Practice Test 3 (Detective Story)
Practice Test 3 (Detective Story)
Practice Test 3 (Detective Story)
Section A: Reading
Read the extract from the short story ‘The Red-Headed League’, then answer questions 1–6.
2 Suggest two ways that the writer uses the setting to create fear in lines 1–4.
Remember to give a clear example from the text for each suggestion.
3 Identify the main reason for the visit to the cellar.
4 ‘Holmes left us in pitch darkness – such an absolute darkness as I have never before
experienced. To me, there was something depressing in the sudden gloom, and in the cold dank
air of the vault.’
a Give two single words from these that show how dark it is in the cellar.
b What does the phrase ‘cold dank air’ add to your impression of the cellar?
5 Give two ways that Sherlock Holmes comes across as a typical detective in this extract.
Support each idea with a quotation from the extract.
6 Suggest two impressions of the narrator’s feelings created by the final paragraph of the extract.
Give a short quotation to support each one.
1 Write the opening of a detective story.
You could include:
a description of your detective
the mystery that they need to solve
other characters such as the detective’s assistant and the victim
How the mystery is eventually solved [25]