Note: To conserve paper only the first entry in multiple-entry lists displays completion instructions. The
completion instructions for the first entry also applies to each additional entry unless otherwise noted.
Your Social Security Number (SSN) is needed to identify records unique to you. Although disclosure of your SSN
is not mandatory, failure to disclose your SSN may prevent or delay the processing of your background investigation.
The authority for soliciting and verifying your SSN is Executive Order 9397, as amended by EO 13478.
The Investigative Process
Background investigations for national security positions are conducted to gather information to determine whether
you are reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the U.S. The information that you provide
on this form may be confirmed during the investigation. The investigation may extend beyond the time covered by
this form, when necessary to resolve issues. Your current employer may be contacted as part of the investigation,
although you may have previously indicated on applications or other forms that you do not want your current employer
to be contacted.
In addition to the questions on this form, inquiry also is made about your adherence to security requirements, your
honesty and integrity, vulnerability to exploitation or coercion, falsification, misrepresentation, and any other behavior,
activities, or associations that tend to demonstrate a person is not reliable, trustworthy, or loyal. Federal agency
records checks may be conducted on your spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, cohabitant(s),
and immediate family members. After an eligibility determination has been completed, you also may be subject to
continuous evaluation, which may include periodic reinvestigations, to determine whether retention in your position
is clearly consistent with the interests of national security.
The information you provide on this form may be confirmed during the investigation, and
may be used for identification purposes throughout the investigation process.
Your Personal Interview
Some investigations will include an interview with you as a routine part of the investigative process. The investigator
may ask you to explain your answers to any question on this form. This provides you the opportunity to update,
clarify, and explain information on your form more completely, which often assists in completing your investigation.
It is imperative that the interview be conducted as soon as possible after you are contacted. Postponements will
delay the processing of your investigation, and declining to be interviewed may result in your investigation being
delayed or canceled.
For the interview, you will be required to provide photo identification, such as a valid state driver's license. You may
be required to provide other documents to verify your identity, as instructed by your investigator. These documents
may include certification of any legal name change, Social Security card, passport, and/or your birth certificate. You
may also be asked to provide documents regarding information that you provide on this form, or about other matters
requiring specific attention. These matters include (a) alien registration or naturalization documentation; (b) delinquent
loans or taxes, bankruptcies, judgments, liens, or other financial obligations; (c) agreements involving child custody
or support, alimony, or property settlements; (d) arrests, convictions, probation, and/or parole; or (e) other matters
described in court records.
Instructions for Completing this Form
1. Follow the instructions provided to you by the office that gave you this form and any other clarifying instructions,
provided by that office, to assist you with completion of this form. You must sign and date, in ink, the original and
each copy you submit. You should retain a copy of the completed form for your records.
2. All questions on this form must be answered. If no response is necessary or applicable, indicate this on the form
by checking the associated "Not Applicable" box, unless otherwise noted.
3. Do not abbreviate the names of cities or foreign countries. Whenever you are asked to supply a country name,
you may select the country name by using the country dropdown feature.
4. When entering a U.S. address or location, select the state or territory from the "States" dropdown list that will be
provided. For locations outside of the U.S. and its territories, select the country in the "Country" dropdown list and
leave the "State" field blank.
5. The 5-digit postal Zip Codes are required to process your investigation more rapidly. Refer to an automated system
approved by the U.S. Postal Service to assist you with Zip Codes.
6. For telephone numbers in the U.S., ensure that the area code is included.
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7. All dates provided in this form must be in Month/Day/Year or Month/Year format. Use the dropdown lists to select
the month and day. The year should be entered as a four character number ( i.e., 1978 or 2001.), or selected from
a dropdown list. If you are unable to report an exact date, approximate or estimate the date to the best of your ability,
and indicate this by checking the "Est." box.
Final Determination on Your Eligibility
Final determination on your eligibility for a national security position is the responsibility of the Federal agency that
requested your investigation and the agency that conducted your investigation. You will be provided the opportunity
to explain, refute, or clarify any information before a final decision is made, if an unfavorable decision is considered.
The United States Government does not discriminate on the basis of prohibited categories, including but not limited
to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, disability, or sexual orientation
when granting access to classified information.
Penalties for Inaccurate or False Statements
The U.S. Criminal Code (title 18, section 1001) provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a
felony which may result in fines and/or up to five (5) years imprisonment. In addition, Federal agencies generally
fire, do not grant a security clearance, or disqualify individuals who have materially and deliberately falsified these
forms, and this remains a part of the permanent record for future placements. Your prospects of placement or security
clearance are better if you answer all questions truthfully and completely. You will have adequate opportunity to
explain any information you provide on this form and to make your comments part of the record.
Disclosure Information
The information you provide is for the purpose of investigating you for a national security position, and the information
will be protected from unauthorized disclosure. The collection, maintenance, and disclosure of background investigative
information are governed by the Privacy Act. The agency that requested the investigation and the agency that
conducted the investigation have published notices in the Federal Register describing the systems of records in
which your records will be maintained. The information you provide on this form, and information collected during
an investigation, may be disclosed without your consent by an agency maintaining the information in a system of
records as permitted by the Privacy Act [5 U.S.C. 552a(b)], and by routine uses, a list of which are published by the
agency in the Federal Register.
You will not receive prior notice of such disclosures under a routine use.
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency, the Government’s primary investigative service provider,
has published its routine uses in the Federal Register at the following address:
https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/10/17/2018-22508/privacy-act-of-1974-system-of-records. If another
agency is conducting your investigation, it will inform you of its routine uses.
Public Burden Information
Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 150 minutes per response, including
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to U.S. Office of Personnel
Management, Suitability Executive Agent Programs, Attn: OMB Number 3206-0005, 1900 E Street, N.W., Washington,
DC 20415. The OMB clearance number, 3206-0005, is currently valid. OPM may not collect this information, and
you are not required to respond, unless this number is displayed.
Statement of Understanding
I have read the instructions and I understand that if I withhold, misrepresent, or falsify information on this form, I am
subject to the penalties for inaccurate or false statement (per U.S. Criminal Code, Title 18, section 1001), denial or
revocation of a security clearance, and/or removal and debarment from Federal Service.
Yes: { x } No: { }
Box IS Checked! . Box NOT Checked! .
Provide your U.S. Social Security Number ( Not Applicable: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
232 - 35 - 7488 .
Section 6 - Your Identifying Information
Provide your identifying information.
(feet): 5 .
(inches): 11 .
Weight: 175 .
Female: { } Box NOT Checked! .
Provide three contact numbers. At least one telephone number is required. Additional numbers provided may assist
in the completion of your background investigation.
Home telephone number
International or DSN: { } Number: Extension: Time: Box NOT Checked! . Field is blank! Field is blank! Field is blank!
I am a U.S. citizen or national by birth, born to U.S. parent(s), in a foreign country.: { } Box NOT Checked! .
Have you EVER been issued a passport (or identity card for travel) by a country other than the U.S.?
Yes: { } No: { x } Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Field is blank!
Provide the name of a neighbor, landlord (if rental) or other person who knows you at this address.
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Spouse .
International or DSN: { } Number: 3046187805 Extension: Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank!
Provide daytime telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: 3046187805 Extension: Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank!
Provide cell/mobile telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: 3046187805 Extension: Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank!
Provide e-mail address for this person ( I don't know: { } ) : kwynne220@gmail.com Box NOT Checked! . .
Field is blank!
(End of List)
Provide the name of the school: New River Community and Technical College .
Provide the street address of the school. For correspondence/distance/extension/online schools, provide the
address where the records are maintained.
Street: 6101 WEBSTER RD .
(End of List)
Do you have additional education to enter (include education within the last 10 years, as well as degrees or diplomas
more than 10 years ago)?
Yes: { } No: { x }Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Field is blank!
Provide additional periods of activity if you worked for this employer on more than one occasion at the same
physical location.
For example, if you worked at XY Plumbing in Denver, CO, during 3 separate periods of time,
you would enter information concerning the most recent period of employment above, and provide dates,
position titles,
and supervisors for the two previous periods of employment as entries below.
Additional Periods of Activity with this Employer ( Not Applicable: { x } ) Box IS Checked! .
Is/was your physical work address different than your employer's address?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Provide the email address of your supervisor ( I don't know: { } ) : Tblake@summersvillewv.org Box NOT Checked! . .
For this employment, in the last seven (7) years have you received a written warning, been officially
reprimanded, suspended, or disciplined for misconduct in the workplace, such as a violation of security policy?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Field is blank!
Additional Periods of Activity with this Employer ( Not Applicable: { x } ) Box IS Checked! .
Is/was your physical work address different than your employer's address?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Provide the email address of your supervisor ( I don't know: { x } ) : Box IS Checked! . Field is blank!
International or DSN: { } Number: 3046401258 Extension: Time: Both Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank! .
For this employment have any of the following happened to you in the last seven (7) years?
• Fired
• Quit after being told you would be fired
• Left by mutual agreement following charges or allegations of misconduct
• Left by mutual agreement following notice of unsatisfactory performance
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
For this employment, in the last seven (7) years have you received a written warning, been officially
reprimanded, suspended, or disciplined for misconduct in the workplace, such as a violation of security policy?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
(End of List)
Do you have former federal civilian employment, excluding military service, NOT indicated previously, to report?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have any of the following happened to you in the last seven (7) years at employment activities that you have not
previously listed? (If 'Yes', you will be required to add an additional employment in Section 13A.)
• Fired from a job?
• Quit a job after being told you would be fired?
• Have you left a job by mutual agreement following charges or allegations of misconduct?
• Left a job by mutual agreement following notice of unsatisfactory performance?
• Received a written warning, been officially reprimanded, suspended, or disciplined for misconduct in the
workplace, such as violation of a security policy?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
The Selective Service website, www.sss.gov , can help provide the registration number for persons who have
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Have you EVER served, as a civilian or military member in a foreign country's military, intelligence, diplomatic,
security forces, militia, other defense force, or government agency?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Field is blank!
Provide telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { x } ) Box IS Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: Extension: Time: Box NOT Checked! . Field is blank! Field is blank! Field is blank!
Provide mobile/cell telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: 5202206633 Extension: Time: Both Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank! .
Provide e-mail address for this person ( I don't know: { } ) : Lmshaw1977@yahoo.com Box NOT Checked! . .
Field is blank!
Provide telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { x } ) Box IS Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: Extension: Time: Box NOT Checked! . Field is blank! Field is blank! Field is blank!
Provide mobile/cell telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: 3046196346 Extension: Time: Both Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank! .
Provide e-mail address for this person ( I don't know: { x } ) : Box IS Checked! . Field is blank!
Field is blank!
Provide telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { x } ) Box IS Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: Extension: Time: Box NOT Checked! . Field is blank! Field is blank! Field is blank!
Provide mobile/cell telephone number for this person ( I don't know: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
International or DSN: { } Number: 3046441380 Extension: Time: Both Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank! .
Provide e-mail address for this person ( I don't know: { x } ) : Box IS Checked! . Field is blank!
(End of List)
Provide three people who know you well and who preferably live in the U.S. They should be friends, peers, colleagues,
college roommates, associates, etc., who are collectively aware of your activities outside of your workplace, school,
or neighborhood and whose combined association with you covers at least the last seven (7) years. Do not list
your spouse, former spouse (s), other relatives, or anyone listed elsewhere on this form.
1. You selected "Currently in a civil marriage," "Currently in a legally recognized civil union or legally recognized
domestic partnership" or "Separated."
Complete the following about the person with whom you are in a civil marriage, legally recognized civil union,
or legally recognized domestic partnership, or the person from whom you are currently separated.
Provide full name
Last: Barnett First: Kristian Middle: Hanson Suffix: . . . Field is blank!
Provide U.S. Social Security Number ( Not Applicable: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
233 - 37 - 6294 .
Provide other names used (such as maiden names, names by other marriages, civil marriages, legally recognized
civil unions, or legally recognized domestic partnerships, nicknames, etc. and provide dates used for each
name) ( Not Applicable: { } ) Box NOT Checked! .
1. Last: Wynne First: Kristian Middle: Hanson Suffix: . . . Field is blank!
Dates used
From (Month/Year): 02/1988 To (Month/Year): 05/2016 . .
(End of Provide other names used (such as maiden names, names by other marriages, civil marriages, legally recognized civil unions, or
legally recognized domestic partnerships, nicknames, etc. and provide dates used for each name) List)
Provide country(ies) of citizenship
International or DSN: { } Number: 3046187805 Extension: Time: Both Box NOT Checked! . . Field is blank! .
Provide date when you entered into your civil marriage, civil union, or domestic partnership
Month/Day/Year: 05/15/2016 (Estimated) .
Provide location
City: Summersville County: Nicholas State: WV Country: . . . Field is blank!
Provide current address if different than your current address ( Use my current address: { x } ) Box IS Checked! .
(End of List)
Do you have a person from whom you are divorced/dissolved, annulled, or widowed to report?
Yes: { } No: { x } Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Do you presently reside with a person, other than a spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, with
whom you share bonds of affection, obligation or other commitment, as opposed to a person with whom you live for
reasons of convenience (e.g. a roommate)? If so, complete the following. If the person was born outside the U.S.,
provide citizenship information.
Yes: { } No: { x } Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Section 18 - Relatives
Select each type of relative applicable to you, regardless if they are living or deceased. (An opportunity will be
provided to list multiple relatives for each type.)
Check all that apply
Mother: { x } Box IS Checked! .
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Barnett First: Diane Middle: Kay Suffix: . . . Field is blank!
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Barnett First: Kenneth Middle: James Suffix: . . . Field is blank!
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Barnett First: Auriana Middle: Kayann Suffix:
. . . Field is blank!
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Barnett First: Mia Middle: Jane Suffix:
. . . Field is blank!
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Barnett First: Kenneth Middle: Justin Suffix:
. . . Field is blank!
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Barnett First: Eric Middle: Brandon Suffix:
. . . Field is blank!
City: YORK HAVEN State: PA Country: Zip Code: 17370 . . Field is blank! .
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Stull First: Julie Middle: Lynn Suffix: . . . Field is blank!
1. Provide other names used and the period of time that your relative used them (such as maiden name,
by a former marriage, former name, alias, or nickname).
Provide other name used
Last: Barnett First: Julie Middle: Lynn Suffix: . . . Field is blank!
Maiden name?
Yes: { x } Box IS Checked! .
Dates used
From (Month/Year): 06/1983 (Estimated) To (Month/Year): 01/2003 (Estimated) . .
(End of List)
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Dooley First: Dawn Middle: (NMN) Suffix:
. . . Field is blank!
Provide your relative's full name
Last: Wynne First: Dave Middle: S (IO) Suffix:
. . . Field is blank!
(End of List)
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Do you have, or have you had, close and/or continuing contact with a foreign national within the last seven (7)
years with whom you, or your spouse, or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, or cohabitant are bound
by affection, influence, common interests, and/or obligation? Include associates as well as relatives, not previously
listed in Section 18.
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you, your spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, cohabitant, or dependent children EVER
had any foreign financial interests (such as stocks, property, investments, bank accounts, ownership of corporate
entities, corporate interests or exchange traded funds (ETFs) held in specific geographical or economic sectors) in
which you or they have direct control or direct ownership? (Exclude financial interests in companies or diversified
mutual funds or diversified ETFs that are publicly traded on a U.S. exchange.)
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you, your spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, cohabitant, or dependent children EVER
had any foreign financial interests that someone controlled on your behalf?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you, your spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, cohabitant, or dependent children EVER
owned, or do you anticipate owning, or plan to purchase real estate in a foreign country?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
As a U.S. citizen, have you, your spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, cohabitant, or dependent
children received in the last seven (7) years, or are eligible to receive in the future, any educational, medical,
retirement, social welfare, or other such benefit from a foreign country?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER provided financial support for any foreign national?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Section 20B - Foreign Business, Professional Activities, and Foreign Government Contacts
Have you in the last seven (7) years provided advice or support to any individual associated with a foreign business
or other foreign organization that you have not previously listed as a former employer? (Answer 'No' if all your advice
or support was authorized pursuant to official U.S. Government business.)
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Has any foreign national in the last seven (7) years offered you a job, asked you to work as a consultant, or consider
employment with them?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you in the last seven (7) years been involved in any other type of business venture with a foreign national
not described above (own, co-own, serve as business consultant, provide financial support, etc.)?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you in the last seven (7) years attended or participated in any conferences, trade shows, seminars, or
meetings outside the U.S.? (Do not include those you attended or participated in on official business for the U.S.
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
For Section 20B, 'Immediate Family' means your spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, parents,
step-parents, siblings, half and step-siblings, children, step-children, and cohabitant.
Have you or any member of your immediate family in the last seven (7) years had any contact with a foreign
government, its establishment (such as embassy, consulate, agency, military service, intelligence or security service,
etc.) or its representatives, whether inside or outside the U.S.? (Answer 'No' if the contact was for routine visa
applications and border crossings related to either official U.S. Government travel, foreign travel on a U.S. passport,
or as a U.S. military service member in conjunction with a U.S. Government military duty.)
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you in the last seven (7) years sponsored any foreign national to come to the U.S. as a student, for work, or
for permanent residence?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you traveled outside the U.S. in the last seven (7) years?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Respond for the time frame of the last seven (7) years, beginning with the most recent and working backwards
(Do not list trips that ONLY involved travel on official U.S. Government business on official government orders, but
you must include any personal trips made in conjunction with the official U.S. Government travel).
Section 21 - Psychological and Emotional Health
The U.S. government recognizes the critical importance of mental health and advocates proactive management of
mental health conditions to support the wellness and recovery of Federal employees and others. Every day individuals
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with mental health conditions carry out their duties without presenting a security risk. While most individuals with
mental health conditions do not present security risks, there may be times when such a condition can affect a person's
eligibility for a security clearance.
Individuals experience a range of reactions to traumatic events. For example, the death of a loved one, divorce,
major injury, service in a military combat environment, sexual assault, domestic violence, or other difficult work-related,
family, personal, or medical issues may lead to grief, depression, or other responses. The government recognizes
that mental health counseling and treatment may provide important support for those who have experienced such
events, as well as for those with other mental health conditions. Nothing in this questionnaire is intended to discourage
those who might benefit from such treatment from seeking it.
Mental health treatment and counseling, in and of itself, is not a reason to revoke or deny eligibility for access to
classified information or for holding a sensitive position, suitability or fitness to obtain or retain Federal or contract
employment, or eligibility for physical or logical access to federally controlled facilities or information systems. Seeking
or receiving mental health care for personal wellness and recovery may contribute favorably to decisions about your
Has a court or administrative agency EVER issued an order declaring you mentally incompetent?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Has a court or administrative agency EVER ordered you to consult with a mental health professional (for example,
a psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, etc.)? (An order to a military member by a superior officer
is not within the scope of this question, and therefore would not require an affirmative response. An order by a military
court would be within the scope of the question and would require an affirmative response.)
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
The following question asks whether you have been diagnosed with a specified mental health condition that may,
particularly if untreated, impact your judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness. If you answer in the affirmative, we will
seek additional information about the seriousness and symptoms of the condition, as well as any applicable course
of treatment. It is important to note that any such diagnosis, in and of itself, is not a reason to revoke or deny
eligibility for access to classified information or for holding a sensitive position, suitability or fitness to obtain or retain
Federal or contract employment, or eligibility for physical or logical access to federally controlled facilities or information
Have you EVER been diagnosed by a physician or other health professional (for example, a psychiatrist, psychologist,
licensed clinical social worker, or nurse practitioner) with psychotic disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder,
delusional disorder, bipolar mood disorder, borderline personality disorder, or antisocial personality disorder?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Adversely Affected
Do you have a mental health or other health condition that substantially adversely affects your judgment, reliability,
or trustworthiness even if you are not experiencing such symptoms today?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Note: If your judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness is not substantially adversely affected by a mental health or
other condition, then you should answer "no" even if you have a mental health or other condition requiring treatment.
For example, if you are in need of emotional or mental health counseling as a result of service as a first responder,
service in a military combat environment, having been sexually assaulted or a victim of domestic violence, or marital
issues, but your judgment, reliability or trustworthiness is not substantially adversely affected, then answer "no."
Section 22 - Police Record
For this section report information regardless of whether the record in your case has been sealed, expunged, or
otherwise stricken from the court record, or the charge was dismissed. You need not report convictions under the
Federal Controlled Substances Act for which the court issued an expungement order under the authority of 21 U.S.C.
844 or 18 U.S.C. 3607. Be sure to include all incidents whether occurring in the U.S. or abroad.
Have any of the following happened? (If 'Yes' you will be asked to provide details for each offense that pertains to
the actions that are identified below.)
• In the last seven (7) years have you been issued a summons, citation, or ticket to appear in court in a criminal
proceeding against you? (Do not check if all the citations involved traffic infractions where the fine was less
than $300 and did not include alcohol or drugs)
• In the last seven (7) years have you been arrested by any police officer, sheriff, marshal or any other type of
law enforcement official?
• In the last seven (7) years have you been charged, convicted, or sentenced of a crime in any court? (Include
all qualifying charges, convictions or sentences in any Federal, state, local, military, or non-U.S. court, even if
previously listed on this form).
• In the last seven (7) years have you been or are you currently on probation or parole?
• Are you currently on trial or awaiting a trial on criminal charges?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Other than those offenses already listed, have you EVER had the following happen to you?
• Have you EVER been convicted in any court of the United States of a crime, sentenced to imprisonment for a
term exceeding 1 year for that crime, and incarcerated as a result of that sentence for not less than 1 year?
(Include all qualifying convictions in Federal, state, local, or military court, even if previously listed on this form)
• Have you EVER been charged with any felony offense? (Include those under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice and non-military/civilian felony offenses)
• Have you EVER been convicted of an offense involving domestic violence or a crime of violence (such as
battery or assault) against your child, dependent, cohabitant, spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic
partner, former spouse or legally recognized civil union/domestic partner, or someone with whom you share
a child in common?
• Have you EVER been charged with an offense involving firearms or explosives?
• Have you EVER been charged with an offense involving alcohol or drugs?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Is there currently a domestic violence protective order or restraining order issued against you?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years, have you illegally used any drugs or controlled substances? Use of a drug or controlled
substance includes injecting, snorting, inhaling, swallowing, experimenting with or otherwise consuming any drug
or controlled substance.
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years, have you been involved in the illegal purchase, manufacture, cultivation, trafficking,
production, transfer, shipping, receiving, handling or sale of any drug or controlled substance?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER illegally used or otherwise been illegally involved with a drug or controlled substance while
possessing a security clearance other than previously listed?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER illegally used or otherwise been involved with a drug or controlled substance while employed as a
law enforcement officer, prosecutor, or courtroom official; or while in a position directly and immediately affecting
the public safety other than previously listed?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years have you intentionally engaged in the misuse of prescription drugs, regardless of whether
or not the drugs were prescribed for you or someone else?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER been ordered, advised, or asked to seek counseling or treatment as a result of your illegal use of
drugs or controlled substances?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER voluntarily sought counseling or treatment as a result of your use of a drug or controlled substance?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years has your use of alcohol had a negative impact on your work performance, your professional
or personal relationships, your finances, or resulted in intervention by law enforcement/public safety personnel?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER been ordered, advised, or asked to seek counseling or treatment as a result of your use of alcohol?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER voluntarily sought counseling or treatment as a result of your use of alcohol?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER received counseling or treatment as a result of your use of alcohol in addition to what you have
already listed on this form?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Has the U.S. Government (or a foreign government) EVER investigated your background and/or granted you a
security clearance eligibility/access?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER had a security clearance eligibility/access authorization denied, suspended, or revoked? (Note: An
administrative downgrade or administrative termination of a security clearance is not a revocation.)
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years have you filed a petition under any chapter of the bankruptcy code?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years have you failed to file or pay Federal, state, or other taxes when required by law or
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years have you been counseled, warned, or disciplined for violating the terms of agreement
for a travel or credit card provided by your employer?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Are you currently utilizing, or seeking assistance from, a credit counseling service or other similar resource to resolve
your financial difficulties?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Other than previously listed, have any of the following happened to you? (You will be asked to provide details about
each financial obligation that pertains to the items identified below)
• In the last seven (7) years, you have been delinquent on alimony or child support payments.
• In the last seven (7) years, you had a judgment entered against you. (Include financial obligations for which
you were the sole debtor, as well as those for which you were a cosigner or guarantor).
• In the last seven (7) years, you had a lien placed against your property for failing to pay taxes or other debts.
(Include financial obligations for which you were the sole debtor, as well as those for which you were a cosigner
or guarantor).
• You are currently delinquent on any Federal debt. (Include financial obligations for which you are the sole
debtor, as well as those for which you are a cosigner or guarantor).
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years have you illegally or without proper authorization accessed or attempted to access any
information technology system?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years have you illegally or without authorization, modified, destroyed, manipulated, or denied
others access to information residing on an information technology system or attempted any of the above?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last seven (7) years have you introduced, removed, or used hardware, software, or media in connection with
any information technology system without authorization, when specifically prohibited by rules, procedures, guidelines,
or regulations or attempted any of the above?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
In the last ten (10) years, have you been a party to any public record civil court action not listed elsewhere on this
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Are you now or have you EVER been a member of an organization dedicated to terrorism, either with an awareness
of the organization's dedication to that end, or with the specific intent to further such activities?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER advocated any acts of terrorism or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER been a member of an organization dedicated to the use of violence or force to overthrow the United
States Government, and which engaged in activities to that end with an awareness of the organization's dedication
to that end or with the specific intent to further such activities?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER been a member of an organization that advocates or practices commission of acts of force or
violence to discourage others from exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution or any state of the United
States with the specific intent to further such action?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER knowingly engaged in activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Have you EVER associated with anyone involved in activities to further terrorism?
Yes: { } No: { x }
Box NOT Checked! . Box IS Checked! .
Additional Comments
Use the space below to continue answers to all other items and to provide any information you would like to add.
Before each answer, identify the number of the item.
Certified at 2024-09-17 20:17:57.301 PRIVACY ACT INFORMATION
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Investigation Request #24261BARN0808075 for Applicant SSN 232-35-7488 Archival Copy
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