Turbotax Sauce
Turbotax Sauce
Turbotax Sauce
-Fullz/Pros with Good Credit Scores 700+ or Better (Full Name, Address, & DOB matching
Social Security Card)
Social Security Number# & Drivers License Number#
-RDP or 911 VPN
-Background CHecker
-TextNow Phone# or Google Voice Phone#
-Email Address Made Matching Your Fullz/Pro
4.Paid Rent
17. Continue
35. Any of this work from a former employer? None of this work
36. Do you have deductions you’ll claim elsewhere? No, this doesn't apply to me
41. Medical expenses: No, i dint 42. IRA or Roth IRA: No, I Ddint 43. College or University: No
44. Foreign Taxes: NO
46. Did you get you get Homebuyer credit: No 47. How much did you Donate cash to charity:
*Leave blank*
49. Did you get 3rd Stimulus: Yes, i say yes just
incase the fullz did for real and wont slow down the process cause a hold your payment for
53. After you go over your Income & Expenses press “Continue”
64. Yes, I Want To Use my 2020 net income from self-employment... on the three lines but the
same amount. Anything from 12,500-17,500. Put the same number on each line
65. scroll all the way down to the “ Tax Relief Related to COVID-19” part then click on the
second/middle “REVISIT”
69. Leave Next Page BLANK...for any other paid family leave
70. Yes, I Want To Use my 2020 net income from self-employment... on the three lines but the
same amount. Anything from 12,500-17,500. Put the same number on each line..
72. scroll all the way down to the “ Tax Relief Related to COVID-19” part then click on the
third/bottom “REVISIT”
73. Did you payout any family or medical leave to your employees in 2021? NO!
75. Donating Cash To Charity: LEAVE BLANK 76. YES i got a $1400 stimulus
77. Same Residence all year: YES
84. When they ask did you file for 2019 or 2020
say NO!
88. When you are done it should have you going to the REVIEW page
89. I repeat and cant say it enough DO NOT CONNECT WITH EXPERTS fuck dem hoes