FP1 Summation of Series
FP1 Summation of Series
FP1 Summation of Series
Summation of Series
following in the form x + iy, showing clearly how you obtain your answers.
2 PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com
(i) " + 5w, 2 [2]
n n
, where "results ¤the ¤xr2+ toiy,of ", that, for all positive integers n,
(i) Express (1 + 8i)(2 − i) in
1 Use
(ii) the * is thefor r and
complex conjugate show [3]
1 form showing clearly how you obtain your answer. [2]
r=1 r=1
(iii) . 1 + 8i [2]
2 x + iy.
in the (6
¤ r + 2r + 1) = n(2n + 4n + 3). [6]
(ii) Hence express form 2 [3]
Use an algebraic method to find the square roots of the complex number 21 − 20i.
(Q1, June 2005)
4 [6]
2 Prove by induction that, for n ≥ 1, ∑ r2 =1 16 n2(n + 1)(2n +11). 0 [5]
225 The
(i) matrices
Show that A and I are given by A = ! " and I = !
" respectively.
1 3 0 1
− = [2]
r 1
(i) Find A and verify that A = 4A − I.r + 1 (r + 1)(r + 2)
2 r2+ 21 3
The matrix M is given by M = ! 1 2 1 ".
1 A1−1 3= 4I − A.
(ii) Hence,
(ii) or otherwise,
Hence find showin
an expression, that
terms of n, for [2]
(i) Find the value of the determinant
1 of1M. [3]
+ + + ... + [4]
1 1
The complex numbers 2 + 3i 6and 12 4 − i20 (nby " and
+ 1)( n + 2)
3 are denoted w respectively. Express each of the
following in the form x + iy, showing clearly how you obtain your answers.
(ii) State, giving a brief reason, whether M is singular or non-singular. [1]
54 Use the standard results for ∑ r3 and ∑ r2 to show that, for all positive integers n,
are denoted by α , β and γ , where r=1
α is rreal
and β and γ are complex.
+ β + γ.
∑ (r3 + r2) = 121 n(n + 1)(n + 2)(3n + 1). [5]
(i) Write down the value [1]
(ii) It is given that β = p + irq, where q > 0. Find the value of p, in terms of α . [4]
(Q4, June 2006)
A=! " and B = ! ".
2 1 a
(ii) Show that (r + 1) − r ≡ 3r + 3r + 1. −3 −2
1 The matrices A and B 3are given
2 3 2 [2]
= ! (i) and
2A +inBparts ", write down the value of a.
1 1 n
(i) Use
(iii) thethat
results 3 2 (ii) and the standard result for ∑ r to show that [1]
7 −4
(ii) Given instead that AB = ! ", find the value of a.
9 3−7
∑ r2 = 12 n(n + 1)(2n + 1). [6]
(Q9, June 2006)
2 Use an algebraic method to find the square roots of the complex number 15 + 8i. [6]
10 The cubic equation x3 − 2x2 + 3x + 4 = 0 has roots α , β and γ .
∑ (3r2 − 3r + 1) = n3 . [6]
6 converges.
The sequence u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . is definedn r =1
by un = n + 3n, for all positive integers n.
2 [1]
2 Prove by induction that, for n ≥ 1, ∑ r = 4 n (n + 1) .
3 1 2 2
(Q8, Jan 2007)
(i) Show that un+1 − un = 2n + 4. r =1 [3]
The matrix C is given by C = ! 1 1 ".
0 3
−1 0".
by A = !that
4 The
(ii) matrix
Hence A is given
prove by induction each
n 3 5 n term of the sequence is divisible by 2. [5]
93 Use the standard results
(i) Draw a diagram showing for ∑the unit∑
r and r 2
to show that, for all positive integers n,
square and its image under the transformation represented by C.
(i) Find A−1 . r=1 r=1 [2]
7 The quadratic equation x2 + 5x + 10 =n0 has roots α and β .
1 (31ris
B−1 is given by B−1 = !by∑C ". − equivalent
3r + 1) = n3to [6]
The matrix
transformation represented . a rotation, R, followed by another
(i) Write downS.the values of α + β4 rand =1−1
transformation, αβ . [2]
(Q3, June 2007)
(ii) Show
Find (AB α 2. +the
Describe = 5.
β 2 rotation R and write down the matrix that represents R. [2]
+ + + + [3]
1 1 1 2 1
8 The sequence u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . is defined
2 6 by12 u1 = 1 andnu(nn+1+ =1)u. n + 2n + 1.
. . .
1 The transformation S is a shear with the y-axis invariant (i.e. a shear parallel to the y-axis). It is given
(i) the
that thatof
image = 16.
u4the point (1, 1) is the point (1, 0). [2]
r (r +
(iii) Henceasuggest
(i) Hence
(ii) Draw find the an
diagram value of the image
showing for . of. the unit square under the transformation S.
un1) [3]
(Q5, June 2007)
(ii) Use
(iii) down thetomatrix
induction prove that represents
your answer S. to part (ii) is correct. [2]
6 The cubic equation 3x3 − 9x2 + 6x + 2 = 0 has roots α , β and γ .
(i) Show that α 23 + β 3 = (α +2β )3 − 3αβ (α + β ).
∑ (ardown
+ b)the
≡ nvalues
(2n +of3nα−+2),
β +find + βγof+the
9 [2]
112 Given thatWrite
(i) (a) γ and
2 αβ
the values γ α .constants a and b. [5]
of αx2 +− 4β52x1++γ 72 .= 0 has roots α and β . Find a quadratic equation
! " and I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix. Find
2 (Q2,with
Jan 2008)
(ii) The
(b) quadratic
Find the value equation roots
1 The matrix A is given by A
α and β .
3 3
5 2 [6]
3 The A − 3Use
(i) cubic
(ii) (a) Iequation 2x − 3x +x 24
, the substitution
= x +to7 find
1 = 0 has α , β andinγu. with integer coefficients.
a cubic [2]
A−1 . that 2 − 1 − 1 3r + 4
=find a cubic equation
1210 (ii) [2]
r + 1 to r+ ( + + + +
(i) Show
(i) Use the substitution x to 2 . 1 integer
u with
in of 1 1 coefficients. [2]
(b) Use your r answer part
u 2 (ii)
r (a)
r to
r the
2) value . [2]
α β γ
= ! " ×
4 1
3 + 4i
1 The matrix A is given by A and I is the 2 2 identity matrix. Find
+ +
Hence find an expression,
(ii) complex
The in
5 terms
2 by of an.,1for 1 1
2 (ii) Hence, ornumber otherwise, is denoted
find the value of . [2]
αβ βγ γ α
(i) A − 3I, 3r + 4
(i) Find | a | and arg a.
r (r + 1)(r + 2)
(ii) A−1 . r=1 4725/01 Jun07
− 4i is denoted the#.loci by answers in the form x + iy, and showing
© OCR 2007 [2]
4 The
(ii) complex
Sketch onnumber a single3 Argand diagram by Giving
given your
(a) |# − a | = | a |,
clearly how you obtain them, find
*,number 3 + 4i is denoted by a. 3r + 4
2 The complex
− 3) = arg
(i) 2# 5# [2]
r (r + 1)(r + 2)
(iii) Hence
(b) arg(# write down thea.value of . [1]
(i) (#
(ii) Find | 2
− i)a, and arg a. r =1 [2]
3 1 3r + 4diagram
that − ∑ = = . , find the value of N .
(ii) Sketch
(iii) . on a1single Argand 7the loci given by [3]
r ! (r (+r 1)!
+ 1)(r(+r 2)
+ 1)! 10
3 (i) Given
(iv) Show that [4]
(a) |# − a |r==N|+1
a |, [2]
(Q10, Jan 2008)
(ii) Hence find−an
(b) arg(# = arg a. in terms of n, 3for
3)expression, [3]
= ! ", = ! 0n" and C = (2 −1). Find
+ + 2+ . . . + 3 [4]
5 The matrices A, B and C are given1 by A
2 3 1 B 4
(n + 1)!
2!r 3! 4!
, r ! − (r + 1)! = (r + 1)! .
1 1
PMT 133 (i) A
(i) − 4Bthat
Show [2]
(ii) BC, [4]
CA. A is given by A = ! 0 1 ". Prove by induction that, for n ≥ 1,
(ii) Hence find an expression, in 1 of n, for2
3 terms
4 The matrix
(iii) [2]
+ + clearly
+ 1. . .how
+ you obtain [4]
2 + 3i 1 2 3 n
n + 1)!
(3 −
1 Express in the form x + iy2!
, showing your answer. [4]
A =# $.
3! 3 n
4! n
5−i n 2
6 The loci C1 and C2 are given by (Q3, June 2008)
0 1
The cubic equation x3 + ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are real, has roots (3 + i) and 2.
4 Given that A and B are 2 × 2 non-singular matrices and I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix, simplify
B(AB)−1 A − I.
© OCR 2008 4725/01 Jan08
PMT 5 The cubic equation x3 + 5x2 + 7 = 0 has roots α , β and γ .
1 1 4
169 (i) Show that − = . [2]
2r − 3 2r + √1 4r 2 − 4r − 3
(i) Use the substitution x = u to find a cubic equation in u with integer coefficients. [3]
(ii) Hence find an expression, in terms of n, for 2
(ii) Hence find the value of α 2 β 2 + β 2 γ 2 + γ 2 α 2 . [2]
The matrix A is given by A = ! " and I is the
a 2 n
1 4 2 × 2 identity matrix.
3 4 ∑ 4r 2 − 4r − 3
. [6]
6 The complex number 3 − 3i is denoted by r=2a.
(i) Find A − 4I. [2]
(i) Find | a | and∞arg a. [2]
4 4 value of a.
(iii) Given that
(ii) Show
that A is singular,
(ii) Sketch on ar=2 4 r 2 − 4r − 3
= the
single Argand diagram the loci given by
(Q9, Jan 2009)
2 (a) |"equation
The cubic − a | = 32x2, + 3x − 3 = 0 has roots α , β and γ .
3 [3]
2 √
PMT 10 Use an
(i) (b) arg("algebraic
− a) = 14method
π .x = u to find the square roots of the complex number 2 + i 5. Give your [3]
Use the
(i) answers substitution −
in the form x + iy, where 1 to find a cubic
x and y are equation u with integer coefficients.
exact realinnumbers. [3]
171 (iii) Hence∑find,
(ii) Indicate, r3 .the
by shading, the(α
β +the
1x)(Argand . diagram
γ +2y1)are for which [3]
(ii) Hence find
in the formof x + +iy1where and exact real numbers, the roots of the equation [2]
√ (Q1, June 2009)
|" − a | ≥ 3 2 4 and 2 0 ≤ arg(" − a) ≤ 14 π . [3]
A = ! the equation
" and I is# the
a 2 % − 4% + 9 = 0. [4]
3 The
The matrix
complex is given by
A number # satisfies + 2i2#×*2= identity
12 + 9i. matrix.
Find #, giving your answer in the
x + iy. A and B are given by A = ! " and B = ! " and I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix.
3 4 3 0 5 0
2 The
formmatrices [5]
(iii) Show, on an Argand diagram, the roots0 of1the equation 0in part2 (ii). [1]
187 (i)
Find Find
(i) Use A −method
the values 4of
I. theofconstants
differences to show
a and that aA + bB = I.
b for which [2]
(iv) n
(ii) Given that α
Ar is the root of the equation
n the in part
. a (ii) such that 0 < arg α < 12 π , sketch on the same
Given that is singular, find value4 of 4ain [3]
4 Find ∑ diagram the locus given
r ( r + 1)( − 2), expressing ∑ your
{(rby answer
+ 1)
|% −
(n + 1)factorised
−αr| }= =|%|.fully − 1. form. [6]
3 The complex numbers " and w rare
r =1 =1 given by " = 5 − 2i and w = 3 + 7i. Giving your answers in the
form x + iy and showing clearly how you obtain them, find
2 The cubic equation 2x3 + 3x − 3 = 0 has roots α , β and γ .
! in u with
". integer
(i) 4" − 3w , (r + 1)4 − r4 ≡ 4r3 + 6r 2 + 4r + 1. 0 −1 [2]
5 (i) Show
(i) The
Use the
substitution T x =is urepresented
− 1 to find abycubic
the matrix
equation Give a coefficients. [2]
geometrical description
1 0
(ii) "of*wT.. [2]
(iii) Hence show that
(ii) Hence find the value of (α + 1)(β +n1)(γ + 1). [2]
3 2 2
(ii) The transformation T is equivalent 4 ∑ rto =anreflection
(n + 1) . in the line y = −x followed by another [6]
2 1 1
4 transformation
The roots S. Give
of the quadratic a geometrical
equation x −description
x +r=1 8 = 0 are pofand S and find the
q. Find the value
p +represents
+ .S.2009)
+ June
q(Q7, [4]
3 The complex number # satisfies the equation # + 2i#* = 12 + 9i. Find #, giving your answer p q in the
form x + iy. [5]
© OCR 2009 3 2 4725 Jun09
6 One root of the cubic3 equation 2
x + px + 6x + q = 0, where p and q are real, is the complex number
5 The cubic
5 − i. n equation x + 5 x + 7 = 0 has roots α , β and γ .
194 Find ∑ r(r + 1)(r − 2), expressing √ your answer in a fully factorised form. [6]
(i) Use
r=1 the
Find thesubstitution = cubic
real root of xthe u to find a cubic equation in u with integer coefficients.
equation. [3]
PMT (Q4, Jan 2010)
(ii) Hence find
Find the the value
values of αq2.β 2 + β 2 γ 2 + γ 2 α 2 .
of p and [2]
2 matrix ! 1 ". Give a geometrical description
0 −1
5 (i) The transformation T is represented by the
of T. 1 1 2rn+ 1by a. [2]
(i) complex
Show that number − 3 − 3i2is≡denoted . [1]
1 Prove by induction 2
1) n ≥ r1,(r∑+r1()r + 1) = 3 n(n + 1)(n + 2).
(r +for
r that, 2 2 1
(ii) The |transformation
(i) Find a | and arg a. T is equivalent r =1 to a reflection in the line y = −x followed by another [2]
transformation S. Give a geometrical description n of S and find the matrix that represents S. [4]
2r + 1
© OCR 2009
(ii) Hence find
(ii) Sketch on a an expression,
single Argand in terms of
diagram ∑
givenr2by( r + 1 ) 2
. [4]
The √ C are given by A = ( 1 −r4=1), B = ! 5 " and C = ! 3 0 ". Find
6 One matrices
root of|" − A
=3 and equation x3 + px2 + 6x + q = 0, where3p and q are real,
2, −2 is2the complex number [3]
5 − i. 2r + 1
(i) AB, ∑
Find arg(" 2− a) = 142π. .
(iii) (b)
r (r + 1)
r=2 real root of the cubic equation.
(i) Find the [3]
(Q7, Jan 2010)
(iii) Indicate,
(ii) BA − 4C. by shading, the region of the Argand diagram for which [4]
(ii) Find the values of p and q. 2
√ 1
8 The complex number a is such |" − athat
|≥a 3 = − 12i. 0 ≤ arg(" − a) ≤ 4 π .
2 5 and [3]
Find ∑(2an
(i) Use
(i) Show
1)21, expressing
r −algebraic
that −
1 to find
≡ 2
r +the
1 two
in apossible values of
fully factorised a.
form. [5]
r=1 r 2
(r + 1) 2
r (r + 1 )2
(i) Use theonmethod of differences to show (Q3, June 2010)
7 (ii) Sketch a single Argand diagram thethat
two possible loci given by |# − a | = | a |. [4]
n +4=
2r b 1 1 − 3i. Showing clearly how you obtain
4 The
(ii) complex
© OCR 2010
Hence find
your answers, find
a and b are
an expression, in
∑ given
terms of
{(r + 1) =for
(nrand .
2+ 1) − 21.
(r + 1)
(i) 2A + B, [2]
3 PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com
(i) AC , that p = 56 .
Show [2]
√ √
1 r + 2 − r
PMT 228 (iii)
(i) CB
. that √
Find the value of q. √ ≡ . [3]
r+2+ r 2
Hence find
(ii) complex an expression, in terms
" and w are of n, for2
2 The numbers agiven−a by 1" = 4 + 3i and w = 6 − i. Giving your answers in the form
x + iy and showing clearly how ⎛ ⎞ find
The matrix M is given by M = ⎜ ⎝3 a 2n 1a⎟ ⎠. 1
you obtain them,
2 0 11r + 2 + r=. ! 4 1 ". I denotes the 2 × 2 identity matrix.
! √ " and B
9 2 a
1 The matrices
(i) 3" − 4w, A and B are given by4 A = ∑r=1
√ [6]
Find "*
(ii) . in terms of a, the determinant of M.
(i) Find, [3]
(i) A w + 3B − 4I, ∞ [3]
(ii) Hence
(ii) State,
(iii) find the values of a for which M does not √
AB. giving a brief reason, whether the series
∑ exist. √ converges.
r+2+ r
PMT 3 r =1
The sequence u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . is defined by u1 = 2, and un+1 = 2un − 1 for n ≥ 1. Prove by induction
(iii) Determine whether the simultaneous equations (Q8, June 2010)
that un = 2n−1 + 1. [4]
6 x −
1 6 y + " = n 3 k ,
2 Prove by induction that, for n ⎛ ≥a1, a −1 ⎞ 2=
∑ . [5]
9 The matrix A n is given by A = ⎝
⎜ 0 a
r3(xr2++⎟⎠61.y) + "n=+0,1
2341 Given that ∑A
The matrices
(arand +B ) ≡given
brare n(n −by1)(An2=+ !1 x21+
4)( n+ 2ay2"+ "find
),and =B ,= !values
kthe ". I denotes the 2 × 2 identity matrix.
2 a of the constants a and b. [6]
r=1 0 1 4 1
3 Find
By where
(i) using ink terms
Find,the is a non-zero
of a, the
determinant ofconstant, have
an appropriate
determinant of A amatrix,
.uniquefind solution, no solution
the values of k fororwhich the(Q4,
an infinite Jan 2011)
equations justifying your answer. [3]
5 Given + 3B
(i) Athat A −and
4I, B are non-singular square matrices, simplify [3]
(ii) Three simultaneous equations are shown kx + below.
8y = 1,
(ii) AB. −1
(+Aky −1 [2]
1 2 1 axAB 2+2xay − B=%)3,= .−1 [3]
2410 (i) Show that − + ≡ . [2]
do not have a unique + 1 r + 2 r(r + 1)(ay
r r solution. r ++ 22)% = 2a [3]
x+ 1 2yfor+ %n =1
62 (ii)
Prove Hence
on aan
by induction
(i) Sketch expression,
for n ≥in
2n each of the following values
∑1,terms of
diagram then,loci =given by
r(r + 1) n + 1
r = 1 n of a, determine whether the equations are consistent or
4 ∑#3|"|
Find (a)
inconsistent. $, −expressing
r2 −= 12|" 8If|, the equations
your answer
∑ are in 2 factorised
a fully
consistent, determine
form. [2]
whether or not there is a unique
r =1
solution. r(r + 1)(r + 2)
3 (b) arg
By using the(" + 2i) = 14 π . of an appropriate
matrix, find the values of k for which the simultaneous [3]
equations a = 0
Indicate by
(ii) complex shading
1 +the
i 23region of theby Argand diagram for which
5 The number is denoted kxa1+. 8y = 1,
(b) athat
(iii) Show =1
∑ r(r + 1|"|)(r ≤+ |"
2)− 8 (| n +and
2 1)(
x + nky
3, (" + 2i ) ≤ 1π.
Find a| a=| and
(i) (c) 2 r=narg+1 a. 4 [2]
(Q10, Jan 2011)
do not have a unique solution. [3]
(ii) Sketch on a single Argand diagram the loci given by |$ − a | = | a | and arg($ − a) = 12 π . [6]
7 (i) Write down the matrix, A, that represents a shear with x-axis invariant in which the image of the
Find ∑#3r − 12 $, expressing youraanswer
10 The complex 1) is (4,%1, )where
point (21, number . 0 < arg % < 12 π , is such that %2 = 3 + 4i. [2]
254 1 #0in a fully factorised form. [6]
⎛ ⎞
PMT by C = ⎜ ⎝ 1 %2. 13 ⎟ ⎠,#where
(ii) The matrix B is given by B = ! ". Describe fully the geometrical transformation
6 Use anCalgebraic
(i) matrix
The is given method to find 0 a ≠ 1. Find C . −1 (Q4, June 2011)
−1 3 04 3
5 (ii) Show that
represented % by= 2
B .+ 11i.
The complex number 1 + i 3 is denoted by a. 2 [1]
by≡C = ! . ". is denoted by z. Given that !z! = 13, find the value of a and
is 2positive,
The complex number
andC1arg w is1the roota2of the6equation
7 The
(i) complex
(iii) Findmatrix
Show |number
| athat isagiven
−+. 5i, where
a [2]
hence find arg z. r − 1 r + 1 r − 10 62 2
w − 4w3 + 125 = 0
(ii) (a) on a single Argand
Draw a diagram showing the unit diagram thesquare
loci given
|$ − aunder
its | = | a |the arg($ − a) = 12 represented
andtransformation π. [6]
for which − 1
π < arg w < 0. 2
" #∑ " #
(ii) Hence by2findC. an expression, in terms of3 n, for 4 4. 6 [3]
2 The matrices A and B are given by A = and rB2 −=1 , and I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix.
2 − 3 r =2 3 − 5
Find Write
(iii) (b) down the determinant a 1 of 0 C and explain briefly how this value relates to the
⎛ ⎞
w. [5]
6 Given
The matrix transformation
that pA C +isqB = I, by
given find∞Cthe=⎜⎝2
1 by
2 C
1. ⎠
, where p
a and
≠ q.
1. Find C −1
. [2]
(iii) Find the value of
© OCR 2011
∑r = 1000
−1. 3 4
r2 − 1 4725 Jan11
© OCR 2011 4725 Jan11 (Q7, June 2011)
3 Use an algebraic method to find the square roots of 3 + (6 2)i. Give your answers in the form x + iy, where
x and y are exact real 1 numbers. 1 2 [6]
7 (i) Show that − ≡ 2 . [1]
r−1 r+1 r −1
274 Find Σ r (r 2 − 3), expressing your answer in a fully factorised
2 form. [6]
(ii) rHence
© OCR 2010 =1 find an expression, in terms of n,4725
forJun10 2
r =2
r∑− 1
. [5]
(Q4, Jan 2012)
5 (a) Find the matrix that represents a reflection in the line y = −x. [2]
(iii) Find the value of ∑
r = 1000
r 2
− 11
© OCR 2011 . 4725 Jun11
# −
(iii) Use
r =1induction to prove that your answer to part (ii) is correct.
3 [4]
n PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com
(i) z + 3w, [2]
56 Prove by induction that, for n 1, 4×3r = 6(3n − 1). [5]
z . that r r − 1 y
≡ 1
288 (ii)
(i) Show − r =1 . [3]
w r+1 r r(r + 1)
6 The
(ii) quadratic equation
Hence find 2x2 + x in
an expression, + 5terms
= 0 has 1 α and β. 1 0
2 n,roots
of for
2 The matrices A and B are given1by A =
(i) Use the substitution x =
41 31
to 1obtain
+ + a
! and B =
+ ... +
" 31 2
. Find "
. u with integer coefficients.
in [3]
u + 1 2 6 12 n(n + 1)
(i) AB, C B [2]
1 1
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, find the value of ! − 1" ! − 1".
−1 −1 ∞ α β
(ii) B A . B [3]
(iii) Hence find 1 C . [2]
7 arer(r
The loci C1 and Cr =2n+1 + 1)by $ z 3 4i $ = 4 and $ z $ = $ z 8i $ respectively.
given − − − (Q8, Jan 2012)
3 One root of the quadratic equation x2 + ax + b = 0, where a and b are real, is the complex number 4 – 3i.
O A x
(i) Sketch,
Find on of
the values a single
a and Argand
b. diagram, the loci C1 and C2. [6]
Find #
(ii) diagram
Hencen find
following coordinates:−
the the
+ 2),
unit square
OABC, represented
your answer in
by theOAB′C′
and its image
A(1, 0), B(1, 1), C(0, 1), B′(3, 2) and C′(2, 2).a fully
points of
after of C1 andThe
a transformation.
C2.points have [2]
(iii) Indicate,
r =1 by shading, the region of the Argand diagram for which
(Q4, June 2012)
(i) Write down the matrix, X, for this transformation.
© OCR 2012 4725 Jan12 [2]
5 Prove by induction that, for n 1, $ z − 34×3 − 4i=$ 6(3
4 nand $ z $ $ z − 8i $ .
− 1). [2]
(ii) The transformation represented r =1
by X is equivalent to a transformation P followed by a transformation
Q. Give geometrical
1 1 2 descriptions
2 of a pair of possible transformations P and Q and state the matrices
3086 (i) quadratic
The Show that −
that represent 2x ≡ + x + 5 = . 0 has roots α and β. [1]
r them. [6]
PMT r + 2 r(r + 2)
1 2n
(i) Use
(iii) Findthe the substitution
matrix that xrepresents
= totransformation
obtain a quadratic equation in u with integer coefficients. [3]
of n, for Q followed. by transformation P. [2]
u +in1terms 2
(ii) Hence find an expression, [6]
a 1 2 r(r + 2)
= dthe value n , where 1 r1
of ! −a1"≠! 4 ,−and
β "
1 The
(ii) matrix
∞ by Afind 1 . I denotes the 2 × 2 identity matrix. Find [3]
2 1 11 4 α 1
17 (iii) (i) complex
The Sketchthat
Given on a single
number 3 +Argand
ai, where=diagrama, find the
is real, given
denoted of N.byby z. Given that arg z = 6 r, find the value [4]
(i) 2A – 3I, r =N+1 r(r + 2) 30 [3]
7 Thea loci C1zand C2 are $ z − 3 − 4i $ = 4 and $ z $ = $ z − 8i $ respectively. (Q8, June 2012)
of (a) hence
and =find
2, z given
and z*by – 3. [2]
(ii) A–1. [2]
(i) Sketch,
(b) arg(z on –a 3single
– i) =Argand
π. diagram, the loci C1 and C2. [6]
C = d n.
n 3
3122 The
/ (r -find
(ii) Hence
by the 1),Cgiving
are given
the yourby
region of
A = (5in a1),
the ArgandfullyB =factorised
(2 –5) and
the points
diagram for form. 2
of intersection
which of C1 and C2. [6]
r =1
(i) Find 3A – 4B. (Q2, Jan 2013)
(iii) Indicate, by shading, the region z of the
2 andArgand
0 diagram
arg (z – 3 for
– i)which
π. [2]
PMT 3 The complex number 2 – i is denoted by z.
© OCR 2012 4725 Jun12
(ii) Find CB. Determine whether CB is singular or non-singular, giving a reason for your answer. [5]
$ z − 3 − 4i $ 4 and $ z $ $ z − 8i $ . [2]
(i) Find z and arg z. [2]
1 3 2 2- r
328 (i) Show that - + / 3 . [2]
3 Use an algebraic r1method
r +1 1 to findr +22the squarer (r + 1)roots
(r + of 2) 11 + (12 5) i. Give your answers in the form x + iy,
(ii) Given thatthat az + bz* = 4 – 8i, find . the values of the real constants a and b. [5]
8 (i) Show
where x and they matrix − thatreal
arer exact ≡ numbers. [1]
7 (i) Find r +n2represents
r(r + 2)a rotation through 90° clockwise about the origin. [2]
(ii) Hence show that
(ii) quadratic
(ii) Find
Hencethefind matrix
thatx 2represents
an expression,
r =1 + x +
r (r + 1) (ra +
in = 0
terms has
2) (n +
of n, forain
+ 22)
) (nx-axis.
3M= d n . Prove by induction
2 2 r(r + 2)
4 The matrix M is given ∞ by r =1 that, for n 1,
(i) Hence find the of
matrix x2=that 2+ -
0 1 r obtain
2u represents
Findthe the substitution
value 111 to .a rotation
a quadratic through 90° clockwise
equation in u. about the origin, followed by[2]a
Given thatin the x-axis.r (r +
(iii) reflection = 1) (,rfind + 2)the value of N. [4]
r = 2 + 2) 30 2 n 2 nb+1--12
af - 1 d p
r =N+1 n (Q8, Jan 2013)
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, find the value of d 0 n 1 n in terms of k.
M = . [6]
(iv) Describe a single transformation that is represented 2 2by your answer to part (iii). [2]
85 Find / (4the
By using
The cubic
- 3r 2 +kxr3) +
determinant , giving
of xyour
–3= answer
6x2an+ appropriate in a kfully
0 , where is a factorised
find non-zero form.
of λ forhas
the valuesconstant, which theasimultaneous
roots [6]
, b and c. equations
r =1
(Q5, June 2013)
Find the value of (a + 1)(b + 1) + (b + 1)(c3x+ +1)2y+ +(c4z+ =1)(5,a + 1) in terms of k. [6]
λy + z = 1,
6© OCR 2012 4725 Jun12
imaginary x + λy + λz = 4,
1 1 3
349 do(i)not
a unique - / . l [2]
3r - 1solution
3r +for
2 x, (y3rand
- 1z.) (3r + 2) [6]
Turn over
© OCR 2013 2n 4725/01 Jan13
1 n
(ii) Hence show that = . [6]
(3r - 1) (3r + 2) 2 (3n + 1)
r =1
(Q9, June 2013)