the small pad into the coil through the opening, underneath/in front of the toes.
Fold the pad double if needed.
Elbow and hand/wrist examinations make use of the dS SmallExtremity 8ch coil solution.
Status: Released
This section describes how to position the patient with the arm at the side. Alternatively the
patient can be positioned with the arm overhead (see instructions chapter “Overhead
(superman) positioning ” on page 786).
► Prepare the tabletop for left- or right-sided examinations with
• the dStream interface (d)
• the dedicated mattress with the cable groove (Mg)
The groove has to be at the side of the anatomy of interest.
• the dedicated mattress with the coil cut-out (Mc)
The cut-out has to be at the side of the anatomy of interest.
• the long mattress (LM)
• and the T-shape mattress (TM).
► Put the coil in the notch of the mattress so that the coil lies stable.
► Place the cable in the groove.
► Connect the coil to the dStream socket on the dStream interface.
► Position the patient head-first supine on the tabletop with their elbow in the lower coil
► Use cushions for patient comfort and stability.
► Wrap the coil around the patient's elbow and close the strap.
► Put sandbags under the patient's lower arm.
► Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
► Put the coil in the notch of the mattress so that the coil lies stable, and place the cable in
the groove.
Overhead positioning can be used for hand, wrist or elbow examinations.
► Prepare the tabletop for left- or right-sided examinations with
• the dStream interface (d)
► Put the wedge 15o in front of the coil to support the arm. Place the wider part next to the
You can use the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil solution for elbow and hand/wrist examinations.
Examination Patient orientation Patient position
Elbow examinations with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil are to be performed with the patient
either prone with the arm overhead, or supine with the arm at side. This section describes how
to position the patient supine with the arm at the side.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Preparing the tabletop for elbow at the side with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil
► Prepare the tabletop for left- or right-sided examinations with
• the dStream interface (d)
• the dedicated mattress with the cable groove (Mg)
The groove has to be at the side of the anatomy of interest.
• the dedicated mattress with the coil cut-out (Mc)
The cut-out has to be at the side of the anatomy of interest.
• the long mattress (LM)
• and the T-shape mattress (TM).
Patient positioning for elbow at the side with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil
► Position the patient head-first supine on the tabletop with their elbow in the coil.
Use extra pads for patient comfort and stability.
Put sandbags under the patient's hand and lower arm.
► Wrap the coil around the patient's elbow so that the flap with the centering mark is on the
top. Closing the coil in the opposite direction may result in decreased image quality.
Close the buckle clip and tighten the straps.
► Place the knee cushion under the patient's knees for comfort.
Hand/wrist examinations with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil are to be performed with the
patient either prone with the arm overhead, or supine with the arm at side. This section
describes how to position the patient supine with the arm at the side.
End fragment title: intro positioning Hand/wrist dS SmallExt 16ch - at side
Preparing the tabletop for hand/wrist with the hand at the side and the dS SmallExtremity
16ch coil
► Prepare the tabletop for left- or right-sided examinations with
• the dStream interface (d)
• the dedicated mattress with the cable groove (Mg)
The groove has to be at the side of the anatomy of interest.
• the dedicated mattress with the coil cut-out (Mc)
The cut-out has to be at the side of the anatomy of interest.
• the long mattress (LM)
• and the T-shape mattress (TM).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Place the coil in the cut-out of the mattress such that it lies stable.
Route the cable under the cable mattress.
Node title (original): pat pos - Hand/wrist dS SmallExt 16ch - at ID: 9007260040869131
side Status: Released
Patient positioning for hand/wrist at the side with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil
► Position the patient feet-first supine on the tabletop with their wrist/hand in the coil (in the
hand/small part pad).
Put sandbags or pads under the patient's upper arm.
► Place the finger wedge pad under the fingers to keep the hand straight.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Wrap the coil around the patient's elbow so that the flap with the centering mark is on the
top. Closing the coil in the opposite direction may result in decreased image quality.
Close the buckle clip and tighten the straps.
► Place the knee cushion under the patient's knees for comfort.
Node title (original): intro pos - hand wrisst elbow - dS SmallExt ID: 60786133515
16ch - overhead Status: Released
Hand/wrist or elbow examinations with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil are to be performed
with the patient either prone with the arm overhead, or supine with the arm at side. This
section describes how to position the patient prone with the arm overhead (superman).
End fragment title: intro pos - hand wrisst elbow - dS SmallExt 16ch - overhead
Node title (original): prep tabletop - hand wrisst elbow - dS ID: 9007260040876043
SmallExt 16ch - overhead Status: Released
Preparing the tabletop for overhead examination with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil
► Prepare the tabletop for left- or right-sided examinations with
• the dStream interface (d)
► Place the coil on the tabletop. Put sandbags on either side of the coil to stabilize it.
► Place the hand/small part pads in the coil for patient comfort:
End fragment title: prep tabletop - hand wrisst elbow - dS SmallExt 16ch - overhead
Node title (original): pat pos - hand wrisst elbow - dS SmallExt ID: 9007260040877067
16ch - overhead Status: Released
Patient positioning for hand/wrist at the side with the dS SmallExtremity 16ch coil
► Position the patient head-first prone on the tabletop with their wrist/hand or elbow in the
coil and the upper body on a pillow.
► Wrap the coil around the patient's hand/wrist or elbow so that the flap with the centering
mark is on the top. Closing the coil in the opposite direction may result in decreased image
Close the buckle clip and tighten the straps.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Place the knee cushion under the patient's knees for comfort.
► Prevent contact between the patient and the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
End fragment title: pat pos - hand wrisst elbow - dS SmallExt 16ch - overhead
The dS Flex coil solutions can be used for a wide range of applications such as joints and
pediatric imaging. They consist of two dS Flex coils and the dS Posterior coil. Depending on the
size of the anatomy to be examined, either the Small (S) or the Medium (M) or the Large (L) coil
solution can be selected.
Single dS Flex coils of different sizes can be combined with each other and with the dS
Posterior coil.
► Especially for shoulder and wrist examinations: prevent contact between the patient and
the bore wall at the contra-lateral side.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 392: Examples of how to use the dS Flex coil solutions. 1: Neck examinations, 2 and 3: Shoulder examinations, 4: Elbow examination,
5: Foot examination.
TMJ, orbit or carotid examinations make use of the TMJ coil holder and the dS Flex coil solution.
End fragment title: all variants of Ingenia
TMJ, orbit or carotid examinations make use of the TMJ coil holder and the SENSE Flex coils.
End fragment title: Achieva
Positioning examples
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Place the dS Ped HeadSpine 8ch coil on the tabletop with the base plate aligned to the table
► Connect the coil to the dStream interface.
► Verify that the coil is placed as far away from the dStream interface as possible so that the
cable is not bent, but runs as straight as possible.
► Check that the base plate is slid into the table groove so that the coil is stable.
Fig. 394: 1- Coil on the tabletop with the table pad around the coil and patient pad on the coil, 2 - table pad, 3 -
patient pad,
► Position the child in the coil with the head in the cage-like coil part.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Coil handling
• Carry the dS Pediatric TorsoCardiac 8ch coil in one piece. To do so, hold on to the posterior
part and lift the coil.
• Never lift the coil by gripping through the holes of the anterior part.
Light-weight connection between anterior and posterior part
This connection is not designed to hold the two parts together when only holding the anterior
► Place the dStream interface on the tabletop and connect it.
► Place the dS Pediatric TorsoCardiac 8ch coil on the tabletop with the base plate slid into the
table groove.
► Connect the coil to the dStream interface.
► Verify that the coil is placed as far away from the dStream interface as possible so that the
cable is not bent, but runs as straight as possible.
Fig. 397: Tabletop prepared with the coil, torso inserts (also left image) and table pad (also right image).
Fig. 398: Tabletop prepared with coil, torso inserts, table pad and patient pad (also left image).
► Press the yellow buttons at the side of the coil and detach the anterior coil part.
► Position the pediatric patient on the patient pad.
► Place the anterior coil part on the posterior coil part and close the coil.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
3. Position the patient on the tabletop either feet-first or head-first as close as possible to the
isocenter. The preferred patient position depends on the type of the examination and the
size of the patient. Most important is that the patient position allows the coil to be
positioned on the area of interest with a coil cable that runs straight.
4. Do not position the coil in the transverse plane with respect to the bore axis.
Coils work best when positioned in coronal or sagittal plane.
Fig. 400: Incorrect (left) and correct (right) positioning of the Microscopy coil. The arrow indicates the axis of the
main magnetic field.
Eye studies
To avoid eye movement, ask the patient to close the eyes or to focus on a specific point in the
bore or via a mirror on the wall behind the scanner.
Positioning examples
Fig. 401: Positioning examples with the Microscopy coils: orbit, ear, skin.
Fig. 402: Positioning examples with the Microscopy coils: placed against the skin, around a digit and around a thumb.
The arrow indicates the axis of the main magnetic field.
► Start with a large FOV (450 mm) to find the location of the coil.
► SmartSelect will only work with the Posterior coil in scan position. If the Posterior coil is
used in holdback position, manual selection of the Microscopy coil is necessary.
► Proceed with a multistack small FOV (15 mm) survey.
► Then perform high resolution scans.
Place the coil with the rods for manual tuning and matching towards the handgrip side of the
Node title (original): positioning with the coil - correct for both ID: 9007318037143691
MN coils Status: Released
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 4/13/2021 1:52:26 PM: This workflow is valid for the P-140 Coil
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
AND for the P-140-Flex coil. And btw for ALL MN-140-Flex coils. When we move this content to
the IFU, it seems to be wise, to use only one description, and add that the workflow is valid for
all MN coils.}
► Place the coil on the anatomy of interest, with the gray surface towards the anatomy.
Keep the plane of the coil parallel to the magnetic field.
► Fix the coil with a strap.
Tightly fix the coil with a strap so that the coil surface slightly flattens the patient’s skin. The
flattened skin is visible on the proton survey images and may help to localize the coil during
► Connect the coil to the T/R socket.
► Verify that the dS Posterior coil is disengaged (kept “in holdback”) before you move the
patient to the isocenter.
► Set the light visor at the laser marking on the coil housing. Then move the patient to the
End fragment title: positioning with the coil - correct for both MN coils
Comply with the following safety measures:
Use of the Phosphorous coils P-140 and P-140-Flex close to the eyes.
Risk of heating of the eyes.
• Keep a distance to the eyes of at least 6 cm (2.5 inches) in all directions.
Positioning Examples
Liver examination
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 10/14/2020 2:23:31 PM: purpose of workflow: one sentence}
► Place the belt on the patient’s upper abdomen or lower chest (whichever expands most
during inspiration - preferably the area to be scanned).
For optimal signal, place the belt directly under the coil in longitudinal direction.
► Use a velcro strap to affix the sensor.
► Connect the flexible tube to the wireless module (or to the UIM).
Avoid excessive bending of the flexible tube as this may impair detection of the patient's
Related Parameters{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 10/14/2020 2:23:31 PM: preferably blind link
to parameter Respiratory Compensation}
• Respiratory Compensation
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
This workflow applies to detect respiratory motion with the VitalEye and to visualize the
respiratory signal at the physiology display units (Physiology Display window, VitalScreen).
• You do not need to switch the VitalEye on or off. It is always ready to use.
• The infrared bore lights switch on automatically.
► Enter a New Examination. Select an ExamCard with at least one respiratory triggered scan
or one breathhold scan.
With any ExamCard, you can enable the display of the VitalEye respiratory signal
Once patient and ExamCard are selected at the console, a message is displayed at the
physiology display units:
“Move patient to isocenter to view the respiratory signal”.
► Position the patient with coils and positioning aids on the tabletop.
► Travel the patient to the isocenter.
When the tabletop reaches the isocenter, the VitalEye camera switches on automatically
and the VitalEye respiratory signal gets displayed.
To override the default signal traces, manually select another signal trace. { Heuvel, Martina
van den, 9/5/2018 9:39:45 AM: (link to selecting trace in Physiology Display & VitalScreen).}
Do not place the wireless unit in proximity of the System Body coil.
► Push the fiber optic tip into the retainer of the attachment firmly until you hear the click.
Assure the sensor cable is snug on the attachment and does not fall off. It may swivel but
not wiggle.
► Repeat for the other cable leg.
Failure to insert the tip properly will compromise the measurement accuracy, and may cause
error messages to be displayed on the monitor or prevent a reliable measurement.
Avoid placing the sensor on extremities with an arterial catheter, intravascular venous infusion
line, or inflated blood pressure cuff. Failure to do so may result in inaccurate readings or false
alarm indications.
Fit the sensor while the patient is outside the magnet.
The finger must not be moved during the scan.
Reusable Clips
► Press the clip to open.
► Push the clip over a finger so either fiber head is on the top over the root of the nail and the
other fiber head opposite to it. It does not matter which head is on top.
► Assure that the finger is touching the stop at the cushion and lays nicely centered in the
You may swivel each fiber head into a position that provides most comfort to the patient and
bends the cable least.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
You may swivel each fiber head into a position that provides most comfort to the patient and
bends the cable least.
Disposable Grip N
► Lift the release liners that protect the adhesive part.
► Foot application: Align the hinge on the outside facing ridge of the foot. Make sure the
attachment is as far as possible toward the small toe but never over it.
Hand/wrist application: Align the hinge on the outside facing ridge of the hand or wrist. You
may have to swivel the fiber heads to an optimal position to ease the application.
► If the hinge is in line with the ridge of the foot/hand/wrist, press one side to the skin.
► Wrap the other side around the limb pulling the long foam piece gently.
► Press both fiber heads gently to attach the adhesives.
► Secure the longer foam piece by pressing it firmly to the foam/adhesive of the opposing
► Assure the two fiber heads are opposing and have good skin contact. The angle between
the two fiber heads should be as small as possible not exceeding 45o. If the attachment
opens too much, reattach or try another side.
You may swivel each fiber head into a position that provides most comfort to the patient and
bends the cable least.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Instruct the patient that the finger must not be moved during the scan.
Patient preparation and electrode positioning play an important role in obtaining high quality
VCG signals. The recommended workflow is described in this section.
The quality of the VCG signal is also influenced by other factors. For more information, see
chapter “Factors affecting the VCG signal” on page 416.
End fragment title: intro VCG positioning
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 6/25/2015 7:10:12 AM: Risk measure that combines several 'old' risk
measures from both RMM and IEC2-33 into 1. Includes HAZ-PH.08.1 (24292), HAZ-PH.08.2
(24293), HAZ-PH.08.3 (new in Atlantis, no ALM#), IEC 2-33 SYS.Label.IFU.ECGPatientPreparation
(old version of 24467), IEC 2-33 SYS.Label.IFU.NeverUseECGElectrodesPastExpiration (24519),
IEC 2-33 SYS.Label.IFU.UseFreshECGElectrodes (24565), IEC 2-33
SYS.Label.IFU.UseSafeECGElectrodes (24567)}
{ Drunen, Jenneke van, 6/25/2015 7:10:12 AM: For administration purposes, entered in ALM
twice: under HAZ-PH.08.1 (24292) and under SYS.Label.IFU.SafeECGUse (24467) but will receive
same verification test case, so only added to ST4 under SYS.Label.IFU.SafeECGUse (24467)}
For best results, it is recommended to use the Philips M2202A radio translucent foam
monitoring electrode.
Node title (original): HG - Pediatric and adult ECG electrodes ID: 9007206293927435
Status: Released
Do not use pediatric ECG electrodes on adults or Adult ECG electrodes on pediatric patients.
The use of wrong ECG electrodes may result in skin burns.
Status: Released
Position the electrodes as described in this section.
Do not use the alternative lead placements that are described in the manuals of InVivo
monitoring equipment (e.g. Expression, Expression MR400). Do not use the lead placement
instruction as indicated on the label of the VCG-cable.
These alternative lead placements are not optimized for the purpose of cardiac
synchronization in MRI-sequences.
► Position the first electrode below the first intercostal space, just left of the sternum.
► Position the second electrode just left of xiphoid, approximately 10 cm to 15 cm below the
first one.
► Position the third electrode at the patient's left side, forming a 90o angle with the other two
electrodes. Keep the distance between black and red similar to the distance between white
and black. If positioned correctly, the imaginary line (between the second and the third
electrode) runs under the nipple line.
► Position the fourth electrode just below the second electrode.
► Connect the leads to the electrodes.
► Make certain that the cables are correctly inserted into the VCG module.
End fragment title: instruction VCG positioning NEW (introduced R3.2.3 Addendum & Unify)
The color coding is compliant with international standards.
The recommended lead positioning provides proper interoperability with the Precess monitor
of Invivo.
Color coding as described above follows the AAMI/AHA (American standard) color coding
standard. With Expression MR400 monitor, cables may be provided that follow the IEC
(European standard) color coding Standard.
Function of the clips in the IEC color coding standard:
• Red = active 1 /upper trace VCG1
• Green = active 2 / lower trace VCG2
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
When using InVivo monitoring equipment (e.g. Expression, Expression MR400) in an MRI-
environment, ensure that the monitor is in Magnet mode. This ensures that the scanner
controls the Module Filter settings.
The warning ‘Interoperability Mode Disabled’ is displayed in the PSA when Magnet mode is
For more information about magnet mode, see the InVivo user documentation.
⊳ The electrodes are positioned. The leads are connected. The cables are correctly inserted in
the VCG battery module.
► Put the VCG battery module on the tabletop either between the legs or to the side.
► If you put the VCG battery module to the side, you can place the knee cushion on top of the
VCG module.
► Place the cable in a straight line and fixate it with a velcro strap. You can use one strap for
VCG battery module and respiratory belt.
Make certain that the cable is not under tension.
► Let the patient deeply breathe in and out to make certain that leads and cables don't move
during deep inspiration and expiration.
If leads and cables move, fix them with straps.
► Make certain you adhere to the following warnings.
Node title (original): HG - VCG module/unit NOT directly on ID: 9007206294251787
patient's skin Status: Released
Do not place the VCG battery module (VCG or PPU unit) directly on the patient’s skin.
Direct contact may cause heating of the skin. Keep a distance to the patient’s skin of at least
1 cm using pads of the standard auxiliary set.
Do not place the VCG battery module (VCG or PPU unit) close to the imaging volume.
This may cause image artifacts.
Avoid cable loops and twisted cables.
Loops can cause excessive heating of the cables which may result in burns upon (full or
partial) contact to patient’s skin.
Special attention is needed when VCG is used with Transmit-Receive coils.
When physiology sensors are applied to a patient, the physiology signals are displayed in the
Physiology Display of the Exam Dashboard.
You adjust the display of the physiology signals in the Physiology Display, in the Extended
Physiology display and in the Physiology Properties window.
Node title (original): 0 to access Physiology Properties ... ID: 116671447179-1
Status: Released
► To access the Physiology Properties window, right-click the Physiology Display and select
Physiology properties.
► To access the Extended Physiology Display, click any of the physiology signals in the
Physiology Display.
End fragment title: 0 to access Physiology Properties ...
Node title (original): 1 selecting physiology sensor for display ID: 9007315803031307-1
(Ambition Elition) Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): 2 entering and updating the heart rate ID: 116619222795-1
The physiology sensors work with a battery module. In case of a wireless battery module, the
module needs to connect to a network. For proper functioning of the physiology equipment,
battery level and connectivity are crucial.
You check connectivity and the battery level in the Physiology Display, in the Extended
Physiology Display or in the Physiology Properties window.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► To access the Physiology Properties window, right-click the Physiology Display and select
Physiology properties.
► To access the Extended Physiology Display, click any of the physiology signals in the
Physiology Display.
End fragment title: 0 to access Physiology Properties ...
► To open the Physiology Properties window, right-click the Physiology Display and select
Physiology properties.
For compatibility with InVivo monitoring equipment (e.g. Expression), ensure that all
components (VCG or PPU battery module, operator's console and InVivo monitor) are on
the same wireless network.
► To select the wireless network, select A, B, C D or E for Network Selection (10)
• Note: Module type and related network selection must be selected if interoperability
with Expression MR400 is provided.
End fragment title: selecting wireless network
⇨ During calibration, a message pops up telling that VCG calibration is in progress and
indicating the remaining time.:
VCG calibration in progress, please wait... Time remaining
End fragment title: 1 - Starting and executing manual calibration
Calibration results
Node title (original): Calibration results into ID: 115359978763-1
Status: Released
Upon completion of manual VCG calibration, the results are automatically analyzed and
displayed as:
• Signal Strength (as color scale and expressed in mV)
• Trigger Quality (as color scale).
End fragment title: Calibration results into
If the results are good, very good or excellent If the results are sub-optimal or bad
This workflow describes how to position the patient in the isocenter. This includes the
• Raising the tabletop to working level
• Centering by means of the light visor,
• Travelling to scanplane,
• Return to scanplane after moving the tabletop out of the magnet.
• Manual operation.
Fig. 409: User Interface Module (UIM) with 'Light visor' button, Tumble switch, 'Travel-to-scanplane' button, 'Manual'
button, Indicator for isocenter positioning.
⇨ The tabletop is now at working level.
Using the light visor:
• Instruct the patient not to stare into the beam, Class II (FDA) / Class 2 (IEC) laser.
• Use the light visor for its intended use only, avoid unnecessary exposure of the patient to
laser radiation.
• For non-responsive patients (babies, anaesthetized patients) provide adequate protection
to avoid direct laser light in the eyes.
► Raise and hold the tumble switch again to the `Up/in' position to horizontally move the
tabletop until the area of interest is short before the magnet bore.
► Press the 'Light visor' button once to switch on the light visor beams.
• The light visor beams indicate the mid-sagittal and a transverse plane.
► Raise the tumble switch to the ’Up/In’ position and hold it until the area of interest lies
within the light visor beams.
• Coil and area of interest do not have to be in the middle of the beams. The closer the
area to be imaged is to the isocenter, the better the image quality.
• lights green when isocenter positioning is possible with the current light visor position.
• flashes green when isocenter positioning is not possible with the current light visor
Reposition the patient feet-first or move him/her closer to the magnet.
The indicator for isocenter positioning
Travelling to Scanplane
The examination/patient data must be entered before the 'Travel-to-scanplane' button can be
In order to stop automatic table movement, touch the tumble switch or press the 'Travel-to-
scanplane' button.
Do not move the table right out to the end stop, and do not press the 'Light visor' button.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
This workflow describes how to position the patient in the isocenter. This includes the
• Raising the tabletop to working level
Fig. 410: User Interface Module (UIM) at the magnet, with 1: 'Manual' button, 2: Tumble switch, 3:'Light visor'
Fig. 411: User Interface Module (UIM) at the magnet, with 1: 'Manual' button, 2: Tumble switch, 3:'Light visor'
button, 4: 'Travel-to-scanplane' button, 5: Indicator for isocenter positioning.
End fragment title: Optimus UIM buttons
Status: Released
When holding the tumble switch continuously in the up/in position, the tabletop movement
continues in horizontal direction after reaching its highest position.
• flashes green when isocenter positioning is not possible with the current light visor
Reposition the patient feet-first or move him/her closer to the magnet.
Travelling to Scanplane
The examination/patient data must be entered before the 'Travel-to-scanplane' button can be
► Press and hold the ’Travel-to-scanplane’ button (4) for about 2 seconds.
Alternatively, briefly press the 'Travel-to-scanplane' button (4) and raise the tumble switch
(2) to the ’Up/In’ position and hold it until the isocenter is reached.
⇨ The tabletop will automatically be moved into the magnet until the isocenter is reached.
• Care should be taken that cables (coils, VCG) or tubes (IV drip, catheter) do not get caught.
• Verbal or physical contact is reassuring to a patient.
• Note that if the ’travel-to-scanplane’ tumble switch (2) is released before table motion has
ceased, the table will stop before reaching the isocenter.
The indicator for isocenter positioning flashes green to indicate that the isocenter has not
been reached yet. In this case, raise the switch again and the tdfletop will resume its
predefined travel.
In order to stop automatic table movement, touch { Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/15/2016
12:46:31 PM: delete "in order" for next time!
and check if "touch" needs to be replaced by "push"!!!}the tumble switch or press the 'Travel-
to-scanplane' button.
This section describes the different possibilities of how to enter patient data, or how to select a
patient from RIS for an examination.
If you cannot import patients from RIS or other sources, you can also manually enter a new
patient. With this process, the patient data is stored locally on your computer.
Node title (original): Entering new examination data manually ID: 114515448331
Status: Released
In the Navigation Bar, select either Patient Dashboard or Patient Directory , then
click New Patient.
⇨ The Prepare tab opens.
► In the Prepare tab, enter the examination data.
• To proceed to the next data field, press Tab or click on a field to make it current. The
pointer identifies the active data field.
• All fields with an asterisk (*) and highlighted in orange are mandatory.
⇨ Patient data is saved automatically and added to the Patient Dashboard, if the preparations
are not completed, or to the Scheduled tab in the Patient Directory, if the patient is ready
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
for scanning.{ Maethger, Maria, 10/27/2020 3:01:13 PM: Is this correct? I cannot really
determine where it goes and why.}
For information on how to add an ExamCard and further patient preparations, see chapter
“Selecting an ExamCard” on page 847.
End fragment title: Entering new examination data manually
Verify that the patient date of birth is filled-in correctly.
Sound levels may be unacceptable for patient of below 3 years of age and a warning is
Verify that the patient weight is filled-in correctly.
Incorrect weight leads to incorrect SAR values. SAR values are calculated based on patient
Node title (original): Format of the new examination data ID: 114515600011
Status: Released
Date of Birth & Age The format of the date is configured at system installation. Correct format for the
date is shown in the input field. Age is calculated based on the entered date of birth
and can not be changed.
Weight & Height The unit of weight and height (kg/cm or lbs/in) is configured at system installation.
Weight value cannot be greater than 400 kg (881 lbs). Hight value cannot be greater
than 300 cm (120 in).
Alternatively enter the patient weight in the ExamCard Properties or at the
VitalScreen if available. { Maethger, Maria, 9/28/2020 10:03:23 AM: Is this correct?
Where to find this?}
AutoVoice On/Off; and default language or select a different language for this examination only.
Study Comments Use this input field to provide any additional information relevant to this patient (for
example if a patient is claustrophobic).
Study date & time Current date and time is selected by default, select different date and time if the
examination is later.
Operator notes Use this input field to provide any additional information about the course of the
Date format, weight and height unit are set at system installation.
To change the date format, weight or height unit, contact your Philips service engineer.
If the operator console is connected to the Radiology Information System (RIS), you can use
data from the RIS on the operator console.
► In the Patient Directory, click the More tab.
► Select RIS.
⇨ The tab for external sources shows RIS.
⇨ You can use the patient data from RIS for examinations without importing it to the system.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 12/21/2020 10:13:52 AM: needs to be checked, this is old
information from the previous release }
Do not change the default input language.
5. In Installed Services:
Check your keyboard layout (Chinese, Japanese or Korean).
If your keyboard layout is not present in the field, click Add...:
• On the ‘Add Input Language’ window select the input language from the top scroll list
and your keyboard layout.
• Confirm by clicking OK.
6. Confirm by clicking OK to close the window..
7. Click OK to close the 'Region and Language' window.
The IME is displayed on your screen. If the IME is not visible press the Windows key on
your keyboard.
8. Select the patient name language on the IME.
9. From the main menu bar, select Patients > New Examination.
10. Enter the patient name as described below.
To close the IME, right-click in any field of the IME and select Close IME or use shortcut keys
Alt + ~.
When the IME is active click Ctrl + Space Bar or shift to switch between entering Latin and
ideographic characters.
The MR system has a recommended ventilation level. This is a static level based on average
scans and system specific conditions.
The system does not change the recommended ventilation level for e.g. high SAR scans,
The ventilation in the bore can be adjusted from the UIM as well as from the Exam Dashboard
on the console.
Node title (original): Ingenia-Ambition/Elition textual addition ID: 116040211595
Affix: Ingenia - Atlas Status: Released
If your MRI system is equipped with a VitalScreen instead of a UIM, you can adjust the
ventilation in the bore from the VitalScreen and from the console.
End fragment title: Ingenia-Ambition/Elition textual addition
For interventional procedures it is advised to scan with patient ventilation switched off and in
normal operating mode. Recommended examination room temperature is 21 °C (70 °F).
► Click .
The Ventilation Control opens and shows the available options, where
• Ventilation is off.
End fragment title: status ventilation in Bore
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 12/9/2020 10:29:13 AM: next warning: must be updated for Artes,
hopefully it is in PRQ ...}
{ Geenen, Hubert, 12/30/2020 11:39:27 AM: replaced by new PRQ text}
Node title (original): 82799 SYS.Label.IFU.Message.HAZ-RF. ID: 117000147211
12.3_v1 Status: Obsolete
• Click Proceed
The set ventilation level is accepted. The Patient Ventilation Warning disappears and a scan
can be started.
• Click Cancel
The scan is not started. The Patient Ventilation Warning disappears.
End fragment title: 82799 SYS.Label.IFU.Message.HAZ-RF.12.3_v1
Once ventilation is set to a level below the recommended level in an examination, the set level
is accepted for the current scan and all subsequent scans of the current patient.
The Patient Ventilation Warning will not be displayed anymore for this patient.
With a new patient and ventilation set below recommended level, the Patient Ventilation
Warning is displayed again when a scan is started.
AutoVoice button
Use the AutoVoice button in the Exam Dashboard to:
• Enable or disable AutoVoice for the current examination only.
• Change the AutoVoice language for the current examination only.
• Adjust the breathhold settings for the current examination only. Breathhold settings that
can be adapted at examination level are:
– Breathhold guidance (automated or manual)
– Recovery time between successive breathholds in a single scan
AutoVoice is disabled.
AutoVoice is enabled.
You select an ExamCard for your convenience, or as an advanced operator you create an
ExamCard from scan protocols from scratch.
Verify that the patient date of birth is filled-in correctly.
Sound levels may be unacceptable for patient of below 3 years of age and a warning is
Verify that the patient weight is filled-in correctly.
Incorrect weight leads to incorrect SAR values. SAR values are calculated based on patient
• Hover over the ExamCard, then click the blue plus icon Add ExamCard.
• Drag and drop the ExamCard into the Exam Overview.
⇨ The ExamCard with its scan items is displayed in the Exam Overview.
⇨ The Exam Setup pops up and provides guidance on how to position the patient with the
selected ExamCard.
⇨ You can adapt the Exam Setup now, if needed. Or you can start the examination.
You select multiple scan protocols from the Hospital or Philips ExamCard database.
1. Select an ExamCard database from the drop-down list: Philips or Hospital.
2. To browse to the required scan protocols, select a folder of the required anatomy,
anatomic region and type of scan (for example Survey, T1W, T2W).
⇨ The list of scan protocols in this folder shows up.
• Hover over the scan protocol, then click the blue plus icon .
• Drag and drop the scan protocol into the Exam Overview.
⇨ The scan protocols are displayed in the Exam Overview.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
⇨ In the Exam Overview, you can save the scan protocols as an ExamCard.
⇨ The Exam Setup pops up and provides guidance on how to position the patient with the
selected scan protocol.
⇨ You can adapt the Exam Setup now, if needed. Or you start the examination.
This section provides you with information about the Exam Setup and about how to change the
The Exam Setup provides you with generic ExamCard properties such as patient positioning and
heart rate.
These ExamCard properties are saved with the ExamCard. When you select an ExamCard, the
ExamCard properties are retrieved from the ExamCard and displayed in the Exam Setup. You
can leave the ExamCard properties unchanged, or you can modify them.
The Exam Setup allows you
• To specify the properties of the Exam Setup once for the complete ExamCard.
These settings are valid for all ExamCard items. The settings are saved with the ExamCard.
• To specify the positioning-related ExamCard properties graphically.
• To specify the other ExamCard properties numerically, or you select the values from a drop-
down menu.
When you select an ExamCard, the ExamCard properties are retrieved from the ExamCard and
displayed in the Exam Setup.
End fragment title: intro EC Properties
Possible values Description
Anatomic Region
Possible values Description
Possible values Description
• Left This parameter is primarily used for paired anatomies such as knee, shoulder,
• Right ankle, and so on. The laterality value is used by PACS systems.
<numerical value: beats per The heart rate value you enter here is used for cardiac synchronization. You can
minute> update the value in the Exam Dashboard during the examination if necessary.
End fragment title: 04-EC property Heart rate
<numerical value> Align Overlap (mm) is needed for multistation scans such as Whole body.
• For sagittal and coronal scan protocols, use a 30 mm overlap between the
• For transverse scan protocols, change Align Overlap (mm) to 0 prior to
scanning (to avoid that the transverse scans are scanned with 30 mm
End fragment title: 05-EC property Align Overlap
GeoLink propagation
Possible values Description
• No (Default) GeoLink propagation propagates the SmartLine processing steps to all scans of
• Yes the same GeoLink.
Node title (original): 07-EC property Disengage Posterior coil ID: 9007316135743499
Status: NotReleased
• No • No means that the posterior coil moves with the connected coil into the
• Yes bore.
• Yes means that the posterior coil is disengaged. A Lock icon on the Coils tab
indicates that the posterior coil is hold back on its home position outside
the bore.
– You use this scenario if you want to force the posterior coil to remain
on its home position outside the bore.
– If the posterior coil is in conflict with other connected coils, and if the
table is completely moved out, the MR system automatically holds
back the posterior coil (Disengage posterior coil = Yes).
– For a few coils, Yes is the mandatory setting.
Error handling
In case of errors, you will be asked to move the table completely out to disengage the posterior
End fragment title: 07-EC property Disengage Posterior coil
Table Usage
Possible values Description
Docking mode
• Front This parameter applies for patient trolleys.{ Heuvel, Martina van den,
• Rear 12/22/2020 12:33:40 PM: more info needed}
RF Excitation mode
Possible values Description
The Exam Setup automatically displays the recommended positioning for the selected
ExamCard regarding Patient Orientation and Patient Position.
• In general, follow these recommendations and position the patient accordingly.
• Only if the medical state of the patient does not allow this recommended positioning,
position the patient in a different way and modify the settings.
Patient Orientation
The value of this parameter is used to display the images correctly.
Possible values are: Head-First and Feet-First.
End fragment title: 1 Patient Orientation
Patient Position
The value of this parameter is used to display the images correctly. Possible values are:
• For all kinds of examinations, except for elbow, hand, and wrist:
– Supine
– Prone
– DecubitusRight
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
– DecubitusLeft
• For elbow, hand and wrist:
– Neutral
– Endorotation
– Exorotation
– Superman
End fragment title: 2 Patient Position
Example Images
Head-first Feet-first Head-first Feet-first Head-first Head-first
Supine Supine Prone Prone Decubitus Left Decubitus Right
When you select an ExamCard, the ExamCard properties are retrieved from the ExamCard and
displayed in the Exam Setup.
End fragment title: intro EC Properties
• To change the Patient Position from Supine, to Prone, or DecubitusRight or
Depending on the current Patient Position and Patient Orientation, the hand buttons change
and possibly represent different hand positions. Check out the tooltips of the hand buttons for
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
When you start the examination, the examination progresses into the Plan task. The Exam
Overview and the Exam Dashboard are displayed which support you in your workflow and
provide you with important information about the examination.
⊳ Prerequisite: The scan protocols for the selected examination are available in the Exam
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
⊳ Prerequisite: The patient is positioned in the isocenter and ready for the examination.
► Click Start Exam.
► Click Start to start the survey.
⇨ The survey and the reference scans start. Once the survey is completed, the survey images
show up in the Plan viewports.
► To plan the scan protocols on the survey images, click Plan. When planning of a geometry is
completed, click Accept.
For information about planning, see the Planning chapter.
► Click Start to start the scan protocols which are ready to run.
► To load images of finished scans, drag and drop the imaging series from the Exam Overview
into the Plan viewports.
► To plan the remaining scan protocols, click Plan. When planning of a geometry is
completed, click Accept.
Repeat this step as often as needed.
► Click Start to start the scan protocols which are ready to run.
► Inspect the imaging series and check their image quality and diagnostic value.
► When the scan protocols are completed, release the patient from the tabletop and click
Release Patient.
► When the examination is complete, click Complete Exam to mark it as complete on the RIS.
Image reconstruction takes place during and at the end of every scan. Under certain
circumstances image reconstruction blocks scanning of the next scans, since it uses scan
You only stop the reconstruction when reconstruction is not beneficial and hinders your
Scenario Consequences
• You stop a scan. Acquisition is not Acquisition data are partially or completely lost.
completed. To obtain all images, rescanning is needed.
Reconstruction of the partially acquired • Depending on the scan type and the moment that you stop the
data is still ongoing. reconstruction, some images might be available in the
• You stop the reconstruction. examination database, for example the first dynamic series of a
dynamic scan.
• A scan aborts. Acquisition is not
• A message in the scanner status bar informs you about the
Reconstruction of the partially acquired
data is still ongoing.
If the imaging parameter Save raw data is enabled, you can perform
• You stop the reconstruction.
delayed reconstruction to calculate as many images as possible of
the partially acquired data.
• The acquisition of the current scan is Acquisition data are partially or completely lost.
completed. To obtain all images, rescanning is needed.
The reconstruction is ongoing, but takes • Depending on the scan type and the moment that you stop the
very long and hinders the next scan to reconstruction, some images might be available in the
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Prescans are automatically performed in the course of an examination. However, in some cases
it might be useful to repeat the prescans, e.g. the automatically performed B1 calibration.
Repeat Prescans allows to repeat previously performed prescans for the current ExamCard.
⊳ You are in the Scan Overview.
5.2.1 B0 Shimming
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007316659241483
Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): Intro- purpose, prep phase - B0 shimming ID: 119260764683
• Fat- or water-suppressed scans.
– For optimal fat or water suppression, the homogeneity should be better than 3.4 ppm
(frequency difference water and fat) over the volume of interest.
• Scans with large offcenters
• EPI and GRASE sequences
• Balanced FFE / TFE
End fragment title: applications shim
Status: Released
Automatic shimming is automatically performed in scans utilizing:
• Water or fat suppression techniques (SPIR, SPAIR, and ProSet), and/or
• Balanced FFE / TFE.
Only first order shim corrections are performed.
In all other kinds of scans, shimming is not performed.
End fragment title: Default shim method
Auto(matic) shimming is done over the whole volume representing the stacks in a scan.
• In multistack scans, autoshim is applied separately to each stack.
• Autoshim cannot be combined with radial stacks.
• Only first order shim corrections are performed.
End fragment title: Auto shim method
Volume shimming allows to draw a user defined volume targeting first order optimization to
that region, no matter how many stacks are defined.
• During planning, a shim volume VOI appears inside the FOV frame. The size and shape of
this VOI can be manipulated and optimized.
• Volume shimming can be combined with parallel and radial stacks.
• Only first order shim corrections are performed.
End fragment title: Volume shim method
SmartShim performs an image-based B0 shim, based on an automatically inserted B0-Prescan.
• On 3.0T systems, higher order shim correction (second order) is applied.
(Most 3.0T systems are equipped with the higher order shim hardware).
In multistack scans, only first order shim corrections (linear) are applied.
• On 1.5T systems, only first order shim corrections (linear) are applied.
• Shimming is performed over the whole imaging volume. A volume shim box is not applied
for the B0 shim.
• SmartShim is only recommended for whole body diffusion imaging (DWIBS).
• When SmartShim is combined with another technique also requiring a B0-Prescan, an extra
prescan is inserted.
End fragment title: SmartShim shim method
SmartBreast is an Image Based shimming technique. The shim volume is selected based on a
"Smart" (derived from SmartExam) segmentation. This setting is applicable for SmartExam
Breast examinations.
End fragment title: smartBreast shim method
IB-volume is an Image Based shimming technique.
• Shimming is only performed in the user defined shim volume.
• Higher order shim correction (second order) is applied on 3.0T systems.
(most 3.0 T systems are equipped with the higher order shim hardware).
• On 1.5T systems, only first order shim corrections (linear) are applied.
End fragment title: PB-auto subheading
End fragment title: PB-volume subheading
Iterative VOI
End fragment title: iterative VOI subheading
Node title (original): Uses an interative shimming algorithm ... ID: 120102189451-1
Status: Released
Uses an iterative shimming algorithm optimizing the T2-decay of the water FID.
End fragment title: Uses an interative shimming algorithm ...
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• The FID signal of unsuppressed water is measured, and field homogeneity is optimized using
the gradient coils.
• A separate shim volume is not defined. Optimization is targeted on the center of the
Spectro VOI.
End fragment title: Iterative VOI shim method
Iterative volume
End fragment title: iterative volume subheading
Node title (original): Uses an interative shimming algorithm ... ID: 120102189451-2
Status: Released
Uses an iterative shimming algorithm optimizing the T2-decay of the water FID.
End fragment title: Uses an interative shimming algorithm ...
• The FID signal of unsuppressed water is measured, and field homogeneity is optimized using
the gradient coils.
• Optimization is targeted on the center of the planned shim volume.
End fragment title: Iterative Volume shim method
End fragment title: Overview shimming methods
Node title (original): More info with reference to Shim ID: 119260767243
parameter Status: Released
More information
• In Online Help (F1): Enabling shimming
End fragment title: More info with reference to Shim parameter
In general, MRI scans are automatically reconstructed immediately after their acquisition.
However the automatic reconstruction can be switched off, and a manual reconstruction can be
performed instead.
Such a delayed reconstruction can be performed at anytime, and the reconstruction
parameters can be defined according to the user's personal preference. This offers the
possibility to generate multiple imaging series with different reconstruction settings and
This workflow applies for scans where raw data were acquired.
⊳ The parameter Save raw data (Postproc tab of the Advanced Parameters) was set to Yes.
► After scan completion, right-click on the scan in the Exam Overview.
► Right-click the ExamCard item, then select Reconstruction and Delayed Reconstruction.
A Delayed Reconstruction processing step is automatically added to the current ExamCard
under the corresponding scan.
► Rename the delayed recon processing step so that it can easily be identified.
You can also copy/paste or drag/drop a delayed recon processing step to another ExamCard in
the Hospital dababase.
By default, Scan Preview shows up in minimized view, and displays an image of the scan
currently in progress.
Node title (original): 1 minimizing and maximizing Scan Preview ID: 116541980555
Status: Released
► To resize the maximized Scan Preview, drag its edges and corners.
► To refresh the Scan Preview with the latest reconstructed images, click Go Live.
The text Live indicates that Scan Preview is up to date.
► To display the next imaging series (in maximized view only), click .
To display the previous imaging series (in maximized view only), click .
In examinations which make use of Fast next scan, the and button are not
When physiology sensors are applied to a patient, the physiology signals are displayed in the
Physiology Display of the Exam Dashboard.
You adjust the display of the physiology signals in the Physiology Display, in the Extended
Physiology display and in the Physiology Properties window.
Node title (original): 0 to access Physiology Properties ... ID: 116671447179-3
Status: Released
► To access the Physiology Properties window, right-click the Physiology Display and select
Physiology properties.
► To access the Extended Physiology Display, click any of the physiology signals in the
Physiology Display.
End fragment title: 0 to access Physiology Properties ...
Node title (original): 1 selecting physiology sensor for display ID: 9007315803031307-2
(Ambition Elition) Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): 2 entering and updating the heart rate ID: 116619222795-2
Status: Released
► Set the Scale of the physiology display to AutoScale, or (only available for VCG only) to a
fixed value (in mV).
End fragment title: 4 Adjust Display Options
Philips ExamCards and scan protocols are delivered with application information in English
⊳ You are in the Scan Overview.
You can only modify a scan item when you select it first. You can select multiple scan items if
⊳ You are in the Scan Overview.
► To select one scan item, click the scan item.
► To select multiple consecutive scan items, pres and hold Shift. Then drag over the scan
► To select multiple individual scan items, press and hold Ctrl. Then click the scan items.
► To deselect, click the selected items.
There is a better option to duplicate scan items than to Copy and Paste scan items.
The GeoLink (Geometry Link) between scans includes that scans with different geometry
parameters are linked to each other. The linked protocols are combined within a geometrically
linked group.
A GeoLink
• Groups scans that are planned at once within Graphical PlanScan.
• Aligns scans within the GeoLink group (which is applied constantly when planning the
GeoLink until it is switched off).
• Includes that all scans within a geometrically linked group get the same scan number.
• Is only possible for scans of the same scan type.
• Can be defined only once under a specified name.
For example, if a scan of a GeoLink is stopped or aborted, the remaining scans of this same
link have to be updated to another link name.
Typical applications are examinations with a large Field-of-View in Feet-Head direction, such as
MobiFlex and whole body imaging. These examinations are performed in multiple stations with
table movement between the stations to cover the complete area.
⊳ You are in the Scan Overview.
► To apply a GeoLink, right-click a scan item. Then select GeoLink.
Select any GeoLink (A, B, C, ...).
► Repeat this step for the scan items that need to be linked.
► To remove a GeoLink from a scan item, right-click the scan item. Then select No GeoLink.
3D scan -> M2D or MS • The number of slices will be adapted such that the coverage of the M2D or
MS scan is identical to the 3D scan.
thickness is used.
1. Select multiple ExamCard items with the same geometry name in order to propagate the
To select multiple successive items, press and hold Shift, then click to select.
To select multiple items, press and hold Ctrl, then click to select.
2. Right-click and select Propagation.
3. Select the type of propagation:
• For Volume + Slice Geometry, the size and slices parameters are being propagated to
other scan with same Geoname.
• For Volume, the size parameter is being propagated to other scan with same Geoname.
4. Open one of the scan items (with Propagation enabled) in the Advanced Parameters
5. Change geometry parameters as needed.
6. Click Accept to confirm planning.
7. Automatically all otherscan items with Propagation enabled will have the same coverage
End fragment title: propagate coverage
Some scans require a manual start. In this case, you need to insert a pause prior to a scan item.
⊳ You are in the Scan Overview.
1. To insert a pause, do any of the following:
• Right-click the scan item, then select Pause before scan.
• Press Ctrl+U.
⇨ The scan item displays the Pause icon. Now the scan item stops before acquisition and
requires a manual start.
{ Maethger, Maria, 8/24/2020 3:24:52 PM: Don't know where to put it in the Topic structure}
ContrastCards facilitate the administration of contrast agent injections in post-contrast and
dynamic scans. Contrast Cards allow you to store data of the contrast agent injection with the
examination. The contrast agent injection itself is not affected by ContrastCards.
End fragment title: 0 - purpose Contrast Preset Settings
– for non-dynamic scans (pre- and post-contrast) if contrast agent injection occurs at start
of scan
Implementation of ContrastCards
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
ContrastCards are implemented in scan items of the Exam Overview. The Contrast Injection
Parameters window opens when
Contrast injection is enabled from the right-mouse menu.{ Maethger, Maria, 10/30/2020
9:30:34 AM: In old IfU "from drop-down menu". Also in Artes?}
Node title (original): 4 - Contrast Admin window ID: 114088188683
Status: Released
3 – concentration (mmol/ml)
– dosage (ml/kg)
5 3. Entry field for volume
– either enter value manually,
– or accept automatically calculated proposal
(body weight x ml/kg dosage = ml volume)
4. Drop-down menu for the selection when contrast
agent is injected:
– Inject at: start of scan,
– Inject at: start of dynamic number X,
– if user confirmation is needed for contrast
• The contrast delay time (time between injection and scan start) is shown on the next to the
Contrast label.
{ Maethger, Maria, 10/28/2020 11:02:05 AM: Please check this. I am not sure about if this
workflow is complete.}
You execute this workflow to register data of the contrast injection (such as contrast agent,
injected volume)
• in post-contrast scans,
• in dynamic scans.
End fragment title: objective of workflow: contrast admin in post-contrast scans
Node title (original): enabling contrast agent injection for a ID: 114085401483
post-contrast scan Status: Released
► Right-click the post-contrast or dynamic scan item of the ExamCard, then select
⇨ The Contrast Injection Parameters window opens:
• Contrast agent data is retrieved from the preset (which is stored with the ExamCard) and
• Based on patient's weight and dosage, contrast administration calculates and proposes a
volume for injection (body weight × ml/kg dosage = ml volume).
► Fill in the mandatory contrast information now or later.
► Select a contrast preset from the drop-down menu.
► Verify that all contrast-agent specific attributes are entered correctly.
If needed, select another preset from the preset drop-down menu.
► To enter the volume in ml, do any of the following:
• Click Use x ml to accept the automatically calculated volume in ml.
• Enter a user-defined volume in ml at the red asterisk.
Carefully read the contrast agent label and look up the maximum dosage prescribed.
The dialog guides you with the message: "Verify that the injected volume doesn't exceed the
maximum dosage prescribed on the contrast agent label."
⇨ The injection icon indicates that contrast injection is enabled and that all contrast
injection information is entered. The scan is now ready to run.
⇨ The orange asterisk indicates that some contrast injection information is still missing.
► To disable contrast injection, right-click on the scan item and de-select Contrast.
End fragment title: enabling contrast agent injection for a post-contrast scan
• Click Cancel.
The Contrast Injection window closes.
The contrast agent information is stored as DICOM attribute.
End fragment title: Running EC with contrast injection
{ Maethger, Maria, 10/5/2020 9:20:52 AM: Not edited yet, I cannot find out how this works in
You need to retrieve the contrast agent information of a previously performed scan.
► On the System menu, click Open for Review... and select the previously performed
► In the List View, hover over the Injection enabled icon of the previously performed contrast
agent scan.
Alternatively you retrieve contrast agent information in the Image information of an imaging
series, see .{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 10/2/2017 2:00:35 PM: <link to Image Information,in
chapter: Operator's Console, Introduction to the UI and general information>}
The main purpose of grouping scans is to make sure that a scan is not started before another
one is planned. Grouped items cannot be modified after one of them was started.
This is especially relevant for contrast uptake studies e.g. BolusTrak where the pre-contrast
scan, the 2D real-time reconstructed scan and the post-contrast scan are typically grouped. In
such a way, the subtraction results will be reliable due to identical pre- and post-contrast scans.
⊳ You are in the Scan Overview.
1. Click on the group to select it.
2. Then do any of the following:
• Right-click the group. Then select Group/Split, and then Ungroup.
• Press Ctrl+G.
You use this function to split dynamic scans that consist of multiple dynamic series into single
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 1/20/2021 1:41:39 AM: purpose missing and some explanation}
⊳ You are in the Scan Overview.
1. Right-click on the dynamic scan. Then select Group/Split, and then Split.
You can save an ExamCard during your daily routine, and not only in the ExamCard Manager.
The maximum number of ExamCard items is 250. The maximum number of inline
postprocessing steps is 6.
The ExamCard will be saved in the Saved folder of the Other database.
5 SmartGeometry name
Related Tools
• In the SmartGeometries Database (available in the ExamCard Manager), you delete
SmartGeometries or samples, or you lock the complete database.
• In the SmartExam Settings, you enable or disable User-Confirmation Mode, and Add
Sample Data Allowed.
You specify the SmartExam Settings in Settings and Tools -> Settings -> SmartExam.
User-Confirmation Mode
This option allows to ask for confirmation of the Smart planning in a Smart ExamCard.
• With User-Confirmation Mode enabled, the ExamCard stops so that you can inspect the
planning, and modifiy if needed.
Samples are never automatically added to a SmartGeometry.
User confirmation is always required in the Add Sample dialog.
If Unchecked • You are not prompted to add samples to the SmartGeometry Database.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If Checked • You are prompted to add manually planned samples to the SmartGeometry Database
at the end of the examination:
Adding manually planned samples to the SmartGeometry database? OK or Cancel?
• To add the samples to a SmartGeometry, click OK.
To discard the samples, click Cancel.
The dialog is only displayed if any of the SmartGeometry plannings is modified and
End fragment title: 2 Add Sample Data Allowed
Smart learned disabled Geometry is smart and learned, but Smart is disabled as
system option, or the smart survey is missing.
Smart learned locked Geometry is smart, learned and locked for further learning.
Smart learning disabled Geometry is smart and still learning, but Smart is disabled, or
the smart survey is missing.
Smart learning locked Geometry is smart, still learning, but locked for further
Spine smart learning Geometry is smart spine and still learning (not validated).
Spine smart learning Geometry is smart spine and still learning but locked for
locked further learning.
Smart name conflict Geometry is smart, but given a name that already exists for a
non-smart geometry.
Smart planning The smart geometry is applied: the smart survey is analyzed
and the smart geometries are planned.
Smart spine planning The smart spine geometry is applied: the smart spine survey is
analyzed and the smart geometries are planned.
End fragment title: Icons SmartExam
With this workflow, you convert an existing ExamCard into a Smart ExamCard.
This conversion includes that you add a SmartSurvey to the ExamCard, and that you use
SmartGeometries in the ExamCard.
⊳ Prerequisite: You are in the Scan Overview, or in the Scan Overview of the ExamCard
⊳ Prerequisite: The current ExamCard is the ExamCard that you want to convert into a Smart
► To access the SmartGeometries Editor, right-click on a ExamCard item and select Convert
to SmartExam....
The SmartGeometries Editor opens.
► Select an anatomic region from the drop-down list.
• Brain
• Knee
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Shoulder
• Breast
• Cervical spine
• Lumbar spine
⇨ Only for cervical spine and Lumbar spine, one more column shows up in the Smart Editor
window: the Grid Snap column.
► To add a SmartSurvey to the current ExamCard, click Add SmartSurvey to ExamCard.
► To enable SmartExam, first select a SmartGeometry from the Replace With drop-down list,
or enter a name for a new SmartGeometry.
Then select Smart in the Smart column.
Each SmartGeometry name must refer to a unique planning.
Use unique geometry names throughout all anatomic regions.
► Only for cervical spine and Lumbar spine, enable or disable Grid Snap.
• Set Grid Snap to No for the SmartGeometries where acquisition is always done for a the
same range, for example in the sagittal spine.
• Set Grid Snap to Yes for the SmartGeometries where acquisition is done on different
levels, for example in the transverse spine.
A newly defined SmartGeometry has to be planned and executed several times before it turns
into a validated SmartGeometry and does not require planning anymore.
Node title (original): validating Smart ExamCard ID: 116872538635
Status: Released
⊳ Prerequisite: The option Add Sample Data Allowed is enabled in Settings and Tools ->
Settings -> SmartExam.
This option allows to add samples to a newly defined SmartGeometry.
► Start the Smart ExamCard that needs to be validated.
The SmartSurvey and the reference scan are executed automatically.
► When the SmartSurvey is completed, double-click on the EC items of the diagnostic scans to
plan them.
First add samples to the SmartGeometry database. Only then move the patient out of the
Otherwise the samples are lost and cannot be added to the SmartGeometry Database
To improve your SmartGeometries, you can add samples (relevant plannings from other
examinations) to your SmartGeometry.
⊳ Prerequisite: The option Add Sample Data Allowed is enabled in Settings and Tools ->
Settings -> SmartExam.
This option allows to add samples to a newly defined SmartGeometry.
⊳ Prerequisite: The option User-Confirmation Mode is enabled in Settings and Tools ->
Settings -> SmartExam,
This option prompts you to confirm that samples are added to the SmartGeometry.
► Execute the Smart ExamCard.
Upon completion of the ExamCard, you are prompted to confirm the update of the
SmartGeometries with new samples.
► Confirm to update the SmartGeometries.
A Smart ExamCard can contain Smart items in different states. Depending on the status of the
Smart items, the workflow is different.
Node title (original): Workflow: Smart items are in validating ID: 117382298763
mode Status: Released
Node title (original): Workflow Smart items are validated ID: 117382300299
Status: Released
Level-specific scanning
You can define the disc levels to be scanned beforehand or after scanning the high resolution
sagittal scan.
Node title (original): Level-specific: defining after high res scan ID: 117384216459
Status: Released
Defining the disc levels after scanning the high resolution scan
1. On the high resolution T2w sagittal scan, drag the stacks to the desired scanning location.
The snapping mechanism (Grid Snap) recognizes the levels automatically and snaps the
transverse stacks to the required levels.
2. Resume the ExamCard.
During the validating phase, fine tuning adjustments can be made without snapping.
You can add a postprocessing step (SmartLine processing) to an ExamCard. Each time you
execute this ExamCard, the postprocessing step is executed automatically.
Node title (original): SmartLine processing suited packages ID: 117384237579-2
Status: Released
Survey images of sufficient image quality are required to plan an examination. For time
efficiency, you need survey images in a very short time.
Node title (original): 0 - main features Quick Surveys ID: 116864501771
Status: Released
• The scan time does not exceed 15 seconds per stack (on average) before converting into a
Quick Survey.
• It is no SmartSurvey scan.
• It is not a spectroscopy, but an imaging survey.
• It is no pre-scan.
• It is no interactive scan.
• The scan produces modulus images only.
• It does not use SENSE, CLEAR, k-t BLAST, k-t SENSE.
End fragment title: 1c-requirements Quick Survey 2nd bulleted list
Node title (original): 2 - What is skipped, what are affected ID: 116864592011
imaging parameters Status: Released
In a Quick Survey, certain preparation phases and pre-scans are skipped. This is realized by
automatically setting certain imaging parameters to well-defined values. The affected imaging
parameters are hidden and you cannot change them.
The table lists which preparation phases and pre-scans are skipped, what is performed instead
and which imaging parameters are affected.
Skipped Instead performed Affected imaging parameter
1. Quick Survey (referred to as QSurvey-1) • Since QSurvey-1 is at position 1 in the execution list, it is fully
2. Quick Survey (referred to as QSurvey-2) qualified as Quick Survey.
The purpose of this workflow is to convert a conventional survey into a Quick Survey. The
workflow covers both situations:
• The survey is part of an ExamCard.
• The survey is a separate scan protocol in your protocol database.
End fragment title: 0 - Advanced Organizer converting survey into Quick Survey
Node title (original): 1 - workflow converting into Quick Survey ID: 116864366731
Status: Released
The purpose of this workflow is to run an ExamCard which uses a Quick Survey instead of a
conventional survey.
Node title (original): Amb/Elit with mention of VitalScreen ID: 9007316119735563
Status: NotReleased
► Press Start scan at the UIM or Start at the VitalScreen (depending on your system
► Leave the examination room and close the door.
With AutoStart enabled, the survey automatically gets started now, if no table movement is
⇨ When you reach the operator's console, the survey is running or first images are already
► Start planning and proceed as usual.
End fragment title: Amb/Elit with mention of VitalScreen
Node title (original): Ing Optimus Achieva Multiva Prodiva ID: 116865091083
without mention of VitalScreen Status: Released
In the Plan tab, you plan the examination (e.g. stacks and slabs) graphically. If needed, you
change advanced imaging parameters. The following UI elements support you:
1. Plan toolbar which allows you to adjust the display of imaging series, stacks and slabs
according to your preference, and which gives access to advanced planning features.
2. Viewports for planning.
3. Scan Dashboard which provides you with important information about the currently
planned scan.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 Display of the Imaging Volume chapter “Display of the Imaging Volume” on page 899
5 Left Mouse Behavior: Scroll, Zoom, Pan, chapter “Left Mouse Behavior: Scroll, Zoom, Pan,
Window Window, ...” on page 900
6.2.2 Geometry
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007313483703947
Status: NotReleased
These controls allow you to add or delete stacks and slabs, and to switch between stacks and
slabs during planning.
Only the current stack or slab can be edited.
Drop-down Short Description More information
Duplicate Geometry: To create and insert a copy of the selected stack or • chapter
slab. “Managing
Geometries” on
Remove Geometry: To delete the selected stack or slab.
page 911
These buttons allow you to adjust the display of the planned imaging volume.
Button Short Description Instructions
Set Orthogonal: To plan the current stack or volume orthogonal to the • chapter
slice in the selected viewport. “Planning
Orthogonal to
the Selected
Slice” on page
Set Center: To plan the current stack or volume with the same offcenter • chapter
values as the slice in the selected viewport. “Planning a Stack
or Volume with
Values” on page
ScanAlign: To align scans, especially with table movement to cover long • chapter
anatomical areas. “Aligning Scans
with ScanAlign”
on page 917
When you drag (with left mouse button) in a viewport, by default you scroll through images.
Click any of these buttons to change this behavior, and then use the drag function to perform
Zoom: • chapter
Drag to magnify or reduce the image (when this button is enabled). “Zooming in and
out of an Image”
on page 947
Pan: • chapter
Drag to pan a magnified image (when this button is enabled). “Panning an
Image” on page
Window: • chapter
Drag to adjust brightness and contrast of an image (when this button is “Windowing:
enabled). Adjusting
Brightness and
Contrast” on
page 946
Opacity: • chapter
Drag to change the opacity of the fused overlay image (when this button is “Changing the
enabled). Opacity of Fused
• Available only in Orthoview. Overlay Images”
on page 995
These buttons allow you to perform measurements on the imaging series and overlay the
images with the measurement results and other annotations.
• Depending on the type of graphical object chosen, different numeric results are provided.
• Every graphical object is defined by one or more anchor points. The anchor points are
visible upon creation, when the mouse hovers over the object, and when the object is
• To select a graphical object, click on it.
• To resize or reshape a graphical object, drag any of its anchor points.
• To move a graphical object or a measurement label, drag it to the desired location.
• Dedicated context menus offer more functionality such as the calculation and display of
histograms and profiles.
End fragment title: 00 Intro Measurements and Annotations
Smooth Polyline: To measure the length of a smooth polyline defined by { Mann, Michael,
several points on an image. 12/22/2020
12:53:04 PM: To
do: Link to MAP-
node for
Polyline: To measure the length of a polyline defined by several points on
an image.
{ Mann, Michael,
Smooth Polygon: To measure an area based on a ROI with the shape of a 12/22/2020
smoothed polygon. 12:53:09 PM: To
do: Link to MAP-
node for ROI
Text Annotations
Drop-down Short Description Instructions
{ Mann, Michael,
Arrow + Text Annotation: To overlay an arrow with a text box to an 7:44:42 AM:
image. doctima To do:
Link to MAP-node
for annotations}
End fragment title: 03 Buttons Text annotations
Pixel Value: To extract the pixel value from a voxel. • Extracting Values
• Not available on RGB (SC) images from Images
{ Mann, Michael,
Image Location: To extract the image location value from a voxel. 7:44:42 AM:
doctima To do:
Link to MAP-node
of value
Patient Location: To extract the patient location value from a voxel.
• Available only when patient coordinates are known.
• Not present for most SC images/screen captures.
Hide Annotations: To show or hide all types of graphical objects (including • chapter
lines, ROIs, text, annotations, arrows, results of measurements). “Toggling the
Display of
Objects” on page
End fragment title: 05 Buttons Toggle graphical objects
These buttons allow you to adjust the amount of information given for images and imaging
series. Image information includes: scan number and image number, scan date, information
about scanning settings and duration.
This button provides access to image sorting settings and scrolling settings.
Button Short Description Instructions
Sort Images: To adjust how the different image types are sorted and to • Adjusting Image
configure scrolling with mouse and keyboard. Sorting and
Scrolling (Image
View Settings)
{ Mann, Michael,
7:42:42 AM:
doctima To do:
Link to MAP node
for Image View
On the Plan tab (also referred to as PlanScan), you have three viewports to plan in all three
Node title (original): 0 Viewport intro ID: 116103709451-1
Status: Released
7. Movie Bar: only available when you hover over the bottom of the
Allows you to plan on movies.
Context menus are available throughout all applications to facilitate the use of the system and
to offer various interaction possibilities.
To access the context menu, simply right-click on any viewport (or other screen area).
End fragment title: 0 about context menus
• Pan by default you scroll through images. These options (and Zoom, Pan,
possibly others depending on the render mode) allow Window, ...” on page
• Window 900
you to change this behavior.
Reset Window To reset window, zoom/pan to the initial settings after chapter “Resetting All
Reset Zoom/Pan you have changed these settings. Changes” on page
Reset All
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
On the Plan tab (also referred to as PlanScan), you plan all objects of a scan graphically. These
objects are overlaid to the (survey) images in the viewports.
• Rectangular shapes with border lines and round and square anchor points represent the
stack, and if applicable the REST slab, the shim box and the navigator. The anchor points
serve as handle for adjustments of the shapes.
• Initially all graphical objects are displayed as predefined in the selected scan protocols of
the ExamCard.
• Stacks (when selected for planning) are displayed with the midplanes, the border lines and
the number of slices.
• On the Plan toolbar, you can change the display of the stacks and select to Show Slices,
Show 3D Box or Show Midplanes.
Object displayed Color
displayed with
• Number of slices
• Fold-over indicator (double-
arrow icon in Fold-over
direction outside of the stack)
The Scan Dashboard is available on the Plan tab. It assists you in planning.
• It shows the effects on important scan parameters immediately during planning.
• It allows to access information about scan protocols.
• It allows to access Advanced Parameters.
• It allows to undo, redo, reset, cancel or accept your planning.
2 Important information about: Arrows indicate visually if the value has been
• Scan Duration increased or decreased. Their colors indicate if the
Format: actual scan duration (initial scan change is critical or uncritical.
duration) • Critical change with decreased value, e.g.
• Resolution Rel. SNR or Resolution.
Format: actual Acquisiiton voxel size
• Critical change with increased value, e.g.
• Rel. SNR (Relative Signal-to-NoiseRatio) SAR or PNS.
Format: Factor actual SNR relative to
initial SNR (1) • Improvement, e.g.
3 Buttons:
• Info
Displays more information about the use and typical application of a scan protocol or
• Advanced Parameters
Allows to access the advanced parameters. This is recommended for experienced operators
• :
Undo reverses your last action.
Reset resets all changes and goes back to the initial values.
• Redo:
Redoes something you have undone.
• Cancel:
Resets all changes made to the planning, and closes the current planning session.
During planning, you edit the planning volumes (stack, slab, shim box, navigator) to adjust them
to the patient's anatomy.
• You can only modify the selected geometry (stack, slab, shim box, navigator).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Selecting a Geometry
► Hover over a planning volume in a viewport, then click on it.
Alternatively select the planning volume from the Selected Geometry drop-down menu on
For accurate planning, you adapt the planning volumes to the patient's anatomy. You plan
ExamCard items graphically on the previously performed scans (e.g. on survey images or other
scans). You can also plan on movies which is especially helpful in Cardiac imaging.
• You can only edit the geometry of the current planning volume (stack, REST slab, shim box,
or navigator).
• You can undo changes step by step { Heuvel, Martina van den, 11/18/2020 1:08:50 PM:
HOW?}or reset the planning with the Reset { Heuvel, Martina van den, 11/23/2020 5:04:25
To move the planning The center area of The values of the Offcenter parameters are
volume the planning volume automatically adapted.
To rotate the A round anchor point The values of the Angulation parameters are
planning volume of the planning automatically adapted.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
To change the size of A border line of the If you resize the stack, the value of the Field-of-View is
the planning volume planning volume automatically adapted.
To change the A border line of the The number of slices are automatically adapted.
number of slices stack
To change the slice A square anchor The slice gap is automatically adapted.
gap point of the stack
Only possible when
slice gap is set to
manual/user defined.
To modify other imaging parameters (such as slice thickness), open the Advanced Parameters
In planning, you can choose how to display the imaging volume of the stack.
► On the Plan toolbar, do any of the following:
When you need to plan the current scan identical to a previously scanned image, you copy the
geometry parameters from this previously scanned image to the current stack.
Node title (original): 07 Copy Position, FOV, Slice Thickness ID: 115350253579
from Image Status: Released
► On the Plan tab, right-click the image from which you want to copy the geometry values,
and select Copy From Image.
⇨ A submenu opens.
This option allows you to plan the current stack orthogonal to the slice in the selected viewport.
It copies the angles from the image in the selected viewport.
► In a planning viewport, scroll to the slice which you want to plan the stack orthogonally to.
This option allows you to plan the current stack or volume with the same offcenter values as
the slice in the selected viewport. It copies the offset values from the image in the selected
► In a planning viewport, scroll to the slice which you want to use to center the stack.
3-Point Planning (also referred to as 3 Points PlanScan, 3PPS) is a tool which helps to define an
irregular plane. The plane is determined by the placement of three points on two or more
images of different orientations.
► To place the three points, click three times in any of the three images selected in the
planning view ports.
ScanAlign allows you to align scans which have been acquired in multiple stations with table
movement to cover long anatomical areas. Typical applications are Whole Body and MobiFlex
or MobiTrak scans.
► Select a scan which has been acquired in multiple stations with table movement.
Button Description
Previous Image: Step backwards through the images of the selected dimension.
Next Image: Step forwards through the images of the selected dimension.
The Advanced Parameters allow you to edit all imaging parameters. Only experienced
operators should edit the Advanced Parameters.
In MRI, there is a high number of imaging parameters. TheseAdvanced Parameters are divided
in different groups:
• Geometry
All geometry-related parameters.
• Contrast
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The Scan Information Page (also referred to as Info Page) is automatically displayed in the
Advanced Parameters window. The Scan Information Page displays the scan characteristics of a
planned EC item.
The table lists the most important scan characteristics applicable for every kind of scan.
Item displayed Description
ACQ voxel MPS (mm) Acquisition voxel size in Measurement, Preparation and Slice
selection direction in millimetres.
REC voxel MPS (mm) Reconstruction voxel size in Measurement, Preparation and Slice
selection direction in millimetres.
Scan percentage (%) Current scan percentage considering all imaging parameters.
WFS (pix) / BW (Hz) Actual Water-Fat Shift in pixels and Bandwidth in Hertz.
Whole body SAR / level Whole Body SAR in W/kg, and the level indicated as normal or first
level controlled operating mode.
Coil Power in %
PNS / level Peripheral Nerve Stimulation, and the level indicated as normal or
first level controlled operating mode..
Sound Pressure level (dB) Sound pressure level. The sound pressure level is given with respect
to an internal acoustic reference level which can be understood as
the standard system noise level. Accordingly, negative/positive
values indicate that the actual sound pressure level is below/above
this reference level.
For more information on SAR, SED, B1, PNS and dB/dt, see Safety chapter of the Instructions for
Status: Released
Relative SNR
The Relative SNR
• shows the effects on the SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) when modifying parameters.
• is displayed as factor where a value of 1.0 is identical to the SNR of the original scan
• is not an absolute value, but relative to the SNR of the initial scan protocol.
It is important to realize that the Relative SNR is based on a relative calculation.
If the original slice thickness is halved, the displayed Relative SNR will be 0.5 (relative to the
original procedure).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If this procedure is saved and retrieved again, the Relative SNR will still be displayed as 0.5.
Modifications are always relative to the starting point which is the original scan protocol.
The Reference Tissue parameter is also included in the RSL-calculation, but it does not affect
the SNR of the image. It can be set to e.g. white matter, muscle, liver, bone marrow and CSF.
The T1- and T2-values of the tissues are taken into account to give a more realistic
interpretation of the SNR changes.
End fragment title: 2 RSL
When you want to edit a parameter, you have to select this parameter first. Once the
parameter is selected, you can enter a new value manually, or select a value from a drop-down
menu or update the current value stepwise.
To increase parameter value by one Press [Right Arrow] key. Click the Up Arrow button.
To increase parameter value to Press [Shift+Right Arrow]. Press and hold [Shift],
highest possible value then click the Up Arrow button.
To decrease parameter value by one Press [Left Arrow] key. Click the Down Arrow button.
To decrease parameter value to Press [Shift+Left Arrow]. Press and hold [Shift],
lowest possible value then click the Down Arrow button.
Not all combinations of parameter values are possible.
In case of conflicts, { Heuvel, Martina van den, 11/23/2020 2:35:59 PM: don't know how this
goes on Artes}. To solve the conflict, refer to the ’Conflicts' tab and the 'Assistance'.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
For information about all MR imaging parameters, refer to the Parameter Help.
Press F1 or select Help... from the Navigation bar.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 11/23/2020 6:22:27 PM: CHECK NEEDED}The relationships
between MR imaging parameters are complex. The table shows the effects of increasing or
enabling a parameter (set to “Yes”) on scan time, resolution, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and
artifact level for some parameters.
↓ lower, ↑ higher, = unchanged, * more information available in following table
PARAMETER Scan time Resolution SNR Artifacts
NSA ↑ = ↑ ↓
REST ↑ = = ↓
Slice thickness = ↓ ↑ =
Scan matrix ↑ ↑ ↓ =
Halfscan ↓ = ↓ ↑
SMART = = = ↓
3D Slices ↑ = ↑ =
SE Flip Angle = = ↓ =
Flowcomp SE = = = ↓
SPIR / ProSet ↑ = = ↓
SENSE ↓ = ↓ =
The effect of the parameter FOV can differ depending on the way of working: you can either
adjust the matrix size or the voxel size. The table illustrates the effects.
Way of working FOV Scan Pixel size TE TR Scan time SNR
Matrix size ↓ = ↓ ↑ 1) ↑ 2) ↑ ↓ 3)
Voxel size ↓ ↓ = = = ↓ ↓ 4)
1. This is valid in case of TE = shortest.
For TE = user defined, this could lead to a conflict
2. This is valid in case of TR = shortest.
3. This is caused by smaller voxels.
4. This is caused by the reduction of scan time.
7 Reviewing Images
Last Content Modificator: ID: 9007315340139019
Status: NotReleased
In the Review tab, you review the imaging series and you can choose to display the imaging
series differently, e.g. as Maximum- or Minimum-Intensity-Projection, or as Multiple Planar
Reformat. The following UI elements support you:
1. Review toolbar which allows you to optimize the display of the images, and to perform
2. Viewports for reviewing.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
There are various ways of how to open and review imaging series in the Review tab.
Node title (original): 1 Open examination from Patient ID: 116539545227
Directory Status: Released
• Double-click an examination.
• Right-click an examination, then select Review.
• Click an examination, then click the Review button.
⇨ The examination opens in the default layout of 3x2 and displays the center slice of the first
6 imaging series.
End fragment title: 1 Open examination from Patient Directory
Node title (original): 2 Open imaging series from Exam ID: 116539546251
Overview: drag Status: Released
Node title (original): 3 Open imaging series from Exam ID: 116539547275
Overview: select 2D Status: Released
• Adjust the complete viewing area, including layout selection and the level of image
• Scroll through images, and zoom, pan and window images.
• Perform measurements on images and add annotations.
• Access advanced functionality, such as image sorting, time-intensity diagrams or fibers.
• Capture, export and print images.
End fragment title: Intro Review Toolbar
When you access the Review tab, the default render mode is 2D.
When you switch to other render modes (MPR, MIP, Orthoview, PicturePlus, MobiView),
optional buttons become available.
2 Left Mouse Behavior: Scroll, Zoom, Pan, chapter “Left Mouse Behavior: Scroll, Zoom, Pan,
Window, ... Window, ...” on page 928
4 Interaction between Imaging Series chapter “Connecting Viewports and Comparing Imaging
Series” on page 933
6 Other Ways of Reviewing Imaging Series chapter “Other Ways of Reviewing Imaging Series” on
page 935
8 Print and Capture Images chapter “Print and Capture Images” on page 936
• Orthoview
Plane Opacity • Orthoview chapter “Left Mouse Behavior: Scroll, Zoom, Pan,
Window, ...” on page 928
Enhance with • PicturePlus chapter “Left Mouse Behavior: Scroll, Zoom, Pan,
PicturePlus Window, ...” on page 928
The Layout drop-down menu allows you to select how many viewports are distributed over the
screen in rows and columns.
Drop-down Short Description Instructions
Layout: To select any of the layouts from the drop-down menu. • chapter
“Selecting a
Layout for the
Review Screen”
on page 941
When you drag (with left mouse button) in a viewport, by default you scroll through images.
Click any of these buttons to change this behavior, and then use the drag function to perform
any of the actions listed below:
Zoom: • chapter
Drag to magnify or reduce the image (when this button is enabled). “Zooming in and
out of an Image”
on page 947
Pan: • chapter
Drag to pan a magnified image (when this button is enabled). “Panning an
Image” on page
Window: • chapter
Drag to adjust brightness and contrast of an image (when this button is “Windowing:
enabled). Adjusting
Brightness and
Contrast” on
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
page 946
Opacity: • chapter
Drag to change the opacity of the fused overlay image (when this button is “Changing the
enabled). Opacity of Fused
• Available only in Orthoview. Overlay Images”
on page 995
These buttons allow you to perform measurements on the imaging series and overlay the
images with the measurement results and other annotations.
• Depending on the type of graphical object chosen, different numeric results are provided.
• Every graphical object is defined by one or more anchor points. The anchor points are
visible upon creation, when the mouse hovers over the object, and when the object is
• To select a graphical object, click on it.
• To resize or reshape a graphical object, drag any of its anchor points.
• To move a graphical object or a measurement label, drag it to the desired location.
• Dedicated context menus offer more functionality such as the calculation and display of
histograms and profiles.
End fragment title: 00 Intro Measurements and Annotations
Smooth Polyline: To measure the length of a smooth polyline defined by { Mann, Michael,
several points on an image. 12/22/2020
12:53:04 PM: To
do: Link to MAP-
node for
Polyline: To measure the length of a polyline defined by several points on
an image.
{ Mann, Michael,
Smooth Polygon: To measure an area based on a ROI with the shape of a 12/22/2020
smoothed polygon. 12:53:09 PM: To
do: Link to MAP-
node for ROI
Ellipse: To measure an area based on a ROI with an elliptical shape.
Text Annotations
Drop-down Short Description Instructions
{ Mann, Michael,
Arrow + Text Annotation: To overlay an arrow with a text box to an 7:44:42 AM:
image. doctima To do:
Link to MAP-node
for annotations}
End fragment title: 03 Buttons Text annotations
{ Mann, Michael,
Image Location: To extract the image location value from a voxel. 7:44:42 AM:
doctima To do:
Link to MAP-node
of value
Patient Location: To extract the patient location value from a voxel.
• Available only when patient coordinates are known.
• Not present for most SC images/screen captures.
Hide Annotations: To show or hide all types of graphical objects (including • chapter
lines, ROIs, text, annotations, arrows, results of measurements). “Toggling the
Display of
Objects” on page
End fragment title: 05 Buttons Toggle graphical objects
These buttons provide several ways to connect the display of the viewports in order to compare
imaging series of the same examination.
These buttons allow you to connect the display of the imaging series in relation to other
imaging series of the same examination.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Show Cross-Reference Lines (Single Slice): To show the displayed slice of • chapter
the selected view as reference line. “Displaying
Lines” on page
Show Cross-Reference Lines (Box): To show the outline of the whole
scanned volume, and the mid slice and the current slice.
Relate Views
Button Short Description Instructions
Relate Views: To relate the viewports so that the images in all viewports • chapter
follow and show the same position. “Relating the
Views” on page
Link: To apply a link between imaging series of the current examination so • chapter “Linking
that the viewports synchronize during activities. Imaging Series
(SmartLink)” on
page 974
Movie Bar: To display the movie bar and play an imaging series as a • chapter “Playing
movie. Movies” on page
Image View Settings: To adjust how the different images of a series are • Adjusting Image
sorted in the viewport and to configure scrolling with mouse and Sorting and
keyboard. Scrolling (Image
View Settings)
{ Mann, Michael,
7:47:51 AM:
doctima To do:
Link to MAP-node
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
This button allows you to refresh the display when new images are available.
Button Short Description Instructions
These buttons allow you to print images or create and save screen captures.
Node title (original): Print Images ID: 115195784331
Status: Released
Print Images
Drop-down Short Description Instructions
Add Series To Print: To add an imaging series to the print jobs. • chapter “Adding
Images to Print”
on page 974
Add Images To Print: To add single images to the print jobs.
Capture Screen: To create a secondary capture of the viewing area where • chapter
the image data is displayed. “Capturing the
Screen” on page
Advanced Capture: To create a secondary capture image of the selected
view as images or series and give the capture a name.
7.3.10 Orientation
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 114159240459
Status: Released
Only in MPR, MIP and Orthoview, these buttons allow you to select the orientation (axial,
coronal, or sagittal) for the imaging series.
In OrthoView, these buttons allow you to hide the plane of the corresponding orientation (axial,
coronal, or sagittal).
Button Short Description Instructions
Allows you to access the review packages MPR, MIP, OrthoView, MobiView and PicturePlus.
Different render modes (algorithms) are provided to perform review operations and calculate
projections and / or reformats of the original data set.
{ Mann, Michael, 10/30/2020 11:01:21 AM: Also include information about suitable scans, as
in 9007205784209035? }
Node title (original): Render Modes (Table) ID: 115631006091
Status: Released
The current render mode is displayed as a button on the viewport toolbar in the upper right of
the viewport. Clicking it opens the drop-down menu for the render modes. Only those render
modes that can be applied to the selected imaging series are displayed in the menu.
Context menus are available throughout all applications to facilitate the use of the system and
to offer various interaction possibilities.
To access the context menu, simply right-click on any viewport (or other screen area).
End fragment title: 0 about context menus
• Pan by default you scroll through images. These options (and Zoom, Pan,
possibly others depending on the render mode) allow Window, ...” on page
• Window 928
Inner Layout To select the inner layout for a viewport. chapter “Changing
the Inner Layout of a
Viewport” on page
Apply Window To To copy the window settings of the selected image to chapter “Windowing:
other images. Adjusting Brightness
and Contrast” on
page 946
Reset Window To reset window, zoom/pan to the initial settings after chapter “Resetting All
Reset Zoom/Pan you have changed these settings. Changes” on page
Reset All
On the Review tab, you specify the Layout and the Inner Layout:
• The Layout specifies the number of viewports.
• The Inner Layout specifies the number of images in a viewport (rows by columns).
You select the number of viewports (in rows by columns) that suits your examination and its
number of imaging series.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► On the Review Toolbar, select a layout from the Layout drop-down menu:
> 1x1 ... 4x4.
• The default layout is 2x3, i.e. 2 rows and 3 columns.
• It is not possible to drag and resize the viewports.
• If there are more imaging series than viewports on the screen, viewport tabs provide access
to the surplus series.
You can apply a predefined layout to a viewport, have a layout applied automatically, or add
and remove rows and columns manually.
Node title (original): Inner Layout 01 - Apply standard layout ID: 114262776075
Status: Released
Node title (original): Inner Layout 03 - Add or remove rows and ID: 114263405323
columns Status: Released
• To add a column (to the right), select Add Column [Ctrl+Right Arrow] .
Node title (original): Inner Layout 04 - Quick maximize with ID: 115628764171
double-click Status: Released
You can maximize the size of an image or viewport. The viewport then covers the whole
viewport area. The other viewports are moved to tabs. The toolbars and the Exam Overview
remain visible.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
There are 2 ways of maximizing images or viewport: by using the Maximize button or by
double-clicking an image. Note that double-clicking an image changes the inner layout of its
viewport to 1x1. If the inner layout already is 1x1, both ways lead to the identical result.
Viewports are automatically filled with imaging series in the order of their scan number (e.g.
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2). You can change the order of the viewports in various ways.
► Do any of the following:
You scroll through images via direct mouse actions or with Arrow keys on the keyboard.
• Direct mouse actions must start in the current viewport. Mouse movement is not limited to
this viewport but to the viewing area of the screen.
• The way of scrolling through images depends on the Image View Settings and the number
of image dimensions (e.g. image type, slices, phases, echoes, dynamics).
For more information, see chapter “Specifying scrolling direction” on page 978.
► To scroll through images, use the mouse or the keyboard keys and do any of the following:
1st image dimension Right Arrow right + / left - Movement to the right increases (to the left
Left Arrow decreases) the number of the image
3rd image dimension Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow not applicable Upwards movement increases (downwards
Ctrl+Shift+Down decreases) the number of the image
Arrow dimension.
Through slices
► In the image viewport, drag upwards or downwards.
You can configure the scrolling behavior in the Image View Settings.
End fragment title: Scrolling Examples
You relate the views when you want to display images with the selected target voxel in all
viewports. This is a fast way of navigating to a specific voxel (e.g. anatomic area) with only one
When the views are related, all viewports show the selected voxel (from their perspective).
Windowing affects the window level (brightness) and the window width (contrast).
Windowing is performed via direct mouse actions. Direct mouse actions must start in the
current viewport. Mouse movement is not limited to this viewport but to the viewing area of
the screen.
► Do any of the following:
• With the pointer in the image viewport, press the middle mouse button and drag to
adjust brightness and contrast.
⇨ A submenu opens.
► Select the desired dimension from the submenu.
For example:
• All Slices
• All Phases
• All Image Types
This setting also applies to the selection of color maps and inverting the gray scale. It remains
active until you deactivate it by clicking the same menu item again.
End fragment title: Apply windowing to all images of a dimension
Zooming is performed via direct mouse actions. Direct mouse actions must start in the current
viewport. Mouse movement is not limited to this viewport but to the viewing area of the
► Do any of the following:
• With the pointer in the image viewport, press the middle and right mouse button and
drag to zoom.
Panning is performed via direct mouse actions. Direct mouse actions must start in the current
viewport. Mouse movement is not limited to this viewport but to the viewing area of the
► Do any of the following:
• With the pointer in the image viewport, press the middle and left mouse button and
drag to pan.
You can display a negative image (invert the gray scale) of the current viewport or apply a color
map to the image.
Node title (original): Change color: Invert Gray Scale ID: 115162410251
Status: Released
To return to the default gray scale, right-click the image and select Invert Gray Scale
End fragment title: Change color: Invert Gray Scale
► Right-click the image, select Color Map , and choose a color map.
To return to the default gray scale, select Original Grayscale from the Color Map submenu.
► To show (or hide) the color scale of the selected color map, right-click the image and select
Node title (original): Apply window setting to all images or ID: 115162412299
current image only Status: Released
By default, changes in window level are applied to the whole series (e.g. all slices).
To deactivate or activate the application to all images, right-click the image, select Apply
Window To, and choose a dimension from the submenu.
End fragment title: Apply window setting to all images or current image only
You can enhance an image with PicturePlus by mouse actions or by entering numeric values for
Smooth and Edge.
Node title (original): Applying PicturePlus ID: 114220839819-1
Status: Released
Vertical movement changes smoothing (increasing values from the bottom up).
⇨ The numeric values of Smooth and Edge are displayed in real time in the top row of the
► To change edge enhancement and smoothing by entering numeric values, click the values
Smooth and Edge in the top row of the viewport. Then enter numeric values in the input
fields, or use the Up and Down arrows next to the input fields.
► To save the images as new imaging series, enter a series name first. Then click Create.
⇨ The Create button changes to Submitted, and the Job Viewer notifies you about this new
⇨ A new imaging series is created within the current examination.
End fragment title: Applying PicturePlus
Resetting all changes sets the image back to its original state.
Images are displayed with Image Information in the upper left corner of each viewport. By
default, Limited Image Information is displayed which provides the regular information. You
Information .
Limited Image Information • Scan number (e.g. 2,1 or 3,2 where the first digit increases for the scan and
the second digit for a postprocessing step (and a newly created imaging
• Slice number/total number of slices (e.g. 7/15 stands for slice 7 of 15 slices)
• Scan technique/image type
e.g. (T)SE - (Turbo) Spin Echo, FFE - Fast Field Echo, (B-)TFE - (Balanced) TFE
e.g. M - Modulus, P - Phase, R - Real, I - Imaginary, SW_M,R,I,P -
Susceptibility Weighted-M,R,I,P
• TR, TE
• Dt (dynamic time) - only applicable for dynamic imaging series
• Td (Trigger delay) - only applicable for triggered imaging series
• Ec1, Ec2 - only applicable for multi-echo imaging series
• Slice thickness and gap
This button is only active when new images become available in the selected series after the
reviewing started.
You measure distances and angles with lines which are defined by anchor points. The more
anchor points, the more precise the definition of an irregular line. Once the lines (for distance
or angle) are confirmed, you can still reposition or resize the lines when you drag any of the
anchor points.
You can move a line or an angle by dragging it.
End fragment title: Intro (Measuring Lines/Angles)
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Distance from the Measurements
drop-down menu.
The profile of a line is displayed as a line graph of Pixel Value versus Millimeters.
Node title (original): Displaying the profile ID: 115001220875
Status: Released
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Angle from the Measurements
drop-down menu.
► To define the angle, click three times in an image.
⇨ The angle is displayed.
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Open Angle from the
Measurements drop-down menu.
► To define the open angle, click four times in an image.
⇨ The angle is displayed.
Measuring with Regions of Interest (ROIs) allows you to retrieve information about a delimited
area within an image. These ROIs are defined by anchor points. The more anchor points, the
more precise the ROI can be drawn. Once the ROI is confirmed, you can still reposition, edit or
resize the ROI when you drag any of the anchor points.
You can move a ROI by dragging it.
End fragment title: Intro (Measuring ROIs)
When you perform measurements with ROIs, the results are displayed with the ROI. The table
gives an overview of the possible results.
Abbreviation Description
Ar Area (mm²)
Av Average value
SD Standard Deviation
LA via centroid Long axis / Long axis via centroid (mm) [optional]
SA via centroid Short axis / Short axis via centroid (mm) [optional]
Optional information can be displayed via the context menu > Properties. Not every type of
Not every type of optional information is available for every type of ROI.
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Freehand Contour from the ROI
drop-down menu.
► To draw the freehand contour, click an image and drag.
► To finish the contour, release the mouse button.
⇨ The start and end points of the contour are connected by a straight line.
⇨ The measurement results are displayed.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• To show the diameter lines, right-click the ROI and select Graphics Properties > Show
⇨ Areas that are cut off by the line are deleted from the ROI.
Areas that are added by the line are included into the ROI.
End fragment title: Measuring Freehand ROI
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Smoothed Polygon from the ROI
drop-down menu.
► To define the polygon, click as often as needed (no dragging).
To cancel the entire contour, press Esc.
► Double-click to end drawing and to confirm the shape.
⇨ The measurement results are displayed.
• To show the diameter lines, right-click the ROI and select Graphics Properties > Show
• To modify the shape of a ROI, click it to select it. Then drag any of the anchor points
available on the contour.
• To add anchor points to a smoothed polygon ROI, click it to make it active and click on the
contour where a 'plus' symbol is displayed at the cursor.
End fragment title: Measuring Smoothed Polygon ROI
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Ellipse from the ROI drop-down
► To define the ellipse, click in an image and drag.
► To finish the ellipse, release the mouse button.
⇨ The measurement results are displayed.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• To modify the shape of a ROI, click it to select it. Then drag any of the anchor points
available on the contour.
• To rotate the shape:
– Right-click the shape and select Rotate.
– To rotate the shape, drag any of the anchor.
Take care because the shape changes while rotating.
• To show the diameter lines, right-click the ROI and select Graphics Properties > Show
End fragment title: Measuring Elliptical ROI
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Circle from the ROI drop-down
► To define the circle, click in an image and drag.
► To finish the contour, release the mouse button.
⇨ The measurement results are displayed.
• To modify the shape of a ROI, click it to select it. Then drag any of the anchor points
available on the contour.
End fragment title: Measuring Circular ROI
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Rectangle from the ROI drop-
down menu.
► To define the rectangle, click in an image and drag.
► To finish the contour, release the mouse button.
⇨ The measurement results are displayed.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• To modify the shape of a ROI, click it to select it. Then drag any of the anchor points
available on the contour.
• To rotate the shape:
– Right-click the shape and select Rotate.
– Drag any of the corner points to rotate.
Take care because the shape changes while rotating.
End fragment title: Measuring Rectangular ROI
The histogram shows the distribution of Pixel Values within the area defined by the ROI.
Node title (original): Displaying a Histogram ID: 115003143819
Status: Released
You can insert a text box or an arrow with text box at any place in an image, or you can add an
annotation to an existing line or ROI.
You can move a text box or the arrowhead by dragging it.
End fragment title: Intro (Annotating Images)
Status: Released
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Text Annotation from the
Annotations drop-down menu.
► Click in an image to create a text box.
► Type text into the text box.
► Press Enter to confirm.
End fragment title: Overlay text box
Node title (original): Overlay arrow with text box ID: 115004400267
Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Arrow + Text Annotation from the
Annotations drop-down menu.
► Do any of the following:
• Click in an image to set the arrowhead, click again to create a text box at that position.
• Click in an image to set the arrowhead and drag to the position for the text box.
► Type text into the text box.
► Press Enter to confirm.
End fragment title: Overlay arrow with text box
You can leave the text box empty and use the arrow only.
This type of annotation can be edited. It can only be deleted as part of the ROI or line, or by
removing the text from this intrinsic text box.
You can perform measurements per voxel and extract the value of a pixel (intensity value), the
value of the patient location, or the value of the image location.
End fragment title: Intro (Extracting Values)
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Pixel Value from the
Measurements per Voxel drop-down menu.
► Click in an image to mark a point.
⇨ The intensity value for this point is displayed.
End fragment title: Extracting Pixel Value
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Patient Location from the
Measurements per Voxel drop-down menu.
► Click in an image to mark a point.
⇨ The patient location value for this point is displayed (L-R = left-right, A-P = anterior-
posterior, H-F = head-feet).
End fragment title: Extracting Patient Location Value
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, select Image Location from the
Measurements per Voxel drop-down menu.
► Click in an image to mark a point.
⇨ The image location value for this point is displayed (X = horizontal, Y = vertical coordinate
End fragment title: Extracting Image Location Value
► Right-click the text on the image and select Graphics Properties > Font Size.
⇨ A submenu opens.
► Select a font size from the submenu.
► Right-click the line drawn on the image and select Graphics Properties > Line Width.
⇨ A submenu opens.
► Select a line width from the submenu.
⇨ The object is deleted from the current image and is not kept in the clipboard.
End fragment title: To delete a graphical object
Node title (original): To delete a graphical object from a group ID: 114898358923
Status: Released
You can hide, and show, all graphical objects at once, or hide single objects.
Node title (original): To toggle the display of all graphical ID: 114924089739
objects Status: Released
Cross-reference lines visualize how the imaging series correlate to each other and to the
planned volume.
► On the Review Toolbar, do any of the following:
• To display cross-reference lines for a single slice, click Show Cross-Reference Lines
(Single Slice) .
• To display cross-reference lines in box mode, click Show Cross-Reference Lines (Box)
• To display cross-reference lines for all slices, click Show Cross-Reference Lines (All
Slices) .
• To display cross-reference lines in 3D mode, click Show Cross-Reference Lines (3D
Mode) .
When imaging series are linked, scrolling, zooming or panning in one viewport affects the other
viewports in the same way.
• To stop SmartLink for all viewports, click Link on the Review Toolbar.
• To unlink an individual series, click the graphic link button in its viewport.
► Select images:
• To select 1 image, click it.
• To select non-consecutive images, press Ctrl and click the images.
► On the Plan Toolbar or Review Toolbar, do any of the following:
• To print the selected imaging series, select Add Series To Print from the drop-
down menu.
• To print the selected images, select Add Images To Print from the drop-down
⇨ The selection is added to the Print tab.
► Change to the Print tab: On the Patient Tasks Bar, click Print.
► Configure the print output as desired: see chapter “Functional Description” on page 1164.
{ Mann, Michael, 10/14/2020 4:17:51 PM: doctima To do: Link to "Printing" Map node or
main "Printing" operation node }
► Click Print.
If you want to print the entire examination, you have to add all series to the Print tab.
If you want to print a series with a color map applied, you have to create an advanced capture
of this series and add this capture to print.
You play movies to get an overview of all images available. You can play a movie for all image
types, for example slices, phases or dynamics.
Imaging series that consist of more than 1 image can be displayed as movies.
Button Description
Previous Image: Step backwards through the images of the selected dimension.
Next Image: Step forwards through the images of the selected dimension.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Note that all changes made in these settings take effect immediately, they do not have to be
confirmed or saved.
End fragment title: Intro (Image View Settings)
Here you specify how the images are sorted in the tile layout. This setting is useful for all
imaging series with more than one imaging dimension (e.g. image type, slices, phases, echoes,
Node title (original): Configure display sorting ID: 115008012811
Status: Released
Here you specify the scrolling directions (horizontal or vertical scrolling) for imaging series with
multiple dimensions (e.g. image type, slices, phases, echoes, dynamics).
Node title (original): Configure scrolling directions ID: 115008068491
Status: Released
You calculate a TID to review the signal intensity change over time. The TID functionality
provides you with a graph and a table of results.
⊳ Prerequisite: A dynamic imaging series with multiple dynamics is displayed in the current
► At Draw ROI : Select the type of ROI to be drawn from the drop-down
• Circle
• Freehand Contour
► Draw the ROI in an image.
⇨ The shape is automatically copied to all images of the (dynamic) series.
• To close the Time Intensity Diagram window, click Exit Window . To reopen it, click
Status: Released
Node title (original): 2 Main features of MPR render mode ID: 116519534347
Status: Released
Node title (original): 1 MIP render mode allows you to calculate ID: 116519554571
Status: Released
Node title (original): 2 main features of MIP render mode ID: 116519583883
Status: Released
• In MIP render mode, you review the selected imaging series in a volumetric display as
rotating MIP or as rotating volume rendered projection.
• MIP render mode allows you to calculate projections in any required orientation,
orthogonal, oblique, double oblique, or radial.
• You exclude (or include) regions from the calculation to focus on the anatomy of interest.
• You review the newly calculated images in real-time mode, or you create new imaging
series consisting of (MIP or volume rendered) projections.
End fragment title: 2 main features of MIP render mode
MPR render mode provides you with one large and three small viewports, and a Create New
Series panel. Furthermore, the Review toolbar has additional buttons dedicated to the
calculation of MultiPlanar Reformats. { Heuvel, Martina van den, 12/3/2020 10:58:13 AM:
<reference to Review toolbar>}.
Philips Viewports
Affix: MPR & MIP render modes ID: 116441869707
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
By default, the render modes MPR and MIP open with four viewports.
• The large viewport shows a 3D view calculated in real-time.
– The default image for MPR render mode is an image of the same orientation as the
selected imaging series.
– The default image for MIP render mode is a projection.
• The three small viewports show three orthogonal views that serve as reference views (from
top to bottom: axial, coronal, and sagittal).
– One of the reference views shows the center image of the selected scan.
– The other two reference views show real-time reconstructions in the remaining two
– Colored lines on the reference views indicate the position of the calculated image in the
large viewport and of the reference views.
• You can change the layout when you right-click on any viewport, and select Inner Layout:
References on Right,References at Bottom, 1x1, 1x2, 2x2.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Each viewport indicates the original or reconstructed slice thickness in the upper right
corner. The reconstructed slice thickness always is a quarter of the original slice thickness.
• In the lower left corner of the viewport, you see the selected algorithm:
Render mode Selectable Algorithms Calculation of
The Create New Series panel in MPR and MIP render mode allows you to:
• To specify the volume of interest for the MPR chapter “Sculpting and
Sculpt with different ROI types: Clipping of the Volume of
Only available in MPR – Include Freehand ROI or Exclude Interest” on page 991
Freehand ROI
– Include Rectangle ROI or Exclude
Sculpt and Clip Rectangle ROI
Only available in MIP – Include Circle ROI or Exclude Circle ROI
– Include Polygon ROI or Exclude Polygon
• To clip the volume (Only available in MIP).
Select Type
Rotation To specify the rotation scheme of the projections chapter “Creating a new
together with the Orientation parameter: series in MIP Render
Mode” on page 989
Adjust Properties
Number of Images To specify the number of images of the new chapter “Creating a new
imaging series. series in MIP Render
Mode” on page 989
chapter “Creating a new
Series in MPR Render
Mode” on page 987
Thickness (mm) To specify the thickness of each reformat. chapter “Creating a new
Series in MPR Render
Gap (mm) To specify the gap between the reformats.
Mode” on page 987
Applicable for parallel stack only.
Propagation To specify if and how the render settings are chapter “Managing
propagated. Presets” on page 992
• For Dynamics, you can select to propagate the
settings of the current dynamic to the
Preceding or Following dynamics, or to a
specific Range from ... to of dynamics.
• For the others (e.g. Phases, b-values,
Diffusion Directions, Image Types), or
Stations, you only enable or disable
Save as Preset To save the current settings as preset which can be chapter “Creating a new
reused with other examinations and imaging series in MIP Render
series. Mode” on page 989
Enter Series Name To enter a name for the new imaging series. chapter “Creating a new
Series in MPR Render
Create To start the creation of the new imaging series. Mode” on page 987
End fragment title: panel complete
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 12/4/2020 2:39:29 PM: Still needed? To enter the offcenter and
angulation values numerically and to define if the angulation of the new series is relative to the
Volume or relative to the Magnet. Select Magnet for multiple stations. This compensates for
planning differences between stations and aligns the new imaging series.}
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 12/4/2020 6:31:13 PM: Still valid??? Select Single Axis for multiple
stacks or multiple stations.}
You start up MPR render mode when you want to calculate MultiPlanar Reformats, Minimum
Intensity Projections or a Slab MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection).
⊳ Prerequisite: The selected imaging series is suitable for the render mode.
• For MPR: 3D scan, preferably with thin slices and isotropic voxels.
• For MinIP: Black blood scans, and VENBOLD (PRESTO based) scans.
• For Slab MIP: Susceptibility weighted scans and M2D balanced-FFE scans.
1. To access MPR render mode, do any of the following:
• In the ExamOverview, right-click a suitable scan, and then select MPR.
• From the render drop-down menu on a Review viewport, select MPR.
4. To change the orientation (of the image in the large viewport and the new imaging series),
8. To change the number of slices, hover over any of the lines which represent one of the
outer slices.
9. To change the slice thickness (and the slice gap), hover over the large yellow arrows, and
then drag.
Alternatively enter the slice thickness numerically, or use the Up and Down arrows in the
Create New Series panel.
⇨ The Create button changes to Submitted, and the Job Viewer notifies you about this new
⇨ A new imaging series is created within the current examination.
You start up MIP render mode when you want to calculate a Maximum Intensity Projection
(volume MIP) or volume rendered projections.
⊳ Prerequisite: The selected imaging series is suitable for the render mode.
• For Volume Rendering: 3D scan, preferably with thin slices and isotropic voxels.
• For MIP: 3D PCA scan, 3D/M2D Inflow scan and Contrast-Enhanced MRA scans.
► To access MIP render mode, do any of the following:
• In the ExamOverview, right-click a suitable scan, and then select MIP.
• From the render drop-down menu on a Review viewport, select MIP.
When you want to focus on a specific anatomic region only, you restrict the imaging volume to
a smaller part by sculpting or by clipping.
You can sculpt any volume in MPR and MIP render mode, but you can only clip volumes in MIP
render mode.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► To sculpt, click Sculpt or Sculpt and Clip from the Create New Series panel.
► Then you use ROIs to select which anatomic region to exclude and which anatomic region to
include. Select a ROI type:
• Include Freehand ROI or Exclude Freehand ROI
• Include Rectangle ROI or Exclude Rectangle ROI
• Include Circle ROI or Exclude Circle ROI
• Include Polygon ROI or Exclude Polygon ROI
► Draw a ROI to include or exclude an anatomic region.
► Repeat the previous steps as often as needed.
⊳ Only available in MIP render mode.
► To clip, select Sculpt and Clip.
⇨ A yellow rectangle is superimposed to the viewports. This rectangle defines the volume of
► Resize the yellow rectangle:
• Drag the borders and corners to make the rectangle smaller (or larger again).
• Drag the round anchor points to angulate the rectangle.
For the calculation of reformats and projections, you set up presets for specific anatomies
which you can reuse for any similar examination.
Prerequisite: You are in MIP or MPR render mode.
Node title (original): 0 selecting existing preset ID: 116523850507
Status: Released
⇨ Now you can create a new imaging series based on this preset, or you can edit the preset or
delete it.
End fragment title: 0 selecting existing preset
Deleting a preset
► Select the preset from the Preset drop-down menu in the Create New Series window.
► Click .
End fragment title: 2 Deleting preset
7.9 OrthoView
Last Content Modificator: ID: 116524733323
Status: Released
You save the fibers or parametric maps or segmentations in the Analysis package.
• Then you open Orthoview and load the saved fibers, maps or segmentation as overlay.
Changing the plane opacity affects the axial, coronal and sagittal planes at once.
Node title (original): Changing Plane Opacity ID: 114220749451
Status: Released
► Click the image and drag horizontally to adjust the plane opacity.
Movement to the right increases and movement to the left decreases the opacity.
End fragment title: Changing Plane Opacity
This function is only available with fused images. Opacity controls the opacity, or transparency,
of the overlay. It is displayed as Alpha factor when Full Image Information is selected.
Node title (original): Changing the Opacity ID: 114220799883
Status: Released
7.10 MobiView
Last Content Modificator: ID: 9007315779476619
Status: NotReleased
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 12/7/2020 4:42:58 PM: don't know if something like this is still
The MobiView package automatically comes up with a screen layout related to the number of
stacks within the selected scan, e.g.
• If the scan contains of 3 stations, the default screen layout is 3 x 3.
• If the scan contains of 5 stations, the default screen layout is 5 x 5.
• Corresponding slices (same AP, RL offcenter values) are automatically combined within one
7.10.2 Safety
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 116525954187
Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24367
After applying the fusion operation, double-check whether the result of the fusion operation
is correct. Always keep the original images.
Horizontal lines on the image indicate where the operation took place. Check for any
artifacts that could indicate a fusion error, like cut-off objects or anatomy. The fused images
must be of the same acquired plane. Be aware that the resolution at the edges of a station
can be lower than in the center.
Unfuse the images in case of artifacts.
This is to make sure that previously present artifacts which have not been visible on screen
prior to fusing are not mistakenly interpreted as pathologies. Viewports
Affix: MobiView ID: 116530381963
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
By default, MobiView opens with the Create New Series panel and one viewport. This viewport
displays a stitched image where the default Stitch settings are applied (Soft fuse and Auto
When you open a suitable imaging series in MobiView, the imaging series is recognized as
multiple station series and automatically stitched (2D or 3D stitching) based on the properties
of the imaging series.
The Create New Series panel in MobiView allows you to:
• Create and save new imaging series out of the original dataset.
• Modify the stitch results (Modify Stitch Results).
Node title (original): panel complete ID: 116530273547
Status: Released
• Remove Station
• Add Station
Stitching Options To select the way the images of the multiple chapter “Stitching 2D” on page
stations are stitched. 1000
chapter “Stitching MPR (and
• Stitch 2D Display in MIP)” on page 1001
• Stitch MPR
• Or use automatically determined window
Hard / Soft Stitching To specify how to treat the overlapping area of the Examples of hard and soft
multiple stations. stitching:
• Hard fuse
• Soft fuse Stitching 2D
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 116530211595
Status: Released
You use Stitch 2D for imaging series with a slice gap between the slices of the multiple stations.
Stitch 2D combines the related slices of multiple stations into one image.
⊳ Prerequisite: The selected imaging series is suitable for MobiView.
1. To access MobiView render mode, do any of the following:
• In the ExamOverview, right-click a suitable scan, and then select MobiView.
• From the render drop-down menu on a Review viewport, select MobiView.
⇨ MobiView render mode opens and presents you with stitched images (created based on
default settings).
2. To scroll through the images and to check the image quality, drag on the large viewport.
3. To change the stitching parameters, click Modify Stitch Results and modify the
For more information about the parameters, see chapter “Create New Series panel” on
page 999).
Then click Apply to apply your changes and check the results immediately on the viewport.
4. To save the images as new imaging series, enter a series name first. Then click Create.
⇨ The Create button changes to Submitted, and the Job Viewer notifies you about this new
⇨ A new imaging series is created within the current examination.
You use Stitch MPR and Stitch MPRs and Display in MIP for 3D imaging series without a slice
gap between the slices of the multiple stations. Both methods combine the related slices of
multiple stations into one image.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
⇨ MobiView render mode opens and presents you with stitched images (created based on
default settings).
2. To scroll through the images and to check the image quality, drag on the large viewport.
3. To change stitching settings, click Modify Stitch Results, and modify the parameters.
For more information about the parameters, see chapter “Create New Series panel” on
page 999).
Then click Apply to apply your changes.
⇨ The stitched imaging series opens in MPR or in MIP render mode.
7.11 PicturePlus
Last Content Modificator: ID: 116534959499
Status: Released
PicturePlus applies a filter that reduces the visibility of noise and artifacts, thereby enhancing
the anatomical structures in the images. It uses an intelligent algorithm of smoothing and edge
enhancement, e.g. background noise is smoothed while vessels are sharpened.
PicturePlus can be used for most image types (including modulus, real, flow) and all processed
images (MPR, MIP, subtracted images).
Preferred combinations of edge enhancement and smoothing can be saved as PicturePlus
Presets. These presets allow you to enhance images exactly in the same way for each imaging
You can enhance an image with PicturePlus by mouse actions or by entering numeric values for
Smooth and Edge.
Node title (original): Applying PicturePlus ID: 114220839819-2
Status: Released
⇨ The Create button changes to Submitted, and the Job Viewer notifies you about this new
⇨ A new imaging series is created within the current examination.
End fragment title: Applying PicturePlus
The QFlow (Quantitative Flow) Analysis package calculates quantitative information from
QFlow scans.
The QFlow Analysis package allows you:
• To calculate numerical and graphical results based on user defined ROIs.
• To add a color overlay with flow information to the images.
• To export the result view to a CSV file.
Suitable Scans
Suitable scans are Quantitative Flow scans (which are triggered PCA scans):
• With at least PCA/P images and FFE/M, and optionally PCA/M images.
• Acquired perpendicular to the vessel of interest.
Node title (original): Information in images ID: 117197525771
Status: Released
In the acquired QFlow images, the gray value (or the color value if color overlay is used)
indicates the flow direction:
• Positive flow is flow into the plane (maximum positive: displayed white), for example in
Feet-to-Head direction and in Right-to-Left direction.
• Negative flow is flow out of the plane (maximum negative: displayed black), for example in
Head-to-Feet direction and in Left-to-Right direction.
End fragment title: Information in images
For Q-Flow measurements the field-of-view (FOV) must be positioned in the isocenter of the Viewports
Affix: QFlow ID: 117196947211
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: Released
QFlow opens with four viewports, the QFlow panel, and the QFlow toolbar.
1 QFlow panel
Context Menus
The Context Menu of the viewports allows you:
• To change the default behavior of the left mouse (scroll, zoom,window, pan).
• To reset window and zoom settings.
• To rotate, mirror of flip an image.
• To add color overlay to the images in the viewports.
• To start drawing a freehand ROI.
• To delete ROIs or to propagate ROIs.
The Context Menu of the graphical results allows you to modify the results display.
End fragment title: QFlow Context Menus
Status: Released
• Result setting
To access the Table and Unit Settings window and adjust the results display.
select QFlow .
⇨ The imaging series opens in the QFlow Analysis package.
► To navigate to the best image to draw a ROI, do any of the following:
• Drag on the phase images.
• Drag the Current Phase slider in the QFlow panel.
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Repeat this step if more ROIs are needed.
► To check the ROIs on all images, click Show/Hide movie bar on the Review toolbar.
Then click Play on the movie bar. Click Stop when done.
► To manage your ROIs, do any of the following:
• To edit an existing ROI, right-click the ROI and select Edit. Then drag the ROI to move it
or drag the contour to reshape it.
• To delete a ROI, right-click the ROI and select Delete.
• To delete propagated ROIs, right-click the ROI and select Delete Propagated Contours.
Then select the direction (Delete Left, Delete Right, Delete All).
• To propagate a ROI that was not propagated automatically, right-click the ROI and select
Propagate. Then select the propagate direction (Propagate All, Propagate Left,
Propagate Right).
► Inspect the results. Possibly modify the results display.
The numerical Phase results always display the results for the current phase image.
By default, the Flux (ml/s) graph is displayed versus the Trigger Time (ms) .
► To display the Phase results of another phase, scroll to another phase image. Do any of the
• Drag on the phase images.
• Drag the Current Phase slider in the QFlow panel.
• Drag the vertical slider in the graphical results viewport.
► To display another result as graph versus Trigger Time (ms) , right-click the graphical
results. Then select a result type:
Area, Flux, Mean Velocity, or Peak Velocity.
► To enable or disable the display of a graph, right-click the graphical results. Then select
Show/Hide ROI, and select or deselect the ROI from the list.
► To select the default results for display and to specify their default units, click (Result
setting) on the toolbar.
⇨ The Table and Unit Settings window opens.
► In the Table and Unit Settings window, adjust the settings:
• Enable or disable the display of flow (analysis) results and phase results.
• To specify the (default) unit, select the unit from the drop-down list.
• To display forward flow as positive flow in the graph, enable Display Forward Flow as
Dependent on your QFlow acquisition, this setting possibly inverts the graph.
► To save the settings as your default, click Save.
To leave the window without changes, click Cancel .
Result Available units Default unit
7.12.4 Results
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 117358711051
Status: Released
Graphical results and numerical results are presented in the lower viewports.
All voxels which partly or fully contribute to the drawn ROI, are considered for quantitative flow
Numerical Results
Stroke Distance (cm) • Netto distance the blood proceeds in the vessel in 1 RR-interval.
Peak Velocity (cm/s) • Either maximum velocity or minimum velocity, whichever has the
highest absolute value.
Trigger Delay (ms) • Time between R-peak and acquisition of the specific slice.
Area (cm2) • Area of the pixels that are partially or fully included in the contour. To
visualize this area, right-click in an image viewport and select 'Filled
Flux (ml/s) • Blood volume that passes the contour per second. Flux is identical
to ’mean velocity * area'. This value is only calculated if the flow
direction is perpendicular to the image.
Peak Velocity (cm/s) • Highest measured positive or negative flow in the contour.
Number of pixels • Pixels that are partially or fully included in the contour.
End fragment title: Numerical Results
Graphical Results
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Results (from one or more ROIs) of one type are displayed as graphs versus the Trigger Time
(ms) .
You can select any of these results for display: Area, Flux, Mean Velocity, or Peak Velocity.
End fragment title: Graphical Results
In the Analysis tab, you perform advanced analysis of your imaging series. The Analysis
packages come with a Task Guidance which supports your workflow. The screen setup is
optimized for each analysis package.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
You open an imaging series in the Analysis tab from the Exam Overview.
Node title (original): 3 Open imaging series from Exam ID: 116883686411
Overview: select 2D Status: Released
The results of analysis depend on the quality of the acquisition. Ensure that the scan settings
are set correctly for the patient at the time of acquisition to assure best results.
The color scheme of the UI described in this manual may be different from the color scheme
on the product as it appears on the screen. However, this does not affect the functionality or
usability of the system in any way.
In cases where two icons are displayed, select the icon that is relevant for your application
Multi-vendor support
The applications described in these Instructions for Use can be used with a wide range of data
sets from other vendors. For details of supported scanners, please contact your Philips
representative. Processing unsupported data sets may lead to inaccurate or unusable results. MR Preferences
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 120738723467
Status: Released
For information on MR Preferences, please refer to the Preferences section of the IntelliSpace
Portal Instructions for Use. Definitions
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 115676886411
Status: Released
Patient The 'Patient' directory contains the studies of a patient over time.
Study A 'Study' consists of imaging series, e.g. CT and/or MRI imaging series.
(Imaging) Series A series consists of one or more images. A typical image is a slice.
Most of the functions in an analysis package can be performed via all controls. It's purely a
matter of taste which control is going to be used.
Node title (original): all controls in all CT/MR-Portal packages ID: 9007314932752779
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the
toolbar and the generic control panel. However, there are more functions to be performed. You
can find these in the right mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls in all CT/MR-Portal packages
Dedicated right mouse menus are described in the 'More functions' of the corresponding
The universally valid right mouse menu functions are described here:
Windowing/Gray Drag to adjust the level and width (or contrast and
Level brightness).
This table lists all options for the left mouse usage.
Note that not all options are available in all packages.
Reset Zoom/Pan The source image or the maps will be displayed with
their original zoom and pan settings again.
Reset Windowing The source image or the maps will be displayed with
their original window settings again.
Reset All Applies Reset Zoom, Pan, Windowing and removes all
graphics, including ROIs.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
ROI Average Enabled/Disabled: If enabled, the graph displays the ROI average.
Dynamic Time Enabled/Disabled. Allows to toggle between dynamic time and dynamic
It's easiest to launch an MR analysis package in the Directory tab of the activity bar.
Please wait until pre-processing has finished before opening series in an analysis package.
If a system message is displayed indicating that the series selection is too large, you can
change the system preferences to load only selected series from the study. For details, see
Data Loading Preferences in the Preferences section of the IntelliSpace Portal Instructions for
Alternatively an analysis package can be launched via the MultiModality Viewer and the
Analysis tab of the activity bar.
The way of scrolling through images depends on the view settings and the number of image
You can use the mouse or the arrow keys to scroll through images.
To scroll through ... Press the arrow Mouse Effect on image attribute
keys movement
2nd image attribute: e.g. dynamic, Movement to the right increases (to
phase, echo number, b-value. the left decreases) the number of the
image attribute.
Example: Scrolling in a series with only one image attribute (single dimension series)
The series has only slices.
Node title (original): Navigate through slices & maps (RL) ID: 9007314933261323
Status: Released
Through dynamics
1. In the image viewport, drag to the left or to the right.
Through slices
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 413: Drop-down menu for ROI type selection. 1- Fig. 414: Drop-down menu for ROI type selection. 1-
Click on the icon to draw a ROI of the current ROI type.; Click on the icon to draw a ROI of the current ROI type.;
click on the arrow to open the drop-down menu, 2 - click on the arrow to open the drop-down menu, 2 -
Option: 'Smoothed Contour', 3 - Option: 'Ellipse', 4 - Option: 'Spline Contour', 3 - Option: 'Ellipse', 4 - Option
Option 'Freehand Contour'. 'Freehand Contour'.
1. Click on the arrow in the task guidance to open the drop-down menu for ROI type
selection .
2. Select a ROI type:
Once you've confirmed a ROI (or line), you can still adjust its shape, its position and rename or
delete it.
2. Click between anchor points and drag to adjust the ROI position.
Rename a ROI
1. Double-click the name (by default ROI1, ROI2, ROI3 etc).
2. Delete characters where needed and type the new name.
• It is advised to rename the ROIs for easier identification (e.g. left breast, right breast, tumor,
• If multiple ROIs are renamed to the same name, automatically a numerical extension is
added to this name, e.g. Hemisphere, and Hemisphere 2
Delete a ROI
1. Right-click on the ROI and select ’Delete’ or delete from table.
All data displayed on the screen can be copied into text editors and spreadsheet applications.
To copy the data:
1. In any viewport: Use the shortcut key 'Ctrl' 'C' or select 'Copy' from the right mouse menu.
2. In the text editor or in the spreadsheet application: Use the shortcut key 'Ctrl' 'V' or select
'Paste' in the text editor or spreadsheet application.
8.1.4 MR T1 Perfusion
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 36028912698779147
Status: NotReleased
This postprocessing package is meant to evaluate T1 perfusion studies and generate numerical
and graphical results and maps.
T1 perfusion studies are based on the fact that contrast agent shortens the T1 relaxation times
of tissues.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The MR T1 Perfusion package has a default layout of task guidance panel and toolbars, and four
viewports. The viewports display the following views:
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR T1 Perfusion package provides a
Task Guidance panel in the left part of the screen. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314937828619
Status: Released
The ASIST LUT is a LUT specifically designed for acute stroke imaging. The Acute Stroke Imaging
Standardization Group - Japan (ASIST-Japan) is a group that conducts medical research projects
dedicated to the standardization of brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) in the clinical setting of acute cerebral stroke.
End fragment title: Color LUT ISP6
To select another screen layout, click Layout and select a layout option. You
can also edit the current layout and save it as a preset using the More menu. Custom layouts
that you have saved as presets are also available in the Layout list.
Node title (original): More / Follow Mouse ID: 9007314938678027
Status: Released
Follow Mouse
Once enabled, this function displays real-time results for the current voxel (indicated by the
current position of the cursor).
End fragment title: More / Follow Mouse
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Viewing Tools
Node title (original): More / Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW ID: 9007314938923531
Status: Released
This function mirrors the image(s) (Right <-> Left)
This function flips the image(s) (Up <-> Down)
Rotate Clockwise
This function rotates the image(s) clockwise
Rotate Counter-Clockwise
This function rotates the image(s) counter-clockwise
End fragment title: More / Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 9007314937483147
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016.
The 'Modify the Results Display' function is only available in the Permeability and the two
perfusion packages.
This function is applicable only to T1 Perfusion. Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 36028912698990475
Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): Navigate through dyn RL & slices upDown ID: 9007314935695499
Status: Released
Through dynamics
1. In the image viewport, drag to the left or to the right.
Through slices
1. In the image viewport, drag up- or downwards.
End fragment title: Navigate through dyn RL & slices upDown
Through maps
1. In the map viewport, drag to the left or to the right.
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For the further workflow, utilize the task guidance in order to make optimal use of the
The Task Guidance window is in the left part of the screen.
Spatial smoothing smooths the maps and the original images. In such a way, spatial smoothing
has an effect on the numerical results.
End fragment title: Spatial Smoothing IntelliSpace
This workflow step serves to adjust the mask and to enable the display of the mask while
Setting a threshold mask will exclude background pixels from the functional map calculations.
All pixels with values below the mask value will be displayed blue. Only pixels with intensity
above the mask value are used for the calculations, colored areas will be excluded from the
1. Drag the slider to define the mask.
You may also drag the right mouse button in the images to change the mask.
You can select the maps in the task guidance panel for real-time calculation and display, and for
the generation of new imaging series.
1. Click the checkbox of a map to select/deselect this map.
The display of the real-time calculated maps will be updated accordingly.
Node title (original): Select Series for Anatomical Viewer ID: 27021605370361355-1
Status: Released
Upon startup of the package, the Anatomical Viewer is empty. However an additional imaging
series in the Anatomical Viewer might help during navigation through the data set and in order
to draw ROIs.
Any type of imaging series can be loaded into the anatomical viewer. The orientation of the
series in the Anatomical Viewer is always identical to the orientation of the source image and
the map. This might require the calculation of real-time Multiple Planar Reformats.
When you load an imaging series with an orientation different to the source image into the
Anatomical Viewer, the series in the Anatomical Viewer will be a real-time Multiple Planar
Reformat (MPR).
Always be aware that the imaging parameter of this series determine the image quality of the
resulting MPR. Low resolution imaging series will result in blurry MPRs and might hamper the
2. Right-click the Anatomical Viewer and click Select Series from the right mouse menu.
3. Click on a series in the Select Series window and click OK to confirm the selection.
4. You can also load a series by dragging and dropping a series.
When you save a layout, the series displayed in the viewer at that time is saved with the
layout. When you reload the layout for another case, the same series is also reloaded in the
viewer. You can save a layout using the More menu in the task guidance panel.
Fig. 417: Three different ROI types with numerical and graphical results. ROI1 - Spline Contour, ROI2 - Ellipse, ROI3 -
Freehand Contour.
If desired, you can remove the last drawn ROI. Do one of the following:
• Press Ctrl+Z.
• Right-click the ROI and then click Delete Last Drawn ROI in the shortcut menu.
You can select an MR series as underlay of the parametric maps allowing for better allocation.
In order to optimize the display you can also adjust the opacity of the overlaying parametric
MR series are suitable source images. Secondary captures are not suitable because they are
lacking in general geometry information.
The underlay is automatically reformatted to the geometry of the overlay. The resolution is
determined by the resolution of the overlay in the preview viewer.
Select Underlay
1. Select an option:
• None
The parametric maps will be displayed without underlay.
• Source as Underlay
The source series will be displayed as underlay.
• Select Other Underlay
Browse to the series you would like to use as underlay and click OK to confirm. You can
also load a series by dragging and dropping a series.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
When you save a layout, the series displayed in the viewer at that time is saved with the
layout. When you reload the layout for another case, the same series is also reloaded in the
viewer. You can save a layout using the More menu in the task guidance panel.
There can be a mismatch between underlay and overlay also in the Anatomical viewer if there
was any patient motion between the acquisitions of these series.
Fig. 418: Left: 100% opacity of the parametric maps. Right: 20% opacity of the parametric maps.
You can generate a new imaging series containing the parametric maps and results as defined
If the input data is unregistered, there can be a mismatch between the previewed and
generated maps as the generated maps are calculated after registering the input. Results
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314936556555
Status: Released
Fig. 419: Results screen: source image and maps with ROIs, Table Viewer and Graph Viewer. The vertical lines in the
graph represent the variable dynamic and the reference dynamic
To draw a windowing ROI, right-click a map and then click Draw Windowing ROI. The color
scale of the map is recalculated to display maximum color heterogeneity inside the ROI. You
can draw windowing ROIs on each map independently.
• The signal enhancement of a pixel of certain dynamic relative to that same pixel in the
reference dynamic. The reference dynamic is normally the first, pre-contrast dynamic. The
reference dynamic can be set to another dynamic via the right mouse menu function ’Set as
Subtraction Reference’.
• where I(D) stands for pixel intensity of current dynamic and I(Dref) stands for pixel intensity
of reference dynamic.
Maximum Enhancement (MAXENH)
• Difference between peak intensity S1 and S0.
Maximum Relative Enhancement [%] (MAXRELENH)
• Maximum of all relative enhancements over all dynamics.
T0 - Time of Arrival [s] (T0)
• Time at which the signal intensity increases for at least 20% compared to the baseline
(referred to as initial signal intensity S0).
The baseline is the average of the signal intensities of all timepoints before the contrast
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
uptake starts.
• As long as the signal intensity doesn't exceed more than 20 % from the baseline, it will not
yet be identified as the start of the contrast uptake (T0).
S0 - Initial Signal Intensity
• The baseline signal intensity S0 is the average of the signal intensities of all timepoints
before the contrast uptake starts.
Time to Peak [s] (TTP)
• Time till contrast agent bolus reaches peak intensity.
Wash-In Rate [l/s] (WASHIN)
• Maximum slope between T0 and time of peak intensity T1.
Abbreviation Description
SI Signal intensity
t Time
S0 Initial intensity
S1 Peak intensity
WO Wash-Out Rate
WI Wash-In Rate References
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 115681936651
Status: Released
This postprocessing package is meant to evaluate T2* perfusion studies and generate numerical
and graphical results and maps.
Paramagnetic contrast agents influence the local magnetic field and reduce the T2* relaxation
time of surrounding tissue.
If a valid Diffusion input series is available with the loaded study, Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch
can be performed.
The Philips Medical Systems' MR T2* Neuro Perfusion application is a post processing software
application supporting the analysis of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) T2* perfusion
studies to generate numerical and graphical results The Philips Medical Systems' MR T2* Neuro
Perfusion application is a post processing software application supporting the analysis of
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) T2* perfusion studies to generate numerical and
graphical results of TTP, T0, MTT, rCBV, corrected rCBV, rCBF, Tmax and K2 (leakage). Four
methods are available for analysis, including Gamma Variate, Model Free, Leakage Correction
and manual Arterial Input Function (AIF). AIF also enables Perfusion-Diffusion Mismatch
analysis if a Diffusion input dataset is available in addition to the Perfusion series.
The MR Neuro Perfusion package has a default layout of task guidance panel and toolbars, and
four viewports. The viewports contain the following views:
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR Neuro Perfusion package provides
a Task Guidance panel in the left part of the screen. The task guidance panel provides the Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314963758347
Status: Released
The ASIST LUT is a LUT specifically designed for acute stroke imaging. The Acute Stroke Imaging
Standardization Group - Japan (ASIST-Japan) is a group that conducts medical research projects
dedicated to the standardization of brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) in the clinical setting of acute cerebral stroke.
End fragment title: Color LUT
To select another screen layout, click Layout and select a layout option. You
can also edit the current layout and save it as a preset using the More menu. Custom layouts
that you have saved as presets are also available in the Layout list.
Follow Mouse
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Select this option to display real-time results for the current voxel (indicated by the current
position of the cursor).
You can only delete custom layouts. You cannot delete system layouts. Additionally, you
cannot delete a custom layout if it is currently selected. First select a different layout, and
then delete it.
Viewing Tools
Node title (original): Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW ID: 120758368779
Status: Released
This function mirrors the image(s) (Right <-> Left)
This function flips the image(s) (Up <-> Down)
Rotate Counter-Clockwise
This function rotates the image(s) counter-clockwise
End fragment title: Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 115708557579
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016.
MR Neuro Perfusion supports analysis workflows with and without using AIF (Arterial Input
Function). The following analysis techniques can be used:
• Gamma Variate: This workflow is based on the assumption that the ideal shape of a passing
contrast bolus as acquired in a T2* perfusion series is highly comparable to the gamma
variate function.
• Model Free: This workflow does note require a specific shape or model. The analysis
detects the start and the end of the bolus passage by determining a baseline at the front
and at the end.
• Manual AIF (Deconvolution): The AIF analysis workflow uses a deconvolution algorithm
based on the knowledge of the Arterial Input Function to calculate the perfusion values. The
AIF describes the input of contrast agent into the tissue of interest. When using this
workflow, you define the AIF by selecting voxels (typically in or around an artery) that show
the T2* effect as induced by the passage of the contrast agent bolus. The average of the
selected voxels represents the shape of the arterial input function. This arterial input
function is used to calculate the parametric maps.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Leakage Correction: This workflow allows you to assess brain perfusion curves that have
been corrected for leakage of contrast agent into the brain tissue. Leakage Correction in MR
Neuro Perfusion uses the Boxerman – Weisskoff approach.
You can choose between these techniques in the Analysis task guidance step (instructions are
provided in the procedural steps later in the this section). The other task guidance steps are the
same for all techniques.
1. To scroll through dynamics, drag to the left or to the right in the image viewport.
3. To scroll through maps, drag to the left or to the right in the map viewport. Analysis
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 18014514215101835
Status: Released
1. In the Analysis list in the task guidance panel, select one of the following methods:
• Gamma Variate (non-AIF workflow)
• Model Free (non-AIF workflow)
• Manual AIF
• Leakage Correction (non-AIF workflow)
2. Set the mask by dragging with the right mouse button in the source data. For details, see
chapter “Define the mask” on page 1043.
3. If you selected a non-AIF workflow, continue to the section "Creating a ROI".
Fig. 425: Define AIF window. Left: Middle image with rectangular ROI of 7x7 voxels. Right: Time-Intensity curves of
these voxels.
5. Navigate to the slice with the vessel relevant for Manual AIF definition.
6. Zoom, pan and window the slices so that this vessel is clearly visible.
7. Drag the red box over this vessel.
The display of the curves will automatically be updated.
8. Click on individual graphs to include them in the definition of the AIF.
The selected graphs are yellow. For best results, the selected voxels should show an AIF
curve with a narrow and high peak.
To open the Define AIF window again and adjust the AIF definition, click Define AIF in the
task guidance panel.
Using the AIF function, the relCBF and the relCBV are also displayed with units: relCBF [ml/
100g/min] and relCBV [ml/100g].
The calculation is based on known delay-insensitive deconvolution techniques and results may
be influenced by incorrect assumptions in such a model.
Manual AIF analysis measures relCBF (relative Cerebral Blood Flow) and relCBV (relative
Cerebral Blood Volume) using a deconvolution between the time courses of tissue signal and an
Arterial-Input-Function (AIF).
The results of deconvolution perfusion analysis may under- or overestimate the true perfusion
depending on various factors:
Inaccurate definition of the AIF: The AIF may suffer from partial-volume effects. Due to the
limited temporal resolution, the AIF is not very accurately sampled. A very sharp high peak
is in general not well represented by the user-defined AIF. For this reason the AIF time
course will not correctly represent a 100% blood signal.
Patient motion: Patient motion during the scan may introduce irregularities in the definition
of the AIF and individual tissue signal time courses, causing deviations from the correct
relCBF and relCBV.
Temporal resolution: The temporal resolution of the measurement may be too low, causing
Poor bolus injection: If the contrast bolus is too slow, the relCBF and relCBV may be incorrectly
calculated. Results may be influenced by the assumptions in such a model.
This optional workflow step serves to adjust the mask and to enable the display of the mask
while adjusting.
Drag with the right mouse button on the source image to adjust the mask.
Leakage Correction
When you adjust the mask, the reference voxels are affected. If you are using Leakage
Correction analysis, this may have some effect on the results.
You can select the maps in the task guidance panel for real-time calculation and display, and for
the generation of new imaging series.
1. Click the checkbox of a map to select/deselect this map.
The display of the real-time calculated maps will be updated accordingly.
Leakage Correction
If you are using the Leakage Correction analysis method, you can enable advanced maps in the
More menu in the toolbar. This option adds the following additional information:
• Goodness of Fit is added to the parametric maps and the results page.
• Ref Voxels are added to the parametric maps.
Node title (original): Select Series for Anatomical Viewer ID: 27021605370361355-2
Status: Released
Upon startup of the package, the Anatomical Viewer is empty. However an additional imaging
series in the Anatomical Viewer might help during navigation through the data set and in order
to draw ROIs.
Any type of imaging series can be loaded into the anatomical viewer. The orientation of the
series in the Anatomical Viewer is always identical to the orientation of the source image and
the map. This might require the calculation of real-time Multiple Planar Reformats.
When you save a layout, the series displayed in the viewer at that time is saved with the
layout. When you reload the layout for another case, the same series is also reloaded in the
viewer. You can save a layout using the More menu in the task guidance panel.
1. You can draw a ROI to focus on a specific area, for example, a lesion.
For information on how to draw, modify, and rename a ROI, see chapter “Draw ROI” on
page 1019.
2. To display a mirror line, select Show Mirror Line.
A vertical mirror line will show up in the middle of the image. If desired, drag the line to
move it to another position.
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3. To create a contra-lateral ROI when you draw the first ROI, select Create contra-lateral ROI
4. Draw a ROI.
When finished, the drawn ROI will be mirrored and the contra-lateral ROI will be created
5. Drag the mirror line to change the position of the contra-lateral ROI.
You should manually align the brain center-line to get exact mirroring between both sides.
As an alternative, you can mark a single ROI as a reference ROI, and view the ratios of all other
ROIs in relation to the selected reference ROI.
1. Right click the ROI that you want to set as the reference ROI and click Declare as reference
ROI in the shortcut menu.
⇨ The label "-ref" is added to the name of the ROI to indicate that it is currently selected as
the reference ROI.
⇨ The ratio table in the table viewer displays the ratio of all other ROIs in relation to the
reference ROI.
⇨ If you create a bookmark, the selection of the reference ROI is maintained in the bookmark.
2. You can change the reference ROI at any time.
⇨ All ratio results are updated automatically when you change the reference ROI.
Mirrored ROIs are not included in the ratio results for a reference ROI. Results for a mirrored
ROI only show the ratio in relation to the ROI that it is mirrored from. However, if you break
the link for a mirrored ROI, then both ROIs are included in ratio results for a reference ROI.
Note that there can only be one reference ROI.
Fig. 427: Three different ROI types mirrored from left to right hemisphere with graphical and numerical results.
You can select an MR series as underlay of the parametric maps allowing for better allocation.
In order to optimize the display you can also adjust the opacity of the overlaying parametric
MR series are suitable source images. Secondary captures are not suitable because they are
lacking in general geometry information.
The underlay is automatically reformatted to the geometry of the overlay. The resolution is
determined by the resolution of the overlay in the preview viewer.
Select Underlay
1. Select an option:
• None
When you save a layout, the series displayed in the viewer at that time is saved with the
layout. When you reload the layout for another case, the same series is also reloaded in the
viewer. You can save a layout using the More menu in the task guidance panel.
Fig. 428: Left: 100% opacity of the parametric maps. Right: 20% opacity of the parametric maps
You can generate a new imaging series containing the parametric maps and results as defined
in the previously described workflow.
1. To generate a standard DICOM-compatible series, select Generate Series using the
Secondary Capture option.
2. Enter the name of the new imaging series in the Name box.
3. To generate a series as RGB images (high resolution color maps), select Generate Series
using the Secondary Capture RGB option.
End fragment title: Generate Maps
If the input data is unregistered, there can be a mismatch between the previewed and
generated maps as the generated maps are calculated after registering the input. Results
Last Content Modificator: Mazor, Ninel ID: 9007314961887627
Status: Released
Fig. 429: Results screen: source image and maps with ROIs, Table Viewer and Graph Viewer. The dynamic reference
line indicates the currently shown dynamic.
2. Select secondary capture. A dialog box is displayed allowing you to select a file name, file
format, and destination. You can save the series in DICOM format, or in non-DICOM
format. If you select a non-DICOM format, you should additionally select a file system
destination for exporting the table results.
Node title (original): ROI-Based Windowing ID: 54596693899-2
Status: Released
To draw a windowing ROI, right-click a map and then click Draw Windowing ROI. The color
scale of the map is recalculated to display maximum color heterogeneity inside the ROI. You
can draw windowing ROIs on each map independently.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The figure below gives an overview of the Neuro Perfusion results when using gamma variate
The figure below gives an overview of the Neuro Perfusion results when using model-free
Fig. 432: Time Intensity Diagram with definitions of relCBV, T0, TTP, MTT.
• The time the bolus spends in the region of interest before leaving.
T0 - Time of Arrival [s] (T0)
• Arrival of the contrast agent, i.e. begin of the enhancement curve.
Time to Peak [s] (TTP)
• Time till contrast agent bolus reaches peak intensity.
relCBV (relCBV)
• The calculated area under the curve.
relCBF (relCBF)
• relCBV divided by the MTT.
Fig. 433: Time Intensity diagram, showing T1 and T2 effects, and the effect of recirculation
Leakage Correction analysis provides the following results for all defined ROIs:
• relCBVuncor: Uncorrected relative cerebral blood volume.
• relCBVcorr: Corrected relative cerebral blood volume. References
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 115707943435
Status: Released
Model-Free Analysis
Meyer-Bäse, A., Lange, O., Wismüller, A., Hurdal, M. K. "Analysis of Dynamic Susceptibility
Contrast MRI Time Series Based on Unsupervised Clustering Methods". IEEE Transactions on
Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 11, No. 5: 563-573, 2007.
Calamante, F., Christensen, S., Desmond, P. M., Østergaard, L., Davis, S. M., Connelly, A. "The
Physiological Significance of the Time-to-Maximum (Tmax) Parameter in Perfusion MRI". Stroke,
No. 41: 1169-1174, 2010.
Wu, O., Ostergaard, L., Weiskoff. R. M., Benner, T., Rosen, B. R., Sorensen, A. G. "Tracer arrival
timing-insensitive technique for estimating flow in MR perfusion weighted imaging using SVD
with a block-circulant deconvolution matrix". Mag Res Med No. 50: 164-174, 2003.
If the anatomical data sets are not in the same frame of reference, the anatomical image
might be mispositioned.
Volume construction may require interpolation.
For DTI/DWI series or if only multivendor maps are available, ADC iso and/or EADC iso maps
are automatically generated when you launch the Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch stage. This
allows you to analyze mismatch without having to perform MR Diffusion analysis first.
In the Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch application, the first volume of the perfusion series is
automatically registered to the b0 volume of the diffusion series. Since the contrast of the b0-
volume and the first dynamic of the T2* series are very similar, the co-registration makes use
of the local correlation algorithm by default.
⇨ If desired you can select a 2x3 layout using the Layout tool in the toolbar.
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You can also edit the current layout and save it as a preset.
2. To perform mismatch analysis, you can choose between Manual analysis and Automatic
analysis. Both options are described below.
When co-registration is performed, you should verify the accuracy of the registration. You can
inspect and edit the registration using the Review & edit co-registration step.
If you edit and accept the registration, the results are updated accordingly in the mismatch
stage of the application.
1. Click Review co-registration in the toolbar to open the Review & edit co-registration step.
⇨ The input series and the reference series are displayed as fusion views in three orthogonal
orientations. You can change the orientation of the view, if desired.
⇨ The initial alignment is calculated using the Normalized Mutual Information algorithm.
2. To change the alignment algorithm, select an option from the drop-down list in the task
guidance panel.
3. You can make the following manual adjustments to the registration using tools in the task
guidance panel:
• Translation Tools: Click an arrow to nudge the registration in the corresponding
6. To reset the registration to the original position, click Reset All Alignment.
7. To save the registration and continue with the analysis, click Save co-registration.
From the right click context menu, select Segmentation Opacity and adjust Segmentation color
opacity independently in different view ports (ADC map, Delay map and Anatomical view-
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12 Results
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314960099339
Status: Released
The type of results generated depends on the type of analysis that your performed:
• Manual analysis mode generates area results (ROIs).
• Automatic analysis mode generates volume results (segmentation).
When you have created diffusion ROIs/segmentation and perfusion ROIs/segmentation,
mismatches are calculated. The results are displayed as penumbra in the anatomical views, and
numerical results are displayed in the table viewport and graph viewport.
Anatomical Viewers
Penumbra is displayed in the anatomical viewers with details of the ROIs, the amount of
mismatch, and the mismatch ratio.
1. Click the Anatomical Viewer tab in one of the lower viewports.
2. Drag a series from the Series panel to the anatomical viewer.
⇨ The series in the anatomical viewer is displayed as MPR images and is automatically co-
registered with the perfusion input series. ROIs in the diffusion and perfusion viewers are
propagated to the anatomical viewer.
⇨ You can scroll over dimensions in the anatomical viewer (up to a maximum of three
dimensions). Scrolling is linked to the diffusion and perfusion viewers.
The table viewport displays the following tables:
• Table 1 displays details about each ROI/segmentation and ADC for each item. Clicking a
column in the table displays the corresponding slice.
• Table 2 displays mismatch information and mismatch ratio (%) for each pair of analyzed
diffusion/perfusion results. The mismatch ratio is calculated as (Perfusion-Diffusion)/
The graph viewport displays a signal intensity graph corresponding to the perfusion ROIs/
segmentation. You can select or deselect results as desired using check boxes.
8.1.6 MR Permeability
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 36028912712894603
Status: NotReleased Overview
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314948779275
Status: Released
The MR Permeability package allows the analysis of a contrast bolus passing through the tissue.
The package assesses the permeability differences between tissues according to the Tofts
The purpose of the package is twofold:
1. Generating parametric maps
The package generates parametric maps (in color or grayscale and with or without an
underlay) that reflect different parameters describing the time intensity curve per pixel.
2. Detailed analysis of parametric maps calculated by the Permeability package
Based on Regions Of Interest (ROI's) in different parts of the area under examination,
numerical results can be calculated and presented in graphs.
In exceptional cases a single reference series can also be used. But in that case the TR and the
TE of the reference series and the DCE series have to be identical. They still need to have
different flip angles.
C(t) Contrast concentration in tissue
vp Fractional value of blood plasma (also referred to as Volume fraction of plasma space)
Ktrans Transfer constant between blood plasma and extravascular extracellular space (EES)
For more details refer to “Quantitative MRI of the Brain” by Paul Tofts; Ch 10: T1-W DCE-MRI:
T1-Weighted Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI (pages 341–364).
For the population average AIF a bi-exponential analytical model is used (this is a mathematical
equation instead of, for example, a list of numbers), which makes the model suitable for any
temporal resolution. Furthermore, the bi-exponential Weinmann plasma curve is used, which
means that the model shape is very simple and does not incorporate recirculation effects after
the first bolus passage (this may be seen in other more complicated models as described by, for
example, Fritz-Hansen or Parker).
Fig. 436: The 3 different bi-exponential shapes used for the model based AIF: 1 - short, 2 - medium, 3 - long.
The values in the Philips injection presets serve as an example and are based on a common
contrast agent Gd-DTPA, a commonly used injection dose of 0.1 mmol/kg, typical medium
injection duration (between 5 s and 10 s) and a normal hematocrit value of 45%. However
every hospital has to define their own injection protocols, that match their contrast agents and
injection characteristics.
The manual AIF requires manual placement of a square of 7x7 pixels on a user selectable
vessel. Based on a user selected collection of about 5 pixels out of the 7 x 7 matrix that in shape
and timing best match an expected AIF, the system will determine an average AIF function to
calculate the permeability characteristics.
Fig. 437: Defining the Manual AIF. Left: ROI over the feeding artery and the corresponding curves of each pixel. Right:
Average AIF.
The MR Permeability package has a default layout of four viewports with toolbar, control panel
and task guidance. The viewports display the following views:
• Source image in the middle of the imaging volume.
• In real-time calculated Parametric Permeability maps.
• Table Viewer (numerical results) and Anatomical Viewer.
• Graph Viewer (graphical results) and Anatomical Viewer.
More information on the Graph Viewer and the Table Viewer can be found in the chapter
“Results” on page 1076.
More information on the Anatomical Viewer can be found in the chapter “Workflow” on page
The MR Permeability package provides a task guidance in the left part of the screen.
Follow the steps of the task guidance to make optimal use of the package.
The following workflow description is based on this task guidance. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314952740107
Status: Released
The ASIST LUT is a LUT specifically designed for acute stroke imaging. The Acute Stroke Imaging
Standardization Group - Japan (ASIST-Japan) is a group that conducts medical research projects
dedicated to the standardization of brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) in the clinical setting of acute cerebral stroke.
End fragment title: Color LUT ISP6
To select another screen layout, click Layout and select a layout option. You can
also edit the current layout and save it as a preset using the More menu. Custom layouts that
you have saved as presets are also available in the Layout list.
Follow Mouse
Once enabled, this function displays real-time results for the current voxel (indicated by the
current position of the cursor).
End fragment title: More / Follow Mouse
Viewing Tools
Node title (original): More / Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW ID: 9007314954432139
Status: Released
This function mirrors the image(s) (Right <-> Left)
This function flips the image(s) (Up <-> Down)
Rotate Clockwise
This function rotates the image(s) clockwise
Rotate Counter-Clockwise
This function rotates the image(s) counter-clockwise
End fragment title: More / Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 27021713458750731
Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): Navigate through dyn RL & slices upDown ID: 115695463563
Status: Released
Through dynamics
1. In the image viewport, drag to the left or to the right.
Through slices
1. In the image viewport, drag up- or downwards.
End fragment title: Navigate through dyn RL & slices upDown
Through maps
1. In the map viewport, drag to the left or to the right.
Philips Analysis
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 122254209419
Status: Released
In the Analysis list in the task guidance panel, select one of the following methods:
• Model based AIF
For additional information see chapter “Co-Registration Inspection” on page 1057.
• Manual AIF
Manual AIF allows applying the manual AIF method in the result calculation, instead of the
model based AIF that is performed depending on the injection parameters.
1. Select 'Manual AIF' from the 'More' drop-down menu in the toolbar.
The 'Define AIF' window opens.
Moreover the analysis step 'Define AIF ...' will be added to the Task Guidance as part of the
Fig. 438: 'Define Manual AIF' window. The left part of the window shows the anatomical image with the red box for
vessel definition. The right part shows the corresponding Time-Intensity diagrams of each pixel.
2. Navigate to the slice with the vessel relevant for Manual AIF definition.
3. Zoom, pan and window the slices so that this vessel is clearly visible.
4. Drag the red box over this vessel.
The display of the curves will automatically be updated.
5. Click the pixels where the curve shape best represents the expected AIF (i.e. high
amplitude and/or steep upslope).
Fig. 439: Average AIF of selected pixels: contrast concentration curve reconstructed from the above selected signal
intensity curves (yellow after selection).
6. Click 'Apply' to confirm this selection and in such a way start the calculation.
Clicking 'Cancel' leaves the window without any change.
Clicking 'Undo Changes' resets the position of the red box to its previous position.
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Unreliable AIFs should be avoided to guarantee that the analysis works within its limitations.
In particular, AIF with strong shape distortion should be avoided.
The Tofts model designed is based on a proper AIF.
1. Select an injection preset from the drop-down menu in the Task Guidance.
If a suitable injection preset is not yet available, an injection preset needs to be created.
See the "More" functions description in chapter “Toolbar” on page 1065 for details.
Node title (original): W: Preset matches acquisition ID: 9007314951756043
Status: Released
Verify that the selected preset matches the injection conditions during acquisition.
The Blood T1 values used for the calculations are different depending on the used magnetic
field strengths.
1.0 1345 ms
1.5 1412 ms
3.0 1613 ms
7.0 2149 ms
End fragment title: N: Blood T1 values
You can select what injection protocol is used depending on the tissue which was scanned. The
preset details of each protocol can be viewed and edited with the 'view' option.
You can select the maps for real-time calculation and display, and for the generation of new
imaging series.
1. Click the checkbox of a map to select/deselect this map.
Node title (original): Select Series for Anatomical Viewer ID: 27021605370361355-3
Status: Released
Upon startup of the package, the Anatomical Viewer is empty. However an additional imaging
series in the Anatomical Viewer might help during navigation through the data set and in order
to draw ROIs.
Any type of imaging series can be loaded into the anatomical viewer. The orientation of the
series in the Anatomical Viewer is always identical to the orientation of the source image and
the map. This might require the calculation of real-time Multiple Planar Reformats.
When you save a layout, the series displayed in the viewer at that time is saved with the
layout. When you reload the layout for another case, the same series is also reloaded in the
viewer. You can save a layout using the More menu in the task guidance panel.
You can select an MR series as underlay of the parametric maps allowing for better allocation.
In order to optimize the display you can also adjust the opacity of the overlaying parametric
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
MR series are suitable source images. Secondary captures are not suitable because they are
lacking in general geometry information.
The underlay is automatically reformatted to the geometry of the overlay. The resolution is
determined by the resolution of the overlay in the preview viewer.
Select Underlay
1. Select an option:
• None
The parametric maps will be displayed without underlay.
• Source as Underlay
The source series will be displayed as underlay.
• Select Other Underlay
Browse to the series you would like to use as underlay and click OK to confirm. You can
also load a series by dragging and dropping a series.
When you save a layout, the series displayed in the viewer at that time is saved with the
layout. When you reload the layout for another case, the same series is also reloaded in the
viewer. You can save a layout using the More menu in the task guidance panel.
A warning is displayed if the selected series does not match the geometry, which may cause
the anatomical image to be mispositioned.
Fig. 441: Left: 100% opacity of the parametric maps. Right: 20% opacity of the parametric maps.
The image registration is disabled which may cause undesired results.
Fig. 442: Different ROI types with numerical and graphical results.
2. If the current series is a brain scan, you can display a mirror line and create contra-lateral
ROIs automatically. If desired, select the following options in the task guidance panel:
• Show mirror line
• Create contra-lateral ROI automatically
3. If desired, you can remove the last drawn ROI. Do one of the following:
• Press Ctrl+Z.
• Right-click the ROI and then click Delete Last Drawn ROI in the shortcut menu.
More options
You can enable/disable the display of curves in the Graph Viewer.
1. Check the checkbox 'Roi1', 'Roi2' or any 'Roi' in the Graph Viewer to enable the display of
the related graph.
2. Uncheck the checkbox 'Roi1', 'Roi2' or any 'Roi' in the Graph Viewer to disable the display
of the related graph.
You can generate a new imaging series containing the parametric maps and results as defined
in the previously described workflow.
1. To generate a standard DICOM-compatible series, select Generate Series using the
Secondary Capture option from the drop-down list, and then click the button.
2. Enter the name of the new imaging series in the Name box.
3. To generate a series as RGB images (high resolution color maps), select Generate Series
using the Secondary Capture RGB option.
If the input data is unregistered, there can be a mismatch between the previewed and Results
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 115697157387
Status: Released
Various factors like inaccurate definition of AIF, patient motion, temporal resolution, and
bolus injection conditions influence permeability values.
From synthetic validation studies it has been shown that for small extracellular extravascular
space and large transfer constant of diffusable tracer from the vessel to the EES, the fitted
results are not accurate. Therefore note that in parametric area the measured results should
be interpreted with caution.
In 'Follow Mouse' mode, the graph correlates to a specific pixel and shows the intensity
value (intensity) over the time for this pixel.
• The results will be provided as parametric maps and in a table of results.
Scrolling through the maps, the type of the map is indicated in the map’s series type field.
Please note that the pixel location remains in the table viewer, even after moving out of the
image frame.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 443: Results screen: source image and maps with ROIs, Table Viewer and Graph Viewer. The dynamic reference
line indicates the currently shown dynamic
If you hide the dynamic reference line, you can display it again by right-clicking in the Graph
view and selecting it from the context menu.
To draw a windowing ROI, right-click a map and then click Draw Windowing ROI. The color
scale of the map is recalculated to display maximum color heterogeneity inside the ROI. You
can draw windowing ROIs on each map independently.
• Transfer constant between blood plasma and Extravascular Extracellular Space (EES), also
called vascular permeability
• Rate between EES and blood plasma (also called Tracer Efflux Rate)
• Extravascular Volume fraction (Leakage space)
• Defined as Ktrans / kep
• Plasma Volume fraction (Vp)
• Area Under the Curve of all time curves
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 445: Result maps of the Permeability package.: Ktrans, kep, ve, vp, Area under the curve.
8.1.7 MR Diffusion
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 36028912687675659
Status: NotReleased
This postprocessing package is meant to evaluate Diffusion studies and generate parametric
The process of diffusion of water molecules through tissue can be measured using MRI
Diffusion imaging.
To calculate the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC map), diffusion weighted images
acquired using at least 2 different b-values are needed.
Anisotropy maps (FA or Directional FA) need an acquisition with at least 6 different diffusion
directions in addition to a diffusion weighting (b=0).
The MR Diffusion package has a default layout of task guidance panel and toolbars, and two
viewports. The viewports display the following views:
• Source image in the middle of the imaging volume.
• In real-time calculated Parametric Diffusion maps.
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR Diffusion package provides a Task
Guidance panel in the left part of the screen.
Follow the steps of the Task Guidance to make optimal use of the package. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Mazor, Ninel ID: 36028912691013899
Status: NotReleased
The ASIST LUT is a LUT specifically designed for acute stroke imaging. The Acute Stroke Imaging
Standardization Group - Japan (ASIST-Japan) is a group that conducts medical research projects
dedicated to the standardization of brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• To select another screen layout.
Click Layout and select:
• 1x1.
• 2x2.
End fragment title: Layout - select another layout
Select b-values
Use this function to select at least 2 b-values for processing.
End fragment title: More / Select b-values
• Radial Diffusivity
• Relative Anisotropy
Node title (original): More / Generate Maps using Registered ID: 36028912691808523
Data Status: NotReleased
If the input data is unregistered, there can be a mismatch between the previewed and
generated maps as the generated maps are calculated after registering the input.
The newly generated registered series can be recognized by the prefix 'Reg' in Series
Once enabled, this function displays the mask on the source image(s).
End fragment title: More / Mask
Node title (original): More / Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW ID: 27021605365436683
Status: Released
Rotate Clockwise
Rotate Counter-Clockwise
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 115671522955
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016. Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 18014514178737675
Status: NotReleased
Status: Released
In the task guidance panel you can select the maps for real-time calculation and display, and for
the generation of new imaging series.
1. Click the checkbox of a map to select/deselect this map.
The display of the real-time calculated maps will be updated accordingly.
The preview of ADC, EADC and DWI iso maps is not available; however they can be generated
and reviewed.
This workflow step serves to adjust the mask and to enable the display of the mask while
Setting a threshold mask will exclude background pixels from the functional map calculations.
All pixels with values below the mask value will be displayed blue and will be excluded from the
calculation. Only pixels with intensity above the mask value are used for the calculations.
1. Drag the slider to define the mask.
You may also drag the right mouse button in the images to change the mask.
You can generate a new imaging series containing the parametric maps and results as defined
in the previously described workflow.
1. To generate a standard DICOM-compatible series, select Generate Series using the
Secondary Capture option.
2. Enter the name of the new imaging series in the Name box.
3. To generate a series as RGB images (high resolution color maps), select Generate Series
using the Secondary Capture RGB option.
End fragment title: Generate Maps
The results will be provided as parametric maps. The type of the map is indicated in the map’s
series type field.
Fig. 447: Examples of maps. Clockwise from upper left: ADC map, eADC map, FA direction map, FA map
Scrolling through the maps shows which types of maps are available for the current series (not
all types of maps are suitable for every type of diffusion series).
DWI iso
The DWI iso map is calculated by first finding the net ADC from all of the available gradient
This net ADC is then used together with the b=0 image to create the DWI iso map. Since this
uses all available directions, the SNR of the DWI iso map is improved especially with DTI series.
• The DWI iso images show a better image quality when the number of diffusion directions
increases. The DWI iso images will have less noise. There is an increase in signal when more
than 16 directions are acquired. The higher signal gives a sharper appearance.
• The option to create DWI iso images is not available for diffusion series that are acquired
with gradient overplus as the P_oblique, M_oblique and S_oblique directions are not saved
in the database. The DWI iso option is also only available when 2 b values are selected.
Tissue characteristics Signal DW images Signal ADC maps Signal eADC maps
High ADC (rapid diffusion) hypointense, more signal High signal intensity Low signal intensity
Low ADC (slow diffusion) hyperintense, less signal Low signal intensity High signal intensity
ADC maps provide anisotropic information and are available for each diffusion direction: S, M,
the FA value is much higher (for example, in the corpus callosum the FA value is around 0.6).
At least six different diffusion directions are needed to uniquely describe the diffusion pattern
and to calculate the diffusion tensor matrix per pixel. From this calculation, the fractional
anisotropy can be displayed in a FA map. High signal intensity corresponds to high fractional
anisotropy and low signal intensity to low anisotropy.
Two different types of FA map are available: FA greyscale map (also referred to as FA map) and
FA direction map.
FA (greyscale) map
Directional information is not provided.
FA Direction map
The color indicates the most important diffusion direction of a voxel:
• Blue for FH-direction.
• Red for RL-direction.
• Green for AP-direction.
Axial Diffusivity
The Axial Diffusivity map displays diffusivity along the principal axis. It is also called the
longitudinal diffusivity or the parallel diffusivity. It is associated with neuro-degenerative
Radial Diffusivity
The diffusivities in the two minor axes are often averaged to produce a measure of radial
This quantity is an assessment of the degree of restriction due to membranes and other effects,
and proves to be a sensitive measure of degenerative pathology in some neurological
conditions. Radial diffusivity is used as a measure of myelin of white matter. It is also called the
perpendicular diffusivity.
8.1.8 MR FiberTrak
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 18014514209713035
Status: NotReleased
This postprocessing function provides an additional step in the Diffusion package, and is meant
to visualize diffusion tensor data in the form of white matter tracts in Diffusion studies.
Visualization of fibers can be used to visualize the white matter structure in the brain.
Together with other forms of MRI data it can give a more complete diagnosis.
The MR FiberTrak application supports the user with the viewing, processing and analysis of
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) data from MR diffusion imaging and with the creation and
visualisation of white matter tracks (or diffusional structure) in the brain and spinal tracts.
The MR FiberTrak step of the MR Diffusion package has a default layout of a main viewport
with three reference viewports to the right, and a toolbar, and task guidance panels to the left.
Main viewport
The large viewport contains a view of the selected dataset as a combination of three
orthogonal slices. Rotating, panning and zooming this view allows viewing of white matter
tracts from all angles.
Reference viewports
The small viewports each contain an orthogonal view and serve as reference views (from top to
bottom: transverse, coronal, sagittal view). Each of the views is overlaid by colored lines
indicating the position of the shown slices. The slices in the main viewport are linked to the
slices in the orthogonal views.
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR FiberTrak step provides a task
guidance panel in the left part of the screen. The task guidance panel provides the following
• Select Underlay & Overlay
• Track Fiber Bundle
• Save Fiber Bundles
The Workflow section later in these Instructions for Use is based on this Task Guidance. For
details, see chapter “Workflow” on page 1093.
While you are locating fiber bundles, a guidance panel is optionally available on the right side of
the main display area. The guidance panel provides information about locating common fiber
bundles. Details of how to use this panel are provided in the following workflow description. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314956513291
Status: NotReleased
Click the arrow next to the Orientation tool to display the slices in the main
viewport in one of the following predefined orientations:
• Axial Feet
• Anterior (frontal)
• Sagittal Left
View Slices
Click a slice indicator to show or hide any of the following slices in the main viewport:
• Transversal Slice
• Coronal Slice
• Sagittal Slice
Click the arrow next to the Layout tool to select one of the following layouts for the main
display area:
• Layout 1x1
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• References at Right
Each of the reference views displays one orthogonal slice. The other 2 orthogonal slices are
represented by lines. The color of the lines indicates the plane of the slice.
In the reference views, you can adjust the position of slices by using the Plane Position
interactor on the displayed slice, or by dragging the lines of the other slices. The position of the
slice is shown in the upper-right corner of each reference view.
The plane of the slice is also shown in the upper-right corner of each reference view, and
indicates the direction of fibers perpendicular to the slice.
When fibertract settings are changed to low values (meaning no signal threshold, very low
FA, and very high curvature acceptance) the white matter tracts may include erroneous
This may consequently lead to misdiagnoses. It is advised to use default settings whenever
Low SNR in the DTI dataset can influence the results, leading to limited or no tracts.
Follow Mouse
You can use the single point fiber tracking, also known as fiber probing.
To probe fibers, move/hover the mouse in the main viewer.
A fiber strand is displayed for the voxel at the current pointer position in the main viewer.
Statistical values of the fiber strand are displayed beneath the main viewer (coordinates,
fractional anisotropy (FA), and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)).
This option is for use when tracking fibers with a single ROI only. If you track fibers with
multiple ROIs, the default fiber tracking algorithm is recommended.
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 115701176203
Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016. Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 18014514211562507
Status: NotReleased
In this step of the FiberTrack process you can select an underlay and an overlay, if desired.
1. To show an underlay, select the check box next to the underlay selector to show the
⇨ A list of available underlays is displayed.
2. Select an underlay from the list, or click Select Anatomical Series at the top of the list.
⇨ If you clicked Select Anatomical Series, a dialog box is displayed with available anatomical
underlays. Select an anatomical underlay and click OK. The anatomical series is
automatically co-registered with the diffusion input series.
⇨ When used, an underlay adds additional anatomical information to the slices in the main
display area.
When changing an anatomical underlay with results, all computed results are deleted. A
3. To select an overlay, select the check box next to the overlay selector in the task guidance
4. Select an overlay from the list, or click fMRI Statistical Parametric Maps at the top of the
⇨ FA Directional overlay: The colors used in a directional map indicate the direction of
• Blue: head and feet
• Green: anterior and posterior
• Red: right and left
⇨ If you clicked fMRI Statistical Parametric Maps, a dialog box is displayed with available
fMRI maps. Select a map and click OK. The map is automatically co-registered with the
diffusion input series.
In this step of the FiberTrack process you draw ROIs in the main display area to track fiber
bundles. A guidance panel is optionally available to help you locate and identify common fiber
• Click to view the text guidance associated with the currently displayed image.
⇨ Images are displayed in sequence, according to the actions needed to locate and identify a
fiber bundle. Pause the pointer at the bottom edge of the guidance panel to display
thumbnails of the images in the sequence, and then click an image thumbnail to display the
3. To display a predefined orientation, select an orientation using the Orientation tool in the
You can also select a predefined orientations using the Switch To View command in the
right mouse menu.
4. To hide or show a slice, click one of the View Slices buttons in the toolbar.
You can also hide or show slices using the View Slices command in the right mouse menu.
5. When the location of the fiber bundle is displayed, click one of the ROI tools in the task
guidance panel.
• Multi ROI Manual Tracking: This tool allows you to identify multiple ROIs and then
manually start tracking them.
• Single ROI Auto Tracking: This tool allows you to identify a single ROI and track it
If the selected ROI tool does not display the type of ROI that you want to use, click the
down arrow next to the tool and select one of the following ROI tools:
• Ellipse
• Freehand Contour
• Seed 2D
• Seed 3D
7. Create an ROI at the location of the fiber bundle.
To create an ROI using the polygon, ellipse, or contour tool, select the tool and do the
To create an ROI using one of the seed tools, select the tool and then click at the location
of the fiber bundle.
• Click at the edge of the fiber bundle location.
• Move the pointer and click around the edge of the fiber bundle location.
• Double-click to complete the ROI.
⇨ If you used Single ROI Auto Tracking, the ROI is automatically tracked. If you are manually
tracking multiple ROIs, continue with this procedure from the fiber tree.
8. If desired, you can remove the last drawn ROI. Do one of the following:
• Press Ctrl+Z.
• Right-click the ROI and then click Delete Last Drawn ROI in the shortcut menu.
9. If desired, modify the shape of the ROI by pausing the pointer over the edge of the ROI and
then dragging.
10. To create another ROI, do the following:
• Manipulate the slices to display the next location that the fiber bundle passes through.
Select a color from the submenu. This option is not available if Use Directional Color is
• Delete
• Edit settings
This option displays the Fiber Bundle Settings dialog box, which you can use to set
configuration options for the fiber bundle.
• Rename
Excluding fibers
You can explicitly exclude some fibers from a tracked fiber bundle.
1. Select the fiber bundle and click Edit in the task guidance panel, or right-click the fiber
bundle and click Edit.
2. Manipulate the slices in the main display area to display the location of the fibers that you
want to exclude.
3. Select an ROI tool in the task guidance panel.
4. Draw an ROI around the location of the fibers that you want to exclude, and double-click to
complete the ROI.
5. Right-click the ROI and click Exclude.
6. Click Track in the task guidance panel to track the fiber bundle.
⇨ All fibers in the new ROI are excluded from the tracked fiber bundle.
In this step of the FiberTrak process you can save fiber bundles with the series for review in
MultiModality Viewer.
1. Ensure that the fiber bundles that you want to save are displayed.
2. Click Save Fiber Bundles.
1. To show statistics about fibers and ROIs that you have created, click Show Statistics.
⇨ The statistics panel is displayed below the main viewport.
2. Click Show Fiber Statistics to display details of fibers.
4. To export the statistics for fibers and ROIs, click Export, and then save the statistics file
using the Save As dialog box..
⇨ The statistics file is saved in CSV format, which can be opened in a spreadsheet application.
5. To close the statistics panel, click the Close button in the panel's title bar.
When co-registration is performed, you should verify the accuracy of the registration. You can
inspect and edit the registration using the Inspect/Correct Data Alignment step.
If you edit the registration and save your adjustments, all computed results are deleted.
1. Click Review co-registration in the toolbar to open the Inspect/Correct Data Alignment
⇨ The input series and the reference series are displayed as fusion views in three orthogonal
orientations. You can change the orientation of the view, if desired.
⇨ The initial alignment is calculated using the Normalized Mutual Information algorithm.
2. To change the alignment algorithm, select an option from the drop-down list in the task
guidance panel.
6. To reset the registration to the original position, click Reset All Alignment.
7. To save the registration and continue with the analysis, click Save.
8. To ignore the changes, click Cancel.
Before Analysis Alignment between functional and anatomical series, series should be
inspected and corrected using the registration inspection step in IViewBOLD and FiberTrack.
When saving changes performed in registration, all earlier computed results are deleted.
You can create a batch of images and export to surgical navigation from a volume using the
Batch/export to surgical navigation option in the Task panel.
The following batch types can be created:
Parallel: Creates a set of parallel slabs, in the current orientation of the slab displayed in the
main image.
1. Select the Batch/export to surgical navigation icon (or via the Batch dropdown in the Task
guidance panel.)
2. Select viewport in the viewing area and click Parallel.
⇨ The number of images and the incremental step size are linked. For example, increasing the
number of images decreases the incremental step size, keeping the distance between the
center of the first slab and the last slab constant.
7. To preview the batch, do one of the following:
1. Select the Batch/export to surgical navigation icon (or via the Batch dropdown in the Task
guidance panel.)
2. Click Freestyle.
4. Manipulate the view to display the next point that you want to capture in the batch and
click Add Key-frame again.
5. Optional step: To remove the last Key-frame that you added, click Remove last Key-frame.
6. Continue to add Key-frames as desired.
7. To remove all Key-frames and start over, click Remove all Key-frames.
When creating a freestyle batch, reference lines of batch image positions are not displayed.
10. Enter a number in the Playing time box (measured in seconds) to set the duration of the
11. Choose between setting a number of frames per second, or setting a total number of
frames for the movie.
The speed and duration of the movie, and the number of images used are linked, and as you
change one parameter, the other parameters are adjusted to achieve the requested result.
Select one parameter that you wish to define and allow the application to configure the other
1. To save the batch, click Save Batch As in the Common tools panel.
2. The Save Batch As dialog is displayed, allowing you to select a file name, file format, and
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destination. You can save the series in DICOM format, or in non-DICOM format. If you
select a non-DICOM format, you can additionally select a file system destination for
3. When saving the batch in Movie format, the following settings are available:
• Quality: drag the slider between Low or High. The higher the quality, the larger the size
of the saved movie file.
• De-identify: When selected, the De-identify Patient dialog box is displayed, allowing you
to manually typing new patient details (this function removes patient information
before saving the movie).
4. Click Save.
⇨ The batch is automatically previewed once in the main display area before it is saved.
You can save 3D anatomical volumes, fibers and SPM's (Statistical Parameter Maps) from the
MR FiberTrak application in surgical nav. format for surgery systems for review, preparation,
and navigation during surgical interventions.
The following MR data types can be saved to surgical nav. format:
• Routine MR anatomical data (DICOM data)
• fMRI results (activation areas) as generated by the iViewBOLD package in IntelliSpace Portal
• White matter tracts (also called "fibers") as generated by the Diffusion Package in
IntelliSpace Portal
Saving images in ‘Surgical navigation format’ is possible only if the source DTI sequence is
aligned / registered with the selected (Anatomical) underlay.
1. Select the data that you want to save to surgical nav. format.
⇨ If a user-defined batch is not available, a parallel batch covering the entire volume is
automatically generated. The number of slices, the slice thickness and the orientation of the
batch are the same as the anatomical data.
⇨ Alternatively, you can create a batch and define the parameters according to your needs.
2. Click to Save to Surgical Nav. Format in the Common tools panel to display the Save to
Surgical Nav. Format dialog box.
3. Enter a Description for the saved data, if desired (to a maximum of 64 characters).
⇨ A description is provided by default based on the type of data being saved.
When using the “Saving to Surgical Nav. Format for MR Data” option, there is a remote
possibility that even with all registration steps being performed on the fused images (fMRI
maps or Fiber Tracks aligned to anatomical images), there is still a residual misalignment
which may be introduced due to small patient motion during the acquisition of the images.
This may result in inaccurate information for surgical planning and it is recommended for
the surgery planning review board to inspect the results.
8.1.9 MR IViewBOLD
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 18014514200986763
Status: NotReleased
This processing package helps to identify active regions of the brain, relying on local metabolic
and hemodynamic changes that occur in activated cortical brain. MR IViewBOLD indicates those
pixels with a significantly increased signal intensity.
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Contrast mechanisms
• BOLD (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent): During brain activation (increase of metabolism),
the oxygen consumption of local tissue increases by approximately 5%.
• Vasodilatation: Vasodilatation occurs resulting in a local increase of blood volume and flow
by 20% to 40%.
The above hemodynamic response to brain activation leads to an increased local oxygen level
resulting in a signal increase in T2*W sequences.
The MR iViewBOLD application assists users in the processing, viewing and analysis of fMRI
Data. The application is designed to support the user to identify and visualize functional regions
of the brain, relying on local metabolic and hemodynamic changes that occur in activated brain
The MR IViewBOLD package has a default layout of viewport displaying source images and
panels to the left.
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR IViewBOLD package provides a
Task Guidance panel in the left part of the screen.
The Workflow section later in these Instructions for Use is based on this Task Guidance. For
details, see chapter “Workflow” on page 1110.
Follow the steps of the Task Guidance to make optimal use of the IViewBOLD function.
Task guidance depends on the computation method that you want to use from Analyze SPMs in
the left task guidance.. The available methods are described below.
A block paradigm calculates statistical parameter maps based on activation and control tasks
performed for a duration of at least a few dynamics.
represents the functional connectivity of a number of networks which are consistently found in
healthy subjects, and which represent specific patterns of synchronous activity. The resting
state paradigm is useful for exploring whether the functional organization of the brain is altered
in neurological or psychiatric diseases.
• Set Smoothing Width
• Select Anatomical Underlay
• Draw a ROI to automatically generate a paradigm
• Save SPMs
Compute using resting state data allows you to draw a contour on the anatomy to set the
reference area for SPM calculation. Fluctuations in the BOLD signal during resting state (as a
result of tissue vascularization, for example) can be indicators for disease. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Mazor, Ninel ID: 115691824139
Status: Released
MR IViewBOLD does not provide a toolbar. All functions are selected from the task guidance
panel or from the right mouse menu.
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 9007314947309067
Status: NotReleased
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016.
The following functions are available:
• Manage Paradigms
• Use Smoothing Step
• Show Skip Dummy Dynamics Step
• Series selection for multi sessions
Manage Paradigms
9. To change the duration of a task or rest period, drag the end sliders to the corresponding
10. To remove a block, click Delete next to the block.
11. Click Save to save the block paradigm.
12. To create an event paradigm, do the following in Step 1 of the Paradigm Editor:
• Select Event Paradigm.
• Click Browse and select the event file that you want to use.
Presentation files can be selected for analysis of events created with Presentation
• Enter a unique name for the paradigm.
13. Click Next to move to Step 2 of the event paradigm process in the Paradigm Editor.
⇨ Tasks for the event paradigm are configured according to the events file specified in Step 1.
14. Click Save to save the event paradigm.
15. To modify an existing paradigm, select the paradigm in the Manage Paradigms dialog box
and click Edit.
Modify the settings of the paradigm using the Paradigm Editor (you can't change the type
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of paradigm).
16. To create a copy of an existing paradigm, select the paradigm in the Manage Paradigms
dialog box, click the down arrow next to the New button and then click Copy.
⇨ A copy of the selected paradigm is added to the paradigm list as a new paradigm. You can
then modify the new paradigm using the Paradigm Editor.
17. To delete an existing paradigm, select the paradigm in the Manage Paradigms dialog box
and click Delete. Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 18014514202156555
Status: NotReleased
When co-registration is performed, you should verify the accuracy of the registration between
the functional and anatomical series. You can inspect and edit the registration using the Review
and edit co-registration step.
If you edit the registration and save your adjustments, all computed results are deleted.
guidance panel:
Selecting the Show Smoothing Step option in the More menu adds an optional step to the task
guidance panel called Set Smoothing Width. Smoothing reduces noise level while retaining the
underlying signal.
If very small activation regions are expected, smoothing should not be performed to avoid
signal reduction.
This step is optional, but it is enabled by default when you start IViewBOLD. If desired, you can
hide this function.
This step is available for all computational methods.
1. To adjust the smoothing width, drag the slider in the task guidance panel.
⇨ An appropriate setting for the smoothing width is twice the in-plane resolution (voxel size)
of the images.
⇨ To fine-tune the smoothing width by small increments, click the slider control and then use
the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard.
⇨ Increasing the smoothing width smooths the boundaries of calculated areas. This reduces
Software does not recognize wrong correlation between tasks specified by input paradigm
and acquired data. Correlation can be manually checked by users using time intensity
If desired you can select an underlay to provide additional anatomical information in the image.
1. To display an anatomical underlay, select Use anatomical series as underlay in the task
guidance panel.
⇨ Select a different anatomical series from the drop down list using select anatomical series
dialog box.
⇨ Alternatively, a message is displayed if an anatomical series is not available.
2. Select a series from the dialog box and click OK.
When changing an anatomical underlay with results, all computed results are deleted. A
message appears. Select Continue or Cancel.
If Continue is selected, all results are deleted. The new underlay is applied and is automatically
registered with the overlay.
3. To hide the underlay, clear the Use anatomical series as underlay check box in the task
guidance panel.
⇨ The underlay remains available in the task guidance panel. To display it, select the check
box again.
4. To use a different series as the underlay, click the Select dropdown list and choose an
alternative series, if available.
This task is applicable to block and event paradigms only. For Resting State Data, continue to
the "Compute SPMs" task.
1. Click the down arrow in the Select Paradigm box in the task guidance panel and select the
paradigm that you want to use for the analysis.
2. Optional step for Event paradigms: you can override the configured event file for the
paradigm and use a file with different timepoints. Select Change the Event File and click
1. Additional step for Resting State Data only: Select an ROI tool in task guidance
panel and draw a contour on the anatomy to set the reference area for SPM calculation.
Click the arrow next to the ROI tool to access the following options:
• Smoothed Polygon
• Ellipse
• Freehand Contour
2. If desired, you can remove the last drawn ROI. Do one of the following:
• Press Ctrl+Z.
• Right-click the ROI and then click Delete Last Drawn ROI in the shortcut menu.
3. For all paradigms or Resting State Data: In the Compute SPMs section of the task guidance
panel, select the masks to be used for the computation. The following masks can be used
separately or together:
• Select Apply Default Mask to use the default correction algorithm. This mask
suppresses calculation and display of activation areas outside the brain. It also provides
faster calculation.
• Select Suppress Motion Related Artifacts to use the motion correction algorithm.
However, if the motion has a similar pattern to the stimulus, it may also reduce
interesting activation.
When analyzing series that have been registered on the MR console, the option to suppress
motion-related artifacts option is not available. This option is only available for series that
have been registered on the IntelliSpace Portal.
4. Click Compute SPMs to start the analysis and display the statistical parameter maps in the
main viewport.
5. To change the layout of the tiled viewports, right-click a viewport and select a new layout
in the right mouse menu.
6. To change SPM (Statistical Parameter Map) color overlay, right click on the image, select
Color and select from the predefined color presets.
7. To change the T-score of the colormap, move the pointer over the upper threshold or the
lower threshold, and drag up or down to change that threshold.
⇨ The T-score range is indicated in the colormap legend in the viewport. Changing the T-score
allows you to increase or decrease the range of pixels included in the color overlay.
8. To change the blending (transparency) of the SPMs, right-click the image and click Alpha
Blending in the right mouse menu.
• Drag up or down to adjust the blending. The level of blending is displayed as a
percentage at the top of the viewport.
9. Double-click a viewport to view a single slice in detail.
10. To view the Time Intensity Display (TID) for an activation area, right-click the activation
area and click Show TID or select Mark activation area for TID and place the seed point on
the image at the center of the activation area.
11. Limit TID Computation to Marked Slice Only: By default the Time Intensity Display shows
the average value of the total 3D activation volume. Set this option to limit the
computation to the 2D area in the selected plane.
⇨ The TID is displayed below the viewport, with the average TID displayed in the graph on the
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13. To view the Quality Check graph, click the fMRI Quality Check Graph tab above the TID
⇨ The Quality Check graph is displayed below the viewport.
Before Analysis Alignment between functional and anatomical series, series should be
inspected and corrected using the registration inspection step in IViewBOLD and FiberTrack.
When saving changes performed in registration, all earlier computed results are deleted.
1. To save the statistical parameter maps, enter a name in the Save SPMs section of the task
guidance panel and click Save.
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⇨ The saved SPMs are saved with the series and are available from the Series panel.
8.1.10 MR SpectroView
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 9007314917456907
Status: Released
The MR SpectroView package is used to analyze and present spectroscopy data after
processing. The package can be used for the evaluation of Single Voxel and Multi Voxel
(Chemical Shift Imaging CSI) data. It handles both time and frequency domain data presented in
the following form possibilities:
• Graphs
– Processed spectra
– Fitted spectra
• Tables providing information on
– Peak position including label
– SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio)
– Height
– Peak Area
– FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum)
– Area Ratio
• Metabolite images (in color overlay), optional with quality indicator and mini spectra (Multi
• Ratio images (in color overlay), optional with quality indicator and mini spectra (Multi
• Spectral grids on reference images
– Display of user-selected subset from an array of spectra
The MR SpectroView package has a default layout of a viewport displaying the spectrum with
metabolite information and reference views.
Reference views display information according to the type of spectroscopy analysis: single voxel
or multiple voxels.
Reference view Content of viewport with SVS data Content of viewport with CSI data
Reference view Content of viewport with SVS data Content of viewport with CSI data
For all The voxel is displayed as a cube in A grid is displayed on all viewports with the
orthogonal reference views. selected voxels highlighted.
For more information about quality indicator and mini spectra, refer to chapter “More
Functions within the MR SpectroView package” on page 1122
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Fig. 455: Reference view layout for single voxel analysis (left) and multiple voxel analysis (right)
The reference box in the reference views represents the PRESS box (Point Resolved
Spectroscopy) as stored in the volume localization sequence. Only voxels with their center
located inside the box are processed and displayed. If the volume localization sequence is not
present, all spectroscopy grid slices are displayed.
≤ 0.07 Good
≤ 0.4 Good
The formula used for calculating ppm (parts per million) is as follows:
• Delta f (at half max) / fres * 106.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is defined in the frequency domain (FD) as the height of the
largest metabolite peak divided by the root-mean-square (rms) amplitude (¼ SD) of the noise in
a signal- and artifact-free part of the spectrum.
SNR is based on the highest peak, excluding the water and lipid peak.
The SNR assessment is based on the following values:
FWHM Other Peaks [ppm] Quality of Homogeneity
> 10 Good
<5 Poor
The quality indicator supports an assessment of the quality of the spectrum, based on the
homogeneity and the signal-to-noise ratio on a voxel by voxel basis.
It supports an assessment of whether the quality of the spectrum of a voxel is clinically
acceptable based on FWHM and SNR, and as a consequence, it indicates the confidence level of
results derived from the spectrum.
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The assessed quality of the spectrum is indicated using colors: green, orange and red. The
colors indicate that the quality of the spectrum is good, moderate, or poor based on the
described characteristics.
The colors represent the following combination of FWHM and SNR:
1 Poor
2 Moderate
3 Good
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR SpectroView package provides a
Task Guidance panel in the left part of the screen. The task guidance panel provides the
following steps:
• Select the Anatomy
• Adjust Phase
• Specify Metabolites
• Save Graphs and Maps
The Workflow section later in these Instructions for Use is based on this Task Guidance. For
details, see chapter “Workflow” on page 1124.
Follow the steps of the Task Guidance to make optimal use of the MR SpectroView function.
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 115664388235
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016.
Show Actual Spectrum Displays the line representing raw data (yellow line)
Show Fitted Spectrum Displays the smoothed line representing processed data for the selected
metabolites (light blue line)
Show Fitted Baseline Displays the baseline of the fitted spectrum (pink line)
Function Description
Real Displays the data in the analysis graph using real spectrum components
Modulus Displays the data in the analysis graph using the magnitude values of the
Function Description
Show Grid Displays the spectroscopy grid (voxel) - can be displayed per viewport
(Right click outside the grid, if
Align View to Grid Aligns the view to the same plane as the grid
(Right click the grid)
Show Quality Indicator Applies a color-coded background color per voxel to indicate the quality of
(Right click the grid) the spectrum from the voxel
Quality is indicated as:
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Show Mini Spectra Displays a spectra icon in the voxel as a miniature representation of the
(Right click the grid) actual analysis results
Function Description
Show Grid Displays the spectroscopy grid - can be displayed per viewport
(Right click outside the grid, if
Align View to Grid Aligns the view to the same plane as the grid
(Right click the grid, only in the
anatomical (upper) view)
Show Quality Indicator Applies a color-coded background color to each voxel in the grid to
(Right click the grid) indicate the quality of the spectrum from the voxel
More information, see table 'Reference views - Single voxels'.
Function Description
Show Mini Spectra Displays a spectra icon in each voxel in the grid as a miniature
(Right click the grid) representation of the actual analysis results
Color Scale Displays the color scale on the right side of the metabolite map
(Right click outside the grid, only in the
map views)
Orient to Grid Plane Aligns orientation of the underlying anatomy to the grid plane.
(Right click the grid, only in the
anatomical (upper) view)
Orient to Grid Rows Aligns orientation of the underlying anatomy to the grid rows.
(Right click the grid, only in the
anatomical (upper) view)
Orient to Grid Columns Aligns orientation of the underlying anatomy to the grid column. Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 115662933899
Status: Released
Ensure that all series that are required for analysis are selected. For example, a spectroscopy
series also requires an anatomical series for reference. If you do not select all the required
series, the application cannot be launched.
⇨ When you make a selection of multiple series and start an analysis package, only the
selected series are displayed in the series browser. To add a series to an analysis after the
analysis package has been started, right-click the series in the Directory and click Add to
running application.
2. Click ’MR SpectroView’.
The MR SpectroView package opens.
When you open a spectroscopic dataset in SpectroView, the system automatically comes up
with a default set of processing steps that are performed to analyse and display a spectrum (or
set of spectra). This default set of processing steps depends on the selected spectroscopic
dataset and on the examined anatomy.
In order to make sure that the correct processing steps will be performed on your dataset,
select the anatomy (if the displayed option is not correct):
• Brain,
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• Breast,
• Liver,
• Muscle,
• Prostate.
For frequency domain data loaded into SpectroView, the Task Guidance steps are grayed out.
SpectroView transforms time domain data into frequency domain data. Of course frequency
domain data can be viewed.
1. Zoom and pan the reference views to optimally display the voxels of interest:
2. Optional: enable/disable the display of the grid:
• Right-click outside the grid and check/uncheck 'Show Grid'.
3. Optional: enable/disable the display of mini spectra and quality indicator:
• Right-click inside the grid and check/uncheck 'Show Mini Spectra' and 'Show Quality
4. Once the display is optimal, select a voxel by clicking on it.
The selected metabolites are used for peak fitting and labeling. Metabolite maps and ratio
maps can be calculated accordingly.
1. If you want to add/delete metabolites, use the drop-down menu and choose the desired
2. Proceed similarly for the maps.
3. Click on the button to add a metabolite/ratio map.
The following metabolites and metabolite maps can be selected for the anatomies:
Ac Acetate x - - - -
Cho Choline x x x - x
Cit Citrate - - - - x
as Cit, Cit140,
Cr Creatine x - - x x
Cr2 Creatine x - - x -
Lac Lactate x - - - -
lip Lipid x x x x x
as lip1, lip2, lip3,
lip4, lip5
mI myo-Inositol x - - - -
NAA N-acetylaspartate x - - - -
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sI scyllo-Inositol x - - - -
TMA Trimethylamine - -- - x -
H2O Water - - x - -
Pa Polyamine (spermine) - - - - x
Water is only selectable for liver. Unsuppressed water reference measurements (if available)
are automatically processed for the anatomies.
Cho x x x - x
Cho/Cit140 - - - - x
Cho/Cr x - - - -
Cho/NAA x - - - -
Cit140 - - - - x
Cr x - - x -
H2O - - x - -
lip - - x x -
as lip and lip H2O as lip1, lip2
NAA x - - - -
NAA/Cr x - - - -
TMA - - - x -
The table above displays the default metabolite and ratio maps. You can create other
metabolite and ratio maps as desired.
1. To save the graphs and metabolite maps as a new series, click Save Graphs and Maps.
The Cartilage Assessment package can be used for the quantitative analysis of cartilage and
cartilage lesions. It is based on the difference between T2 relaxation times of healthy and
damaged cartilage.
The MR Cartilage Assessment application is intended to assess the integrity of cartilage on MRI
The Cartilage Assessment (CA) package has a default layout of four viewports with toolbar and
panels. The viewports display the following views:
• Source image in the middle of the imaging volume, 1st echo.
• In real-time calculated Parametric CA maps with color bar:
– Shortest T2 values: dark red to red,
– intermediate T2 values: yellow to green,
– longest T2 values: blue.
• Numerical results.
• Graphical results.
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Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the Cartilage Assessment package
provides a Task Guidance panel in the left part of the screen. The task guidance panel provides
the following functions:
• Rectangular layered ROI
• Curved layered ROI
• Optimize Color Overlay
• Generate Series
Follow the steps of the Task Guidance to make optimal use of the package.
The following workflow description is based on this Task Guidance.
In most of the IntelliSpace packages, the Task Guidance contains the recommended step-by-
step procedure that you should follow. This is different with the Cartilage Assessment
The Task Guidance contains the most important functions, but not in a step-by-step
procedure. Perform the required steps for optimal results for your scan and your needs.
Standard Measurements like retrieving a pixel value or measuring a distance can be
performed via the Common Tools panel. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314930633227
Status: Released
The toolbar functions are meant to customize the presentation of the T2 maps. The T2 values in
the parametric maps are directly related to specific colors, and the color coding can be set to
predefined values, but can also be adjusted according to everyone's needs.
Color Map
• To select the color look-up table for the maps.
Possible settings are: 'Rainbow', 'Reversed Rainbow' and 'Autumn'.
Color Range
• To select a predefined color range or to adjust the color range according to the own
Possible settings are: '1-81', '0-100' and 'Modify Range'.
Fig. 458: 1: Color bars of 0-100 and 1-81 besides each other to visualize the effect on the color display. 2: Reversed Rainbow color map
with color range 0-100 . 3: Reversed Rainbow color map with color range 1-81.
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 115676623371
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016. Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007314928401419
Status: Released
Through echoes
1. In the image or map viewport, drag to the left or to the right.
Through slices
1. In the image viewport, drag up- or downwards.
Standard ROIs can be used to quickly analyze focal lesions. For each ROI, the average relaxation
time and standard deviation is calculated and displayed on screen. Additionally, it is possible to
measure distances and read the pixel values. The standard measurements are available via the
Fig. 459: Pixel value measurement. Left: on source image. Right: on map.
1. Click once to define one point of the ROI contour. Repeat this till the contour
is completed. When finished, double-click to confirm the ROI.
2. Do this on the source image and/or on the map.
The results will be displayed per ROI:
• the area in mm2
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• the mean value (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the map)
• the standard deviation (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the
• the minimum value (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the map)
• the maximum value (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the map)
5. Perform the previous steps on the source image and/or on the map.
The results will be displayed:
• the area in mm2
• the mean value (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the map)
• the standard deviation (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the
• the minimum value (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the map)
• the maximum value (pixel value on the source image and relaxation time on the map)
Fig. 462: Standard Measurement Ellipse on source image and on map with results. On the map the 4 anchor points
(defining length and width) are visible.
Rectangular layered ROIs can be used to analyze focal lesions. A ROI is divided into layers. For
each layer the average relaxation time is calculated. Place the first two points on the bone
interface and the final point at the cartilage surface.
⊳ You can draw a rectangular layered ROI on the map and on the source image.
1. Zoom the images for best cartilage visualization.
2. Optionally: drag the slider to reduce the number of layers from 3 to 1 or 2.
5. Click once more on the bone interface to define the second vertex.
Curved Layered ROIs can be used to analyze complete cartilage structures. A ROI is divided into
layers and segments. For each cell the average relaxation time is calculated.
A ROI is defined by drawing two curves. The first curve is drawn along the bone interface, the
second along the cartilage surface. Draw curves by placing multiple points and close the
⊳ You can draw a curved layered ROI on the map, on the source image and even on the map
AND the source image.
Entanglements are automatically disentangled.
Fig. 465: A: Drawing bone interface. B: Drawing cartilage surface. The anchor points are visible for both workflow
11. Double-click to confirm this contour and in such a way the ROI.
The curved layered ROI is automatically divided into multiple cells (layers and segments).
The numerical and graphical results are displayed immediately.
Once you've confirmed a ROI (or line), you can still adjust its shape, its position and rename or
delete it.
Delete a ROI
1. Move the cursor over the ROI to make it current.
2. Right-click on the ROI and select ’Delete’.
The presentation of the color maps can be customized by limiting color display to relevant areas
and by adjusting the color opacity.
1. Click the checkbox in the task guidance to enable (or disable) 'Suppress Colors outside
Fig. 466: Left: No suppression of colors outside ROIs. Right: Suppressed colors outside ROIs.
Fig. 467: Left: No cut-out ROI. The colors outside the ROI are not yet suppressed. Right: Cut-out ROI drawn and colors
outside the ROI are suppressed.
You can generate a new imaging series containing the parametric maps and results as defined
in the previously described workflow.
1. Click 'Generate Series'.
Once maps are generated via 'Generate series', these maps behave differently when viewing
Generated Maps cannot be used anymore for measurements. ROIs are not displayed. If a cut-
out ROI is drawn to supress colors outside, the outline of that ROI will be supressed.
Newly generated series can easily be compared in the Viewer. Results
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314928275339
Status: Released
Fig. 468: Comparison of results display with different color ranges: 1 - Reverse Rainbow color map with 0-100 color
range, 2 - Reverse Rainbow color map with 10-60 range.
Fig. 469: Results with rectangular ROIs (Average T2 values per layer).
Fig. 470: Results with curved ROIs (Average T2 values per layer and segment).
Graphical results are only shown for the ROIs on the current slice.
The numerical results of all ROIs are however displayed in the table.
8.1.12 MR Subtraction
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007314919733643
Status: Released
The MR Subtraction package can be used to perform pixelwise image calculations, e.g.
subtracting a pre-contrast dynamic scan from the consecutive post-contrast dynamic scans in
order to observe the contrast-uptake. A preview is available which shows the resulting image
for the current scan/scans. New imaging series can be easily generated and stored.
The package provides the possibility to perform different calculations for two e.g. (groups of)
slices or dynamic scans, being referred to as source (S) and reference (R) and Weight Factor
It is possible to apply a weighting factor, depending on the type of calculation for source or
Addition of images
• S+(W*R)
Subtraction of images
• S-(W*R)
Relative subtraction of images
• (S – (W * R))/(S + (W * R))/2
Ratio calculations
• S/R
Magnetization Transfer Ratio
• ((R – (S * W) / R) * 100
The selected series can be swapped easily to perform the calculations vice versa.
To swap the series, use the ' Swap' option from step 1 of the Task Guidance.
The MR Subtraction package has a default layout of three viewports with toolbar and panels.
The viewports display the following views:
• Source image in the middle of the imaging volume (by default: dynamic 2).
• In real-time calculated subtracted image.
• Reference image in the middle of the imaging volume (by default: dynamic 1).
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR Subtraction package provides a
Task Guidance panel in the left part of the screen.
Follow the steps of the Task Guidance to make optimal use of the package.
The following workflow description is based on this Task Guidance.
Dependent on the selected type of operation, not all workflow steps might be available in the
Task Guidance.
With the 'Ratio' type of operation, the workflow step 'Set Weight' is not available. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Kovalsky, Cheryl ID: 9007314922538763
Status: Released
• To select a type of operation for the source and the reference imaging series:
– Subtraction
– Ratio
– Magnetic Transfer Ratio
– Relative Subtraction.
This function mirrors the image(s) (Right <-> Left)
This function flips the image(s) (Up <-> Down)
Rotate Clockwise
This function rotates the image(s) clockwise
Rotate Counter-Clockwise
This function rotates the image(s) counter-clockwise
End fragment title: More / Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 115667626379
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016. Workflow
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You can perform MR Subtraction either on a single dynamic scan or on two different scans. This
requires the selection of one or two scans. This selection preferably needs to be done at the
launch of the package, but can also be done in the package itself.
⊳ In the 'Directory' tab of the activity bar:
1. Select a suitable series.
2. Click ’MR Subtraction’.
The MR Subtraction package opens.
By default, the current imaging series is used as source and as reference series. You can
however select different series for both.
By default, all dynamics except for the first one will be selected.
In order to select a single dynamic for subtraction, use the range scrollbar to scroll to the
preferred dynamic and from the context menu click 'Set Start Dynamic' and 'Set End Dynamic'
on the same dynamic.
You can generate a new imaging series containing the results as defined in the previously
described workflow.
1. Click 'Generate Series'.
2. Enter the name of the new imaging series.
The MR Echo Accumulation package can be used to perform pixelwise echo cumulations. A
preview is available which shows the resulting image for the current series. New imaging series
can be easily generated and stored.
The package provides the possibility to perform echo accumulation for imaging series with
multiple echoes.
• Result = Sum of multiple echoes
MR Echo Accumulation enables the calculation of new images based on the selected sum of
echo times, of MRI series with multiple echoes.
The MR Echo Accumulation package has a default layout of two viewports with toolbar and
panels. The viewports display the following images:
• Source image in the middle of the imaging volume.
• In real-time calculated image.
Similar to all packages on the IntelliSpace portal, also the MR Echo Accumulation package
provides a Task Guidance panel in the left part of the screen. The task guidance panel provides
the following steps:
• Set Range for accumulation
• Generate series
Follow the steps of the Task Guidance to make optimal use of the package.
The following workflow description is based on this Task Guidance. Toolbar
Last Content Modificator: Mazor, Ninel ID: 115659452427
Status: Released
Node title (original): More / Mirror Flip RotateCW Rotate CCW ID: 115659628811
Status: Released
More / Mirror
This function mirrors the image(s) (Right <-> Left)
More / Flip
This function flips the image(s) (Up <-> Down)
Node title (original): all controls ISP6 intro for RMM ID: 115659281035
Status: Released
In IntelliSpace Portal MR packages, the most important functions can be performed via the Task
Guidance and the toolbar. However there are more functions which you can access via the right
mouse menus.
End fragment title: all controls ISP6 intro for RMM
For more information, see chapter “Right mouse menus” on page 1016. Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007314912305291
Status: Released
The Echo Accumulation package requires a data set with multiple echoes.
You may either choose to do the operation using all echoes or you may select a range of
By default, all echoes will be accumulated.
You can generate a new imaging series containing the results as defined in the previously
described workflow.
1. Click 'Generate Series'.
2. Enter the name of the new imaging series.
Philips Medical Systems' Advanced Diffusion Analysis (ADA) application is post-processing
software to be used as an advanced visualization application of diffusion MRI medical images.
The ADA application is intended to perform image viewing, process and analysis of MRI
Diffusion Weighted Images (DWI).
The ADA application can display images acquired at different b-values, where the b-value is a
factor that reflects the strength and timing of the gradients used to generate diffusion-
weighted images. The ADA application provides advanced supportive analysis and visualization
tools of diffusion MRI images and parametric maps, which can be used by the physician for
further analysis. The physician retains the ultimate responsibility for making the final diagnosis.
The ADA application is launched from Philips Medical Systems’ IntelliSpace Portal (ISP)
This Instruction for Use is intended to assist users in the safe and effective use of the Philips
software product described. The user is considered to be not only the body with authority over
the software product but also those persons who use the software product.
This Instruction for Use does not describe the use of the IT equipment on which the Philips
software product is installed. Refer to the documentation of the IT equipment concerned.
Before attempting to use this medical device software, you must read these Instructions for
Use. Thoroughly, paying particular attention to all WARNINGS, Cautions and Notes it contains.
You must pay special attention to all the information given, and procedures described, in the
chapter Safety. In addition you must pay special attention to onscreen messages and help
information containing WARNINGS, Cautions and Notes that may be related to the function
being executed.
Warnings are directions, which if not followed, could cause fatal or serious injury to an
operator, patient or any other person, or could lead to a misdiagnosis or mistreatment.
Cautions are directions, which if not followed, could cause damage to the equipment
described in this Instructions for Use and/or any other equipment or goods, and/or cause
environmental pollution.
Notices highlight unusual points as an aid to an operator.
In the United States, Federal law restricts this device to sale, distribution and use by or on the
order of a physician.
When using a virtualization solution, images should be reviewed by a responsible physician to
ensure appropriate clinical image quality.
The ADA application is launched from Philips Medical Systems’ IntelliSpace Portal (ISP)
environment. The ADA application provides advanced supportive analysis and visualization
tools of diffusion MRI images and parametric maps, which can be used by the physician for
further analysis.
The proposed Advanced Diffusion Analysis (ADA) application consists of two main analysis
• "Compute DW Image" (cDWI) mode: This mode allows to calculate the expected signal
intensity for unscanned b values based on the scanned b values and the selected diffusion
analysis model and produce computed DW images. This mode provides calculated b-value
contrasts to the user according to the b value selected with the slider.
• "Analyse Diffusion Signal" mode: Depending on the available b values and the selected
analysis model, this mode provides the following parametric maps:
– Diffusion Coefficient (D)
– Perfusion fraction (f)
– Pseudo Diffusion coefficient (D*)
– Kurtosis (K)
– Goodness of fit
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1. In the Patient Directory, select the study (an Isotropic Diffusion weighted image) that you
want to investigate.
2. Click MR ADA in the Review panel of the Portal client to start the application.
⇨ When the application starts, the selected mode is the one that was last used.
Ensure that all studies belong to the same patient before launching the ADA application. The
application displays a warning message whenever data from multiple studies is combined.
Image quality (compression annotation) to be displayed on all the viewers images where
lossy compression is used.
4. If you want to use an alternative diffusion model, select a model from the drop-down list in
the task guidance panel, Select Model.
Depending on the number of b values that are available in the study, you can use the
following diffusion models with cDWI mode:
• Mono-exponential: This model is based on two b values.
• Simplified IVIM: This model requires at least three b values.
• Bi-exponential: This model requires at least four b values.
⇨ The list displays diffusion models that are appropriate for the available b values in the
5. To change the b values used for the analysis, do the following:
• Click Edit input b-values in the task guidance panel.
• In the Select B-values dialog box, select the b values to be used and click Apply.
Depending on the selected diffusion model, some b values in the Edit input b-values dialog
box may be grayed out, in which case their setting cannot be changed. Additionally, the
minimum number of b values required for the selected diffusion model is always maintained.
For example, if four b values are required for the selected model, you cannot clear further
selections if only four b values remain selected.
The user may adjust the thresholds for including and excluding b values from analysis models.
For more information, see chapter “Setting B-Value Thresholds” on page 1160.
6. Select a b value to calculate by dragging the b value slider in the task guidance panel, Select
b-value for computation.
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⇨ The computed cDWI is displayed in the right image. The slider moves in increments of 100.
Specific values can be entered directly in the box by the user.
⇨ By default, the application automatically adjusts the window width and window level for
the calculated b value. However, you can change this behavior using the Control WW/WL
adaptation function.
7. To use ADC-based segmentation to view the CDWI image, select the Control WW/WL
adaptation check box and, if desired, set the threshold (the default value is 600).
⇨ The application adjusts the WW and WL settings such that pixels below the threshold ADC
are intensified as you select higher b values, while pixels above the threshold ADC reduce in
intensity as you select higher b values.
8. To apply a mask to hide unwanted pixels in the calculation, set the mask from task
guidance or via the context menu by right-clicking the image.
9. To generate a series for the cDWI image, click Generate series in the task guidance
⇨ The generated series and images can be opened in MultiModality Viewer or sent to a PACS.
The file name of the generated series contains details of the mode name (cDWI), the
applicable diffusion model, and registration indication (if applicable). Independent of the
series name, full information is available in the DICOM tag.
1. In the Patient Directory, select the study (an Isotropic Diffusion weighted image) that you
want to investigate.
Ensure that all studies belong to the same patient before launching the ADA application. The
application displays a warning message whenever data from multiple studies is combined.
2. Click MR ADA in the Review panel of the Portal client to start the application.
⇨ When the application starts, the selected mode is the one that was last used.
3. In the task guidance panel, select Analyse Diffusion Signal.
⇨ A 2x2 viewport layout is displayed:
• The upper-left viewport displays the DWI image used as input. Scrolling vertically displays
anatomical slices and scrolling horizontally displays the acquired b values.
• The upper-right viewport displays parametric maps. The type of maps that are displayed
Image quality (compression annotation) to be displayed on al the viewers images where
lossy compression is used.
4. The user may choose an alternative diffusion model from the drop-down list in the task
guidance panel as suggested by the application. The alternative models in the drop-down
list depend on the number and range of the b values which were acquired for the study,
Select Model.
The following diffusion models are available in the Analyse Diffusion Signal mode:
• Mono-exponential: This model is based on at least two b values and generates diffusion
coefficient map comparable to routine ADC map.
• Simplified IVIM: This model is based on at least three b values and creates diffusion
coefficient map and perfusion fraction map.
• Bi-Exponential: This model is based on at least four b values and creates diffusion
coefficient map, perfusion fraction map and pseudo diffusion coefficient map.
• Kurtosis (Mono-exponential): This model requires at least three b values and creates
diffusion coefficient map and kurtosis map.
• Kurtosis (Simp-IVIM): This model is based on at least four b values and creates diffusion
coefficient map, perfusion fraction map and Kurtosis map.
⇨ The models that are suggested by the application are also affected by default thresholds for
the applicable b value range (the IVIM threshold and the Kurtosis threshold), these
thresholds may be manually adjusted by the user.
⇨ The list displays only diffusion models that are appropriate for the available b values in the
5. To change the b values used for the analysis, do the following:
• Click Edit input b-values in the task guidance panel, Select Model.
• In the Edit input b-values dialog box, select the b values to be used.
Depending on the selected diffusion model, some b values in the Edit input b-values dialog
box may be grayed out, in which case their setting cannot be changed. Additionally, the
minimum number of b values required for the selected diffusion model is always maintained.
For example, if four b values are required for the selected model, you cannot clear further
selections if only four b values remain selected.
The user can adjust the thresholds for including and excluding b values from analysis models.
For more information, see chapter “Setting B-Value Thresholds” on page 1160.
6. Select the parametric maps that you want to generate in the task guidance panel, Select
7. To apply a mask to hide unwanted pixels in the calculation, set the threshold of the mask
from the task guidance or the context menu by right-clicking a map.
8. To view real-time values of pixels in the maps, use Follow Mouse.
⇨ When this option is enabled and you move the pointer over an image, the pixel value at the
mouse pointer position is indicated in the table viewer, and the graph viewer displays a
curve of the signal intensities of the pixel across the b values.
9. To draw an ROI, click the ROI tool in the task guidance panel, Measure ROIs.
You can draw up to ten ROIs across different slices in the study.
⇨ The application calculates the average value of the output parameters inside the ROI and
displays the value in the Table Viewer. The color of the ROI corresponds to the color of the
curve in the Graph Viewer.
⇨ Click the top of a column in the Table Viewer to display the slice containing the
corresponding ROI in the input DWI image.
⇨ Click a curve in the Graph Viewer to highlight the corresponding b values.
If you change the mode at any time (to Compute DW image) any ROIs that you have created
are removed.
Before changing the mode, bookmark your progress in the current mode if you want to return
to it later.
⇨ The generated series and images can be opened in MultiModality Viewer or sent to a PACS
system. The file name of the generated series contains details of the parametric map name,
the diffusion model, RGB indication (if applicable), and registration indication (if applicable).
Independent of the series name, full information is available in the DICOM tag.
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If the input data is unregistered, there can be a mismatch between the previewed and
generated maps as the generated maps are calculated after registering the input.
Generate Series
You can generate a new imaging series containing the results as defined in the previously
described workflow.
1. To generate a standard DICOM-compatible series, select Generate Series using the
Secondary Capture option from the drop-down list, and then click the button.
2. Enter the name of the new imaging series in the Name box.
3. To generate a series as RGB images (high resolution color maps), select Generate Series
using the Secondary Capture RGB option.
For advanced workflows, users can adjust the b-value threshold settings. The two b-value
threshold values described below control the availability of the different models.
• Simplified IVIM Threshold
– This threshold is applicable to the models that use Simplified IVIM: a) Simplified IVIM
and b) Kurtosis (simplified-IVIM).
– Any b-value between 0 and this threshold is eliminated from the data for processing.
The default value of the simplified IVIM threshold is 100 mm2/s.
• Kurtosis Threshold
– This threshold is applicable to the models that support Kurtosis analysis: a) Kurtosis
(mono exp) and b) Kurtosis (simplified-IVIM).
– The dataset should contain diffusion-weighted images at this b-value threshold or
above, for processing. The default value of the Kurtosis threshold is 800 mm2/s.
The below table summarizes the conditions (to be satisfied by a dataset) under which the
suitable models become active.
Mono-exponential D Required
Minimum number of b-values: 2
IVIM threshold (Default 100) ≤ b-values < Kurtosis threshold
(Default 800)
Bi-exponential D, f, D* Required
Minimum number of b-values: 4
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• b-value = 0 is present
• At least 1 b-value in the range 0 < b < IVIM threshold
(Default 100)
• b-values < Kurtosis threshold (Default 800)
3. To set the Kurtosis threshold, enter a value in the corresponding box. Note that the
Kurtosis threshold cannot be set below 600 mm2/s.
⇨ B values above this threshold will be included when one of the kurtosis models is selected.
4. Click Apply to confirm your settings and close the dialog box.
Changes to the thresholds are not stored and will revert to default values the next time that
the application is launched.
8.2 Printing
Last Content Modificator: ID: 9007314455592971
Status: NotReleased
In the Print tab, you set up the images and imaging series for print output. The following UI
elements support you:
1. Protocol panel.
2. Print toolbar.
3. Print preview.
There are various ways of how to open and review imaging series in the Print tab.
Node title (original): 2 Open imaging series from Exam ID: 116993326475
Overview: drag Status: Released
Node title (original): 3 Open imaging series from Exam ID: 116993344267
Overview: select 2D Status: Released
The Print Preview displays an exact preview of how the print output will look like (WYSIWYG:
What you see is what you get). The Print Preview displays 1, 2, or 4 print pages next to each
other. The default layout of a print page is 3x2 image viewports. You can modify this layout and
save your changes as a new printout protocol (on the Protocol Panel) for later reuse.
To display images in the Print Preview differently, use the Print Toolbar, the Protocol Panel and
the context menus.
{ Mann, Michael, 12/22/2020 6:29:02 PM: Info for editors (Martina): Viewports on the Print
Preview are different from review or planning viewports: no title bar with maximize button etc.,
no switching to render packages}
1 1. Image information
as configured in the Image Information settings.
2. Fold-over indicator
indicating the fold-over direction in which typically MR artifacts occur.
Select all images on this page: To select all images on chapter “Selecting Images
the currently selected print preview page. on Print Pages” on page
Select all images on all pages: To select all images on all
print preview pages.
The Print Toolbar is available on the Print tab. It is composed of buttons and drop-down menus
that provide access to generic functions to print single images and whole imaging series. For
drop-down menus, always the currently selected button is visible.
The Print Toolbar allows you to:
• Configure the print page layout
• Adjust the images or image details (Zoom, Pan, Window Level)
• Include annotations and measurement information into the images
End fragment title: Intro Print Toolbar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Print Preview and Print Page Layout chapter “Setting the Number of Print Pages in the Print
Preview” on page 1175
6 PlanScan Drawing Tool chapter “Adding a PlanScan Image to the Images on the
Print Page” on page 1180
{ Mann, Michael, 10/14/2020 3:10:39 PM: Question: Are there optional buttons? I am pretty
sure that I have seen buttons like "Activate Shutters" , "Circular Shutter" etc. a while ago, but I
do not see them anymore. Are they only active with particular image types? Or do they not
exist anymore? }
End fragment title: Print Toolbar
These buttons allow you to select the number of pages displayed in the print preview area, and
to organize the print page layout by inserting page breaks or deleting whole print pages.
Single Page Mode: To display 1 page in the print preview area. • chapter “Setting
the Number of
Print Pages in
2-Page Mode: To display 2 pages in the print preview area. the Print
Preview” on
page 1175
4-Page Mode: To display 4 pages in the print preview area.
Insert Page Break: To insert a page break before the current image.
Remove Page Break: To delete the page break before the current image.
When you drag (with left mouse button) in a viewport, by default you scroll through images.
Click any of these buttons to change this behavior, and then use the drag function to perform
any of the actions listed below:
Zoom: Drag to magnify or reduce the image with the left mouse (when • chapter
this button is enabled). “Changing the
Display of
Images on Print
Pan: Drag to pan a magnified image with the left mouse (when this button
Pages (Zoom,
is enabled).
Pan, Window)”
on page 1184
Window: Drag too adjust brightness and contrast of an image with the left
mouse (when this button is enabled).
These buttons allow you to perform measurements on the imaging series and overlay the
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Measuring and annotating work as described in the instructions for reviewing. Annotating with
predefined annotations is a feature available on the Print Toolbar only.
Node title (original): 01 Buttons Measurements based on lines ID: 115328791179-3
Status: Released
Smooth Polyline: To measure the length of a smooth polyline defined by { Mann, Michael,
several points on an image. 12/22/2020
12:53:04 PM: To
do: Link to MAP-
node for
Polyline: To measure the length of a polyline defined by several points on
an image.
{ Mann, Michael,
Smooth Polygon: To measure an area based on a ROI with the shape of a 12/22/2020
smoothed polygon. 12:53:09 PM: To
do: Link to MAP-
node for ROI
Text Annotations
Drop-down Short Description Instructions
{ Mann, Michael,
Arrow + Text Annotation: To overlay an arrow with a text box to an 7:44:42 AM:
image. doctima To do:
Link to MAP-node
for annotations}
End fragment title: 03 Buttons Text annotations
Predefined Annotations
Button Short Description Instructions Edit Images on Print Pages (Insert, Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete)
Last Content Modificator: Mann, Michael ID: 115240328587
Status: Released
These buttons allow you to perform basic editing operations with images: cutting, copying,
pasting, and deleting. Furthermore, blank images can be inserted into the print pages.
Button Short Description Instructions
This button allows you to display a negative image where all the pixel values are set to their
opposite value on a color wheel: white becomes black, and vice versa.
Button Short Description Instructions
{ Mann, Michael, 12/20/2020 10:15:51 PM: Check if this is correct! Input was: "MR specific
PlanScanDrawing Tool which will draw the reference lines to be box mode or line mode." }
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
These buttons allow you to display the reference lines to the planned volume.
Drop-down Short Description Instructions
The table lists the buttons and drop-down menus which are available on the Protocol Panel.
<Protocol selection drop- To select a protocol for print. chapter “Saving and
down menu> Loading Print Protocols
(Printout Protocols)” on
page 1191
• To specify the sorting order of the images on the chapter “Filtering and
Sort and Filter printout. Sorting the Images in a
• To filter and restrict the images for the printout by Print Page Viewport” on
setting an image range. page 1180
To change the header and footer and specify the type of chapter “Adjusting Header
Header and Footer information displayed in the header and footer. and Footer of a Print Page”
on page 1192
Image Info
Enlarge Image Information To enlarge the font size of the image information on the chapter “Enlarging the
Print Preview. Image Information on the
Preview” on page 1190
Save Protocol To save current layout settings as a printout protocol. chapter “Saving and
Loading Print Protocols
(Printout Protocols)” on
page 1191
Edit Default Print Settings To configure and save the Print Preferences. chapter “Configuring
Printer and Print Output”
on page 1193
During planning, reviewing or analyzing, you can send single images and whole imaging series
to the Print tab. In the Print tab, you can
► Open an imaging series in the Print tab.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Configure the page layout and print settings before printing the images.
Use the functions available on the Print toolbar and the Protocol Panel.
► In the Protocol Panel, click Print.
Print History
The Print history can be looked up in the Job Viewer. There, you can also cancel a running print
job or redo a previous print job.
{ Mann, Michael, 12/22/2020 10:36:01 AM: Insert link to Job viewer description? }
Imaging series with more than 16 images do not fit on one print page.
To get an overview of all print pages, change the display mode.
► On the Print Toolbar, select a layout from the screen modes drop-down menu:
If there is more than one print page, use the mouse wheel or the keyboard to navigate through
the pages.
► With the keyboard, do any of the following:
• To navigate to the previous page, press Up Arrow.
• To navigate to the next page, press Down Arrow.
Unless deactivated in the header and footer configuration, the current page number and the
total number of print pages are displayed at the bottom right of each page preview.
The total number of print pages is also displayed in the Protocol panel, at Pages to Print.
Node title (original): Intro Adjusting Print Page Layout ID: 115334941067
Status: Released
The default layout of a print page is 3x2 images with all images sorted sequentially. You can
adjust that layout and display more or less images on a page, or insert page breaks. The
viewports of the Print Preview can be resized by dragging.
Furthermore, you can use the compare mode and split the print page horizontally or vertically
to display images or imaging series next to each other for comparison.
End fragment title: Intro Adjusting Print Page Layout
The Print Preview displays one or more (maximum 16) viewports with images of one imaging
series next to each other.
• You can apply a layout to the Print Preview.
You select either a standard predefined layout, or you select a previously saved anatomy-
specific layout.
• You can select a predefined layout for a viewport.
Resizing a Viewport
You resize a viewport of the Print Preview individually to adjust it to the anatomy of interest.
► Drag the viewport border until the viewport has the desired size.
• You can only drag borders that adjoin to other viewports.
• If you drag horizontally, the whole column is resized.
• If you drag vertically, the single viewport within the row is resized.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Saving a layout
► To save a layout for reuse, click Save Layout on the Protocol Panel.
This button is only available when the current layout of the Print Preview deviates from the
already saved layouts.
► Enter a name for the layout, then click Save.
End fragment title: saving a layout
If you delete a page from the print preview, all the images on that page are removed from the
Print tab.
Node title (original): 03 Delete a print page ID: 115335047819
Status: Released
• To apply the new layout to all print pages, click Apply the layout to all pages .
• To apply the new layout to the current page only, click Apply the layout to the selected
page .
► Select a layout: 1x1 ... 4x4.
⇨ The new layout is applied instantly.
End fragment title: 04 Change number of images on print page
Node title (original): 05 Change order of images on print page ID: 115335146507
Status: Released
• To apply an individual filling order, click Select Filling Order , click the images on
the print preview in the desired order, and confirm with OK.
⇨ The new layout is applied instantly.
End fragment title: 05 Change order of images on print page
Use Compare mode to view series side by side when active, else sequentially.
The Compare mode allows you to compare series with each other, e.g. series of the same
orientation but with different contrast.
Different setups are available: 1-1, 2, 2-2, 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 1-2 (and 1-2-2, 2-1, 2-2-1, 2-1-2, which
are not shown here).
► Select any setup for the Print Preview from the Compare Mode drop-down menu on the
Protocol Panel.
► From the Thumbnail overview of the Exam Overview, drag imaging series into the viewports
of the Print Preview.
You can set the slice order and sorting dimensions, and filter the images to be displayed.
The filtering and sorting settings are configured individually for every imaging series. Some of
the options are only active when the current imaging series has more than 1 dimension.
► In the Protocol Panel at Sort and Filter, click Sort and Filter Images .
⇨ The Filtering and Sorting window opens.
► To set the slice order, do any of the following:
You can add a PlanScan image to the imaging series that is selected on the print page.
There are 2 ways of adding a PlanScan image. Both ways can be combined:
• Insert the PlanScan image at the start or the end of the selected series.
• Inset the PlanScan image in each viewport that shows an image of the selected series.
⊳ A PlanScan image is available: The PlanScan button is enabled.
You can change the display of each individual image. You can mirror, flip and rotate images. You
can perform basic operations such as copy, paste and delete. You can insert blank images. Prior
to performing any of these operations, select an image or select multiple images.
Node title (original): 01 Select images from the print page ID: 115329031051
Status: Released
• To select all images on all pages, click Select all images on all pages on the Print
• To select all images of the currently selected series, click Select all images of this series
Node title (original): 02 Cut images from the print page ID: 115329093899
Status: Released
Node title (original): 03 Copy images from the print page ID: 115329156363
Status: Released
• Press Ctrl+C.
Node title (original): 04 Paste images in the print page ID: 115329218443
Status: Released
Node title (original): 05 Delete images from the print page ID: 115329280907
Status: Released
Node title (original): Delete all images from all print pages ID: 116878742667
(Clear) Status: Released
Node title (original): 07 Inserting blank images in the print page ID: 116832283531
Status: Released
► Select an image.
► On the Print Toolbar, do any of the following:
• To rotate the image 90° clockwise, click Rotate Clockwise on the Mirror/Flip
drop-down menu. Changing the Display of Images on Print Pages (Zoom, Pan, Window)
Last Content Modificator: Mann, Michael ID: 116881616523
Status: Released
On the Print Preview, you can zoom in and out of the images, pan the images, and apply
windowing to the images. Use the corresponding button on the Print Toolbar or the context
menu to activate the desired action. Zooming, panning and windowing work as described in the
instructions for reviewing:
• chapter “Zooming in and out of an Image” on page 947
• chapter “Panning an Image” on page 948
• chapter “Windowing: Adjusting Brightness and Contrast” on page 946
• chapter “Resetting All Changes” on page 951
On the Print Preview images, you can perform measurements with lines, angles, and ROIs, and
insert annotations. Use the corresponding button on the Print Toolbar to activate the desired
action. Measuring and annotating work as described in the instructions for reviewing:
• chapter “Measuring with Lines” on page 953
• chapter “Measuring with ROIs” on page 959
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
You can insert predefined annotations from a list via drag and drop, and you can add
predefined annotations to the list.
Node title (original): 01 Insert a predefined annotation ID: 115329525643
Status: Released
Node title (original): 04 Edit a predefined annotation in the list ID: 115329529739
Status: Released
To add a category
► At Select Category, select Add New from the drop-down menu.
► Enter the category label.
► To confirm, press Enter.
End fragment title: 05 Add a category
To delete a category
► Right-click the category label and select Delete from the context menu.
► To confirm, click Confirm.
End fragment title: 07 Delete a category
You can display a negative image (invert the gray scale) of the selected image. Displaying a
negative image sets all the pixel values to their opposite value on a color wheel: white becomes
black, and vice versa.
► Do any of the following:
• Select the image you want to modify and click Invert Gray Scale on the Print
There are 4 preset configurations of image information that can be displayed along the images
in the viewports, ranging from no information to all information available.
This setting applies to all the images and imaging series on the print pages.
► In the Protocol Panel at Image Info, do any of the following:
• To display full image information, select Full Image Information from the
drop-down menu.
The amount of information displayed depends on the image information settings. Default
for Full Image Information is: scan and image type, slice number, contrast-related
information such as TR, TE, flip angle, date and time, slice thickness and gap, FOV, PLUS
turbofactor (if applicable), scan duration, acquired voxel size.
• To hide all image information, select No Image Information from the drop-
down menu.
End fragment title: 01 Extend / Restrict image information
The image information settings are managed in the Image Information window. It has two tabs
to configure image information for images (Image Level Info) and imaging series (Series Level
Info). In each tab, the list of available information labels is displayed on the left and an image
preview is displayed on the right.
These settings apply to the current imaging series. They have to be configured for each series.
Node title (original): 03 Manage image information settings ID: 115348742923
Status: Released
► To add or move an information label, drag it to the desired area of the image preview.
► To remove an information label from the image preview, drag it to the list.
► Repeat these steps until the image information is configured as desired.
► To confirm, click Save.
► To cancel editing, click Cancel.
End fragment title: 03 Manage image information settings Toggling the Display of Image Information for the Selected Series
Last Content Modificator: Mann, Michael ID: 115348643723
Status: Released
Node title (original): 02 Toggle image information for current ID: 115348678155
series Status: Released
► In the Protocol Panel at Image Info, click Hide Image Information Level .
⇨ If the image information for the currently selected series was displayed before, it is now
You can enlarge the font size of the image information on the preview to identify essential
information such as the slice number. Note that the font size is enlarged only on the preview,
not in the print output.
Node title (original): 04 Enlarge image information on preview ID: 115348791947
Status: Released
► In the Protocol Panel, activate the Enlarge Image Information check box.
⇨ The font size on the preview is enlarged.
To reset the font size, deactivate the Enlarge Image Information check box.
End fragment title: 04 Enlarge image information on preview
You can select the amount of information to display on all images and series, configure which
information to display per image series, toggle the information display per series, and enlarge
the text size in the preview.
End fragment title: Intro (Managing Image Information)
You can save your current layout settings as a printout protocol for later reuse and you can load
previously saved protocols. In a protocol, the configuration of these settings is saved: Layout
(page layout), PlanScan (inclusion of PlanScan images to the image viewports), Header and
Footer (information displayed in the header and footer of each print page), and Image
Information Settings (information displayed in each image viewport).
In the Protocol Panel, the topmost drop-down menu displays the name of the currently
selected protocol. An asterisk at the name (e.g. 'Default*') indicates that unsaved changes have
been made to the protocol settings.
Node title (original): 01 Save print layout ID: 115337300875
Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Note that the protocols are organized in categories. Look for the fitting category for the
protocol you want to load.
End fragment title: 02 Load print protocol
You can select which information to include in the headers and footers of the print pages.
► To remove all information labels from the Preview page, click Remove All.
► To apply the default settings, click Defaults.
► To add or move an information label, drag it to the desired area of the Preview page.
► To remove an information label from the Preview page, drag it to the list.
► Repeat these steps until the header and footer is configured as desired.
► To confirm your changes, click Save.
► To cancel editing, click Cancel.
You can configure and save your Print Preferences as the default. Notwithstanding this, print
settings can also be configured individually for each print job. General print settings are:
selection of printer and media size, specification of page orientation, number of copies and
page selection, and activation of page collating. Furthermore, you can activate life-size printing.
The following settings can only be configured in the Print Preferences: Auto Print Zoom Factor,
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• At Auto Clear Images after Print, choose whether to automatically remove all images
from the Print preview after printing has finished.
• At Print Page Count Warning, enter the number of print pages from which on a warning
should be issued.
• Adjust the page header and footer by dragging information labels from Patient Details,
Examination Details, or Page Details to the desired areas of the Preview page template.
To remove all information labels from the Preview page, click Remove All.
To apply the default settings, click Defaults.
► To confirm your changes, click Save.
► To cancel editing without saving, click Cancel.
End fragment title: 01a Edit default print settings
To select a printer
► In the Protocol Panel, at Print Settings, select a printer from the Printer drop-down menu.
If you select Print To File, the output files will be saved in E:\Export.
End fragment title: 01b Select a printer
• Select No to print all copies of each page before printing the next page.
End fragment title: 06 Collate
Node title (original): 08 De-identifying patient data (only cross- ID: 116884161675
reference) Status: Released
8.3 Administration
Last Content Modificator: ID: 9007315342121355
Status: NotReleased
Archive selected image series • You want to archive only selected { Maethger,
when completing the image series of an examination. Maria,
examination • You want to review the images 9/7/2020
(Flag for archive + Complete first. 3:05:08 PM:
Exam button) Which
format? }in
Export selected examination • You want to store only selected Operator can Can only be done for
manually image series of an examination. choose. one examination at a
See chapter “Exporting Exam • You want to review the images time.
Data Manually” on page 1201 first.
• You want to select the storage
Save selected image series as • You want to store only selected Operator can Can only be done for
other format manually image series of an examination. choose. one examination at a
See chapter “Saving Exam Data • You want to review the images time.
as Selected File Format” on page first.
1204 • You want to select the storage
• You want to save the images in a
certain file format, for example
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
To limit the output size for non-DICOM image storage, the system uses lossy compression.
This compression can result in loss of detail.
Imaging series with multiple dimensions (such as echoes, dynamics, or b-values) can be split
into multiple series during DICOM export. This allows for an image sorting order based on the
series number and is especially useful for those PACS/Workstations that cannot sort on these
Each new series can easily be identified since its series number is derived from the series
number of the original dataset.
Splitting is done in case of
• MultiEcho scans (resulting in a series per echo)
For automatic Series Split functionality you need a special configured network node.
The network nodes can be configured according to your needs together with your Customer
Support Organization.
Contact your local Customer Support Organization for setup.
{ Maethger, Maria, 9/22/2020 1:08:18 PM: Need to think more about this. Is this only for
Export/Archiving scan or patient data or also for storing other data, e.g. Contrast presets?}
Icon Storage device
• contents of the currently assigned PACS
Remote (DICOM) patient databases. Accessible via drop-down menu in the |Archive|
within administration.
Please see the ‘DICOM Conformance Statement’.
Prior to examination transfer to PACS, make sure that the examination is not in use in the
viewing and/or scanning environment.
Otherwise it (or parts of it) could be locked and not be transferred. In this case, a message
appears describing the cause of the problem.
The purpose of this workflow is to enable Auto export. Auto export archives all scan data
► To open the Auto export window, click Settings and Tools , then Settings and then
select Auto export.
► To enable Auto export, click the checkbox next to Auto export to selected destinations.
► Select a destination and choose whether to include all series or only marked series (marked
with Flag to archive) .
⇨ After the scan is finished, the system automatically archives all series or only selected series
to the chosen destination.
The goal of this workflow is to archive selected image series. First, you have to mark the series
for archiving and then archive them either before or with completion of the exam.
{ Maethger, Maria, 10/6/2020 3:04:31 PM: We need to check the terminology: scan item,
sequence, image series, scan data,...}
{ Maethger, Maria, 10/6/2020 3:04:31 PM: explain how to store "flag for archive" with
• Follow the exam workflow. When you click Complete Exam, the selected image series
are exported.
{ Maethger, Maria, 9/22/2020 1:12:50 PM: Do you use the "safety message" type "Tip"
Save your settings with the ExamCard.
If you want to use your archiving settings for other examinations, you can save the
ExamCard including the settings you made. For information on Saving ExamCards, see
here{ Maethger, Maria, 9/22/2020 1:12:02 PM: Insert reference}.
There are multiple ways to manually export patient data to a selected destination. If you want
to export the data as a research file-format, see chapter “Saving Exam Data as Selected File
Format” on page 1204.
► In the Patient Directory, select the patients whose data you want to export.
To select multiple patients, do one of the following:
• Keep Ctrl pressed and select multiple single examinations.
• Keep Shift pressed and click on two examinations successively to select these two
examinations AND the examinations which are between them in the list.
► To export the selected patient data, do one of the following:
• Right-click on the selected patients, then click Export.
• Click Export in the right lower corner.
► In the Export window, select a destination and the format, see chapter “More about
Storage Destinations” on page 1198 and .
► Depending on the format, you can select { Maethger, Maria, 9/29/2020 10:20:09 AM: short
description of these? But can also be found at adding a DICOM node. Maybe we can use the
same somehow? }
• Include DICOM Viewer
• Other Series Split (Classic MR only)
• LUT to RGB (Classic MR only)
• Combine MR Rescaling (Classic MR only)
• ADC Correction
► If you want to store the exported data anonymously, enable De-identify Patient Name and
enter a new file name.
Using USB devices might be disabled by your system administrator.
Using USB storage devices can be enabled by the Hospital Admin.
USB storage devices (flash drives, hard drives) are recognized by the system and can be used for
exchanging data. The operating system automatically assigns a drive letter to the device.
Do not remove the USB storage device without using the "Safely Remove Hardware" option.
Removing the device without using this option can corrupt the data on the USB memory
The USB storage device may contain confidential information.
Take appropriate measures to protect this information. It is not possible to prevent the
transfer of data to removable media.
Connecting a USB-powered external hard drive may cause the USB ports of the host
computer to stop working. All USB connected devices will not work anymore.
The hard drive may consume too much power causing the host computer to shut down the
USB ports.
To export scan data for research purposes, you can select certain file formats. This is not
possible with the regular export functions.
► In the Plan, Review or Print tab{ Maethger, Maria, 10/6/2020 3:15:49 PM: does it make
sense to write it down like this? Isn't it also possible from analyses - if you have anything
there?}, right-click on an image series that contains scan data.
► Click on Save as.
► In the Save As window, select in the Selection menu whether to save only the Selected
Series or the Whole Study.
► Click on Set Ranges to select an Image Typ { Maethger, Maria, 9/28/2020 9:31:26 AM:
what does this mean? I only see "M" - is this medium?} and the number of Slices you want
to save.
Do one of the following:
{ Maethger, Maria, 9/28/2020 12:12:24 PM: Is drag'n drop an option for export/import?}
The goal of this workflow is to import patient data from external sources, for example PACS or
USB drives, to the system.
► In the Patient Directory in the More tab, select the source from which you want to import
patient data.
⇨ The source is set as a tab in the Patient Directory and the patient data from the selected
source is displayed.
► In the list, select the patients whose data you want to import.
To select multiple patients, do one of the following:
• Keep Ctrl pressed and select multiple single examinations.
• Keep Shift pressed and click on two examinations successively to select these two
examinations AND the examinations which are between them in the list.
► To import the selected patient data, do one of the following:
• Right-click on the selected patients, then click Import.
• Click Import in the right lower corner.
⇨ The imported patient data is added to the system.
⇨ The imported data is added to the patient list on the All tab and can be used.{ Maethger,
Maria, 9/28/2020 1:49:29 PM: need to check}
Status: Released
{ Maethger, Maria, 9/21/2020 12:22:33 PM: To me it feels like there is a bit too much
explanation for an operational topic - however, the user needs the information here. Can we
find a better solution?}
⊳ A prerequisite is that a workstation, PACS- or RIS-system is connected to your hospital
network just like the MR console.
⊳ Before you start, contact your IT department to get to know technical data of the DICOM
• Host name or IP address,
• port number,
• AE Title.
The AE Title consists of numbers and letters, is case-sensitive and has a maximum of 16
► To open the Dicom Configuration, click Settings and Tools in the Navigation Bar and
then Dicom Configuration....
⇨ The Dicom Configuration window opens.
► To add a new DICOM node, click + Add New.
To modify an existing DICOM node, select the DICOM node and click Editing Node in
the same line.{ Maethger, Maria, 9/21/2020 2:57:53 PM: Show editing window? ID
► Select the node Type: PACS, Network (workstation) or RIS.
► Enter a Name for the new node.
We advise to use a name that represents the node and its characteristics best, such as
IntelliSpace, or PACS split.
► Enter the Host name/ IP Address, the Port number and the AE Title of the node.
► If applicable: set the DICOM Transfer mode to either Classic or Enhanced MR.
Classic DICOM is recommended for multi-vendor applications, Enhanced MR for Philips
► To transfer the imaging series with presentation state, deselect Disable presentation State.
This is the default setting and the preferred situation.
The presentation state is a DICOM property that describes how to display the images. It
contains the viewing data:
• windowing and rescaling information,
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Not all Classic MR DICOM nodes receive color images (for example, parametric maps
with color LUT) correctly with color. Therefore MR images that contain color LUT
information are automatically converted and exported as secondary capture color RGB
• If your Classic MR DICOM node does not need this automatic conversion, disable LUT-2-
RGB Conversion. In general, conversion can lead to the loss of DICOM attributes such as
geometry information.
This setting only applies for Classic MR transfer mode.
► If applicable: To split series according to their image attributes, select Split series.
Split series is only applicable in series that consist of multiple echoes, multiple dynamics or
multiple b-values. If Split series is enabled and Echo dynamic/ Diffusion is selected,
• in a multi-echo acquisition, the slices of each echo are transferred separately.
This results in multiple series on the DICOM node: series 1 = echo 1, series 2 = echo 2,
and so on.
• each dynamic scan of a dynamic series is transferred separately.
This results in multiple series on the DICOM node: series 1 = dynamic 1, series 2 =
dynamic 2, and so on.
• in a diffusion series, the slices of each b-value are transferred separately.
► To update the status display of the current node, click the Refresh icon in the Status panel.
This takes up to 5 seconds.
{ Maethger, Maria, 9/22/2020 9:23:50 AM: I wonder if this could be a description. In Artes you
only have 3 possible Operations in this window. If unsuccessful: Edit Node, Try again - if
successful: Done }
► To test if the connection is correctly configured, click Send Test Series.
The Preview window opens.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
4 5
► To open the Dicom Configuration, click Settings and Tools in the Navigation Bar and
then Dicom Configuration....
⇨ The Dicom Configuration window opens.
► Select a DICOM node from the list.
9 Advanced Operation
Affix: IFU ID: 9007311124714763
Last Content Modificator: Status: NotReleased
9.1 MR Angiography
Last Content Modificator: ID: 9007316244486411
Status: NotReleased
{ Geenen, Hubert, 4/11/2018 8:53:41 AM: MORE information than used to be in IFU with
Atlantis, but less than is in Scan Methods.}
Node title (original): intro about MRA ID: 116980138379
Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Inflow MRA is based on enhancement of flowing blood and suppression of stationary tissue.
Node title (original): applications ID: 48006089227
Status: Released
• Intra- and extracranial vessels,
• Carotid arteries,
• Origins of vertebral and carotid arteries, pulmonary vessels,
• Depiction of the aortic arch and neck vessels,
• Femoral and popliteal arteries and the vessels in the hand,
• Screening vascular anomalies all over the body.
End fragment title: applications
Node title (original): preparing the patient for inflow MRA ID: 48004779275
Status: Released
► Verify that the REST slab is placed correctly to selectively suppress arterial or venous blood.
If a free REST slab is used, drag this REST slab to the vessels that need to be suppressed.
Node title (original): Analysis Inflow & PCA MRA ID: 48045739915-1
Status: Released
More information
• about artifacts, see chapter “MRA Inflow artifacts” on page 1386
PCA is based on phase differences of flowing spins compared to spins of stationary tissue. A
flow sensitive and a flow compensated (reference) scan are acquired. An automatic complex
subtraction of these scans is performed.
PCA provides two types of images:
• PCA-M images (suppressed background, bright vessels).
• Intra- and extracranial vessels
• Carotid arteries
• Origins of vertebral and carotid arteries, pulmonary vessels
• Depiction of the aortic arch and neck vessels
• Screening vascular anomalies all over the body.
End fragment title: applications PCA
► If you use a REST slab in the scan protocol, drag this REST slab to the vessels that need to be
End fragment title: planning PCA
Node title (original): Analysis Inflow & PCA MRA ID: 48045739915-2
Status: Released
More information
• about artifacts, see
• Flow measurement in any vessel.
End fragment title: applications
• A flow sensitive and a flow compensated (reference) scan are acquired.
• Phase subtraction is done resulting in a flow image.
End fragment title: Sequence
• Multiphase acquisition providing
– PCA-M images (suppressed background, bright vessels).
► Select a QFlow scan protocol (with QFLOW in the name) and add it to your ExamCard.
Skip this step, if an angio scan protocol is already part of your ExamCard.
► Select suitable images for planning.
Scroll to the slice best suited for planning. Window, zoom and pan to optimize the display of
anatomic structures needed for planning.
► Plan the stack/volume perpendicular to the vessel of interest.
QF measurements should always be made in a plane orthogonal to the vessel. Otherwise
the area covered will be larger and the QF measurement overestimated.
► If a REST slab is used, drag this REST slab to the vessels that need to be suppressed.
End fragment title: planning QFlow
QFlow Analysis
► Use the QFlow analysis package for the calculation of various results.
See .
End fragment title: QFlow analysis
More information
• about artifacts, see .
• about VCG, see .
• about the QFlow analysis package, see .
• about how to perform a QFlow analysis, see .
• Carotid arteries,
• thoracic and abdominal vessels,
• peripheral vessels from abdominal aorta down to pedal arch,
• Whole Body MRA.
End fragment title: Applications CE-MRA
Properties of CE-MRA
• Is minimally invasive (intravenous contrast injection).
• Provides short single breath-hold scan times.
• Can be acquired parallel to a vessel for large coverage.
• Short scan times (slices can be acquired in vessel plane).
• VCG triggering is not required in areas of pulsatile flow.
End fragment title: properties
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
TRANCE, b-TRANCE and 4D-TRANCE are techniques for non-contrast enhanced angiography.
Node title (original): 4D-TRANCE only on Prodiva CX ID: 116980742667-1
Status: Released
Description 3D-TSE technique for non-contrast 3D-balanced-TFE technique for 3D-TFE/EPI sequence visualizing
enhanced peripheral angiography. non-contrast enhanced renal vascular morphology and dynamic
Subtraction technique. angiography. blood flow without the use of a
Inflow technique. contrast agent by labeling
circulating protons in arterial blood
b-TRANCE suppresses parenchyma
with an Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL)
and venous structures with a slab-
selective inversion prepulse and a
REST slab inferior to the imaging 4D-TRANCE can be performed
slab overlying the abdomen wall. • non-selectively.
Cardiac synchronization Triggering with VCG is needed. Triggering with VCG is needed. Not needed.
Data acquisition in It is important to consider diastole It is not necessary to consider Not applicable
cardiac cycle or systole during acquisition, since diastole or systole during
the contrast is determined by the acqusition, since the contrast is
flow velocity. determined by the inversion delay
Appearance of vessels The blood flow velocity in arteries The arteries appear bright due to The arteries appear bright and the
varies, depending on the cardiac the inflow of non-saturated blood veins dark, since the signal of
phase: from the aorta within the inversion labeled blood fully decays by the
• Data acquisition in systole delay time. time it enters the veins.
results in signal voids in the
arteries (due to dephasing).
• Data acquisition in diastole
results in hyperintense signal
Analysis Use VolumeView for the Use VolumeView for the Use VolumeView for the
calculation of MaxIPs. calculation of MaxIPs. calculation of MaxIPs.
Due to the selective inversion prepulse, only a relatively small volume can be acquired.
Fig. 473: Left: The selective inversion prepulse coincides with the FOV (F). The REST slab (R) prevents venous inflow.
Right: Signal Intensity (SI) versus time (t). With the optimal TI (TIopt), the acquisitoin (acq) takes place after zero
crossing of the curve inside FOV (i). Inflow of fresh spins from outside the FOV (o) occurs.
The BolusTrak functionality offers the possibility to track the bolus and immediately start the
CE-MRA scan on bolus arrival. Part of the realization are real-time reconstruction and -viewing.
End fragment title: intro running BolusTrak
5. Start the contrast agent injection as a bolus simultaneously with the 2D real-time
reconstructed scan:
Click Resume to do so.
6. Check the arrival of contrast agent in real-time in the Scan Preview.
7. To interrupt the 2D real-time reconstructed scan and to start the post-contrast scan, click
Proceed when you see the bolus arrive.
You can execute the post-contrast scan with breath-hold commands.
8. Perform postprocessing, e.g. subtraction of pre-contrast mask, Maximum Intensity
Projection (MaxIP).
The total procedure can be run first without contrast agent to make the patient familiar with
the examination procedure.
End fragment title: workflow
Node title (original): time schedule 3D high spatial resolution ID: 116990159627
Status: Released
Art.Ph. Arterial Phase Start Next Scan [F8] You press Start Next Scan [F8] to
stop the BolusTrak scan and start
the next scan immediately.
• To be started after the acquisition delay (see contrast bolus timing scan).
• Acquires contrast-enhanced images in three stacks with table movement.
Always allow automatic table movement.
In this way, the scan will be started as soon as the table has reached the optimal position
without prompting for an additional |Proceed|.
MobiFlex ExamCard
The table summarizes the scans of a typical MobiFlex ExamCard with e.g. their item properties
and their GeoLinks.
4 BolusTrak scan
in order to
track the bolus
1. Patient preparation and patient and coil positioning
2. Setup or select a MobiFlex ExamCard including Geometrical Links.
• 6 scans for 3 stations (8 scans for 4 stations on 3.0T) plus a BolusTrak scan.
All stations need to have the same GeoLink (same bookmark behind the sequence).
• BolusTrak scan prior to post-contrast scans (injection enabled).
• Abdominal stack with breathhold commands.
• Manual start for post-contrast scans.
If you like to have pre-contrast source images, integrate your subtraction postprocessing into
your ExamCard. Three types of images will be available.
To do so, disable the imaging parameter ’Immediate subtraction’ in the sequence.
Undo subtraction can be done by means of a weighting factor of +1 after a subtraction having
been performed with a weighting factor of -1 .
4D-TRAK (4D Time-Resolved Angiography using Keyhole) brings a new dimension to CE-MRA. It
provides drastic scan speed increases for high spatial and temporal resolution CE-MRA scans.
4D-TRAK utilizes the 3D-FFE scan technique and combines the advantages of dS-SENSE, Keyhole
Node title (original): clinical indications 4D-TRAK ID: 129178777995-1
Affix: non-US Status: NotReleased
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/3/2021 2:07:39 PM: Artes Topics: MRA -> 4D-TRAK}
4D-TRAK might be used to aid in evaluation of brain AVM, congenital heart diseases, cardiac
function, hemodialysis shunts and in diabetes patients with short arterio-venous transit time in
lower legs/feet.
End fragment title: clinical indications 4D-TRAK
Node title (original): recommended packages - for all countries, ID: 9007316236044299
not for Multiva China Status: NotReleased
Affix: non China
3. Subtract the resulting images. Because the veins and the background have the same signal
intensity in both the diastolic and systolic images, they are not visible after subtraction. The
result of the subtraction is an image with arteries only. Philips
Fig. 476: Diastole image (A) minus systole image (B) results in a subtraction image (C).
4. Process the subtracted data in MIP render mode to obtain a MIP of the total 3D-dataset.
Multiple stations are possible. The example shows a 2 station TRANCE of the peripheral
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
⊳ The patient is already positioned on the tabletop. The examination is already entered or
selected. (Cardiac synchronization is not needed.)
► Select and start the Philips 4D-TRANCE ExamCard.
An anatomical survey is performed.
► Plan the sagittal and coronal PCA surveys on the anatomical survey.
► Start and run the PCA surveys.
► Plan the 3D Inflow scan on the survey images.
► Start and run the 3D Inflow scan.
► Select the 4D-TRANCE scan of your preference:
• selective (with parameter ASL label type: free), or
Selective planning of
the right internal
carotid artery
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Selective planning of
the left internal
carotid artery
Selective planning of
the vertebrobasilar
More information
Properties • Incorporates Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
• Very sensitive to motion (for Multishot scanning)
The process of diffusion of water molecules through brain tissue can be measured using MRI
with diffusion weighted scanning. The actual diffusion properties depend on the local tissue.
Furthermore, the water diffusion can be anisotropic: fast diffusion in one direction and slow
diffusion in other directions.
In cDWI the acquired b-values are used to extrapolate synthetic high b-value images. This
extrapolation is based on a mono-exponential signal decay model. This means that from the
acquired b-values the diffusion coefficient (D) is estimated via a mono-exponential fit, similar to
what is done in the ADC post-processing package. Together with fitting the diffusion coefficient
D, the signal without diffusion weighting (S0, for b=0) is estimated. With those estimated values
(D and S0), synthetic high b-values are extrapolated with the formula:
Philips imaging protocols suited for cDWI are provided with your system.
► To calculate the high b-value cDWI images, use the Diffusion package,
see .
End fragment title: 07b - cDWI
• LOVA ADC (Low Variance ADC) allows you to correct for the non-linearity of the diffusion
– Applications: Diffusion Weighted Imaging in all anatomies. Especially meant for large
FOV, e.g. abdomen.
– To enable LOVA ADC, set the parameter ADC correction to yes.
More information in the Online Help (F1): Enabling LOVA ADC
For ADC measurements the field-of-view (FOV) must be positioned in the isocenter of the
magnet to avoid misinterpretations due to incorrect ADC calculations.
• To track fibers for diffusion tensor data with at least 6 diffusion directions, use the
FiberTrak package ,
see .
End fragment title: 04 - Analysis diffusion - referral to FT (NOT for Multiva in China, comp: postproc)
The term perfusion refers to the process of nutritive delivery of arterial blood to a capillary bed
in tissue.
There are different methods in MRI to measure tissue perfusion in vivo:
1. One method is based on the injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent that changes the
magnetic susceptibility of blood.
– Contrast agent will be injected as a bolus.
– Simultaneously, a fast dynamic scan will be started.
– This dynamic scan will be evaluated with postprocessing packages.
– Temporal resolution of the acquisition influences slope and peak amplitude of the bolus
2. The other method is based on Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) where arterial blood is
magnetically tagged before it enters the tissue of interest. The amount of labeling is
measured and compared to a control obtained without spin labeling.
T1 perfusion studies are based on the fact that gadolinium-based contrast agent shortens the
T1 relaxation times of tissues.
Node title (original): Acquisition Basic T1 Perfusion ID: 116978491019
Status: Released
To observe the changes of the T1 relaxation time and in such a way the contrast-uptake, run a
dynamic T1w scan, e.g. 3D T1-FFE or -TFE scan.
End fragment title: Acquisition Basic T1 Perfusion
Typical applications are contrast-uptake studies in the body, e.g. abdomen and thorax, and
neurology. { Heuvel, Martina van den, 5/19/2016 7:23:49 AM: ask Marco Nijenhuis to review,
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): Perfusion Contrast agent bolus injection ID: 116978627083-1
Status: Released
Use the Basic T1 Perfusion package for evaluation of the scan.
See .
Node title (original): part of Analysis Perfusion ID: 116978898827-1
Status: Released
This package calculates functional and parameter maps for any kind of contrast-uptake dynamic
study. New imaging series can be easily generated and stored.
Analyses are stored in the current ExamCard and performed automatically when the ExamCard
is executed again. For more information, see .
End fragment title: part of Analysis Perfusion
End fragment title: Analysis T1 perfusion
Paramagnetic contrast agents influence the local magnetic field and reduce the T2* of
surrounding tissue.
Neuro T2* Perfusion is also referred to as Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) imaging.
Node title (original): Acquisition Neuro T2* Perfusion ID: 116979276043
Status: Released
To observe the changes of the T2* relaxation time, a sequence which is sensitive to T2*
changes has to be executed, e.g.:
• PRESTO scan (TE larger than TR).
• Multishot FFE-EPI scan with relatively long TE.
With such a sequence, it is possible to image microscopic flow, i.e. flow at the capillary level.
• Signal decreases during bolus passage (due to reduced T2* of surrounding tissue).
• Signal restores partially directly after the passage.
• Contrast changes are proportional to the concentration of contrast agent.
End fragment title: Properties Neuro T2* Perfusion
Typical applications are cerebral perfusion studies:
• Assessment of tissue viability and function.
• Characterization of disease processes with microvascular alterations as e.g. lesion
End fragment title: Applications Neuro T2* Perfusion
Node title (original): Perfusion Contrast agent bolus injection ID: 116978627083-2
Status: Released
Use the Neuro T2* Perfusion package for evaluation of the scan.
See .
Node title (original): part of Analysis Perfusion ID: 116978898827-2
Status: Released
This package calculates functional and parameter maps for any kind of contrast-uptake dynamic
study. New imaging series can be easily generated and stored.
Analyses are stored in the current ExamCard and performed automatically when the ExamCard
is executed again. For more information, see .
End fragment title: part of Analysis Perfusion
End fragment title: Analysis Neuro T2* Perfusion
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) is a method to obtain brain perfusion imaging without the use of
contrast agent. ASL uses magnetically labeled blood in the arterial blood stream as an
endogenous trace.
The ASL sequence consists of a labeling and a control part. Perfusion images are automatically
generated by subtracting the label images from the control images.
End fragment title: intro ASL in IFU
• Cerebral perfusion studies.
Basic ASL-sequence
The ASL sequence is a dynamic sequence. Depending on the clinical question, you can perform
ASL as single-phase or as multi-phase sequence using different ASL techniques.
Single-Phase ASL - using the pCASL method Multi-Phase ASL - using the STAR method
1. Pre-saturation
2. Labeling/Control 1. Pre-saturation
3. Post-saturation 2. Labeling/Control
4. Read-out 3. Post-saturation
• post LD - post label delay 4. Read-out
• Lab Dur - Label duration • Ph1, 2, 3, 4 - Phase 1, 2, 3, 4
• LD1, 2, 3, 4 - Label delay 1, 2, 3, 4
– where LD1 is displayed as Label delay 1st on the Scan
Information page
– where LD4 is displayed as Label delay last on the Scan
Information page
• PhInt - Phase interval
Single-Phase ASL - using the pCASL method Multi-Phase ASL - using the STAR method
where the phase interval is displayed as Label delay delta on
the Scan Information page
• Dur - Duration of label and acquisition cycle
End fragment title: Basic ASL sequence
Depending on the settings of ASL imaging parameters, different types of images are
reconstructed and available for viewing.
Image type Available? How to proceed?
Subtracted imaging series ASL scans automatically provide Evaluate the subtracted imaging
subtracted imaging series. series with ImageView.
Normalized pCASL images ASL normalized pCASL images are not To acquire normalized pCASL images,
(Perfusion data is normalized by a available by default. set the parameter ASL -> normalized
proton density weighted scan.) on the Dyn/Ang tab to yes.
This is the default setting in Philips
3D pCASL preset procedures.
End fragment title: recon ASL
More information
• In the Online Help/ Parameters: Parameter Arterial Spin Labeling .
• pCASL:
Multislice pCASL with EPI read-out, using a 2 pulse background suppression scheme.
End fragment title: ASL vs 3D ASL
⊳ The patient is already positioned on the tabletop. The examination is already entered or
selected. (Cardiac synchronization is not needed.)
► Select, start and run a multi-stack anatomical survey.
► Select, start and run a 2D-PCA survey.
► Select and plan the pCASL scan on the sagittal images of the 2D-PCA and the anatomical
Make sure to exclude the carotid siphon (indicated by the white arrow in the image).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► If needed, adjust the value of the parameter ASL post label delay according to the
recommended values in the table below.
► Start and run the pCASL scan.
⇨ When the scan is finished, subtracted imaging series are automatically calculated.
► View the subtracted images with ImageView.
Depending on the setting of the ASL parameters ASL normalized on the DynAng tab and
ASL source images on the Postproc tab, subtracted images with or without normalization
are available, and possibly also ASL source images.
► If ASL normalized images are available,
• you can view them in color or in black and white. Right-click on the image to change the
• you can get numeric results. Draw a ROI on the normalized image.
children 1500 ms
Node title (original): workflow STAR (based on workflow pCASL) ID: 52896646923
Status: Released
⊳ The patient is already positioned on the tabletop. The examination is already entered or
selected. (Cardiac synchronization is not needed.)
► Select, start and run a multi-stack anatomical survey.
► Select, start and run a 2D-PCA survey.
► Select and plan the STAR scan on the sagittal images of the 2D-PC and the anatomical
► Adjust the value of the parameters ASL label delay and ASL phase interval.
Example images with different label delays:
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Planning the cardiac views is complex, because angulations in the three different directions
could be necessary to visualize the different connections between chambers.
Here you find guidelines for planning the cardiac views and for using the planning tools.
Useful tools to facilitate planning are 3-Point Planning, and PlanAlign. You can also plan on
Important is to follow a systematic way to create the different views: Always plan perpendicular
on the previous scan.
End fragment title: Intro for Map node
Place a line orthogonal to the septum (this is the best method for Right Ventricle view).
► From the Short Axis view, the true Four Chamber view can be defined by placing a line
through the centre of the Left Ventricular Cavity and the inferior margin of the right
Pulmonary valve
• Is planned on the RVOT by placing a line through the pulmonary valve seen already on the
RVOT view.
Tricuspid valve
• Is planned on the R2CH by placing a line through the tricuspid valves seen on the R2CH
Mitral valve
• Is planned on the L2CH by placing a line through the mitral valves already seen on the L2CH
Aortic valve
• Is planned on the LVOT by placing a line through the aortic valves already seen on the LVOT.
Image sets (Black blood or white blood in 3 orientations: Sag, Cor, Tra).
Abbreviation Explanation
AA Ascending aorta
DA Descending aorta
LA Left atrium
LB Left bronchus
LV Left ventricle
PA Pulmonary artery
RA Right atrium
RB Right bronchus
RV Right ventricle PlanAlign
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007316224831627
Status: NotReleased
PlanAlign is developed for applications which require double-oblique scans, for example cardiac
Node title (original): PlanAlign = powerful tool ID: 129073865867
Status: NotReleased
PlanAlign is a powerful tool to avoid in-plane rotation and to avoid SENSE artifacts.
End fragment title: PlanAlign = powerful tool
With PlanAlign enabled, any modification of the angulations results in a recalculation of the
angulations such that the resulting images show no in-plane angulation.
• Transverse scans are aligned such that the horizontal image direction (RL) is in a non-
angulated coronal plane.
• Sagittal scans are aligned such that the vertical image direction (FH) is in a non-angulated
coronal plane.
• Coronal scans are aligned such that the vertical image direction (FH) is in a non-angulated
sagittal plane.
Double angulated coronal scans tending to sagittal are aligned like sagittal scans. This
means that the scans are aligned such that the vertical image direction (FH) is in a non-
angulated coronal plane.
End fragment title: when PlanAlign is set to yes
► To place the three points, click three times in any of the three images selected in the
planning view ports.
Button Description
Previous Image: Step backwards through the images of the selected dimension.
Next Image: Step forwards through the images of the selected dimension.
Button Description
Cine scans are typically used to study wall motion and ventricular function. A variety of scan
methods are available for cine scans. However, balanced FFE is the preferred method for
breath-hold cine scans.
The workflow as presented here is based on the standardized acquisition guidelines by the
SCMR (Society for Cardio-vascular Magnetic Resonance). More information can be found on the
website of the SCMR: www.scmr.org
The intention of this section is only to give an illustration of how the workflow may look like in
clinical practice. Philips Healthcare cannot take liability for dose regimen, infusion schemes etc.
Coronary artery disease can result in inducible ischemia. One of the first signs for myocardial
ischemia is myocardial wall motion abnormality that occurs much earlier than ECG changes or
anginal pain. Cine scans acquired under stress conditions can therefore help to identify these
inducible ischemic areas.
The left ventricle is divided into 17 segments following the standards suggested by the
American Society of Echocardiography. For all the segments the wall motion is classified as
normal, hypokinetic, akinetic or dyskinetic.
Philips Workflow
Affix: non US ID: 9007316221908747
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert Status: NotReleased
All 17 segments can be covered using a combination of three SA slices, a 4CH slice and a L2CH
Step Scan / Action
1 Survey scan
3 Three-slice SA scan
4 Dobutamine infusion
6 Dobutamine infusion
8 Next stress levels: Repeat the steps 7 and 8 for each stress level.
Workflow Step-by-Step
► Perform the survey scan.
► Plan and perform the L2CH- and 4CH-scans following the approach as described in the
section Planning the cardiac views .
► Plan the three-slice SA scan on the 4CH view such that the most apical slice covers
segments 13-16, the mid slice covers segments 7-12 and the most basal slice covers
segments 1-6.
• Set the number of slices to five for planning purposes only.
• Select an end-systolic image.
• Position the slices: first one on apex, fifth through mitral valve.
• Set the number of slices back to three: leaving the slice position and slice gap
The patient’s cardiac frequency will most likely vary depending on the stress level.
For each stress level the cardiac frequency should be adjusted.
When the TFE shot mode is set to ‘default’ this change in heart rate will not lead to a change
in breath-hold duration or number of phases.
Make sure that the cine scans tolerate a certain variation in heart rate. This can be achieved
by setting the R-R window range to 25%, 35%.
MRI can be used to analyze myocardial perfusion using first pass contrast passage enabling the
detection of perfusion abnormalities.
To perform good quality perfusion scans with a high temporal resolution, dynamic slices have
to be acquired as quickly as possible. In order to carefully study the contrast uptake all dynamic
scans belonging to one slice should be performed at the same moment within the cardiac cycle.
That is the reason that cardiac perfusion scans are cardiac triggered.
Obvious compromises have to be made regarding the image quality, or more specific, spatial
resolution. The aim is now to find the right balance between the number of slices, the spatial
resolution and the temporal resolution.
Following the standards suggested by the American Society of Echocardiography the left
ventricle can be divided into 17 segments.
A three-slice approach as presented in the Cookbook is sufficient to cover 16 out of those 17
segments: the highest possible spatial resolution is chosen where three slices fit in a single
heart beat. The number of dynamic scans and thus the number of R-R intervals determine the
total scan time.
The aim of perfusion scanning is to identify inducible ischemia areas which often (in the
presence of coronary artery stenoses) only occurs under stress conditions. Therefore the
perfusion scan should be done both in rest and during stress, such as pharmacological
vasodilatation. This can be achieved using e.g. adenosine or dipyridamole.
The workflow as presented here is based on the standardized acquisition guidelines by the
SCMR (Society for Cardio-vascular Magnetic Resonance). More information can be found on the
website of the SCMR: www.scmr.org
The intention of this section is only to give an illustration of how the workflow for myocardial
perfusion may look like in clinical practice. Philips Healthcare cannot take liability for dose
regimen, infusion schemes etc.
Survey scan
► First perform a survey scan followed by a 4CH view and a L2CH view under rest conditions.
Plan the three-slice SA scan such that each slice covers six segments of the left ventricle .
Stress perfusion
The next step is first to perform the stress perfusion. Stress is done first to have the best image
quality for the most important scan since there is no enhancement yet due to earlier contrast
Adenosine infusion
After the test scan the infusion of adenosine is started to stress the patient’s heart. In the
Cookbook an infusion rate of 140 ig/kg/min is suggested for maximum six minutes. During
stress examinations, monitoring of the patient is mandatory. Among blood pressure, pulse
oximetry and symptoms also the heart rhythm is monitored.
Contrast injection
The best results for contrast uptake curves are obtained when a short compact bolus injection
is used. The Cookbook suggests a Gd-DTPA contrast dosage 0.05 mmol/kg body weight applied
with an injection rate of 4 ml/s. A saline flush of 20 ml with the same injection rate is necessary
to facilitate a compact bolus passage.
2 Injection contrast
3 Breath-hold command
4 End scan
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
C Enhancement myocardium
Fifteen minutes after termination of the adenosine infusion the heart has recovered from the
applied stress. Then the perfusion scan can be repeated during rest.
Example of myocardial perfusion scans at rest and at adenosine stress
The intention of this section is only to give an illustration of how the workflow for viability
examinations using late contrast enhancement looks like in clinical practice. Philips Healthcare
cannot take liability for dose regimen, infusion schemes etc.
Prior to performing the viability scan, it is necessary to wait until the contrast agent has cleared
from the (non-damaged) myocardium. This usually takes 10 minutes. During this time any kind
of other scans can be performed, such as series of cine scans. 10 minutes after the (last)
contrast injection the late enhancement scans can be performed.
The PSIR (“AutoViability”) IR-TFE sequence can be used for late enhancement assessment. The
advantage of this technique is that it is less sensitive to suboptimal inversion delays.
Related parameters
• TFE prepulse (no, saturate, invert)
• PSIR (no, yes)
• Flip angle (default: 5o)
The flip angle parameter “Flip angle (deg)” specifies the flip angle of the 2nd TFE shot in the
2nd heart beat, which is typically taken smaller than the flip angle in the 1st heart beat (to
prevent saturation).
2D versus 3D
PSIR can be used for 2D and 3D, but for practical reasons, PSIR is mainly useful for 2D imaging.
This is mainly because of breathhold times.
9.4.5 T1 Mapping
Last Content Modificator: ID: 128990778763
Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): Intended use and Main properties ID: 9007316230811147
Status: NotReleased
T1 mapping is a method that provides T1 maps of the myocardium. It is based on the Modified
Look-Locker Inversion Recovery (MOLLI) technique.
T1 maps are parametric images calculated pixel-wise where the pixel value represents the T1
value per pixel.
• Myocardial tissue.
Diffuse myocardial fibrosis and other remodeling of the extracellular space are common
pathological features of many cardiac diseases. These changes can be measured non-invasively
with MRI through changes in native and enhanced myocardial T1 relaxation times.
More information
• Imaging parameter T1 mapping in Online Help system (F1 key)
• Background information in Online Help system (F1 key)
Patient positioning
► Position the patient on the tabletop with VCG, respiratory belt, cardiac coil, headset, and
nurse call.
► Explain and practice the breathhold procedure with the patient.
The quality of the T1 maps directly depends on the quality of the breathhold.
► Instruct the patient not to touch the VCG module and cables.
► Check the quality of the VCG signal prior to scanning.
Running the native T1 scan
► Select a cardiac ExamCard with native and enhanced T1 mapping imaging protocols,
preferably in more than one imaging plane.
Images are usually acquired in standard cardiac planes.
► Enter the cardiac frequency in the Exam Dashboard.
► Start, and eventually plan and resume the ExamCard.
The survey and the cardiac scans are performed.
► Give breathhold instructions during the native T1 mapping scan.
The quality of the T1 maps directly depends on the quality of the breathhold.
• The breathhold takes around 11 seconds.
Since the number of ECG triggered images must be a whole number, the acquisition and
recovery periods are rounded to the nearest multiple of the RR-period to ensure an
adequate duration and hence the breathhold time is 11 to 12 seconds. The resulting
number of images is different depending on the heart rate of the patient.
• For patients with a heart rate of 60 beats per minute and a RR-interval of 1 second, 8
images are acquired with the native acquisition scheme.
With a higher heart rate, the RR interval is shorter, and more images are acquired
during the breathhold.
Node title (original): contrast agent ID: 9007316231474059
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Possibly false results
To avoid any possible bias in the results, DO NOT use T1 values from the T1 map with
confidence overlay, because the pixels with low confidence are not automatically excluded.
MRI of the coronary arteries, with the advent of the MotionTrak method is now feasible in a
clinical setting.
This chapter will introduce the various aspects needed to perform a successful coronary
examination. Covered here will be the utilization of MR methods, scan parameters, a
recommended clinical scan procedure and angulation techniques.
The most frequently made mistake is to determine the spatial resolution of coronary scan from
the voxel size only (FOV and scan matrix), totally ignoring the influences of respiratory motion
to the resolution. In other words, decreasing the acquisition resolution from 0.7 mm to 0.5 mm
does not improve the resolution if the total amount of respiratory blurring is more then 0.7
mm. Try not to focus too much on the voxel size alone. Focussing on patient comfort is more
important, reducing the risk of patient motion gives much better results!
The best results are achieved when the patient is not moving at all since very small vessels are
to be imaged. The slightest movement of the patient during scanning results in blurred images.
It is therefore important to make sure that the patient lays very comfortable inside the magnet.
Music through the head phones can help to create a more relaxed atmosphere. Explain to the
patient the importance of keeping still during the whole examination.
This procedure describes the targeted approach for the coronary arteries and the whole heart
Multistack survey
• can best be performed in a breath hold (expiration).
This allows for better planning of the navigator beam that is used for respiratory gating and
motion tracking.
Fig. 479: Coronal image that shows the main pulmonary artery: position the stack such that the first slice is located
halfway the pulmonary artery, including as much of the heart as possible.
While this scan is running, the precise trigger delay and shot duration can now be determined
from the previous high temp cine scan:
► Browse through the phases and find out at what moment diastole starts. This should be the
trigger delay for the coronary scan.
► Browse through the phases to find the precise moment that the right coronary artery starts
moving again at early systole. The difference between this moment and the previously
mentioned trigger delay is the acquisition duration. The acquisition duration is displayed on
the info page and can be controlled by changing the TFE factor.
► Alternatively, the TFE shot duration can be set in milliseconds directly on the 'Contrast' tab.
The TFE factor is automatically calculated and displayed on the info page.
Coronary scan
Coronary scan Approach
► Enter the trigger delay as found using the High Temp Cine scan.
► Adjust the TFE factor or the TFE shot duration on the 'Contrast' tab.
When the images of the previous scan (coronary survey) are loaded into the main planning
viewport, three-points-planscan can be used to position the stack of slices such that they cover
the whole right coronary artery at once. To avoid any risk of respiratory ghosting artifacts over
the image select a feet-head fold-over direction.
For the whole heart approach, the examination would be finished by now. For the targeted
approach, another scan for the LCA could be necessary.
Fig. 481: Place the first point at the origin of the RCA, the second point more lateral at the most apical position and
the third point at the most distal, inferior position.
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Left coronary artery (LM, LAD and LCX) scan - for targeted approach
• The left main (LM), left anterior descending (LAD) and the left circumflex (LCX) can be
acquired in a single 3D volume.
• Use three-points-planscan to position the stack.
• Fold-over direction should be set to LR to avoid any risk of respiratory ghosting artifacts.
Fig. 482: Place the first point at the origin of the LM, the second point more distal in the LAD and the third point at
the LCX.
• The coronary scans make use of the 3D-K-space shutter which saves 20% of the scan-time
and increases signal to noise. The technique utilizes a radial profile order, which means that
the outer corners of 3D K-space are not acquired during acquisition resulting in improved
image quality. As a result of this radial profile order, each individual TFE shot starts at the
center of 3D K-space (low-high profile order). Because of this REST and SPAIR or SPIR pulses
become more effective. Therefore it is also allowed to select fold-over suppression with
only 1 NSA (implicit use of REST slabs).
• A SPAIR or SPIR fat suppression pulse is used to enhance the contrast between the
coronary artery and the surrounding epicardial fat.
• A T2Prep pulse is used to further enhance the contrast between the coronary arteries and
the myocardium. The T2Prep pulse is a non-selective pre-pulse that suppresses tissues with
short T2 relaxation’s using a train of refocusing pulses over a short period of time. Both the
number of refocusing pulses (1, 2 or 4) and the period of time (echo time) can be adjusted
In order to eliminate the contribution of fat signal into the navigator beam, a second SPIR pulse
is implemented to suppress the fat in the navigator beam. This results in a steady navigator
signal. The excitation of the navigator is moved close to the acquisition train to ensure a
minimum amount of residual motion. The order of pulses is:
Affix: in fact, not yet done: Scan Methods with the "how" only ID: 9007316222414475
for the Help Status: NotReleased
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den
Property Description
Pulse Sequence SENC (Strain ENCoding) is a technique to image the contracting heart muscle in a
quantitative way.
• The SENC acquisition takes place at the Philips MRI system.
• The acquisition data is intended to be processed with the MyoStrain application by the
company Myocardial Solutions (http://www.myocardialsolutions.com/).
Properties • SENC provides modulus images which are needed to calculate the SENC strain images.
These strain images contain the quantitative information.
• SENC scans also provide SENC anatomy images.
They can be used to check the planning, arrhythmia, motion artifacts, and image
quality in general.
Property Description
Applications • Cardiac imaging: SENC supports strain measurements in the left and right ventricle.
Node title (original): 2 what is SENC (IFU) including intended ID: 9007316222773131
use (if needed for 510k) Status: NotReleased
Affix: IFU and Scan Methods
What is SENC?
SENC (Strain ENCoding) is a technique to image the contracting heart muscle in a quantitative
One SENC scan results in time series of images (typically 20 heart phases) of a single slice,
where the pixel value in each image represents strain (contraction or expansion relative to
some reference point in the cardiac cycle). Strain is a dimension-less number (expressed as a
percentage) and can be directly interpreted as a quantitative measure. Only strain in a direction
perpendicular to the slice orientation is measured. By scanning a few well-defined cardiac
views, enough information can be collected to image strain in all relevant directions covering
the whole heart.
End fragment title: 2 what is SENC (IFU) including intended use (if needed for 510k)
Node title (original): 3 How does SENC work? Scan Methods ID: 9007316223381771
only Status: NotReleased
Affix: Only Scan Methods, NOT in IFU
decoding gradient, much like a kz phase encoding gradient. In order to measure relative
deformation (compression or expansion of the sinusoidal pattern), it is useful to demodulate
not at the exact modulation frequency, but instead at two slightly different frequencies called
the low and high tuning respectively. The combination of the two differently tuned images
allows a calculation of real strain.
The tagging process itself provides a volume selective excitation. Since only tagged tissue is
imaged, this prevents backfolding in spiral imaging and allows to use a small Field of View,
planned closely around the heart.
End fragment title: 3 How does SENC work? Scan Methods only
For more information about SENC, see literature.
End fragment title: 8 References
More information { Heuvel, Martina van den, 5/21/2018 1:55:48 PM: repair links}
• In the Online Help (F1): Enabling SENC
• In the Online Help (F1): Controlling the SENC strain range
End fragment title: 9 more information SENC
SENC provides different image types at different heart phases covering the complete cardiac
Purpose/description Needed to calculate the SENC strain images. Meant to judge image quality of the SENC
They do not provide useful visual scan:
information. • check for SNR (signal-to-noise ratio)
Instead use the SENC anatomy images to • possible patient movements
judge image quality.
Example images
Use SENC in cardiac imaging to evaluate, for example, left ventricular function.
End fragment title: SENC UsE - intro
Patient positioning
► Position the patient on the tabletop with VCG, respiratory belt, cardiac coil, headset, and
nurse call.
► Instruct the patient not to touch the VCG module and cables.
► Check the quality of the VCG signal prior to scanning.
True long axis • FOV centered on the left 1. Cut plane should bisect LV
CINE 2CH ventricle. apex and mitral valve.
True long axis • FOV centered on the left 1. Cut plane to bisect the
CINE 3CH ventricle. apex.
• Bisect the apex in the 2CH 2. Avoid papillary muscle.
view. 3. Cut plane to bisect mitral
• Bisect the LV outflow tract valve.
on the short axis view. 4. Bisect LV outflow tract on
Basal Short Axis.
True long axis • FOV centered on the left 1. Rotate to go through the
CINE 4CH ventricle. apex.
• The slices must bisect the 2. Avoid papillary muscle.
apex in the 2CH and 3CH 3. Cut plane to bisect mitral
views. valve.
4. Place center of the plane
on the most angled portion
of the right ventricular
SENC short axis • Plan on the 3CH view at the 1. All planes should be
basal SAB end-systolic time frame. orthogonal to LV walls.
• Place the slice just below 2. Place slice just below open
the plane of the valves. leaflets of valves.
• Check the slice orientation
on 2CH, 3CH and 4CH views.
Check that the plane is
orthogonal to all walls in
the long-axis views (2CH,
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3CH, 4CH).
SENC short axis • Use the same geometry 1. All planes should be
mid SAM name as for the SAB scan. orthogonal to LV walls.
• Change the geometry name 2. Move plane towards apex.
to SAM. This action takes
over the slice position of
the SAB scan.
• Plan on the 3CH view at the
end-systolic time frame.
• Adjust the plane mid-
distance to the apex.
• Ensure the plane is
orthogonal to walls in the
long axis views (2CH, 3CH,
• Capture the cardiac cycle.
SENC short axis • Use the same geometry 1. All planes should be
Status: NotReleased
BOLD imaging • Helps identifying active regions of the brain relying on local metabolic and
hemodynamic changes which occur in activated cortical brain.
Contrast mechanisms • BOLD (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent): During brain activation (increase of
metabolism), the oxygen consumption of local tissue increases by approximately
• Vasodilatation: Vasodilatation occurs resulting in a local increase of blood volume
and flow by 20% to 40%.
The above hemodynamic response to brain activation leads to an increased local
oxygen level resulting in a signal increase in T2*W sequences.
Properties • The BOLD contrast mechanism will benefit from high field strengths.
• Signal changes are typically in the order of 1% to 4%.
Quality improvements
To improve the quality of BOLD MRI, use EPIC Brain:
• EPIC Brain allows you to enable EPI geometry correction in the brain in dynamic FFE- and
SE-EPI scans, and in BOLD scans.
– Application Brain only: especially DWI, DTI and BOLD imaging.
– To enable EPIC Brain, set the parameter EPI Geometry Correction to yes.
More information in the Online Help (F1): Enabling EPIC Brain
End fragment title: Quality improvements (similar fragment in Diffusion imaging)
ISO/IEC: 24259
Misinterpretation of the results of the IViewBold technique is possible due to several causes
on the system for which operator attention and training is required.
Overlaying the resulting parameter maps from the BOLD analysis on anatomical images, is
very helpful in finding the anatomical location of specific areas in the parameter maps.
However the anatomical location of these areas should be verified using the source images
Attention is needed for operator instructions displayed on the viewing screen.
For the interpretation of the displayed correlation values and its threshold, the user is
referred to the literature. Interpretation is the sole responsibility of the interpretor.
Correlation of the functional images and their underlying anatomical images may be
influenced by patient motion and therefore depends on the accuracy of fixation of the
patient. The operator is responsible for the correspondence between the programmed
paradigm and the actually applied paradigm.
9.6 MR Spectroscopy
Affix: IFU - NOT for Ingenia in China: comp MRS ID: 9007316238632587
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den Status: NotReleased
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) works on the same basic principles as MR Imaging
(MRI): the real differences are in the manipulation of the signal during and after acquisition.
Certain atomic nuclei in the human body, such as the protons (of water and other compounds
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with hydrogen atoms), have a net magnetic field as a result of their spinning motion. When
these spinning nuclear magnets are placed in an external magnetic field the rotation is changed
into a precession around the external magnetic field.
For more information about MR Spectroscopy, press F1 to open the Online Help and browse to
Scan Methods and more/MR Spectroscopy.
MR spectroscopy can be used in all anatomical regions. It is a non-invasive study that can
provide information on chemical composition and metabolism of an area of interest, that might
be useful for diagnostic purposes. Literature discusses the predictive value of MR spectroscopy
in the course of some diseases.
All Ingenia coils available can be used for MR spectroscopy.
End fragment title: 0 coils on Ingenia for MRS
• About Planning Offcenters and Angulations:
– It is not recommended to use the same geometry name for SV and CSI-scans, because
some VOI offc/ang-parameters in a CSI scan are coupled to the stack offc/ang-
– For CSI, in-plane VOI off-centers and VOI-slice angulation can be planned independently
of the stack if VOI alignment is disabled. All other offcenters and angulations of the VOI
are equal to the stack parameters.
• About Propagate Coverage:
– VOI sizes can be shared between scans with the same geometry name if Propagate
coverage is enabled.
There is one exception: the VOI thickness is not propagated to a 2D-CSI scan, as the VOI
– If the user starts planning a spectro scan with a geometry name for the first time (so the
named geometry does not yet contain a planned VOI), then at the start of planning the
VOI offcenters and angulations of the latest planned VOI are copied to this scan. This
latest planned VOI is stored in the so called ’hold geometry’.
End fragment title: 1 Planning
Processing in SpectroView
You process the spectroscopic data (spectra, images) in SpectroView. For more information,
see .
End fragment title: 2 processing SpectroView
Phantom scanning can be useful for testing or training purposes and it can be used as a
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Water-suppressed spectrum of
phantom sphere A.
The ethanol CH2 signal is a J-coupled signal, with a J-coupling constant very similar to that of
lactate (~ 7Hz). The peaks will have positive sign at very short TE and at TE = 288 ms, but will be
inverted at the echo time of 144 ms, which was used in this figure.
Preset procedures for spectroscopy are present in the Philips database. They are grouped
together in spectro folders per anatomy. Subfolders can be present in the spectro folder for
SV Single Voxel
MS Multislice Brain
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 36028882858111755
Status: Released
Proton spectroscopy in the brain is currently the most common spectroscopy application. It
might be used to aid in evaluation of e.g. tumors, abcesses, white matter diseases (like
Alzheimer), temporal epilepsia etc.
More specific, spectroscopy may help in the evaluation of
• Tumor grading / assessment
• Typing (benign / malignant / recurrent / necrosis)
• Assessment of response to therapy
Spectroscopy findings in tumor analysis might show:
Metabolite Related to
Coil choice
All coil solutions available can be used to perform spectroscopy.
A dedicated head coil is preferred for brain spectroscopy for optimal signal-to-noise ratio,
shortest possible echo times and least chemical shift displacement in volume selection at high
field strengths.
Scan mode
Both, Single Voxel Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging are widely used in brain
Single Voxel Spectroscopy (SVS) Spectroscopic Imaging
Disadvantages • Only one spectrum from a block-shaped A relatively long scan time is required for
volume is acquired: generally lower SNR per spectrum.
– no spatial information is available. Note that scan time reduction can be
– partial volume effects can occur. achieved by using TSI and/or SENSE, at the
cost of spectral resolution and/or signal to
1. Acquire anatomical images in at least two orthogonal directions with an intersection to the
area of interest.
2. Select procedure for SVS.
3. Graphically resize and position the VOI in planscan.
4. Start scan.
5. Open monitoring window to view the results in real-time.
6. When reconstruction is complete, open the series in SpectroView. Do any of the following:
• Double-click on the scan in the planning list.
• Drag and drop the scan from the planning list into the viewing window.
1. Acquire anatomical images in the imaging plane required for CSI with an intersection to the
area of interest.
• Position center slice of the stack in the required position of the CSI-scan: the geometry
used for this scan can be used to plan the CSI-scan
2. Select preset procedure for CSI.
3. Select geometry of the required anatomical, to copy the planning.
4. Change in-plane VOI size and position REST slabs.
5. Start scan.
6. When reconstruction is complete, open the series in SpectroView. Do any of the following:
• Double-click on the scan in the planning list.
• Drag and drop the scan from the planning list into the viewing window.
7. Run appropriate script for processing.
8. Create DICOM screen capture.
A possible workflow is to acquire a set of fast spectroscopic images, that serve as a kind of
metabolic screening. One or more high-resolution single voxel scans are planned on these
metabolite maps.
The FOV and scan matrix define the spatial resolution of the resultant spectroscopic image,
while the VOI size (and the REST slabs surrounding the VOI) define the signal generating area.
For the acquisition of short TE spectra, STEAM, PRESS, and sLASER can be used as a volume
selection method.
Node title (original): intro new ID: 119959974539
Status: Released
When you use volume selection, the localized volume for one metabolite is displaced relative to
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that for a different metabolite with a different chemical shift. The relative size of the spatial
displacement is greater at higher field strengths, because chemical shift differences in Hz scale
with the main magnetic field.
In chemical shift imaging (CSI), the displacement of localization volumes may give rise to
artifacts. Distorted relative intensities and incorrect peak area ratios may occur in spectra from
voxels at the edges of the region of interest, where the volumes do not overlap.
• To determine which voxels lie in the overlap region for two metabolites of interest, use the
PlanScan Metabolite and Shifted Metabolite boxes displayed during scan set-up.
• To reduce chemical shift displacement, choose higher bandwidth RF pulses (sharp).
• To eliminate in-plane chemical shift displacement in 2D-CSI, use spin-echo slice localization
(plus multiple REST slabs if necessary) instead of full volume localization.
End fragment title: intro new
The shortest possible TE is limited by the fact that three RF pulses and slice selection gradients
must be applied for full volume selection. Depending on (amongst others) the system's field
strength and the used B1-transmit field, the shortest possible TE in a PRESS sequence is ~ 22
sLASER is a variation of the PRESS technique.
Node title (original): Ingenia related information about ID: 27021684328606731
minimum TE sLASER Status: Released
For the dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil, the minimum TE is around 30 ms.
End fragment title: Ingenia related information about minimum TE sLASER
As in PRESS, also three RF pulses and slice selection gradients are applied. However, as the
magnetization is flipped back in the longitudinal plane between the second and third RF pulse,
the effective TE is much shorter with an approximate value of 7 ms.
STEAM has a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio. However, shorter TE on the other hand results
in increased signal-to-noise ratio again, and extra signals of tissues with short T2 relaxation
Note that, with shorter TE, water suppression might be less optimal: At longer TE, residual
water signal is reduced due to T2-decay, that is relatively fast for water in comparison to the T2-
decay of brain metabolites.
Node title (original): comparison VOI methods brain ID: 18014485074233355
Affix: non-US PR MR00215602 Status: Released
SV sLASER TE 35 ms
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
More information
• In the Online Help (F1): Imaging parameter VOI selection method
• In the Online Help (F1): Overview of volume selection techniques in Scan Methods -> MRS -
> Volume selection methods
The VOI selected is the signal generating area and should include only tissue of interest (no air-
tissue interfaces, no fat from surrounding skull.) Outer volume suppression is optimal, as no
signal is selected.
The drawback of full volume selection is that the size of the VOI in general is limited, as it is a
box-shaped volume that doesn't correspond well with the shape of the brain. If combined with
circular REST, then the VOI may be larger.
Planscan example full volume
Slice selection
Slice selection can be performed instead of full volume selection (as in MR imaging).
It cannot be combined with STEAM.
The VOI in planscan determines the shim volume, but everything within the selected slice will
generate signal.
To avoid fold-over, it is important that the slice FOV is large enough: all signal generating areas
must be included in the selected FOV.
With SE technique, REST slabs are to be used for outer volume suppression. Use of circular REST
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is optimized for brain spectroscopic imaging, as the REST slabs nicely define a circular-shaped
volume, that corresponds with the shape of the brain.
Planscan example with circular
REST. Choice of TE
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 119998113163
Status: Released
Effects of TE on J-coupling
The spin coupling patterns of proton spins can cause phase twists and inversion of peaks (or
groups of peaks). A clear example is the CH3-group of lactate, which gives rise to a doublet at
~1.3 ppm.
The scalar coupling gives rise to a phase evolution of the methyl doublet, which is in-phase
every 144 ms (= 1/J = 1/7 s). For TE = 144 ms the resonance shows a phase of 180° leading to a
negative in-phase doublet, whereas an echo time of 288 ms gives rise to a positive in-phase
doublet. Since only in-phase resonances can be quantified, the signal of lactate is best detected
at TE = 144 ms or TE = 288 ms.
At TE = 1/J, the phase of the lactate doublet is opposed to the phase of the other metabolites.
Evolution of lactate signal.
The real signal aspect of a spectrum must be measured to observe the negative phase of the
lactate peak.
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Very short TE may be used to get the lactate peak nearly in phase, but the lactate signal will
often be difficult to quantify because of the underlying lipid resonances.
Node title (original): 3.0T ID: 27021683604712459
Status: Released
However, the bandwidth of the selection pulses at 3.0T is smaller, and the CH-lactate signal at
~4.1 ppm is not included in the excitation over the entire VOI. If the CH-group does not feel the
inversion pulse, J-coupling with the CH3-group and phase evolution of the CH3-doublet will not
occur. Therefore, the resultant signal of lactate at TE = 144 ms is (partly) cancelled out:
Bandwidth at 1.5T (above, A: TE
= 144 ms, negative doublet) and
3.0T (below, B: TE = 144 ms,
positive doublet) and its
This drawing shows the displacement due to the two refocusing pulses in the sequence. (There
is also a smaller displacement perpendicular to the page associated with the excitation pulse,
but it doesn't give rise to signal cancellation.) BW is the refocusing pulse bandwidth (specifically
the FWHM) in Hz, and S is the chemical shift difference between the CH and CH3 protons in Hz.
S increases linearly with field strength, and BW generally reduces with increasing field strength.
The crux of the problem is that the evolution of the CH3 spins depends on the pulses
experienced by the CH spins to which they are J-coupled. Yablonskiy et al. (Magn. Reson. Med.
39, 169-178, 1998) have described this dependence in terms of a very simple four-
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The spectral resolution (Δν) is expressed as the smallest frequency difference that can be
separated in the resulting spectrum, and is determined by the received bandwidth and the
number of samples.
In practice, the spectral resolution in Hz must be at least twice as high as the chemical shift to
be detected, to clearly resolve the two peaks.
In brain, choline (~3.2ppm) and creatine (~3.0ppm) are two of the main metabolites of interest.
The chemical shift of these metabolites is very small (0.158 ppm, from "proton NMR chemical
shifts and coupling constants for brain metabolites", by Govindaraju et al. NMR Biomed. 2000;
13: 129-153) and high spectral resolution is required to resolve the two peaks.
On 1.5T, a ppm value of 0.158 ppm corresponds to 10 Hz.
To accurately separate choline and creatine, a spectral resolution of < 5Hz is required. To obtain
this, the Tacq must be > 200 ms (number of samples / BW < 0.2).
The selected bandwidth must be large enough to include all frequencies present in the
spectrum of interest to avoid fold-over.
Shimming is required for each spectroscopy scan. The shim methods available are described in
more detail in the chapter on ’Preparation phases’.
Single voxel
Small volumes in non-moving tissue are usually relatively easy to shim. Both PB-shim and
iterative VOI can be used and the results for both techniques will be equally good. Advantage of
PB-shim is the reduced preparation time with respect to iterative VOI.
Note that if the shim volume is located close to air-tissue interfaces, PB-shim might be less
effective and Iterative VOI could be used instead.
The effectiveness of PB-shim tends to increase with increasing VOI size and it is the method of
choice for the larger volumes which are used in 2DSI. As field homogeneity varies more over
larger volumes, the use of higher order shimming (3.0T only) is recommended.
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The available water suppression methods are listed in the table below.
Water suppression method Characteristics
More information
• In the Online Help (F1): Imaging parameter Water suppression
• In the Online Help (F1): Overview of water suppression techniques in Scan Methods -> MRS
-> Preparation phases
Multislice is especially beneficial for those volumes that have large dimensions in-plane and
relatively small dimension through-plane which is mainly the case in brain spectroscopic
3D spectroscopic imaging
This technique can be selected to cover a larger volume. Phase encodings are performed in 3
dimensions for spatial resolution. Scan time increases linearly for each slice added to the
sequence. 3D also provides a higher SNR.
3D is mainly beneficial for those volumes that have comparable dimensions in all directions.
Spectroscopic imaging scans have long scan times, as spatial encoding is performed with phase
encodings only.
Fast imaging mode can be used to reduce scan time, where the selected TSI factor is the scan
time acceleration factor.
The readout time of the signal is restricted by the echo spacing selected.
Spectral resolution • higher due to long Tacq • lower due to limited Tacq
Half echo • possible due to long Tacq • impossible due to limited Tacq
Fast imaging mode is best used for long-T2-metabolites, and therefore very useful for brain
spectroscopic imaging.
More information
• More information on Spatial Localization can be found in the Help.
SENSE can be used to reduce scan time. As phase encodings are performed in two dimensions
in spectroscopy, SENSE reduction factors can be applied in two directions simultaneously. Note
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that the information from a reference scan is required to perform SENSE. As spectroscopy in
general is part of a comprehensive brain examination, the refscan data from the examination is
valid for spectroscopy as well.
For brain spectroscopy in general the SENSE Head Coil will be used. SENSE in this coil is allowed
in the AP- and RL-direction. This is optimal for transverse slices.
Philips Hippocampus
Scan mode
Both Single Voxel Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging can be performed in the
Spectroscopic imaging
Spectroscopic Imaging will generate spatial information and allows for inclusion of both
hippocampi in one measurement. It is however more difficult to perform the planning, as air-
tissue interfaces can not be excluded always, and pulsatile flow of the large arteries, crossing
the CSI-slice, might generate some artifacts.
Planning of the spectroscopy volume is critical in the hippocampal region and determines the
outcome of the resultant spectra to a great extent.
Single Voxel
1. Acquire anatomical images parallel and orthogonal to the hippocampus.
2. Avoid positioning the VOI close to air-tissue boundaries as much as possible (1mm of
distance can make all the difference!).
3. Select "shifted metabolite displayed" in post-proc to display the selected volumes of the
other metabolites, to check if these volumes are not including air-tissue interfaces.
4. If required, change the chemical shift direction (geometry) to manipulate the position of
the shifted VOI.
5. Use RF transition pulse "sharp" for improved voxel definition.
Note that "sharp" increases the shortest possible TE. For long TE spectra, the TE is not
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
6. Use volume selection method sLASER to reduce chemical shift displacement at 3T.
7. REST slabs can be used to cover areas of susceptibility.
2D Spectroscopic Imaging
1. Acquire anatomical images in the imaging plane required for CSI with an intersection to the
area of interest.
2. Avoid positioning the VOI close to air-tissue boundaries as much as possible (1mm of
distance can make all the difference!).
3. Use full volume selection, not SE-slice.
4. Select "shifted metabolite displayed" in post-proc to display the selected volumes of the
other metabolites, to check if these volumes are not including air-tissue interfaces.
5. If required, change the chemical shift direction (geometry) to manipulate the position of
the shifted VOI.
6. Use RF transition pulse "sharp" for improved voxel definition.
Note that "sharp" increases the shortest possible TE. For long TE spectra, the TE is not
7. Use volume selection method sLASER to reduce chemical shift displacement at 3T.
8. Circular REST slabs with a high REST angulation can be used to cover areas of susceptibility
(skull base).
Philips Shimming
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 85837104651
Status: Released
The standard preset procedures are optimized to generate good results. However, in
spectroscopy, large differences over the patient population exist and shim results can greatly
vary over patients (e.g. due to the larger size of the maxillary sinus).
Iterative VOI
Iterative VOI might be the method of choice as it is less sensitive to susceptibility changes than
PB-shim. The shim results can be examined already during preparation, by popping-up the
monitoring window ("windows"-key, click monitoring in taskbar).
If shimming is completed, the FWHM of the water peak is displayed. If this value is larger than
usual, the water suppression window should be widened, to obtain full water suppression of
the entire water peak.
The position of the metabolites of interest should be taken into account: the signal of choline,
at a distance of ~1.4 ppm on the right of water, should NOT be hit by the water suppression
Inspect monitoring during iterative VOI shimming to judge the water peak’s width. Prostate
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 27021683605038219
Status: Released
Regular MR imaging is well used for prostate imaging. It is known however, that differentiation
between benign hyperplasia and malignant carcinoma is not always easy. Additionally, normal
appearing prostate MRI doesn't always exclude presence of cancer.
MR spectroscopy is considered a helpful tool as a non-invasive monitoring of metabolite
changes that might precede anatomical changes in pathological processes.
The main metabolite of interest in prostate spectroscopy is citrate (~2.6 ppm), that is the most
dominant signal in normal prostate tissue. Changes in citrate level and, additionally, in choline
levels, are said to be indicators of pathological changes:
Patient preparation
The prostate is a relatively small structure, and its position in the abdomen can slightly vary due
to bowel motion, bladder filling etc.
If the position of the prostate changes during the spectroscopy scan, partial volume effects
occur, and the resultant spectra will not be optimal.
It is therefore important to prepare the patient:
• Make sure patient has empty bladder
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Coil choice
Node title (original): Coil choice Prostate ID: 9007288869528971
Affix: Ingenia Ambition Elition CX(Optimus) MR7700 Status: Released
Since all Ingenia coils can be used for MR spectroscopy, coil selection will depend on the
imaging coil used, as it is most convenient to use the same coil for both imaging and
spectroscopy. For prostate examinations, the dS Torso coil solution is applicable
End fragment title: Coil choice Prostate
Since all coils can be used for MR spectroscopy, coil selection will depend on the imaging coil
used, as it is most convenient to use the same coil for both imaging and spectroscopy.
End fragment title: Coil choice Prostate
• Small volume, thin slice for good spatial resolution
• FOV not large enough to prevent fold-over: full PRESS volume selection
• Large number of phase encodings required for optimal point spread function: lots of
"empty" voxels outside the selected (PRESS) volume.
Multislice should not be used as a full PRESS volume selection is required.
• block-shaped volume can best be adapted to the size / shape of the prostate.
• Number of phase encoding steps in-plane reduced, and increased in slice direction: total
number of steps sufficient for good voxel delineation.
Once planning of 2DSI / 3DSI is finished, one can acquire a quick SVS with equal volume
positioning to make sure that spectrum quality is edequate before spending long scan times on
Volume positioning in prostate spectroscopy is critical, and should be performed very carefully:
• Include only prostate tissue in the VOI for optimal shimming (surrounding fat causes
susceptibility changes).
– Optimal shimming is required to separate choline, creatine (and spermine), and to
separate J-coupling of citrate.
If fat tissue is completely excluded from the VOI, fat suppression is not required.
• Use anatomical (T2) image with fat suppression in at least one plane: the (high signal of)
prostate gland is nicely separated from the suppressed fat.
• REST can be used
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12 Choice of TE
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom ID: 9007285096144395
Status: Released
The echo time chosen determines the appearance of the spectrum and mainly is of influence on
the appearance of J-coupled systems. Citrate is a strongly coupled system, splitting into a
quartet. The appearance of the citrate peak rapidly changes with varying echo times, and its
behaviour is field strength dependent.
Reference article for 3T:"optimizing PRESS localized citrate detection at 3T", from A.
Trabesinger et al, MRM 54:51-58 (2005)
Optimal TE
Citrate has a positive sign.
• for 1.5T: 120 ms - 130 ms.
• for 3.0T: 132 ms
All available suppression techniques can be used for water and fat suppression. This section
describes the most commonly used techniques for prostate spectroscopy.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fat suppression is required for prostate spectroscopy if the volume is larger than the prostate
gland. This is usually the case in CSI.
• The SPAIR offset determines the transition between non-suppressed and suppressed tissue,
and should be chosen such that the adjacent metabolites of interest are not suppressed.
The closest metabolite of interest is citrate, at ~2.6 ppm. Suppression can safely be
performed up to ~2.0 ppm, leading to a frequency offset of +/- 0.7 ppm.
BASING pulse
Water suppression can be performed using either a water suppression prepulse, like excitation,
or using the BASING pulse, or using a combination of both techniques.
If SPAIR and WS excitation are combined, the water suppression prepulses are the first pulses
of the sequence. WS excitation angle is such that both water and fat signals will be nulled at the
start of the excitation.
Philips Breast
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 85837258891
Status: Released
Breast spectroscopy is regularly performed, mainly to measure choline levels (and choline/fat
or choline/creatine ratios) in the volume of interest.
Coil choice
Since all breast coils can be used for MR spectroscopy, coil selection will depend on the imaging
coil used, as it is most convenient to use the same coil for both imaging and spectroscopy.
Single Voxel Spectroscopy is most commonly performed. Two approaches for SVS planning are
described below.
First approach
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Plan the volume size such that only lesion is included, leading to no partial volume effects with
fatty tissue, but also leading to a (slight) underestimation of the metabolite levels, as the lesion
is not completely included.
• As surrounding fatty tissue is not included in the VOI, fat suppression might not be required.
This allows for detection of free lipids.
• Shimming is easy, no susceptibility changes in the VOI.
Second approach
Plan the volume size such that the complete lesion is included, including some of the
surrounding fat tissue. Better estimation of metabolite levels in the lesion. Fat suppression
should be applied to suppress fat tissue.
Fig. 488: SVS in breast tumor: TR 1500 ms, TE 270 ms. Elevated choline level.
All available suppression techniques can be used for water and fat suppression. For more
information refer to the section on prostate.
Multiple suppression techniques can be combined to suppress a specific tissue’s signal.
Use SPAIR and BASING pulse for fat suppression. Choice of TE
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 85837737355
Status: Released Liver
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 18014484347372043
Status: Released
The main application of liver spectroscopy is measuring water/fat ratios to detect fatty liver.
Additionally, evaluation of lesions can be performed. In this case, choline and creatine are the
main metabolites of interest.
Coil choice
Node title (original): Coil choice liver ID: 9007288869719307
Affix: Ingenia Ambition Elition CX(Optimus) MR7700 Status: Released
Since all Ingenia coils can be used for MR spectroscopy, coil selection will depend on the
imaging coil used, as it is most convenient to use the same coil for both imaging and
spectroscopy. For liver examinations, the dS Torso coil solution is applicable.
End fragment title: Coil choice liver
Since all coils can be used for MR spectroscopy, coil selection will depend on the imaging coil
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
used, as it is most convenient to use the same coil for both imaging and spectroscopy.
End fragment title: Coil choice liver
Single Voxel Spectroscopy is most commonly performed. Two approaches for SVS planning are
described below.
Lesion evaluation
• Adapt the VOI size to the lesion.
• Avoid partial volume effects with surrounding liver tissue.
All available water and fat suppression techniques can be applied for liver spectroscopy as well.
In examination of fatty liver, however, suppression is not used as the main metabolites of
interest are water and fat. Concentrations of water and fat are high, and the number of
measurements to obtain good signal-to-noise ratio is relatively low.
For more information refer to the corresponding section on prostate. Choice of TE
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 85838361227
Status: Released
A short TE should be used as fat has a relatively short T2 relaxation time. At long TE, the fat
signal has decayed to a greater extent as the signal of water, leading to incorrect ratio values.
The recommendations for the TE are:
• Use a short TE to measure choline/creatine, creatine/fat or choline/fat ratios.
Note that STEAM could be used to achieve shortest possible TE.
Free breathing experiments are mainly performed. As liver tissue moves in and out of the
selected volume, partial volume effects can be present. Depending on the voxel position this
can be more severe. The least motion will occur when the volume is positioned more posterior
or more inferior. Muscle
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007285093418379
Status: Released
Coil choice
Node title (original): Coil choice muscle all systems ID: 89615014411
Status: Released
Since all coils can be used for MR spectroscopy, coil selection will depend on the imaging coil
used, as it is most convenient to use the same coil for both imaging and spectroscopy.
End fragment title: Coil choice muscle all systems Choice of TE
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• A short TE (of approximately 40 ms) is mainly used to reliably detect the fat signal.
• A long TE (of approximately 288 ms) is mainly used to detect creatine and TMA
Fig. 489: Spine muscle spectrum at 3.0T. TR 2000 ms, TE 40 ms. Elevated choline level. The two left images show the VOI, the right image
the zoomed spectrum.
9.6.2 MEGA
Affix: for IFU without: How does MEGA work?, without: ID: 116984026507
gradient diagram and so on Status: Released
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den
Property Description
Pulse Sequence MEGA is a spectral editing and subtraction technique designed for the detection of the
neurotransmitter GABA at 3.0 ppm in the brain.
Applications • Brain
Scan modes • SV
What is MEGA?
MEGA (named after its inventors Mescher and Garwood) is a spectral editing and subtraction
Artifact level
Since MEGA is a subtraction technique, there is always the risk of data corruption by motion
between the acquisition of the ON and the OFF spectrum. It is recommended to set frequency
stabilization equal to VOI to update the b0 at the start of each dynamic to compensate for field
{ Marshall, Tom, 6/11/2018 9:01:10 AM: with link to related artifact chapter in IFU if applicable
AND countermeasure!}
End fragment title: 5 - Behavior - Recommended: artifact level
Data Export
All ON and OFF acquisitions of a MEGA scan are stored and exported separately in the order in
which they are acquired. Data can be exported as DICOM or SDAT/SPAR files.
End fragment title: 7 - Data Export
When loading a MEGA dataset into SpectroView:
• Choose Brain for Anatomy.
• All ON and OFF spectra are separately shown in the order of acquisition.
• Select the GABA script to display the averaged difference spectrum (based on all ON-OFF
spectra of the complete dataset) and showing the fitted GABA signal at 3.0 ppm.
SpectroView is unable to open MEGA data that have been exported to PACS and are re-
imported from PACS.
End fragment title: 8 - SpectroView
More information
• In the Online Help (F1): imaging parameter MEGA ON
• In the Online Help (F1): imaging parameter MEGA OFF
• In the Online Help (F1): imaging parameter Frequency stabilization
• In the Online Help (F1): Scan Methods MEGA with information how MEGA works
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
MR Elastography (MRE) is a software and hardware option intended for use on Philips MRI
Systems for producing images representing tissue stiffness of the abdominal area, such as liver
and muscle. MRE allows for FFE and/or SE-EPI acquisition, depending on the configuration.
MRE relies on a phase-sensitive gradient echo or spin echo acquisition, acquired at multiple
time points for each planned slice. This acquisition is performed while an external device
(Resoundant device) provides vibration at a predetermined frequency.
The Resoundant device is labeled as MR Unsafe. Do not take it into the examination room.
MRE generates FFE or SE-EPI Modulus, and MRE Phase images. MRE Phase images are sensitive
to the external vibration and can be processed to produce images representing tissue stiffness,
called MRE Stiffness images.
MRE Stiffness images, when interpreted by a trained physician, provide additional information
No MRE is disabled
{ Geenen, Hubert, 5/25/2018 12:29:18 PM: HG: Coverted to international: MR00209929 Enable
SyntAc/MDME for US market based on clearance of K173451 }
SyntAc is a dynamic fast imaging method which produces multi-contrast data that is intended
to be processed with the SyMRI processing application by SyntheticMR AB, Sweden:
Acquired images:
• 4 dynamics
• 2 echoes
Adjusting contrast:
1. adjusting TE
2. adjusting TR
3. adjusting TI
More information
• In the Online Help/Scan Methods: How does SyntAc work?
• In the Online Help/Parameters: How to enable SyntAc? (MDME imaging parameter)
9.8.2 3D APT
Last Content Modificator: ID: 129099905547
Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): 1 overview table (IFU) - non-China (Rest of ID: 129085610635
World except for China) Status: NotReleased
Property Description
Pulse Sequence 3D APT (in the following referred to as APT) is an amide proton saturation technique which
uses a multi-point mDIXON 3D-TSE sequence to produce an APT weighted (APTW) image
• APT scans provide S0 images as anatomical reference and for quality control.
Contrast is • Amount of proteins and peptides that are rich in amide groups, in imaging area
determined by
Scan modes • 3D
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/16/2021 9:03:45 AM: Difference between China- and non-China
version: APPLICATION (for NMPA, C-FDA). Slight changes in both China and international
version in Properties with respect to S0 images. Added explanation of S0 images being labeled
M, see in PROPERTIES, and made it a bulleted list.}
Property Description
Pulse Sequence 3D APT (in the following referred to as APT) is an amide proton saturation technique which
uses a multi-point mDIXON 3D-TSE sequence to produce an APT weighted (APTW) image
Contrast is • Amount of proteins and peptides that are rich in amide groups, in imaging area
determined by
Scan modes • 3D
What is APT?
APT imaging is based on a saturation transfer technique. The scan is designed to show higher
APT contrast in areas where there is increase in amide proton concentration, and thereby
protein density.
End fragment title: 2 what is APT (IFU)
Node title (original): 3 how does APT work (only for scan ID: 129085795851
methods at the end!) Status: NotReleased
End fragment title: 3 how does APT work (only for scan methods at the end!)
Kyushu University
Hospital; Fukuoka,
S0 images
S0 images are 3D-TSE images obtained by detuning the saturation pulses. They are used as
reference in the calculation of MTR asymmetry.
S0 images:
More information
• In the Online Help (F1): Enabling APT
• In the Online Help (F1): Controlling the amount of APT
End fragment title: more information APT
Use APT in brain imaging to differentiate tissues based on contrast reflecting the amount of
proteins and peptides that are rich in amide groups.
Node title (original): 1 positioning ID: 129086245259
Status: NotReleased
► Position the patient on the tabletop with their head in the head coil.
► Place wedges on both sides of the head for immobilization.
► Close the coil and move the patient to the isocenter.
End fragment title: 1 positioning
Philips imaging protocols utilizing APT are delivered with the MR system. These protocols use
a maximum SENSE factor of 1.6. It is recommended to use the default Philips protocol without
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Always perform APT as pre-contrast scan.
Contrast agent spoils the effects of APT.
It is recommended to leave these parameters unchanged.
Or use the left-right arrow keys.
By default, the color scale of APT maps and S0 images is set to -5 % to +5 %.
You are allowed to adjust window width and window level.
• However, windowing changes the color scale and the color scale values (from -5% to +5%
to other values).
• Whenever the color scale is unequal to -5% to + 5%, be careful in drawing diagnostic
► To obtain results from ROIs, select Freehand Contour from the ROI drop-down menu.
• To draw the freehand contour, click an image and drag.
• To finish the contour, release the mouse button.
⇨ The start and end points of the contour are connected by a straight line.
⇨ The measurement results are displayed:
Ar (mm2) = Area
Av = Average value
SD = Standard Deviation
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): CS SENSE & SmartSpeed (Ingenia, and all ID: 130450441739
70cm bore systems) Status: NotReleased
This section provides information about Compressed SENSE (CS-SENSE) and AI Compressed
End fragment title: CS SENSE & SmartSpeed (Ingenia, and all 70cm bore systems)
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/22/2021 11:34:29 AM: no fragment needed for 60 cm bore
systems, the table in Functional Description in combination with the correct title is sufficient}
Node title (original): 1a Table for 60cm-bore systems, and CDAS ID: 130274790795
Status: NotReleased
Property Description
Pulse Sequence • Compressed SENSE is an acceleration technique that is less sensitive to noise
breakthrough than SENSE at high reduction factors. It allows to increase resolution
and/or coverage without a scan time penalty.
Properties • Compared to similar scans with (dS-)SENSE, but without Compressed SENSE:
– Shorter scan times, or
– Higher signal-to-noise ratio, or
– Higher spatial resolution or larger coverage.
• To be used with all SENSE compatible coil solutions.
• Can be used in Turbo Field Echo, Fast Field Echo, Turbo Spin Echo and Spin Echo.
Limitations • Cannot be used in EPI scans and Multislice-TSE when Partial NSA is used.
• Cannot be used in non-cartesian scans such as MultiVane.
• Cannot be used with OMAR when set to SEMAC+VAT.
• Cannot be used in MR Spectroscopy.
Contrast is • Contrast parameters of the imaging sequence being combined with Compressed
determined by SENSE.
Node title (original): 1b Ingenia CDAS and DDAS systems ID: 130275015947
Status: NotReleased
Property Description
Pulse Sequence • Compressed SENSE is an acceleration technique that is less sensitive to noise
breakthrough than SENSE at high reduction factors. It allows to increase resolution
and/or coverage without a scan time penalty.
Property Description
Contrast is • Contrast parameters of the imaging sequence being combined with Compressed
determined by SENSE.
More information
• In the Online Help (F1): Enabling Compressed SENSE
The Acceleration parameter on the Geometry tab allows you to select CS-SENSE or AI CS-
• In the Online Help (F1): Controlling Compressed SENSE with the imaging parameter
reduction factor
• In the Instructions for Use: Flame artifact and how to overcome?
End fragment title: more information Compressed SENSE
k-space and corresponding k-space and corresponding k-space and corresponding k-space and corresponding
image: image: image: image:
1. Incoherently undersampled k-space This is repeated iteratively till convergence is reached and the
2. Fourier transform (k-space to image) using coil-sensitivity resulting image is free of aliasing artifacts.
data and regularization information
3. Reconstructed image (corresponding to incoherently
undersampled k-space)
4. Wavelet transform (image to sparsity)
5. Corresponding sparsity presentation
6. Denoising
7. Denoised sparsity presentation
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
3. Horizontal details image for the original image scale (low-high LH filter).
4. Diagonal details image for the original detail scale (high-high HH filter).
The low resolution image (LL) is split further into its own average, horizontal, vertical and
diagonal coefficients. As such the image information is split into details and contrast
information at multiple scales. This is a multi-resolution analysis.
Most of the high-value “pixels” (correctly wavelet coefficients) in this wavelet space diagram
are in the top left, and a lot of the diagram is dark. The representation is sparse. The wavelet
space diagram has the same number of values as the image, but the information is contained in
fewer values.
Scaled signal intensity (Int) versus pixel count (Px)
Since the distributed aliasing (as a result of random k-space undersampling) is noise-like in this
domain, it can be removed by using a threshold. With such a threshold, some values are
dropped and, along with them, the low-intensity artifact from the random undersampling,
without losing much image information.
If the threshold is too low, aliasing is not completely removed. If the threshold is too high,
signal from the object could be suppressed. In both cases, artifacts could occur in the resulting
images. The threshold is automatically derived and optimized depending on each individual
End fragment title: 4 how does method work?
End fragment title: Cardiac BB - different acceleration factors (and different resolution)
Node title (original): Brain Hippocampus - AI to speed up, or for ID: 129275706635
better resolution Status: NotReleased
Hippocampus T1W IR
Different use cases of AI CS-SENSE: either to speed up a scan protocol, or to achieve a higher
End fragment title: Brain Hippocampus - AI to speed up, or for better resolution
Gaining confidence
When you get started with Compressed SENSE, perform the same scans in different clinical
areas with and without Compressed SENSE, and with and without Compressed SENSE AI.
Compare the results and decide how to proceed.
For information about possible artifacts and how to deal with them, see Artifacts in the
Troubleshooting chapter.
Philips imaging protocols utilizing Compressed SENSE are delivered with the MR system. It is
recommended to use these protocols and use them as a starting point for own hospital-
specific protocols.
► Start the ExamCard.
► Plan the ExamCard items on the images.
► Run the ExamCard.
► Review the images in the Review tab.
⇨ Compressed SENSE scans provide the same images and image types as scans without
Compressed SENSE.
End fragment title: 1 scanning and viewing
Application: high resolution DWI and DTI images in brain, spine Application: high-resolution cardiac imaging.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
and prostate. To acquire 2D, M2D (or 3D) Single Shot or MultiShot TSE or GraSE
To acquire single-shot and multi-shot SE-EPI high-resolution DWI or images with small FOV in fold-over direction.
-DTI images with small FOVs and limited distortion. Zoom enables a shorter (single) shot, and/or shorter scan time.
Zoom imaging reduces distortion artifacts.
More information
With zoom imaging in MS SE-EPI diffusion imaging, scanning of at least 2 packages is
Black blood imaging is a method where the signal of flowing blood is suppressed.
Most black blood methods rely on intrinsic flow phenomena.
On your MR system, two additional black blood methods are available:
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/3/2021 1:33:33 PM: Applications fragment here is still reuse from
old folder (Tiger3), because the Tiger3 fragment is also reused in the Help (twice with BB
When the fragment here is converted to copy, also the fragments in the Help can be changed.}
1. Double Inversion Recovery,
2. MSDE (Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium).
Node title (original): applications BB ID: 54223308555
Status: Released
• Brain,
• Nerve imaging in brachial and lumbar plexus,
• Liver (flow ghost suppression of aorta).
End fragment title: applications BB
More information
For more information about these methods, see the parameter help texts. MSDE
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 129122529803
Status: NotReleased
MSDE stands for Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium and is a black blood method.
It applies a magnetization preparation sequence that causes moving spins to dephase, and
thereby suppresses signal from blood vessels with sufficient flow. This is achieved by additional
flow crushing gradients.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
You can use MSDE in 2D-, M2D- and 3D-TSE and -TFE sequences.
You can either select one of the predefined MSDE modes designed for specific applications, or
you can set up your own MSDE sequence by setting the parameter MSDE mode to user
End fragment title: MSDE setting in TSE
9.8.6 3D NerveVIEW
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 129077256203
Status: NotReleased
3D NerveVIEW allows to image the nerves in the brachial and lumbar plexus. It is the
recommended technique for nerve imaging in combination with
• MSDE to suppress blood,
• STIR or SPAIR to suppress fat.
Brachial plexus as 3D NerveVIEW (Nerve STIR) with Brachial plexus as 3D NerveVIEW (Nerve STIR)
MSDE and Refocusing control
Node title (original): Intended Use MB-SENSE 1.5T and 3.0T ID: 45036049175269515
Affix: non-US MB-SENSE Status: Released
MultiBand SENSE is indicated for use in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brain for:
Node title (original): Bold ID: 36028873077469067-1
Status: Released
End fragment title: Bold
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/3/2021 1:38:01 PM: Fragments are reused from:
* application MB SENSE from MB SENSE parameter!
* Intended Use from old Tiger-3 content.
* MB SENSE principle from MB SENSE parameter.
* Restrictions MB SENSE from old Tiger-3 content.}
The MultiBand SENSE technique enables simultaneous excitation and acquisition of multiple
volumes for multislice single-shot EPI sequences. The simultaneous volume excitation is done
using a multi-band RF pulse. The simultaneously acquired volumes are unfolded by means of
the SENSE algorithm. The image unfolding is improved by introducing a linear phase in k-space
in the phase direction depending on the volume position. This results in a spatial shift of the
aliased pixels in imaging space.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
MultiBand SENSE allows for shorter TRs with the same in-plane resolution and coverage in the
slice direction and consequently leads to shorter scan times. Alternatively the time savings by
the MultiBand acquisition can also be used to keep the TR unchanged and acquire more slices
in the same time.
End fragment title: MB SENSE principle
Multislice single-shot EPI brain scans:
Node title (original): Bold ID: 36028873077469067-2
Status: Released
End fragment title: Bold
• You can only use MB SENSE with the
– dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil.
– dS HeadSpine coil 1.5T and 3.0T
– dS HeadNeckSpine coil 1.5T and 3.0T
• Implants that are MR Conditional cannot be scanned using MB SENSE.
Instead a conflict occurs, since the B0 prescan is not compatible with implants.
End fragment title: Restrictions MB SENSE
MB factor • 2 ... 4 for SE-EPI Multiple slices are acquired per excitation, depending on the MB
(Diffusion) factor.
• Only integer numbers can be used.
• The higher the factor, the faster the scan.
• The number of acquired slices has to be a multiple of the MB
A MB factor of 3 acquires 3 slices per excitation. This allows for
multiples of 3 slices (e.g. 6, 9, 12).
• This range only applies for the dS Head 32ch 3.0T coil.
For the other coils, MB factor is restricted to 2.
When MB SENSE is combined with SENSE, the two SENSE factors multiply. The higher their
product, the higher the likelihood of artifacts. It is therefore advised to carefully select the
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
9.8.8 4D-TRAK XD
Last Content Modificator: ID: 129158549131
Status: NotReleased
4D-TRAK XD (4D Time-Resolved Angiography using Keyhole) provides high spatial and temporal
resolution CE-MRA scans.
4D-TRAK XD utilizes the 3D-FFE scan technique and combines the advantages of dS-SENSE,
Keyhole, CENTRA and Viewsharing.
Node title (original): clinical indications 4D-TRAK ID: 129178777995-2
Affix: non-US Status: NotReleased
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/3/2021 2:07:39 PM: Artes Topics: MRA -> 4D-TRAK}
4D-TRAK might be used to aid in evaluation of brain AVM, congenital heart diseases, cardiac
function, hemodialysis shunts and in diabetes patients with short arterio-venous transit time in
lower legs/feet.
End fragment title: clinical indications 4D-TRAK
• Carotid arteries
End fragment title: Applications 4D-TRAK XD US
4D-TRAK XD is not available in Japan.
⊳ The patient is positioned on the tabletop with the best-suited coil for the anatomy of
interest and all required positioning aids (see Coils chapter in the Instructions for Use for
information on coil choice).
⊳ The images of the survey scan and the anatomical scans are available for planning.
► Add a 4D-TRAK XD scan to your current ExamCard.
► Plan the slices, preferably in plane with the vessels.
As such less slices are needed to cover the vessels.
4D-TRAK XD (without the use of Viewsharing): Different Maximum Intensity Projections of the same dynamic.
9.8.9 3D VANE XD
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 129077721355
Status: NotReleased
Suited for patients that cannot hold the breath as long as that can hold the breath as long as needed.
needed in a Breathhold sequence.
Can be combined e-THRIVE and mDIXON all 3D/FFE and 3D/TFE acquisitions
with (3D/T1-TFE, 3D/T1-FFE)
Example of good
image quality
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Likelihood of Depending on the breathing pattern, blurring When the breathhold cannot be hold,
breathing artifacts can still be induced. blurring is induced.
9.8.10 4D FreeBreathing
Last Content Modificator: ID: 129179440907
Status: NotReleased
Property Description
Applications • Abdomen (e.g. liver).{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 10/17/2019 1:48:16 PM: restricted
due to FDA}
Property Description
Contrast is • Contrast parameters of the imaging sequence being combined with 4D FreeBreathing.
determined by
Property Description
Applications • Abdomen (e.g. liver).{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 10/17/2019 1:48:16 PM: restricted
due to FDA}
Contrast is • Contrast parameters of the imaging sequence being combined with 4D FreeBreathing.
determined by
What is 4D FreeBreathing?
4D FreeBreathing is a motion-robust imaging technique (extension of 3D VANE XD) now
allowing for the acquisition of dynamic 3D/TFE contrast-uptake studies.
End fragment title: 02 - what is 4D FreeBreathing - text
Node title (original): 03a - HOW does 4D FreeBreathing work? ID: 129075529227
quick overview Status: NotReleased
• The respiratory cycle is continuously sampled by either intrinsic navigators, by VitalEye (if
available) or by the respiratory belt.
VitalEye has the advantage of continuously detecting motion over time with potentially
sharper images.
From the respiratory cycle, the different breathing states are determined.
• k-profiles are measured continuously and weighed retrospectively according to their
breathing state (smart weighting).
End fragment title: VitalEye
The advantage of respiratory soft gating (compared to conventional gating techniques) is that
the dynamic scan times are independent of the respiratory cycle.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
More information { Heuvel, Martina van den, 5/14/2019 12:17:18 PM: mandatory}
• In the Online Help (F1): Enabling 4D FreeBreathing (with the parameter Dynamic study)
• Related parameters in the Online Help (F1):
– Dynamic study: dynamic scans per phase
– Dynamic study: phase duration
– Dynamic study: phase start
– Respiratory soft gating
– Respiratory soft gating: motion detection type
– Respiratory soft gating: oversample factor
• In the Instructions for Use: 3D VANE XD
End fragment title: 07 - more information
Philips imaging protocols utilizing 4D FreeBreathing are delivered with the MR system. It is
recommended to use the default Philips protocol without changing any parameters.
Changing parameters can degrade SNR and negatively affect image quality.
9.8.11 MultiTransmit
Last Content Modificator: ID: 129179492619
Status: NotReleased
Property Description
It is not allowed to perform a MultiTransmit scan with the patient in left or right decubitus
MultiTransmit Technology
MultiTransmit technology can be explained in the easiest way by comparing
• single or multiple RF-transmission on the MR system
to light transmission with single or multiple light sources.
Depending on the object’s shape it might be necessary to adapt the light characteristics (e.g.
power, angle) for optimum results. In a comparable way, MultiTransmit adapts the RF transmit
sources to each patient’s unique anatomy to obtain uniform RF and a lower local RF deposition.
With MultiTransmit, the power, amplitude, phase and waveform of all RF sources are
automatically adjusted for optimal uniformity in each patient’s unique anatomy. In such a way,
it is possible that MultiTransmit provides better signal uniformity and better consistency.
Left: patient 1, single transmit versus MultiTransmit. Right: patient 2, single transmit versus
The MultiTransmit technology is by default enabled on MultiTransmit capable systems.
Use the parameter RF Excitation Mode in the ExamCard properties to deactivate
MultiTransmit: select Circular Polarized to deactivate.
Performing a Multi-transmit scan with patient position decubitus (left or right) is not allowed.
Node title (original): More info parameters -> Help ID: 1061226507
Status: Released
For more information on all parameters, refer to the system's Help Topics which include the
parameter help texts.
End fragment title: More info parameters -> Help
RF Shim
This parameter allows to shim the B1 magnetic field in different ways:
1. Fixed
Automatically selects MultiTransmit settings that can be applied to a wide range of
applications. This setting can be used to speed up examinations that don’t suffer from B1
inhomogeneity. A B1 calibration scan is not required.
2. Adaptive
A volume shim box (fixed size: 350 mm RL, 300 mm AP) is automatically placed in the
center of the FOV. A B1 calibration scan is automatically performed.
3. Smart
In SmartExam breast examinations, you can also select ’Smart’. By means of segmentation,
the breasts and the axillae are included in the shimming area whereas the lungs, the heart
and silicones are excluded. A B1 calibration scan is automatically performed.
4. Volume
– A volume shim box can be positioned around the area of interest in which RF shimming
is applied.
– A B1 calibration scan is automatically performed.
– The size and position of the RF-shim volume will be identical to the size and position of
the B0-shim volume.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
The option 'Volume' is available with the dS Torso coil solution for cardiac triggered scans and
InterActive scans.
In other types of scans, this option is not visible.
B1 Calibration scan
The B1 calibration scan is needed if ’RF shim' is set to Adaptive, Volume or Smart. It results in
B1 maps which are automatically stored and not visible for the user.
Since the succeeding scans make use of the B1 map, the B1 calibration scan is the first scan to
be run after the survey.
The B1 calibration scans are inserted and performed automatically. They are of forced
transverse orientation with a fixed FOV. This fixed FOV depends on the application and is of the
order of 530 mm in RL direction and 450 mm in AP direction.
Node title (original): Repeat prescans ID: 9007249671443339-1
Status: Released
If you want to repeat the automatically performed B1 calibration scan, select Repeat Prescans
from the Examination menu.
End fragment title: Repeat prescans
For cardiac imaging, it is crucial that the B1 calibration scan is planned and acquired through
the middle of the left ventricle.
Reference scan
If a Reference scan is required for a clinical scan that uses RF shim (adaptive, Volume or Smart),
it will be inserted into the ExamCard automatically. In this case, the reference scan makes use
of RF shim adaptive.
You do not have to plan the B1 calibration scan, since it is inserted and performed
automatically. The reference scan is automatically inserted into the ExamCard.
► Press Start Scan to resume the ExamCard.
End fragment title: MultiTransmit abdomen pelvis breast
If you want to repeat the automatically performed B1 calibration scan, select Repeat Prescans
from the Examination menu.
End fragment title: Repeat prescans
Status: Released
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/20/2019 1:01:45 PM: O-MAR is MARS, O-MAR XD is SEMAC. }
Property Description
Pulse Sequence • Acquisition and reconstruction technique that helps reduce susceptibility artifacts
caused by the presence of metal in both in-plane and through-plane dimensions
compared to conventional MR imaging techniques.
• Turbo Spin Echo method in combination with VAT (View Angle Tilting).
• For O-MAR with SEMAC: Slice-selective TSE acquisition with multiple encodings per
excited slice (also known as SEMAC) to recover off-resonant signal caused by magnetic
field inhomogeneities, and to reduce through-plane distortions.
Properties • O-MAR improves visualization of tissue in the vicinity of passive MR Conditional and
MR Safe orthopedic implants.
• O-MAR reduces image distortions due to magnetic field inhomogeneities, caused by
the presence of metal.
– O-MAR without SEMAC reduces in-plane distortions.
– O-MAR with SEMAC reduces in-plane and through-plane distortions.
Limitations • With larger VAT view angles (which correspond to small readout bandwidths), edges
along the slice selection direction might appear more blurry.
• The amount of artifact reduction is limited by the chosen SEMAC distortion correction
Applications • Anywhere where the presence of metal affects image quality, especially MSK.
E.g. knee, hip, cervical and lumbar spine.
Always use ScanWise Implant in combination with O-MAR for safe scanning of patients
with implants.
Contrast is Contrast parameters of the imaging sequence being combined with O-MAR.
determined by
More info
• How to enable O-MAR? (Imaging parameter in Online Help)
• Distortion correction (Imaging parameter in Online Help)
O-MAR is based on the Turbo Spin Echo method in combination with VAT (View Angle Tilting) to
reduce in-plane distortions due to magnetic field inhomogeneities, caused by the presence of
metal. To further reduce in-plane and through-plane distortions a slice selective TSE acquisition
with multiple encodings per excited slice (aka SEMAC) is used to recover off-resonant signal
caused by magnetic field inhomogeneities.
Since metallic orthopedic implants are increasingly common in patients, the need to apply MRI
techniques in the vicinity of embedded metallic hardware is growing. However, MRI images
acquired in the close proximity to metal suffer from artifacts. O-MAR addresses this problem by
offering advanced encoding algorithms that help reduce susceptibility artifacts.
O-MAR produces images which represent a combination of signals acquired at different off-
resonant frequencies, with the purpose to reduce the susceptibility related distortions in
patients with MR Safe and MR Conditional metal implants.
Left: Standard Spin Echo, middle:
VAT Spin Echo.
Right: Through-Plan Corrected
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Left: Standard-TSE.
Right: SEMAC.
Status: NotReleased
MR Safe and/or Conditional Implants
Prior to examining patients with MR Safe and/or MR Conditional metal implants, always check
the implant's MR compatibility as given by the implant's manufacturer. In case of doubt,
contact the implant's manufacturer.
Multistack imaging
For multistack imaging, all stacks need to contain the same number of slices.
• No change in SNR.
To enable O-MAR
O-MAR can be enabled or disabled by means of the imaging parameter O-MAR on the
Geometry tab.
This parameter can be set to:
Possible values Effect
No O-MAR is disabled.
Distortion correction weak, medium, strong Parameter controls the level of distortion
correction for SEMAC+VAT.
Changing this parameter could affect the
scan time, since it controls the number of z-
encodings per slice.
End fragment title: O-MAR Imaging Parameters
Spiral Brain is a spiral acquisition technique to provide fast and robust T1 weighted SE imaging
and Time of Flight imaging in the brain.
Node title (original): Spiral Brain - table overview ID: 129075017739
Status: NotReleased
Property Description
Limitations • Allows to adjust the window in which spiral interleaves (comparable to shots) are
– The larger the window, the more k-space points and less spiral interleaves are
– With a shorter spiral acquisition window, the bandwidth increases and blurring
– A long acquisition window can have some negative effects on the image quality,
e.g. blurring and susceptibility artiacts might increase.
• The spiral fold-over artifact might occur when the FOV is planned too small and fold-
over suppression is not applied.
Applications • Brain:
robust T1 weighted SE imaging and Time of Flight imaging.
Property Description
Contrast is Contrast parameters of the imaging sequence being combined with Spiral Brain.
determined by
More information
• In Instructions for Use: Spiral Fold-Over Artifact
• Imaging parameter Acquisition Mode in Online Help system (F1)
• Imaging parameter Spiral Acquisition Window in Online Help system (F1)
• Imaging parameter Spiral Deblurring in Online Help system (F1)
9.8.14 bFFE XD
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 129074712843
Status: NotReleased
bFFE XD is a technique to reduce banding artifacts in balanced FFE sequences for inner-ear
Allows you to enable the use of a non-selective block pulse (without the use of a slice selection
gradient). Compared to the standard situation, which has selective pulses, this means:
• Shorter repetition times, or a better SNR with the same TR.
• Shorter echo times.
• Better volume definition and less signal drop in the outer slices.
• Neuro imaging
• Cardiovascular imaging
End fragment title: 3D non-selective FFE-TFE short description & apps - also for IFU chapter Imaging techniques
More information
• Imaging parameter 3D non-selective in Online Help system (F1)
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
10 Troubleshooting
Last Content Modificator: ID: 9007315342053515
Status: NotReleased
10.1 Artifacts
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 9007314554291339
Status: NotReleased
Artifacts can occur in MRI for a number of reasons, degrading the image quality and sometimes
hindering diagnosis. They may be caused by technical problems and data handling or by
physiological effects from the patient. Since most artifacts can be reduced, it is important to
recognize them, and to know what can be done to prevent them.
Node title (original): 24439 ID: 9007206053522187
SYS.Label.IFU.Artifacts.MitigationMethods Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24439
This includes methods of correcting or mitigating such artifacts (e.g. changing bandwidth,
gradient moment nulling, pre-saturation, B0 and RF shimming, etc.).
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
MR image data may be distorted and can lead to improper representations when used to
generate 3D printed volumes.
Caused by Non-uniform RF distribution in the body, caused by changes of the RF wave due
to the electrical properties of tissue.
This physical phenomenon is more pronounced at 3.0T since the RF wavelength
at 3.0T (approximately 25 cm) approaches the size of the body, resulting in a
standing wave.
Patient motion is the largest physiological effect that causes artifacts. Motion during the
acquisition results in inconsistencies in phase and amplitude, which lead to blurring and
ghosting. These artifacts appear in the phase encoding direction, independent of the direction
of the motion. The different motion artifacts and their remedies are shown below.
Caused by Signal variation during data collection due to movement of the heart.
Preset Procedures Cardiac Synchronization is used in all heart and thorax procedures to suppress
these artifacts.
Caused by Signal variation during data collection due to movement of the chest and the
abdominal wall.
Respiratory compensation
Transverse abdomen, left: without RC, right: with RC.
Artifact appearance Repeated ghost signal in the phase encoding direction or unwanted high
blood signal.
Countermeasures • REST and Shared REST: especially useful when applying two parallel
REST slabs in transverse imaging to saturate the signal of blood flowing
through plane. Blood will appear as a signal void instead of high signal
• REST in combination with Flow Compensation (FC) for optimum results.
• REST in Inflow MRA to suppress venous or arterial flow.
• Cardiac Synchronization in MRA to get rid of pulsation artifacts of
Caused by Signal variations during data collection due to pulsatile CSF flow.
Left: without FC.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Artifact appearance Black hole like artifacts in axial and sagittal T2W TSE scans with a high TSE-
Countermeasures • Increasing the TSE-factor (minimize echo spacing) so that the scans are
less sensitive to flow.
• Flow Compensation.
• Cardiac Triggering.
• Use of b-FFE (balanced FFE).
• Performing a 3D TSE multichunk instead of a MS TSE scan.
Countermeasures • Set the parameter WFS (Water-Fat Shift) to a user defined value. Note
that using a smaller WFS decreases the artifact at the cost of SNR.
• Change the Fat-Shift direction.
The chemical shift artifact increases with the field strength.
Artifact appearance Signal dephasing in voxels containing both water and fat showing up as
black lines around anatomic structures.
Countermeasures • Choose an ‘in phase echo time’ (field strength dependent). See table
Water and fat are in phase when the TE is a 6.9 4.6 2.3
multiple of ... [ms] Aliasing
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 120524647947
Status: Released
Caused by The spins within the FOV acquire a maximum phase shift of n x 360o. Spins
just outside the FOV have a phase shift of more than one cycle. This results
in misregistration of those spins.
Transverse scan.
Left: Fold-over Direction=LR, no Fold-over Suppression.
Middle: Fold-over Direction=AP, no Fold-over Suppression.
Right: Fold-over Direction=RL with Fold-over Suppression.
Caused by Aliasing.
Countermeasures ► Select the maximum (peak) velocity in the vessel somewhat higher.
• Start with a flow measurement in the vessel of interest.
• Draw a ROI in the vessel and generate a Time Intensity Diagram (TID).
• Select the appropriate velocity encoding by means of this TID.
► Make the scan with a lower PC velocity to get a good impression of the
vessel lumen. The aliasing artifacts in the centre are in this case not
important and might not even be noticed in a MaxIP.
• QFlow, see .
Linear relation between phase (difference) Signal intensity and PC velocity encoding in PCA cross section through vessels:
and PC velocity PCA-M image In a straight vessel, there is only laminar
The velocity differs over the lumen: in the
centre the highest, at the vessel wall much
slower. This difference in velocities is seen
as phase dispersion: the signal intensities
are a mixture of the velocities over the
vessel lumen.Phase dispersion might result
in a decrease of signal intensity.
Caused by Planning with an FOV that is too small and without fold-over suppression.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Artifact appearance Hypo- and hyperintense lines in flame shape, especially at tissue borders.
Caused by High-intensity signal from tissue outside the FOV is folded back into the
image, mostly caused by arms positioned alongside the body.
Caused by FOV, RFOV or 3D volume have been planned too small. Special attention has
to be given to double-oblique cardiac scans.
Countermeasures Enlarge FOV, RFOV or 3D volume. Increase the flexible fold-over suppression
Artifact appearance Fold-over of ghost artifacts from just outside the FOV.
Caused by FOV, RFOV or 3D volume have been planned slightly too small.
Countermeasures Enlarge FOV, RFOV or 3D volume. Increase the flexible fold-over suppression
Caused by The coil elements move during the scan due to breathing.
Artifact appearance Susceptibility related artifact in single-shot EPI sequences with SENSE, fold-
over direction AP and fat shift direction A(nterior):
• E.g. high signal at the border of the frontal sinus.
• Especially in b0 images in diffusion weighted scans. Less pronounced in
high-b images which in turn might result in low signal in the calculated
Node title (original): fragment for 70 cm bore systems only ID: 130450486283
Status: NotReleased
This chapter describes the artifacts which occur for Compressed SENSE (CS-SENSE) and AI
Compressed SENSE (AI CS-SENSE).
In AI CS-SENSE, the same artifacts can occur as in CS-SENSE. However, the artifact level can
differ, because AI CS-SENSE removes the noise to a higher extent than CS-SENSE.
• In AI CS-SENSE, the artifacts can be more prominent.
• In AI CS-SENSE, artifacts can be visible that are hidden just below the noise level in CS-
End fragment title: fragment for 70 cm bore systems only
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 9/22/2021 11:42:23 AM: no fragment needed for 60cm bore
Node title (original): intro CS SENSE artifacts vs SENSE artifacts ID: 18014469850828555-1
Status: Released
Compressed SENSE and SENSE behave very much alike with respect to acceleration, patient
motion and aliasing artifacts.
End fragment title: intro CS SENSE artifacts vs SENSE artifacts
With high acceleration in Compressed SENSE and SENSE scans, noise breaks through and
aliasing artifacts may occur.
The images below show that the Compressed SENSE images are equally affected as SENSE
images: The higher the reduction factor, the noisier the images and the more aliasing artifacts
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• To improve SNR, decrease the reduction factor, or increase the denoising factor.
• To reduce aliasing artifacts, decrease the reduction factor.
Similarly, to SENSE, when the operator selects a too high reduction factor there is a potential
loss of information possible due to the reduction in SNR and increased artifacts. In the images
below it can be seen that there is a gradual decrease in image quality and that artifacts appear
when the reduction factor is too high. The default acceleration factors provided with the device
are optimized for the specific protocol and cover a range from 1-32 depending on the
For contrast-enhanced applications, gradual loss of SNR may be more difficult to identify,
especially with high reduction factors. Do not use reduction factors higher than 8 for contrast-
enhanced applications.
Comparison without the Reduction factor 1 Reduction factor 2 Reduction factor 5 Reduction factor 10
use of contrast agent
Compressed SENSE
Comparison with the Reduction factor 1 Reduction factor 2 Reduction factor 4 Reduction factor 8 Reduction factor 12
use of contrast
Compressed SENSE
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
End fragment title: tabel comparison SENSE vs CS-SENSE with contrast agent (NEW)
Noise appearance
The Denoising imaging parameter allows you to qualitatively specify the amount of denoising in
image reconstruction.
Possible values are:
Node title (original): fragment for 70 cm bore systems with ID: 130450491403
SmartSpeed AI Status: NotReleased
Node title (original): fragment for 60 cm bore systems without ID: 130450492939
SmartSpeed AI Status: NotReleased
– When set to weak, medium, strong, or max, denoising takes place with increasing
This means less noise in the images, but more artificial smoothing.
– When set to user defined, you can specify the denoising level numerically.
End fragment title: fragment for 60 cm bore systems without SmartSpeed AI
Use this parameter to set a balance between the amount of noise and the smoothness of
images, according to user preference.
• To improve SNR, increase Denoising, for example from medium to strong.
Node title (original): intro CS SENSE artifacts vs SENSE artifacts ID: 18014469850828555-2
Status: Released
Compressed SENSE and SENSE behave very much alike with respect to acceleration, patient
motion and aliasing artifacts.
End fragment title: intro CS SENSE artifacts vs SENSE artifacts
Aliasing artifacts may occur due to patient motion during the Compressed SENSE reference
scan, between the reference scan and the clinical scan, or during the clinical scan.
The table below compares aliasing artifacts in Compressed SENSE and SENSE scans with similar
acceleration factors:
• It shows that aliasing artifacts are similar in SENSE and CS-SENSE when similar acceleration
factors are used.
• It provides you with countermeasures for SENSE and CS-SENSE.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Comparison with similar Resulting image when patient Resulting image when patient
acceleration factors motion occurs motion occurs
during the reference scan or during the clinical scan
between reference scan and clinical
Compressed SENSE
Scan time: 6:39 min Scan time: 4:39 min Scan time: 3:29 min
Artifact appearance Dark bands (signal decrease) at the end of a volume in the MIP’s (Maximum
Intensity Projection) of a multichunk 3D Inflow MRA-technique. The larger
the volume, the more prominent this effect.
Countermeasures • TONE.
• CHARM. The artifact doesn’t occur anymore with CHARM being
introduced with Release 9.
Countermeasures • Use a slice gap with a negative value. Normally an overlap of 25% - 30%
is sufficient.
Like MR-imaging, MR-spectroscopy techniques can suffer from artifacts. Some of these artifacts
are hard to recognize, but can completely alter the outcome of the spectrum. It is important to
recognize the artifacts and to know how to avoid them.
Artifact appearance Artifacts presented as sinc wriggles around the peaks appear in the spectrum. The
wriggles are mainly seen around the residual water peak.
Caused by Signal sampling is stopped before the signals have decayed to (close to) zero resulting
in abrupt signal intensity changes which cannot be handled well by theFourier
Countermeasure / Re-acquisition with increased Tacq is the best solution, but time is not always
Solution available to do so. For signal to decay completely to zero, the Tacq should be at least 5
x T2* relaxation time.
Increase Tacq by:
• Increased number of sampled with equal bandwidth.
• Reduce bandwidth with equal number of samples.
If re-acquisition is not an option, filtering of the time domain signal is used to
influence the signal such that abrupt signal intensity changes are removed. Note that
linewidth increases by applyingfilters.
Time-domain signal (A) that is cut off before signal has decayed, and the resulting
spectrum (B). The baseline is distorted by sinc wriggles.
Same time domain signal (A), with additional Gaussian filtering applied (6Hz). No
truncation artifacts in resulting spectrum (B), at the cost of spectral resolution.
Artifact appearance Artifacts presented as sinc wriggles appear around the baseline of the spectrum.
Caused by If maximum echo signal sampling is used and signal sampling only starts close to the
echo top position, abrupt signal intensity changes which cannot be handled well by
the Fourier transform will occur at the start of signal sampling. This will mainly
happen if maximum echo is used with short TE.
Countermeasure / Asymmetric filtering is applied with the symmetry point set to the echo top position.
A: Unfiltered signal,
B: filtered signal (asymmetric
filter) where TD is the time
domain signal and Sp
thespectrum: truncation effect is
seen in the unfiltered time
domain signal, resulting in
wriggles in the baseline of the
spectrum whereas the artifacts
are minimized when applying an
asymmetric filter. Saturation
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 120481014539
Status: Released
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Countermeasure / To allow full T1-relaxation, the TR used should be ³ 5*T1 of the metabolite of interest.
Solution As T1-relaxation times of metabolites are long, scan times would increase
If full T1-relaxation is not achieved within the TR chosen, it is important to acquire some start-
up acquisitions.
These shots are used to place the spin system into steady state. Saturation
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 9007209005675403
Status: Released
Countermeasure / • Save each FID separately, correct for the drift in post-processing.
Solution Ghosting
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 120505709579
Status: Released
Artifact appearance Distorted spectra in row of voxels with equal phase encoding gradient.
For CSI: even in two directions as phase encodings is done in two directions.
Countermeasure / To reduce the signal intensity of through-plane flow, parallel REST slabs can be
Solution positioned above and below the stack of CSI-slices.
Caused by Signals of fast realaxing macromolecules and/or signals of unsuppressed water which
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
are still present in the first few points in the time domain signal.
These baseline distortion hamper good fitting and quantification.
Countermeasure / • In time-domain: take out the first points of the FID with shift with zero padding.
Solution • In frequency-domain:fit polynomial spline.
It is caused in the first few points in the time-domain signal, where signals of fast-relaxing
macromolecules and/or signals of non-suppressed water are still present.
These baseline distortion hamper good fitting and quantification. DC-Offset
Last Content Modificator: Heuvel, Martina van den ID: 120505713419
Status: Released
Caused by Incomplete water suppression: residual water signal from outside of the volume of
interest gives rise to stimulated echoes, causing artifacts.
Artifact appearance Additional unwanted peaks and noise on the spectrum (top image: see
Related topics • -
Artifact appearance Signal distortion in the region where the REST has been applied.
Countermeasures Applying the REST slabs such that they do not overlap.
Artifact appearance Black line artifacts in a multistack scan where slices of the different stacks
overlap or cross over.
Caused by When the stacks are measured in one package, the measurement is done in
an interleaved manner. Interference between the different slices occurs
which results in signal loss.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
A: Planscan of B.
B: Transverse spine imamge with
multistack artifact.
Artifact appearance Fat is not completely suppressed using the SPIR-, SPAIR- or ProSet-
Countermeasures • There are several ways for complete fat suppression. See following list.
Node title (original): 1 preparation ID: 120634998795
Status: Released
Patient preparation
• Remove all metal (also dentures, dental devices) from the patient.
• Ask the patient to remove eye make-up (often containing metallic particles).
• Make sure the patient has been to the toilet, because high signal intensities (e.g. full
bladder) may disturb the autoshim.
End fragment title: 1 preparation
• Ensure that the area of interest is as close as possible to the isocenter (less than 80 mm in
any direction).
• Always move the table whenever ‘travel to scan plane’ is prompted.
Parameter settings
• Adjust the FOV to the anatomy of interest.
• Use volume shimming and select the area that needs to be fat suppressed.
End fragment title: 3 parameters
Do not use spectral fat suppression on anatomies that suffer from large susceptibility effects
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Artifact appearance Signal intensity variations with SPIR, especially in abdomen and pelvis.
Caused by Eddy currents in the patient. This results in B1 disturbance from left to right
and from anterior to posterior.
Both, SPIR and ProSet are very critical with regard to the magnetic field homogeneity.
Countermeasures • Shimming.
• Change the fold-over direction if possible.
• Use REST slabs to saturate fat outside the FOV.
• Use a fat suppression technique such as SPIR or SPAIR.
Artifact appearance Ring like or linear truncation artifact, also called Gibbs artifact.
Caused by Reduced acquisition. The artifacts are induced by high contrast transititions,
and are particularly common with scan percentages below 80%.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Caused by REST saturation pulse interfering with the data acquisition in 3D-TSE scans.
This artifact does not occur anymore in TSE scans with more than 1 ‘true’ NSA.
10.2.1 Troubleshooting
Upon completion of manual VCG calibration, the results are automatically analyzed and
displayed as:
• Signal Strength (as color scale and expressed in mV)
• Trigger Quality (as color scale).
End fragment title: Calibration results into
If the VCG calibration results are sub-optimal or bad, corrective actions are recommended:
Node title (original): low signal strength ID: 115360102667
Status: Released
• Click Accept to continue with the sub-optimal results, or
• click Cancel to discard the results and continue with a previously stored
VCG calibration results.
End fragment title: low signal strength
Countermeasures ► Instruct the patient to lie still before repeating the calibration.
• Click Accept to continue with the sub-optimal results, or
• click Cancel to discard the results and continue with a previously stored
VCG calibration results.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
When you change any setting of VCG calibration, this change has immediate effect on the R-
peak detection.
This is valid for: manual or continuous VCG calibration, inside or outside bore VCG calibration
and change of the trigger threshold.
Arrhythmia detected
Problem During the evaluation of the results, the number of RR-intervals with different
duration than the average RR-interval is determined.
A message is displayed if more than 25% of the RR-intervals have a different
duration than the other RR-intervals.
Countermeasures ► Check, and if possible, correct the electrode set-up. See chapter
“Connecting VCG to the patient” on page 819.
Alternatively continue without manual VCG calibration and use PPU-triggering
The R-peak detection is delayed compared to R-peak detection with VCG, but
the duration of the detected RR-interval is comparable.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Connect PPU. In the scan protocols, change the Trigger device from ECG to
► To make sure that the displayed heart rate is based on the PPU signal,
select PPU for display in the Physiology display.
► For retrospective triggered scans, the first image of the cine loop is not at
end-diastole but occurs in mid-diastole.
For prospective triggered scans, the timing occurs at trigger delay time + R-
peak detection-delay. If desired, this can be compensated for: Change the
Trigger delay to user defined and reduce the trigger delay with the R-peak
End fragment title: vcg calibration failed
Message on screen To start calibration, instruct the patient to lie still. Then click Proceed.
Duration of calibration is 15 seconds.
Chats, calls and desktop sharing can be done with multiple users individually (multiple chat
windows) or in a group. Remote control is only possible with one user.
All active chats are listed in the PCT menu list.
► Click at the top right of the screen and select Skype in the menu list.
⇨ The Skype application starts.
► In the Skype application, sign in with your credentials to connect to the Skype server.
You remain logged-in until actively logging out.
► To sign out the previous operator, if still signed in, click the settings Icon, select File, and
Sign Out.
Share desktop
► Connect to the remote user via IM or Call.
Remote control
► Share your desktop and contact the remote user.
► Click the blue field at the top of your screen and select <name of remote user> in the Give
control list.
► Read the implications and obligations of giving remote control in the popup.
Select I confirm that and click Give control.
⇨ A yellow field <name of remote user> - In Control appears on the top of your screen to
signal that you are giving remote control.
⇨ The remote user needs to actively confirm a message to be able to remotely control your
Remote control permission
You are giving control permission to <name of remote
Sharing control allows the remote user to initiate a scan
and table movement
Risk of injury
I confirm that
• I will stay at the MRI Console to monitor the
• I am aware that remote users have access to private
patient data.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Always adhere to the obligations described in the popup. Remote control allows the remote
user to initiate a scan and table movement.
Sign out of Skype when you end your shift or scan session to prevent other operators to use
your account.
Every session can be stopped at all times by the local user. The remote connection is then
closed and has to be re-enabled by the local user if necessary. This also applies to a Fixed
Duration session.
When starting a Remote Desktop session a dialog box appears displaying a warning text. The
session cannot be started before the local user agrees by clicking the |I agree| button.
During a single TakeOver session, the local user must stay at the system console and
monitor the activities performed by the remote user.
The local user must be present at the console at all times during scanning of a patient in a
Remote Desktop session.
The local user is responsible for ensuring the safe and secure use of the system and for the
safety of his patient. It is possible to terminate a session at all times using the |Stop| button
on the screen.
Only expert users are allowed to run a TakeOver session.
During a TakeOver Fixed Duration session where the local user is not present, the local user
has to verify that no person is present in the examination room. Take appropriate measures
to inform people that a TakeOver session is running.
Remember that scanning is only possible when the door of the examination room is closed.
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10.4.1 Workflow
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 27021604276503435
Status: Released
Contact Philips customer support in case of a system failure or problem. The service engineer
may want to view your system desktop while you are scanning or access it to remotely service
your system.
It is advised to keep contact on the phone for the complete length of the session.
1. Click the Windows |Start| button, go to |MR user| and select |Enable Remote Desktop| to
start the Remote Desktop application. A dialog box appears displaying the following text:
Enable Remote Desktop Session
A Remote Desktop session has been requested.
If you accept this Remote Desktop request, you confirm that you know that this is an
authorized Remote Desktop session.
You further confirm that you are the responsible local operator for the system during this
Remote Desktop session and have been fully informed about the possible consequences
regarding Safety, Security and Privacy arising from permitting remote operation of the
system, including those discussed in the system's "instructions for use".
During a single windows Take Over session, you must stay at the system console and
monitor the activities performed by the remote user. You can end the Remote Desktop
session any time by pressing the "STOP" button on your screen. As the operator of the
system, you are responsible for the safe and secure use of the system.
Note that certain private information, including electronic Protected Health Information
(ePHI) about patients, will become accessible to the remote operator. Be sure to stay within
your institution's policy regarding disclosure of confidential information to third parties.
|I Agree| or |Exit Session|
2. If in doubt about the message click |Exit Session| to cancel. Click |I agree| to confirm.
An ‘Enable Remote session’ box appears on the screen.
3. Select:
(a) |Single Windows Session| or
(b) |Fixed Duration| and the amount of time (1 to max. 60 hours) you allow the remote
user to access your system, and click |OK|.
The application is active and a ‘VNC’ icon is displayed in the tray of your Windows taskbar.
The password has to be entered by the remote user.
5. Click:
• |Approve| to confirm a TakeOver session or
• |View only| to confirm a ViewOnly session.
When the Remote connection is active the background color of the ‘VNC’ icon in the tray of
your Windows taskbar changes from white to black.
For a Fixed Duration the service engineer has to enter a password. After the password has been
confirmed the box minimizes to the |Stop| button. With this button you can stop the session.
The button always stays on top and can be placed anywhere on the screen. The remaining
session time is displayed in the header of the button.
Error messages may appear on the screen when the password is not entered correctly.
These messages are for the remote user only.
Stopping a session
The local user can stop a Remote Desktop session at all times:
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• Click the red |Stop| button to stop the session. A confirmation box appears on the screen:
‘Are you sure you want to stop the remote session’.
• Click |OK| to confirm. The session is stopped.
When finishing a Single Windows Session the local user as well as the remote user can close the
The start/stop of every Remote Desktop session is logged by your system.
The Remote Service Network logs who has been the remote user.
Error Messages concerning recoverable errors can usually be accepted by pressing the Return
When scanning is not possible, various error messages may appear on the text screen, either
during the preparation phase or during measurement. Proceed as follows:
• Correct errors such as: Incorrect coil... , Connector not in... .
• Write the Error message and/or number, date and time in the system logbook.
If the application software does not respond (hang-up), stop the application:
1. On the main menu, click System, then Exit.
On occasion it may be necessary to reset the computer by switching the power off. To do this:
Node title (original): for Eagle(Jaguar) & Rillias 1.5T (Vidar) ID: 27021655416634635-1
Status: Released
► To open the front door of the DACC cabinet, tilt the lever of the locks upwards and rotate
them to unlock the door.
► On the universal Mains Distribution Unit (uMDU), set the switches F2 and F3 to OFF in the
right sequence:
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Wait 5 seconds.
► On the universal Mains Distribution Unit (uMDU), set the switches F2 and F3 to ON in the
right sequence:
On occasion it may be necessary to reset the computer by switching the power off. To do this:
• If the computer is located in the control room, use the power button to reset the computer.
If the computer or application software still does not respond, notify your Philips service
Node title (original): RMM HAZ-IC.5.2 I Reboot from specified ID: 45036064780357131
location (uMDU) Status: Released
Affix: Rilias (Vidar) uMDU
On occasion it may be necessary to reset the computer by switching the power off. To do this:
Node title (original): for Eagle(Jaguar) & Rillias 1.5T (Vidar) ID: 27021655416634635-2
Status: Released
► On the universal Mains Distribution Unit (uMDU), set the switches F2 and F3 to OFF in the
right sequence:
► Wait 5 seconds.
► On the universal Mains Distribution Unit (uMDU), set the switches F2 and F3 to ON in the
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
right sequence:
If any part of the equipment or system is known (or suspected) to be defective or
incorrectly-adjusted, DO NOT USE the system until a repair has been made.
Operation of the equipment or system with defective or incorrectly-adjusted components
could expose the operator or the patient to safety hazards. This could lead to fatal or other
serious personal injury, or to clinical misdiagnoses.
Node title (original): HG - Do not use damaged surface coils ID: 9007206293234315
Affix: replaced by SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-RF.38 Status: Released
Never use surface coils when coil or cables are damaged.
A damaged cable or connector is hazardous because of high voltage across the cable during
the transmit phase of the system. Sharp edges may cause injury to patient’s skin.
Node title (original): HG - Clean damaged coils before returning ID: 27021604802751627
Status: Released
Damaged coils which are returned to Philips Healthcare must be cleaned by the user as well as
practically possible.
For Japan: please contact us for instructions before returning damaged coils.
If the virus scanning software has detected infection by malware, there is no possibility to use
automatic repair utilities because the integrity of the repaired software cannot be guaranteed.
In case of infections, always contact your local Philips Customerr Service representative to
assess and repair the system.
Be sure to also adhere to local procedures regarding malware infection of customer systems
(this may e.g. include disconnect from the network).
Node title (original): HG - Updated systems may have other ID: 9007206337511435
hardware than described in IFU Status: Released
If your system has been upgraded to the current release, your hardware may differ from the
systems described in this manual.
If this is the case please refer to the Instructions for Use originally delivered with your System
for proper system startup and switch off. Even when this system is switched off some
subsystems remain powered.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
End fragment title: HG - Updated systems may have other hardware than described in IFU
Powering and system startup must be performed by a Philips service engineer. This includes
final adjustments of hardware compensation and control settings.
Under normal circumstances it is not possible to switch off the system completely or partly.
When not in use the system will switch into standby mode after approximately two hours of
inactivity. Power consumption is then minimized.
End fragment title: 24678 SYS.Label.IFU.SystemStartup
Contact your Philips service engineer if a serious reason exists that requires the complete
system to be switched off.
End fragment title: 24667 SYS.Label.IFU.PowerOffByService
Node title (original): HG - System and all subsystems remain ID: 9007206337512971
powered Status: Released
The system and all subsystems remain powered.
Danger of an electric shock.
Node title (original): HG - System switch off and opening of ID: 9007206337574283
cabinets is reserved to Philips service Status: Released
System switch off and opening the technical cabinets may only be done by or under
guidance of Philips service.
End fragment title: HG - System switch off and opening of cabinets is reserved to Philips service
End fragment title: HG - Helium boil-off in case of completely switched off system
Computer start up
If a computer malfunction occurs, refer to chapter “Computer malfunction” on page 1414 for
instructions on how to proceed.
If the computer has accidentally been switched off, do one of the following:
If the computer is located in the control room
► Make sure that there is no (bootable) CD or DVD in your computer. The system may try to
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): computer is located in the technical room ID: 18014486439448331
uMDU Status: Released
► On the universal Mains Distribution Unit (uMDU), set the switches F2 and F3 to OFF in the
right sequence:
► Wait 5 seconds.
► On the uMDU, set the switches F2 and F3 to ON in the right sequence:
Computer logon
Once the computer is started up, the logon screen appears. To log on:
1. Press the Ctrl, ALT, and Delete keys on the keyboard.
2. In the logon dialog box, type in the user name and password.
3. Click OK or press the Enter key.
⇨ The application software starts.
End fragment title: Computer logon (all)
End fragment title: 67889 SYS.Label.IFU.ConsoleStartup_uMDU (Prod, Elit)
Computer start up
If a computer malfunction occurs, refer to chapter “Computer malfunction” on page 1414 for
instructions on how to proceed.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If the computer has accidentally been switched off, do one of the following:
If the computer is located in the control room
► Make sure that there is no (bootable) CD or DVD in your computer. The system may try to
start up from the CD drive.
► Use the power button to turn the computer on.
End fragment title: Computer start up (All)
Node title (original): computer is located in the technical room ID: 9007287184495627-1
gMDU Status: Released
Fig. 493: Examples of: (a) a closed gMDU, (b) the red panel inside a gMDU, (c) a DACC switch and (d) a service key
End fragment title: computer is located in the technical room gMDU
Computer logon
Once the computer is started up, the logon screen appears. To log on:
1. Press the Ctrl, ALT, and Delete keys on the keyboard.
Computer start up
If a computer malfunction occurs, refer to chapter “Computer malfunction” on page 1414 for
instructions on how to proceed.
If the computer has accidentally been switched off, do one of the following:
If the computer is located in the control room
► Make sure that there is no (bootable) CD or DVD in your computer. The system may try to
start up from the CD drive.
► Use the power button to turn the computer on.
End fragment title: Computer start up (All)
Node title (original): computer is located in the technical room ID: 89740404875
sMDU Status: Released
► On the small Mains Distribution Unit (sMDU), set the switches F2 and F3 to OFF in the right
► Wait 5 seconds.
► On the sMDU, set the switches F2 and F3 to ON in the right sequence:
Computer logon
Once the computer is started up, the logon screen appears. To log on:
1. Press the Ctrl, ALT, and Delete keys on the keyboard.
Computer start up
If a computer malfunction occurs, refer to chapter “Computer malfunction” on page 1414 for
instructions on how to proceed.
If the computer has accidentally been switched off, do one of the following:
If the computer is located in the control room
► Make sure that there is no (bootable) CD or DVD in your computer. The system may try to
start up from the CD drive.
► Use the power button to turn the computer on.
End fragment title: Computer start up (All)
Node title (original): computer is located in the technical room ID: 9007287184495627-2
gMDU Status: Released
Fig. 494: Examples of: (a) a closed gMDU, (b) the red panel inside a gMDU, (c) a DACC switch and (d) a service key
End fragment title: computer is located in the technical room gMDU
Computer logon
Once the computer is started up, the logon screen appears. To log on:
1. Press the Ctrl, ALT, and Delete keys on the keyboard.
2. In the logon dialog box, type in the user name and password.
3. Click OK or press the Enter key.
⇨ The application software starts.
End fragment title: Computer logon (all)
End fragment title: 68890 SYS.Label.IFU.ConsoleStartup_Rillias (Amb)
After first logon, enter a different password of at least seven characters.
Initial settings for username and password are "MRuser" and "Philips".
To view who is currently signed in, press the Ctrl, ALT, and Delete keys on the keyboard. The
user name is displayed in the subsequent dialog box. To exit the dialog box, press the Esc key
on the keyboard or click Cancel.
End fragment title: HG - No visual feedback of signed-in user
2. In the Exit Confirmation window, click Yes to exit the software. Click No to cancel.
The Stop status box is displayed until the software has been logged off.
The logon dialog box is displayed.
To start-up the application software again, log on as described in chapter “Computer start up
and shut down” on page 1424. The application software starts up automatically.
You use this procedure to restart the system when it does not respond:
• when computer shut down and start up doesn't work and/or the scanner does not respond,
• after a site mains power failure,
• after a chilled water failure.
⊳ At the MR console:
► Shut down the MRI system computer.
End fragment title: shut down @console Eagle-Jaguar
► On the universal Mains Distribution Unit (uMDU), set the switches to OFF in the right
The LCC can only be switched off for a short time.
It must remain switched on to ensure magnet cooling.
► To open the front door of the DACC cabinet, tilt the lever of the locks upwards and rotate
them to unlock the door.
► On the universal Mains Distribution Unit (uMDU), set the switches to ON in the right
7 F1 Console • Set to ON
• Wait 5 seconds
You use this procedure to restart the system when it does not respond:
• when computer shut down and start up doesn't work and/or the scanner does not respond,
Wait 20 seconds before restarting the computer after power off.
The computer may not start correctly when started too soon.
Status: Released
⊳ At the MR console:
► Shut down the MRI system computer.
End fragment title: shut down @console Eagle-Jaguar
A 400 v - 50/60 Hz
B 480 v - 60 Hz
C 380 v - 50/60 Hz
The LCC can only be switched off for a short time.
It must remain switched on to ensure magnet cooling.
1 QT Transformer * • Set to ON
10.6.6 EasySwitch
Affix: EasySwitch ID: 18014507367420043
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert Status: Released
EasySwitch is a guided magnet discharge and energize function. It allows the trained operator
to discharge and energize the magnet in a controlled way. EasySwitch consists of the following
• Discharge Magnet: The magnet discharge and stabilize procedure requires about 2 hours.
• Energize Magnet: The magnet energize and stabilize procedure requires about 3 hours.
Additional time is required for your Service Provider to check magnet homogeneity.
EasySwitch shall be used only in very specific cases:
• Discharge the magnet if an object was attracted to the magnet.
This allows a quick response to an attraction event to restore a safe situation by removing
attracted objects, and then inspect and repair damage if needed.
• Discharge the magnet in case of a potential catastrophe that could impact system integrity
(for example, a flooding or a hurricane).
This prevents magnetic attraction hazards when the system's location is impacted (for
example, flooding in the examination room or structural building damage).
• Energize the magnet after discharge using EasySwitch or if the system was automatically
For all other situations where the magnet needs to be discharged or energized, such as after
the Emergency Magnet Off button has been pressed or after loss of field, please contact your
Service Provider.
Password Protection
For safety and security, access to the EasySwitch function is protected by a password. The
password is configured by a service engineer and held by a trained operator who is assigned to
performing the EasySwitch procedure.
Operator Responsibilities
At the start of the magnet discharge and energize procedures, the assigned operator is required
to acknowledge responsibility for the procedure. Acknowledging responsibility for the
EasySwitch procedures means that you are aware of the following:
• General MR safety precautions.
– No one should enter the examination room during the EasySwitch procedures.
– If the examination room is provided with a lock, it should be locked to prevent staff or
patients entering the room.
– For safety information about the EasySwitch procedures, see chapter “Safety” on page
It is strongly recommended that the entrance door to the examination room is provided with a
lock to enable EasySwitch operators to ensure that no one enters the room while they are
discharging or energizing the magnet.
Legend Safety
Affix: EasySwitch ID: 9007308112681227
Last Content Modificator: Marshall, Tom Status: Released
Trapped person by an object attracted by the magnet.
Risk of death or serious injury.
• Press the Emergency Magnet Off button to immediately remove the magnet field.
• Do NOT use EasySwitch.
Only use the Emergency Magnet Off button when:
• A person is trapped by an object that is attracted by the magnet.
• Fire, smoke or another event occurs, that demands immediate entry of emergency
personnel or equipment into the examination room.
Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active implants due to unauthorized use
of EasySwitch.
Risk of death or serious injury.
• The Controlled Access Area must be protected at all times.
• EasySwitch shall not be used to (temporarily) bring magnetic objects into the
examination room.
Attraction of magnetic objects and malfunction of active implants due to unknown magnet
status during use of EasySwitch.
Risk of death or serious injury.
• Do not allow persons to enter the examination room.
• Restart the console and EasySwitch to check the Current Status.
• Assume the Magnet is On until the Current Status is set to Magnet is Off.
When a magnet discharge or magnet energize has been started, the process runs
independently from the host computer. Be aware that the discharge or energize process
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
continues to run even if the EasySwitch dialog box is not visible or if the host computer is
switched off. If the EasySwitch dialog box is not visible, assume that the magnet is on until the
EasySwitch dialog box is visible again and you can check the actual status of the magnet. You
may need to reopen the EasySwitch dialog box from the System menu.
Electric shock due to damaged system parts.
Risk of death or serious injury.
• Inspect the system and report non-cosmetic damage to Philips service.
• Do not energize the system in case of non-cosmetic damage.
Stay away from attracted objects while the magnet is discharged using EasySwitch.
Risk of harm due to sudden movement of attracted object.
If an object is attracted by the magnet, damage to the system can occur. After discharging the
magnet and removing the attracted object, you should inspect the system for any damage. If
no damage can be observed visually or if observed damage is limited to scratches on cover
parts, the magnet may be energized again. If there is any damage that goes beyond scratches
on cover parts or in case of doubt, contact your Service Provider to inspect the system.
Use of EasySwitch may result in magnet homogeneity that is out of specification causing
degraded image quality, mostly visible in scans with large Field of View and off-center
scanning (e.g. shoulder imaging).
Risk of serious injury due to misdiagnosis.
• Contact an Authorized Service Provider to have magnet homogeneity checked.
• It is recommended not to use the system until magnet homogeneity was checked and
Acknowledgement The operator assigned to the EasySwitch procedure should acknowledge that
they understand their responsibilities and the risks involved.
The operator should indicate the reason for the discharge.
Acknowledgement This status is displayed if the operator indicates that an object was attracted
Status: Object attracted into the system.
Acknowledgement This status is displayed if the operator indicates that a catastrophic event is
Status: Catastrophe impending.
Essential discharge This status is displayed when the system is ready to begin discharging the
Status: Ready to start magnet.
Essential discharge This status is displayed after the operator has started the discharge. A progress
Status: In progress bar is displayed with an indication of the time remaining.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
If the system indicates that it has encountered an error, read the information in
the EasySwitch dialog box and contact your Service Provider.
Essential discharge This status is displayed when the discharge has completed successfully.
Status: Successful
Damage check This phase is only displayed if the operator indicated in the Acknowledgement
step that the reason for the discharge is because an object was attracted into
the system.
The operator should inspect the system and indicate if the system has been
damaged (Yes or No).
If the operator indicated that the reason for the discharge is an impending
catastrophe, this phase is not applicable and the workflow continues straight to
the Stabilize phase after the Essential discharge phase has completed. (See
Damage check This status is displayed if the operator indicated that the system has been
Status: System damaged damaged. The operator is instructed to contact their Service Provider to repair
the system.
Stabilize This status is displayed automatically after the Essential discharge phase
Status: In progress completes.
If the Damage check phase is displayed, this status starts concurrently in the
background while that phase is still active.
If the system indicates that it has encountered an error, read the information in
the EasySwitch dialog box and contact your Service Provider.
Stabilize This status is displayed when the magnet has cooled sufficiently for the energize
Status: Successful workflow to be initiated (if appropriate).
Completed This phase indicates that the Discharge Magnet workflow has completed.
Important messages and indications are displayed in the language of the user interface. The
table below displays the English messages and their translation.
Read the section on EasySwitch in the instructions for Read the section on EasySwitch in the instructions for
use to understand related risks. use to understand related risks.
See Instructions for use See Instructions for use
[check box] I acknowledge that I am responsible for the [check box] I acknowledge that I am responsible for the
magnet discharge procedure magnet discharge procedure
The following options are displayed after you The following options are displayed after you
acknowledge responsibility for the procedure. acknowledge responsibility for the procedure.
Reason for discharge Reason for discharge
[check box] An object got attracted into the system [check box] An object got attracted into the system
[check box] A potential catastrophe like a hurricane or [check box] A potential catastrophe like a hurricane or
flood flood
Cancel / Next Cancel / Next
English Translation
English Translation
This procedure guides you through discharging the magnet if an object was attracted to it,
allowing you to check the system for damage. This procedure should be performed by a trained
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Node title (original): Schedule Visit from Service Provider ID: 108956550411-1
Affix: EasySwitch Status: Released
To avoid delays, it is recommended to schedule a visit by your Service Provider as soon as it is
decided to discharge the magnet. This visit is required so that your Service Provider can check
the magnet homogeneity after energizing.
If an object is attracted by the magnet, damage to the system can occur. After discharging the
magnet and removing the attracted object, you should inspect the system for any damage. If
no damage can be observed visually or if observed damage is limited to scratches on cover
parts, the magnet may be energized again. If there is any damage that goes beyond scratches
on cover parts or in case of doubt, contact your Service Provider to inspect the system.
During the EasySwitch procedure, a beeping sound can be heard from the magnet and in the
technical room. This sound is by design and does not require any action.
If the system encounters an error during this procedure, read the safety information provided
in the EasySwitch dialog box and contact your Service Provider.
It is not possible to select more than one reason for the discharge. If you do not select a
reason, magnet discharge will not be permitted.
6. To move to the next step in the discharge procedure, select Next in the lower-right corner
of the EasySwitch dialog box.
7. Read the safety information about starting the discharge procedure.
8. To start discharging the magnet, select Start in the lower-right corner of the EasySwitch
dialog box.
⇨ The status of the Essential discharge step on the left changes to In progress.
⇨ A progress bar is displayed, with an indication of the time remaining to complete the
discharge step.
⇨ When the discharge is complete, the status of the Essential discharge step on the left
changes to Successful, and the procedure moves to the next step, Damage check.
9. Read the information in the Damage check screen.
10. When the EasySwitch dialog box indicates that it is safe to enter the examination room,
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Electric shock due to damaged system parts.
Risk of death or serious injury.
• Inspect the system and report non-cosmetic damage to Philips service.
• Do not energize the system in case of non-cosmetic damage.
11. If the system has been damaged, select Yes. The status of the Damage check step on the
left changes to System damaged. Read the information about inspection and repair of the
system and call your Service Provider after you complete this procedure.
12. If the system has not been damaged, select No. The status of the Damage check step on
the left changes to No damage.
13. Select Next in the lower-right corner of the EasySwitch dialog box to move to the next step,
⇨ After discharging the magnet, the system needs to stabilize as the magnet cools down. A
progress bar is displayed with an indication of the time remaining to complete the
stabilization step.
⇨ When stabilization is complete, the status of the Stabilize step changes to Successful.
14. Select Next in the lower-right corner of the EasySwitch dialog box. The EasySwitch dialog
box indicates that the magnet discharge has completed.
This procedure guides you through discharging the magnet if a catastrophic event in your area
is expected. This procedure should be performed by a trained operator.
Node title (original): Schedule Visit from Service Provider ID: 108956550411-2
Affix: EasySwitch Status: Released
To avoid delays, it is recommended to schedule a visit by your Service Provider as soon as it is
decided to discharge the magnet. This visit is required so that your Service Provider can check
the magnet homogeneity after energizing.
During the EasySwitch procedure, a beeping sound can be heard from the magnet and in the
technical room. This sound is by design and does not require any action.
If the system encounters an error during this procedure, read the safety information provided
in the EasySwitch dialog box and contact your Service Provider.
It is not possible to select more than one reason for the discharge. If you do not select a
reason, magnet discharge will not be permitted.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
6. To move to the next step in the discharge procedure, select Next in the lower-right corner
of the EasySwitch dialog box.
7. Read the safety information about starting the discharge procedure.
8. To start discharging the magnet, select Start in the lower-right corner of the EasySwitch
dialog box.
⇨ The status of the Essential discharge step on the left changes to In progress.
⇨ A progress bar is displayed, with an indication of the time remaining to complete the
discharge step.
⇨ When the discharge is complete, the status of the Essential discharge step on the left
changes to Successful, and the procedure moves to the next step, Stabilize.
⇨ After discharging the magnet, the system needs to stabilize as the magnet cools down. A
progress bar is displayed with an indication of the time remaining to complete the
stabilization step.
⇨ When stabilization is complete, the status of the Stabilize step changes to Successful.
9. Select Next in the lower-right corner of the EasySwitch dialog box. The EasySwitch dialog
box indicates that the magnet discharge has completed.
10. Select OK to close the EasySwitch dialog box.
11. If the system has been damaged, call your Service Provider for inspection and repair before
energizing the magnet again.
Acknowledgement The operator assigned to the EasySwitch procedure should acknowledge that
they understand their responsibilities and the risks involved.
Damage check The operator should indicate that the system is ok, or if damage was discovered,
that it has been repaired (Yes / No).
Damage check This status is displayed if the operator indicated that the system is ok.
Status: No damage
Essential energize This status is displayed when the system is ready to begin energizing the
Essential energize This status is displayed after the operator has started the energize process. A
Status: In progress progress bar is displayed with an indication of the time remaining.
If the system indicates that it has encountered an error, read the information in
the EasySwitch dialog box and contact your Service Provider.
Essential energize This status is displayed when the energize process has completed successfully.
Status: Successful
Stabilize This status is displayed automatically after the Essential energize phase
Status: In progress completes.
If the system indicates that it has encountered an error, read the information in
the EasySwitch dialog box and contact your Service Provider.
Stabilize This status is displayed when the magnet has cooled sufficiently for the system
Status: Successful to be used.
Completed This phase indicates that the Energize Magnet workflow has completed.
Important messages and indications are displayed in the language of the user interface. The
table below displays the English messages and their translation.
Risks of discharging and energizing the magnet using Risks of discharging and energizing the magnet using
EasySwitch. EasySwitch.
Risk of death or serious injury. Risk of death or serious injury.
Read the section on EasySwitch in the Instructions for Read the section on EasySwitch in the Instructions for
use to understand related risks. use to understand related risks.
See Instructions for use See Instructions for use
[check box] I acknowledge that I am responsible for the [check box] I acknowledge that I am responsible for the
magnet energize process. magnet energize process.
Next Next
English Translation
English Translation
This procedure guides you through energizing the magnet after a discharge. This procedure
should be performed by a trained operator.
Node title (original): Beeping Sound ID: 108858145547-3
Affix: EasySwitch Status: Released
During the EasySwitch procedure, a beeping sound can be heard from the magnet and in the
technical room. This sound is by design and does not require any action.
If the system encounters an error during this procedure, read the safety information provided
in the EasySwitch dialog box and contact your Service Provider.
10. To start energizing the magnet, select Start in the lower-right corner of the EasySwitch
dialog box.
⇨ The status of the Essential energize step on the left changes to In progress.
⇨ A progress bar is displayed, with an indication of the time remaining to complete the
energize step.
11. When the magnet has been energized, select Next in the lower-right corner of the
EasySwitch dialog box to move to the next step, Stabilize.
⇨ After energizing the magnet, the system needs to stabilize. A progress bar is displayed with
an indication of the time remaining to complete the stabilization step.
⇨ When stabilization is complete, the status of the Stabilize step changes to Successful.
12. Select Next in the lower-right corner of the EasySwitch dialog box. The EasySwitch dialog
box indicates that the magnet has been energized.
13. Read the safety information in the EasySwitch dialog box about magnet homogeneity and
ensure that your Service Provider will check the magnet.
⇨ It is recommended not to use the system until magnet homogeneity has been checked and
14. Click OK to close the EasySwitch dialog box.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Use of EasySwitch may result in magnet homogeneity that is out of specification causing
degraded image quality, mostly visible in scans with large Field of View and off-center
scanning (e.g. shoulder imaging).
Risk of serious injury due to misdiagnosis.
• Contact an Authorized Service Provider to have magnet homogeneity checked.
• It is recommended not to use the system until magnet homogeneity was checked and
This chapter replaces the section Remote Software Installation of the IFU.
At system login a notification pop-up window is shown to inform the user that software
updates are available to be install.
► Archive patient data that is present on your system, refer to the Administration chapter of
the IFU.
► Finalize the jobs in the Jobs Queue.
► Click Install.
⇨ An installation pop-up window is displayed.
Note: click Remind Me later to postpone installation.
When software update installation cannot be initiated a popup windows displays:
Available updates cannot be installed. Contact Philips Service to resolve the issues.
Software Installation
1. The following updates are available for Philips
application software:
2. List: Available updates and duration (installation
3. User Notes about the updates
4. ! During this installation all patient data will be
removed from the system.1
Archive patient data and finalize the jobs in the
Jobs Queue before installation.2
5. I confirm that:
– All patient data is archived
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
► Select I Confirm that to confirm that all patient data is archived and the jobs queue
⇨ Installation information is displayed (6).
► Click Install Now to start installation.
Note: click Remind Me later to postpone installation. Click Remind Me later on the
notification popup.
Node title (original): pop-up at every login ID: 56974010507
Status: Released
The notification pop-up window is displayed at every new login until the update has been
installed successfully.
Installation process
During installation a screen is shown displaying the progress of the installation.
1. Software installation is in progress
Preparing for installation...
2. About ... minutes remaining.
3. The computer may restart more than once during
the installation process.
Do not power off the computer during installation.
The following screen is shown when the installation was successful. The computer is restarted
automatically after 30 seconds.
Maintenance required
After successful installation an additional pop-up window may be displayed that your system
requires maintenance.
Maintenance is required.
Your system needs additional maintenance.
Contact Philips Service.
You can continue using your system.
Button: OK.
Installation failed
When software update installation fails this is briefly shown on the installation screen. Your
system is recovered to the previous software version.
! Software updates could not be installed.
The software remains unchanged. The recovery process
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Only necessary when patient data was removed during installation.
When patient data is removed during installation this is mentioned in the installation pop-up
When the logged-in user does not have permission to start update installation, a window is
displayed to inform the user that software updates are available to install, and to login with a
hospital or service administrator account.
Philips Software Update is available to install.
Approximate installation time is ... minutes.
Archive patient data and login in with a Hospital or
Service admin account to install the updates.
Buttons: Learn More, Close.
Software Installation
1. The following updates are available for Philips
application software:
2. List: Available updates and duration (installation
3. User Notes about the updates
4. login with a Hospital or Service administrator
account to install the updates.
5. Button: OK.
Status: Released
The notification pop-up window is displayed at every new login until updates have been
installed successfully.
Planned maintenance, Quality assurance and routine user checks are necessary to keep the
system operating safely, effectively and reliably.
Philips offers service agreements that include maintenance and repair support. For more
details, contact your Philips representative.
End fragment title: 66495 SYS.Label.IFU.PlannedMaintenance
The operator should always take all practical steps to make sure that the planned Maintenance
Program is fully up to date and that all routine user checks have been satisfactorily completed
before using the system to examine a patient.
End fragment title: Text reused in 24702 SYS.Label.TD.PlannedMaintenanceCompliance
End fragment title: 24532 SYS.Label.IFU.PlannedMaintenance
Planned maintenance may only be carried out by qualified and authorized Customer Support
technicians. Philips provides a full planned maintenance and repair customer support on both a
call basis and a contract basis. Full details are available from your Customer Support
End fragment title: Text reused in 24703 SYS.Label.TD.PlannedMaintenanceProgram
End fragment title: 24533 SYS.Label.IFU.PlannedMaintenance.ServicePersonnelOnly
Nurse call + + 1
Patient support + + 5
Magnet check + 5
Check virus scanner definition date. The last update should not + 2
be older than one week.
Operator's console + 5
Printer + 5
* When pressed, the Emergency Table Stop button lights up. Press the Resume button to exit
the stop mode. When a failure occurs the following message appears on the console:
"Possible failure of Emergency Table Stop button at magnet <location of the button>.
Press the Emergency Table Stop button fully. If this does not resolve the issue, call your Philips
service engineer."
** Check coils and positioning aids for damage to coverings and connectors.
End fragment title: 24566 SYS.Label.IFU.UserChecks
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 7/15/2020 8:33:40 PM: Display Helium Level}Does not apply to
BlueSeal systems.
ISO/IEC: 24493
The compressor for the helium refrigerator must always be running.
Excessive helium boil-off occurs if this unit is switched off.
• Measure the helium level in the magnet cryostat and note the measured values in the log
– Logon to the system.
– Click the Windows Start button on your screen or press the Windows key on your
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
– Select MR User.
– Select Display Helium Level..
Node title (original): HG - Do not use |Enter| key during 20 s ID: 18014405603130123
display delay Status: Released
The helium level is displayed with a delay of 20 seconds. Do not use the Enter key during that
End fragment title: HG - Do not use |Enter| key during 20 s display delay
ISO/IEC: 24494
Please contact your local Philips service if significant helium boil-off is observed.
MR systems that are equipped with a zero helium boil-off cooling system have no helium boil-
off under normal operating conditions.
Does not apply to BlueSeal systems.
Magnet coils must be immersed in liquid to ensure that they remain superconductive. The
minimum acceptable helium level for the magnet is 30%.
If the helium level is 30% or lower, contact your helium supply organization.
End fragment title: 24495 SYS.Label.IFU.HeliumLevelMinimum
The MR system is equipped with anti-virus software which is designed to detect viruses on your
system and to deny access to infected files, before they can do any damage.
Anti-virus definitions should be updated on a regular basis, usually every day. The Anti-virus
definitions update mechanism automatically looks for updated virus definition files at a pre-
configured time (as set by service engineer or hospital administrator) and installs them, if
Node title (original): HG - System operator must check daily if ID: 9007206348396939
anti-virus definitions are up to date Status: Released
It is the responsibility of the system operator to daily check if the anti-virus definitions are up
to date.
End fragment title: HG - System operator must check daily if anti-virus definitions are up to date
It is advised to use the PIQT over any other quality assurance program.
PIQT offers an automated and consistent test procedure.
A regular (weekly) execution of predefined scans to monitor the system performance enables
early detection of any system deterioration.
PIQT is based on three scans made with the 200 mm head phantom. The scans and analyses are
performed automatically and the results are stored. The service engineer can (remotely) access
the results of the PIQT.
Apart from the automatic evaluation, it is recommended that the images are visually
inspected by the operator or a physicist.
Further options for evaluation and inspection are available in PIQT. For more information
please contact your Philips service representative.
Possible Coils
Possible Coils
dS Head dS Head
Q-Body Q-Body
End fragment title: Ingenia/CX/Amb/Elit PIQT coils
• Q-Body
• dS Head
End fragment title: Elition/Ambition PIQT coils
The PIQT test will take approximately 15 minutes. ExamCards are not supported in the
applications PIQT and SPT (System Performance Test).
1. Select 'SPT' from the System menu.
2. Click the ‘PIQT’ icon or select |File| followed by |Perform PIQT| on the main menu bar.
The PIQT windows opens.
3. Follow the instructions on the PIQT window:
position the phantom in the head section of the coil and move the coil to the isocenter.
4. Click |Proceed| to start the scans.
The PIQT procedure will run automatically making survey scans, making PIQT scans and
evaluating the results.
Remove the phantom when the scans are finished. The system is available for routine use. The
PIQT program will analyze the images in the background.
In order to make sure that the very small BOLD (fMRI) signal is not superimposed by noise, all
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
It is advised to run the QA Tool on a regular base, preferably once a week.
• Sphere A phantom
The Sphere A phantom is a 10 cm diameter sphere with a water-based solution. The second
choice is the FBIRN gel phantom which is a bigger (17 cm diameter) sphere.
The air bubble in the phantom needs to be as small as possible.
• SENSE Head coil 8ch
• Foam Pads
• Straps
• Sandbags
Fig. 499: Items needed for QA tool for Stability, Achieva system.
End fragment title: Items needed Achieva
• Sphere A phantom
The Sphere A phantom is a 10 cm diameter sphere with a water-based solution. The second
choice is the FBIRN gel phantom which is a bigger (17 cm diameter) sphere.
The air bubble in the phantom needs to be as small as possible.
• SENSE HST coil
• Foam Pads
• Straps
• Sandbags
Fig. 500: Items needed for QA tool for Stability, Multiva system.
End fragment title: Items needed for Multiva
Fig. 501: System Performance Tool window: right-mouse menu with Run Batch selected.
The scan starts after a waiting period to avoid fluid motion artifacts. Do not skip this waiting
Skipping the waiting time can result in automatic plan scan problems and can have negative
influence on the IQ results.
► Press Analyze to analyze the results and to display and evaluate the results.
► Remove the phantom when the scans are finished. The system is available for routine use.
The following results will be provided:
• Residual Noise graph
RMS Stability graph
• SFNR image
• Static spatial noise
• numeric results, e.g. Drift, Standard deviation, SNR summary value, SFNR summary value,
Noise spectrum peak
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Fig. 504: QA results of a poorly performing system where 1 - Control Area, 2 - Threshold mask overlaid to image with
ROIs as used for the calculation, 3 - Residual Noise and RMS Stability graphs, 4 - numeric results, 5 - SFNR image, 6 -
Static Spatial Noise image. The Static Spatial Noise image shows many ghosts which is an indication for a poorly
performing system.
No additional actions are needed when all parameters are within specifications.
If parameters are out of specification, repeat PIQT the next day to determine if this is
If parameters are still out of specification request support from your service organization. No
additional actions are needed when all parameters are now within specifications.
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 6/25/2019 11:42:03 AM: "language-neutral" is still available as
language aspect}
Accreditation by the American College of Radiology requires phantom data acquisition and
analysis, which can be a challenging and time-consuming process. The ACR test software has
been developed to provide setup guidance and to automatically perform the acquisition and
The ACR test software performs the acquisition, position checking, and analysis for the ACR
weekly and triennial phantom testing. Weekly tests will typically be performed at the same
time each week by a MR technologist; the triennial tests will be performed once every three
years by a MR physicist or scientist.
Benefits of the ACR test software are that it
• Saves valuable system time by performing the analysis automatically.
Node title (original): 02 - overview available ACR weekly and ID: 92309161483
triennial tests Status: Released
Frequency Weekly, at the same time each week Once every three years
Acquisition information
The table lists the scans that are performed as part of the weekly or triennial tests.
Scan type Weekly or Triennial
Equipment needed
• dS HeadSpine coil (dS Base and dS Head top)
• NVC-ACR Phantom holder
• ACR Phantom
• Nonferrous level used to align the phantom
• Positioning pads- Small (3cm) grey foam wedge set
• ACR Log Sheet: this may be an online spreadsheet, or in paper form
• (Optional) USB storage drive: If you plan to email or store the test results in a location other
than the MR system, you can use a USB data drive to copy the test results.
End fragment title: 01 - before you begin
► To run the test, right-click on the test and select Run Batch.
⇨ When you select the test to run, instructions for correct phantom placement are displayed
on the screen.
End fragment title: 02 - setting up the test
► With the dS Base of the dS HeadSpine coil on the tabletop: remove the base padded liner
from the base.
► Place the NVC-ACR phantom holder into the dS Base coil.
► The message "Scan stopped by the operator. Press Proceed and close Batch Interpreter UI to
continue" appears. Click Proceed.
► Close the Batch Interpreter window.
► Remove the phantom, positioning aids, and the coil from the scanner and safely store them.
End fragment title: 05 - stopping ACR test
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Running analysis
After the acquisition is complete, the data set automatically begins analysis and generates a
End fragment title: 06 - Running analysis
To view the ACR large Phantom Weekly QC Form, visit the ACR website
To store the ACR test data in online files, follow the following workflow:
After the ACR tests are analyzed, the results are displayed in the ACR Test Tool. Report data is
displayed using HTML, which includes text and screen shots of the phantom test images for the
most recent Weekly and Triennial test.
► In the Patient area, verify that the dataset to view is Weekly or Triennial (A).
► From the Section dropdown menu, select ACR (B).
► In the History list (C):
• Click Latest to view the report from the most recent test.
• Click All to view all reports from the tests.
► Click Ok (D).
A report is generated.
“Tabletop needs to be moved in order to disengage posterior coil for scanning. Click Yes to move the tabletop
Move tabletop remotely to disengage the posterior coil? remotely.
Press Yes to move tabletop remotely.
Press No to move tabletop at magnet."
“Batch terminated- Scan not performed; scan definition failed. Plug in the coil.
Press Proceed and close Batch Interpreter UI to continue."
“Scanner Error- Cannot determine optimum RF power” Advance the tabletop to the
“SPT Error- Spectrometer not available” Cycle power, restart the system.
If this doesn’t resolve the error,
call Philips Service.
The ACR test results may be inaccurate due to some common issues that can be easily
Node title (original): 01-weekly and triennial tests ID: 92370053899
Status: Released
Issue Area Cause of issue Relevant for
Phantom positioning error Phantom setup Philips phantom holder was weekly and triennial tests
not used.
Phantom rotated Phantom setup Phantom was not leveled weekly and triennial tests
Excessive vibration Phantom setup Small grey foam wedges weekly and triennial tests
were not used to stabilize
the phantom.
First slice much lower Phantom setup Phantom is not advanced weekly and triennial tests
intensity into coil until mechanical
Test failure High-Contrast Spatial Phantom placement is weekly and triennial tests
Resolution incorrect.
Test failure Low-Contrast Detectability Phantom placement is weekly and triennial tests
(LCD) incorrect.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Different number of spokes Low-Contrast Detectability Differences in user weekly and triennial tests
(LCD) perception led to selection
of a more discriminating
Use the number of spokes
counted manually on the
ACR sheet.
Bright artifacts on the edge Artifacts Spurious echo. Expected weekly and triennial tests
of the FOV in Spin Echo artifact with Spin Echo NSA
sequences =1.
Center frequency cannot Center Frequency System issue. Contact weekly test
be determined determination Philips Service.
Measurement failure Table Position Accuracy Air bubbles in phantom weekly test
Test failure Slice Thickness Accuracy Gradient or RF Chain issue. triennial test
Contact Philips Service.
Test failure Image Intensity Uniformity Coil malfunction. Shim triennial test
(IIU) issue. Contact Philips
Test failure Percent Signal Ghosting Possible RF shielding issue. triennial test
(PSG) Ancillary euipment
interference. Contact
Philips Service.
End fragment title: 01-weekly and triennial tests
Cleaning and disinfection of your MRI system must comply with all applicable laws and
regulations which have the force of law within the jurisdiction(s) in which your system is
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/30/2017 1:56:44 PM: removed sentence: Perform a routine
system cleaning before first use, and after maintenance. Moved to table of procedures,
frequency etc}
End fragment title: 68815 SYS.Label.IFU.CleaningDesinfection_v1
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/30/2017 1:49:09 PM: new and also still missing: }
Node title (original): Authorized personnel AND check safety ID: 9007267931813899
chapter! Status: Released
Node title (original): 68816 SYS.Label.IFU.Cleaning ID: 9007267926243083
Affix: NEW 12/2017 (updated Cleaning chapter) Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 25475
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/31/2017 9:41:10 AM: split 25475 into 2 parts where part 1:
definition "what is cleaning?" moved to root; where part 2: warnings! moved to Safety, one
Workflow sentence removed completely, moved to workflow section!}
Cleaning is the physical removal of foreign material, e.g. dust, soil, organic material such as
blood, secretions, excretions and microorganisms. Cleaning generally removes rather than kills
Cleaning is accomplished with water, detergents and mechanical action.
End fragment title: 68816 SYS.Label.IFU.Cleaning
{ Heuvel, Martina van den, 8/30/2017 1:29:12 PM: old, slightly updated text:}Cleaning is an
essential prerequisite for effective disinfection.
Disinfection is the process of eliminating or reducing harmful microorganisms from inanimate
objects and surfaces.
Node title (original): Levels of disinfection ID: 9007267911670795
Status: Released
Levels of disinfection
The level of disinfection required for a device is dictated by the type of tissue with which it is in
contact during use. The table below shows which level of disinfection needs to be performed
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
* In some countries, disinfection is not differentiated in low, intermediate and high level.
The disinfection of the MRI system, components and positioning aids is classified as non-critical
and requires intermediate or low level disinfection.
Low level disinfectants kill most vegetative bacteria and some fungi as well as enveloped (lipid)
viruses (e.g., hepatitis B, C, hantavirus, and HIV). Low level disinfectants do not kill
mycobacteria or bacterial spores.
Intermediate level disinfectants kill vegetative bacteria, most viruses and most fungi but not
resistant bacterial spores.
End fragment title: Levels of disinfection
Only use the cleaning agents and disinfectants that are listed in this section.
Philips cannot be held liable for damage caused by the use of different products or
End fragment title: 00 - intro
{ Geenen, Hubert, 1/17/2020 12:59:20 PM: deleted "Use only mild household cleaning agents,
diluted in water. " for MR00224934 (detergents}
• If a premixed solution is used, be sure to observe the solution expiration date.{ Heuvel,
Martina van den, 8/31/2017 1:07:14 PM: remove this statement? or extend with other
factors affecting the efficiency of disinfectant?}
Node title (original): 68820 SYS.Label.IFU.Cleaning.Restrictions ID: 9007267930758795
Affix: NEW 12/2017 updated Cleaning chapter) Status: Released
ISO/IEC: 24644
Inappropriate cleaning agents or disinfectants may cause discoloration, damage or structural
weakening of the equipment.
• Check the constituents and concentration of cleaning agents and disinfectants before use.
• Never use aggressive detergents, organic solvents or abrasive cleaning agents.
• Never use iodine or colored disinfectants.
• Never use a bleach solution of more than 250 ppm.
• Never use bleach wipes. { Heuvel, Martina van den, 11/24/2017 11:25:30 AM: because
they have a far too high chlorine concentration of 5500 ppm}
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
• If you are not sure about the properties of a disinfectant agent, do not use it.
• Never mix different cleaning and disinfecting solutions because hazardous gases may
Node title (original): 67549 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.Ignition ID: 9007269549528843
Desinfecting Spray Status: Released
Ignition of disinfecting spray.
Risk of serious injury or death.
• Do not use flammable or potentially explosive disinfecting sprays.
Infectious residue
Risk of cross-infection
• Always clean and disinfect the bore, tabletop, mattresses, positioning aids, coils,
physiology sensors and cables after each examination of (injured or infectious) patients
where contamination may have occurred.
• Use proper personal protection and precautions when removing blood or residual
contrast medium.
Handling liquids
Node title (original): 71429 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PS. ID: 9007267931148171
203.1_v2 Status: Released
Affix: NEW 12/2017 (updated Cleaning chapter)
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
ISO/IEC: 71429
Electrical conductive path due to excessive liquid
Risk of electric shock
• Never allow water or other liquids to enter the system, system components, coils, coil
contacts (of separable coils) and connectors.
• Verify that all parts of the system, coils and positioning aids are completely dry before
starting an examination.
If liquid has entered the system, contact your Philips service engineer.
End fragment title: 71429 SYS.Label.IFU.Warning.HAZ-PS.203.1_v2
See the table in section Components, procedures and frequency for cleaning frequencies.
End fragment title: 03 handling liquids
The following table gives an overview of system components and cleaning and disinfection
Three different procedures have been identified for cleaning and disinfection. These are:
1. Regular procedure: applicable for hard and soft closed-cell surfaces.
2. Other procedures: applicable for other surfaces and components.
3. Fabric and foam procedure: applicable for soft open-cell surfaces.
End fragment title: Intro all systems
• Endo coil with disposable Yes Yes Other After each patient **
• All positioning aids, except Yes Yes Regular After each patient **
for straps and foam wedges
• PPU and reusable clips Yes Yes Other After each patient **
* Or as required.
** Recommended.
End fragment title: All systems
End fragment title: 79504 SYS.Label.IFU.Cleaning.Frequency.UIM (non-VitalScreen)
The following table gives an overview of system components and cleaning and disinfection
Three different procedures have been identified for cleaning and disinfection. These are:
1. Regular procedure: applicable for hard and soft closed-cell surfaces.
2. Other procedures: applicable for other surfaces and components.
3. Fabric and foam procedure: applicable for soft open-cell surfaces.
End fragment title: Intro
• Endo coil with disposable Yes Yes Other After each patient **
• All positioning aids, except Yes Yes Regular After each patient **
for straps and foam wedges
• PPU and reusable clips Yes Yes Other After each patient **
* Or as required.
** Recommended.
End fragment title: Cleaning frequency - All systems
End fragment title: 85720 SYS.Label.IFU.Cleaning.Frequency.UIMVitalScreen
* Except VitalScreen.
End fragment title: LE
End fragment title: Achieva Optimus Prodiva Multiva - without mention of VitalScreen
► Inspect coils and cables for damage such as cracks, splitting, sharp edges, or projections.
If damage is evident, discontinue use of the coils or cables and contact Philips Customer
► Inspect the surface of positioning aids like supports, wedges, mattresses and sandbags
regularly for breaches, tears or frays.
► In case of damaged material:
• Remove and replace breached, torn or frayed mattresses, supports, wedges, and
sandbags immediately.
The internal spongy structure cannot be cleaned and disinfected adequately.{ Heuvel,
Martina van den, 8/31/2017 2:35:10 PM: HG - Remove breached mattresses}
• Do not use patches to repair tears and holes.
When you need to completely clean or disinfect the tabletop, remove the fillers and the NVS
Spine and NVS Head Base coils. For information on how to disassemble the coils, see .
End fragment title: extra for Jaguar(Eagle)
End fragment title: 02 - hard cleaning
• Air dry or dry with a clean cloth.
5. Dispose of any used disinfection materials in accordance with your facility's disposal
End fragment title: 03 - hard disinfecting
Monitor displays
⊳ Before cleaning turn off the display and unplug the power if possible.
► Wipe with a soft cloth moistened with water. Alternatively use a window cleaner.
► Clean the printer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Examination Room
► Clean the floor according to your facilities' cleaning protocol.
Node title (original): FlexConnect sockets and connectors ID: 27021668018924811
Affix: Ingenia Optimus Status: Released
Discard the probe in a hazard waste container. The probe (endo coil) is for single use only.
Clean and disinfect the interface device after each use with one of the following solutions:
• Distilled water.
• 10% bleach/90% distilled water solution
• Hydrogen peroxide
• Isopropyl alcohol
• Formula 409
• Lysol disinfectant
• Methylated spirits (90% ethanol, 9.5% methanol, 0.5% pyridine)
Inappropriate cleaning agents
Risk of material damage
• Never use solutions containing amines, strong alkalis, esters, iodine, aromatic or
chlorinated hydrocarbons, or ketones.
Node title (original): HG - Do not sterilize the dS Endo coil ID: 18014468671953035
Status: Released
Do not sterilize any part of the coil.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
– CaviWipes.
– Alcohol (70%).
– Antibacterial soap (10% Triclosan).
End fragment title: PPU cleaning and disinfection
Do not sterilize any part of the PPU sensors and reusable clips.
Sterilizing may damage the equipment.
12 Product Disposal
Last Content Modificator: Geenen, Hubert ID: 108086397487514123
Status: NotReleased
Final disposal: the system is disposed of in such a way that it can no longer be used for its
intended purpose.
The User is responsible for proper disposal of the system.
Philips MRI systems are designed and manufactured to comply with relevant guidelines for
environmental protection. As long as the system is properly operated and maintained, it
presents no environmental risks. However, the system contains materials that could be harmful
to the environment if disposed of incorrectly.
3000 077 77311/782 * 2021-12
Do not dispose of the MRI system, or any parts of the system, with industrial or domestic
waste. During disposal, special attention must be paid to:
• Cooling fluids
• Phantom fluids
• Batteries
• Helium
Lithium battery cells of type CR2032 used in the host computer contain perchlorate material,
special handling may apply.
See https://www.dtsc.ca.gov/perchlorate.
The system software stores sensitive personal information. Disposal of the MRI system is
therefore also subject to privacy related (local) legislation.
For advice and information regarding proper disposal of your MRI system, contact your Philips
Healthcare representative or go to https://www.philips.com/a-w/about/sustainability/
Philips can assist in:
• Recovery of reusable parts.
{ Geenen, Hubert, 9/23/2021 1:02:54 PM: For Translation in to Turkish, please use this part
"WEEE yönetmeliğine uygundur " as it is an official Text (and "The system" to it in Turkish)}
The system complies with the WEEE Regulations
The magnet cryostat is a pressure vessel that can contain pressurized gasses when warmed
Improper treatment may cause injury during disposal.
If this product passes to another user, it must be in its complete state, including all product
support documentation.
Make the new user aware of the support services that Philips provides for installing,
commissioning and maintaining the product.
Before passing on the product or taking it out of service, all patient data must be (backed up
elsewhere if necessary, and) unrecoverable on the product.
It must be remembered by all existing users that passing on medical electrical products to new
users may create serious technical, medical and legal risks (including, but not limited to
privacy). Such risks can arise even if the product is given away. Existing users are strongly
advised to seek advice from their local Philips representative before committing themselves to
passing on any product. Alternatively, contact the manufacturer.
Once the product has been passed on to a new user, a previous user may still receive important
safety-related information, such as bulletins and field change orders. In many jurisdictions,
there is a clear duty on the previous user to communicate such safety-related information to
new users. Previous users who are not able or prepared to do this should inform Philips about
the new user, so that Philips can provide the new user with safety-related information.
End fragment title: 66497 SYS.Label.IFU.SecondLife
MR Systems X O X O O O
REACH Declaration
REACH requires Philips Healthcare (PH) to provide chemical content information for Substances
of Very High Concern (SVHC) if they are present above 0.1% of the article weight.
Components within electric and electronic equipment may contain phthalates above the
threshold Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), CAS nr.: 117-81-7 .
The SVHC list is updated on a regular basis. Therefore, refer to the following Philips REACH
website for the most up-to-date list of products containing SVHC above the threshold: http://
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