2023 Ford F-150 Towing Info Dec16
2023 Ford F-150 Towing Info Dec16
2023 Ford F-150 Towing Info Dec16
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo, vehicle configuration, accessories, option
content and number of passengers. Maximum payload capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and vary based on vehicle configuration, accessories, and option
content. Horsepower, torque, payload and towing are independent attributes and may not be achieved simultaneously. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
2023 FORD F-150®
Sync 4 with new available 12-inch
Available class-exclusive feature expands
Standard new cleats mounted to the sides
touchscreen with landscape orientation F-150’s capability by bringing generator of the tailgate act as tie-down locations
allows split-screen access and control of levels of exportable power to work sites for extra-long items in the bed. New clamp
multiple functions simultaneously, including and campsites. Provides 2.0kW, 2.4kW or pockets are built in to the tailgate to hold
navigation and key truck features. 7.2kW of output depending on configuration. down materials for precision work. Available
Accessible via in-cabin outlets and up to 4 flat Tailgate Work Surface includes integrated
cargo bed-mounted 120-volt/20-amp outlets rulers, mobile device holder, cup holder and
with a 240-volt/30-amp outlet on models pencil holder.
equipped with the available 7.2kW system.
1. See Owner’s Manual for important operating instructions. 2. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8500 lbs. GVWR. 3. Ford Co-Pilot360 Assist 2.0 is available on XLT and LARIAT; standard on King
Ranch ®, Platinum and Limited models. 4. Navigation services require Sync 4 and FordPass Connect, complimentary Connected Service and the FordPass™ app.
2023 FORD F-150®
The new F-150 Lightning
represents a leap ahead in
innovation for Ford trucks.
It’s quick and powerful with
impressive torque. F-150
Lightning is an all-electric truck
with real-world functionality
and 320 miles of all-electric
range.1 It goes to work like an
F-150 and offers the same
BUILT FORD TOUGH® durability
as all F-Series pickups. F-150
Lightning brings features such
as a maximum towing rating of
10,000 lbs.2 and a Mega Power
Frunk that holds up to 400 lbs.
F-150 Lightning LARIAT SuperCrew® 4x4 in Rapid Red Metallic Tinted Clearcoat
1. Excludes Platinum models. Actual range varies with conditions such as external environment, vehicle use, vehicle maintenance lithium-ion battery age and state of health. 2. Max towing
on XLT and LARIAT models with available extended-range battery, Max Trailer Tow Package and 18" All-Terrain or 20" All-Season tires. When properly equipped, max towing varies based on
cargo, vehicle configuration, accessories and number of passengers. 3. Based on manufacturer testing using computer engineering simulations. Calculated via peak performance of the electric
motor(s) at peak battery power. Horsepower and torque are independent attributes and may not be achieved simultaneously. Your results may vary. 4. When properly equipped, max payload
with Pro trim, standard-range battery and 18-inch wheels. Horsepower, torque, payload, towing and EPA Estimated Fuel Economy Ratings are independent attributes and may not be achieved
simultaneously. 5. Included on LARIAT (511A) and Platinum. Available on Pro, XLT and LARIAT (510A). 6. Included on Pro; standard on XLT, LARIAT and Platinum. 7. Requires Removal Option
(63X) when selecting Tow Technology Package. Late availability, estimated first quarter 2023. 8. Optional on PRO and XLT (311A), Included on XLT (312A), standard on LARIAT and Platinum. See
Owner’s Manual for complete operating instructions.
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo, vehicle configuration, accessories, option
content and number of passengers. Maximum payload capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and vary based on vehicle configuration, accessories, and option
content. Horsepower, torque, payload and towing are independent attributes and may not be achieved simultaneously. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
2023 FORD F-150®
F-150 Heritage Edition SuperCrew 4x4 in Race Red
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo,
vehicle configuration, accessories, option content and number of passengers. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
2023 FORD F-150®
Considerations When Towing a
5th-Wheel or Gooseneck Trailer†
Model F-150
Max. Tailgate Height 4x4* 58.3 inches F-150 Lightning SuperCrew XL 4x4 in Rapid Red
5th-wheel towing is not recommended for Raptor or Lightning models.
*Distance from ground to top of closed tailgate lip at base curb weight.
Note: Maximum tailgate height will vary based upon
vehicle configuration, option content and tire size.
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo,
vehicle configuration, accessories, option content and number of passengers. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
2023 FORD F-150®
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo,
vehicle configuration, accessories, option content and number of passengers. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
2023 FORD F-150®
F-150 XLT SuperCrew 4x4 with Chrome Appearance Package in Oxford White
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo,
vehicle configuration, accessories, option content and number of passengers. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
2023 FORD F-150®
F-150 F-150 F-150
Vehicle Lightning Lightning F-150 F-150 F-150 Raptor
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT (Option Code) (53D)1 (17V) 2 (53B) (53A) (53C) (NOC)
Includes items that must be installed.* 7-Wire Harness & 4-/7-Pin Connector S S I I I S
Your New Vehicle Limited Warranty Hitch Receiver S S I I I S
(see your dealer for a copy) may be Aux. Auto Trans. Oil Cooler S
voided if you tow without them. Radiator Upgrade S
Smart Trailer Tow Connector S S I I I S
F-150 Pickup
Upgraded Rear Axle I S
For trailers over 5,000 pounds – Trailer Upgraded Rear Bumper I
Tow Package (53A, 53B) or Max Trailer Tow/Haul Mode S S S S S S
Tow Package (53C) Tow Hooks Front S
2-Speed Automatic 4WD S
F-150 Lightning
Trailer Brake Controller I I I
For trailers over 5,000 lbs. with
Trailer Sway Control S S S S S S
standard-range battery or trailers over
Trailer Reverse Guidance I
7,700 lbs. with extended-range battery –
360-Degree Camera S3 S 4
Trailer Tow Package (53D)
Lane Keeping Alert S S S S S S
*Check with your dealer for additional requirements, Tailgate LED S5 S I I S
restrictions and limited warranty details.
Pro Trailer Backup Assist ™ I I 6 I6
Pro Trailer Hitch Assist I
Onboard Scales with Smart Hitch 7 I S8 S8 S8
1. Optional on Pro, XLT and LARIAT; standard on Platinum. 2. Optional on Pro, XLT and LARIAT (510A), included on LARIAT
(511A) and standard on Platinum. 3. Standard on XLT, LARIAT and Platinum models. 4. Standard on XLT, LARIAT and
Platinum models, included in Towing Technology Package (17V) on Pro model. 5. Not available on Pro model without Towing
Technology Package (17V). Tailgate LED is included with 360-degree camera. 6. Not included on XL (100A). 7. Requires
Removal Option (63X). Late availability, spring 2023. 8. Standard only on
Limited model. Optional (55S) on other models. LEGEND
I = Equipment is included in the package
Note: C ontent may vary depending on model, trim and/or powertrain. See your
S = Equipment is standard on the vehicle
Ford Dealer for specific content information for all light trucks that will be
used for towing to help ensure easy, proper connection of trailer lights. (NOC) = No “Option Code” assigned
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo,
vehicle configuration, accessories, option content and number of passengers. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
2023 FORD F-150®
All Styleside pickups that qualify for MAXIMUM CARGO WEIGHT WITH SLIDE-IN CAMPER
slide-in camper bodies have camper Note: The following chart lists GVWRs and Maximum Cargo Weights (with minimum equipment) by engine for each
center-of-gravity included on the Consumer approved pickup model: 3.5L V6 EcoBoost ® and 5.0L V8.
Information Sheet in the glovebox. GVWR (lbs.) Maximum Cargo Weight Rating (lbs.)
Data is calculated for each individual truck, F-150 1 Wheelbase 3.5L GTDI 5.0L 3.5L GTDI Std. 5.0L Std.
based on vehicle options. 18" Tires
4x2 Reg. Cab 141.5" 7,850 7,850 2,785 2,861
If vehicle does not qualify for camper use, 4x2 SuperCab 164.1" 7,850 7,850 2,071 2,100
the Consumer Information Sheet states that 4x2 SuperCrew 157.2" 7,850 7,850 1,979 1,996
the vehicle is not recommended for camper 4x4 Reg. Cab 141.5" 7,850 7,850 2,571 2,588
4x4 SuperCab 164.1" 7,850 7,850 1,840 1,862
use and no center-of-gravity data is shown.
4x4 SuperCrew 157.2" 7,850 7,850 1,744 1,754
1. Requires Heavy-Duty Payload Package option.
Consult your camper manufacturer/dealer Combined weight of vehicle, camper F-150 HEAVY-DUTY PAYLOAD
for details regarding proper installation of body, occupants and cargo must not PACKAGE (OPTION CODE 627)
your slide-in camper. exceed Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
(GVWR). Increases GVWR to 7,850 lbs. on XL
A dimensionally stable block spacer is LT265/70R18C BSW A/T tires
recommended between the headboard of Cargo Weight Rating shown in chart is
the pickup box and the forward edge of maximum allowable, assuming weight 18" silver aluminum heavy-duty wheels
the camper floor. Resting the spacer on the of a base vehicle with required camper Upgraded springs
pickup box bed helps prevent movement option content and a 150-lb. passenger 9.75" gear set with 3.73 electronic-locking
and contact of the fully-installed camper at each available seating position. rear axle
with the pickup box headboard or taillight Ratings also assume weight of engine 36-gallon fuel tank
rear pillars. and standard transmission. Cargo
Weight Rating shown must be further Available on XL. Requires 5.0L V8 or 3.5L
Note: Be sure to measure your slide-in V6 EcoBoost gas engine. Max Trailer Tow
camper before attempting to install it onto reduced by weight of any other
options. Option weights and center- Package (53C) required with 3.5L V6
the bed of the truck. Some campers may EcoBoost or 5.0L engine.
require a platform in the bed of the truck to of-gravity information are available
make sure there is adequate clearance for on the Ford Pickup Truck Consumer
both the box rails and cab roof of the truck. Information Sheet.
If you intend to pull a trailer in addition to carrying your camper, see the
F-150 Pickup Conventional Trailer Towing Selector charts
Maximum cargo weight capabilities requires Heavy-Duty Payload Package (627) and are exclusive of the weight of the occupants in the vehicle, computed as 150-lbs. times the number of designated
seating positions, and vary based on cargo, vehicle configuration, accessories, and option content. See Truck Camper Loading document provided with the vehicle for carrying capacity of a specific
vehicle. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.
The content provided on this page is not “vehicle specific” and should be considered as basic towing information.
Photography, illustrations and information presented herein were correct when approved for publishing. Ford Motor Company Many of the recreational vehicles shown in this brochure are
reserves the right to discontinue or change at any time the specifications or designs without incurring obligation. Some features shown modified or manufactured by companies other than Ford Motor
or described are optional at extra cost. Some options are required in combination with other options. Consult your dealer for the Company. Ford assumes no responsibility for such modifications
latest, most complete information on models, features, prices and availability. or manufacturing.
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